The Howie Carr Radio Network

Aaron Chadbourne: Police Blotter Fax Friday | 6.7.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Guest host Aaron Chadbourne and Taylor Cormier tag-team this third Friday hour for Police Blotter Fax.

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07 Jun 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] This podcast is brought to you by Northeast Hair Restoration. Through June, if you book their state-of-the-art PFE Hair Restoration procedure, you'll receive a free laser cap to speed up the healing process and help your new hair grow faster. That's a $3,000 value. Call them today at 1-800-208-HARE, or visit them online at [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. We are three weeks from this debate. What do you think you need to accomplish on that debate stage? Say what I think. Bush. America's like Sergeant Leonard, Sergeant Leonard Lummel, in Jersey. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. You know, Donald Trump often likes to say violent crime is up under our administration. While in fact, violent crime is now near a 50-year low. We are seeing a huge uptick in people committing crimes on squitters. Armed migrant moped crews have been tied to dozens of violent street robberies. Who's your captain, Howie Car? But I'm going to put this country as the shining city on the hill. I am moving forward. I'm not playing the retribution game. It stops with me, and it stops here. What if you took that approach? I'm OK with it. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Car. Yes, it is the Howie Car Show. I'm not Howie Car. I'm Aaron Chadborn, sitting in for Howie. Taylor Cormier, with his sunny disposition, joining me here at the Reigns. Taylor, thanks for being here with us. Partly cloudy at best. I know you asked me on the break. You said, do I give off the vibe that I don't like you? And I said, I think you give off the vibe that you don't like most people. That's not not true. I like people as individuals, but as a group. Yeah, I can take them to leave them. Like Larry, I'm very Larry David-esque. [LAUGHING] I think you make Larry David look sunny. Although, actually, no, he's pretty bad. He's pretty bad, but I can see where you go there. But it's a fair disposition. It's one of the many things I like and admire about you, Taylor. And speaking of things that we admire, what better time than to go to the chump line? [MUSIC PLAYING] [PHONE RINGING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Obviously, Greta gave Dr. Jill the approval for the carbon footprint between Delaware and Normandy. I still don't really understand that she would go on the state visit, come back, and go back. Like, it's ridiculous. Nanny's schedules are crazy, man. [LAUGHING] Hello, Aaron. This is Senator Colin's colleague. You're doing a wonderful job today. It's refreshing to hear a pragmatic, common-sense guest host who is proud to have supported Nikki Haley instead of that awful, awful Trump. You're a good boy, a very good boy. I did not support Nikki Haley. Let me go on the record. I met Governor Haley when we worked as governor of the page offices. We worked with her staff at the Republican Governor's Association. She was a fine governor. She would not be a great president. I did not support her. I did like Vivek, though. Vivek is a friend of mine, someone I thought did a great job. But unfortunately, he wasn't still running by the time we got around to voting here in Maine. [MUSIC PLAYING] Today's chump line is brought to you by Jake Rooney's on the curve in Harwichport, the exclusive home of the Stone Grill Diner. Join me for a live broadcast-- join Howie for a live broadcast June 14 from 3 to 6 at Jake Rooney's. Spend $20. You'll get a free copy of Paper Boy. Reserve your table now by calling 508-430-1100. That's 508-430-1100. Dr. Joe and I, at the honor of commemorating triple D day when smokey Daniels stormed the beaches of Manhattan to defeat Orange Hitler. That's probably-- I wouldn't know how to distinguish that from a real Biden sound cut, to be honest. If all Biden has to do with the debate is to say what he means, it is so over. [LAUGHTER] What I do like when Biden accidentally slips up and says something, and you're like, yep, that's exactly what he thinks. But he doesn't know what he means. He doesn't know what he thinks. He doesn't know where he is. He doesn't know what he's saying. So yeah, go for it, Joe. Yeah, thanks to Hunter Biden. I can't eat spaghetti, meatballs anymore. I can't find any Parmesan cheese anywhere. Fair point. That's the thing that's the weirdest about the Hunter Biden trial. They're using his own words against him. You didn't need to tell everyone. Why did he do it for the royalties, for the book deal? OK, how'd that work out for you, Hunter? Mr. President, what are you going to need most on that debate stage? Come on, man. Depends. No joke. [BLEEP] Depends. Aaron, Governor LaPage calling. I want to thank you again for all the work you did for my administration. Perhaps the best thing you did was run Tucker Taylor out of the state. That weirdo is pretending to be a man or gallivanting around Bangor with a one-man show called Flannel Frank Sing Sinatra. [BLEEP] Taylor, you're invited back anytime. I've been trying to get Steve Demillo to have you up here. We'd love to have you. He just emailed me. We're going to meet up next time I'm in the area. Go ahead. Let's get you up here. See, Governor LaPage, go easy on Taylor. I'm going to a wedding island. I think in 2026 in Portland, so maybe 2027, I'm not sure. We got the invitation three years early. Well, there you go. It takes two years to book Taylor Corbere. Dr. Jill will appear as a character witness for Hunter Biden. Confidential sources say she'll call the prosecutor a lying dog-based police soldier. Have you ever heard Jill like spout off at anyone, though? Like, she always seems sort of like measured and school alarm. I'd like her to pull out a few Bidenisms. Typical Republican, Ronald Reagan, travels into the future, plays your eyes, Joe Biden, point to hockey. Such evil people. Yeah, no notes. Sorry I haven't called it a while, but I've been busy with a Hunter Biden crack type on Burisma payday. The thing too, like after all of the times that Biden was trying to troll Trump about his court appearances and having to be in court, and then for Jill to fly back from France for it, I mean, you really are seeding the high ground. And yeah, of course Biden's not going to it, but he doesn't go to work anyway. So, par for the course. That was your last Trump line message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You can tell it's Friday. That was a long one. Today's Trump line, of course, brought to you by Jake Rooney's on the curve in Harwichport, the exclusive home of the Stone Grill Dinner. Join Howie for a live broadcast on Friday, June 14th from three to six at Jake Rooney. Spend $20 and you'll get a free copy of Howie's book, Paperboy. Reserve your table now by calling 508-430-1100. That's 508-430-1100. Hello, Aaron, this is Senator Collins Calling. You're doing a wonderful job today. It's refreshing to hear a pragmatic, common-sense guest host who is proud to have supported Nikki Haley instead of that awful, awful Trump. You're a good boy, a very good boy. - Did Collins endorse Haley? Is that what happened? I think it might have been. I think that's where that's coming from. Yeah, I don't know. Nikki Haley, I never quite got. One of the things about both DeSantis and Haley is that they were really hoping that lightning would strike. They've done this case of DeSantis, like the early poll numbers and don't believe the polls. This is why you don't believe them. He thought, oh, there's blood in the water. I've got a chance. The donors want me. And he believed his own BS. Nikki Haley, actually, I thought was gonna do the pragmatic thing and wait and make sure that Trump wasn't running before she got in. She said she wasn't gonna run if Trump was running and then she did it anyway, which, again, that makes a liar out of you, which Obama did the same thing, I guess. Obama said he wasn't gonna run. He was gonna finish his time in the Senate, but he couldn't help himself, but it worked out for him. He became president. Nikki Haley must have thought she was as much of a political genius as Barack Obama. But when you're betraying the person that catapulted you to national prominence, that gave you the position at the United Nations, which she left early, by the way, to go make money, which, you know, people need to make a living. Republicans, especially, we can't rely on this ecosystem of nonprofit contracts given out by the government to their friends. We have to actually go work. Okay, fine, she left. But then wait until Donald Trump has run his course. Donald Trump, this whole thing about there even being a competitive Republican primary and us pretending that it was real. Donald Trump was the incumbent Republican candidate. It's like with Joe Biden. There was no real threat and no real primary there, primary voters are with their incumbent. I don't know why. On the left, like I wouldn't, I wouldn't be with Joe Biden. I wouldn't be sticking by him. After you look at everything that Biden and Kamala have done, I couldn't, but you know what? That's what they say about Trump supporters, so fine, okay. But there was never a chance that someone other than Donald Trump was going to be the Republican nominee. So for us to have indulged in this Republican presidential primary cosplay, where we basically treated little kids like they could be real contenders, it would have been a much different race and a different field if Donald Trump weren't in the race. But he is and he was. And so there was never a reason for Nikki Haley or any of the others to be running in the first place. And so I just, oh, like, so no. So I was not a Nikki Haley supporter. And thanks for the soapbox moment to talk about it. When we come back, we'll touch one more time on Karen Reid and we'll get to your calls 844-542. This is the Howie Car Show. I'm Aaron Chadburn. (upbeat music) - The Howie Car Show will be right back. (upbeat music) (dramatic music) - The Howie Car Show is back. (upbeat music) - It is Friday, June 7th on The Howie Car Show. Howie, of course, off being lined and dined and celebrated. And so I'm here filling in. I'm Aaron Chadburn joined by Taylor Cormier. Taylor, thank you for your enthusiasm, for your spirit and for your friendship. - Nobody has ever thanked me for my enthusiasm before. - I know, I'm dripping with sarcasm. But I do appreciate that you're here. I think it's a lot of fun doing a show. And when you have, I listen. The way I got into talk radio is I'm a talk radio super fan. I grew up on Howie Car and Rush and I miss and the greats. And I think you hang in there with them, Taylor. So I always love listening to you and love sharing the airways with you. So thanks for being with us. - Thank you, thanks for being here as well. - Why don't we take a minute to check in our poll question. Today's poll question brought to you by the Burna Less Lethal Pistol Launcher. For those who want a powerful self-defense option without resorting to deadly force, visit to save 10%. That's, All right, Taylor, what is today's poll question and what are the answers thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is, has your opinion of Karen Reid's complicity in Officer John O'Keefe's death changed since the start of the trial? No, my opinion hasn't changed. Yes, I thought she was guilty, but now think she's innocent. Yes, I thought she was innocent, but now think she's guilty. Or I haven't seen enough evidence to decide either way. - I'll tell you the first time I read this question, I was, you know, I was, it was like a logic game and I was trying to figure it out. But I think the answer for me is no, it's the same opinion, but it's stronger now. My opinion is strengthened because I thought before that she was being framed. Now I'm even more confident in it. - 56% say their opinion has not changed. 20% either say yes, I thought she was guilty, but now think she's innocent, or they haven't seen enough evidence. 4% say they thought she was innocent, but now think she's guilty. - Interesting. I mean, it's interesting. I think the trial and being able to see it, and this is the thing about the Trump trial, you couldn't really see the testimony. You could turn on CNN and how you fill up what have people do dramatic readings, but to actually see it and to see how it plays out and put yourself in the mindset of a juror, I think being able to watch it on TV, they need to start letting cameras in these federal courtrooms, I think. 844-542-42, the number here on The Howie Car Show. And of course you can text Howie to 617-213-1066. Let's go to the phones and talk to John. What's going on, John? Do we have you, John? I guess we don't have him, not much going on with John. John couldn't hear you if you're listening, call back. One of the stories I haven't had a chance to get to yet, someone was talking about earlier in the show about Black versus White. You know what's interesting though? There are all these Clarence Thomas stories coming out. There's another hit piece today on how many lavish gifts he accepted from his friends. When there's a successful Black conservative, there are the people on the left that like to say that they're being disloyal to their race by supporting his sort ofs. And Representative Byron Donald is one that's been floated as a potential running mate for Donald Trump. He's been working in the circuit. He went on the Joy Reid Show, which I can't bring myself to watch Joy Reid. So I apologize to whoever had to pull these clips. But he went on the Joy Reid Show. Wait, she has another show aside from the view? (laughing) That's the other Joy, that's Behar, right? Oh, Joy Behar, I'm sorry. I get my Joy's confused. Joy Reid, I think he's on MSNBC. Could be CNN. They read out. Yeah. The readout with Joy Reid. She is on MSNBC and she has Byron Donald on, but whenever he goes to speak, she'll just interrupt him. And he made some dumb comment about the Jim Crow era being positive or something. And sometimes politicians can't help themselves, I think. He meant probably something deep and profound, but he phrased it in context of Jim Crow era being good for Black people, which I think most Black people were like, wait, what? But so he goes on and he's explaining it. And every time he tries to talk, like she wouldn't let him play cut eight. Now I'm going to talk. Do I have a chance to go? Now, you talked about the Black father being, the Black father being in the family and being able to protect the family. First, I wanna read just for our audience, the history. I mean, the definition of Jim Crow, just so we all know what we're talking about. All right, so, oh, can I talk? Can I talk on my own show? Cut nine. So the man in the home during Jim Crow had no rights, could not protect his wife from rape, could not protect his son from lynching. So again, why would you quote that era and say that at that time, the family all being in the home together was something we should think of as a good thing. - Well, first of all, Joy, the story you bring up and you're bringing up is a tragedy. One of the great tragedies of the Jim Crow era. This is why those policies were told to speak. They were disgusting and distasteful. So that era was the benefit of a man in the family. Again, sir, I'm sorry, I've let you talk for a long time. Sorry, I only, no, no, no, no, talk over you. You've gotten a chance to speak a lot. - I'm trying to respond to what you-- - You're gonna answer my question now and not filibuster. Let, no, this is the question you want. This is the question you need to answer. - That's what I'm trying to-- - If black men, hold on. - That's what I'm trying to answer, Joy. - Give me a second, take a breath. Take a breath. If a black man could not protect, it's my show. - It's my show. When you have to say, it's my show, Bill O'Reilly to do it, it's my show. Come off their microphones. And I always think that that's like a side of weakness. Like let them talk. She gave him like three seconds to respond and then says, you've talked plenty. I'm not gonna let you filibuster. And I think it's because they're worried that he's gonna make good points and he's going to be life. So they have to silence him, they can't let him do it. And then I think he's actually quite effective toward the end, play cut 10. - And this is the point of the gaslighting in the line that is occurring with what I said. Don't try to impose the fact that the marriage rates were better in the higher, higher, I wanna be clear, higher in the Jim Crow era to mean that I think Jim Crow was great. That is a lie, that is gaslighting. I would never say such a thing. Which is why I think we're the Jim Crow era. - You brought it up. - You brought it up. - You brought it up. You're the one you brought it up. - Let's give one more question. - I'm gonna try to get a slight like everybody. Let's try to get a slight fight. - But I'm not gonna let you guys like him. - Let's win a fight. - One more thing. One more thing, one more thing. - Kudos to him for being willing to go after her though, right? Kudos to her for being willing to go on MSNBC, to go toe to toe with her, to call her out when they're disagreeing. I think it was great. I think it was masterful. I probably wouldn't go under every show just because those aren't, I mean, you're not gonna get a fair shake, but good for him. It's kind of like when you have, you know, people who judge or others are willing to go on Fox or places where they know maybe they're not gonna be coddled. It's good to put yourself in that and to be willing to speak out. That they do it, like we should be able to do. All right, police, Blogger Facts Friday is coming up when we're back. You are listening to The Howie Car Show. I'm Aaron Chadburn. This is Howie Car. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. - It is Friday here on The Howie Car Show. I'm Aaron Chadburn, filling in for Howie while he's off joined by Taylor Cormier. And because it's Friday, that means it's time for Police Blogger Facts Friday. - Why do you still read the newspaper? I like to keep up on local news, like the Police Blogger. - Whenever the laws of any state are broken, a duly authorized organization swings into action. - A fact! A fact is coming through! Oh yeah, a fact! - Here's the kind of adventure you've been waiting to hear. - Hard-boiled action and mystery. - So stand by for trouble and suspense. - Stand by for adventure. (upbeat music) - And I do wanna give a shout out to the Gorham Times where I grew up, the small town of Gorham and Maine. The police at the Blogger would have, and I used to get it when I was in college, I'd hang it on my door so people could read it. The stories were always about cows being loose on like Moser Road. That was the level of the story that we would get. But the submissions we get here at The Howie Car Show, I think are a little bit different in nature than that, Taylor. - Yeah, we've got a great variety of stories and we've got a lot of runners up, but the two winners that we decide each week, by the way, you can email your submissions to The two winners this week will get a cheaper to deport than support t-shirt from The Howie Car Show store. And by the way, we're still running our Father's Day special at Click store, the special deal is right there. It's the first choice on the page. Click that, select your size of t-shirt, buy a Paper Boy, Paper Back edition of Howie Car's new book, Paper Boy, and you will get a free t-shirt with it as well. Give the book today. - The Paper Boy, Paper Back, I like it. - Yeah, goes together. So these are our runners up. These do not win a prize. Feel free to ask any questions, any comments throughout the entirety of the reading here, Aaron. Please give Mr. Monopoly chance to go directly to jail. After being stuffed into a patrol car, an accused Vandal told police that his name was Mr. Monopoly and that he was born, of course, on 4 20 69. Investigators say Ryan Howard, who was actually 33 years old, was arrested. - I thought you were gonna say Hunter Biden, I was waiting for it. I was waiting for that to be the punchline. - Ryan Howard 33 was arrested Saturday evening for spray painting a wall in St. Pete, Florida. When officers confronted him, Howard had a bag slung over his shoulder containing spray paint cans that could be observed in plain view. - To be fair, at St. Pete, that could be anyone. - Precise, they're all, it's an artistic community, isn't it? Told that he was required to identify himself. Howard was initially mute, but after being detained, Howard stated Mr. Monopoly and provided a date birth of 4 20 1969. Howard was subsequently identified via his main driver's license. In addition to criminal mischief, Howard was charged with resisting a misdemeanor for providing cops with a fake name and date of birth. - You know who oversees the main driver's licenses, Taylor? - Who would that be? - Shenabellos. - That's right. That's right, Ms. Impeech Trump or take him off the ballot. - Unconstitutionally removed Trump from the ballot. Miss unconstitutional decision maker, Shenabellos. And there's a story on the main wire about all these fake social security numbers that are being used when people apply for main driver's license. They're filling out like 9999999. And they're going through. So I wouldn't be surprised if there's some fraud going on in the main bureau of motor vehicles. - Did you or do you still know Mr. Ryan Howard? - Do not. - Also trivia question, do you know Mr. Monopoly's real name? The mascot of the game. - I thought it was Mr. Moneybags. - It's Rich Uncle Pennybags. - Pennybags, I was close. - I think that's his name. Yeah, Rich Uncle, I don't know his first name. I think it's like Harold or something. Don't quote me on that, but it's Rich Uncle Pennybags. We've got a local story here. This is from my alma mater, WBSM, written by my friend, Tim Weisberg. Shout out. Cape Man charged after alleged drunk boating crash on Vineyard. Cape Cod Man has been arrested for operating a boat while allegedly drunk after the boat ran aground on Martha's Vineyard. State police report that on-- - Drunk after? Like he was drunk after or arrested drunk after? - He was allegedly drunk. Well, see now-- - There's one thing tailored to get drunk before you run your boat aground and be arrested after. It's another to, you run your boat aground and then you get drunk. Like I can understand that. - The subject of this sentence in the structure was that the Cape Cod man had been arrested after the boat ran aground and the descriptive is that he was operating a boat while allegedly drunk. - See, for the people out there on Twitter, that thing that you don't like me. I'm trying to prove them right. (laughing) - State police report that on May 31st, at around 940 PM, troopers were notified of a large boat that had run aground on where else, but chap aquatic island. Trooper Zachary Bulkham arrived at the beach and found the stranded vessel a 43 foot hinkly sport boat, 40 sea. The trooper and Edgar town police found two men were on the boat when it crashed. The men said that a navigational error was made, sure. According to state police, Bulkham spoke to the operator of the boat, Riley Blizzard, 32 of Catuit, and immediately recognized signs of impairment. Field sobriety tests were administered because of the results of the test. Blizzard was placed under arrest and transported to Dukes County Jail. He was scheduled to be arraigned in Edgar town district court on charges of operating a boat under the influence of liquor and negligent operation of a boat. - But did they test for a brainworm parasite? - No, and he wasn't given a neck collar to wear after the incident alla Ted Kennedy, and he was treated worse than the illegal immigrants who broke the law to get into this country on Martha's Vineyard. They were put up, Roman board, everything, food, for, you know, almost 48 hours, but he went straight to jail. - He should have claimed that he was seeking asylum and he wouldn't have gone any way to take it off the island. - Paying tribute to Ted Kennedy in some fashion. - Thank you, that. - Next runner up, crossing guard arrested for giving weed to and smoking with middle schoolers. The Pennsylvania School Crossing Guard is accused of providing marijuana to middle school students and smoking with at least one of them. I emphasize Pennsylvania because one of our current employees hails from there. Kiara Lee, 26, was charged with two felony counts of drug possession with intent to deliver, two misdemeanor counts of corruption of a minor and two misdemeanor counts of possession of marijuana. Lee, who worked outside Pennwood Middle School in Darby, Pennsylvania, was reportedly seen given drugs and vapes to at least two students on multiple occasions. - See, in Portland, Maine, I think they would give them a promotion. - And this was according to a student witness, AKA a snatch, who reported the incidents to school officials after one student claimed they had frequently smoked with the crossing guard. I saw her mugshot if you get a chance to look at a Kiara Lee of Pennsylvania. - That's the name of the crossing guard? - Kiara, K-I-A-R-A, Lee, L-E-E. Yeah, it's quite a sight to behold. - Ooh, see her? - Wow, does Emma know her? They're kind of the same age. - Emma, Aaron's asking if you know Kiara. I don't think so. Lee's suspected to have provided the vapes to the juvenile who was known to be in possession of marijuana on multiple occasions, a student's guardian also confirmed to police that her child received vapes and marijuana edibles from Lee. We walk past every day, a student told W-T-X-F, so a lot of students see her passing it around and they would say, "Oh, let me hit the vape. Let me hit the vape." (laughs) - Is this a bonus to using her crosswalk? - I've got to tell you, number one, that is probably the way to be the most popular crossing guard in town. But I'm really a fan of innocent until proven guilty, but looking at this mug shot, like a mug shot, a picture is worth 1,000, like you should be selling a T-shirt with this picture on it. But how he gets back, show him- - We would not sell any T-shirts with that picture on it. - Well, she ugly is what I'm trying to say. She's definitely guilty. Florida, do you have any more comments on that one? - People need to Google this, like normally you're like, "Okay, whatever, how bad could it be?" - Well, they don't have to Google, they can just go to We've got the police blotter stories already up there. All the stories are linked to their original postings, so you can check it out for yourself at - Good plug, Taylor, good job. - Absolutely. Florida woman called 911 on herself during attempted carjacking, so she could do it legally. A Florida woman was arrested after she reportedly called 911 on herself trying to steal a car from a dealership, so she could, quote, "do it legally." Christie Terman, 37, she called the Lee County Sheriff's Office because she wanted authorities to know. Because I'm trying to steal a car that's not legally mine, Terman said during the 911 call, "So y'all better come make a report, I'm reporting this." Deputy has arrived at the dealership a short time later. Does she think it's not a valid, she thinks it's valid as long as the police know about it, I guess. They say they found Terman exiting the driver's side of the stolen Toyota Corolla. - I was about to ask what kind of car it was, but like, isn't that even more lame if you're stealing a Corolla? - Yes, unfortunately. - But you wanna do it legally. - It is. The 37-year-old told deputies she was being trained in a game of black ops to steal a car, but called authorities to make her carjacking legal. According to the Sheriff's Office, Terman was arrested and is facing trespassing charges. This is the failure of American schools that people think that if I call the police, then it makes what I'm doing legal. Because I think here's the logic. She thought if I'm the one that reported stolen, then it becomes my car. - I, something tells me she is giving voices in her head. - Yeah, don't do meth. - Exactly. Police plotter facts Friday is brought to you by Northeast hair restoration. Usually how he would be here and he would be in his laser cap. Have you seen Howie and his laser cap, Aaron? - I've seen it on the rumble cam. - Yes, he would wear it at this time because he got it from the PFE hair guys, Northeast hair restoration to encourage continued growth and filling out of his already luscious hair that he received from Northeast hair restoration and the great doctors there. If you book a hair restoration in May or June, you too will get this cap valued at $3,000. So you've got the rest of this month to book your appointment. Contact them today at or call 1-800-208-HARE. Do we wanna go to a break or do you wanna hear one more runner up? - Let's do one more runner up and then we'll take a break and we'll come back with it. - Jura says someone left her bag with $120,000 cash and promise of more if she'll acquit. This is in Minneapolis, a Jura was disciplined. - She should have reported the bag of cash stolen then she could legally claim it. - Mm. - Only in Florida. - Maybe. A Jura was dismissed Monday after reporting that a woman dropped a bag of $120,000 in cash at her home and offered her more money if she would vote to acquit seven people charged with stealing more than $40 million from a program meant to feed children during the pandemic. - Honestly, that's probably cheaper for them than paying their legal fees. I now see it, I see the logic. - During the trial that began in April, Defense Attorney's questioned the quality of the FBI's investigation suggested that it might be more of a case of record-keeping problems, yeah, $40 million, a record-keeping problem. The seven initial defendants were affiliated with a restaurant that participated in the food aid program. Those willing, those still awaiting trial include feeding our futures founder, Amy Bach, who has pleaded not guilty and denied any wrongdoing. Now, did they do the record-keeping in furtherance of a federal crime to influence the outcome of an election? 'Cause that I've heard is a felony. - That, yes, 34 times you can get charged with that. - Well, $40 million, I would think it would be a lot more times that you could be charged with that. - Just once, the 23-year-old Jura said she immediately turned over the bag of cash to police loser. She said a woman left it with her father-in-law's Sunday with a message that she'd gotten another bag of cash she voted to acquit according to a report in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. So, there was another story out this week. I didn't print it up, but- - I just wanna say, if anyone wants to give me $120,000 bag of cash, I will not call the police about it. - And the caveat was, you'll get more if you vote to acquit, but this was just a gift, right? - Yeah, well, you would have claimed it as a gift. - And you get more, I'll just say no. I forgot I had it, it was in my back. - Did you see the story of the people? - I think they were in Florida, they were, maybe not Florida, they were somewhere, and they were magnet fishing in a river, and they pulled up a safe, and they claimed they found $100,000 inside, or worth of whatever, but they went- - You lost me on magnet fishing. So, they just are dropping magnets. - They get these high-powered magnets, and they'll stand at a bridge or the shores of a river or something. - Where was this? - I forget where, I'll have to look it up during the bridge. - This is a thing people do? - Yeah. - Like the people that have the magnet detectors, like the metal detectors, like that kind of- - Metal detectors, yeah, the magnet fishing. - You never know what you're gonna pull up. Usually people pull up guns or old World War II ordinance or something like that, but occasionally you'll get a safe full of cash, or jewels, or silver coins, whatever, but they were stupid, and they reported it, and you don't report something like that. - Isn't the whole point of fishing with the magnet thing to find things that you get to keep, not to turn into the police? - Exactly. - I don't get it. You know, Tyler, I do wanna go to break, but my dad would kill me if I don't mention him, because that's why he listens when I'm on radio. He says, "Oh, you haven't brought me up." - Sounds like a loving father. - Always the favorite part of his show when I do mention him, but I will tell you, the other day I went to his house and his freezer was full, and I said, "Dad, what's going on here?" He goes, "You'll never believe what I got from Omaha Steaks." Now, he lives by himself, and so he likes to grill, and he likes to have them. And the great part about Omaha Steaks is it does come, you can keep it frozen, you can cook whatever portion that you want, and he loves it. - Oh, it's fantastic. I mean, I buy this stuff for myself. It's wonderful working here at The Howie Car Show, because that's your birthday present. A box stuffed with Omaha Steaks products. And Father's Day, it's perfect. Your dad already got his, but he wouldn't be displeased if you got him another box of Omaha Steaks. If you're struggling to find the perfect gift for the man who has everything, the solution is simple. Give him the unforgettable experience of Omaha Steaks, because a world-class dad deserves a world-class steak. The Father's Day experts at Omaha Steaks have made it easy to put a smile on the big guy's face. We don't mean Joe. With hand-selected gift packages starting at just $89 when you go to and use promo code Howie at checkout. You make these selections at your local grocery store. You're going to be paying a lot more than just $89. For $89, you get a box full of meat. It's great. With Omaha Steaks, the possibilities are endless, endless flavor, endless variety, and endless value. Truly, they have perfected more than steak, and your dad is guaranteed to love every bite. Pick from premium proteins like the Juicy Pork Chops, air chilled chicken, and beefy burgers. Time's running out. Don't wait until the last minute. Go to and use promo code Howie at checkout and shop for unforgettable gifts that are guaranteed to make dad's day, because if there's one thing Omaha Steaks knows, it's that dad's want steak. I'm a dad. I can attest to that. Visit today in shop packages, starting at just $89 when you use promo code Howie at checkout. Go now before it's too late. Leave a message for the big guy. Call the chumpline. 844-542-442. Press 2 and leave your message. Then listen every weekday at 5 to catch the best messages of the day. One of them may be yours. [MUSIC PLAYING] He's Howie Carr, and he's back. We are back on The Howie Carr Show. I'm Aaron Chadborn, Inver Howie. It's police blotter, Facts Friday. We had all the runners up. Let's get to the winners, Taylor. Yes, our first winner is Texas Man 60, cops to placing store antiques inside his rear end. A kilt wearing Texas man pleaded guilty to taking merchandise from antique stores, shoving the items up his rectum before returning them to display shelves. Mitchell Vest, 60 cop to criminal mischief in connection with vile incidents earlier this year. It shops in spring, a Houston suburb. As a part of the plea deal, the 6 foot 6, 250 pound vest was sentenced in Harris County Criminal Court to 12 months probation. He's a first time offender. According to police, Vest visited one store and placed a makeup brush and a restoration hardware piece in his rear end before placing them back on the shelf for display. The owner of a second business, the Curiosity Shop, appropriately named, told cops that Vest took an antique bottle opener and a tobacco tent can, placed them into his rear end under his green skirt/kilt, then returned the items to the shelf. It also sounds like a story that could have come from the Hunter Biden memoir. Yes. And we have one more winner, anti-Trump cross-dressing man smashes car into county jail before hurling snakes and shouting, the devil told me to kill everyone. Side note, I assume that everyone who is anti-Trump is a cross-dresser. A homeless man wearing women's clothes intentionally rammed his car into the side of a county jail in Florida Monday night before reportedly embarking on a rant about Donald Trump. Joseph Leedy, 40 years old, stands accused of four counts of aggravated assault. Surveillance footage show the suspect driving from the Martin County Jail parking lot up the walkway through its glass lobby doors. He was stopped by a set of steel security doors. But once he was partway inside, he started throwing snakes. As one does, throw the snakes. You're listening to The Howie Car Show. I'm Aaron Chadford. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)