Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 102

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09 Jun 2024
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Kofala Muhammad Bayes nine lines from the bottom at the new Mishnah. Hamaskar Bais Le Khavera here We're gonna have some of the basic rules if you have a landlord and a tenant Who's responsible for what so I'm asking Bais Le Khavera somebody who is renting a house to somebody else there was owner and Tenate Hamaskir the landlord Haif has to do the following things he has to make sure there's a good proper door But Delas but Nagar is the bolts that lock the door of a minel is the lock Behold up our shit my Suuman anything that takes a Expert to see to his responsibility the landlord. Come up outside for shame. Oh my Suuman If it's not something that requires an expert then has so I could already say who the general rule is that the tenant Is the one who does it? Period has ever shell Bala Bayes The manure there were a lot of animals around most places most times who gets the manure the landlord Calm of the in the site there the only thing the tenant is in title to is the yose me That's on I mean a kirai in Bilvat I guess the ashes and the icky's and the stuff that come out of the stove in the oven Tanawah Banan we have a Bryce that goes for two and a half lines and starts here Hamaskar Bais Le Khavera somebody who is renting their Property their house to someone else Muskere similar to the mission told us the landlord is high if he is Responsibility includes among other things. I mean like Dallas. I used to make sure there's a good doors Live to a La Helene ice. It's a new one, but if there's not enough light and there's certain requirements for light It would be the responsibility of the landlord to open up windows Is to break through the walls and make windows La Chazik Leitekra to strengthen the Ceiling if the ceiling is having issues or this might like Carter if there's a beam like that's a support beam that needs it for the support that is on the landlord's dime the Seikr Haib and the tenant is responsible La Seis Lei Sulam some sort of ladder if you need to get up somewhere. That's his responsibility Also La Seis Lei Maakke It's interesting that if there's some sort of area that's high that requires a fence around it That's the tenant's responsibility La Seis Lei Maar Zave would be a Gutter coming off of the roof if it needs to be fixed. That's the tenant's responsibility Ula Hatia Chazgaga and interesting enough to Shmir stuff on the roof, which would waterproof it. That's the those are all considered tenant responsibilities That's the end of the snake source Bowman a Roushesus bo me name in Roushesus ask Roushesus on me. Okay. Who's responsible for the Mizzosa the landlord of the tenant so the commercial is back one second Mizzouza question mark comma you're asked about a mizzouza. If I'm a mizzouza. There's other places where we know that mizzouza says mizzouza hovas ha Dar he is the responsibility of the one who's living there. So obviously is the tenants responsibility. No Ella no, so the question is actually a little bit different than to more clarify is muck in mizzouza on me the place like the the side boards of the door base where you put the whose responsibility is That remember mizzouza is the actual partnership parchment the roll-up. It's also the two side posts on the door also called mizzouza's now. Let's say it's made out of stone whose responsibility is it there to take care of the place for the mizzouza Ella muck in mizzouza on me. I'm under the loser. It was said to them by Roushesus telling sua We have a Mishnah the Mishnah said and here's a quote from our Mishnah Six words they put right angles in dove or she in my suma. Anything doesn't take a professional to do hasai karese who? So it would be the responsibility of the renter that's in the quote of the Mishnah connector high-nami love mica oh man who it doesn't take like a professional to Put a mizzouza in place on the door because true you could like have to chisel out a little space for it Which might be a professional however, there's another solution after who bed goosa dick hanya You could simply use or if they had glass tubes or in those days, but you could use a tube hollowed out Like a read and hollow at the inside and just sort of stick that on to the door post and that would work period Tanner upon on the more brings a four-line Brice a Hamas goodbye, so how they raise somebody's renting a house to someone al-hasai kare it's the responsibility of the Tenet lassai slai mizzouza to make Take care of the mizzouza because you're who you'd say when he leaves at the end of his Least so low you'd land up you out of your say he actually should not take the mizzouza with him when he goes Kama uminakri from a Gentile if the Genta is the land there was a Gentile then night Labiyadwiyatsu and the tenant leaders he should yes take the mizzou Kama umayisa bachad and the ones happen with a person should not Labiyadwiyats So he took the mizzouza with him when he left finished the rental period the cover Eastruchnay Bonov Oh, hey, and he buried his wife in his two children now the half Amina here is it's coming off of what was said right before in the Brice So which was when you have a landlord who's a guy You're supposed to take the mizzouza with you So now the Gomara jumps in right away and asks mice a list or you tell me you're supposed to take the mizzouza and then you bring me a mice If someone who took the mizzouza and attribute that To the reason why his wife and kids died summer of shacious Shacious explains no that last line in the mission was going on the first case that last time in this Brice was going on the first case ratio where the Landlord was a Jewish landlord and there you should not take the mizzouza with you when you're renting When you leave you leave the mizzouza on the doorpost Says the Mishnah has evo shabbal abiy is famous say hula it's mean a toner mina crime boulevard But my asking on we need a little bit of clarity here. What is the case like who owns what here? So Ile my squiggle underline the Ilema If you want to say the hot sir de agir lei lisa hir veturi desai hir if it's the courtyard that was also rented to the tenet and the oxen that are producing this manure are Blonde to the tenet amai shabbal abiy is why in the world would it be the Landlords a lot of soy squiggle on the Ella. It's a case the hot sir de low agir lei hir the renter is renting just the house not the courtyard and the turi our demaskir and so base the courtyard belongs to the landlord and the oxen belongs to the landlord Well says that more pshita like of course if it's the landlord's hossen landlords Bowls and oxen of course, it's the landlords. So the more clarifies low That's not exactly the case rather three ha the hot sir demaskir true the hot sir belongs to the landlord the turi dasuma Alma kamubah and I don't know some wild oxen or bulls kind of strolled on any and They are they're hanging out in the courtyard now in general when an animal makes poo or makes its manure its waste it it people are mafgir that and Whoever the owner of these oxen are probably mafg the stuff that comes out and well Who's coming up? The person owns the hot sir and the person was the hot sir is the landlord and therefore his hot sir is Kona it for him Okay Missily this would be a support to her because we're planning a damn our and I firebox would be a super carina He's gonna be the central Shita that we're gonna deal with the rest of this amud. I firebox him hot sir Is shaladam cana loy shalay me data? That's his rule that a person who owns a courtyard that courtyard has the ability to acquire something for the owner even if the owner doesn't know mace-fae put a triangle on this mace-fae about nine lines later first word on the line is hamish Damaris next word in line is mace-fae put a triangle around that and about 15 lines later first word in line is mace-fae I put a triangle around that so the more is not gonna bring three Tanaic sources as questions on Rabis Brahmanina's point and That's our son gives let's see the first mace-fae you have a Tanaic source that goes to the end of the next line I'd box it off The tank source says im amar kol mitzi is shea voila sei hai yam tikna lihat sei ri loy amar kloom If a person who owns a courtyard says any sort of items that lost items that make their way into my Closer today. I want my Closer to acquire them. He's basically said nothing Now that's the end of the NAic source the mise-f. It's really so says look more la ha the principal of reggae sibre baqanina that had sei rishal adam kainos shalay me data a Person's hot service ability acquired things for him even if the owner doesn't know I'm my lawyer mark loom. Why is that statement that he made not good his culture should be able to acquire for him? answers the gomorah hai hai askinan Well, you know there's two types of hot savers the hot sir We were talking about where person's hot requires for him is a hot sir mish tameris. Oh, there's got like a fence around it It's basically guarded. We're talking about hot sir. She ain't a mish tameris a hot sir that is not Guarded like has no fence around it. So then apparently only if the person makes this declaration Well, it's still be ineffective because there's no fences well one one second I hai if that's the case in mise-f. Keep reading in the brice. Oh, we got another almost line of that's an a source I boxed off the next Seven words yatsaloy shame at sia beir if whatever the mitzia is like everyone in town knows that that's a particular lost item I don't know. Let's say it's a deer and it's got a broken leg and Or something like the river flooded. There's all these fish then var of kayam and then the statement that this fellow made even though It's hot sir is not It would be valid and his gots would acquire those things now connect or be because she ain't a mish tameris If the hot sir he made this declaration about has no like fence or wall around it so what kyatsaloy shame at sia beir mai hai hai like it could have been the rishu sirah It could be this guy's class and there's no protection to it So he explained though It does make a difference if the mitzi in question like everyone in town knew it was a mitzia then kayvan That's a shame at sia beir Mive del Badili in shimine people in general will then separate themselves from it. They'll know that it is a Lost item there's not an owner to it people stay away from it If you like kick lots of mr. Maris and this person's closer Which doesn't really have a wall around it becomes like a lot's of mr. Maris and therefore can acquire it for him base value is second of three DNA sources we bring as a question in race we're planning that this one goes for two and a half lines Zevala yayziminat tan or the ikis that come out of a oven or minikiraim or of a stove the hot collate mean hot of the earth When a cow makes its poo it comes out and then goes plop onto the ground apparently if a person is I don't know if there was a bucket and he catches it in mid-air Hurry, who shall I he can keep it? That's right the tenant can keep that comma oo sheber refus oo sheber hot sir The half-minute here is we're talking about a courtyard, which was not rented to the tenant and a refus is a Corrald an area or a hot sir belongs to the Balabais look that's the end of the snake source for you Miss another more says similarly for like what it's out of above if we really say la hajav. Yes, we're a honey No, Dom are we hold of what he says? What do you say? Dom a hot sir. She'll have him kind of literally me Dante a person's core you're gonna choir for them even if they have no idea What's what's going on? collate me out there. I'm Irish low. Well then one second. Why can the Tenet come with a bucket stick it under the bottom side of the cow and when the cow makes the tenant can keep it Well, didn't it start out by it exited the cow and then it started going through the air of air Clats a ray who is the other the cuts of the Balabais you should be immediately be the Balabais is so why can the Tenet keep it so we have two approaches to this amara by endo endo by in the last word on this line is rova By a says well, he's not actually like keeping the bucket that far. He actually Presses the bucket up against the anus of the animal Amara by the mad bi kli beshule parra. He literally like sticks or attaches the the bucket to the the bottom side of the cow Rava is a different approach angle and Rava Rava our other Shane Saif Villanuach Love Kimunach Dami true airspace usually of an area is considered like the area However, air space which is not in the end gonna come to land in the area is not considered as though it's in the area yet Okay, and that would be the Rava approach. The most is really that's so posh it to Rava Umi she delay the Rava question markama We have another so yeah, actually had it oh about three months ago in this was after the hami by bye La I thought Rava had a question on this issue to boy Rava In this case you have a person who has a pouch of money and he declares I'm here by giving up ownership of this pouch of money and he chucks it He throws it Zara Garniki that's a person has a little house and He's got a front door and a back door and they're like right across from each other So this fellow standing in the street throws the little pouch of money into the guy's front door It flies through his house it flies out the back door and then continues flying and lands in some sort of street on the other side So Zara Garniki a pessar za the yachtsus on them the little pouch Continued flying and went out pessar za the another Door mahu Rava's not sure about that. What do we say colon of your Shane Saif Villanuach? If you're in the contained in the airspace of an area that the item in question that will never come is not going It didn't come to rest in the area Shane Saif Villanuach Kim Wunachtami is that considered as though it came to rest and therefore the owner of that house would acquire it Olaf Kim Wunachtami or not so it seemed like Rava wasn't sure about this Well, the good one explains Hossam when it came to the case of the pouch of money that the guy Who was mob for it through through the house lo miffs like the loin meaty? However, there was there was nothing in between it and the ground and that's why we have the question of our Haha over here Miffs actually remember the fellas holding a bucket up to the back side of the animal Period now almost parenthetically actually put brackets in from here till a word in four lines later Till before the next mace fey the Gomorrah notes Ushebeth refes Ushebeth hot sir hare lushe balabais put that in right angles we had said then in the last line of the tinek source that we quoted about eight lines ago that if it's in the Corraldan area where the animals are or in the hot sir it belongs to the Balabais now Tarte why do you tell me to denim? Why don't you just tell me that like of course if it lands in the? Property or the stuff that's owned by the landlord then it's landlords So I'm a rabbi a hachihamorrah by says you have to slightly refine the way we understand the brace that we had about 10 lines ago And you should say like this Ushhebeth refes shebeth hot sir, it's not two separate things It's the refes which is in the klatsure lushe balabais Amaravashi or Vashi concludes from what we just said is I some errors from here? You see that in general Hamaskar Hatsir aestam la hiske refes shebah that if a person without any other clarification rents out a Courtyard they have not rented out if there happens to be a little corralled in the area for the animals there They have not rented that part out That's the end of the brackets I close brackets mace fey and we have a third question on our replacement Haneena statement This one goes for two lines. You ain't a shavak. You're nalia If you have birds now, sometimes you have domesticated birds These are not domesticated birds they're wild birds, but you have like a bird coop or you have or they they hang out in your Attic so you know you show about the only elia Sayalvo especially lua if there's an issue like this baby bird there an egg You would have to send the mother away before you took the eggs the asura it's because I'm in a dark A. Shalom and to take if it's somebody else's Eggs or baby birds you would be violating stealing from someone else because of we want to keep the harmony and piece of Relationship between people that's in the snake source now Why are we bringing this in because the emisa if it's really so la ha dama Reza muhanina that he said what do you say that a hot social Adam? I'm going to leisurely me that tight versus cuts will require for me even if he doesn't know what's in there just yet So why not kri khan we should apply here The principle that we apply when it comes to where is there a mitzvah shuloh kakein if there's let's say a mother bird on her egg or baby birds It has to be ki yikre that's a quote from the puzzle when you Chansopon like you're walking through a you know a public forest and oh my goodness look at that There's a nest and there's a mother bird and there's a baby bird or there's an egg that is the only time that it applies Pratla mizumaan that is to the exclusion of Mizzumaan where it's like prepared already or it's like in your house So I'm a rava. So rava explains baitsa When is it that the Kyiv of shuloh kakein kicks in be it see us Ruba who did he have a lot of shuloh once the majority of the egg is Exited the mother bird. That's when the Kyiv kicks in When does the person whose culture is acquired who mikna like Kanye? It's not acquired though until adenaf la katsner until it falls into the hot sir or the nest in the hot sir Vicky katani hai yav ais be shuloh and when we had said In the today's verse above that there is a responsibility to send the mother away That's me coming to people hot say right it's a very limited amount of time here But from when the egg is the majority out of the mother bird until it lands in the person's courtyard Well says the one to eat. Okay, that's the case at my S2 is my shum gazelle Then why in the world would there be an issue of gazelle if it's not the person who owns the That property well actually it's not and when you say it's not some shum gazelle. We're going on the mother ah Iman that's what's much of a Me shum gazelle because of darke shuloh You buy same alternatively. I squeal under the bicema. We're not talking about the mother lot It's we're talking about the eggs umi den offic ruba dite love eight And the thing is though that when the person has a bird in their Possession as soon as the majority of the egg has exited the mother even though it all hasn't come out yet The person's intention and focus is on it Kama the hush number of you dumb arrive now that we have this statement that says us Well, this is a basin close munching rivets is a lamb that oh no Actually a person is not allowed to take possession of eggs as long as the mother is crouching on top of them Shannam are Based on the possum possum says very clearly Shalé official their same you must send away the mother and only then vahadr the posse commune says esa Bonham tika clock and the the eggs with the baby birds you then you can take then a philutami You can even say did not flah la la la hot say right that the egg actually completely was laid And it fell into the hot sir the nestages in the hot sir, and it depends colon a or b Cole he had you Matsu zakul a wherever he would be able to acquire it hazera zakul a then the concert can acquire it for him whereas Kama be call it You like matsu zakul a if he could not acquire it hazera not me la zakul a then his hot sir would not be able to acquire it for him Well says somewhere if that's the case he hockey We go back to the price that we had about six lines ago, and we quote five words We said that a person who was walking by a sewer is not allowed to take that egg or baby bird Biggazelle it will be because they're just doing a name dark a shaloy my squillin only dark a shalom in other words It's not really stealing but for communal harmony neighborly peace we say better not to take it now says the camarah really De shalja Guess I'm all you who if you send the mother with and that's like full fledged gazza He don't say the motherway. How by you should look only you got to send your way So what's the case? Well the more explains it's a unique situation because on we're talking About like a 8 9 10 year old boy. He's a minor. Don't look who he's not high if To send the mother bird away. Well one second if it's a little kid cotton bar Dark a shalom who why would a 8 9 10 year old? I didn't do a dark a shalom that that's between adults Well says the gomara hakkammar of if shal cotton high of the hokster lei in they dark a shalom Not the kid, but the father of the kid when the kid says hey Dan look what I got I got this egg from so the father to do we would have to return it because of dark a shalom So as the mission a maskar by so how they are the shana. Here's the issue of I Guess contractual law either it was written or verbal, but you know in a Jewish Year you have 12 months sometimes you have 13 months. It depends if it's a leap year Certainly before there was a set calendar. It wasn't always clear whether there would be a leap month or not Let's say you're renting a house for a year that year might have I don't know 12 months might have 13 months. So if the contract is worded I'm asked about the cover of the shana for a year and let's say as the year goes on You get to Adar and it turns out there's two others on his sabra hashabra in this abra hashan in his apple The Seikr the tenant if he's paying let's say $12,000 for the year Even if it's a 13 month year it turns out he still pays $12,000 however, he's gonna look adash him if it's a Rental agreement based on a monthly rent than this Abra Shana if it turns out there's 13 months in this apple the mosque here it gets so to speak for the landlord in other words he'll get 13,000 because the tenant is owes him $1,000 a month true that comes out to like 12,000 year usually, but if it's a leap year it'll be 13,000 My separate seaport once happened in the city of Zippari, the Akhachosaka Mirhachats mikha very right a person was renting a bath house from someone else Bishnimah starts off the Shana Medina's off the clay dish 12 gold coins a year one gold coin a month That's an interesting lasha new bomb ice leaf they are up shimming on Leo and the case came to shimg on Leo I guess it was a leap year turned out. Oh, if they rip you if I'm ruined, what did they say? Yeah, I like us going to show you bore base when it basically the guy pays half rent for the For the leap month Okay, now that's interesting Seems like the mission just contradicted what it had said earlier Mysa list or we had basically given two possibilities Either the tenant owes for the entirety of the 13th month There doesn't know for it at all and then you bring a Mysa where there's a split Well explains the kamora kasui maxa vah katani the mission was actually missing the little bit of pertinent information And this is the way to understand it. We do a rereading of the Mishnah. It takes basically almost six lines and you just add in one Line the eam amar loi if however, he said to him And this is sort of like a double-ocean. Bishnaima starts to move in the Shana me dinars of the high-dish It wasn't clear that it was just a yearly rental or if it was just a monthly rental He used both the shyness. He said 12 gold coins a year one gold coin a month Then ya like who there's a split if it happens that it's a leap year and there's a 13th month There's a split oh my son. I mean it also happened in see put it back. I just saw harm her I'll speak a very bitch name. I started on the Shana me dinars of the Haidish who bought my stuff in your mission What we've never be I see family. I'll call you so I just I he bore That's the end of the rereading I'm a rabbi circle drive. I put a number one in the margin Approximately six seven lines later first ward on the line is lon the next word is schmul I circled schmul and put number two in the margin and approximately six seven lines later first word align is the toughest near The end of that line is rough knock when I start living knock when I'm number three in the margin So we're gonna have three sort of opinions of great rabbis what they would have done in that situation. So I'm a rough Yeah, boy. How's him if I was there? Have you given a lay Koolilah mosque here? I would have given in that case where the agreement was 12 gold coins a year one gold coin a month, and then there's turns out there's a leap a month So he would have given it all to the landlord. Okay. Well Do we need rough to tell us that here? Don't we already know it from other things? He's told us the come on ask question about three lines to develop this question. Why come much Milan? What is exactly Rov telling us? question mark comma tough with all Shane ah ha roin I double online ocaron in that when you have two statements you Grab a hold and give significance to the later statement, which is essentially Kind of what we're doing over here. Well hammer of how does emna Rov already told us that once Where do you tell us that? Dom our rafuna our Bay Rov an underlying Rob's name. It was a tradition that we had from Rov that if you have a fellow who says to someone that he's gonna pay him an Istira Mayamali now in Istira and it mayamali are very similar Nastira is 96 Proutais mayamali is a hundred Proutais But basically is it gonna be like a full coin or quite a little bit rubbed out and he used this lushen of Istira 96 mayamali 100 Mayamali so he has to pay 100 or if it was said three words quote mayamali Istira 100 Proutais Istira is 96 then Istira so I pretty clear Rob holds tough with all Shane ah ha roin you follow the Second of the two statements. So why do we need Rob to tell us this here? Well, here's why you may have some if we only had the other place have Amina Pei Rushi come in far ash remember an Istira and mayamali are Basically the same thing one is a slightly rubbed out coin one is the full version of the coin But you could assume that the second statement he made was to clarify which type Kamash Malan That what we're seeing Rob tell us over here is even when they're two totally separate things is it is it 13 gold coins for the Rent for that year or 12 gold coins. We still go with Tafo Soshan Akra Ushmold we had circled as a second approach Omar the case is here bebaba beb Emsa Haidish Askinan so apparently like in the middle of this leap month land on the 15th of Adar Shaney the case comes to Court and there's a Mahlokas the landlord says I want this guy out of my property The tenant says no, I'm gonna stay What do we do we basically will keep the money because costly so for the two weeks or let's say the 15 days or 14 days That he's already lived there. We're not gonna take money away from him But for the two weeks approximately that are still to come at the end of the month He either has to pay up for that or he has to leave. That's the case Baba Emsa Haidish Askinan, Ababa beb Etschila, I don't like the word bah if he shows up at the beginning of the month This case I'm so court then cooler the mosque here the entire amount is In the the landlord's entitled to get the entire months rent for that other Shaney Ooh Baba Sae Freidish, I don't like the word bah if he comes if the case comes to court like right at the end of that month Then cooler this like her this record doesn't have to pay up. Okay. That's schmold Asks look more a question takes about five lines to develop. Miyomar Shmuel really to Shmuel really say low I'm reading on television and acron that we don't say follow whatever the second of the two statements is the ha Look at this both Rave and Shmuel more importantly for a schmuel cuz we're talking in Shmuel right now I don't like his name don't mean to revive the two of them say that if there's a deal between two parties and The seller says to the buyer Corbish shimani Maikalah one core for 30 Selah, I'm gonna sell you and then he starts, you know given the product he gives a Bit of a core another bit of a core and another bit of a core Now by the way, there's 30 saw in every core. So he gives him saw number one. So number two. So number 10. So number 28 saw our number 29 and then he decides he wants to back out Yohalak sir By a feel of a sock right now even at the last saw and the reason being because you know If the deal was one core first like shim until one core has been given over the deal's not finished However, comma if he says like this and be quote Corbish like shim saw a besella ani mai khalach. So one core for 30 One saw which is a 30th of a core besella, which is 130 for 30 ani mai khalach then Reshine, Reshine, Kona. I squeal online Reshine, Reshine, Kona So even though the first statement was that it's in a huge amount of core for a huge amount of money 30 Since the second statement apparently was that for each saw it's one well as each one is measured out He would acquire it so the more explains no, it's not a problem with shmul because how sometime of mine What's the reason over there mishum de? Tophis it's because once he's a toy face on something. It's that that part of the deal at least is clenched Hachanami so too over here by the bath house When they come at the middle of the month Nami kat Tophis he's considered as though he so to speak held on to her That was his the first two weeks that he already used it and the last two weeks He's not a typhus on it Revanachman who's a third and last approach and with this we will conclude research of nachman Revanachman amar karka baches kaspala Chaimes that land is considered to be in the possession of its Owner and therefore even if the case comes let's say to court at the end of the month The landlord is entitled to the entire Rent for that month because like it's not that there's some sort of lack of clarity that developed just when the case came to court It came it was a lack of clarity the beginning of the month Whose land is this? It's the Landlords in other words it turned out that the tenant was living in somebody else's place and he has to pay rent for it Well one second my kamashman was a knockman essentially teach you guys Tophis also an acharoyne that You grab ahold of the second luschain Hainu der Rob is not the same thing Rob said Why would you have to bring up nachman if Rob already told us this and then what it's way is that no actually? Revanachman is a bigger kiddish a fakat a fikme fach Even and let's see the rashi on this the rashi is two four six about seven lines underneath the kamara dimramas I forgot that affect me fach The arm are like me kara even if the original deal was me dinars of the clay dish michnaimazers of him Lishana Yeah, I'll pay you a one gold coin a month 12 for the year Even their camera of nachman. He would say Kula the masker no no no the landlord is entitled to a full gold coin for the 13th month Did time because according to him Wav I double underlined the word lav and rashi It's not me shum to tell us all shanachman who because we follow whatever the second statement is Ella doesn't make a difference which was the first statement of the second statement Suki missafkalay We're not sure. Maybe we go give prominence to the first phrase maybe to the second phrase Usfekah and we're not sure shadi lea tchil a sakhalay dish We basically make it from the beginning of the month the karka makas kasil a ta me dinu Who's the owner of this thing the landlord is there for the landlord is entitled to a full month's red for adar shani adan