Shoboy Show

Shoboy After Party 102

Raw and Unfiltered sin pelos en la lengua!

Broadcast on:
07 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

Raw and Unfiltered sin pelos en la lengua! 

I'm not going to be able to get the same experience as the other ones, but I'm not going to be able to get the same experience as the other ones. I'm going to be able to get the same experience as the other ones. I'm going to be able to get the same experience as the other ones. I'm going to be able to get the same experience as the other ones. I'm going to be able to get the same experience as the other ones. I'm going to be able to get the same experience as the other ones. I'm going to be able to get the same experience as the other ones. I'm going to be able to get the same experience as the other ones. I'm going to be able to get the same experience as the other ones. Human nature can get a little messy, but nature nature is powerful enough to save us from ourselves. Seventh-generation laundry detergent lifts away tough stains with a 97% bio-based formula for when you think whipping up yellow curry chicken and white pants is a great idea. Totally not speaking from experience. Let nature do its thing so you can feel confident doing yours. That's the power of Seventh-generation. Find Seventh-generation laundry detergent in fresh lavender and other sons at Feliz, Beviviernez, welcome to the after party. We are Primavane, Kim, Ariel, Kompa, Meach. Hello. And we have enough day on our friend that was going to decide whether or not to continue today or eliminate his girlfriend who's a single mother. We met up last night. They did. How'd it go? She did show up. He showed up, obviously. And I think you guys are going to be shocked to hear what happened. But first, remember, if you're going to buy any concert tickets for this summer, make sure you get them at or use the SeatGeek app. When you use our promo code, you get $20 off your first purchase at The promo code is fun. F-U-N, fun. That is the promo code that you add at the end packet to Esquenta and Binte Dolores. Love it. All right. First and foremost, Primavane, what do you think happened when they met up? Our friend and his girlfriend have been dating a year in case you haven't caught up with the after party episodes. They've been dating for a year. They took a one month break because she was saying that he was not doing enough for the relationship. You know, like initiative, taking her out on dates, guest to Galotro. He got that and totally changed and started showing more initiative, taking her on dates, guest to Galotro. But then he said that while they were on the dates, Ayatre Agaradepucci was having a bad attitude. And it's like, "Bro, like I'm doing what you asked me to do, but what's up?" And she's a single mom as well, which he was totally, you know, excited to go into that world as well. So what do you think happened, Primavane? After one month break of not talking at all? I think that they ended things. Who ended it? I want to say it was the girl because just based off of being off of a one month break and it being just a quick conversation on the phone and then that being, "Oh, let's meet up the next day." Like, that's too much time in between, like, if you wanted to get back with them, boom, you'd be trying to see them that day as soon as the time's up type thing, you know what I mean? I see what you're saying, okay? And I think it's just kind of prolonged, I don't know, but I could be wrong. Kim, what do you think happened? I think they got back together. Just because you said we're going to be shocked. So I think they were able to work things out. I think it was a case of absence makes the heart grow fonder, she had time to think, to reflect on her actions and he obviously sounds like he missed her. Yeah, he definitely did. Yeah, so I think they got back together. That's a great guess. That's a great guess, Eddie. Yeah, I think they got back together. I think it was her decision. I think she had her fun. It sounds like that for whatever. Yeah. So you think the Hina had some other vato? Yeah. Got it in a couple times real quick. Yeah, I'm probably. Yes, I look. Maybe this vato is not that good and bad, but he's a good guy. Like your boyfriend, he's not that good and bad, because if he's your boyfriend, he's probably not good and bad. That's me, Joe. And then the Hina just needed to get it in. You're his friend, Mitchell. So that means you're not good and bad. You're your boyfriend. Not really. I'm just like... Wow. Thank you, Mitchell, for clearing that up. So Eddie, you think she messed around during that break? Yeah, of course. Damn. And then she's still down to go back. Yeah, she probably realized that he's a good guy. Right. You know, there are times, right, where you're like, "Okay, this person's a good person like wifey husband material, but I still want to mess around a little." What? You know what I'm saying? Like, "I'm not ready for that stage." No, but I've met people that are like that. Yeah! Dude, they got somebody that's good right in front of them, that wants to be loyal, is a good human being all the above. Right. But people still just want to mess around with the bad boy, or the F boy, or the Toxica, that's all I'm saying. Or people are just still want to be for the streets, Loki. Yeah. What do you think happened, Mitchell? I think for sure. She probably ended things, but still wanted to go to dinner with that fool to order food to go. Wow. Mitchell, what do you think she still smashed? Smash who? The homie. The homie? No, he's not good and bad. I'm already saying that. Oh, you're already saying that, but... All right. Those are all great guesses, so... They did meet up for dinner. Where did they go? I don't know the details. This is like, better not be no cheesecake. No, because I think it says a lot. Like, if it was a quick bite... Oh. Take a break up. Taco Bell. Anyways. Spill. Spill. So they met up for dinner, and he said that he was waiting on her to decide. No. He wanted to hear out first. You better not put a break in between this. And when he allowed her to speak first, she basically made the decision for both of them, because... What does that even mean? He wasn't going to battle her decision. He wasn't going to battle her decision. She decided... I'll tell you coming up now. How did I know? Human nature can get a little messy. But nature nature is powerful enough to save us from ourselves. Seventh-generation laundry detergent lifts away tough stains with a 97% bio-based formula. For when you think whipping up yellow, curry, chicken, and white pants is a great idea. Totally not speaking from experience. Let nature do its thing, so you can feel confident doing yours. That's the power of seventh-generation. Find seventh-generation laundry detergent in fresh lavender and other scents at It's the summer of Audi, which means it's scenic route season. In an Audi, you can ignore the GPS and venture on a road less traveled. With so much to see this summer, don't settle for A to B. Take the long way instead and discover your own adventures. Now is the time to get behind the wheel of an Audi and see where it takes you. Find your way to your local Audi dealer for great offers during the summer of Audi sales event. She decided to end the relationship. What? Still got that free dinner. Call me that to go palmoreto. Plato is what if she's been with the baby daddy or got back with the baby daddy. The nerd. I don't know. I don't know. Yes, we did hear that her ex or her baby daddy is a nerd. Wow. She decided to end things. And mostly because she believed that he wasn't all in. She's not messing around. She's a single mom. You know what I'm saying? She's like, I need somebody that is all in. We're getting ready to get married. All the above. I don't have time to mess around. And then he felt like, whoa, that's kind of unfair. I feel like I've been good to you. You know what I'm saying? To my capacity. We've only been dating for a year. We've only been dating for a year. That's a long time. That's a long time. Yeah, but I feel like people nowadays are waiting longer than ever to get married. They're waiting at least like three years. Yeah, but like Kim and Eddie, for example, they're like, they know they're getting married to each other. Uh-huh. But they still. But they're still obviously dating. Yeah, they're not going to act on it, but they're still going to date. But they know. I feel like same thing. Okay. We're not going to act on it, but we know where this is going. Right. Well, I mean, I think that both were dating at some point thinking it was going to go towards. But you know what? That's kind of messed up just because our friend, like he's currently in school right now, which that's kind of messed up on her part because, you know, if he's taking that like, oh, let me better myself go to school to get a better job, whatever, whatever that is going to bring him. Whatever his goals are. Correct. Like that's messed up that like clearly she's not down for him because if he's in this moment where or in this season where he's not at his best or whatever or able to provide her like, dude, that's where the girls supposed to be. They're like, okay, I got you until whatever, you know, to support him. I love that. I love that. Who's that girl? What girl? Is that you? I don't know. Come on. Yeah. That's you. You literally just got what he needs. That's you, basically. You know, we did get a, we did get a DM from a listener who was a single mom. What? And she says she's been listening to our podcast. So thank you. And she was saying like, guys, you need to understand that as a single mom. It's hard for your number one party to be who you're dating. Okay. Because you got a son and above all things, like you got to take care of that. You know what I'm saying? And eventually. So you're talking about like she needs to hold him down. Like no, she doesn't. Like that's what I think that's probably what she's waiting for. She's waiting or she's ready for a man to be like, all right, let's take lead. I'm ready to get married. Let's do all this. Okay, yes. Yeah. You're never going to find someone perfect. Never. Like you're never going to find someone that has everything that you're looking for. And so that's where you need to be willing to work with your partner and say, Hey, you're not where I need you to be for what I want for our future. So these are the steps that we're going to take so that we can both get there. And I mean, good luck to the single mom and finding someone and. Yeah. I mean, I think real quick. Sorry to interrupt. He did talk to his now ex-girlfriend sister. Oh. Right. So, you know, the single mom has a sister. Right. And, you know, he was like talking with her about the whole situation. And basically she said, look, there's a lot of things. My sister still has to process like past traumas. And one of the things that his ex-girlfriend told him is like, for some reason he at times was triggering for her. Wow. Maybe it has to do with the whole commitment thing. But it's not like our homie was being a sussio or a petro. It was like messing around with other women. I think it's just a very laid back kind of guy. You know what I'm saying? He's just very chill. Yeah. And who knows what her past was if her past was like drama. Yeah. And she's not like you said it. I just think like even like, and I spoke about this in the other after party, but like for me, it was triggering for Eddie to ask me for my location because I was like, why do you want to know where I'm at? Not in a, I'm hiding way, but why do you want to be so controlling over where I'm at? And so I express that like, hey, Loki, that was triggering like because in the past that happened. And who like correlated like to the correlation, like, oh, it's controlling as opposed to him. Like, I just want to make sure you're safe. Yeah. You're home. That's where you voice that like, hey, sorry, like, and it's not even like you wanting to talk about your past relationship or past things. It's like, this is how we're going to move forward and be able to overcome that. But if she wasn't saying that and was just like, oh, you're not planning dates. And maybe it wasn't what she was looking for. Yeah. Like the acknowledgement of it. She sounds like drama food. Like they went on this guy just run, bro. She was looking for a dad for their child. She was looking for everything like a way of a just run for be happy. Well, Loki, that speaks so much to his character. He's heartbroken. He was willing to like do that step up. He's building himself like that. I mean, I think even just aside from that, just accepting somebody that already has a son or already has a child, like that's already a lot, you know what I mean, a big responsibility because you're not only like being an influence to that child, but you're also having to work with the other parent and hoping that the parent that they're good co-parents together and when she spoke about this today on the show, you know, Edwin Goss and his baby mama. Like I feel like that's what he's doing. He just wants to be a good co-parent for the kids because at the end of the day, they're the ones that lose out. Yeah. And so now his dilemma is, and we'll wrap up with this is dilemma is he's like, should I fight for her to get her back? And he asked, can we still be friends? Can we still talk? Because he says, what he hates about heartbreaks is like, if people cut it off completely and there's no more communication, he's like, I feel like I need a mourn somebody dying. Wow. He's like, she was my everything for a year. That's what I'm saying. And she doesn't want to be friends right now. She doesn't want any more communication with him. She's like, I need to process all this so I can't be talking to you. So he's like, should I keep pushing? And I said, do you think she left the door open? And he's like, no, I don't know. He's like, because I didn't really fight for her in that moment when we were at dinner. So he's like, I don't know if that was that little, not test, but to see. So I think that confirmed to her like, yeah, that's right. You don't care because you're not even going to fight for me. Yeah, like the whole drama was because you weren't putting effort to plan dates and all this stuff. You weren't taking initiative. Here we are again. You're just silent. But he's maybe maybe he's not that confrontational. He doesn't like confrontation or doesn't like to speak up for certain reasons. And also, I think and this is what I told him, I said, bro, if she ended it with you, like believe it. Yeah, because it took a lot of guts to do that. You already took a month off to think about it. And if you got to convince somebody to be with you, that's not the right way to be with somebody. That person should be jumping up and down to be with someone like you, because our homie is a great human being. And you know, I don't know his ex-girlfriend, I'm assuming she's also a great human being because he was interested in her and so on and so forth. But if she doesn't see that and she even took a month off without you and still didn't see it. And you might say, well, it was her pride that wasn't going to allow her to say, I still want to be with you. Yeah. Well, guess what? Maybe you don't want to be with a prideful person because pride will destroy relationships. Every single time ego and pride breaks people apart. So anyways, that's the wrap on that. Hopefully he can heal from this and use this as a moment to learn, you know, from the relationship. And instead of fighting for her, he can apply maybe the areas where he fell short and applied into his new relationship whenever that comes and himself, like build himself up and let himself know, like, Hey, I don't need nobody. I'm doing great. You know, pour it into school, pour it into his work and the gym, everything. This is your chance, prima vanes, self-esteem is low, shoot your shot, hira le la nude. Oh my. Absolutely not. All right. Love y'all. I have a great weekend. And remember, man, just be around people that celebrate you and don't just tolerate you, especially in a romantic relationship. You should be celebrating each other and not tolerating each other. Bye. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Adi mó. Thank you for listening to my dad and she's a boy. Totally not speaking from experience. Let nature do its thing so you can feel confident doing yours. That's the power of seventh generation. Find seventh generation laundry detergent in fresh lavender and other sons at The summer of Adi means it's scenic route season. In an Audi, you can ignore the GPS and find your own adventures. Get into an Audi during the summer of Audi sales event at your local Audi dealer and see See where it takes you. [BLANK_AUDIO]