The Howie Carr Radio Network

Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden and Hannibal Lecter with Jake Novak | 6.7.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace discusses D-Day and Hillary Clinton's bizarre tweet with Jake Novak. Plus, Joe Biden says he won't pardon Hunter. Does anyone believe him?

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07 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone, welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. We're going to be speaking with Jake Novak in just a minute here. But, while we wait, I did want to read you a headline. Remember when your favorite shows, Jared used to do like crossovers? The world would collide, the shows would collide. I remember I was a Disney Channel girl and it would be like Hannah Montana and That's O'Ravin and Sweet Life Zach and Cody. We're all on the same cruise ship or something. This is a collision here. House GOP investigates Fannie Wills' relationship with J6 witness Cassidy Hutchinson. So Cassidy Hutchinson was the one who came up with the Beast story, right? The Trump lunged at the driver of the Beast, tried to veer him off the road or something. And then the actual driver of the limo said, "I can testify that that didn't happen, but they didn't really get back to him until after November." Well, apparently, now the House GOP is trying to see what kind of relationship Fannie Willis had. She's a Fulton County district attorney with Cassidy Hutchinson. So a lot of question marks when it comes to Fannie Willis and who she was meeting with and who Nathan Wade was meeting with and their connections with the White House. And they haven't been very forthcoming. They haven't been very cooperative as the White House loves to describe Joe Biden. All right, now we've got Jake Novak on the line and we have a lot to get to. First up, I want to start, Jake, by thanking you for coming on the show. And I want you, because yesterday you and I were going back and forth a little bit about D-Day. You were sharing with me some very moving stories and some of which I mentioned on the air. But then I see this tweet from Hillary Clinton and she's got a real knack for making things about herself and also for just really missing the mark on social media. She said, "80 years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy. This November, all we have to do is vote." Jake, the floor is yours. Well, first of all, thank you for extending the discussion of D-Day for what should be an entire weekend, you know, even Memorial Day weekend, July 4th weekend. So thanks for that. But no thank you to Hillary Clinton for her comments. You know, the Democrats have had a very hard time for many years. Not attacking the Republicans or any Republican as a racist or a Nazi. And it would almost be a joke 20 years ago if someone just used that kind of comparison. But it's now we're so used to it. And I'm glad that we're not just letting her get away with this. You know, for someone who had family members murdered by the Nazis for real, not just told that you couldn't have avocado toast today, someone who had their relatives murdered, I don't like people like, you know, any Republicans, even if they aren't good ones or Democrats, compared to Nazis. And I'm really sick of it. And I think the whole country should be sick of it and call everyone out. And it's important for Democrats. For those of you who are listening who are little bit who might be Democrats or liberals, please call her out on this because if I call her out on it, it doesn't mean anything. And I will return the favor by calling out right-wingers who are anti-Semitic and comparing Democrats to Nazis when that isn't an apropos comparison. And I think that that's a good rule for us to follow. Yeah. And I also think there's something very insulting about implying that people who go to vote are doing the same amount of heroic bravery as the men who stormed the beaches. And a lot of times the teenagers, the 17 and 18-year-olds who stormed the beaches of Normandy, it's like, I don't think she, maybe she missed that part of it, which is you're also insulting those people and you're kind of downplaying the enormous sacrifice and the magnitude of their bravery on that day. Well, you know, Grace, that is also part of a pattern. I've noticed, and I'm sure you have too, whether it's the regime news media or in this case, it's much more often the entertainment news media. You can see the disdain with which the left portrays people who are veterans and soldiers. It doesn't matter what war it is. One was the last time you saw a movie where the veteran of a war wasn't either messed up, wounded either physically or emotionally or just a dope. And a lot of that has to do with Hollywood writers and politicians who know they've never made a sacrifice like that. And how do you deal with that? Do you say to yourself, "Hey, I'm inspired by somebody who did something more heroic than me. I'm going to honor them and maybe try to emulate them as much as I can, or are you going to say to yourself, "Aye, I'm going to knock them down. Let's knock them down and bring them to our level and basically say that me voting and getting that sticker that I voted is just like someone coming home with a purple heart and missing a limb." And this has a lot to do with the lack of humility. I mean, lack of humility should have a picture of Hillary Clinton in the dictionary. It really should, because you know what I just thought of, Jake, when you were describing that? And I mentioned how she always misses the mark on social media. But that time where she tweeted out the photo of herself and she said, "Happy birthday." It was like a photo of herself when she was five or something. And she said, "Happy birthday to this future president." It's always so cringe-worthy, but you're right. She does have a lot of arrogance. She is a bit of a narcissist. I said this yesterday when Biden was speaking in front of the men there, the veterans who stormed the beaches of Normandy. And he was referencing Ukraine and all these things. I said, "Can we ever just sit one out? Like, can you ever just take a minute and say, "What's the event about? It's about these guys being back in Normandy. I'll make it about them." For one flipping, Jake, it's not like he doesn't have plenty of opportunities to talk about Ukraine, to talk about all these other things. But it's impossible for them to once in a while take the high road and make it about the people who are there for the 80th anniversary. It drives me completely insane. Jake, I did want to move on to something else that drives me insane. That's kind of the theme of today. And that would be this story. It's about Breanna Joy Gray. Yes, Breanna Joy Gray, and she was fired from the hill after she demeaned an Israeli hostages sister during an interview. And I wanted to play a sound cut of this for people. It was really a painful interview to watch. This woman is there begging people to believe her, to believe her sister, to help advocate for the hostages. And this woman, Breanna Joy Gray, who, to be quite honest, I'm not very familiar with her work, she has such contempt for this woman. You can see it in the interview. You can see it by the way she downplays what she's saying. And you would think that this woman was BB Netanyahu. Like she's so critical of her. And the woman said, "I'm not political. I'm here to talk about my sister who's being held hostage by these savages, by these murderers and rapists. Let's play cut 14, please." One of the rationale that was presented for 9/11 was discussed with America's support of Israel's continued occupation of Palestine. So that's neither here nor there. I really do hope that Netanyahu agrees, Israel agrees to the ceasefire deal that could bring all the hostages, including your sister home. And I'm sure many people watching are praying for her safety. Thank you, me too. And I really hope that you specifically will believe women when they say that they got hurt. All right. Thanks for joining. Stick around. More rising coming up next. Jake, she is huffing and puffing when that woman says, "believe women." That was, at one point, part of the progressive movement was "believe women." But because this woman is an Israeli woman, it goes out the window. You know, Grace, can't you see the connection between the two topics we've just discussed? The lack of humility, the lack of understanding. There are some people in America who believe that their victimhood story is the only story that should be allowed to be spoken. And they believe that it's a finite pie. In other words, if Jews come around and talk about the victimhood that they have experienced, that somehow takes away from the victimhood that, in this case, an African-American experience. Ignorant, in every way, is this woman, Brianna Joy, because she should know that the NAACP was founded by Jews and Blacks who understood together that they had an experience and learned from those experiences and couldn't make the United States a better place together based on our shared experiences. And by the way, what Big Goldberg does this too? How dare you say someone else was victimized who was in black? Or a Latino or something? And it's just so sad. It's almost like we're playing. There used to be a game show called "Queen for a Day" in the radio days where you literally told your most pathetic story and the audience would vote, who was the most pathetic person, and they would win the prize. Well, that's an old radio game show. That's not real life. We can learn from each other's victim stories, hopefully avoid them in the future, not feel like we should be selfish about it. This is a lack of humility and also a tremendous amount of ignorance from Brianna Joy. I'm glad she's gone. Yeah, I am too. And it's a lack of humanity as well. I mean, there was no empathy for this woman. And I really thought about that. I said, you know, I understand that she's critical, because that's the excuse when you're being anti-Semitic, because I'm being critical of the Israeli government. But if you put that aside for a second, doesn't anybody over at the Hill or over at any of these networks think to themselves, how would I feel if my sibling was being held hostage by savage murderers and rapists? And then I was going around just asking people to advocate for them, and I was met with this kind of treatment. Would that make me feel good? Is that the way I want to treat people? But she doesn't have any of that decency. And it's ironic, because of course, that's what Dems claim to be so full of, is decency and empathy and integrity and all that good stuff. But on the topic of Israel, Jake, because I know that you are just a wealth of knowledge when it comes to these things, the gossip here has been the focus of a lot of news lately. So according to what I've read, it costs somewhere between 230 to 320 million dollars to build this pier. And it's been a complete disaster, thanks to the weather, thanks to the water. It's going to cost 22 million dollars to repair this pier. Now, keep in mind, there's US service members who have to be there during this, who are putting their lives at risk. And this is all in hopes that we can transfer aid to Gaza, and that's not really proving to be successful either. I would love your take on this, Jake. What is your response to all of this hoopla around the Gaza pier? Well, I'm not a scientist and I'm not playing one on the radio, but I can tell you that my sources in the Army Corps of Engineers have told me that there was no chance that pier was ever going to be viable. And a lot of their concerns were sent up the chain of command until finally someone had told them, "Listen, the commander in chief wants this, even if it's going to break apart in a day, you've got to build it." So that's why we have this pier. So that's the first thing I want to say, because we can't get around the science. If it's two plus two equals five, we're not going to go anywhere. But the second thing is, you know, you've probably heard me or seen me right many times. The last thing that ever should happen is an American soldier or sailor to be killed or wounded for this war or any war really that involves Israel. It's never happened before. It should never happen. And I honestly think this is kind of like basically a double blackmail situation. Israel's got to agree to this Gaza pier, which is all the aid is going to go to Hamas. They steal all the aid all the time. Everybody knows that. So that's one thing. And then when it goes south, Israel will also be blamed for it because there may be someone, God forbid, who gets injured, you know, in the U.S. servicemen or woman. And then Israel will also be blamed for it. This thing is a disaster financially. It's a disaster ethically. And it is a disaster politically for everyone all around. And so that's why Joe Biden likes it so much. It's a triple disaster. And I guess it's a special on Friday for him. It's supposed to double disasters. Yeah, Jay, just to piggyback on that, Carol Markowitz had put out a tweet a while ago about this pier that really stuck with me. She said it's important to remember that the Biden administration did not put American boots on the ground to help our ally, Israel, but to facilitate a boondoggle to help Hamas. And to your point, because they're trying to facilitate this boondoggle and it's going to fail. It already has. When things go wrong, Israel's going to get all of the blame for it, even though this isn't really being set up to help Israel at all. Jake, I did want to switch gears here very quickly and ask you your take on the Hunter Biden trial today. We have sound. It came out yesterday of Biden saying he will not use a pardon for his son Hunter if he gets convicted. What have you gathered so far? I know that the prosecution has rested their case. We're wrapping up for the end of the first week. What's your take on this Hunter Biden trial? My biggest take has been it's been a failure of journalism all the way around. Even the right-wing news media is falling for this head fake trying to pretend this trial is all about drug use. I understand that's the charge. But the trial isn't about drug use. The trial is about how this definitively proves that our intelligence agencies and the news media conspired to lie to us about the validity of the laptop. That's the biggest scandal here. And this trial actually proves it. And to me that is the biggest story. Now, it might be fun to make fun of all those crazy pictures of Hunter Biden in a cracked stupor. I get it, put it on SNL, have a good time with all that. But the real story, when you do that, you turn him into a sympathetic character. And that's, by the way, what you're hearing on the regime news media, isn't it mean that those Republicans are making fun of a poor old drug addict? Also, the secondary story which you'll be focusing on is the fact that, by the way, all this money that he's getting, all these favors that he's getting, really were illegal. And that's the problem. And when these things started to come out five, six years ago, I wrote about it. I said, that's the problem. Everyone should start to understand that this is how bribery is conducted in America. You bribe the children. You bribe the spouses. You give them jobs. You don't give the open the money directly in Joe's pocket, although that may have happened in some cases and we'll find that out later. But the point is, that's what we should be focusing on. Not as drug. His drug use is incidental on my Hannibal Lecter with Clarice Starling. No, that is incidental. It's incidental to the drug use. The real case here is that, you know, we have a major scandal here with our intelligence agencies deliberately lying to the public for our presidential candidate. That's the story I think everyone should stick to, please. Jake Novak, everyone should subscribe to his substact, Jake Follow him on Twitter as well. He's a great follow at Jake, Jake New York. So it's at Jake, Jake, and why at Jake, Jake, and why follow him there. He's a really awesome follow. I don't know how he managed to get Hannibal Lecter in that interview with everything else we were talking about, but I appreciate it. We'll be right back with your calls on any of the topics we just discussed, plus so much more when we come back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. President Donald Trump raised $12 million in one night at Silicon Valley Funeries are hosted by David Sacks. Talking about this recently, we discussed it with Caroline Levitt on Friday that a lot of these Silicon Valley tech founders are starting to voice their support for Donald Trump, and they're not doing it. They're doing it a little bit grudgingly because they know that it's going to probably affect the people that want to do business with them, but like a lot of other people in this country, they don't feel as though they have any other choice. They would rather have some people miffed that they spoke their mind and have the country devolve into ruin. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. I'm going next week. I can't wait. Set it all up with Melissa. They have the best team there, so just call 1-844 a Perfect Smile. Tell them I sent you. That would make me very happy. And you can also visit Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is where would you move if you were to leave New England, the Carolinas, Florida, or Texas? I'm going to say Florida because I've been to Palm Beach a couple times. I'm not saying I'd move to Palm Beach. It's a little high on my price range. But there's a lot of people in the conservative circles who go to Florida, who work out of Florida, and for my life, that would probably be the easiest move. 32% of the audience says Florida. 54% say the Carolinas and 14% say Texas. You know what's a funny thing, Jared, the stuff that gets politicians bragging? Like, I always am amazed when a politician thinks they're bragging about something good, and they have no idea that they're telling us the exact opposite of what we want to hear. It's like when Joe Biden talks about, "We have billions of dollars in electric vehicles and billions of dollars in this." And we're all sitting there going, "You're bragging about spending our money." That's like if I came in here and said, "Jared, I took your credit card. I spent so much money on so much stuff for myself." You're nothing that you wanted, but I bought all this stuff. That's Mayor Wu. Can I get a cut? 17. And that's why since 2021, our city has invested $400 million in environmental, social, or in governance or ESG funds. And in the next several months, the city will, for the first time ever, invest money from our trust fund into an ESG portfolio through a Sustainable Investments Manager co-founded my former U.S. Vice President and longtime Climate Leader Al Gore. And this is supposed to make me feel happy? They just straight up tell us they're laundering our money now. Can I make a suggestion? Why don't you just set my money on fire? I think that'd be a better use of it. We'll be right back. [MUSIC] Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Don't forget, there's still time to vote in today's poll question if you go to You'll find the poll there, and you can cast your vote. I'm on political right now. I'm trying to see if a story that popped up on my Twitter feed if it's real. And if it is real, then we are in for a treat. But before I get to that, let's have a little bit of Hillary Clinton's sound, Jared. She's the serpent who God's the gates of hell. When I was talking about D-Day yesterday, I always feel as though I never want to come off as though I'm taking it lightly or that I'm not speaking respectfully about things. So the show tends to take a little bit more of a serious approach. A little bit of reverence. Yes, thank you, Jared. But nobody else feels that way. I just saw a headline that I think is from a Politico email that said Biden stormed something like Biden stormed the beaches at Normandy or something. Yeah, again, I'm not saying awkward. I'm not saying that you can't talk about what you want to talk about, but it doesn't seem like the same amount of reverence and respect is given to the men who are standing behind Biden as one would like. And Hillary Clinton, we talked about this tweet with Jake Novak, but it's worth repeating. He was true at the time. That seems unlikely. Yes, 80 years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy. This November, all we have to do is vote. The former secretary of state posted to her ex-account. This is the first time we've heard this logic, by the way. Remember during COVID, when they wanted us to stay inside for two weeks, two weeks turned into two months, which turned into two years, two years to slow this bread, and then we're thinking it back to normal. But I remember Larry David or someone made a commercial about how at one point your grandparents went to war and all you have to do is sit at home and watch TV to do your part. I don't like trying to equate people who are in the military, or I don't like trying to equate what these veterans did to anything that we're doing here that isn't that. Like, you know what Dwight Treat says? Comparisons are hard. Sometimes we don't have to compare things. We don't have to say, "Hey, this is what they did 80 years ago today, and all you have to do is XYZ." It's okay. We can just talk about what they did 80 years ago. That's why you're all there. That's why you're all in Normandy. It's not to compare it to Ukraine. It's not to compare it to Democrats who have hate has no home here signs on their lawn going into vote on November 5th. Those things don't have to be compared to each other because they're not the same. They're not the same at all. I don't understand trying to combine and swirl all these topics together. Remember when your grandfather stormed the beaches of Normandy and died? That's just like you going to vote. Is it, though? Explain how I need a Venn diagram. Where is Kamala Harris when you need her? Where is that woman? Because to me, it just doesn't make any sense. I will confirm that political headline because somebody tweeted it out and I said, "That cannot be real." That's the part of it too that I want people to remember. This has to go through several layers of people. Hillary Clinton doesn't have an idea for a tweet and it just goes out. There's at least three people in her orbit who are seeing something and going, "Yeah, that's a good idea." That's a good idea. Compare voting against Donald Trump because they're not voting for Joe Biden. They've given up on that. Hillary's made mention several times that she's not impressed by Joe at this point, that he's a little over the hill. She hasn't said he's unlikable because that would really be throwing stones, but she has made mention of his age. So this idea that we should pretend that people who are going out to vote against Donald Trump are the same as the guys who stormed the beaches of Normandy. That had to pass the smell test from a couple people, which really does concern me. What's going on over there? I am on with today's date and playbook pm colon. Biden storms the beach for democracy by Gary Ross. It's even worse than I thought. That's even more offensive. He's the playbook producer and playbook pm co-author at Politico. He formerly worked at the New York Times, copy desk and the AP. Covering the Paralympic games in Rio in 2016. Biden stormed the beaches of Normandy for democracy. Biden storms the beach for democracy. Garrett Ross. I'm not going to be reading that. Is he going to tell us a story about how he did that? That's the thing, Garrett. That's where you get into dangerous territory. You throw that out there to Joe Biden. He gets wind of that headline and he likes the sound of it. Guess what? It's getting thrown into his repertoire. He's going to start talking to people going, "I was in my towel and I had my shaving gear and I was saying, "Drop me off here guys. I'm going to run in and I'm going to go after those pillboxes." And then Elvis showed up. I said, "What the hell are you doing here?" He's going to work this into his routine. Garrett, I just hope you know that. I want to go back. Why are you giggling over there? I'm just, I'm reading, I'm reading the playbook. Give us a taste of what's going on. To the point. President Joe Biden spoke at Puan Duhawk in Normandy this morning as he continues to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. In his remarks, Biden emphasized the importance of democracy. A twofold message intended for the audience's back home and abroad. Though he did not mention Donald Trump in all capitals by name. Biden's words, "were to a large degree geared not just toward a broad American audience, but toward specific segments of it." Those Republicans enamored by Trump's isolationism, skittish Democrats, and even traditional independence. Listen, listen, listen, listen. This is like waterboarding. Enough, enough, enough, please, enough. Here's what I'll say. There used to be an expression, like politics stops at the water's edge. When you go to other places, when you go to other countries, you leave the politics behind. That is obviously, that has been rehomed somewhere. That's hanging out with Joe Biden's dogs. That is no longer in play that you leave politics at the water's edge. Okay, wait. He's not even the author of all this stuff. I guess the authors of this were Eli Stokos. No, there has to be multiple. There has to be multiple behind this genius. Eric by zeal, I am eel. They wrote all this stuff, and he just put it together from another political piece and put it into the playbook. I think we've covered the playbook at this point. That's a real headline, ladies and gentlemen. Playbook, PM, colon, Biden, storms the beach for democracy. Do you know how much reverence I had for D-Day yesterday? Not to make this about me, God forbid, but just to do a little. Here's a comparison that I like. I restrain myself from making fun of Joe Biden's speech yesterday, because I thought it's not really about him today. Now, that day has passed, and I feel like I have free reign. That was me trying to be respectful of the day and saying, yeah, I could focus on all the bumbling mistakes he made, but instead, I'll just focus on D-Day and have people call in. What they're doing is not only are they lying about the speech that he delivered, because it was a mess. I didn't say it yesterday because I was biting my tongue, but I am biting my tongue no more. It was a mess. Not only are they saying that, but then they put the spin on it like he's one of these vets storming the beach. They want to give you that visual. It's a double slap in the face. Slap, slap, slap. Can we go back to Brianna Joy here for a second? Brianna Joy Gray. Brianna Joy Gray got fired from the Hill, and she's very upset about this Jared, because she's the victim, as you know. She was very, very condescending and dismissive of the sister of an Israeli hostage, and the interview was uncomfortable to watch, because you could really feel that Brianna Joy Gray has contempt not just for BB Netanyahu, not just for the IDF, not just for the Israeli government. But for Jewish people, you could get the sense that she doesn't like Israeli's period, and that's the only way I could explain why when the sister of a hostage comes on your show to advocate for said hostage, you would treat her in this abhorrent fashion. The only way I can make sense of that is if you're an anti-Semite, which based off what I've been reading today about Brianna Joy Gray, she is. So another piece of the puzzle falls into place. But I wanted to read, I'm sorry, I wanted to play one more cut of this for you. This is cut 12. Just think about yourself being in one of the countries inside the US being attacked from Mexico, let's say, like that. You think that the United States Army or the Biden administration or any other administration for that matter will be quiet until this terror group will be eliminated that we will have this threat for the entire lives. I think that's an interesting analogy. I don't think that we would endeavor to eliminate all Mexicans if that were to happen, right? I think that we've had seven months of discrimination all Palestinians. But let's stop again about my sister. Please, there is a woman. No pause there because that point that she made at the end is absolutely ridiculous that we wouldn't try to eliminate. We wouldn't never to eliminate all Mexicans because what she's saying there is that that's what Israel is trying to do. They're trying to eliminate all the people in Gaza or all the people in Rafa. That's not what they're trying to do by any stretch. They've gone out of their way to try to reduce the amount of civilian casualties. Their ratio isn't much different than any other war that's gone on. In fact, in a lot of cases, it's better as far as reducing the amount of civilian casualties. You don't hear about that a place is like the Hill, but that's the truth. And so this narrative that's been pushed that Israel is bloodthirsty and is going above and beyond to try to kill innocent Palestinians is absurd. Or that they don't want to accept the terms of a ceasefire. What ceasefire? What ceasefire are you talking about? The ceasefire that Hamas won't agree to? There was a ceasefire on October 6th. And I don't think it was Beebe Netanyahu who ended that ceasefire. I think it was the savage barbarians who came in and started chopping people's heads off. I think that was a pretty good sign that the ceasefire was no longer in play. But for her to say, oh, we wouldn't endeavor to eliminate all Mexicans. Well, that's not what they're trying to do either, but we, I can tell you this. If we had a terror, if we had a cartel come in and eliminate as many if you look at the percentages, the population as much of our population as what happened on Israel to Israel on October 7th. We wouldn't try to eliminate all Mexicans, but you can bet your ass we'd make sure that terror group was taken down. We wouldn't, we wouldn't be arranging like peace deals with the terror group and saying, hey, by the way, we have all this aid that we want to send to Mexico. If you would just let us, can we build some sort of peer that you'll also destroy? Is there anything? Hmm. What can we do for you? What can we do for you? What else could make you happy? We wouldn't be talking about a proportionate response. We wouldn't be talking about, you know, these resolutions. There would be none of that. And everybody knows it. Everybody. Breonna Joy Gray knows it. But Israel is supposed to sit around and wait for the next one. And all of this talk about when there's a horrible disaster, like when, when there's a strike and then it hits an ammunition center and it's near all these people. There's a reason that Hamas has embedded itself in the densely populated areas in Rafa, and it's because they know that because of that, they have essentially all these human shields around them. And it's really disappointing. Like, you know, there's going to be evil in the world. I get that. I get there's evil in the world, but there's something really disturbing about how eager these people in our media are to take the word of Hamas over the word of Israelis. That really bothers me. They actually need to look inside yourself. Why are you so quick to trust Hamas that, by the way, when they're done with Israel, they're coming here next. The goal isn't death to Israel, and then we all get along. The goal is death to Israel, death to America. They're the little Satan. Where the big one? And so if you find yourself tripping over yourself to believe these evil, evil animals that are part of Hamas, as opposed to the people being held hostage, that's a you problem. And now Breanna Joy Gray is talking about how she was critical of Israel. You know, this is what I get. I'm getting, I'm being fired for being critical of Israel. You weren't being critical of Israel. You were being a jerk. You were being needlessly cruel to a person who went on your show to desperately advocate for their loved one to be returned from barbarians. That's what you were doing. There was nothing about you being critical to Israel. You rolled your eyes and huffed at this woman, who's probably experienced the most sadness in the last six months that she ever has in her life. Now it's become like defending democracy. As long as you say I'm being critical of Israel, you can get away with whatever you want. It's an excuse for anti-Semitism. I'm not anti-semitic. I don't like Jews. That's what all these people sound like. I'm not anti-semitic. I'm just critical of Israel. And also I support Hamas, who wants to eradicate Israel and the Jewish people. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls. Spring means more flowers and sunshine. Unfortunately, it can also mean more pollen and allergens. There's a lot of that going around, Jared. I have a tissue box. I have tissue boxes everywhere in this office. But what I love is on my way home, I turn on my thunderstorm in the car. I can roll the windows down because that thunderstorm, it's eliminating that pollen that builds up on your car. It's eliminating the pollen and the air. And it's leaving you with that, you know that feeling you get when you walk out the door and there's been a thunderstorm and the streets are clean and the air feels clean. That's what you can have in your office, in your car, in your basement for that musty smell. If you have animals, if you have cooking odors, it really does pack a punch and it gets rid of all of it. Yeah, I'm looking out the window right now and I bet if you do the same wherever you are, you will see basically yellow carpet on the ground. There's so much tree pollen, especially after the rain that some areas got last night. But the thunderstorm is great because it eliminates those allergens and pollutants that are in the air. The same way it does with odors. This isn't one of those devices that makes things smell flowery or, you know, makes the air thick. No, it actually purifies the air and ionizes the air, which creates a super oxygen. And that's what eliminates the odors and eliminates the allergens and the pollutants. Yeah, absolutely. And right now you can get a three pack, which is a really great deal. So you can have the Eden Pure thunderstorm everywhere. Here's how I want you to get your hands on it. Go to and use code GRACE3. If you've been thinking about this and you haven't pulled the trigger, this is a perfect time to get the three pack. That's Use code GRACE in the number three. Say hello to spring and goodbye to allergens. Get the three pack today. Don't forget the code GRACE3. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC PLAYING]