Canucks Central

The Open: Work in May Now Pays off in May a Year from Now

The Open today has Dan and Sat discussing how Elias Pettersson needs to embrace the challenge from Rick Tocchet about how he needs to embrace the next level of his training that starts now that will hopefully pay off in the playoffs a year from now to hopefully help take the Canucks to the second round again and beyond.

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08 Jun 2024
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The Open today has Dan and Sat discussing how Elias Pettersson needs to embrace the challenge from Rick Tocchet about how he needs to embrace the next level of his training that starts now that will hopefully pay off in the playoffs a year from now to hopefully help take the Canucks to the second round again and beyond. 

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rogers Media Inc. or any affiliate.

see Hawks the Seahawks win the game listen live on HD radio 96 9 HD 3 Knocks central Friday. It's Dan Rachos sat T. R. Shaw here in the Kintech studio Kintech Canada's favorite orthotics provider powered by thousands thousands of five star Google reviews find your perfect fit at kintech Dot net. All right It's a Friday. It's June 7th It's beautiful day out It's it's officially shorts weather sat. Yes. Yes. It is it is officially shorts weather and it only took you like what until June 7th to embrace short weather Yeah, yeah, it's true to be told I yeah, I wore shorts on the golf course this morning and I at first I regretted my decision because it was like We teed off at like 604 or 612 or something like that And it was like it was still chilly, you know, yeah, there's still do on the grass by the time It was like 712 an hour later. I was like man, and my happy I wore shorts today Yeah, it's once once you warm up. You're good to go. You're good to go I've been working for months guys. Well, Elon you're just I guess Elon's built different, you know This guy's walking through the studios in like December just in shorts. You know, it's just like yeah Yeah, well, it's eight degrees out. It's fine. It's good. It may as well. I know I Mean there was a day last month. It was like 23 degrees and it reaches like it's me I'm not wearing shorts when it's 23 degrees. I think it was warmer that day than it is today It's June, you know the sun's setting after nine o'clock now, so we're officially into shorts weather. So that's true It's true was it was a it's a beautiful day and we got a few a few nice ones like this coming up And I picked up some new golf shoes yesterday, so I'm excited to get back on the links next week We are we are very hyped for that So we're gonna get sat out have a little golf day. It's gonna be good Maybe I can't wait over the course of the summer Golf more this year than last year. I don't know we need to develop something different to change the narrative away from water bottle Gate from the spill of 2024 Okay, cuz I was just walking You know I went to go grab a couple of wipes after Bic finished his show and you know Do the little wipe up of the studio before we we change change hands and and Alex from news 11th 30 is just like You know what you've been a champ this week Everybody's just crushing you and you you're sizzin there and taking it like what am I supposed to do I spilled the bottle? I don't have any defense here. That's all you gotta do you gotta embrace it man I mean it's funny cuz I got a text from my mom yesterday and she said I saw Dan walking to work He was holding on to his water bottle So like even my mom is a fully ways like I saw Dan today. He had his bottle of water in hand. Yeah Just hold it on to that thing for dear life The tightest grip I've ever seen One one day I'm sure even in the mailbag later today. We'll have plenty more questions and jazz ribs about it But until then it is the open here on Kenach central Welcome to the open That's your home. Are you too good for your home? Yes, the open where we bring you the latest on the Vancouver Canucks and our take on it and I know sat like a lot of the a lot of the discussion continued today about Elias Lindholm and Anikita Zadorov and ongoing negotiations between the Canucks and those specific players We did talk about this a lot yesterday. We had some of that intel on Canucks Central Elliott Friedman followed up on it, but if you want to hear a lot of our takes on that you can go back to yesterday's podcast Canucks Central and Check that out because I'm not sure we have anything to add from where we're at right now on the seven by seven that Elliot Friedman mentioned and The Canucks knowing the number that it's going to take to get Zadorov to sign Yeah, it's like what we talked about yesterday We spoke but I mean pretty extensively right not only would pick but also the next segment too and really delved into it And kind of like Elliot mentioned what we said is I can see we can see the Canucks going to 49 million which is Seven times seven right it's the same same type of money and the question is are they willing to go above that and the number to get it Done is probably not significantly above that and the same thing goes with Zadorov that you can look at both these situations and say The Canucks are making really good efforts. They're pretty cool They feel like they may not be too far on each guy the question is they're willing to go that extra Quarter mile to get it done and in some ways if you want both guys back She'd be optimistic that things are playing out the way they are in the media despite the fact that it seems a little contentious I know most people are reacting to it today and saying well, I can't even believe the Canucks are offering those contracts Because yeah, I mean big contracts with big-term people start to get a little bit of worried about it and how they're going to age Especially with these players going into their early to mid-30s and the contracts lasting into their their mid-30s, but Again, there's there's a road map the Canucks are trying to navigate here. They've been at least this front office has been pretty good at sticking to What their valuation of players is and not going? Above that, you know, we saw them hold that line with Bo Horvat They've done it on quite a few occasions, you know, they didn't overspend in free agency last year They kept to a lot of short-term deals at numbers that were manageable and they've been pretty good about those things So I would still say that even if a lot of listeners and Canucks fans may be uncomfortable with some of the numbers that are being talked about it's it's pretty clear that You know the plan and how it all works with the cap is Something that Patrick Alving and Jim Rutherford and the rest of the staff have figured out Yeah, no They really they really have right and the pressure points the way they exert them and in some in some ways We can all kind of smell perhaps a deal in nearing when things kind of break out the way they have But it's at the same time. It's only June 7th And we still have over three weeks to go until free because it begins and still have you know Just under three weeks to go until we get to the draft, right? So it's one of those things that it's like, you know, where we're pretty close to when it comes to where we're at But in terms of hammering out these negotiations and putting your best foot forward are we quite there yet? Scott B saying can you bring big Z golfing? I'm not sure Murph was able to get a deal done Listen if Murph and JT can't get it done then shortly we could get it done. Yeah. Well, I'm Maybe Murph beat him on a couple extra holes. So that's gonna. It's gonna have to come out of the Canucks pocket, right? So we'll see how that that turns out, you know, Murph can be can be pretty good sneaky good on the on the golf course that Dan Murphy all right, I wanted to move the conversation forward, you know, Rick Talkett was on Howford & Bruff yesterday and we Didn't really delve into a lot of what he said We talked a little bit about it yesterday on the show but Jamie Dodd who was in for for Bruff yesterday morning and Conducting part of the interview with alongside Mike Halford of Rick Talkett Asked, you know the the buzzword of last summer so who needs to have a big summer and one of the names that came up in the conversation Was Alias Patterson and it wasn't like hey, Peter was out of shape or anything like that That's that's not what Rick Talkett said, but it was more He needs to continue building and be prepared for next year and maybe be better prepared for next year and being able to sustain through the course of the season being able to manage Lumps and bruises and whatever may come through the course of an 82 game season So that way you're still able to perform come playoff time And I think that's a big part of it. Obviously, it's like there's a level you're at to have a good regular season There's a level you're at maybe you win a round or two But there's a different level if you want to get to a Stanley Cup final And there's more that you have to do to get there and you know He brought up kuchar off and stamp goes on how these guys two weeks after being eliminated already out on the ice practicing and working on their games And I think that's pretty a clear indication of what he wants out of the historic players He wants guys to be absolutely Obsessed with getting better in the offseason and then yeah, I take a week off take two weeks off but after that it's time to Get yourself into gear and get yourself into the type of shape you need to get into there's no like lolly gagging for a month Maybe we'll pick it up once we get into mid-July, maybe into august or whatever It's like no you guys have to work for two straight months as hard as you possibly can Before you get to training camp and if you don't do those things and yeah, maybe you can have it for same Season you had this past year, but how do you take that step? And I don't think you're able to take that step unless you dedicate yourself more is what the coach is saying yeah, and you know, there was I wouldn't say, you know uh rick talkett thinks peterson needs to to you know grow into this beast of a human or anything like that it's always about um managing your body to to get it to a better place for whatever your your body's able to handle and where its Strengths are and I think for peterson, um mobility, uh, maybe Sturdiness became an issue over the course of the season. Maybe that had to do with the tendinitis You know how many times on the post game showed did you and bick have to answer text messages About how often all his peterson is falling down and uh just the the slightest Uh nudge from an opposing player would have peterson sprawled out onto the ice and You know, I think there's just uh There's just simply another level that he can get to and he's into his mid 20s now like he's in the thick of his prime He should really be building into The best version of himself at this point. These are the big years for elia's peterson Absolutely and I think we know we spoke to landon about this yesterday about The things he can do to get better and what he needs to work on physically to get better I wonder how much of it honestly comes out to mental too Like the coach also kind of mentioned, you know, and I don't think he was trying to make this about well jt Played through things didn't say anything but he mentioned in that same answer Well jt had a bunch of bumps and bruises and stuff that nobody knew about and he was dealing with throughout the entire season Nobody knew anything about it. It's like is there a mind Over matter the head coach wants and expects from a star players that yes, of course you guys get banged up Yes, there'll be things that are going to happen, but that's the reality of Most NHL seasons you're not going to be able to get through 82 games in the post season unscathed And unless you're able to have that mind over matter It's going to be hard for you at times and I wonder if that's part of the message too Maybe not just a peterson But a number of guys on this team that had kind of gone through this real playoff run for the first time Yeah, and Like you've got to be able to perform when you're not feeling your best You know It may sound harsh, you know, I know there's some people that think like man he had a knee injury How can how can you be telling this guy to move his feet? When you know, he's he's going through something that's Affecting his ability to to move as well as he as he can and you know, I kind of get that But at the same time You know, you don't think connor mc david and leon dry side will have Some nagging issues going on Right now like we hear at every single playoff even the the cup champions I mean, there's how many stories of cup champions playing on basically one leg And winning a Stanley cup hello steve iserman right like it's just It's it's maybe part of the romance we have with this game when it comes to playoff time But you've got to be able to perform when you're not feeling your best That's just the reality of the Stanley cup playoffs 100% and I think the other part of it is someone else Somebody's texting and saying you guys can't you can't train yourself into an injury free year That's not what the coach is saying. That's not what we're saying But if you can be stronger and have better fitness You can get through the rigors of a season better and have some juice left at the end of it Even if you are somewhat banged up if you're in better shape if your fitness is even a higher level It's easier for you to get through it and that's I think the biggest point in anything else You can't put you can't get through an entire year trying to be injury free that can't happen That's like based on luck But if you prepare yourself and the other thing here too is you know what leaves the injuries fatigue If you're fatigued and you get tired late in the season you play through a lot of fatigue that leaves the injuries So it's it's kind of the the level of resistance training your body can take and how much stronger your fitness level and strength levels Can be to withstand the rigors of a longer season and be as healthy as possible If you can but also having the juice to be able to get through The second round get through the conference final get to the get to the sound like up final And I think that's what the coach is talking about. It's not about preventing injuries It's about can you get a level of fitness individually that can make you fight through the grind a lot better and perhaps not have to play It's higher it as much Like I I do think I don't want to make this sound like peterson hasn't been working on his his fitness I think he's come a long way uh since since coming into the league even you know um how he looked coming into last season like he looked considerably bigger and thicker, you know, he his his starting point was maybe uh Further away than from where most other guys are right? He was kind of lanky and and thin when he first came into the league And while he has bulked up a little bit he's still He still he still is kind of thin for for other like when you compare him to other NHLers, especially with the height that he has he's he's kind of thin for his his height. He doesn't have the same Size that we do see other players have so he's come a long way But there is still for me another level that peterson can get to Shiloh have peterson live with the sedines and have them train with him all summer Well, and it doesn't I mean it's one of those things that The sedine thing like it's not like the sedines haven't been there available You know what I mean? So you can't force a guy to go work with somebody the other thing with the sedines too is The sedines took seven years from being drafted to become point-per-game players It took them You know four full NHL seasons plus a lockout five years one season in moto and sweden To really get into the shape they needed to be in and get to the level they needed to be at It wasn't like they spent one or two years and got there took time to get there There were also guys that were kind of a bit late in terms of blooming into the physical maturity as well That's something that kind of happened a bit later for them So I think we look at the sedines as true But it took the sedines like a good six years from six years from being drafted to get to the level They needed to be at physically to be able to have the type of seasons We grew accustomed from them having for the most part of their careers of Vancouver So some of these things just take time. It's not just about one off season. It's about a number of off seasons to get to that point Would it help working with sedines? Sure, but I think more than anything else if you work with somebody who's Willing to take it to that level doesn't matter who it is It's sold the level of identification that it takes and I would say that peterson doesn't lack in terms of want and desire in the off season It's more about how much more can you push it? And what talk is trying to get at is talk gets played with mario le mu talk gets played Uh coach guys like sydney crossby's played against and then best friends with a guy like wayne gretzky He understands what the absolute best of the best have done and what they do to be the level they're at and that is almost Insane psychotic behavior at times to get to that level right and that's not the same peterson doesn't have that But I think that's what the coach is trying to get out of these guys It's saying even if you think you guys have done everything there's more you can do And I don't think that's a bad thing to push guys towards. I think that's the type of Stratosphere you expect to see a player making 11.6 million right can you put yourself in that discussion? If you do well, you gotta be you gotta be as crazy and as sick as those guys are in terms of getting themselves Into the shape and the level they need to be at and again peterson has not been lacking in terms of effort It hasn't been lacking in terms of dedication in the off season. There's always an extra step you can take We have that great conversation With uh with yogi earlier this week and he mentioned even the best players in nhl We talk about a thousand steps even the even the best player in the league might be at 980 steps You still have 20 more steps to take. How do you take those extra 20 steps? And I think that's the mentality that they're trying to put into their top players minds Um, you've been listening to us talk about this and this quote from rick talkett well For full context here is rick talkett on how for an abrupt in the morning Yeah, I think uh to be honest you know Over the and i'm not trying to disrespect anybody but a lot of a lot of the year The most of our players, you know, it was september October to april for a lot of years Now we went into you know, whether it may, you know, was it late may or whatever Uh, might have to change their workouts a little bit more might have to do skate a little bit earlier now Then before there's a lot of tweaking, you know when I hear kucharoff and stamptos Are skating or skating like two weeks ago on the ice working on stuff? Uh, that's the sort of stuff that I want pd and hues and and milsey those are the those are the things I want to hear, you know Um, yeah, you got to rest your body. We got some guys that had some but you know milsey He was dealing with some bumps and bruises all year, you know, and he never complained So, you know, obviously he's got to get rest his body, but he's a type of guy that uh, he's obsessive He wants to you know, he wants to know how you know how he could be better in game six and seven How you know our team can be that's the type of attitude. I want, you know a guy like peterson Big summer for him, you know, he's the guy that's got it like I want to him to come in one of the probably I like to see him top three One of the best shaped guys and he he knows the importance of practicing and all that sort of stuff Uh, you got a taste of it. So these are the experiences you get and um, hopefully they're uh, you know, and uh, They'll be dialed in this summer. Who is it three four months before the season starts? So there shouldn't be any excuses of coming in in great shape knowing that we're this close So there is, uh, rick talket on exactly what we're discussing and Noting that hey you've been playing until april every single year So now now you know what it's like to play until may And you need to adjust accordingly to make sure that you're ready for that next year because that's what we expect And you know, this is as we talk about with so many of these things like learning processes learning lessons is a big thing for rick talkett I think this is no different for a lot of uh, the younger core players of the vancouver conox because you know, jt miller Uh, he has been in this before he has been to a cup final before Earlier in his career. So it's not as big of an adjustment for him as it may have been for queen hues and enelias peterson 100 and then you know, it's it's funny because i see you know, people like paul texting and saying Will peterson ever show up to start the season? Will he start at the end of the season? He's not a team player and talk it knows this i think that's very narrative driven I don't think it's backed up by reality and i think pretty good to start last season I mean it's one of those things man like I I get it It was frustrating watching peterson struggle to in the second half of the season and in the post season, but I think people really like I think it would really lose sight of what's real and what's not real and they would lose sight of say The trajectories most players go through like so funny people love comparing jt and peterson Well jt was peterson's age. What do you think jt was doing? Yeah scoring 50 points. Yeah, 20 goals. Not even he was being Remember what ellie and vinyo said about him once that he's one of the laziest players He's ever coached. Yeah, he's one of the players that you know, he's got like if he doesn't mature He's never going to play in the NHL. These are things they said about him. He got sent down He got traded a couple times your questions about is this guy dedicated enough? Where is he now? Is anybody questioning that level of dedication jt miller has right? So it's funny when people point to jt look at jt look at peterson. He should be more like peterson I mean peterson would be more like jt Well, if jt was more like if peterson was more like jt when he was in his early 20s to now He'd be far lesser of a player than he is today So I think that's something you have to keep in mind as well Like trajectories players go through and where they end up at the very end of it And let's not forget guys like jt guys like the sedines for instance other players true too That went through some struggles before really finding that level and I think that's something you have to keep in mind This text i'm ready to run through a wall for tocket. We're going undefeated next year uh, bless kadok's fans and uh some forever optimistic, uh some at least Uh, dad reach o sat yarsha Uh, did want a couple of other things that we could have gotten to but now we'll have to push them to a little bit later Conoc central roundup Uh jt kensel's rights are available for a mid-round pick According to eliot freedman now the only way you would trade a mid-round pick for jt kensel at this point is if you have a decent sense you'll be able to get them To cross uh cross some teas and dot the ayes on a new contract I mean, I so We spent a lot of time this week and if you miss the shows you can go back to the podcast We talked about all the rumors and stuff that's been out there about players and everything and if you look at What's out there for vancouver? And how hard it is to pull off an achas deal how hard is the fine star level players I understand there is some sticker shock pain Jake gensel and what i'm about to suggest is going to make it even more expensive But i'd be willing to move a third round pick in the future or find a way to move a pick to get his rights If he's willing to sign here, I think it's worth doing that for a level of player that he is Especially if you don't get lindholm sign for instance, right like I think i'm not against doing those things ultimately comes down to one simple fact How willing is he to sign here and if the conocs are training a pick to get his rights? I think they want to be pretty sure they can get it done Columbus did this last year with uh, daman severson and it got him to sign a contract carolina did this with dougie hamilton as well Before he signed with the the new jr. Z devil's again if uh gensel is willing to come to vancouver it would make sense but you know he has to There has to be a good indication from the acquiring team that jake gensel is ready to sign a long-term extension With that club, uh, also alia freedman saying that the hurricanes want star power For martin nichas whether that's a high level prospect That's ready to make an impact at the nhl level But they consider nichas to be a budding star so they would expect some star power coming back their way Honestly, man the carolina hurricane is a such a boring hockey team. Yeah, so boring I think the way they play is boring and I think the way they manage your team is boring And I think what they're doing when nichas is boring like if you're not that tells him that i'm gonna trade him Who's trading their top prospect for him who's trading a star player for him like honestly come on Like all this stuff around nature. They actually gonna trade him if that's what they're looking for No, it feels like they're just uh They're turning this into a situation where nichas is gonna be like, okay. I give up like i'll take the arb deal Yeah, it's like one year deal Then they'll maybe do it next season to have a deal right like I mean look at how hard it is for them to replace his office to begin with And I think they're gonna look at it and and say they're gonna set a set at such a high price for him No one's gonna match it and they want somebody to pay the price of him already being a star without him Provide proving that he is a star. Come on. Like that's unrealistic and hey, that's fine all fine and good Right you have every right to do whatever you want with your assets And if you're we're locked in their trade him you want to set a high price go ahead but To me that tells him that i'm really serious about it. It's stanry joe sati arshah