The Howie Carr Radio Network

BREAKING: Nashville Shooter's Manifesto Revealed & Last Call | 6.7.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Emma Foley joins the show to talk Pat Sajak, Alec Baldwin and more. Later, Grace discusses Audrey Hale's manifesto.

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07 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone, welcome to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you so much for tuning in today and every weekday from 12 to 3. I can't believe it's already 2 o'clock on a Friday. The time has flown by. And when we are finished with last call, we are going to go back to some of these sound cuts of Joe Biden with David Muir. We're also going to talk about the Hunter Biden gun trial. The prosecution has rested what that means for the first son. And so many other things. Plus, I do have to today talk a little bit about the pages of the Nashville Shooters manifesto that has been revealed. This story is from The Daily Mail. We'll get to that in a little bit. Joining us now for last call is the one, the only Emma Foley. Last call! Time now for your end of the week wrap up with Emma Foley. It's last call, last call, last call, last call, last call, last call, last call, last call, last call, last call, last call, last call, everybody. Now last call is the time of the week where Emma gives us some updates on stories we may have missed. What do you have for us today? Well, fun news today, today is National Donut Day. It is indeed, it is indeed. You brought in some donuts today. I did, I wanted to celebrate, I wanted to pay tribute to all of the donuts long gone. June 7th is the made up food holiday for one of America's favorite treats. It falls on the first Friday of June every year. So this is actually the latest, it can fall. It was established in 1938 in Chicago to honor the Salvation Army Donut Lassie's who served the treats to soldiers during World War I. Yeah, I was kind of in a bind today because you texted me and you said, "Oh my God, I'm getting donuts for the crew." And that's wonderful and I'm not trying to, you know, criticize you. But you do put those of us who get our coffee every day in a weird spot because today they give out a free donut. That's part of National Donut Day. So I did get the free donut, but I knew you were going to be bringing in better donuts. I don't know. It's an embarrassment of riches is what I'm saying. But this did make me think, Jared, what's your favorite donut if you had to choose? All right, my last donut on earth. I got to go with a simple classic when it's done right, the glazed donut. Or if you're an olden, like me around these parts, the honey dip. I got one of those today. I thought of your comments. Because I do hear, you know, if you bring in donuts, you get some comments around here. When it is done right, that is the greatest food on earth. I don't disagree. I don't disagree. It does have to be done right because my issue sometimes with places when I get a glaze is that they're wet. Like if the glaze hasn't dried properly, it grosses me out. I know what you're going to refer to with my criticism of your donuts the last time. And I know what people are probably thinking. Someone brings in free donuts and you start giving critiques. Emma went to a really fancy donut place once. And she brought in donuts that had like cereal, fruity petals on them, turtle donuts. I mean, you can go Oreos. It's too much. The donuts. Very decadent. It was like dessert donuts. I have to disagree. If I'm eating a donut, I want to go into a coma. No, I want to be able to live my life. Like it's stuffed with cream, like overdo it. It will be a Marie Antoinette. It's just too much. Okay. What else you have, Emma? Oh, yeah. Your favorite donut craze. I love a glaze. You know that about me. I love a glaze. And if it's not glaze, I like a chocolate frosted with sprinkles. I will not turn that away either. We have Pat Sajak in the news tonight. I heard. Is the long time Wheel of Fortune hosts final spin. Am I crazy? Or did this happen very quickly? Like usually I feel like we get a Fauci style three month. But don't you think that people need us into it a little bit? Yeah. He didn't quite get the farewell tour that, well, Alex Trebek was sick. So that was a little different. But maybe he didn't want it. Maybe he wanted Tyrosh exit. It's very. Yeah. This is a very Pat Sajak thing to do. Oh, we knew it was coming. I guess he only films all the episodes all at once in a couple of weeks of the year. And then I guess he gets the rest of the year off. But tonight will be the final spin aired. And we actually have his farewell address. Oh. Well, the time has come to say goodbye. I have a few thanks and acknowledgments before I go. And I want to start with all of you watching out there. It's been an incredible privilege to be invited into millions of homes night after night, year after year, decade after decade. And I've always felt that the privilege came with a responsibility to keep this daily half hour a safe place for family fun. No social issues, no politics. Nothing embarrassing, I hope. Just a game. But gradually it became more than that. A place where kids learn their letters, where people from other countries hone their English skills, where families came together along with friends and neighbors and entire generations. What an honor to have played even a small part in all that. Thank you for allowing me into your lives. Wow. That's, I'm curious. I heard him say something like he thinks Vanna White's going to pack it up too. Yes. I've retired as a team. Rumors are his daughter might take her place, keep it in the family. And then Ryan Seagrest will take his place this fall. But he's not done. He's not retiring. So he's going to be in a theater production of the Colombo Mystery Prescription Murder at Honolulu's Hawaii Theater. Oh, so now he's going to his passion. That's how you retire. Yeah, he's going to go to his passion projects. I'm sure he's made so much money. It's probably crazy. I always, I wouldn't want to play Will of Fortune. I'll tell you why. You don't people go viral because it's like they had all the letters except one. How do they mess it up? I would do that. Like, I don't watch those things and go, "Oh, you stupid idiot. That's so obvious." I'm kind of amazed at how quickly people solve those puzzles. Yeah, without saying Mythical Hero atchiles. Yeah. That's one of my favorite Will of Fortune viral moments. All right. Now, there's, there's something else in TV that I asked Emma to bring up today because this is a big story. And we haven't talked about it yet. That because we talk about this person so much, it's only fair. Yes, Grace, you love to cover Alec Baldwin and the Baldwin family. And now- And how do you say cucumbers? Cucumbers. That would be Elaria Baldwin. You are going to get more of the Baldwin's. All nine of them, in fact, as a reality show featuring the couple and their seven growing kids will be coming next year to TLC. Okay. So I was listening to a podcast and they were discussing this and they asked a really good question. One of the hosts was like, "Why are they doing this? Are they doing this for attention or are they doing this for the money?" Because Alec Baldwin's been in some big movies. And of course, yeah, he's an icon as far as Hollywood goes. But he's also been in movies that make a ton of money, like that Baby Boss movie. If you do voiceover work, you get paid big bucks. So, but at the same time, he's got massive legal fees to pay because of this rust gun shooting. So, Mike, first question was, what is the motivation behind this? Is it because Elaria wants people to see the real her and she doesn't want to be judged for her cucumber, for her pretending to be Spanish when she's really not? Or is it just a more simple explanation of they got no loot left? They need to make, they need a cash grab. Or is there a third option that involves distraction from... Oh, you think he's trying to sympathize, like make himself more sympathetic to Johnny? If you show your seven kids, you're a family man around the house. We hop on flights. We need 12 seats for all the nannies. We are so normal. We're relatable. Yeah, we're relatable. Then you say, "Hey, maybe the court should go easy on this guy." But that's never how it works with reality TV. You can go into reality TV thinking, "I'm going to come off so good. People are going to love me. I'm going to be a fan favorite." And it never works out the way you think it's going to. Plus, I'm very confused by the TLC of it all. They must have got a lot of money because nowadays people are going to the streamers for reality TV shows. The Kardashians are on Hulu. Like, there's a little bit more of a higher quality to those places. TLC, no shade to the network. They're pretty well known for having some train wrecks on their program. The doggers, Johnny Kate plus eight. Yes, no one really makes it out well out of reality TV, especially children. And you don't go there unless you're on your way down. Which I think we could establish that Alec Baldwin is definitely on his way down. Did we get the Alec Baldwin and Elaria Baldwin reality show when they pulled over and, like, snapped at that reporter in Niagara Falls or wherever they were? That was the best thing because she had a fight in front of it. She looks at the camera to defend her husband and he has to tell her, like, "Stop, please." You can tell that she's always on his last nerve. And so she comes out, Elaria, to try to explain how her husband's not this evil person. And she won't stop talking to the camera guys. And eventually he has to say, like, "Please, stop, go away." But yeah, I will be watching this because I think he's a hothead. I think she's delusional. He always ends up in these sticky situations. Remember when he was in the middle of Manhattan in this, like, pro-Palestinian protest? Yeah. And they're all screaming at him? It's kind of hard to end up in the center of that. People always say, like, if you become that famous... Get away from season two for that. If you become famous and you make a lot of money and you want to disappear, you can. Like, it's not... I remember a famous person saying this in an interview. It's not impossible. The people who are photographed a lot, the people who are paparazzi'd a lot, the people who find themselves, as Emma said, in sticky situations, that's not coincidental. It's because they like the attention. I think he loves attention and I think that's why he's always around New York City at these restaurants, fighting people about parking spots with his Range Rover. The man likes the limelight. And in some ways, this reality show could be a perfect fit. Yep. He's bringing the limelight home. Indeed. Emma Foley... Hope TLC took our good insurance on those producers. Emma Foley, thank you very much for joining us for last call. We will be right back. But before we go, I wanted to let everybody know that something I never thought I'd say, I can't wait for my next dentist appointment. Hear me out. The team at Perfect Smiles makes everything perfect. They do everything that you need as far as getting your teeth cleaned. If you want to have a total smile transformation, they've got state-of-the-art equipment. They have the A team behind them. And most of all, they really care. They want to make sure that you leave there feeling good about your smile, feeling confident, and they want to take it at your own pace. So they'll walk you through it. They're very understanding. I've had friends who have called me and said, "I wanted to talk to Bruce Houghton." You know, I told them that I can't do everything super fast. I got to kind of take it slow. People get nervous about their teeth. And Dr. Houghton will always hear you out. He'll work with you. He's the nicest guy. And again, they're just excellent at what they do. And that's what you want when you're dealing with your teeth. You don't want to go to anyone but the best. It's easy to put yourself at the bottom of your to-do list to think, "Yeah, I'll figure it out tomorrow or next week." If you follow them today, take the first step, call Perfect Smiles, get the ball rolling. They're located off Route 3 in Nashua. I'm going to be visiting them next week for my dentist appointment. So here's what you should do. Go to Find out how to take the first step toward the smile that you've always wanted. That's Change your smile. Change your life. We'll be right back. Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. The Kyron on Fox says Jill Biden prays for showing support to Hunter. Not by me? How about Jill Biden criticized for flying all over the world unnecessarily? Like she goes to Normandy, which I don't blame her for that. It was the 80th anniversary of D-Day. But then she flies back to Wilmington for this gun trial. And then she flies back to France for dinner? Seems a bit excessive now. Dr. B. Let them eat cake. Dr. B. We are going to talk about Hunter Biden. But first I wanted to go to the callers. Lou, you're up first in this hour on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Lou? Hey, Grace. I love you show, by the way. Hey, listen. I'm a Vietnam veteran. I was in Vietnam during 1771. Pat Sayjack is also a Vietnam veteran. He was on forces radio, but he was there. A camera was 68 to 69 to 69 to 70. And when he renewed his contract last year, they announced that that whole year was his last year. So, you know, two great things about him. You know, he did get the dance for the next year year. And he is a Vietnam veteran. And when we were there, we used to listen to armed forces radio and denying whatever heck her name was. So, yeah, there was a lot of stuff you could listen to on the rages back in those days. But, yeah, I think he's a good guy. I've been watching since I was a kid. I think he's a great guy. And you know what, Lou, my mother just texted me the same thing, because I have my own fact checkers on this at all times. And she said, "Grace, he's been talking about his retirement for the last three months." That's my mom's nice way of saying, "You're wrong, sister. You better correct the record." So, that's number one. Number two is, "Welcome home, Lou. Thank you for your service." And number three is, the other thing my mom said, similar to what Lou was just saying, is that she finds Pat Sayjack to be very quick-witted, naturally funny and great on the air. So, happy retirement to Pat Sayjack. I'm sure he's made a lot of money and he can enjoy himself. All right. Now, I do want to play some of these cuts from David Mearr with Joe Biden, the one I really want to focus on, because I have questions for the callers. We're going to take calls for the rest of the show. My question is, Joe Biden is ruling out pardoning Hunter. I think that he may have wanted to hold off on that. I think, like Jared said, he had it in his mind that if he gets any sort of question about accepting election results or accepting anything, that he should say yes and that he shouldn't even allude to the fact that he might fight back against something. So, he immediately said, "Oh, no, I won't pardon Hunter, but you might need it. Can I have a cut one?" As we sit here in Normandy, your son Hunter is on trial. And I know that you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution. But let me ask you, will you accept the jury's outcome, their verdict, no matter what it is? Yes. And have you ruled out a pardon for your son? Yes. Again, I don't get the sense he even listened to the question. He just was... he was answering. That's how great... that's how sharp this guy is. He doesn't even need to hear the question in order to answer it. Now, another part of this story that the Bidens have been avoiding talking about is London Roberts. Now, she's Hunter Biden's baby mama. And she didn't interview with Pierce Morgan because she is a book coming out. I'm all for this book. I know I've talked about before that the Bidens need to lay off the books. London Roberts is not a Biden. She's had her run in with the Bidens. I think she knows a lot about them and how they operate, but she's not a Biden. And if I had to guess, I would say London Roberts has a more interesting story to tell than say Dr. B or Valerie Biden or Joe or Hunter because she probably has an honest story to tell. So this is what London Roberts had to say. And remember, Jared, it was a... it was like a year ago that that story dropped in people magazine of all places that the Bidens were going to try to have a relationship with their granddaughter. They were going to reach out to her. That was... it was the first time they acknowledged her period in the press. But then it was followed up by this statement about how they're going to try to reach out to her. Well, let's have a follow-up on whether or not that new attempt at a relationship ever came to fruition. Cut 15. Have you ever heard from either President Biden or the first lady? Directly? No. Not a phone call or a letter or anything? No. Did you find that surprising? No. No, I don't, really. I just feel like that's something that, you know, they've waited for Hunter to step up. And if he's watching this interview, what would you say to President Biden about potentially meeting Navy at some stage? That door is always open. Always has been and always will be. Yeah, she also talked about how she has a higher opinion of Hunter than I think most people in this country do. So she might just be a bigger person than some of us, but she's holding out hope that, you know, he's going to contact her daughter. She said they met on Zoom calls a couple times. My advice, not that she's asked for it, is that she should raise her daughter and just never interact with these Biden's again. Like, obviously, you know, get the child support from them, but these aren't good people. Like, you're not missing, your daughter's not missing out on anything by not being associated with this group of people. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Do not be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're not happy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua, and you can call him at 844, a Perfect Smile, or you can visit Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is where would you move if you leave New England, the Carolinas, Florida, or Texas? I am going to say Florida. I've been to Florida many a time. I enjoy it there. I especially loved it during COVID. It was free America. And I really like Ron DeSantis. I like the way he governs. I think I would choose Florida. Plus, I know a lot of people who moved to Florida at some point. Over the last five or six years, and they seem pretty happy with their decision. 58% of the audience says the Carolinas. Only 28% say Florida and 13% for Texas. Well, that's what the New York Post article was saying is that, yeah, we talk a lot about how Florida got this boom after COVID from places like New York and California, but the Carolinas actually are the number one spot for people. One of the textures who moved from Cituate to Florida pointed out that it could have to do with the insurance that you need when you're in Florida, like hurricane coverage and things like that. 844-500-4242, still time to vote in that poll question at When we come back, Tom Hanks is worried about Trump being president yet again. We'll discuss. Don't go anywhere. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. I did want to read a little bit from the Daily Mail. They have a story about the Nashville school shooter's manifesto, and Audrey Hale, that was the transgender school shooter, wrote about her torture as a trans girl and how she would kill to get puberty blockers. Now, for people who don't remember the fallout after the shooting, obviously it was a horrible tragic shooting, and somehow the students and the faculty that were killed, they weren't the victims in all of this. The shooter who went in and killed them all in cold blood, she became the victim. She was the one who was being attacked, and Republicans were to blame for the shooting, not the transgender woman who shot up the school. Republicans were blamed for the shooting because they didn't pass enough pro-gender affirming care. I think that's how I remember it. You have to forgive me. All this stuff kind of starts to blend together. Republicans didn't want kids to chop off their body parts, and so ipso facto, according to the left, they are responsible for Audrey Hale going into a school and shooting all these kids who had nothing to do with her transition or her puberty blockers. She was deranged, and yet it's the fault of lawmakers in Tennessee. Did I sum it up? Yeah, and that's also what led to the three Tennessee lawmakers getting kicked out and then being brought back in and, like, they were victims to everybody in that scenario was a victim except for the people who were actually victims. Yes. And their families. They weren't victims. The Christian school kids were not the victims in this. It was the shooter. It was the lawmakers. It was the Democrats. They all, you know, had their 15 minutes of fame and their 15 minutes of, well, poor me. I got kicked out of Congress. It was ridiculous. So here's what we know now. I'm not going to read all this because a lot of it's very disturbing. Transgender killer Audrey Hale wrote about her imaginary penis and how she would kill to get puberty blockers in the weeks before her horrific attack on the Covenant school in Nashville last year. Hale wrote about her anger toward her parents, how she hated her conservative Christian upbringing, and how she'd suffered because hormone blockers were not available when she was a child. The explosive writings sometimes referred to as Hale's manifesto have been a source of controversy. Now, here's the other thing we should follow up with. This manifesto was not made available to the public. And there were a few reasons. One is the classic, like the investigation, sources and methods, that whole thing. The other was some of the parents at the school did not think the manifesto should be released. Now, I'm not ever going to tell parents how to feel. They have every right to feel that something should or shouldn't be released. That's their opinion and far be it for me to tell them otherwise. What I will say is if this had been any other shooter, anyone who had different characteristics, for example, if Audrey Hale had been Joe Smith, a Trump supporter who had been at January 6, we all know the manifesto would be out. And that's not anything, like you guys understand that. It's because it didn't fit the left's narrative and they were afraid that right wing agitators were going to pounce and season weaponize, which just translates by the way pounce and season weaponize just means covering something fairly. That's now what the left deems as unfair treatment is if you even mention a story that they don't think paints their progressive ideology in a good light, you are considered a pouncer and a caesar and a weaponizer. Just from talking about it, just from laying out the facts, they have an emotional reaction of saying they're being treated unfairly. And so now we have this, it's released. It helps explain what the 28 year old artist who identified as a male shot her way into the Tennessee school, killing three adults and 39 year olds before responding officers killed her. She said being raised as a girl was torture. She added, I hate parental views, how my mom sees me as a daughter, and she'd not bear to want to lose that daughter because a son would be the death of Audrey. Clearly, Audrey Hale was a very disturbed person. I don't think there's any question of that, but I'm not going to read the rest of this. You guys can check it out at the Daily Mail. I included it, I believe in my recommended reading. It goes into all of, or a few of the pages that have been released. Another story before I turn to Tom Hanks that I wanted to mention is Joe Biden and Zelinsky. And the reason I bring this up is because it would be one thing. It would be pretty astounding to watch the way Joe Biden is treating BB Netanyahu in any situation. Like in any scenario watching a president of the United States treat our strongest ally in the Middle East in this way and having, for example, Senator Chuck Schumer calling for elections in Israel, having Joe Biden say that he doesn't blame people for thinking BB Netanyahu is trying to prolong the war to politically benefit himself. All of that would be shocking in and of itself. Point blank. But the fact that we have that, and then as a juxtaposition, we have his treatment of Zelinsky really does show you what a stark difference these two, what a stark difference in treatment. These guys are dealing with. And what I mean by that is Biden was publicly apologizing to Zelinsky for the slow supply of US weaponry. Okay, so he's publicly apologizing to Zelinsky. He's praising him during these tributes at the 80th anniversary of D-Day. He makes it all about Ukraine, all about Zelinsky. He is bowing down to Zelinsky at every chance he gets to kiss his feet to deliver wet kisses and hair sniffs to this man. He is falling all over himself to talk about the importance of Ukraine fighting this war and how we cannot even suggest any sort of peaceful resolution to even suggest that we need a game plan before sending Ukraine billions of dollars is somehow distorted by the left as being a puppet of Putin. They are all in with Zelinsky. He can do no wrong. He's on the cover of every magazine. And then when you take that and you split screen it with the way he's treating BB Netanyahu, I don't, I think if you told someone that 50 years ago that this is what's happening that our allies getting treated like this, they wouldn't believe you. And I don't think BB Netanyahu's worried about it to that great of an extent. I don't think he puts that much stock in what Joe Biden's saying. Put from a foreign policy standpoint, it is really damaging. And if I was an ally of the United States and I was seeing the way BB Netanyahu is being treated, I'd be nervous. I'd be like, this is what he's doing to Israel. And ask yourself, why is that? Why is Joe Biden so eager to appease the death to America voters to leak out stories about how he's really mad at BB Netanyahu behind closed doors. He really doesn't like him. He really doesn't like what he's doing. He supports people who think BB Netanyahu is doing this for political gain. Why is he so adamant about that? And then when it comes to Zelensky, he's a completely different person. It's a total 180. Can't give him enough weapons. Can't give him enough praise. Stand next to apologizing on the world stage. Sorry, we didn't get used to fast enough. Please don't be mad. Please don't be mad. We're going to do better next time. The 60 billions. That's not where it ends. We got more coming. Just give us a couple days. It's pathetic. And there's a reason for it. And if you start to wonder why you're accused of being a traitor or accused of being on the side of Russia, doesn't make any sense. All right. One last thing I want to get to before we wrap it up here, Tom Hanks was being interviewed by CNN. And I believe this was also at the 80th anniversary of D-Day. And of course, Ammon Por, Kristin Jan, Ammon Por, she's not going to take the high road and keep it about the veterans that are there that day, or even make it about D-Day and storming the beaches of Normandy. No, she's going to make it all about Donald Trump. And this is what Tom Hanks had to say cut 19. Finally, do you worry about the United States in case there, in terms of its commitment to democracy and freedom and everything these people died for if there's another Trump president? I think there's always a reason to be worried about the short term, but I look at the longer term of what happened. I think there is an ongoing, look, our Constitution says we the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union. That journey to a more perfect union has missteps in it. We know. I can catalog them as much as you can. And you're a professional journalist and I'm just a guy that makes movies and reads books. And a historian. And a lay historian. I'll take that too. You know what, after listening to that cut, I read the transcript of it. She's the one who brought up Trump. And I do think that's important to know. I think a better response would be, Hey, I don't, I just want to stick with today and honoring these men and their tremendous sacrifice. I think that would have been a better response. But after listening to it, I don't fault him as much because his overall message of, you know, things don't always go the way you want them to, but doesn't mean that America is going to cease to exist. I tend to agree with, I know I have different politics than him, but I think my mind just changed there because I don't think he was trying to make it an I hate Trump thing. He was trying to veer away from that a little bit. Do you think I'm, do you think I'm being too generous with that? Yeah, I think you're correct in that there. There was nothing. I was ready to pounce man. I was ready to really ready to go in Twitter. Of course you're always. Yeah, but after listening to it, I'm like, I don't think that's a bad. I think he was just trying to, you know, make the day about this great country and not be a wet blanket. Like everybody, everybody on CNN always wants to make everything about everything. Oh, the sky is falling. Don't you get sick of that once in a while? Don't you ever just look at, especially yesterday, she's there, right? Adam and poor is at the anniversary of the 80th, the 80th anniversary of D day. Don't you ever just want to sit and marvel at the enormity of that moment without making it about your political fear mongering? Like just once. I'm not asking you to do it every day. I know it's your job. I know it's a professional journalist. That's what you guys do. But once in a while, if you're sitting there, you're around all these guys who are real life heroes and you can't just soak that in without watering it down with your Trump BS. And then also bringing Tom Hanks into it. I don't know. I actually, I don't blame Tom for that one. I'm going to give Tom a pass. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Tom Hanks is somewhere going few, few if I really thought she was going to go after me. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls. We're going to talk to Aaron Chaborn right for the car crossover. You don't have to wait once a week for your favorite TV show to come on the air anymore. You just stream what you want when you want it on demand. 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To learn more on how to get your commercial residential or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to Again, call Charlie today at 800-521-0111 or go to and get your real estate sold. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Today's car crossover is brought to you by TuxTrucks GMC. Get a new GMC Yukon now at TuxTrucks GMC in Hudson, Mass. Enjoy the luxury and premium finishes of a 2024 GMC Yukon Denali Ultimate or Yukon XL with Super Cruise and Max trailering. Trailering. Shop online at tuxtrucks Joining us now for the car crossover, it's not the car crossover. It's the Chadborn crossover today. Aaron Chadborn joins us. Aaron, what do you have ready to go for the show today? Well, I was all set to investigate Pat Sajak, but I'm glad you said your mom said that one to us about The Grace. I do want to say though, I think that Ryan Seacrest probably is the one reality TV involved star that's like come out on top. Ryan Seacrest, what can he host? Yeah, that's true. I don't know. This is one where I really -- What doesn't he host? I have to defer to the Wheel of Fortune people because I don't think Pat Sajak is exaggerating when he talks about the fan base. Like they have a huge fan base of people who watch that every single day. And so those are the people I think you need to go to. Is there like a Ken Jennings-esque person in their world or is this just going to have to be like an audition type thing? Well, it's interesting because Vanna's still going to be there, right? So I think Vanna, it remains to be seen whether she outshines. And there was a big effort, I think, for Pat to get his daughter to replace Vanna or to replace him. So we'll see how it plays out. I think it's a tough one. But Pat Sajak, the reason I bring it up is I liked that he was a conservative figure in Hollywood. And there are just fewer and fewer of them. So goodbye, Pat. He has a great Twitter, though. Do you read his Twitter? Yes, yes. And I saw his tweet today. He was like, "Thank you, everybody." Usually his tweets are -- they're kind of political, right? Or just common sense. Oh, he'll be political. He'll do it. And I like people that are willing to go there because you know about this about me, Grace. I'm always encouraging people in your normal life to just talk openly about your ideas. You don't have to be obnoxious about it. You don't have to be mean about it. But the left is so comfortable talking about what they think and what they believe in making it public and not being ashamed of it. I just think more people should do it. Be like Pat. Be like Pat. Now, since we're talking about this, the other thing I'd love to ask you about Aaron is, what do you make of this Alec Baldwin reality show? Since we're talking on these last call topics, what did you think of Alec Baldwin saying he wants to take his family and put them on a TLC reality show with his wife, Elaria? But Elaria, again, not to go to pop culture in the segment, Grace, so I don't think that's what the audience is here for. She's a wacko, though, right? Like, doesn't she make up her accent? She invents different backgrounds first off? She's from Boston. She pretends that she's from Spain or something, and she, for a long time, was kind of mispronouncing words on purpose so she could seem as though she wasn't from here. But here's the best part, Aaron. I saw one of the previews for it, and she still has the accent. You can hear it. She still calls her up, Elaria. I mean, whatever. I mean, people can pretend to be whatever they want these days, apparently. Yeah, that's true. I don't really want a big cash day. It sounds like he's desperate and he's the money, though, right? Don't you think that's what this really is? His Hollywood careers washed up after he murdered that person on set? So I think, really, I don't know, I wouldn't watch it, but I am all for people understanding what a messy person he is and what buyers his family are, but whatever. I'm not watching it. I'll be tuning in, so I'll watch it for both of us. All right, now, Aaron, the other big thing today is that Joe Biden had this interview with David Muir, and he said a few things that people are taking note of. But one of them was he said he would accept the ruling in the Hunter case, and he's ruled out pardoning him. My question for you is, what do you think is a better situation for Joe Biden? Because if Hunter gets convicted, then the whole Trump's a convicted felon thing kind of loses its luster a little bit. But if he gets off, then all of a sudden you're going to have a lot of, not just Republicans, but people in this country really being exposed in a big way to this double standard and to the fact that Democrats seem to have a different level of privilege than Republicans. So which scenario do you think he's looking for? First of all, Grace, does anyone believe him when he says he's not going to pardon Hunter? No, but I don't believe anything he says. Winner lose. Whether he wins the election, loses the election, Hunter's getting a pardon. Whether he's, whether Hunter's convicted or not, he'll probably still pardon them. The thing that they were worried that Trump was going to do on his way out the door, remember? They're like, what if he gives himself a prospective pardon? Like, that's what Joe's going to do to Hunter, no matter what happens. What do I think is going to happen? What do I think is better? Well, I think they're praying that Hunter gets a conviction, to be honest, because I think they want to make this argument that it's a fair justice system. I think they know that's a big liability of theirs. But I don't believe a thing Joe Biden says. Did you hear his comments on the border? And I'm like, no, I don't regret not doing it sooner. Well, wait, what is it? Is it a crisis or is it not a crisis? So if it's a crisis and it's been too much, shouldn't you have fixed it earlier, Joe? No, that that is a part of the Biden White House narrative that has never made sense. Like they do the same thing with the economy. The economy is so great, but then they campaign and say, you need to vote for me again, because I need to fix all these things with the economy. Wait, but you just told us how great it was. They talk about the border was secure for years and years and years, even though it was a complete disaster. Everyone in the Biden administration from Mayorkas to KJP, so the border is secure. And then one day they decided we can't handle this video anymore that's coming out. We can't handle this pushback. We'll admit that there's a problem. But the same day they admitted finally that there was a problem, they also explained to people, there's a problem, but it's Donald Trump's fault. Grace, they have been very clear. They've been very clear. President couldn't be more clear. Aaron, they've been very clear, and I don't know if you know about KJP's new word. They've also been very mindful. That's another thing. Aaron Chad Warren's coming up next. You don't want to miss them. I will see you all on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)