Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 100

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07 Jun 2024
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"Kof amud alaif" On the top line, there's a new mission. "Hamaklif parabachamur vialda v'eyalda v'eyalda, muykir chifrasi vialda." So, two possible cases here. I have a donkey. Bob has a cow. And I say to Bob, let's do a switcher rule, a king of chalipin. "You take my chamour and I'll get your cow." So he took my chamour and now the halakha is that as soon as he takes possession of my chamour, I acquire his cow wherever it might be. The thing is that cow was very pregnant and sort of gave birth and we're not sure exactly when it took place. Was it right before the Kenyan and the chamour took place right after? V'hain and similarly, "Hamaklifrasi vialda," imagine if he's selling me his chifras. So, give him money. As soon as he gave him money, the Kenyan is finished. And then the chifras, who was heavily pregnant at the time, we don't know, because she gave birth, but was it like before the Kenyan took place, after the Kenyan took place? "Za'amir achle makharti, visa'amir mishlakarti." So, one party says, "Well, let's just say the chifras gave birth." "Achle makharti," like before I sold it, so that would be the guy who's selling it and says, "Well, the baby slave is mine." "V'za'amir" and the one who purchased it says, "No, no, no. She gave birth, let's say, ten minutes after I acquired her, and those when I acquired her, she was still pregnant, so the baby slave is mine." "Yachleku," the two of them will split, split whatever the difference is, slash. "New case, hai lei schne havadim," let's say. He had two slaves, Bob had two slaves, Leroy and Tyrone, Echad Gaudal, Leroy is much bigger, Echad kata one is smaller, or bakhain schne hai sate hai sate hai sate hai sate hai two fields, achas cudaylo one, a larger one, achas trana one, a smaller one. Now, there's some sort of disagreement as to which one was intended. So, colon. "Halei k'ach," I vectored the word "lei k'ach," and two lines later, first one line is "Hamei Reihl," so we vectored that, so "lei k'acham," or "lei k'ach," says, "Yeah," let's say let's use the slaves. I intended that I was purchasing the larger slave, the more valuable slave, but how long are the sellers says, "Any o' daya," I don't know which one, well, then that's a typical case of a barry claim versus a shama claim, an absolute claim versus a maybe, Zaha big gaudal, and the purchaser, since he's the only one who's claiming that he was clear on this, he gets the larger field of the larger slave. "Kamba," another case, "Hamei Reihl," we vectored the word "Hamei Reihl," if the seller says, "Cudan maharti," I know for sure, I sold the smaller field of seller slave, but halo imer, and the other fellow says, "I don't know, any o' daya," well, then we follow the barry claim of the seller and "ei lei kudan," the purchaser's entitled to the smaller field of the smaller slave, a less valuable field, a less valuable slave, "slash," Zai mere gaudal vizamar katan, let's see, each one is coming with a barry claim, the buyer says, "I bought the bigger one," and the seller says, "I don't know, I sold the smaller one," well, what do we do then? "Yishava," I underline the word "Yishava," "Yishava," hudam, the seller is the one who will swear, "Sha katan mahart," that is the small field, or the small slave, as valuable slave is the one that he sold. "Slash," in one final case, Zai mere ai nei adaya, vizamar ai nei adaya, each one is not really clear on, was it the big one or the small one, Yakh lei kud, they split the difference. That's the Mishnah, says the Gamora. Coming off the opening case of the Mishnah, miyakh lei kud, why would they split in that case if I'm trading my cow for his chamore, and I get the chamore, and we both came with the barry claims of, you know, if you follow me, I know what I'm saying, if you follow the other guy, you know what he's saying. So miyakh lei kud question, marykama, lek sibre shustiman kaima. Why don't we just see whose possession it was in, it's not clear over here, so see, it was in the buyer's seller's possession at the time, which is probably in the seller's possession, la vei edach, and we'll view the other one as being a mocha michavir la varaya. Normally, when you want to take something from someone else, the burden of proof is on you. So, that person would have to take a schwua, and that's what we should say in that case. Well, Amrav kriyabar, Avan Amr schmuel, you know why that's not the case, because actually, let me just say it was the cow, the cow wasn't in the property possession, it wasn't in the property of the muyakhir, it was by madis ba'agam in sort of some no man's land when this happened. So, there was no, um, um, the place that it was at the time of the suffix was nobody's place. And common connector shifranami was the shifra, also not necessarily in the place of the seller, but to kind of asympt in some sort of back corner alley type of place. Okay, well, how about this, finnukma? Why not establish it, which we do many times, a caslas de maracama, when you don't know. Assume that the last known absolute owner, who in this case would be the seller, it's his, the la veida homo es mechavirra, and view the other one, the purchaser in this case, or the one who is trying to acquire something, it's be the one who has to bring the burden of proof, homo es mechavirra, he would have to bring a proof. Well, you know why we don't say that? Because Hamani, who is the author of our Mishnah? Sumklessi, I box sumkless, da amar, the famous sheet of sumklessis, mamamamatupasophic, hulkenba leishflua. He holds that when you have a disagreement, and it's not clear who's entitled to what, you split it, and there's no shua taken. The divorce is a one second. A more, I'll tell you, da amar sumkless when it's a Shema versus Shema. Like one party says, I don't know, the other party says, I don't know. However, that's not what our cases in the Mishnah come, a baru, baru, where each party is coming with a absolute claim. Oh, I know, and the other guy says, well, I know me, I'm with some could say that his din of you split it without a shoe applies. So we have two approaches to this. I'm our Rava Barifuna who I circled in a line later I circled Rava. Rava Barifuna says, and yet that's right. Amr sumpla's a filubariu bari. Sumpla's would say is didn't he split it without a shoe even when it's a bari claim versus a bari claim. Rava who I circled Amr, la ilam Kimar sumpla's he says no. Real when sumpla says his din, it's in a chevam of a chevamu where both parties are not sure. A'val bari of both parties are sure. Loy, Amr sumpla's did not say his din over there that they split it without a shoe. Comma connector. And how do we understand our Mishnah? Well, you go back to the Mishnah. And it's not that this one says, no, it happened, the animal gave birth or the female slave gave birth. One is saying before the deal took place, what it's saying after the deal took place. No, each one is actually coming with a Shama claim. And the way to understand the Mishnah put right angles it over here is the Balparah says, and the Balachamor says, and the Balachamor says, and the way to understand the Mishnah, which actually is probably at least a little bit easier to understand. How in the world are these two people come with claims of absolute what they know when it happened? Like, were they there? Do they just know? But certainly for them to say, well, maybe and make the claim that would be beneficial for them, that would be the case. So it's none. We're going to analyze these two opinions of Rava Varafuna versus Rava in light of sections of our Mishnah. I put a triangle on this Tanan. Two, four, six, about nine lines later. Last word online is zeh. The word before that is it's not I put a triangle on that. So we're going to quote different parts of our Mishnah and analyze it. Here we go. So the first part we quote goes for line and word I put right angles in. The Mishnah had said, Zeh, we were adiode of zeh, we were adiode of this is like the last line of our Mishnah. And we each want to say, I don't know. I don't know. So then we say, Yakhloku, they split. Okay, now, bish on my school and around the Mishnah on underlying Rava. All is well according to Rava from the fact that the Mishnah ends off with a clase that's clearly made to save a Shama versus Shama. Raishanami, it kind of makes sense. At the earlier case also that there's a little bit of lack of clarity what it is. It's also a Shama versus Shama. And that would be great for Rava because Rava saying that some of us only says this day and one is a Shama. The whole thing is Shama or Shama or Shama. L.I. squealer on the Ella. Le Rava Barafuna, underlying Rava Barafuna. Damaar, he had said, here's a phrase in yes. Amar, some of us, Afilo Bari or Bari, and the phrase marking that he says according to some chus. Oh yeah, he has split it without a shua. Even with each side's coming with an absolute claim. Well, Hashi, Bari or Bari, Amar, Yakh like with the earlier part of the mission already told us that when party A, absolute claim, party B, also absolute claim, and we'll say split it. Kama, Shama, the Shama, would you really need the last line in the mission and say in the case where each side's coming and saying, I don't really know that you have like, of course you would split it. That is a question then on the Rava Barafuna approach. Answer the gomara. Well, Imishum Ha, if that's what you want to bring to the table, low area. That doesn't shed much light on the issue. Why it could very well be that the style or the structure of the mission is Tana Safa, Le Gileuya, ratio. That the last line in the mission is coming for a number of things, but also to shed light on what the case in the ratio is. Why? Kama, show you time marks that you shouldn't say which without the last line in the mission you might say, but don't say the following, which is a for, let's say, seven word phrase, ratio, Shama, Vashama. Of Al-Bari O'Bari law, if you didn't have the last line, you might have been able to learn the ratio as a case of Shama, Vashama, which we actually just did about eight, nine lines ago. That's why we have the final case. Therefore, Tana Safa of a place that's clearly Shama, Vashama, Michal, the ratio, which certainly implies that the earlier case in the mission must be Bari Vibari, Vahafilu Hahki, even though it's a bar versus bar, he's still, some of us would say Yakleiku. Okay, so Raba Bar-Rafuna has defended himself, that some of us didn't even in Bari Vibari. So it's none. We quote another part of the mission. The right angles are here for a word plus a line plus a word. Zetli-Mere, Godov, Zetli-Mere, Katan. This one says it was the big one, it's the big field, or the big slave. The other one says it was the little one. Zetli-Mere, the celicism, it was the little one. Yishava, the mocha, Shakata and makhar. Okay. Bish, not my squealer, I'm on the Bishaman, I'm on the line. Rava, Bishamala, Rava, Dhammar, Rava, is opinion isky. Rava, Zungblas, Shama, Vashama, Vahafilu Hahki, of a Bari Vibari lie, Amar. Zungblas says it's in. You split it without a Shfua, which is not we're saying over here. We're saying over here in this part of the mission that there's a Shfua that's taken. So, Bari Vibari wouldn't say it, michu makhi, shava. So then why is the mission of saying a Shfua should be taken? Because it's a Bari Vibari claim, and Zungblas only said it's in Bishamala, Vashama. Ella, squealer on the Ella, Ella, Rava, Bar-Rafuna, and we underline Rava, Rava, Rava, Dhammar. His opinion was, and we stated again, just for the record, in. Yes, Amar Zungblas, Afilu Bari, Bari, that Zungblas says it's in, even when it's a claim of absoluteness versus a claim of absoluteness, Amai Shava. One second, why would the mission say that there should be a Shfua taken by one of the parties? Amai Shava, the mohair, Kama, Yakhlokumi Bailay. It should be that they split it without a Shfua. So the Gommar says, no, this is actually an exceptional case, the reason being. Mohdas simply, someone who would agree, even though he normally says that Yakhlokumi Bailay. The issue is that the Shfua, potentially, that could be taken is a Torah Shua, like a mode of a mix us. Kedabina Lemay, I'm gonna comment on that, we'll see you later. A mode of mix is basically, if one party comes and says, hey, hey, Bob, you owe me a 200, and Bob says, no, some 100, that's a mode of a mix us, you would have to swear. So to over here, if I'm saying, hey, Bob, you owe me the big field, he says, no, the little field, I'm essentially claiming something more, he's saying part of it, and therefore, there'd be a Shfua. Okay, we're gonna see a little bit more about that right now. The mission said, I put right angles in Haile Shnea Vadim, two slaves, Leroy and Tyrone, one's Godel, one's cotton, et cetera, and we had said over that there would be a Shfua, that's just what we were dealing with right now, well, one second. How can a Shfua be taken? There's three things going on over here that indicate that there should not be a Shfua of mode of mix us. Amahi shalva, question mark, firstly, number one, Masha ta'anai, lay hai de lay, Masha hai de lay, lay ta'anai. One guy saying, you owe me Leroy, the other one saying, are you Tyrone? Well, Leroy's Leroy and Tyrone is Tyrone, they're not agreeing on anything at all. The lead, I squealed on the body, the second point, number two, Heilahu. There's another time you don't swear, it's where the person who the claim is against him, if he says, well, here's the thing, no, I owe you this, and here it is, he's like offering it a bright tool, and as it was at the original time, that's Heilahu and there should be no Shfua, even a further point, I squiggle it on the body, number three, Anishmay and Allah Vadim. It's a general rule that there's certain things that there's no Shfua is about, and one of the things in that list is a Vadim. So what is going on? We're gonna have four approaches over here to answer this, and that'll really take us to the end of this year, almost. Amarav, I circle drops name, I put a number one in the margin, one line later in the middle of the line is Shmuel, I circle Shmuel and put a number two in the margin and circled it. On the fourth line and I'm at base near the end of the line is Ribhoshii, I circled him and put a number three in the margin and circled it, and about seven lines after that, first words on the line are of Shacious, I circled him and put a number four in the margin. So let's go through the four approaches. Rob's approach is the most straightforward. Amarav Vatayanai? Dummy! He's basically making the claim, not it's Leroy and Tyrone, or he's saying you owe me the value of a Leroy, which is let's say $200, and then the fella says back, no, I owe you the value of a Tyrone, which is only $100. Vatayanai, Dummy. In other words, money, cash, colon. The way to understand it is the claim is Demayavit Godol versus Demayavit Khatan, or Demay, the value of a Sadakadova, which is let's say $10,000, and then as the back note, Demay Sadakadova, which is let's say $5,000, so basically they're arguing about money, and it's a straight-out thought of Haloch case. It might do it makes this case. Ushmuel, we circled Shmuel, the second approach on Amar, Vatayanai Xus Eved Godol Xus Eved Khatan. No, it's, they're not talking about actually an Eved, or a field, rather it's the garment for a seven-foot Eved. One says, no, no, no, it was a garment for a five-foot Eved, or Amary Sadakadova, Amary Sadakadanai, the sheaves of a larger field, or the sheaves, let's say, of a five-acre field, the other guy says back, no, no, I sold you the sheaves of a three-acre field, so that takes that out of the realm of land, and that's, it's not Haloch, it's not about him, and it's basically an agreement on what their argument is just how much. Asks the Camar now, one second. Xus, if the claim is, well, you owe me the, you know, a coat for a six-foot-five person, and he says back, no, I owe you a coat for a five-foot person, which is much smaller, Xus, Qashmakama, well then aren't we back again to the Mashatan, alayhi-dulayimashah, alayhi-dulayimashah, no, there's two different jackets. Well, usually, however, a calamara of public, the public says elsewhere, actually, somewhere we'll see very shortly, he says be, either de-yalfi, or be-de-lifey, which is some sort of like expandable jacket, like if you had a coat and it went down to a certain light, but if you're much taller, you could sort of attach another patch of material, or take off a patch of material, and that actually is a bigger or smaller, hakadami-de-lifey. Okay, that's the second approach, which is just brought to us by Shmol Ha'v, or consulator of Hushia. Raviushia says that's a great understanding, but like, the Mashat didn't say that. Medi, Xus, I put that word in a phrase mark in katani, didn't mention anything about clothes, said, evid. I put that in right angles, that one word, evid, katani. So, I mean, the Mashat did say we're talking about the evid, not the clothes. Ella. So, I squiggle it around the, Ella, and we had a circular fight, she had a third approach. He got in shatani, you know what the claim, the counterclaim is? The claim is evid, bixusai vis-sada be-yam-reha. It's both of them. It's not just, let's say, the coat of the evid. It's the coat, it's the evid with its coat. Either it's a big evid or a small evid, or a sada with its aim-reha. But the awareness says still though, a katik, sous, colon, when it comes to the coat, mashatani lei hai, de lei mashatani. There's two different things, one's a coat for a six-foot-five guy, one's a coat for a five-foot guy. Amoropopo's repop explains, and here's actually where you said it be, either de yalfi or de lifi, which is basically an expandable coat, you just add another piece of material and presto is for a bigger person, or you take away a piece of material and presto is for a shorter person. The thing with that is, cautionally the refacious approach had great difficulty with the refacious approach. Why? What then would essentially be the mission of teaching us? It would be teaching us zykekin, zykekinazashminan, this concept of if there's something that's being argued about by two parties, and you make one of the parties swear, since he's swearing on something he can swear about, he can also add in things that normally you're not allowed to swear about, or you don't swear about. Is that what our mission is coming to teach us? Zykekinazashminan? Tannina, we already have it today, so actually, I have a mission that teaches that. Box it off, it goes almost two lines. The mission that we're quoting quotes and says zykekin a khasim shainan akhrais, esa khasim shainan akhrais essentially. Let's say, "Hey, Bob, you owe me that bowling ball." No, bowling ball is a khasim shain akhrais, in other words, like moveables. Once he has to take a schvua regarding the bowling ball, you make him, or can also make him take a schvua, and let's say land, which is something which on its own is normally not sworn about shainan akhrais, esa khasim sha valayin. Elo? So he's squealing around the Ela in circle of shayshah, the fourth, and final approach. We might actually come back to the third approach momentarily, but the refshaysh approach is Hamani, who is the author of our Mishnah, its rebby mayor, he. What's unique about mayor? Damar, he, unlike what we've set up until now, doesn't view an evid since it's hukash lukharka connected scripturally to land. He actually views an evid, a slavess, kimital flindome is just like a regular emerald green bowling baller, for that matter, a frying pan. Really? More has a number of questions to attack this approach. Valkati, I put a triangle as Valkati, three lines later, second one on the line is Valkati, I put a triangle around that, two lines later. Second one on the line is Vahai, put a triangle around that, and two, four, six lines later, first one on the line is Shelha, the fourth word on that line is me, but a triangle around that, so you see we're gonna have four issues that we're gonna raise with this being remayor. Okay, so you say it's what mayor says evid is like Mitalcun. Valkati, but still, by the first Valkati, Masha Tan, I lay hai, I lay hai, I lay hai, I lay hai, I lay hai, don't you have the issue of, well, what one person's claiming, the other one's not admitting to, and what one person may need to, the one's not claiming? Well, Savar-la, he, uh, Rev, uh, Revid, mayor would hold like Ruben Gamleal on this issue. De, it's non, Ruben Gamleal takes a more, more universal, more general approach. Let's say, I say, hey, Bob, um, uh, you owe me, uh, a pound of wheat, and Bob says, yeah, you owe you a pound of barley. Now, normally, I asked for wheat, he used to have a barley, so Pate, there's, there's no, sure, however, Ruben Gamleal is Makhayevishwoke, basically, you know, uh, grain, and therefore, it's basically the same thing, so that it works over here. It's basically the same thing, and that's who rebears going like. Akati, though, still, I have a trial on this Akati. Another question, is this a case of Halach? It's not going to be a case of Modemexes, because the one who's admitting that he, uh, owes, let's say, the smaller slave, or the smaller field, says, and here it is. Well, that would be the case if it was the same field in the same slave that was originally discussed. However, on Marava, I squeal in on Marava's name. After the case of the Evid is, he just actually recently had Takatale, he had his hand hacked off. So, um, previously, he was a, with two hands, now he's an Evid with one hand, that's different. You can't say Halach, here's your Evid. What do you mean, here's my Evid? My Evid had two hands, now he's got one hand. Or, sawed at what happened to the field, uh, just recently, Shekhafar Babar Shihonomares, that there was all sorts of holes and pits, Doug. In other words, it basically, it no longer becomes a case of Halach. Halach is where the person who, uh, owes the item, says, and here it is, just like you had, uh, just like we had discussed. Semicolon. Another question. Um, okay. The thing is, though, that we have another source that indicates where mayor says, not like this. The Harabi mayor, Ipra, Shamina light. We have Rabbi mayor, as far as we know, he says that an Evid is just like Karka. Um, Ditznan, here's a, quote of a Mishnah, goes for two and a half lines, starts here, and we'll see Shekhid's Rabbi mayor. Let's say Gazzle Bahimoviskin, I'd say, sold your animal, and now it's many years later, and the animal's older. Avadim, I sold, I sold your Evid, Viskinoy, and, you know, years later, and now it's old, Michalen Kishassek, so I, the thief, would have to pay you back, not the same minimal not the same of it because they're much older and less valuable i would have to pay whatever the value of the evid or the behavior was at the time i saw it ready mayor however i back to mayor mayor i'm erbav adem i'm really how racial california if it comes to uh not talking about the uh behan but the evid i could say well this is yours okay and an evid is basically like land and uh land can't be stolen in other words i can put a fence around and say that it says but by definition it can't be stolen and like rashi says evid kimikar kali dummy the anai nigzal leois nikin legazlam you can't say that i stole because you can't steal somebody else's land because you just might put another fence up and say it's yours but it's not yours let's shalim dumb him and therefore when it's older it's really still in the possession of the nigzal now the nigzal hasn't seen or heard about this land or this uh uh this evid excuse me or this uh behema but halaikasha lekwar says this is not a difficulty because that's true that's the way the take source is presented here however kiddim makhlef rabav vuavitani that actually um and is going to make it no longer a case of uh haylach um actually um now we we had something similar to this also i think uh not that long ago but a week ago where rabav vuavit has the exact same case in its nake source just the opposite of the sheet doesn't makes it i put right angles in over here so i'm just like a are we reading rebi mayor actually says michan le shasa gazaela and it's the chamomu say when it comes ava de mary shahla van echa alla soy squiggle in the yellow a fourth uh challenge that we have to say that it's rebi mayor okay fine so the mission is case rebi mayor who says an evid is like mitalton but we had two cases in the uh mission that we had an evid and we have a field a field is basically land so if you're going to say that rebi mayor is rather the mission then he must hold by an evid uh you can swear and by land so me mind is of rebi mayor basically our mission that makshinan karkala evid that we make a connection and just like by karka uh so too by evid and therefore comic connector ma evid nish bian of karka nish bian who says that that's how far we're gonna go and if we're gonna say the mission is rebi mayor that's how far rebi mayor goes well maybe he does what maybe he does in dillma maybe she just would mayor is a evid who is nish bian for issues that have to do with lee royan tairon they'll be a schwa avala karka lo but land not well the gamara attempts to answer this question which if it's attempted answer we're going to reject it in about six seven lines from now but most i'll cut i doubt no no you would not be able to say that rebi mayor distinguishes between land and slays when it comes to wish fluid design as we see for the following uh approximately six and a half line bryse which starts here might be actually seven and a half lines amakliff parabakhamor vyalda that's our case in a mission i'm trading my cow for your uh donkey my cow's not here right now i take position of your donkey and uh the cow gave birth the chena malikr asif khasav yalda similar case someone selling a female slave and at some point very close to when the kingian took place to acquire the female slave and you know uh yalda gave birth zen under bershussi if one of the party says oh it was mine when that happened the zesh are you saying they're the one silent zocha well the one who said it was in the rishosie he gets it kama here's another case and i put an arrow in the margin we're going to refer back to this case um a little bit later zellimer any idea of his area of data if each party says i don't know when that happened when the birth took place so you have like with those split the uh difference kama another case zellimer bershussi bershussi each one says the same claim except this one says oh no what happened when it was mine that one says that one was mine yishava ha'mokher shabershussa yalda so the seller will uh have to make us uh schvua if he wants to back up his claim that it was in his rishos when it uh gave birth the um schvua or the para lefi and the reason that it's the responsibility of the mocha to make that schvua is kola nishbaian shabatur nishbaian valloy michalman if you have two parties arguing about something the one that can swear and would not have to pay up is the one that we have swear do you favor a be mayor i box rebi mayor now the kahameem who disagree with rebi mayor i box the khaameem the khaameem say no no a nishbaian lola valloyem valloyes you do not swear when it comes to slaves you do not swear when it comes to land now the khaameem is rebi mayor that's the end of this innate source connector lah michalder mayor sovereign ishbaian so if the khaameem say you don't swear on a valloyem in land should we notice in the way mayor would hold is that you can swear on a valloyem in land huh so that would be an attempted answer to this and the gory jackson says no not necessarily me my who says dilma maybe the point that the khaameem making to rebi mayor is a is a different point not we say there's no schvua on a valloyem in karka and you say that there is on those two things rather kashame kamrule they're trying to say that just like so to in other words khejida oi dislan maybe what the commerce a remay or is hey remay or just like you agree to us be karka when it comes to land that you don't swear oodilan nami it in mithwas also bamavadim when it comes to slaves you don't swear maybe that's what they're saying and therefore we reject the attempted answer now almost parenthetically and i put brackets before this word teda going down about eight lines so last one line is ela right before that ela teda that remay or is not going to be makayevish when it comes to land it's fun as we see from uh the following quote of amishnekos are just over four lines rebby be around the line yemir yishdorm shin kakarka the ina kakarka says you have some things that they're kind of like land but not like land the in kakameem but the kakameem do not agree to rebi mayor okay well what are we talking about here keitzad let's see i have two parties party a says you'd give fun and two nice massarti lach i gave you ten um grapevines laden with grapes the whole arm on the other one says oh no inan ela hamish there are only five grapevines laden with grapes well what do we do over here rebby mayor who underline says makayev the person would yes have to take a schvua and the fuck up underline said uh well one second these grapevines have fully finished grape plus would attach them and they're still attached to the ground though and therefore kolomokobotokarka reokakarka anything attached to the ground is like ground and there cannot be a schvua no swearing that's the end of this NAICS source connect verma beis verma khanina anana thema imidus de botzer eka beinayu that you can find the case where it would bring out the maklokas where there's clusters of grapes ready to be picked but they're not yet picked how do you view a cluster of grapes that's finished ready to be picked but it's not actually yet picked yet well marsova right double underline the word mar this would be revby mayor's of the opinion kibbizura's domian it's as though they're already picked which oh look at that it suddenly makes it detached um whereas marsova i double under the mar this would be the khamm love kibbizura's domian well when you pick them you pick them but they're not yet picked and therefore no and when maybe mayor holds kibbizura's domian however if it's land itself or something that actually still is in the land but needs the land uh revby mayor would agree that you're not going to swear ela so let's pick up with where we left off right before the brackets ela elam kuduro poisia now sorry remember correctly revoisia was the third approach that we had on the fourth line from the top so we're coming off of the rivacious approach that wants to say this revby mayor we're going back to the revoisia approach that wants to say that it's a claim of the evid with his closer as so to with its sheaves would de kashal alsace again well one second we tried that and we questioned it by saying wow what then would our mission here be coming to tell us that if there's a sure that's be taken unmovable you can also have the person swear on land no that we wouldn't know from somewhere else it's trick you would need to tell me here in this case specifically why because if you're saying that the issue is leeroy in his clothes or leeroy with his jacket sock that i mean i might have thought well what's the main thing there leeroy the clothes were only like a secondary issue like sus evid kevid domi basically counts as the evid himself or the armor is thought to kiss out the domi the sheaves in the field are kind of like the field kamash malon we don't say that the brice up above where we had the arrow about uh 17-18 lines ago had said zeroy marina yudev is a marina dea yachleku now who is that was a yachleku how money has to look at my simplicity domar he's the one who says moment with a specific when you have some sort of monetary issue or not sure hulkin the party's split aim is safe but we'll keep reading in that above snake source about 15 lines ago and it said uh put right angles in a battle line quote zetli member as juicy as i remember as juicy each one claims oh no it was in my possession when that happened in other words let's say when the uh chiffel gave birth so let the seller swear that it was in his possession when the cow were the chiffel gave birth ulla raba barifuna da amar according to raba funa who says in that's right amar so close that some of us would say that you split afido bari ubari well then what's going on in our mission over here amai shava the mochair why exactly is this other swearing yachleku me baie if it's according to some was they should split it without a shua and the gomara answers and what this will include mocha someplace that know what's going on over here is that some place would agree someplace normally says yeah they're arguing about it it's not really sure we're not clear about it what to do and and and therefore uh and it's no dairisa solution or no dairisa suggestion of what to do and and that's why yachleku without a shua however some ones would agree he could eat a shua dairisa like we already explained that this is kind of like a mode of mix as it's like me saying hey bob you owe me 200 mums is back when we owe you 100 so he's a mode of the mix as so two over here buddakata lei leiada kiddir rava and we'll have to have the case if let's say we're the slave the slave had recently had its uh hand chopped off where you can't say uh hey lach you can't say well here it is um because the uh thing that you're presenting is not the same thing that you started with adcon