The Howie Carr Radio Network

Aaron Chadbourne: Could Karen Read be GUILTY? This caller thinks so | 6.7.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Guest host Aaron Chadbourne has been following the New England trial of the year (decade?): the Karen Read trial. The callers may not agree with Taylor and Aaron, so tune in to hear their counterarguments!

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07 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." We are three weeks from this debate. What do you think you need to accomplish on that debate stage? Say what I think. Bush. America is like Sergeant Leonard. Sergeant Leonard Loma in Jersey. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. You know Donald Trump often likes to say violent crime is up under our administration. While in fact violent crime is now near a 50-year low. We are seeing a huge uptick and people committing crimes on Squares. Armed migrant moped crews have been tied to dozens of violent street robberies. Who's your captain? HowieCar. But I'm going to put this country as the shining city on the hill. I am moving forward. I'm not playing the retribution game. It stops with me and it stops here. What if you took that approach? I'm okay with it. Rum swabs, hacks and moonbaits beware. It's HowieCar. This is the HowieCarShow. Howie is off today. I'm Aaron Chadborn, sitting in for Howie 844-542-42, the number here. Textor says, "As we sit here in Normandy, where so many brave soldiers and sailors lost their lives, we know that your son Hunter never had that chance because he was drummed out of the Navy for being a druggy." Good point. That's a great point, 508. It, I mean, it was, what did they say? It wasn't a dishonorable discharge. It was an administrative discharge because he tested positive. Hunter did for cocaine. And so they had to kick him out of the Navy for that reason. I mean, that is a good point. We talk all the time about Hunter is this great role model. It really turned his life around. But he's really an embarrassment. And that's why I was saying earlier, you know, Naomi being on the stand, it does remind me though, when you look at even the Karen Reed case, where at the beginning, they started by bringing the family members of the victim up on the stage to kind of distract. That's the same thing they're doing in the Hunter Biden case, bringing on Naomi to kind of distract from the image that you have of Hunter Biden as this degenerate, quite honestly. 844-542-42. I'm Aaron Chadburn. Let's go to the phone lines and talk to Warren. What's on your mind, Warren? A couple things about young Hunter and a couple other points about the father. When the president was asked about his son's business, he said, "I've never had anything to do with my son's business." Now, we learn from the Clintons to about a reasonable language, pay very close attention to the use of words. In fact, Biden said, "Nothing to do with my son's business. His son doesn't have a business other than art. It's Joe's business altogether that Hunter was simply an employee of, if you will. He was compensated," and all that. Also, we heard in the news over the last couple months or longer that the pistol that, apparently, I remember hearing Hunter got rid of the pistol in the dumpster and it was near his school. You don't hear that mentioned. I don't know. Did you hear the testimony of the other day? The testimony of the other day, and I don't know if it was the same pistol they're talking about, but Bo's widow who then Hunter was hooking up with his dead brother's widow, she said she threw the gun away. Again, remember when Joe paid her a visit and, "Oh, nothing to see here. He was just visiting her on the anniversary?" She's now saying she took the gun and threw it away because she was worried that Hunter might hurt himself. What do you think of that? Maybe, I think some pressure might have been applied. Who knows? Bribery threat. Who knows? Humans can be manipulated. Again, you're just confirming my theory of why Jill is in the courtroom. She's there to intimidate. I like to read her dissertation sometime. I don't want to take it's face value, but I'll be able to evaluate myself how stalactically sound it really is and if it's just acceptable. I mean, the use of the word "doctor" and Dr. Jill and what they're requiring of us is really... I'm tired of it. I'm tired of this double standard for Fauci, for Jill Biden, for everyone else, everyone other than you and me, Warren. I think it's a Warren. Thanks for the call, Warren. We'll go next to Anthony. Welcome to the Howie Car Show. Aaron, how you doing? Great. Good. I just want to bring up some real quick. It makes me furious with all this decisively division that that moron creates of equity and black and white and so forth. My son, serve the Mount Marines, went over to McGazee, what's he'll team two on the night off to take out the orchestrated McGazee. Had a firefight RPG. She got out of there. Fortunately, high-end tag had gone away. My daughter just got out of the Navy. My son-in-law is Air Force Special Operations. He just got back to the Middle East and he was at the Abbey Gates with the two Marines. The female Marines would leave him and exploded when he got back to his barracks. He just got missed by that. My whole point is, all our military and my kids, a conservative family, which we're in, but they're colorblind. They don't care who they're helping or whatever, on missions or whatnot. To group everybody together as MAGA and their extremists and whatnot, my kids grew up. We're a conservative family. My son is so sick of the device of this. He served. He doesn't even want to vote. He's like, "My vote ain't going to count." He goes, "What good is it?" That's where the attitude is now of a military. My daughter is the same thing. She's like, "I'm sick of it." I just feel bad that they're grouped in. My son-in-law actually put their lads on the line, firefighting. It's a war zone. It just makes me sick. Absolutely. Thanks for the call, Anthony. First of all, thank you to your family members. Sounds like so many of them have heard that call of service and are willing to don the uniform, put themselves in harm's way. That is to really be respected and appreciated, but you're absolutely right to feel that way and to feel sick and what we've come to and what we're defending. It's hard to stomach sometimes. I think there are a lot of people who have served recently in recent conflicts who are looking at the leadership in the top ranks of our military across every branch, at the Pentagon, in the Biden administration, and even before. I think Trump talking about the woke generals and how we've lost sight on what matters. Not only that, you have this generation. I talked about this before with Colonel Hunt. You have this generation of generals that are now in leadership positions who've never seen victory. They don't even know what victory would look like because they define missions that don't have a conclusion. The war on terror will never really be over or won. We don't even know what we're talking about anymore, and I mean, we'd have this generation of military leadership that they haven't seen victory. They haven't had a clearly defined mission, and they keep getting promoted by failing up. That's how we got General Austin, who is now Secretary of Defense. It's what makes our country a less safe place, and it really diminishes the sacrifices and the service of the people that are willing to risk their lives on behalf of this country. So certainly accept and certainly appreciate that. I do want to go further into Hunter Biden. We'll do a little bit more of that when we come back before that though. Taylor, I had this experience the other day where I had to buy new sheets for my bed. And so I went online and I read reviews and I went to Wirecutter and I bought them from LL Bean up here in Maine thinking they were the best. 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And they say sometimes on security footage, that's how it's recorded, but usually in playback, it plays back the way that it's supposed to be. And even if it wasn't flipped in order to be deceptive, although I bet that it was, it should be explained as what it is when you present it to the jury. And after all of the cross examination on it, there were no, and all the direct questioning, there was no acknowledgement that it was flipped. So that really the driver side looked like the passenger side, the passenger side, like the driver side. And I think it was done deceptively in order to confuse the jury in order to kind of create a different narrative. And I think it's definitely created reasonable doubt. It's definitely created a stronger perception that that something fishy is up here. And that brings us to today's poll question. Today's poll question is brought to you by the burn up less lethal pistol launcher. For those who want a powerful self defense option without resorting to deadly force, visit burn a dot com slash howie to save 10%. That's b y r n a dot com slash howie. Taylor, what is today's poll question? And what are the responses less far today's poll question, which you can vote in at is, has your opinion of Karen Reed's complicity in officer John O'Keefe's death changed since the start of the trial? No, my opinion hasn't changed. Yes, I thought she was guilty, but now think she's innocent. Yes, I thought she was innocent, but now think she's guilty. Or I haven't seen enough evidence to decide either way. I think I've got to go with it hasn't changed. I'm going to say no, because that's what was accurate. Like I thought I thought the same before. However, I've become more convicted because now you see that there's actually evidence of what I always suspected 56% say their opinion has not changed. 20% say either yes, they thought she was guilty, but now think she's innocent or they haven't seen enough evidence to decide either way. Only 4% say yes, I thought she was innocent, but now think she's guilty. You can weigh in 844-542-4242 or text howie to 617-213-1066. So do you think, Taylor, that they reversed the video in order to be deceptive and then added the the timestamp to it? Is that what you think they did? I'm not sure. Do you think that's how it came out and they were like, Oh, we'll take advantage of this? I'm really not sure because there are other inconsistencies with a video that it skips around. It looks like there are jump starts, right? There's like that. But that's also from what I've read a fairly, I'm not going to say fairly common, but somewhat common practice, especially when you're trying to save room on a hard drive and you want to collect more, you want to have more of a backlog of surveillance, you'll set it to record in five second intervals. So every other five seconds it's recording what's going on in that room or wherever the camera is situated. So I think that kind of explains the jumpiness of it. But I'll be interested to see what they've got to bring in somebody from Kenton PD to explain a lot of what was going on and what the state police had access to throughout the entirety of this investigation. The piece of evidence I thought was more compelling yesterday was the ring camera footage of Karen Reed's driveway or John O'Keefe's driveway. And that was the morning of the January 29th when Karen Reed was backing out to go look for John. And it shows very clearly and Alan Jackson got trooper Buchanan to admit that yes, she, her vehicle, the right rear of her vehicle did come into contact with John O'Keefe's parked car in the driveway before she took off going to look for the missing John O'Keefe. So they slowed it down and they enhanced it so you can actually see the car move. Right, right. So I think that is where the initial damage to her taillight came in where everybody said it was cracked. All of the evidence from Jen McCabe and Karen Reed said her taillight was cracked, not smashed or shattered as the McCabe stories have changed to afterwards. So I think there was some damage that a lot of people pounced on and enhanced in order to craft their story. The thing is that has never made sense to me about this. If she ran him over the car, don't you think there would be more substantial damage? I'll tell you right here at the WJN studio in South Portland, Maine, where I'm broadcasting remotely from. I've actually loved tap this little, you know, it was a cement thing. I just in the parking lot, I just wasn't paying attention to how I was pulling out and just barely made contact and it crushed my front side of my car. And it was barely any contact. To tell me that you ran over a human and the only damage is a cracked taillight, like it doesn't make any sense to me. Well, even going at 23, 24 miles an hour and hitting somebody in the head, I don't think that would be enough to shatter a taillight. I could be wrong, but a lot of the taillights today, I mean, they're not like the taillights that they were in the 90s. And this isn't a little flimsy Toyota. This is, this is, well, I mean, it is a Toyota. It's a Lexus, but it's, it's a luxury vehicle with, you would think stronger components than, say, a base model Toyota Corolla. So I don't think that hitting John O'Keefe, which he would have had to have been in an awkward position, like bending down in order to, for the taillight to strike him on the head, which is the only part that I would think would shatter a taillight, maybe an elbow, but again, you would see a lot more substantial injuries to John from that strike, a vehicle strike than, than he has. But they literally have evidence of her backing her car into another car that day. Like, like, like, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck. You know, if you hear hoof prints, think of horses, not zebras, the fact that they're saying that it was caused by, by her backing into him in a way that's implausible versus backing into the thing that we have video of her doing. I mean, that's what really makes all of it correct. That's why I think it strengthens the opinion that they're, they're going out of their way to really try to, to start this thing. There were allegations that Karen Reed had manipulated the ring video so that, you know, herself, she couldn't be seen backing out or, or that certain keyframes were deleted. But Officer Trooper Buchanan confirmed yesterday on the stand to Alan Jackson that the ring corporation said there was no apparent manipulation of, of any of the records of her ring video. Didn't he also say that he didn't necessarily ask for all of the video? Like, it was a very bizarre, I thought. Yeah, he asked for a certain timeframe, I think just a couple of days forward, a couple of days afterwards of the incident, John O'Keefe's death. Do you like Buchanan? Like, he seems to me like he drew the short straw of having to go up and like, sell this story. Like he, and he seemed uncomfortable. He doesn't give great kind of confidence that he's telling you the truth when you see him. And remember, the defense only needs reasonable doubt here. And I think they have it in spades. Oh, yeah, it's been piled upon any, any aspect of the prosecutions, allegations. There is, I think, reasonable doubt to every single aspect. And, and there are things that stand out like a sore thumb. Like, why does Jen McCabe Google at 207 or in the morning or whatever it is, hoslong to die in the cold? That still hasn't been explained. No, Matt, even if you do come up with a strong argument for Karen Reed's guilt, it still doesn't explain why Jen McCabe googled that, yet everybody claims they never saw a body on the front lawn of the Albert house. I mean, it doesn't, it doesn't pass the straight face test. Do we have time for a call or do we need to go? We can take one after the break. All right, if you're on the home lines, I know they're, they're piling up eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, the number here at the Howie car show. If you're calling in, stay tuned, we'll do calls after we come back. I mean, the Karen Reed case has captivated people because it is, it's beyond belief. There's so much impropriety there. It definitely seems like it must be some sort of conspiracy. Some cover up. I'm Aaron Chadborn. This is Howie Carlin. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42, the number here on the Howie car show. I said we would get to the phone lines right after the break and now we're back. So that's what we'll do. I'm Aaron Chadborn in for Howie. Let's go to the phones and talk to Stephanie. What's on your mind, Stephanie? Hi, Aaron. I've just been following the case and I know this is a pretty conservative talk show and I'm pretty middle of the road myself. I don't think they have enough to convict her. There's definitely reasonable doubt, but I do believe she hit him by accident. I think she probably backed out the next morning and hit the car again because she was still drunk and flustered and nervous, but I just think that 60 or so people have this cover of his dominant reason to me. It does. I think we're losing her signal, Stephanie, but thanks for the call. We'll let all the perspectives in. Well, she's still on the line, I think. Can I ask her a question? Yeah, go ahead. Stephanie, how would you explain Jen McCabe's Google search of how long to die in the cold at two in the morning? Stephanie, call back. We will talk to you again when you have a stronger signal because I think Taylor and others have questions about how you explain some of the elements because there's a lot to go. And by the way, I don't think it needs to be a huge conspiracy. I think if you have a small group of people that get together and agree and then they're in, they're committed because once they, once they crack, you don't want to be the last one. So that I mean, if it's a small group, I think it works. I doubt that everybody who is part of this so-called cover-up allegedly knows to the full extent of what they're being used for. They're just told, hey, when you go to the crime scene, just pick up what you see. Maybe somebody planted it earlier and they just brought it in. I don't know, but it just seems, everything seems to be too convenient for the prosecution's witnesses. 844-542-42. Let's go to Tom on the care and regays. Go ahead, Tom. Hey, oh, yeah. Good. Good to hear from you, Tom. What's up? Uh, question for you guys. How do you explain in the video that the word police on the front of the car is inverted? The video is inverted. That's the thing. I understand that. That's why. Well, so obviously they inverted it because they did it and then they added the timestamp on it afterwards because everything would have been inverted. Yeah, no, I think I've read, though, that sometimes on security cameras, that's how the security camera image process is. So the image that's recorded is actually recording it inverted like that. And so with the software, whatever, is adding the timestamp, it could be how it was recorded. Like the cameras constantly in selfie mode. Yeah, right. If you ever film yourself in selfie mode, but then when you play it back, it plays back not inverted, right? You see actually how it is. So that's the difference here. And maybe, maybe it was like, if you wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, you could say, okay, maybe that's how the recording was made. And that's how it was. But at the very least, you need to explain that to a jury. It's malpractice for a prosecutor or whoever's introducing that video in the evidence, not to explain to the jury what they're actually seeing because it looks like you're looking at the passenger side. And they were trying to pass it off that way. And I don't know if it's because their case is so weak or because they thought this would help them out, or maybe they're just incompetent. Like they're either malicious or they're incompetent. It's one or the other. What do you think, Tom? Well, what I think is, you can't give them the benefit of the doubt. They're expecting the benefit of the doubt on too many things. And how many times do you think that when you get arrested for OUI and they videotape you at a police station, that the OUI field test or the way they could picture that your defense of jury, that you're drunk, is inverted? Absolutely not. So that's the only camera in the police station that's inverted. That's the end. Thanks for the call, Tom. I've also seen other people point out that there's another camera mounted that would have had the clear angle, but there's no video of that. Is that something you've heard Taylor? I've heard that there is missing video in a lot of different places, so it wouldn't surprise me. But there shouldn't be. There shouldn't be lots of different things that go missing, especially when you're in a high profile case, especially given the parties that are involved here. This is the case that you'd think you would be trying to actually keep track of the video and not have it go missing. And there are just too many coincidences. Let's go next to Gene on Karen Reid. Go ahead, Gene. Hi. The one thing I mean, I don't, this is just, I just saw this the other day. The clothing that he was wearing, why isn't that brought up yet? It looks like he was attacked by a dog. Why do you think they got rid of the dog? Huh. Taylor, do you have a thought on that? Yeah, his clothes were introduced this week into evidence and the pictures were shown, and there are puncture marks on the sleeves of his shirt of his right arm where he had scratches that not only puncture, but show that something tore away from it upon its release. That's what's indicated. So I would say that is consistent. I'm not a forensics expert, and I don't play one on the radio, but it looks like a pretty heavy dog bite to me. Yeah, good point. I think that makes sense. That's why I think there's so much reasonable doubt here. And Gene, thanks for that point. I appreciate you calling in with it. 508 says, "I've seen inverted lettering on the front of emergency vehicles, so it's readable in a rearview mirror." Yeah, I'm an ambulance so that you'll pull aside for it. But this was actually the rear of an antique police car. Antique, I think that's the other important thing. And there are other clues that it is inverted, and they did admit to on the scene. Do we have Stephanie back? Taylor? Yeah, I'm back. All right, go ahead, Stephanie. Sorry that we lost you. Taylor, you had a question for Stephanie? I'm sorry. Yeah, so Stephanie, how would you explain, if you think Karen Reed is guilty and that she did hit him with his car, how would you explain Gene McCabe's? So we did it. How would you explain Gene McCabe's Google search? I would say that's probably a mistake with the timing or some kind of computer error. But quite frankly, they were all drunk out of their minds, and they're not that smart to pull off something like that. Many people cannot pull off that with nobody knowing. You have that family, you have people who weren't involved, you have the police, you have the EMTs, you have the doctors. So do you discount all of their cell phone records, everything that they say was a butt dial or all these picked up calls? I believe they threw their phones out. I believe they are crooked. I believe they're hiding something, but it's not killing her. Made it involved in something nefarious. I believe they were, but I don't believe they killed her, killed him. I will never believe that unless something comes out. But from what I've seen, no, in the state has not proven their case, messed it up totally. And it's unfortunate because the man is dead, and I believe she really cared about it and loved him. I believe she was drunk. I believe she hit him. She probably doesn't even know she hit him. And then when she was back at her house, she was worried, she backed out of her house and probably hit something else. She was lost her and still drunk. She could play. That makes more sense to me than a bunch of people trying to cover up or murder. It doesn't make sense to me, but people like a good conspiracy, but those people aren't smart enough to pull that off. I don't think they're smart. It's a very thing. It's a belief that a lot of people hold when talking about a lot of conspiracies is that they're doomed to fail because people either aren't smart enough to pull them off or someone will squeal. I think you're right, though. There are a lot of things that don't make sense here, Stephanie. So appreciate your humility that even with your belief that she's guilty, there's still the case has them improvement. And there's a lot of stuff that doesn't add up. Thanks for the call, Stephanie. And thanks for calling back. We'll take one more call. Let's go to Michelle. Michelle, you're on the Howie Car Show. Okay. Thank you. As far as the Google search calls, they had somebody testify on the stand. He was either a techie or a Google search expert or whatever, but he testified that if you go into Google and do a search, it drew something in the morning, which is what she did. She said looking for her daughter's basketball teams and everything, that if you don't get out of it, and then you pull it up again to go in at 6.30, it will show that those calls were made at 2.27 and not 6.30 in the morning. But he so he anyway, they said that if if she didn't delete out of it and and went and and made another search at 6.30, that first search will show us 1.27 and then she said she had a problem with the spelling. So it sounds like she went in for another search and that's why the other one shows six, six something, whatever it was. But they did clarify that 2.27 search. They explained it away because that was the one thing I was wanting up on because I think she's guilty. I think they I don't I don't think correct me if I'm wrong, Aaron, you may know or may not, but I don't think they've had a Google search expert on the stand yet. I haven't seen it. So if they have, I think a lot of people in the news have probably given opinions on it and that might be what you're thinking. And I doubt very much that a search at 6.30 would retro fit a search at 2.27. Plus, especially if you're using Google and you're using actual records, not like when you can change your clock on your own. And they made it so much harder to do that. I think Michelle keep an open mind as we go into the trial. You may know, but I think Michelle's point and thanks for the call, Michelle. I think the Michelle's point is that you can't like the arguments they're making are dumb that like, Oh, the timestamp was manipulated. Like it'll still record when you searched it and it'll tell you the first time and it'll tell you when it was done. So I think the the timestamps are probably reliable. 207 text in about the video recording says that they install security care as someone who installs security cameras, most of them will automatically fix the image. But there's the option to then invert them after they're recorded to get the raw recording. So it'll revert back and and it'll leave the timestamp on. So someone might have asked for the raw recording or they might have had it. They might have changed the settings. So that's what they were given. So many explanations will we'll talk more about it coming up in the next hour. We'll revisit. You know, Taylor, I've been trying to get you to come up to me and perform last night. I was at Vinegar Hill in a rundle seeing the deep blue sea studio orchestra. They have a great summer concert, summer performance. It was a lot of fun. And someone there in the audience recognized me and I knew me from when I worked for Paula Page. So she loves to hear me fill in for Howie and Grace. And she said, I bet when I listen to you tomorrow, you're going to talk about the Eden pure air purifier because you always say how much you like it. And I said, I am going to talk about it because I do swear by it. It's something I use when I'm selling a house where there's an odor of moisture or pet or cigarette. It works wonders. And so yes, I am going to talk about it. You will hear that. And I think you swear by them as well. Yeah, it's very invaluable, especially in your field, but also if you own your home and you have smells, maybe you have somebody coming over and they, I don't know, light up a cigar like it's 1964 in your household. You can get rid of the cooking smells or pet odors. The Eden pure thunderstorm takes care of all of it. And another thing to think about is allergies. Allergy season is here. I saw Paula blowing around like snow drifts in the parking lot earlier today. You need the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier three pack to help deal with allergens as well. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another three with code Howie three. He uses them in both his home and office and he also buys them as gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Henshey, he owns the noss at beach in. He has one in every single room freshening the rooms all the time, keeping them odor free. Dr. Matt the vet swears by them as well. Not only does it help with pollen in your home, but with a USB cable, you can use it in your car as well. If you like to keep your windows open like I do, I get a coating of pollen across my dashboard. And I need the Eden pure thunderstorm to help out with that as well. Every time you open that door to your home or car, pollen comes inside and it can give you itchy eyes, a sore throat, or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside of your car with the thunderstorm air purifier. The Eden pure three pack is small enough to hold in your hand. It doesn't take up a lot of room. It doesn't take up any floor space. Just plugs right into the wall. You don't need filters, and that saves you time and money. For pet odors, cooking smells, tobacco, musty basements, pollen. You need the Eden pure thunderstorm three pack. It's back in stock now. Order now at Use code howey and the number three. That's the number three howey three. Get yours now. code howey three. Got a great cop story? Email it to policeplotter at and listen to police plotter facts Friday every Friday at 5 30. Your story could win you a great prize from the Howey Car Show store. Howey Car is back. We are back on the Howey Car Show. I'm Aaron Chadborn in for Howey 844-542-42. There's a story in the main wire today that I wanted to read just because I thought it was interesting and it reminds me of something we played in the intro from Vice President Kamala Harris. The headline is illegal Aryan rapist with active warrants in Iowa arrested in Maine after Canada kicked him out. Eric Nagrimba, originally from the Republic of Congo according to Somerset County Sheriff's Office, was arrested last month at the Maine-Canada border and is being held without bail at the Somerset County Jail. As the District Attorney's Office pursues in order to have an extradited to Iowa over active warrants related to a sexual assault conviction. Eric Nagrimba was delivered into the custody of Somerset County Sheriff's Office after the Royal Canadian Mounted Police dropped him at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Jackman Station. The Royal Canada Mounted Police informed a sheriff's deputy that he had an active arrest warrant out of Iowa for a sexual assault conviction which also led to the revocation of his Canadian visa. So he got a visa. He was wanted for sexual assault in Iowa. He snuck across the border in the Canada. Canada picked him and did they hold on to him? Did they give him, you know, fair treatment? Were they compassionate? Did he claim asylum? No, they dropped him back off at the United States. They brought him back home. I've long said, you know what? We don't need to have conservative policies on immigration. Let's just do what Canada does. Canada is held up as this great international citizen. They have sensible immigration policy where they can actually control who they led into their country. Someone called up talking about OUI's and the standards there. If people get an OUI in the U.S. you can't get into Canada for like 10 years. There are a lot of standards they have where they actually regulate who comes into their country. Do you have that clip of Kamala Harris talking about crime stats? You know Donald Trump often likes to say violent crime is up under our administration while in fact violent crime is now near a 50 year low. First of all, no one believes her. No one believes it. We all you have to do is read the news, watch TV, look at your experience, look at the denigration of the cities and the communities that we all live in. But here's where they get you. It's that they're manipulating the statistics. Violent crime is down if you don't charge and prosecute the people that commit them. And that's where like the control of government statistics and the people that have this agenda are really out to kind of change history by altering the facts. Like just because you Soros funded prosecutors decided not to charge violent criminal offenders doesn't mean the crime didn't happen. The violence took place. You don't erase it with the statistics. Am I losing my mind Taylor? Like does this seem like this is this is insane? No, you're right on track. They're not arresting these people. They're just letting them walk out of the stores with their arms full of merchandise. People are getting beat up on the street and nobody's been caught for it. And so these crimes don't get reported as statistics. I didn't mean to ask you to agree with me because that person on Twitter said they thought you didn't like me. I didn't mean anything. We are actually friends in real life. People don't know that. Yeah, sure. But I mean, this is the thing with like the illegal immigration. It's it's and the crime. And when Trump talks about it, when he talks about the people that are coming into this country, that you know, there are a lot of people that are not criminals that are not going to commit crimes that are coming here because they want a better life. I get that. I get why certain people in desperation would do whatever they could to get into the United States. And also in addition to those well-meaning, well-intentioned people whose first act of coming into this country is to break the law, which I don't like. In addition to those people, you have a lot of bad actors and you do have a lot of countries who are sending their they're they're they're opening their jails. They're sending their violent offenders and they're sending them here because it's easier to have the U.S. deal with them through compassionate release than to deal with it in your own country. Both things can be true. And I think that the people that try to weaken or demean Donald Trump and his tough on immigration stance, they're muddying the waters. They're trying to tell you not to believe what you're experiencing, what your neighbors are experiencing, what your family is experiencing. They're telling you don't don't believe it. Don't believe it. Look, the numbers are going in the right direction. Well, you've cooked the books. You've cooked the books by going soft on crime. You've cooked the books on catch and release. You've cooked the books when you just don't bring the charges in the first place. Like, what they try to do with Hunter? If he hadn't had that crazy deal, we wouldn't even know about it. I'm Aaron Chadburn. This is the Howie Car Show.