We Are Douchebags

Streets Speak 10

1h 1m
Broadcast on:
10 Jun 2024
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Dude, like oh my god, like can we talk about like the political and economic state of the world right now? Welcome to street speak the show where the streets speak and shit gets real I'm your host cj schooliam and today. I'm joined by my other two co-host What's good, bro? It's Andre. I'm the white sosa. You already know me Just hit my baby. Oh cheers to that Yeah, so uh, did you want to go ahead and talk about something right here in the beginning sosa? Yeah There's um It's been a international tragedy something that the world will never recover from and No man will ever be the same And that is unfortunately a curator yama passing away um I think No matter where where you come from where you were raised. Uh, you could be from mexico brazil china japan though hood whatever um everyone enjoyed dragon ball and this man, uh He basically wrote the blueprint for all of anime So let let us take a quick moment of silence a good 30 seconds and uh Let's just appreciate what a curator yama brought to us rest in peace Rest in peace rest in peace Was that 30 seconds That was like 15 that was like 15 close enough so long enough I was gonna be like, okay. I'm gonna let i'm gonna let sosa break the silence. So i'm not disrespectful All right now that we have the most important topic of the day down, um, what do we want to get into here? Uh, let's talk about minecraft youtuber sexual misconduct Okay, so I have no idea what that is wait another one So in our notes here, it says in in quote or like in parentheses who is surprised and that's because um You know who is surprised we all we all know what the minecraft youtubers get up to So basically for anyone who isn't in the loop. Um One of the people from that that that pedo guy, you know dream Uh one dream. Yeah one of the people from his group got uh basically some hefty accusations of uh taking advantage of a drunk woman who was 18 mm-hmm and uh A quick rundown is the the dude george. He was I think they said he was like 17 at the time and she was 18 and So she raped him Yeah She was a pedophile And uh, yeah, so he he was obviously uh a lot older, right? That's the main thing people are going off of and He I don't know the full story, but I'm pretty sure it goes about like this like they were both at a at a party Everyone was drinking. They went and cuddled for a bit. He grabbed her waist and then he started trying to grab her boobies and That's about it He grabbed her waist in her boobies and she was drunk Yeah And um, she came out saying that she felt disgusting and it was like a dirtiness I wouldn't wash away, which is like a pretty typical feeling for like people who have experienced a Bad sexual encounter, you know, but um, I'm just gonna How do I put this? So a couple more like basics that need to be laid out Fundamentals, you know Is that the party was supposed to be 21 plus only Basically, you had to have a wristband on to be able to to get in New signifying that you were 21 and could drink, right? So okay off rip He thought that she was older than she was 21 because her and her friends decided to try and get into this party um as well as um Okay, kids tricky when people like start drinking and are drunk and everything, you know, but If both of them are drinking it's I don't Like I agree that if someone is drunk then like they can't really consent, right? But At the same time, it's like We're not going to sit here and pretend that like a single drop of alcohol immediately like means you guys can't fuck, you know Yeah And I think A large part of this is people who like are just so chronically online that these are like things that just don't fucking happen The way they think it does in real life like it when When you put a hand, okay, so they're already cuddling in the first place, right? And then you put a hand on their waist. They don't say anything you are like, okay, they're feeling it So you move up to the bazongas, right? And then at that point they tell you to stop and you stop Uh-huh, you really feel like that is sexual assault You stopped as soon as they told you to stop Is that what how the story goes there? He stopped basically what what I've heard. Yes That's how it goes. I'm pretty sure the girl that like is coming out with this even like said That's the way it went down. I could be wrong But from everything I've read that that's like pretty much the whole like confirmation. That's how it's went um Yeah, I feel like it's quite a stretch and then people are trying to say because like he was 27 and she was 18 It's like, okay, well See, do you are you supposed to fucking ask for everyone's ID the second you like start cuddling with them? You know, like they already had a wristband on that was supposed to signify that we're 21 at least Oh, okay, see I was confused because you said he was 17 and then you said the party was 21 plus I was like, what? Yeah, he was 17. I'm pretty sure I said he was 27 and she was 18 Uh Andre, did he say 17 or am I sorry? 27 He said 27 Yeah Well, I guess I'm more tired than you. I just woke up from a nap That's why that's why I said that she was the pedophile because I thought you said He was 17 and she was 18 No, he was 27 She was okay, but Basically everyone's coming down really heavy on him like he's basically gotten gaslight into thinking he's a fucking rapist, bro And I don't fucking like this dude. So I don't want to defend. I want him to be honest. I want to hate him You want to hate I'm not in the Minecraft youtuber community anymore. So I don't really have any like I wouldn't either way. I wouldn't say I am. I just fucking hate him and his fan base same with dream And what they stand for what's the youtuber's name? Who is it? George not found George not I'm I'm gonna base that my entire opinion on if he's ugly or not. He's ugly and british Oh, he's british deducts five point. He's mid. He's kind of mid. Yeah. Yeah, I mean ugly's a bit far. He's just like your average show I mean he does have those kind of like rapey eyes Like I'll send you guys a picture that I'm looking at Really unfortunate. He's british Like if I were if you told me this guy raped I think for me it's mainly just the thing of like the way people are treating the situation of like for one If she if she's 18 and she just wants to hook up with someone like why y'all treating her like such a fucking like infant, you know Yeah, yeah For that's what you do on the internet. Yeah For two people are so weird about age gaps right now. Yeah people get too and they overdo it Like before it was like, okay, the 18 is the hard line and now it's like oh my god 18 and 20 That's weird. He could take advantage of her. Yeah, I mean for me and it's literally two years Like 18 and 22 like does seem 18 and 22 what Andre are you guys there? Oh Hello, don't so sit die Was it the hammering My head said the shape where every now and then it just decides to turn the fuck off. I don't know why Oh but um Was that saying like even like eight like 18 to 22 is a little bit weird to me But like I don't know how to put it other than like if y'all are just Hooking up like that's fine, you know, whatever, but if it's like dating then it's like Bro, you're like 22 already you really trying to date someone fresh out of high school, you know Yeah, I think I think that that stigma kind of goes away after like 23 to 25 Like you could date whoever you want after your 23 25 and it's not really a big deal, but like under there It's like you're still like young naive But it's like you said people take it way too far where it's like 2818. It's like oh my god. He's a pedophile. Yeah Or like 1917 whatever like if it's just two years apart people like oh my god or like 1738 Yeah, I know Okay, but She was 18 you could Can you tell that someone is that young when you're 27? I mean bro It's hard to tell like unless you like are looking at their fucking id like it's hard to tell someone's age based Just looking at them Okay, I'll let that slide. I'll let that slide They were already cuddling And he had his hand on her waist is how the story goes correct. Mm-hmm. Yeah And he went for the boob That's where he fucked up. He should have gone for the ass Maybe she got embarrassed because like the boob is right in front of everybody if he had gone for the ass. He would have been safe She she just shot him She got embarrassed. He he should have gone down not up Everybody knows that he should look at your battle like you imagine Instead of using a hand he took his face and put it to the boom He's like, oh, I'm so shy. I'm so shy. I need to hide my face real quick Oh, this is definitely gonna get us canceled. We got to change this like quick Okay, yeah, he's a rapist. He fucked up. He deserves to go to jail It's just so fucking retarded the The And by the way, I don't usually fucking pay attention to these retards But this shit is literally plastered all over my Twitter like I can't escape every other fucking tweet is about it It's what you get on install, man I will never I need that fucking I need my blood pressure to rise from this app Okay, so right here in the replies she showed multiple signs of interest in wanting he couldn't have known she was uncomfortable and she didn't voice that Yeah, all she had to do was voice her boundaries and the story would have ended there but I'm gonna treat everyone like a retarded child No, it pretty much did end there Like if if nothing happened after she told him to stop, it's really not a story And people are saying like it already the waist and in the boob was like too much because like he didn't explicitly ask Like, I'm sorry. This is another thing where it's like, you're like you can tell they've never done anything in real life because it's like You don't fucking sit there and like you're like, can I touch can I touch can I touch you know? Yeah, I think that makes it weirder. Yeah, just go for it. Like usually most people want it to be a natural progression Yeah, it should be And that's why that's why actual twitter brain people Yeah, that's why like, you know, if someone says stop you stop obviously But like if you're just going to make the move like there's nothing wrong with that Yeah I think Asking would make things weirder between both parties I don't know. Yeah, and it's also like there's a difference between like Putting your hand on someone's waist and being like, hey, is that a right if I choke you? Well, we fuck like, you know Yeah, two completely different things You would have thought he like brutally like Beater and raper the way everyone was talking about it when it first happened when it first dropped And then I watched the video and all I really This is it So everyone's fucking crying about right now Just move on Pretty retarded discourse Just fucking you know what's going to be like the most brainrod bullshit everyone involves one of those youtubers mmm Okay, so We could go ahead and move on to I saw you guys arguing in the group chat earlier about the bowing whistle blower suicide What happened with that? I don't know anything about that. I wouldn't really call it arguing because more so me just trying to ruffle people's feathers Yeah, I could clearly tell Apparently he had multiple gun shot wounds to the back of the head and it was a It was a suicide. I don't know if he actually had multiple um Yeah, that was what's the full sword? uh, basically this dude was like a whistle blower for on bowing, you know, like airplane and uh He was talking about like the unsafe work conditions all this all that how they like make really shitty planes now and all that like they're falling up the sky and uh A couple days before he was supposed to testify in court He apparently committed suicide Okay, I found An official quote from the police upon their arrival officers discovered a male inside a vehicle suffering from a gunshot wound to the head He was pronounced deceased at the scene Appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot. Okay. So it was a singular gunshot wound. Yeah But yeah, you're right. He uh was a dude who worked for them like he was like a safety guy or some shit voicing his concerns And uh, he was set to testify Uh soon and he already had testified in a demonstration. Yeah, yeah Oh, he was in very good spirits and really looking forward to putting this phase of his life behind him and moving I'm pretty fucked up. I'm pretty heavy on the on the nothing ever happens crowd, you know, but You gotta be honest like this one It's not even really a conspiracy to call it in assassination, you know, like yeah Like giant fucking one of the biggest companies in the country in the world really and uh You know the dude who's about to fucking expose their shit. Just oh fuck it. I don't feel like doing it no more Okay, there's uh, there's two more quotes here in this article He was looking forward to having his day in court and hope that it would force bowing to change its culture And then another He was suffering from ptsd and anxiety attacks as a result of being subjected to the hostile work environment at bowing They said which we believe led to his death I got a piss by the way. So i'm gonna be right back. I've been trying to hold it. It ain't holding Why is it always suicide? Uh Because it's easy to write things off as like a suicide like If this was a clean job where it's only one gunshot wound, then it's really easy to be like, yeah, he killed himself Bruh, okay, hold up. I can't find anything about there being a gun in the vehicle They just say a gunshot wound to the head Wait in his car? Yeah, they say it was in his car, but I feel like if it was actually a suicide They would have said they found a weapon in the vehicle with him Well, yeah, we're where to go. I feel sure it is Okay, shot himself for the desert. Oh, okay. And the recoil just flies out the window It flew out and disappeared when I did a number somewhere Okay, yeah, this guy was definitely assassinated. He was parked at a holiday in No, I don't think he was assassinated, but I do see something You don't want to be next? No, that's fine. It says he was holding a silver handgun in his right hand They heard a pop Bruh, okay, even if it's not a direct like assassination They probably forced him to kill himself like oh, we know where your family lives Like I feel like shit like that happens too where it's not a direct assassination, but they still like force you to die Like even if it's just they had dirt on him that he didn't want getting out. They probably did get him to kill himself I mean, it's viable, but that's like some some movie shit I feel like stuff would stuff like that would happen more often than you'd think Especially with a big-ass company like this What I miss No, I was just telling Andre how the other article didn't mention anything about him having a gun in the vehicle But on ABC news, it says that he was holding a silver handgun in his right hand Uh, but I was telling him I said even if he did kill himself I feel like it could have been one of those things where they force him to kill himself Basically like oh, we have dirt on you or oh, we know where your family is So even if it's not like a direct assassination, it's basically like an assassination Yeah But uh, okay when someone kills themselves with a handgun or with a gun They immediately like close the grip on the gun, right? They don't drop it. I'm pretty sure I've heard that being a thing I have no clue to be honest dead man's grip Oh, you're talking about when they die like the person themselves. Oh, yeah, I'm pretty sure I thought you meant like the police like pull up and like close the grip on the gun I was like that sounds like some weird shit Uh, no death grip. Okay. Yeah, so it's a thing Not not Death grips the The band or whatever the one that Anthony Fantano loves Yeah, not them. I'm not like the actual thing No, I'm not gonna kill myself google. It's fine Okay, we're gonna go ahead and assume that's a thing. So maybe he did kill himself But yeah, like I said, even if he did actually like do it himself I wouldn't be surprised if there was some like hey either you die or your family dies Yeah We're gonna make it look like an accident either you make it look like a suicide or we're gonna make it look like an accident All right, um I Want to end with the very controversial tweet. So we're gonna have to save that for last because okay I don't know how that's gonna pay pan out. He picked a really heavy topic Oh, we can go to we can go to the John Cena topic Oh, yes. Oh gosh. Okay. Good. I've been wanting to talk about this So i'm very glad oh go ahead. No, go ahead I'm gonna say i'm very glad the way you worded this because I have the same way Let's see your cj then because you brought it up. So i'm gonna know your opinion Okay, honestly, I wasn't even gonna go with that angle at all Like I heard something about it. Oh, but I was I was just gonna talk about uh How smooth this man is He didn't have any hair on him. I was gonna. I think that was a body suit Does he dare? Did he shave? Did he wax? What do we think? I think he he seems like uh like a wax type of dude to me You see you think he's like a wack and Okay I think it's so retarded how they got away with this bro It's lit literally right where his dick would be hanging that that's where they have to sign It's so ridiculous, bro um Yeah, the angle i'm coming at it from is uh retards online calling it a humiliation ritual as if john cena hasn't done like the like some retarded shit before Yeah, I don't think he needs a humiliation ritual. Yeah That man, okay He did something very for how long like Yeah And then on top of that in the in the last uh suicide squad movie He was practically like he was just in his underwear, but his giant boy Staring at me throughout that entire scene. So I don't think he really cares Plus if people have never seen his interviews and shit like outside of fucking movies and all that like The guy genuinely is just like that type of person that would do some dumb shit like that Like like he's a goofball. Yeah Oh and then on top of that in the peacemaker show he was actually butt-ass naked fucking some chick in the first episode And it wasn't like a hot sex scene. It was like Very raunchy. So this is perfectly on brand for him and like yeah, they picked the perfect person Yeah, it makes me wonder too like Because me I would do that same shit as him like if I were to make it famous make it and give famous like that Like if i'm just being my normal self for people then i'm gonna call that a humiliation ritual Being my authentic self Because that's pretty much what he's doing His authentic self is a male stripper So I just feel like this is like the negative impact of the tapes bro and people like them It's like now all of a sudden everything has to be about escaping the matrix and everything is a fucking huge humiliation ritual Yeah, everyone thinks they're woke as fuck now Like it kind of how we talked about like doja cat a while ago too and like how people are obsessed with her supposedly being a fucking devil worshipper and all this like Even from one even if she was who the fuck cares and for two like So you're telling me because she like does fucking like demon paint for a video where one of her lines is like i'm a devil Like that makes her a Satan worshipper Mm-hmm I think for her. I think it's an entirely different case. It's because she knows it's gonna get attention. So for her like little nazx I get so mad when conservatives like focus on them so hard because they literally do it for that exact reason to piss people off So they're falling for the bee. Well, I would also say little nazx has a different reason as well for because like I mean if you're a gay male like Why the fuck are you gonna respect a religion that doesn't respect you? No, yeah, that's that's the thing. So I think what the religious people should do Is just ignore it but instead they get all pissed off And they literally play exactly how they think they would And they they also pretend like these people just come out of nowhere and like all of a sudden have fame and they sold their soul for it Bro little nazx was shit posting that fucking country rap song for like years on his twitter when he had like 10 000 followers I remember that I remember it being promoted everywhere because he would pay He would pay for it And then the reason why it blew up is because the billboard hot 100 refused to call it country and then he got fucking Like Miley saw you resolve because she's tapped into the community and she was basically like a dad Hop on the track with him and fucking Billy Ray hopped on it Hmm Like that whole issue there blew him up and people just pretend that it pretend that he fucking got there out of nowhere Yeah And there's a there's a couple rappers like that too where People say they sold their soul because they blew up out of no or that their industry plants and it's like no I remember him paying for promos on instagram and annoying the fuck out of me Like half the time when they try to say that shit, it's like you can easily just like if you're not living under a rock You can easily just trace like where their come up was Yeah Like like I was saying same with doja cat how she made that retarded fucking cow song Yeah I mean she was somewhat popular even before that Yeah Yeah, she had released that was the first that I saw of her Then she got just not like super mainstream Then she got even more I wouldn't say popular, but she got even more like Eyes on her when she did the whole like in which she got exposed for being in them goddamn chat rooms Oh That came after her frame Showing she was neo Nazis that shit was funny Yeah, fucking Hey everyone just wants to call everything a humiliation ritual and they they'll be and it's a dumb shit They do where they get all cryptic about it too when it's like anytime you question it It's just like you'll see when the judgment day comes Okay It must be so fucking convenient to just never be able to like provide evidence or proof or anything of it or even explain yourself Yeah, like Just you'll see or or they respond this world is lost Yeah, or I guess this also we can talk about too And this too was the the tapes getting arrested again because it kind of ties into that They are arrested again. Okay, so they did get arrested I just I saw something uh when was it like two days ago or something where I was fucking aid in ross on stream basically Exposed that they were going to try to flee the country they were in And then they were going to get arrested because of it, but it actually happened And It's so fucking dumb bro. You'll have these fucking die hard dick writers and every single things come and just like Like completely trying to deny anything that's happened. How do I put it like Someone will call him a human trafficker, right? And someone just like then why isn't he in jail right now? Like brother I don't know what to tell you other than for one. He was on house arrest for two People don't just immediately go to fucking jail and get charged instantly like especially human trafficking case bro. That's just gonna take some years Yeah They're like oh, he's a human trafficker for real them. Why isn't he rotting in a cell now? Yeah, they gotta build all that shit against him and it does take like fucking years Even if they have a like the case already built it still takes as long as fuck to get him in court get everything going Yeah I saw lately I think the People are pushing harder against tae because I've been seeing right wing dudes uh like pushing against him like saying like That he basically incriminated himself him and his brother Like there's a clip of his brother saying he paid off guards out of order somewhere So it's like yeah, they're fucking guilty Said that Hello I mean considering the fact that andrew tape basically gave like a full fucking class on how to human traffic people uh, i'm like I'm not surprised that they admit to like paying off guards at a border Yeah, it was on video he said it loud as fuck too Self-sension Really great to see in this generation and yeah Their whole fucking persona of being like especially now that andrew tries to say like he's muslim and all that it's like Oh, I gave up all the all the haram lifestyle all this all that brother You still make a majority of your money off a casinos and fucking cam models And it's like you're sitting here pedaling this bullshit to your fucking young dudes about how you need to be the ideal male brother You don't even believe in the bullshit. You're pedaling Yeah, I think he also forgot retards buying into his mlls mlm scheme. Yeah No, he's I hate seeing people defend him because it's so obvious that he doesn't believe the shit he's saying and the thing that pisses me off more is that mainstream like right wing people like uh, I think we talked about it already like candice oh ins Uh, she did an interview with him where he was all basically like, oh, I'm sorry I've changed and it's been like less than a year Yeah, and then I think tucker carlson was gonna do some shit with him too. I was like really him like Well, I don't know why they're embracing him so high just because he was canceled some okay, believe it or not May be a human trafficker actually deserves to be canceled Like of all the people that actually should be kicked off of platforms. I think he might be the one Like They're they're so willing to come to the defense of anybody who was canceled even if he directly goes against their own values. Yeah The only way they really link up in values is because he's fucking like pretty heavily anti-gay shit It's he he supposedly like pushes like Masculinity, but it's the complete opposite masculinity of like what traditional right wing people push You know right wing masculinity is where like oh have a family take care of them work his is like No, like do everything for yourself get bitches get money Yeah, so it doesn't fit in the same at all his message may sound like Right wing Maybe it is. I don't know but when you actually look into it it goes entirely against conservative values Yeah, and it's created like a whole fucking subdivision and that that was a What was I gonna say like if you notice the the fucking Like there's a whole like counterculture right now based off of them too uh How do I put it? Like before like a couple of years ago if someone was like posting about them being trans online, you know You would just have like, you know Mostly just normal people like not even really paying attention to it like Just kind of talking like uh, oh like good for you type shit, you know But now and like maybe they had like one or two like negative comments But now it's like fucking 20 times worse like especially on instagram bro if someone says they're gay trans whatever on there Like the whole comment section is just filled with like kill yourself. Have you tried not being gay like shit like that Okay, that's fine I mean it can be funny Yeah, but at the same time like you got to admit like the counterculture from the side has gotten like 20 times worse And I mean if we're being honest like probably The whole like cancel culture probably is what like fueled that too No, yeah, I definitely think that I think Uh when one side reacts It's on both side when some one side reacts to something the other one goes harder It's I think that's what happened with like the lgbt thing. So right wing people took a stance against it Uh the lgbt community got pissed off. So they took it further Then right wing people got pissed off against so they took their hatred further. So it's just gonna keep going. Yeah Well, yeah, I feel like you're Oh, go ahead Oh, I was gonna say this wave you're talking about is a consequence from all that bag feminist Lgbtq Ultimately online shit. Yeah All the all the 2016 bullshit of like you remember the classic 2016 like triggered compilations and shit like that Yeah, like that type of shit is directly but fueled like and you tape wouldn't be Famous at all if it wasn't for like that having happened No, I definitely I definitely do blame a lot of Political shit that's happening right now because of the way the right reacted to some shit That was going on back then if they would have just left it alone. I feel like it would have gone away But instead they put way too much attention on it like I feel like pronouns wouldn't be a big deal right now if the right hadn't gone so hard on it I'm entirely convinced it would have gone away. I don't even think it is a big deal. It's so fucking annoying It's pretty minute now But like I feel like the emphasis that both sides put on it I feel like that would have just gone away if the right hadn't gone so pissed off about it Honestly, I feel like the left doesn't even really like It's not even like they push it about it anymore It's usually just someone has their pronouns in their bile And like someone from from the right or like from the fucking tatism right will like see that and be like oh, you have pronouns Like usually the the person on the left isn't even really bringing it up It's just the other person being like oh, you have pronouns. I'm not gonna take you serious and The way the way they word it every time pisses me off like They say you have pronouns. Yeah Like if you're trying I get not everyone is like as eloquent or whatever, you know But at the same time if you're trying to be like Talking about something about morals and like political boundaries and all that like you need to be a little more like careful With your wording, you know And yeah, if you're just gonna fucking be like oh, you use pronouns. It's like yes, you do too retard Everybody does. I think that's funny too when i'll read that shit and someone's like you use pronouns And the other person responds like everybody does yeah It's so fucking stupid like be more eloquent about your point your point isn't that they have pronouns your point is that the For one if it's like someone who's they them your point is more so about like that not really being a thing And otherwise if it's just like Oh, Andre brother interruption Yeah, let me get the time for that so I can cut it out Um, but yeah, you usually it's like uh, even if someone's like clearly a woman, you know and they have like She heard it. Yeah, usually they'll be like Their their source of like anger isn't the fact that they uh that they have like pronouns and there's the fact that they think they're like pandering to it Mm-hmm or it's that they feel they need to announce it Yeah So they go pronouns and bio opinion disregarded to be honest that one's funny. I love reading that one I get a little annoyed by shit like that because it's like I feel like if you If you take like something like that and just immediately throw away someone's opinion To me it just means that like you have no argument to come back at a width To me I see that more as for one it's funny But for two if I were to take the serious route to people if you have to completely opposing viewpoints Like that you're never gonna agree to anything to begin with so it's like They just throw it away to begin with you can look at it that way but like Yeah, I mean if I had looked at things like that my whole life like I would have never changed I'm better than myself as a person, you know, like if I just viewed it as you have such a Extremely different like in complete opposite viewpoint as me instead. I tried to like fully see what they're saying and like Understand the points they're making and then from there I can make my judgment No, yeah, yeah, but I imagine most of the people saying that shit aren't like Or maybe no, I feel like yeah, they are doing it seriously. Oh, like They go check the profile because they have no ammunition left. Yeah, you could probably boil it down That's the other thing. Yeah, kind of like you said it's like in the first place if you have a valid argument Why are you even checking someone's profile? Like what are you trying to get at me just to cyber believe them? Yeah Me I'm seeing if you have dead people in your bio Yeah Yeah, there's also two different types of arguments. There's one word. I'm trying to see what it like if you got fucking Long live whoever in your bio. So I like it's a personal shit Like if you call me a fucking dork, or you say something about me, you know, it's like, okay We'll fuck you and fuck whoever you love but they're smoking on your uncle Yeah, and then there's opposite end where it's like more Like it's not just between you and them. It's like a discussion on like society and everything And then it's like that's when it's not really appropriate Yeah, I think For me, I only check I only check their profile to see if they're ugly so that I could throw a looks maxing jargon at them Talk about their campbell tilt Their jawline if they're over a way that like that's when I'll be looking at someone's profile. I'll look at their picture Well in the first three eyes. Yeah, I guess you're kind of true because sometimes it's like I'll check the profile picture to see if they're like attractive or not because then it's like, well, if you're a bad bitch I'm just not even going to argue with you. Oh, you're so right Okay, so what about the Nigerian kidnapping? Oh, I just No, I just thought that that headline was so funny You want to read it on how you were whoa? Nigerian hit or Nigeria hit by another mass kidnapping with more than 300 now believed missing I read these and I was like, how the fuck do you kidnap 300 people Just okay Gunmen have abducted dozens of people from a northwest Nigerian village according to two local representatives and a united nation stores Just days after the kidnapping of more than 250 pupils from a school in the same state 550 How do you get away with kidnapping that many people Fucking where do you take them actually the resurrection of kony Probably to some compound bro. How do you to be used for labor? In five years. We're about to see some serious fucking Nigerian super soldiers Dude Hundreds of people kidnapped is crazy. I've never seen anybody do those numbers Oh, you've never seen me How many children are you kidnapping? Children whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Oh, sorry Toddlers. Oh, oh I mean, it's probably like a large group a large militia group just set out to kidnap people But even like that's probably their main goal. That's crazy. How many how many people you think they have uh Or what's the ratio you think kidnappers to students like One kidnapper to five students or you think it's like one kidnapper for Like 50 students. How do you think they don't know? I don't know about breaking it down in small numbers I'm saying like 30 men are taking like 300 Yeah, I could I could see that If there were 30 school shooters who showed up, I feel like they could kidnap an entire school Yeah, exactly Dude, I just read this and I was like Insane, dude Oh, go ahead No, I was just repeating from earlier a total of 550 kids kidnapped is insane I was gonna say have you guys uh There was this one dude that said he said some absolutely crazy shit He was like if you have 10 of the most highly trained people like in the world are like like 10 navy seals, you know They can take over LA Yeah, he said that on a Joe Rogan, right? Yeah, something about that Yeah, honestly, I was thinking about that and I was think consider I don't know if I should say this on air, but Yeah, I saw that Your national guard will wipe you out I think they wouldn't be sleeping off I think he more so meant like uh like if they were to storm in and like Like get hunkered down somewhere like they could they could like hold that position for a long s time No for sure. I I was thinking even further than that they could seriously fuck up At least the local economy in LA like they would be able to fuck shit up like They would they would be able to possibly like depending on if we're talking the best of the best trained people They're taking out power grids They're they're shutting down Commerce in the city. Yeah Like everything's fucked. So Yeah, people people people tried clowning on him for that But like I feel like they were taking it too literal when he said like taking over like obviously they're not gonna fucking like Be the new ruling government of fucking LA, you know, but they're definitely gonna like you said fuck shit up To interesting scenario to think about I mean if I was there personally, they're not getting anywhere Yeah, if I was there, I'm putting my foot down Out of five of anything to say about it. Oh god. Would you go against me? And I do Depends on what you're doing it for. There's a solid chance. I might be there with you Okay, I'm not going further in that Did we talk about the TikTok ban yet? No Okay Let's talk about that out to our congress shut out to our senate they need to Pass that You think they need a pass on you three. Yeah, I do I don't know it feels it feels more like a personal grudge than anything They said it's they're trying to ban it unless the current ceo sells the company It's yeah So it's like Are you really looking out for the best interest of people by getting rid of it or is it just like fuck you? We don't want you to have this company They don't want to see you The Chinese aren't company. I think a while ago. I don't know if it's still the same motive But they wanted them to sell it to an american company Uh, they just basically don't want china controlling it I saw that the the ceo of activation Wanted to buy it. I saw that a while ago as well but uh Honestly, even if they were gonna ban it, I wouldn't give a shit Because they're just gonna create another app that's the same thing or people would just move to instagram So to me Andre with all due respect the setting they used straight. It's too late for that That it would just they would just move on to some other app That's true What was it 2018 when trump tried to do it? That's when it should have been bad. That shit would have been The the damage is done now. I saw someone say why are they trying to ban tick-tock when instagram reels are the real problem I mean, that's where I spent all of my time. Oh god but uh Yeah, I think either way even if I understand banning it from government officials, I guess if you don't want them having any Chinese software But like all of our technology is produced overseas as well. You don't think they have any Yeah, it's like that shit. That's not the thing What is tick-tock getting from you for the Chinese government that they can't already get Yeah, apparently another like some other dudes spoke on joe rogan about all the information they get and he said it's insane It's like they get everything from you but Most of it is like advertising shit. Yeah, it was like the same thing with when they did the trial with marx zuckerberg It's like yeah, he's collecting a lot of fucking information and selling it Which is pretty scummy, but like at the same time. It's really only being used for advertising See if they're doing that the thing I really have a problem with is Like I get not wanting People to have your data to advertise shit to you but the thing that really bothers me is that Your location is available at all times like being able to view the contacts or some shit like that But that's how you share shit. So yeah, I don't know it really is just like Difficult to kind of like navigate these things to like see who you're talking to see who you're talking to location Uh listening to your conversations when you don't want it to be listening like that's the shit that bothers me Right And I know for a fact tiktok is doing that but every every other app does that too So just banning one app doesn't mean anything to me. Yeah, you're not getting rid of it by just banning tiktok Yeah And that's another thing is So many of the fucking congresspeople and all that are so fucking old and outdated They don't even know how this technology works. How are they gonna pass fucking like how can they pass laws on it? What the fuck is a damn tiktok? I bet you they're all watching tiktoks on facebook But they're like a good old facebook Won't catch me on no damn tiktok It's like do they understand like how an algorithm works do they understand like How exactly it is that tiktok even pulls this information from you and what like happens with it like A lot of us younger people don't even fully understand it obviously we have a bit of grasp but like These old ass retards are not able to like make that better judgment No, they I think I think they're barely catching on to the tiktok hate from youtube like five years ago They're just barely now getting it and they're like oh shit now we have to ban it And tiktok is not even that bad anymore, bro It's just casual. It's like I prefer reels but a lot of people prefer tiktoks. Yeah, and it's not even like It's pretty much the same as every other app like twitter instagram You're gonna find the cringy accounts and all that and the fucking fucked up shit on there But like for the most part, it's like whatever you like it's gonna show up on your aller algorithm, you know Yeah, like big titty bitches like big booty bitches Dragonball memes Yeah So it doesn't really matter to me, but I thought we should talk about it because it could end up being huge news I mean not for me. I don't fucking use that shit Not for me either. I have another app on my phone but for millions of americans it could be Um, okay, uh, we could talk about we have three more topics. That's the one I wanted to get to the jake paul mike tyson Yeah, I just wanted to see who you guys thought was gonna win Uh, I mean i've wanted to be my honestly. I feel like my tyson can do it I think so too even though he's older and all that and like slow down and everything. He's still a fucking it's mike tyson Bro, he's still fastest. Fuck have you seen recently? Yeah, I was trying to get modern training video And mike someone is actually fucking jake paul's weight too is he Well mike tyson fought heavyweight his entire career Okay, okay, but uh, I think I think it is gonna be scripted jake paul's probably gonna win Really disappointing Yeah, I hate He knows how to get clicks. I hate that guy so much Because he knows that he gets the clicks for it, but does he really get the buys like who's buying that shit? I don't know everyone pirating that shit. Oh god. Yeah I mean his general fucking every Oh, you go. Sorry. I was just gonna say in general the pay per view and the pay per view model is pretty fucking dead No one wants to pay for that shit. We just pirate Yeah But what I was gonna say is that He he knows that everyone gives him shit for fighting like people who aren't boxers or for people who are washed up So what does he do? Yeah Because he knows that It's gonna get him more more clicks like he's a genius. I hate him so much And like It's just such a lose lose for him because either you beat an old mike tyson and everyone's like, okay Why the fuck would you even like offer him that fight, you know Yeah, it's like you're just beating on an old man or mike tyson knocks him the fuck out and everyone's like You just lost a fucking old-ass mike tyson I hope he loses. I hope he loses so he can even if it's supposed to be Even if it's supposed to be scripted. I hope that mike tyson has like a ptsd moment and just starts wailing on him and murders him Yeah, I hope I hope mike just like Bikes his fucking ear off I feel like that would be a bang that would be a way for him to end his career with a bang Like you remember when he was getting harassed by that drunk dude on the plane a few years ago Yeah, yeah, I hope I hope that happens to jake poly just fucking Wait, no stop. It wasn't supposed to be like this. You just Wasn't he hitting him on the plane? Yeah Yeah I remember that was funny bro of all the people to fuck with you see mike tyson and you're like Yeah, this is the one Look at this old man Regardless of like mike's ability as a boxer, right? like The man's genuinely will like Even if that guy had no boxing talent, he would probably just fucking shoot you or stab you Yeah, he's a scary looking motherfucker Matter fact you should be lucky that he knows how to box and how to hit people because that means he's not out here fucking stabbing him Could have been a serial killer For sure. He's you in a different life. Andre Okay, two more things we have another just quick little topic Uh cardie just a quick update on him He uh new song Still no album When do we think he's dropping? Tomorrow he's gonna drop he's gonna drop real soon. He told me you need to let go He told me in our instagram group chat all in our group chat. Yeah I I must have missed that text. I didn't see it Yeah, it was a couple weeks ago. Oh, okay Do you think he actually I hope he sees those him and sam so like I I hope they see those texts and they just ignore them Because that's kind of a loophole to get around the whole like When you DM someone you can only send one text I just added sam select to the group chat and I could text them as much as I want They still have to go through the requests and accept it Yeah, but like it it goes to the top every time we text So it's a loophole. I hope he sees the shit we say I don't What the fuck who the fuck are these guys? We need to get their diet and check. They're not doing their cardio Yeah, karti's never gonna drop though. You all need to just give up I don't drop get you that and since we're talking about Cardi let's talk about yay as well as he dropping vultures part two or no never I supposed to drop last week. He was supposed to drop last friday and then a day passed and then he He said some shit on instagram. I think it was like adding the final touches still nothing yet Both of them fucking liars Dude Cardi cardi is way fucking worse. Are you kidding me? Cardi has been teasing forever. He delayed his tour. It's on like a permanent hiatus right now Because he isn't dropping But it's like edgy and I think this new I think this new album is actually gonna be really good Because i've been fucking with all the songs he's dropped. I like his new vocal style I think it's gonna be as ass as whole lot of red was We were fucking retard Look at me. I'm a stupid fucking vampire bitch. No one fucking cares I'll bite you I went from bro went from fucking Trying to be trying to be hood until all of a sudden He's a fucking epsler and a bunch of black wearing fucking ricks with makeup on bro He still is hood though He is not saucy santana You pissed away me And then slow all my money Real story, okay to be fair that that click that that's he It's so goofy. I love hearing it. Yeah, but then start with a whole lot of red. He's always been doing the what Matter of fact most rappers and chief keef was really the first one to do it was he Yeah, first one to do be be be be Okay, well we're gonna get like it sick. Oh my bad. We got the the final topic You're the one who brought this so so so I think You should probably say this. I don't know might be too much So You guys need to let us know. Um, this is a very controversial topic A very controversial tweet. Um, we don't know if it's gonna be too much for the show as we have it now So some feedback would really be appreciated here. Yeah, text text me on Instagram, please. It's been a while since I've gotten fan feedback and I need it Yeah, so without further ado and with that all said, um CJ, would you like to read this off? Oh, you want me to uh, okay. Do I read the author? And everything or uh, you can read the author after Okay So we have a tweet here very controversial A real nut Dot dot dot Feels like every bone in your body comes out The head of your dick dot dot dot say no more. I'm done fall asleep in two minutes What do we think I have chills right now I mean How could you say anything other than that's true It is true. I mean, I don't know how you found this so so but Fuck This might be the realest thing I've ever read because that's exactly what it feels like It's like poetry Like every like my skeleton comes out of there like it's crazy Would you like to reveal the author of that now? iced tea From january 19th 2011 He was so ahead of his time What a beast I think that's a wonderful spot to wrap it up on Yeah, I think I think we're good yep Damn Don't fucking get it for the listeners. Um, Andre just it said yep and left immediately What the hell Okay, well, I guess we'll do the out. Oh, he's typing That was the perfect time for Okay, I'm back that was some crazy fucking timing Are you lying to us Andre? No, it's where my monitor is turned black and my discord crash We said good place to wrap it up. You went yep in last That was not playing all right Okay, uh, who wants to do the outro? Uh, Andre Okay, I'll do All right, ladies and gentlemen this has been a Very good episode of street speed Thank you for listening Tune in on the spotify. We are douchebags Tap the fucking Tap tap tapping check out our our instagram DM me Uh, we have a twitter that I haven't reposted to in a while, but I need to repost my racist shit Uh, share this with your friends, please. I'm desperate Thank you guys for listening. We need to make profit We're like $600 in the hole right now, so I can't stand working this nine to five any longer. Please make us famous Yeah, please. I'm on my knees. I want to make a bitch famous. Okay, please All right, I need I need cj squillium to be a household name Then why the fuck do you bully me in every email? That's not me. That's the white soda Oh, okay All right. Thank you guys for listening. Bye. Yep. He's later dorks fucking tweet [BLANK_AUDIO]