The Howie Carr Radio Network

Aaron Chadbourne: Mike Soboleski vs. Austin Theriault for Congress | 6.7.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

The race for Maine's second congressional district is heating up, and Aaron Chadbourne wanted to give each candidate air time to make his pitch for all of Howie's Maine listeners.

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07 Jun 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at, codeward Howie BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. We are three weeks from this debate. What do you think you need to accomplish on that debate stage? Say what I think. Bush. America's like Sergeant Leonard. Sergeant Leonard Lomo, New Jersey. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. You know, Donald Trump often likes to say violent crime is up under our administration. While in fact, violent crime is now near a 50-year low. We are seeing a huge uptick in people committing crimes on squish. Armed migrant moped crews have been tied to dozens of violent street robberies. Who's your captain, Howie Car? But I'm going to put this country as the shining city on the hill. I am moving forward. I'm not playing the retribution game. It stops with me and it stops here. What if you took that approach? I'm OK with it. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Car. It is Friday, June 7th, here on The Howie Car Show. Howie is off. We'll be back on Monday. And speaking of June 7, that means that on Tuesday, June 11th, in the state of Maine, there is a primary. And this one matters because the only really contested congressional seat in New England where a Republican could defeat a Democrat in this cycle is Maine's second congressional district where Jared Golden, a Democrat, is currently the incumbent. There are two men running to be the Republican nominee in that race. And one of them joins us now. He's state representative Mike Sobolesky. They're only a few days left before the election, Mike. So how are things going? Hello, yes. Tomorrow morning means it's three days. And I'm looking forward to it being over. It's been a lot of work. This team has done an incredible job. Every day, our support is growing bigger. Our movement, our grassroots movement, is building more and more steam. We've picked up three new endorsements. We had a great day today. We have a total now of 66 endorsements from current and former state representatives and state senators. These are the people that keep their nose to the ground. There is to the ground. They know what's going on. They see the difference between the candidates, the work ethic, the amount of bills that have been passed, the issues that have been championed. And I'm so proud and so grateful to have them behind us. Like I said, today's been a busy day. Was in Bangor this morning on WABI early. Then I've toured seven businesses in the Bangor area. Let me tell you, the best way to hear what's really on someone's mind is look them in the eyes and talk to them. Let them feel what they have to say, feel those words. So it's been a busy day. We're on fire right now and grateful to be with you today. Well, no, thanks for being here. You mentioned that you're out there and that's the best way to hear what's on people's minds. As you head into this election and into Tuesday's primary, what are voters most worked up and concerned about that they're talking to you about Representative Sobelescu? People are very concerned about the economy, the bills they have to pay. And here in CD2, we have a lot of elderly and a lot of mobile homes, a lot of people on fixed incomes. They're extremely concerned about paying for medication or now it's electric, with those bills going sky high. And food, things of that nature, the economies on everyone's mind, people are fearful of what's going to be coming down the road. I mean, that makes sense. I think when people compare the experience they had under the last administration to how expensive everything is, how wages aren't keeping up with the growth in prices, how everything just seems less stable than it was under the Trump administration. It's huge. Do people hold Jared Golden responsible for some of those policies? I know he's a bit of a maverick, right? He plays to both sides. He tries to say that he's a conservative. He tries to appeal to Trump voters. Do you get a sense that people in main second district are open to a change or do you think it's a fool's there and to try to run against him? - No, they are definitely open for a change. And I am the only one in this race that can defeat Jared Golden. One thing that they don't like about him is that we don't get to see him ever. We see him in this election time when it's fundraising time. But other than that, he's nowhere to be found. And I've lived in this district the entire time that he's been my congressman. I've seen him once. One of the first things that I'm going to do is ensure that I have a solid constituent services, here in the state of Maine, multiple offices. I want people to be able to get at that congressman. I want to hear their problems, their troubles. My first question will always be, have you talked to your state representative? Being a state representative, I understand the responsibility of that role. And if they haven't, have you talked to your state senator? Okay, you've got nowhere there? Okay, fine, I'll take care of it for you. If I can't help you fix the problem, I can point you in the right direction. And so people definitely want to change. The second congressional district has the second, excuse me, the highest per capita, military veterans and veteran alliance families in the nation. We're basically one-third Republicans, Democrats, and unenrolled. And Jared Goldit always gets. Of course, the Democrat veteran votes, 'cause he's a vet. He gets the unenrolled veteran votes, and he gets a lot of Republican veteran votes. I'm in the American Legion, and I've heard it many times. I'm a Republican, I voted for Jared. And I'm going to nullify that right away and take that advantage away from him. I've got this standing to stand toe to toe with him and discuss his issues, his walk-back on ARs, his voting for DC statehood, his voting for the Inflation Reduction Act. We're going to be able to have those conversations. Don't get me wrong. I thank the Congressman for his service to our nation in the military, and congratulate him on the new edition of his family. But we're completely different as far as how he represents between how I'll represent the district. And I'm the only one that's going to be able to beat him in November. - Mike Sobilesky is running for the Republican nomination and Maine's second congressional district joins us right now. So Mike, obviously there are two candidates in the race yourself and your fellow member of the state legislature, Austin Terrio. Austin has raised a lot more money than you have in this election. There are people that like his youth, and there are people that's saying that, you know, with the endorsement he has from President Trump, he might be the favored person. What differentiates you from your opponent and what makes you think that you'll be able to beat him? - Right now we are in a, this is a dog race, dog fight. This is what this is. We are virtually tied right now. We were down 13 points after the Trump announcement. It was 38 points for him, 25 for Maine. 41 points for my biography, 21 for him. They had me rated at four points up at that time. But on that Trump endorsement, that's changed considerably. Right now this race is in a dead heat. The money doesn't matter. He's raised a million dollars. We've raised $100,000 and we're dead heat with him. He's taken an incredible amount of PAC money. He talks about the amount of money he's gotten from Maine voters and gives a real inflated number there. And we know the difference. We've seen his reports and we know where that money comes from. I've made it perfectly clear, and I'll say it again. I did not run on any PAC money in my primary. This has been private funds. In the general election, I will not take any PAC money, any swamp money, any RNC money, any RNC money. Any RNC money. I'm not gonna be beholden to anybody. When I go through the doors of Congress, I'm gonna be doing what I believe is right for the American people and the America that I love. They will take someone like Austin Terreault that they fund with a million dollars. They'll put an NRCC staffer in his office to run as he is a chief of staff. He'll be sitting five hours a day on the phone, collecting back the money that they gave him. I'm not gonna be doing that. I'm gonna represent the people. We are gonna be privately funded. Those discussions have already been made. And I'm gonna win this election. We feel very, very strong. We're dealing with a lot of issues right now coming from the other side, a lot of attacks. We're gonna stay on the high road. And we know that our cause is just, our message is strong, my record is strong, and this team is fired up and ready to go. - Well, they say, Mike, that when you start taking incoming, it usually means you're somewhere near the target. So that should be encouraging for you. What do you think are the policy differences between you and Austin Terreault? - What's that? - What do you think are the policy differences between the two of you? - Well, there's no comparison there. I have a 100% conservative voting record on the floor of the house. Austin Terreault was 60 out of 61. The second most Democrat aligns voting record on the floor of the house. I have a 100% rating and the endorsement of parents' rights and education. And that's not only because of my stance against Planned Parenthood. There were nine bills that were brought in. I voted against all of them. I have a zero rating, which I'm very proud of. My opponent only showed up for two. He was absent for seven Planned Parenthood votes. I am pro-life and my supporters all know that. And so that's a big difference. I've drilled through a number of very important pieces of legislation and I'm looking forward to some bills that I'm ready to put in when I get down to Congress. I've got four of them locked and loaded, ready to go. And I'm looking forward to putting them in. Here in Maine, I was the point in the lead. That was my bill that took care of the sludge issue. We were two days away from sewage at our treatment plants going into our rivers. It was my amendment that took care of our redemption centers and save them. We've lost 18 in a year. And I was able to put an end to that, get them some more money and I'm very proud of that. I opened up lithium mining in the state of Maine, responsible lithium mining, keeping our Clean Water Act and our Maine Mining Act in mind and working to make sure that we were in compliance with those. And also the EV mandate. I took the lead on that and took six months to get that killed. And I'm very proud of that. That's caused a ripple effect across the nation. Ford is starting to reduce their production now. It's causing Biden to have second thoughts on it. And I'll definitely tackle that issue on a federal level like I did on a local level when I get down there, as well as the four bills I want to bring forward. - Well, you certainly have a lot of energy for it, Mike. Some of us have grown a bit cynical. - I'll get into it. I know I'm not cynical at all. I can take the hits. I can take the abuse that I've been getting lately, even today. And having some experience gives you thick skin. I've been through the ups and downs, wins and losses. I know what it's like to have empathy for the people when they struggle and to have the character that I need to keep moving forward. And that's what we're gonna do. Nothing's gonna take us off in this road. We're gonna get attacked continually over the next three days. Personally attacked, I will not go down that road. I'm above that. My team is above that. We don't need to. We're winning and we're gonna stay the course. - Well, it takes a lot to run. It takes a lot of energy. It takes a lot of hard work. And the primary is on Tuesday. If you're successful, you would be the Republican candidate against Jared Golden. Just in the final minute that we have, Mike, what have you learned the most from this experience of running? - To keep my eyes open around me, watch for the cheap shots coming in from behind because they come. And to stay the course. Stay to what's true. Believe it myself. I'm a good man. And I've lived a good life for a lot of years. And I'm concerned about other people. As you get older in life, it becomes more about other people and less about yourself. And I mean that. It is true. I wanna make a difference. And I know that I can. My experience, my drive, my determination. It's all there. And I'm just looking forward to getting through this phase. I believe that Jared Golden will run a cleaner campaign against me. And I'm looking forward to getting to that point. - Well, I don't know that I think I've ever seen the Democrats in Maine run a clean campaign against a strong Republican, but certainly wish you well heading into that final stretch. Mike Soboleski, one of the two candidates running for Maine Second Congressional District. Mike, people wanna learn more. Where can they go? - Oh, thanks so much. You can go to There's a lot of information on there. Go to Mike Soboleski for Congress on Facebook. Please like us and sign up. I helped the campaign out in these last few days. We'd love to have you on board. - Thanks for your time, Mike. Thanks for joining us here on The Howie Car Show. When we come back, we'll check. - The Howie Car Show will be right back. (dramatic music) - The emperor of hate, Howie Car, is back. (upbeat music) Welcome back to The Howie Car Show. I am Aaron Chadborn in for Howie. Thanks to Mike Soboleski for joining us. His opponent, Austin Terrio, will be joining us coming up in the 630 segment. So stay tuned for that. Especially if you're up there in Maine. It is in New England. That's really the only competitive seed where you could flip from a damn to Republican. I mean, in any given year, if there's a wave here, you know, something could happen. But so far, the way this is shaping up, that tends to be the only competitive one. And it would be great to add one more to the Republican column. 'Cause with these thin majorities in Congress, it's been a disaster. Taylor, we should have asked the poll question about magnet fishing. You know, after the police plotter, I'm really intrigued. 'Cause I've always known about the, you know, going around with a metal detector, but I've never thought about magnet fishing. Maybe it's just not a main thing. - Oh, I would imagine it would be a super main thing to do. Like-- - Did you grow up doing that? - No, I wish I, I don't think it was really a big thing until the past decade. - When the magnets got strong enough. 'Cause I think that's probably the-- - I think just when people had the idea that civilians could do it in addition to law enforcement, but it's a pretty cool, there's tons of videos online. You can just watch people river fishing with magnets. - Well, that would have been a good poll question. Maybe next time I fill in for Howie, we'll do something on magnet fishing. - I think when I retire, that's gonna be one of my hobbies, magnet fishing. - I think you said when you retire, I can fill in for Howie again. (laughs) You know, that would be a good way to pass your retirement years as magnet fishing. Just sit by the river, grumpy, and pull in for metal. We didn't ask about that in the poll question. We had a poll question about the Karen Reid trial, which brings us back for one last check of today's poll question. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Berna Les Lethal Pistol Launcher. For those who want a powerful self-defense option without resorting to deadly force, visit to save 10%. That's All right, Taylor, for the last time today, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can still vote in at, is has your opinion of Karen Reid's complicity in Officer John O'Keefe's death changed since the start of the trial? No, my opinion hasn't changed. Yes, I thought she was guilty, but now think she's innocent. Yes, I thought she was innocent, but now think she's guilty, or I haven't seen enough evidence to decide either way. - And my answer is not really, like I basically confirmed what my suspicions were, but, you know, so it's changed a little bit, but basically my opinion is the same. - 56% say they still have the same opinion. 20% say either they thought she was guilty, but now think she's innocent, or they haven't seen enough evidence. And 5% say they've switched their minds. They've changed their minds from thinking she was innocent at the start of the trial to now thinking she's guilty. - Yeah, about, I think that's about what I expect. I don't think there's been an ironclad case against her, and it is really gonna be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. 844-542, 42, the number here on The HowieCarShow. Let's take Jim, Jim, welcome to the show. - Yeah, hi, hey, I'm the magnet fishing that you guys have been talking about and all the states and places where I see it happening. I haven't been able to find out from anybody yet. Legally, do you need a license to do it? Hasn't been government regulated? Have they put the arm on everybody yet, or? - I don't think you need a license to-- - Do you think that would be coming? - Yeah, I don't think you need a license to do it. It's just a common sense. If you pull up something that is a firearm or may be ordinance from any military training or anything like that, just call your local law enforcement. But outside of that, I don't think you need a license. - Yeah, the government does have a way to ruin your fund with regulations when they get involved, but I'm not aware of any magnet fishing regulations. But then again, I wasn't aware of magnet fishing in the first place, Jim, so I'm not the authority on what permission you need. - I've been going on for a while and some people have pulled up some pretty wild stuff, especially like out of the Charles River and stuff, but I just haven't heard, I'm shocked that the local authorities haven't said, "Gee, we could charge for a fishing license for this now." - A fee is just another word for a tax, Jim. Thanks for the call. When we come back, we'll be joined by Austin Terrio. You're listening to The Howie Car Show. I'm Aaron Chadwell. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. - We're back on The Howie Car Show. I'm Aaron Chadborn, up in Maine, filling in for Howie Car. And because I'm in Maine, I'm aware that it is primary day on Tuesday, June 11th, this Tuesday, coming up. And the one race that everyone's really paying attention to in here in Maine is the race for the Republican nomination to take on Jared Golden in November. There are two candidates running, if you were listening in the six o'clock hour, Mike Sobolesky, State Representative joined us to talk about his case. And now his opponent, Austin Terrio, State Representative from Arustic County is joining us as well. Austin, welcome back to The Howie Car Show. - Hey, it's good to be on with you tonight, Aaron. So Austin, it's the final stretch. And you're a race car driver. You know something about approaching the finish line. How are things going? What's it looking like heading into Tuesday's election? - Well, we're feeling really positive about where we're at. We're just finishing up our 11 County business tour and the response has been great. We've been working hard. It's actually interesting. It feels a lot like me being on the circuit, right? Late nights, early mornings, a lot of traveling. This district's so big from a land standpoint. It's obviously, I think, if you know the math, it's bigger than any district east of the Mississippi. And so we're doing what we can to just turn out our voters. This is gonna be an election based off a turnout. Everybody knows that. But our voters are motivated. People want change. They're not happy with Golden. They're not happy with Biden. And frankly, a lot of voters are just not happy with the Republican party and its lack of being able to win elections in the past. And so we're motivating our people. We're changing the way we do elections here in the state of Maine and we're bringing people out. So Tuesday's such an important election. And I feel like it's gonna be the first day of a wave that we're building, of getting people excited once again to be a Republican, to be a conservative in Maine and pushing back against the radical Biden agenda that we've seen over the past three and a half years. - So you mentioned that people are sick of Republicans that are losers and don't win. I think people are also a bit disaffected that the Republicans do win and they don't see change, right? You send people to Washington and then things say the same or they fall into the trap of becoming establishment insiders caring more about what's going on down there. For the people listening in our audience on WJN, WVOM, which carry Howie's show or listening online who are eligible to vote on Tuesday, what can you tell them about what you'll actually do if you are able to get the nomination and defeat Jared Golden? What should they be able to expect? Should they be right to be cynical or what would you deliver? - Well, most people are cynical right now. You're right about that, Aaron. I mean, I coming from Arista County, you've had a lot of voters over the past 20, 30, 40, 50 years who feel like regardless of who's in charge, whether it's a Republican or Democrat or anybody, they've seen jobs move away. They've seen mills and businesses close. They've seen their kids move away. So yeah, to say that people should be discouraged, you're absolutely right. How do we fix it? It's complicated, but one of the things that we can do so that conservatives have a much bigger ability to get legislation passed is to expand our majority. It's to not have it be two or three seats. It ought to be 10 seats, it ought to be 20 seats in Congress. And we're gonna do that by motivating conservatives and level-headed common sense people to start getting involved in the political process again. I know a lot of people stopped after 2020 and even stayed home in 2022. And we saw and we struggled in elections around the country, right? Was President Trump on the ballot? I really, really believe that it's gonna turn out voters. It's gonna take people who maybe have been sitting on the couch the past couple election cycles because they know that they can't take another four years of Biden, right? It's all about who's motivated. If we can just get people to the ballot boxes to cast their vote for a better future, that's how I believe we're gonna have much more leeway in future, whether it's 25, 26, 27, to actually move forward the America First Agenda. 'Cause President Trump got it started, if you remember here, but the Democrats were against them right from the start. When they won the majority in 2018, they impeached them, they did everything they possibly could to stop the agenda. Could you imagine if we worked together to actually move that agenda forward? How much farther we'd be? So that's what I'm looking forward to do in Congress. - So one question for you Austin. Obviously you've been traveling the district, which is a quite large geographic district and you've been talking to a lot of people. What are the issues that are most important to them? And then how are you different than Jared Golden, who is currently the incumbent on those issues? - Well, it's interesting that you bring up that question. Jared Golden certainly hasn't been in my view, anybody that's been a strong representative of what we need in the second district. I just touched on all the issues that we're facing, whether it's the border, you know, drugs coming across, inflation, Jared's sort of just been there as a body and hasn't gotten anything done for the district. As a Congressman, we have the opportunity to hear, to be on the ground here in the district, making stuff happen for not only the second district, but for the rest of the state. Maine is such a small state, right? We can't alienate each other. We're competing with so many other states who have higher populations, lower taxes, you know, potentially a better business climate. We've got to get tough. We've got to get tough on business. We need people in NBC like President Trump who understand what it takes to build a business, to operate it and to make sure it's successful over the long term. And I'm the only one in this race, whether it's golden or my primary opponent, that's consistently been a strong business owner, somebody who's made money, knows what it takes from a fiscal standpoint to see a business through over the long run. And that's what we're gonna need in Congress. We need people who can start to bounce the budget, lower taxes, less regulations. And we need people that are gonna hold everybody else accountable in the out of control government that we've seen grow over the past 10 and 20 years 'cause it's certainly gotten out of control. - You're listening to the Howie Car Show. I'm Aaron Chadburn in for Howie. We're talking to main state representative Austin Terrio. He's one of two candidates running for the Republican nomination to challenge Jared Golden in November. Austin, you mentioned your opponent. What would you say are the biggest differences between the two of you for people trying to make a decision about who they want to put up against Jared Golden? - Yeah, I mean, we're coming towards the end of the campaign. And this question's come up a lot. Folks can look it up. I'm the only candidate in this race that didn't vote for an increase in taxes. I'm the only candidate that didn't vote for welfare, for basically corporate welfare for Portland and bailed the city out to benefit the sea dogs, which is not anything I think we should be spending our taxpayer money in the second district. Nobody cares about us in Northern Maine, and we should absolutely not be bailing out Portland. From a fiscal policy standpoint, I think I'm leaps above, whether it's Golden or my primary opponent, like I said before, right? You have to look at people's business record, have they been successful, have they created jobs? President Trump's liked, and he's trusted on the economy because he's a businessman himself, right? Yeah, he's had tough times, but he's come out on top. He's paid his taxes. He's been successful. And that's the sort of vision that I can take in DC to get our economy back on track, to bring inflation down, to work on balancing the budget. And I really believe I'm the only one in the race that understands the economy, and can go on day one and work on legislation that's gonna benefit the second district. And, you know, I think you've really in this race, set yourself apart, right? You've got endorsed by President Trump, you've raised more money, you've got some momentum, but I think there are some parts of the base of the party that are more enthusiastic for your opponent. What would you say to those people that favor your opponent over you about why they should give you a shot? Well, it's a good question. I mean, it's interesting that we've come to a point where raising money is somehow a bad thing. We got to remember. Money in politics has always been a bad thing, Austin. Yeah, Jared Golden and Joe Biden have all the money in the world. They have all the dark money in the world, and they're gonna come into the state of Maine in July, August, September, and October, and try to buy this election from the Maine people. And we don't want that to happen. We need somebody that's gonna push back against the Biden agenda and the radicals who are trying to buy elections like Bloomberg and Soros. And yes, the Republican Party needs to get its act together. And we have the opportunity in this second district to win it, to send Jared Golden packing. And at the end of the day, like I said, we have to work together. Primaries are sometimes like a household that's fighting amongst each other, but at the end of the day, we come together, we realize that the progressive communist Marxist agenda is not what we need, and we can't sit back and let it happen. We need fighters, we need people who have experience, who are competitors, who understand what it takes to win. And very grateful for my background in NASCAR as a competitor, as a small business owner up in the county and having President Trump's endorsement, right? He knows what it takes to win. They fought against them, the swamp fought against them for four years and look what we were able to get done. And still, could you imagine if we work together as Republicans what we could do? And so I'm looking forward to working with President Trump. He's gonna be here on the ground. We know that. I actually just got off the phone with the Trump campaign. They're excited about the future in terms of how we're gonna work together, how we're gonna campaign together. And that's how we're gonna win this race, right? This is not an election for a school board or an election for high school president. This is a serious election. It's a future of the countries at stake. And we need people who are gonna be serious about putting together a team and an organization who can beat the Democrats. - So you mentioned that, and this is obviously the biggest election that you've run for. You've run once before to be state representative of the office you hold now. What would you say you've learned in this process with elections on Tuesday? You must've learned something. What is that? - Great question. I think you learn a lot about yourself on the campaign trail, but you also learn a lot about what other people are dealing with, and sometimes we're in our own echo chamber. I've been to all four corners of the district, from Allegash to Matawaska Maine down to Freiburg and every area in between. And everybody's dealing with very similar issues. They can't afford their groceries. Healthcare's out of control as far as the expenses. People are concerned about the drugs coming into their communities. And it's really pulled on my heartstrings quite a bit because I've been successful in life, and I'm proud to come from a family that taught me so much. My grandfather started from nothing, fourth grade education, hard worker. And there's so many others that are just chasing the American dream, and they just need an opportunity and a hand up and a leg up. And it's made me more motivated to serving. I know there's arrows being thrown. That's just the nature of being in politics. If you can't take it, get out of the kitchen. But we need fighters in DC because these people, these career politicians, they haven't done anything for us. They've been there, you know, Jared Gold has been there for six years. Tell me what he's done. Maybe past a couple bills. But when you ask people what he's done, they can't give you a good answer. He voted against border security. He's one of the reasons we have the EV mandate coming down the pipeline. He voted for inflationary spending. And it just motivates me every single day to wake up and get our message out there and get people believing that we can have a better future. - Well, I know the elections on Tuesday. I've managed some of these campaigns and I know how tough it gets. And you're probably running on fumes at this point. So good luck in the final stretch. Austin, if people want to learn more about you or your campaign, where can they go? - Folks can go to Austin for and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. This is gonna be a team effort here. Go out and vote on Tuesday. When the primary's over, let's come together as a party and let's win this thing. Let's push back against the progressives that are trying to ruin our country. - Stay Representative Austin Terrell. He's one of two people running for the nomination to face Jared Golden. They're primary in Maine. If you're in the second congressional district is Tuesday, June 11th. I think early voting, absentee voting is over. So your only option is to vote in person if you're eligible in that election. You are listening to The Howie Car Show. I'm Aaron Chadburn. - How are you car? We'll be right back. (upbeat music) (crowd cheering) - You're listening to The Howie Car Show. - This is The Howie Car Show. I'm Aaron Chadburn, filling in for Howie. Howie will be back on Monday. Have no fear. The judge in the Trump Hush Moneycase, Judge Marshaan, just sent out earlier while we've been on the air. He sent out a memo to both sides of the case, to both lawyers, letting them know that there was a Facebook comment on the court's Facebook page. And it was the day that the opening arguments were being announced to start. There was a comment that said, "My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted, celebration emoji. Thank you folks for all your hard work." Reporting so far is suggesting that it might be a troll who was putting that out there. The judge didn't suggest whether it was legitimate or whether it seemed to be a hoax or a troll, but the judge did send out the memo, which I think is weird. I'm assuming the judge is sending that out to both councils because it's material information that if one of them wanted to file a challenge and say that it was somehow inappropriate and proper, there's probably timing to do that. And I think if Marshawn didn't send it out, that probably would give either side the ability to appeal or to change something later. So that's probably why this memo is going out. Folks on the right are saying, "Look, we knew it, the fix was in from the beginning." And other people are saying, "Oh, this is obviously a hoax, et cetera." I don't know which it was. Taylor, I asked you during the break, you said you thought they'd probably get the same detectives who conducted the investigation at the Supreme Court. - Probably on the SCOTUS decision on-- - Who leaked it? - Yeah, exactly. Yeah, you're not gonna find out which juror this was, or even if this is real, and this is probably the least effective thing to hang an appeal on too. - Yeah, but that's why the judge's getting out there, right? You can't say later that the court, we know, withheld information about it. But even if it's fake, which it probably is, I'm just guessing a lot of stuff on the internet, you see. - I don't know, people are that stupid. - People, that's fair. Back to your view of humanity. - Yeah, and I probably weren't too many Trump supporters lingering around the Facebook page for this trial. I don't know many people on Trump's side that actually paid attention to it while it was going on. - But that's my point, even if this is not true and it ends up being fake, that doesn't mean the fix wasn't in from the beginning. Like the district that you're having the court in, did anyone expect Trump to get a fair trial of jurors that really had an open mind? I mean, I don't know that such a thing really exists. So it's just you have people, you have districts that are more predisposed to liking Trump or disliking Trump based on their voting record. But I don't think anyone expected that in New York City, Donald Trump was, it's like when they try him in Washington, DZ. It's a city where they all equally hate the guy and then they want to put him on trial and say that it's going to be a fair, unbiased jury of his peers, like give me a break. No one thinks it is. So interesting development, it's just breaking so there's not a lot of analysis on it. I don't think it really matters. I think it'll be interesting. Hubbub, do not let it destroy your faith in the American judicial system. There are plenty of other things that can do that. Although the care and retrial, you think the jury, when do you think the jury will get the case? - The judge said yesterday that they should be wrapping up by the end of the month, which is hard to believe, but plausible, I guess. - Are they still only going to do two days of testimony? Is that how it works? - Two days of testimony? - Yeah, is that what they do two days a week? So they've been doing like what? - No, it just alternates based on the judge's schedule and what else she has on the docket because she does have other cases to attend to. Next week, I believe they're going Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. - Well, I mean, I think if they schedule more time, they can move through it more quickly. That's the hard thing and I would think it would be hard for a jury to kind of be in fits and starts in different days and you want to see it go to a smooth conclusion. But I mean, the defense, when it's their turn, like they've got a lot to work with. And I think that should be the interesting part. And they've been doing, I think, a pretty effective job of poking holes in what the prosecution is doing. - Yeah, a big thing right now is getting Michael Proctor to the stand, it's mixed reporting. - Can you imagine that they didn't put Michael Proctor on the stand for the prosecution? - Yeah, it would be very embarrassing. You really have to call him. He's the lead investigator on the case. You've got a, I mean, even if it's just for half a day as the prosecution, you've got to call him to the stand. - And even for whatever reason they chose not to, like it looks suspicious if you're not calling the lead prosecutor. Well, you can stay tuned for more coverage of the Caron Retrial and the Howie Car Show, Howie will be back on Monday. I'm Aaron Chadborn, this is Howie Car. I'm outta here, bye.