The Howie Carr Radio Network

Aaron Chadbourne: Dr. Phil sits down with The Donald | 6.7.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Filling in for Howie is Aaron Chadbourne from the Portland, Maine, area. Aaron covers everything from the Karen Read trial up here in New England to the Hunter Biden trial down in Delaware.

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07 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. We are three weeks from this debate. What do you think you need to accomplish on that debate stage? Say what I think. Bush. America's like Sergeant Leonard. Sergeant Leonard Loma. New Jersey. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. You know Donald Trump often likes to say violent crime is up under our administration, while in fact violent crime is now near a 50-year low. We are seeing a huge uptick in people committing crimes on squish. Armed migrant moped crews have been tied to dozens of violent street robberies. Who's your captain? Howie Car. But I'm going to put this country as the shining city on the hill. I am moving forward. I'm not playing the retribution game. It stops with me and it stops here. What if you took that approach? I'm okay with it. Rump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. Welcome to the Howie Car Show. Howie is off today. He's the man of the hour. He's accepting an award tonight. So sitting in for him, I am Aaron Chadborn. I broadcast out of Maine where I host Inside Maine. You might know me as former senior policy advisor to Paula Page. Been active in Republican politics and happy to be here. Filling in for Howie, he leaves big shoes to fill. But there's plenty of audio today, Taylor. There are some days that you just kind of wonder what is it that I'm going to talk about. But with Biden overseas, pulling out all the stops to really embarrass the United States. I don't know who thought it was a good idea. To number one, draw these Reagan comparisons with him there on the University of D-Day. And for him to be next to all of these younger, more, shall I say, lucid world leaders. It's just not a good look for Joe Biden. It's not a good look that he was alive when all this happened. Isn't that crazy? Like I think about the fact that Joe Biden has been in Washington longer than I've been alive, right? He was first elected in 1972. When it was Memorial Day a couple of weeks ago, there was a stat. I think it was first recognized in the United States, the Congress passed in 1971. Joe Biden got there in 1972. He's older than most institutions in the United States. That should tell you something. He's older than a holiday. Do you think he knows that he's there? Yeah, I think he knows that. Because I've been watching these weird clips circulated, him turning around when no one else did. And then the first lady of France tries to help him play it off. Or he just kind of wanders. You send the American president somewhere, and you wanted to send a strong signal. You want them to be flattered. You want them to be impressed. And I didn't say he knows why he's there. I just said he knows he's there. I do wonder if he's surrounded by all those World War II veterans that are, you know, they're aging out. We have fewer and fewer of them every day. Do you think he's like, oh, did they finally put me in a home? Like is that where I am? Is that what's going on? I think he could be afraid of it. And maybe that's why Jill is having to do this transatlantic duty of attending the trial, going back to France. That is ridiculous to me, by the way. Like where is the outrage over the taxpayer expense being like Jill Biden's transnational taxi? Like I don't understand. If you know, you know, whenever Trump went on vacation or wherever he traveled the United States, there was always all this scrutiny. But when the Bidens wanted just jets that around the globe touting their green agenda, also Taylor. Well, it's pride month. We look the other way on transnational trips. Touche. I have a question though. Jill Biden in many respects substitutes herself for the president for a lot of public appearances. And we've made it normal that the president goes to bed at like 7 p.m. And Jill Biden goes and she moonlights as the president and appears where he ought to be appearing. So should we not view her presence in the courtroom as intimidating the Justice Department reminding the people that are there? Oh, I'm watching you. That's the vibe it gives to me. And I know she's a mom and it's her son. And you know, if I were on trial for for lying about my drug history in order to buy guns and trying to cover up all of my misdeeds in the past, like, yeah, I'd want my mom or a mother figure there with me. I get wanting your mom there. But when your mom is the stand in for the president of the United States at many official events, when she's actually a surrogate for the president of the United States, and they're trying to say, Oh, no, no, no, no, just do it, just handle it, handle it normal justice is normal. No double standard. We don't want any special treatment for anyone named Biden. Does anyone buy it? I mean, between Joe Biden going to visit Bo's widow right before she was set to testify, and then Jill feeling that she needs to be there kind of like a mob boss's wife peering over the prosecution and reminding them it'd be really awful if something were to happen to them. I mean, that's the vibe it gives to me. But maybe I'm paranoid. Maybe I've been down this road too much before. She does give off mob wife vibes. That's a good comparison. The don't say that too loudly of grace can hear us though, because I know that mob wife like is kind of her aesthetic. Like, I know that's the kind of mob wife chic. Yes. Yeah, mob wife chic. So I don't I don't want grace to think that we're we're talking about her fashion. We're just talking about her vibe, her energy that mob wife energy. We've got a lot more to get into today though. Did you did you listen to the interview that Donald Trump gave to Dr. Phil? Not completely. Just a few snippets. Well, here's the doctor. Phil is one of these characters that like every time I think this is an interview or an intervention. If you listen to Dr. Phil, I had a clip that you played in the intro. Like Dr. Phil kind of thinks that he is the president, right? It's so funny. I worked for Paula Page and everyone knows that Paula Page is his own man. He thinks for himself, you can have conversations with him. You can show him data. You can make your case to him, but he's going to make his own decision. But also everyone would say to me now and then they'd say, we really like Paula Page. We really like his policies. But could you just get him to like close his mouth sometimes or not speak a certain way or do whatever else? And I said two things. Number one, it was his second term. And I said, listen, people knew who he was and what he was going to say when they voted for him. So no, I don't think that's appropriate. He is who he is. And he got elected with everyone knowing that. But number two, like that's not how these people are influenced. He's his own person. That's how he is. It's not all of a sudden. Oh, because Dr. Phil tried to talk to him during an interview. Oh, yeah, that totally changed everything. And then Dr. Phil trying to claim credit. Oh, like if he doesn't go on a revenge spree, it's because I talked to him on my show, which where is Dr. Phil even broadcast now? Like is he or is it on news nation? Like all the other cancels? I was like, I just don't understand. Like I get the Dr. Phil is someone we all know. But this is what I was going to say about Dr. Phil. Like I always think that these people go away. I have the same feeling about Pierce Morgan that I have about Dr. Phil. Like every time I'm like, oh, like they're just not on TV anymore. Like they're all washed up and they pop back up. Although is Dr. Oz gone now after he lost that Senate race? Was that it? I mean, he brought us Federman, which Federman, maybe in another two years, Federman might be all MAGA. I don't know. But Dr. Phil, it just seemed like a weird choice for me. But I guess, you know, Trump likes celebrity and he likes anything that's going to get eyeballs and Dr. Phil, he can toss up with anyone. He doesn't have to get babied by David Muir or Christiana, I'm on poor or, you know, someone that's way in the tank. So Trump's willing to go toe to toe with anyone. But, you know, one of the best, I thought moments in that conversation was when they were talking about prices. Because I think when you talk to the average American, the people that are actually making decisions, they're actually making it based on their understanding of the economy when they go to the gas pump or the grocery store. And Joe Biden thinks that he tamed inflation and he thinks that means prices are going down, which when inflation goes down, prices are still going up just not as fast. But for real people that have to buy food and live in housing and drive cars, it hurts, man. Like, it hurts. And we know what it looked like when Trump was president. Someone said to me yesterday, they said, you know, my friends, when they're saying, Oh, I don't really know if I can vote for Trump or Biden, like there or so. And they just will, well, you've seen them both as president, which, which economy did you like better? Which experience did you like better? When you woke up every day, who were you more terrified under? And there are the people that were terrified under Donald Trump because they had in their own minds created this fantasy in which everything in their life revolved around Donald Trump. And he was the boogeyman out to get them. That I think could be considered mental illness. I dated someone like that. And she every day was thinking about what was going on with Donald Trump. And I said, you know, if you didn't spend all your time focused on him, it wouldn't affect you at all. But most people are looking and saying, what did things cost when Trump was president? What do they cost now less than four years later? I thought that was a fruitful conversation. Let's take cut one. Everybody calls it inflation, but affordability. When we talk about gasoline under your administration, average 257 a gallon under Biden, 361, 40% more under your administration homes, average $320,000 under the Biden administration, 31% more $420,000 under your administration, interest rates, 3.8 average under the Biden administration, 39% more at 5.3%. Okay. Now let's look at the border. Under you average 1.7 million border crossings, their official number is 6.4. That's from Homeland Security. It's actually about 13 million because I know I've been to the border. I've talked to the border guards down there, Brandon Judd. I've talked to Jason Jones. I've talked to the people that actually know the numbers. They say it's between 10 and 13 million. So my point is when you look at the actual numbers, plus the things you just talked about, lower taxes, higher tax revenue, you look at that and you would say, my God, he should be running unopposed. I mean, why? These numbers, I just, I appreciate it, but, and these numbers are really, I don't know how many, as an example, I'd gasoline down to $1.87, not $2.57. It's now almost at $4. It's going to be at $5, very sure. It's going way up. I mean, it's the, it's the receipts. Just look at it. It's real numbers. It's real math. And they can try to, they can try to change the numbers. They can try to change the math, but they do this weird Jedi mind trick logic about what is or isn't happening. It's the whole, like, don't believe you're, you're lying eyes. I mean, if you want any evidence, just listen, look at the contrast between how, how Trump gets into a tussle with Dr. Phil knows his numbers, is ready to cite them off. And then you add an interview, Joe Biden, and you, you try to talk to him about anything. Let's say Biden cut 10, and then we'll do 11. Do you wish you had done it sooner? No, because I would have, then I would have been blamed for blowing up the agreement that was going forward, which was a better agreement than my limited ability to do so. In January, you were asked if there was anything else you could do about the border. And you said, I've done all I can do. What changed here? And why didn't you do this back then? Because we had a deal. We had a compromise. He has no idea what he's talking about, but listen to his answer. Why didn't you do it sooner? Because I would have been blamed. No, we had a deal and a compromise. No, like, what world is he living in number one? And number two, he just said the quiet part out loud. Listen, again, I would have been blamed. Joe Biden's calculation is not about keeping our country safe. It's not about you. It's not your safety, not your security, not our nation, not any of it. It's about himself. It's about his political future. That's why he's doing what he's doing right now, which is political pageantry. He shouldn't get credit for doing anything in the interest of the United States. He's acting out of his own political interest and how he's blamed or not blamed and what they say about him and whether they're going to remember him as a good old guy or whether he's going to be the boogeyman. Well, you know what, Joe, you're old, you're sad, and it's time to get off the stage. I'm Aaron Chadborn. You're listening to The Howie Car Show. Hey, you've heard us talk about Ray Cun's everyday earbuds before and thought, wait, the same audio quality I expect from the big guys, but at half the price, that sounds pretty good. But if you haven't pulled the trigger on a pair of Ray Cun's, now is the time to check them out because they just launched their upgraded model of the best-selling everyday earbuds. With Ray Cun's upgraded everyday earbuds, now you also get active noise cancellation, ergonomic design, and multi-point connectivity that lets you pair with two devices at once. 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Go to today to get 15% off your Ray Cun order plus free shipping. That's right, you'll get 15% off and free shipping at Get a crash course from the captain on everything he's talking about in today's show. Go to and click on today's edition of Howie's Homework. You'll be up to speed on today's News in No Time. You're listening to the Howie Car Show. We are back on the Howie Car Show. I'm Aaron Chadborn filling in for Howie. Taylor Cormier, of course, is here with us as well, which brings us to today's poll question. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Bernou Less Lethal Pistol Launcher. For those who want a powerful self-defense option without resorting to deadly force, visit to save 10%. That's And if you want to learn more, our Meet the Experts right now has the CEO and president of Bernou, and he talks a lot about the many different products they offer. It's really an amazing interview. Check it out or wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcasts. And I actually have friends that really like their products because they say I don't want to necessarily have to resort to deadly force. That's not something I want to do, and it's a great, great option for self-defense. So Taylor, what is today's poll question and what are our responses thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is has your opinion of Karen Reid's complicity in Officer John O'Keefe's death changed since the start of the trial? No, my opinion hasn't changed. Yes, I thought she was guilty, but now think she's innocent. Yes, I thought she was innocent, but now think she's guilty, or I haven't seen enough evidence to decide either way. This is an interesting one because my opinion hasn't changed as to what happened, but it's worse than I thought. Obviously, you think she's innocent, and it's only made me think more of that. So my opinion hasn't really changed, but the cover-up and the conspiracy is way deeper and crazier than I might have expected. It's certainly very far-fetched, but seemingly more and more plausible. 61% say no, my opinion hasn't changed. 17% say yes, I thought she was guilty, but now think she's innocent. 19% say I haven't seen enough evidence, and 3% say yes, I thought she was innocent, but now think she's guilty. So say more about what you were saying is that it's more plausible, more plausible that there was a conspiracy in the cover-up? Yeah, there's just too many missing parts, conveniently missing parts. I was talking about this with my wife last night. All of the cell phones that have disappeared from the prosecution's witnesses, all of the text messages that were deleted, all of the phone calls that were supposed butt dials, just random pieces of tail light showing up on a lawn days and days after the investigation first started. An unattended crime scene for many hours during the initial day of investigation and days beyond that, please, we're just told to just check on your way home to see if you find anything, and the evidence wasn't logged correctly. You have witnesses visiting the houses of troopers and police officers. You have friendships that are very tight and close-knit. People are scared of some of the witnesses, and there's just too many convenient pieces for a lot of these witnesses for the prosecution for Karen Reid to be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. No, in other words, the math's not mathing. It doesn't add up. Two plus two doesn't equal four here, which I think enters reasonable doubt, but that's what I thought yesterday, Taylor, with the evidence that was entered in with the mirror image video and the fact that the prosecution tried to kind of sneak that in. Right. They came out Wednesday and they had a significant amount of testimony dedicated to that video. Not once did Lally, the assistant DA, or Buchanan, the trooper overseer of Michael Proctor, did they deem it appropriate to mention, "Hey, by the way, this video is inverted, so you're actually looking at the left side of the car and not the right." And if you look in the back, you can see the guy standing next to the tail light in question, and who is it? It's Officer Proctor standing right next to the tail light, which again, maybe he'd be just checking it out. But the fact that you're going to such lengths to obscure that that's what the jury's even looking at, my first question was, wouldn't that be grounds to move for a mistrial? But then I thought, well, with a mistrial, that means you have to start over. That's grounds for reasonable doubt that actually shows you that they're being shady about this entire thing. Yeah, the investigation has just been a complete, I can't even say the word, but it would be interesting to see somebody from the Kenton PD explain why that video was inverted, but the timestamp wasn't inverted with it. Crazy, crazy stuff. 844-542-42, the number on the Howie Car Show. When we come back, Grace's news. Looking to give a mom in your life the gift of peace and quiet this Mother's Day? Maybe you can't help mom run away from all her responsibilities, but at least you can help her tune them out with a brand new pair of Raycon Earbuds. Raycons every day earbuds are the perfect way to tune out all the noise around you and tune in to something great. Their audio quality rivals all the big audio brands you know and love, at a price you'll love even more. With custom gel tips for a comfortable in-air fit, 8 hours of playtime, and a 32-hour total battery life, Raycons are perfect for all-day lists. Raycon every day earbuds also come with three customizable sound profiles, noise isolation, and awareness mode. Maybe that explains the tens of thousands of 5-star reviews. Right now get 20% off your Raycon order plus free shipping when you go to That's 20% off and free shipping at Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42 is the number here on The Howie Car Show. Howie is off today, but I am Aaron Chadborn filling in, ably assisted by Taylor Cormier, and now it's time for Grace's News. Hello, Aaron, and happy Friday to you. Yes, Hunter Biden was in court again today. The prosecution has rested, but I wanted to give people a couple of updates. His daughter Naomi took the stand and his ex, Hallie Biden, detailed how they used crack cocaine together, meaning her and Hunter. Hunter Biden was seen wiping tears away as his daughter Naomi, who's 30, took the stand as a defense witness. He watched his daughter intently from the defense table as she addressed the court and admitted she was nervous. Naomi has been a fierce public defender of her father. I mean, can you imagine if that was what you were known for having to be a fierce public defender of your father because everything he's done has been so embarrassing to the family? And I don't know if you saw this, Aaron, but Jill Biden also arrived in court in Delaware after leaving France to be there by Hunter's side. So she's been going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth to try to get a little bit of France in and a little bit of courting. It's a lot of global warming for somebody like me. It's got a big carbon footprint. She's she's cranking out there. Taylor and I were talking about this a minute ago, and I don't know if you're going to feel about this, Grace, but she's really giving me mob boss wife vibes. I just want to say I heard you describe my style as mob wife aesthetic. And that is such a nice thing for you to say. The fact that you think that I'm like a little bit sopranos here, a little bit glam, maybe have a fur jacket in my closet. I just I'm overwhelmed by that, Aaron. I don't know what I did to deserve that compliment. I do love a smoky eye and a dark red lipstick. So that might explain it a little bit more. It's just like, don't you think she's there to intimidate them though? Like, you know, yeah. And the texture points out that she's not his mom. She's a stepmom. And like, we know this whole family image that but she's she's the stand in president everywhere else. But suddenly, when she's in the courtroom, menacingly staring at the prosecution, she's just a sympathetic mother. I don't think that she's intimidating. And I'm someone who I'm intimidated by a lot of people. Like, I'll be honest about that. And I think a lot of these people I talk smack about on the radio, if I saw them in real life, I'd be like, I'm gonna keep my mouth shut. But she's not one of them. I don't get a sense that she's particularly intelligent or tough or anything like that. I'm not trying to slam her or anything. But when I see her on the Sunday morning show, she's pretty meek. You know, I just don't get the vibe that she's walking in there. And anyone's like, Oh, there's the first lady. Did you see the headline on CNN? It says, Jill Biden, a fixture at Hunter Biden's trial, juggles role as first lady and mom. How tough are you, Jill? You know what I think, Aaron? And I'm curious if you'd agree with this. I think she can't stand under Biden. I think that she has had it up to here with Hunter Biden. I think she's there to intimidate him. Yeah, into like, keep them alive. Keep your wife quiet, please stop having her run out to the hallway and scream at people and lose the sugar. Lose the sugar, brother. Keep your act together. You're a mess. You're embarrassing me dropped off his laptops with the repair guy. I forgot about it. You're embarrassing me. You're embarrassing your father. You're embarrassing this family. So what do you think, Grace? Do you think that they want him to be found innocent and the clear his name once and for all? Do you think that's the point of this? Or are they trying to prove that the justice system is equal? I talked about this the other day because I'm kind of torn. Well, I should say that I think Biden's probably torn. On one hand, if they convict him, then that whole convicted felon label that he's so excited to use against Trump in the debate later this month, it kind of loses its oomph if Donald Trump can turn around and say, so what? So is your son? And you say he's the smartest guy you know? What's wrong with being a convicted felon? Kind of traps him in a little bit of a box. But at the same time, if he's not a convicted felon, if he doesn't get convicted, and this this is a really peculiar case because they have so much evidence. I'm sure there's been trials before Aaron where someone gets accused of lying on a gun farm and you can't really prove it because you can't prove exactly when they were on drugs. Hunter Biden has a memoir. He has a laptop full of video and photos and text messages. He has created through his own, you know, motivation a blueprint for why this case should be a slam dunk. So if he's not convicted, then it looks like it was unfair. It was special treatment. You know, the justice system again is favoring the Biden family. So I really don't know. I don't know what's a better situation for Joe. I agree with you though. I think that's one of the reasons why Hunter Biden needs to be convicted is because he's been doing it with impunity. All those people telling us that Trump should get jail time because he won't apologize. Well, Hunter's been bragging about what he was doing here, which is a felony. And I think he deserves to be convicted. I think I think Joe will pardon him, though. The other part of it too, which I don't get is the defense is their excuse for Hunter. They're kind of throwing out a lot of different things. And one of their theories, it sounds like a conspiracy theory to me, is oh, the ATF form that he filled out that said he wasn't on drugs at the time of purchasing the gun was tampered with. And there was different, there was different pens being used. There's different colors of ink and things like that. So Aaron, try to make that one make sense. You've got a law degree. Which one is it? Was he not on drugs and he was only drinking alcohol at the time? Or was he on drugs? And he filled out that he was on drugs, but then somebody stepped in and changed the check to the other side to say that he wasn't on drugs and lie on the form. They both can't be true. I'm still back when you said the excuse for Hunter. Doesn't that sound like it would be a great name for a book? Or maybe like a good subtitle? Like you need like a word excuse for Hunter. You know how I pitch you all the time, Grace, on writing a book? I think you could write a book about Hunter and his excuses. The curious case of Hunter Biden and the gun in the trash can. Excuse excuses excuses excuses the curious case of Hunter Biden. I'll take I'll take royalty Jack Grace. Grace's news is brought to you by tux trucks. No one knows Fisher plows like tux trucks GMC and Hudson mass. Your Fisher plow distributor shop now for the upcoming season. Fisher plows spreaders accessories and parts shop online at tux trucks GMC dot com or call 1 800 my truck. So there's a new poll out by Fox News and it's a swing state poll. It shows the former president Donald Trump is tied with Joe Biden in Virginia, a state not supposed to swing. This is from Breitbart. Back in 2020, the certified result in Virginia had Trump down 9.4 points. Now my question for you, Aaron, is someone who's been very much involved in campaigns and politics. How much stock do you put in these polls? Like do you think if you're on the Trump team, are they looking at these every single day or are they not really trying to get too over confident and just, you know, play their own game? So what's interesting Grace is that the Trump team will have their own internal polls, which will give them a more targeted sample of where they're actually playing what they're looking at and the cross tabs and what it shows you is is the more interesting story. But here's what I will tell you, as a Republican and as Donald Trump, if it shows them tied, he's way further ahead than that because there are so many people, you know them, I know them are listeners, some of our listeners feel this way. Trump supporter is much less likely to self identify to someone who calls them on the phone. And so if in polling, he's polling even, that means he's ahead. It's kind of like what we say all the time that if he wants to win this, he's going to win by such a margin that they can't dispute it, that that's really how these polls are. So I think this is great news. I think the Biden people are watching it every day. I think that's why Biden was so eager for the debate is because he needs to do something to show that, you know, he's relevant because Trump takes all the oxygen out of the room and Biden looks feeble. But I think if you're Trump, this is great news because like you and I've talked about before, he's going and putting a lot of things in play that were never in play before for a Republican because Trump has this transcendent ability to reach out and connect with the every man who sees Trump standing up to the government for them. So I think this is good news for Trump tough news for for Uncle Joe. What do you think he's going to do as far as the debate goes? I mean, he said to David Muir that all he needs to do is, you know, let let Trump talk and then he'll talk and say what I think he said, all I have to do is say what I mean or, you know, to say something. How do you think his handlers are telling him to to behave on the debate stage? If you're if you were if you were Joe Biden's aid, okay, and you're giving him prep for this debate at the end of the month on CNN with Jay Tapper. What's your big piece of advice to Joe Biden? Don't don't don't don't don't don't. That's my I mean, whatever, like they don't care. Here's the thing about Joe Biden. He's not ever held accountable for what he actually says. And that's why he learned this in politics a long time ago, that people have short memories and you can flip yourself on anything you say. He didn't realize that when your president people play closer attention. So it's kind of catching up with him a bit because he's been a liar the entire time he's been in office, which has been since 1972. So I think he's not that worried because he knows he can just spout out anything and he's going to get the light, you know, child, glove treatment. What I would I mean, I'm sure they're going to do is they're going to inject him with whatever they gave him for the state of the union. They were probably going to half the dosage though because he came out a little bit too strong and you don't want him to look like a lunatic. He's coming in hot. But I think that's what they just want him to do. They just want him to like stick to things you actually know, stay away from the letters of the alphabet that trigger your stutter. Like those are the things I would be telling him. I often think that whoever's writing his speeches or putting the words of the teleprompter are just messing with him because they use things that they know are triggers for him to either stutter or miss a lot of acronyms. You know what I saw that Ben Shapiro put out, which I thought was a good idea. He said every time Joe Biden tries to cut himself off by saying, well, maybe I won't go into that. Trump should look at him and say, no, please, Mr. President, finish your thought. Those are the scariest words for Joe Biden. Finish your thought. The floor is yours. But you know that whole thing where he does that and then he drifts off and he forgets what he was talking about? Like that like I think it's almost like his like he's learned it. You know, some people that are in early signs of decline, they learn little strategies to cope with it. And it's the little tricks that they have. And so it makes it how they play it off. And he just doesn't realize he's doing it. Yeah, it will be I will be watching the debates at the end of the month. And I'm not going to lie to people. I will I get nervous during those things. I shouldn't. I shouldn't even care. But I can't help it. I watch them with like a little bit of a pit in my stomach. We've seen enough of them where you're right to get a little nervous. Yeah, things go off the rails real quick. Aaron Chabron. Excuse me. Excuse me. This is what I said. I said, I want Trump to come in like this. Want him to come in very measured, very controlled. I'm just going to be a big pushy kid. Okay. And with energy but Taylor with a little levity, I think he needs to appear enthusiastic and like hopeful and not angry because here's why it totally makes sense. These people have been lying about him for eight years now. I understand why he's angry. I'm not downplaying that. But for two hours, you have to kind of be more focused on your agenda and your messaging and having control of the dialogue as opposed to seeking vengeance on that stage. It's not what I think that's one of the things that's the opportunity here is that there's no filter. It's live and they can't process it. I mean, they can try to fact check him in real time or whatever they do. But you get the real time you can use and behave however you want. That's a big thing that frustrated me when I worked for Paula Page. People would meet him in person and they'd say, he's so charming, he's so funny. Like, why do we never get to see that? And it's because the media has this filter they put on where they only show you the narrow things that confirm to their narrative. And the debates are a great opportunity for Trump to show that side of himself. You're absolutely right. Yeah. I think if he looks back at his town halls with Hillary Clinton when he was, you know, roaming around the stage, that Trump is what we need to see. A little bit of him, you know, tackling the issues and pointing out what Joe Biden's done wrong, but also having fun. I know that sounds so dumb, but it's not going to be an audience to play off his air. No boring. I know. I think that's why they know that Trump does better with an audience. But I still think it's all he has to do is show up. It's his to lose. That's what I'll say. But again, that gets me a little nervous. Aaron Chadburn, that is it for me. I'll be listening to the rest of the show. And I hope everyone has a good weekend. Thanks, Grace. Appreciate it. Taylor, let's head into break before we do. We did have the poll question response right, Bernard, for people that want to learn more about Bernard, where can they go? They can go to or they can listen to the latest Meet the Experts podcast, which is up at or wherever you get your Howie Car Radio Network podcast. As social unrest escalates and crime rates climb, securing the safety of our families is more crucial than ever. In these uncertain times, having effective yet non-lethal options is vital. Introducing the Burna Less Lethal Pistol Launcher, developed by a team of common sense gun owners who understand the importance of having choices. They engineered the Burna Launcher as a powerful tool for self-defense, allowing users to de-escalate threatening situations without resorting to deadly force. And it's very effective. There's plenty of videos you can watch. For many responsible gun owners, the thought of using lethal force is daunting, burdened with emotional and legal consequences. The Burna offers a safer, sensible alternative, potentially saving lives on both sides, protecting both the user and the aggressor. 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The thing to to Biden, like I never believe Biden when he's saying anything, but when he talked about not pardoning Hunter, like that really took the cake. Let's take Biden cut sex. As we sit here in Normandy, your son Hunter is on trial. And I know that you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution. But let me ask you, will you accept the jury's outcome there verdict no matter what it is? Yes. And have you ruled out a pardon for your son? Yes. 844-542-42. He has not ruled out a pardon. He hasn't thought about it. He hasn't thought about it because he knows he's going to do it. And Hunter is going to come ask him for it. Hunter sits next to him at these state dinners. He travels with him when he goes on state trips. Like of course he's going to give Hunter a pardon. I'm surprised he hasn't done it already. If the election were over with, he would be pardoning him. And if he gets reelected, he will. If he loses, he will. He'll do it on his way out the door. He'll pull a last minute, Bill Clinton style pardon of Hunter. That's exactly what's going to happen and I think everyone knows it. And we were talking about the debates with Grace. I thought what he did have to say was kind of odd and funny, but let's take Biden cut nine. We are three weeks from this debate. What do you think you need to accomplish on that debate stage? Say what I think. With him, sir, do you think? The things he said are off the wall. I want to be a dictator in day one. I wanted to move in a direction where I suppose, you know, suspended the Constitution. I'll answer this here. What he says. Remind people what he says and what I believe, what he believes. He's about him. I'm about the country. Do you think Joe Biden thinks that like Donald Trump actually said that and meant it? Like he was like, I want to be like, Trump was joking in response to Sean Hannity because Sean Hannity was trying to do that thing that Dr. Phil just did, we're just trying to put words into Trump's mouth. And so he makes it. I think when Biden's handlers tell him that these things happened, like he thinks that they're real. Like he thinks that's what it's going to happen. But even the way that Biden explains it, say, what do you think? I'll say what I think like it's incomprehensible. And I hope that's the Biden that shows up to the debate is the one that is actually Biden. And I don't know. What do you think it is? Like what most surprises me about this David Muir interview is that Biden agreed to it at all because he rarely agrees to any interviews. And I know he thinks he's in safe space. They probably negotiated carefully what David Muir couldn't couldn't ask. But Taylor, do you think there's any reason why he's doing the interview in Normandy? Like just to say he did one. Look, I gave an interview just a few days ago just to keep in touch with the press. And he probably had like a light schedule for him. They had already like juiced him up. And so they're like, Oh, while we've got you ready, couldn't good in lube, let's go. Yeah, it's just going to be softball questions pretty much. I mean, what a stupid setup from David Muir. As we sit here in Normandy, your son, what does one have to do with the other? There was no even reason to say that. Well, except for Jill flying the plane back and forth. I mean, that's that would have been the angle. As we sit here in Normandy, your wife keeps flying on taxpayer expense to go visit your your indicted son died on a felony. 844-542-42. We'll take your calls when we come back. I'm Aaron Chadborn, and this is Howie Carr. [Music]