The Howie Carr Radio Network

Grace Talks Trash, Garland "Defends Democracy" | 6.7.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

The AG is defying a subpoena from House Republicans. But he has a good reason. Plus, Grace talks trash.

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07 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Ibiba Trateria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone, welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you, thank you, thank you for tuning in today. Happy Friday to all of you, you did it, you made it to the end of another week. Hopefully you have a fun weekend ahead planned, and it's also for those who are keeping track. It's National Donut Day today, so hopefully you've indulged in a delicious donut. I had a nice glaze this morning. Plenty of stories to get to. Byron Donalds is in the news a lot today. He was taking on the mainstream media. I reached out to his people, Jared, fingers crossed. We're going to make something happen today. If you can't come on today, I'm hoping we can book something for next week, because they were very, very excited to kind of plan a little media hit with us to go over all of the, I'll say debating, I won't say fighting, the debating that's been going on. Well, you'll actually let him talk. Unlike Joy Reidy, you mean? Yes. Joy Reid was so angry, and if you've missed this bit of fake news, it's not surprising at all, but there's different levels of nuance that the media tries to use when they're taking Republicans out of context, and in this case, they really are just mailing it in. They're not even trying. They're just hoping, like, Hakeem Jeffries and other Democrats are just hoping that they can put out this lie that Byron Donalds was praising the Jim Crow era, which just makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle. He was doing nothing of this sort, of course, and he's explained it several times now, but he was on with Joy Reid. She was so angry at Byron Donalds. You would think he was a time-traveling, homophobic hacker who ruined her beautiful blog. Like, you could really feel how much she dislikes him, and he didn't really change his disposition. Did you notice that, Jared? He was pretty calm and cool the whole time. Yeah, I mean, that's how your role is. We talked about people who can handle the media, and he's on that list. He's on the VP contender list, and all of those, I would say, the only person on that list, Jared, would you agree about? Can you guess who it would be on the VP contender list? In terms of handling the media? Yeah. I don't know the full list, but Tim Scott? No, it's Doug. Oh, Doug. Oh, Doug. Bergen, if you got him. I worry about him. And the funny part about that is I was always a big Doug fan. Like, when he went to the first debate, and he was so sweet, he was on the end of the debate stage, and, you know, he barely got two minutes to talk, and when he did, he seemed very nice. He seemed like someone you wouldn't mind going out to lunch with, but that's not what we needed in the VP. Doug, Doug, Doug, Doug, Doug. Yeah, and I'm not a hater. I'm not a hater. I'm actually team Doug, but not for this. All right, everybody else on it? Tim Scott, you're right. Tim Scott, I think, is less of a brawler when it comes to dealing with, you know, MSNBC, CNN. But Byron Donalds is definitely, Jared, is on the money. He can handle it. He's great at it. And there's a lot of people in that list, JD Vance, Tom Cotton, who recently -- I said that to Howie yesterday -- I said, "Don't forget Tom Cotton and your poll question." He said, "No, no, no. He's not on the list." I said, "No, he is." They sent him vetting material, according to -- I think I was reading CBS. So there's a lot of people on there who can handle the media. But we'll get to that, and we have sound, obviously. The prosecution has rested its case against Hunter Biden. Yesterday was a big day. Howie Biden, Hunter's sister-in-law, turned lover, turned ex-lover, turned witness was on the stand. And she testified about dropping the gun off in the trash can. I was reading different reports because there was talk of a dumpster. And I'm not trying to be -- whenever -- that's my tell. Whenever I say I'm not trying to be nitpicky, you can get -- you can know that that's exactly what I'm trying to do. I think there's a big difference between dropping a gun off in a trash can versus a dumpster. And I read a lot of reports yesterday that she dropped the gun off in a dumpster, and I thought, "That kind of changes things for me. Changes how I'm viewing these events." And then I saw a video of it, which I had never seen before. I watched a video this morning of Howie walking to the trash can. She was pretty calm about it. She wanted to act casual. And you know what the amazing thing is? It's sometimes, Jerry, like if there's a trash can, right? Let's say you're getting a coffee or something, and there's a public trash can. It's not public. It's part of the coffee shop, but it's outside. And you've got some junk in the car. You've got a couple of wrappers, maybe a couple of seltzer cans. This is all hypothetical. I've worried before that the establishment is going to get mad at me for unloading a couple of cans, a couple of -- you know, when I was younger, my mom would say, "Is there anything back there? Because there's a trash can right here. So if there's anything back there, hand it to me now. I don't want to see it when we get home. I always get a little skittish worried that someone's going to come out of the store. I know. I'm such a baby. I always get a little skittish worried that someone's going to come out of the store and say, "Hey, hey, hey, hey, that trash can is only for things that you got here. It's not for all the crap that you've had in your car for the past week, lady, or when you're at the gas station and they got that trash can." Little did I -- It's actually not an unfounded fear, though, because if you're an establishment that has to pay by weight of disposal, you know, you could be concerned about that. And to quote Rodney Dangerfield, I don't know if you know who runs waste management, but you know what it reminds me of. So you're right to kind of think that way. You know why I think that way, Jared, because I respect trash. You remember the curvier enthusiasm, like, "Do you respect wood when they find the ring of the glass on the wood table?" And he's like, "I don't think you respect wood. I respect trash. I understand the value of a trash can. I understand the value of a dump. We used to have a dump in my town. And when I tell you a distinct childhood memory I have is my mom would take us to this little cookie store, we could get our cookies, and then she would drive and she'd dump a bunch of stuff at the dump. And my mom was probably listening to this like, "That's one of your childhood memories." But she loved the dump. Nobody loved the dump more than Mama Curly. It was like Christmas morning for her. And then they closed down the dump needless to say, "Sad day in the Curly house." Hang on a second. It was Christmas morning because she could get rid of things, or did we go shopping at like, "Oh, it was Christmas morning. Oh, look at all this free stuff!" No, no, no, no. Christmas morning is as the joy that she felt getting rid of things, shocking things. Wow, okay. That makes more sense. Christmas morning was spent at the house. We weren't at the dump on Christmas morning. How did I get here? What I was saying is I respect trash. I respect the fact that somebody actually has to pay for this trash to be removed. Little did I know that while I'm here worried about my Burger King cup going into a Dunkin Donuts trash can that other people are so unconcerned, so disassociated from this world that they're dropping revolvers. It probably wasn't a revolver, but they're dropping guns into trash cans. Had I known that that is something as a society that we're cool with, I'm going to feel a lot better about throwing my stuff into the trash cans. I'm not going to abuse it. I'm still going to be respectful. I never throw anything into a trash can that's overflowing. That drives me crazy. When people start just pushing more stuff into a trash can, don't do that. That's up there for me with leaving your grocery cart in the middle of parking lot. Don't do that. Have some respect. But now that I know that people are dropping guns off in trash cans, that does change things for me. There's no denying it, so we'll talk about Hallie, we'll talk about Hunter, the prosecution has rested. Meanwhile, more cuts of Joe Biden's interview with David Muir are going viral, and in one of them, he's asked about pardoning Hunter, and he says, "It's off the table. He's not going to do it." I don't know if we can really count on that because I didn't get the sense when the question was asked that it really registered with him. You know how certain things just don't take at this point? He just seemed like he was talking without even responding. I don't think he really knew what he was responding to. He's falling into a trap of the media's own making, where David Muir says, "Will you accept the ruling?" And immediately, the media's like, "Will you accept the results of the election?" So that is like a trigger now for the Democrats and for Biden who's just gone as soon as he hears what you accept. Yes, I will, because Donald Trump won't accept the election. Yeah, of course. I accept everything. I cooperate. I accept. Yeah. That's the thinking. But you know what the crazy thing about that is that I'm surprised more politicians don't use the, I don't answer hypotheticals. That would be my go-to. If I was a politician, I do that on the show sometimes. People call up, "Wedding and India," I don't, I don't do hypotheticals. I like to ask people about hypotheticals, but I don't answer hypotheticals. That's my rule. And I don't know why more politicians don't say that, like Trump could even use that. "Will you accept?" I don't know. I don't know. Check in with me when it happens. We'll cross. Or how about this? Speaking of Gene Curly, Gene Curly theory, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Okay. I think there's a dump on the other side. I can't wait to see my phone right now. It's going to be all text from my mom. She's not going to deny it though. She's not going to deny it. 844-500-4242, what I really wanted to focus on for this opening, needless to say we got a little sidetracked, is Merrick Garland. Because the AG is not going to comply with the subpoena that the House Republicans have sent him. Garland Merrick. It's very Eric Holder-esque of Garland Merrick. And the reasoning really cracks me up. This is, it's the reason, it's the reson d'etre of the Democrats right now. It's defending democracy. Everything they do, everything. One day they're going to run into democracy and they're going to say, "Do you realize that everything I do, I do for you, everything in this life that moves me?" The reason I get out of bed in the morning is to defend your ass, democracy. And so yeah, now defying subpoenas is also something that you have to do if you're defending democracy. We'll talk about that when we return. Get on the lines now. I see Mr. Garcia calling in 844-500-4242. Don't go anywhere. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. The first lady's office only says that the first lady is coming to Wilmington essentially for one day. I've asked for clarification to see it perhaps. She could be called as a character witness, no guidance at all. We just know that she's going to be in Wilmington tomorrow. That's as far as her office would say, but it's notable that she's leaving France to come to Wilmington for a day, then she's going back to France. Yeah, it's notable if you're Greta Thunberg. It's notable if you're an American taxpayer. Blah, blah, blah, blah. If you're a climate person, like Greta, it's notable and if you're an American taxpayer, it's notable because it's going to cost a lot. That's going to take off what? That's going to shave a few days off the end of the world, right? We got to be a couple days closer to doomsday if Dr. Jill's flying back and forth from France. From France, because she's got to be with Hunter. She's got to show her support for Hunter. No, no. They really do. They take these trips like it ain't no thing. They're very, very casual about their carbon footprint and it bothers me. I would think since it's such an important thing to Joe Biden, it's our existential threat right behind domestic white supremacy or whatever he describes it as. And Donald Trump, of course, I would think that they would be a little bit more, a little bit more cautionary about how often they're flying back and forth for these stupid things. Mr. Garcia, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Mr. Garcia? Yes, Grace, how you doing? I wanna ask you a question, Donald Trump going to pick a VIP to, I wanna know who going to be a tough person to debate, come on average? I don't know if Mr. Senator Scott going to be a tough enough to face her. I don't know. He's going to be tough. Yeah, because the instinct, Mr. Garcia, thank you for calling me, instinct for people is to say you don't have to be tough to be Kamala Harris. She is the worst, I mean, forget debater. She can't even put a sentence together. So you would think that as long as you can, you know, complete a full sentence that you would have it in the bag. But Mr. Garcia is right because you have to keep in mind, it's not going to be a level playing field, that the questions are going to be spun in such a way that they benefit Kamala Harris. They're going to do everything they can to prop her up. And you also just, inherently you have to be careful about coming off as smug or arrogant when you're on the debate stage. That happens a lot of times. I still remember Joe Biden debating Paul Ryan. And I remember thinking to myself, and I was young at that point thinking he's a real arrogant ass, this guy, he's just not being, he's just not being nice. And so while you want someone tough and someone who can demolish her arguments, you also need somebody with a certain kind of nuance and stage presence. And to answer your question, I agree with you about Tim Scott. I've seen him speak before. I think he's a smart guy. I think that his delivery is a little bit too gentle and too slow. Like he speaks very slowly, it takes him a lot longer to get to his point than some of these other candidates. I think Byron Donald would be great. I think that Tom Cotton would be great. He might be a tiny bit too Ben Shapiro-esque. He can really rattle off things pretty quickly. And I think J.D. Vance would be really good. I would have to see the full list. I worry about Doug Burgum. I think he's too nice. It's wonderful to be nice, by the way. I would love, remember the old test used to be, who would you want to go get a beer with? I think Doug Burgum wins that competition. It's like, who would be... Yeah, you fight like hell on the center floor, but you go in and launch a beer. Yeah, he'd be the least painful to be around as a human, but that doesn't mean that he's going to be the best VP pick. I could see him getting rolled on the Sunday shows. I could be proven wrong on that. Like if there's video of him handling George Stephanopoulos, send it my way, please. Elise Stefanik, I think, would be great. She's really smart. She's a fighter. She brought that entire conversation about antisemitism and these college campuses to a real head when she posed that question to those presidents, Cornbluth and Claudine Gay, asking them, "Is this kind of rhetoric allowed on your campuses?" And that was what really was the impetus of that entire scandal hitting the next level. So I like Elise Stephanik. I think she's a strong person, a strong contender. But I'm still going JD Vance, Tom Cotton, and Byron Donalds. Those are my top three. And you have to think about who's going to bring in more people. It is a numbers game. You don't want to just bring someone in who's going to continue to bring in the people you already have. I like Marco Rubio, too. I've actually started seeing a lot more of him in the media, and I think he does a really great job. I think he's very smart, but he's Florida. We have Florida, and that brings up the whole thing of two people from Florida, residency, all those questions. So I think Byron Donalds is Florida, too, so that's another problem. But I think with Byron Donalds, he is going to have more of an impact with the Black voters. That's a group that, yes, do the polls look good for Trump with Black voters? Sure. Do you want to rely on that? Just ask Hillary Clinton in 2016. You don't want to rely on polls. You want to take the polls, get some confidence from it, and then work on the ground game. And Byron Donalds recently has been in Philadelphia holding events with Black voters. He's been kind of taking this tour of the country and trying to make a pitch to those voters as to why their values actually align more with the conservative agenda than with the progressive one. And for me, it's not just about who can handle the debate. That's important because I want that, whoever's up there on that debate stage, I want them to be. I don't even want it to be a question. I want it to be hard for the media to claim that Kamala Harris is the winner. I want to make it tough for the media to say that with a straight face. That's how much of a knockout I want this to be. But I also want somebody who's going to add more voters to Donald Trump's ticket. 844-500-4242, Jonathan, everybody else, stay on the line. We're going to be right back. We'll take your calls. And we also have fundraising news. We have Fannie Willis News. We have news about the Nashville school shooters manifesto when we come back. The more I think about this Byron Donald's Joy Reid interview, it's so childish and purposely deceptive that if you remark on any time period, so he's talking about the Jim Crow era and he makes mention that there were more marriages in the black community and there were more people who stayed together during that. What he didn't do is he didn't say, I love the Jim Crow era. I want to bring it back. Like, I think we should have Jim Crow now. They purposely take away these Democrats take away any nuance of a conversation to make it seem as though the person that they're clipping up and putting out on Twitter has the worst intentions. Meanwhile, when Joe Biden says something outright racist, when he says when he talks about a racial jungle, when he talks about how Barack Obama was the first clean, articulate black person to run for president, when he does that, then they give all sorts of benefit of the doubt. Well, what he really meant was if you really think about it, oh, that was just a classic slip up. His heart. He doesn't mean it. But Byron Donald gives an explanation of exactly what he meant. And two things can be true. The Jim Crow era could be the Jim Crow could have been a horrible thing and it was a horrible thing. But at the same time, the staff that he's referring to can also be true. But not if you're talking to Joy Reid, not if you're dealing with the mainstream media. You mentioned Jim Crow and then you mentioned something positive. That must mean a plus b equals c. You love Jim Crow. I'm yelling at the clouds. You are a big fan of Jim Crow Byron Donald's. According to nothing that you said, and the crazy part is that so many people are just going to read the headline. Like so many people are just going to see Hakim Jeffries tweet out 10 seconds of the cut and go, oh, yeah, that's crazy. That's a really crazy. We need a vote for Joe Biden because if Donald Trump gets in, they're going to bring back Jim Crow have no words for this kind of spin. Let's take a little bit though of Byron Donald's. Again, I'm hoping to get him on today. This is cut eight. Now I'm going to talk. Do I have a chance? Now you talked about the black father being in the family and being able to protect the family. First, I want to read just for our audience, the history, I mean, the definition of Jim Crow, just so we all know what we're talking about. Okay. Next cut. So the man in the home during Jim Crow had no rights, could not protect his wife from rape, could not protect his son from lynching. So again, why would you quote that era and say that the at that time, the family all being in the home together was something we should think of as a good thing. Well, first of all, Joy, the story you bring up in your in your bring up is a tragedy. One of the great tragedies of the Jim Crow era. This is why those policies, they were discussing it this day. Hold on a second. I don't even understand her point. Jim Crow can be bad, but it can still be a good thing. The families were together. Isn't it always a good thing? If families are together, isn't the nuclear family a good thing? Doesn't it typically help people? Doesn't your family like, I know I sound like now I'm taking it, maybe I'm taking it to a different level, but doesn't having a close knit family that's together usually help you get through awful things and usually help you have a better life, even in horrible circumstances, even in in time periods that we have outgrown and that thankfully we have evolved from in so many different ways and we're so much more progressive now. If you look back at those times, would it have been better if it was the Jim Crow era and there were all these horrible things happening, but nobody was with their families? Like I don't get the point she's trying to make. The two things can't be true at the same time. She doesn't get the point she's trying to make. Yeah. She just wants to paint him as a racist. Can I have a cut 10, please? And this is the point of the gaslighting in the line that is occurring with what I said. Don't try to impose the fact that the marriage rates were better in the higher, higher, I want to be clear, higher in the Jim Crow era to mean that I think Jim Crow was great. That is a lie. That is gaslighting. I would never say such a thing, which is why the Jim Crow was disrupted for black people. You brought it up. You brought it up. Wait, so if a Republican brings up Jim Crow, if a Republican brings up anything in history that was bad and then they bring up something else, if they say Jim Crow in the sentence, then you have a right as a reporter or whatever she calls herself, a media talking head, MSNBC, a former blogger, a former homophobic blogger, a hacking victim. If somebody brings something up and uses the words Jim Crow, that gives you carte blanche essentially to completely, completely misinterpret and mischaracterize what they said and lie about them and slander them and take their point completely out of context because he brought up Jim Crow. So now you have, you have the right to run with that as long as you want and to say whatever you want about it because he brought it up. What does that even mean? Jonathan, your next step on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Jonathan. Hi, Grace. Nice to talk to you. You as well, sir. Regarding the potential vice president fix, I would really like to see Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I think she'd be great. I know she's very smart and she can hold her own and I think she's got the national recognition. Yeah, and she's been through the fire. I mean, she was Trump's press secretary, I believe, after Sean Spicer before Kaylee McEnany, she knows how to handle the media. The thing I would say, Jonathan, is she is a very good relationship with Donald Trump. She must be enjoying being governor. I think she probably likes the lifestyle better. She has small kids. I think she probably has a good work-life balance and I have to assume that because I have not seen her name recently in any of these lists that have been floated out by people close to the Trump campaign, she must have told Trump herself that she's not interested because otherwise I do think she would still be on the list. But no, I don't disagree with anything you're saying. I'm a huge fan of Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I think she does a really great job and she's a tough cookie. There's no denying that. All right. So I want to talk a little bit here. I want to shift away from Byron Donald's because I really do. I lose my mind when I listen to Joy Reid. I'm tapping out. I'm admitting I can't handle it. I want to talk about Merrick Garland because I found this cut to be very interesting when he's explaining why he's defying a subpoena from Republicans and why he won't. It all comes down to not releasing the tapes of Joe Biden with special counsel Robert K. Her. Now, that report, that interview, it was like a few interviews, I think. It showcased what Robert Herr eventually concluded, which is Joe Biden was not fit to stand trial. Joe Biden was, I think he used the word feeble or fragile or something like that. Can't remember things. His memory is not great. It didn't paint a flattering portrait of the leader of the free world, needless to say. And that's why Adam Schiff and other people were grilling Robert Herr and really insulting his character, trying to imply that he wrote all that down just to make Joe Biden look bad. Or, you know what, he published it knowing Republicans would pounce and seize and weaponize on it. Imagine we're not allowed to pounce and seize and weaponize on a report from the special counsel that basically says the president can't put his pants on. We're not allowed to talk about that, but they can pounce and seize and weaponize on something Byron Donald's didn't say. That's how twisted this is. So Robert K. Herr comes out with this report and we don't get the audio of it. We, they're, they're adamant that they don't need to release the audio. And I really liked this explanation in the Washington Post. It says Garland reportedly requested for the president to claim executive privilege on the recording. We asked Joe Biden, Hey, let's make sure we nail this down. No one gets these. We can't have the media hear these tapes, which really goes to show you that Joe must have sounded extremely Socratic and sharp in the tapes, despite the fact that the report maybe didn't characterize it in that way says Garland requested for the president to claim executive privilege on the recordings, fearing that. And this is my favorite. The quote, releasing them could harm future efforts to get officials to cooperate with investigations and sit for taped interviews. That's what he's worried about. He's not worried. It's so crazy. He's not worried about these tapes, making Joe Biden look like a bumbling fool and jeopardizing the election. He's worried about future people. He's worried about officials in the future. That's his priority. It's not that he thinks that these tapes are going to make Joe bad. Come on, man. He's just worried about the integrity of things moving forward. He's a he's a big thinker. You know, he's thinking long term. How is this going to affect interviews in the future? Right. In the words of Marsha Brady, sure, Jan. Sure. You're worried. You don't act this way because you're worried about future officials. You're not hitting the panic button and basically calling up Hillary Clinton. Do you have any leftover bleach bit because we got to get rid of these things? If you're just worried about the precedent going forward, that is such a crock of you know what? And I want you to listen to his explanation as to why he's defying the subpoena for those records. Can I get Merrick Garland, please cut 18? I will not be intimidated and the Justice Department will not be intimidated. We will continue to do our jobs free from political influence and we will not back down from defending democracy. I love defending democracy. Defending democracy has become it's their impetus for everything now. Like it really is there. I know I said it, but they're reason for being there. Everything they do is for democracy or is in an attempt to defend democracy. We want to defy a subpoena. Merrick Garland says, I want to be like Eric Holder. I want to defy a subpoena to defend democracy. Got it. The Democrats say we want to jail our political opponent. We want to put Donald Trump in jail in order to defend democracy understood. We want to kick Trump off the ballot so people can't vote for him in order to defend democracy. Right. Oh, awesome. Dually noted. We want to censor people's First Amendment rights to free speech in order to defend democracy. Huh, perfect. Everything that seems antithetical to the basic principles of democracy they need to do in order to somehow defend it. It's quite, you know, I feel like that, that gift of that lady with the equations floating around in the air, it's an amazing thing. We need to destroy everything that's keeping our democracy intact. The Supreme Court, free speech, you name it equality under the law. We need to destroy all of that. We need to set that ablaze in order to save this little thing called democracy. Can you show us your work? Can you show us how you got there? Because I missed something. This is like the 10 second gap in that video in the Karen retrial where it's like a 10 second jump ahead. I missed somebody or something or there was some part of this that I'm not connecting. So now, Merrick Garland or Garland Merrick is Claire McCaskill likes to call him. Now he needs to defy a subpoena so that people can hear the president of the United States being interviewed by a special counsel who deemed him so inept and so feeble that he can't stand trial in order for Merrick Garland to block that tape from coming out. He needs to defy a subpoena and this is all in an effort according to these Democrats. We're supposed to believe this is all in some sort of effort to defend democracy. What is democracy? That's my question now. It's like if this is all in defensive democracy, I think I have a weird understanding of what democracy is. I must have learned something wrong. I went to school back in the days before they were infusing it with all this indoctrination. Can someone explain to me what democracy is? Is democracy the Biden families corrupt influence peddling scheme? Is democracy getting Donald Trump? Are those two things? Is it the same? Five away, it actually has pretty good definition to defend democracy is a poll tested phrase that goes over well with affluent middle-aged suburban white women. It's the magic words for that demo group. Oh, gosh, ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies, come on, don't be suckers. Don't be suckers and losers. Open your eyes. You don't understand that they're just using this for like a band-aid for whatever they want. It's just their go-to. It's like verbal diarrhea. They get in a pinch and it's like, "I got to do this to defend democracy." Says who? Explain it to me. I'm very, very confused by this, and I really hope people wake up. Don't believe that. Defending democracy. Yeah, right, because it all comes back to January 6th. It all comes back to the fact that we were this close to our democracy being overturned and everything was hanging by a thread because that guy with the horns put his feet on Nancy Pelosi's desk, right, right, right, right, right. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls. But you know what's coming up, Jared? Father's Day is coming up. I think it's Father's Day falling on your birthday this year. Actually, yes, I think it is. Wow. So it's going to be a double whammy for you. It's a double whammy. Yep. And you know what that means? You best begin some Omaha steak. Absolutely. I bet two Omaha steak box. If you don't get two Omaha steak boxes from your son, then this is going to be a disaster. I mean, yeah, this is, I mean, we're talking stuff in therapy later. This is the disowned moment. High steaks. Yes. No pun intended. Exactly. And Jared's son's young, so he's not going to be ordering online. Yeah. Yeah. But if you were going to tell him, hey, this is what I'd like as far as a package of Omaha steaks. What are you selecting? Because that's a great thing is that there's some people who are like, yeah, I like steak, but I don't want to box full of steaks. I'd rather some steaks and then some burgers and then some hot dogs and then some chicken and then some fish. The great thing about Omaha steaks is these packages start at $89. You can go in there and you, if you have a sense of what your dad really loves to grill up and eat, then you can hand select the perfect package for your dad. Yeah. So the bacon, rap filet, number one, hot dogs, number two, the chicken actually would be number three of the air chilled chicken bread. So good. It is because I say this and I mean this, you really haven't, if you've only had supermarket chicken, you haven't really tasted chicken, but with Omaha steak, you taste the chicken. I would also say that about beefy burgers because sometimes in the summer, Jared, people have burgers and they get them at the supermarket and it's like everyone's kind of resigned to eating these burgers that just aren't that great with Omaha steaks. You remember, you take a bite of that and you go, this is what a burger is supposed to taste like. Yeah. And I do love, you know, the accoutrement of the burger, the tomatoes, the onions, pickles, all that stuff. But you don't need that actually. No. The Omaha steak burgers. There's enough flavor of that. If you just, you know, just go old school, just meat on bread. Delicious. And you can visit today and get dad, his Omaha steaks. Do this today. Don't put it off any longer. Don't wait till next week. You want to order it today so dad knows that you were thinking of him. He's such an important guy in your life and make sure he feels loved and he feels special and Omaha steaks is how that can happen. So visit today. Tell us what you picked out. Tell us how dad's going to cook it up on Father's Day. Maybe you're going to take over and cook it up for him. Go to and use code GRACE at checkout. Don't forget the code GRACE. We'll be right back. Hi. It's Toby from Cape Gunworks. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join grace in me for 2 a Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. This is the Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houten in Nashville. I'm visiting him next week for a cleaning. Call 1-844-Perfect-Smile or visit Jared Digglio is on the board. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is where would you move if you were to leave New England, the Carolinas, Florida, or Texas? I was reading today in the New York Post that more people now are looking at the Carolinas to retire or to move on to their second home, and more people are moving there than Florida. I actually thought I was like, well, maybe the weather is a little bit more mild in the summer, but South Carolina, I think, gets hotter than Florida. Yeah, it's really humid, too. Yeah, so I'm going to say, out of those three options, here's what I'd say. I would say Florida, because there's a lot of conservatives in Florida who are in the biz, and I would like to be around those people at some point, you know, trying to see what's going on, keep my head in the game. That would be my pick. What would you say, Jared? I would probably, I would probably go Texas. Really? Yeah, I like a dry heat. I know it gets humid sometimes, but overall, I've done California so I can kind of handle the desert. Plus, I really like steak, and they have gigantic, sprawling miles of beef there. There you go. Everybody. 55% of the audience says the Carolinas, 31% say Florida and 14% for Tay House. Okay, we'll check back in with that later. We've got Jake Novak coming up at the beginning of the next hour, so don't go anywhere. (upbeat music)