The Howie Carr Radio Network

Trump's trip to the Cheesecake Factory plus the Chump Line and Karen Read | 6.10.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Howie shares a parody skit where Trump discusses the prices at the Cheesecake Factory. Tune in for inflation talk, Karen Read calls, and the Chump Line.

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10 Jun 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] This podcast is brought to you by Northeast Hair Restoration. Through June, if you book their state-of-the-art PFE Hair Restoration procedure, you'll receive a free laser cap to speed up the healing process and help your new hair grow faster. That's a $3,000 value. Call them today at 1-800-208-HARE, or visit them online at [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Four Israeli hostages are back in the arms of their loved ones. Good news, everyone. After a dramatic but deadly rescue mission. Tom, would there have been a warning to those civilians for them to get out? We cannot participate. Israel to be warning ahead of the raid, because then what the terrorist would do is to kill the hostages. Live from the Matthew's brother's studios. We had to wait. All those monsters to get the money for a wreck. Ah! Who's your captain, Howie Car? Now, when I address the press, the only thing that stands between me and getting our message out is whether the folks watching at home feel like they can trust me. You people! You're idiots! [LAUGHTER] That's a joke! The president has done everything that he can to do with oil. Press Q. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon baths beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Car. Eight four four five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight four four five hundred, forty two, forty two. I'm so happy that the Israelis got out the four hostages out of the hands of the Nazi-Muslim savages who were holding them. And the fact that the BBC would ask, did you give it a heads up to the Palestinians before you went in to rescue the hostages that had taken and raped and beheaded and murdered among their friends? How bad is the media? Not just the BBC, but our own media. And then it turns out that three of the three male hostages were being held in the home of an Al Jazeera contributor. But of course, you're not allowed to talk about that, because that might lead to Islamophobia, Islamophobia. That's the big thing. Oh! And they're just all sorts of demonstrations, vandalizing statues in DC yesterday. It's just-- I just take them out, just get rid of Hamas. That's the only way out of this mess. By the way, did you see the peer that they spent, what, $320 million on? It finally was up and running. For two days, now it's down again. Now it's down. Just a complete waste of money. Just, you know, Biden's two-state solution. Michigan and Minnesota, where there are a lot of savages who he counts on to vote Democrat usually. But apparently they're going to walk away from it this year. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 542, 40. [LAUGHS] Time now for the chump line. [MUSIC PLAYING] And the winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award for Political Talk Radio in afternoon drive in the greater monster market goes to-- Howie Corn. Wow, I'm so excited. 1, 844, 500, 42, 42. Oh, man, I don't know what to say, but I have this great speech prepared. 1, 844, 500, 42, 42. Oh, sorry, Howie. That's what we in the business call it. Hard break. 1, 2, 1. Yes, I went to the bylining college, Howard Corn. But the check cash, that was the important thing. And Richard Lugar did a liner for me one time. Senator Dick Lugar, when he was running for president, he said, when I'm in Boston, I listed the WKRO. That meant a lot to me, too. A lot of great memories were flooding back in. Cracked cocaine was Hunter's superpower, which is strange because I thought his superpower was being the smartest person his dad ever met. [BEEP] You know, Hunter Biden should just go out on the steps of the court. I'd say, I was my dad's bag man. Trooper Proctor had a bag man, too. It was his sister. The Chumpline is brought to you today by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They've helped me and my staff, and they can help you save money, too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. Whenever a commander, jam, or major, big white house staff, I told them I would send them to Tony Fauci, O.P.D. in school. Did you see-- there was one of those man bites, dog moments. The Washington Post this week admitted that Fauci had tortured Beagles. For all these years, the story had been out there and reported on conservative websites, blogs, a few newspapers here and there. But the Washington Post had always just called up. Dr. Fauci, some Republicans are saying, you tortured Beagles. It's not true, is it? Of course it's not true. You think I'd torture Beagles? He was tortured-- he was doing it in North Carolina for a while, but it was a little hard to keep under wraps. So they moved the operation to Tunisia. They were putting Beagles' heads in these, I don't know, containers, cylindrical containers, and then putting in these horrible, vicious flies in there and letting the flies eat the Beagles' heads. And this was Dr. Fauci was paying for all this, with a grin and a wink, I'm sure. A full river accent is now a medical condition. Again, it takes a lot of stones for someone from Canton to look down on anybody else. Wow, it sounds like the Massachusetts State Police are just about as professional as the FBI. As I said earlier, you know where these texts were discovered? They were discovered in an FBI investigation of the corrupt conduct of the Norfolk County District Attorney's Office and the Massachusetts State Police. How corrupt do you have to be to get called out by the Federal Bureau of Investigation? Joe Biden said he'll ask Corn Pop to protect Hunter in prison. We all know Hunter ain't going to prison. And the fact that Joe said he wouldn't pardon them just makes me even more certain than ever. And I was about 100% certain to begin with that he's not going to prison. But again, I think it would be better for Trump in the campaign if he's acquitted. Because that will just go to show, yet again, how corrupt the justice system is. I'm going to use my old quote from Lenny Bruce right here. "In the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls." The crime at places nuts have extended doomsday. The seas will rise next century. That's what they say. 2100 is when we go under. This gives their sick religion plenty of leeway. Exactly. Exactly. Basically, if you make prediction, and six months later, the prediction's wrong, maybe someone will tweet out your stupid prediction. But no one will notice it. About 100 years later, obviously, everybody who saw it is going to be dead. So it doesn't really matter. You can say whatever you want. It's all for the narrative. I would like to give the can't into police department a special gift, fireproof chance. It's more the state police at this point than the can't and PD. The can't PD recused themselves from the investigation for obvious reasons. Although the chief decided that he would continue to go out every day and look for more pieces of the tail light. And wouldn't you know it? He found them. Every day, they found bigger and bigger pieces of the tail light. None of them disappeared either. They were all found in the course of three weeks. Come on, man. I've known Vladimir Putin for over 40 years. I can't believe we had to wait all those months just to get money for Iraq to give to Saddam Zelensky. While my uncle, boss, he was dying of brain cancer. In order to afford his health insurance, he had to sell his body to cannibals. Thank you, everybody. This man is a cancer person. Thanks, everyone. And you know, another strange moment over the weekend. The New York Times ran a story about all of Biden's exaggerations. But they said it's just folksy stuff that he says. And, you know, OK, his uncle wasn't eaten by cannibals, and he didn't ride a million miles on the Amtrak train to Delaware. But it's not like the endless stream of lies. The Donald Trump is pushing out about January 6th and everything else. We've got a lot of cuts. He did confuse Ukraine and Iraq. You hear that in the intro? And we've got him talking about how Putin didn't go into-- BB didn't go into Russia. He confused Russia and rap. But we've got all this stuff to play as we go through the rest of the day. Yeah, so president, Brandon, I mean, Biden tasked me to immediately begin working on a vaccine for the terrible disease called alcoholism. I thought you were going to say bird flu. Another weekend development that didn't get much play, the AP ran a very fake news story about the bird flu. And it was so fake that they admitted it was fake in about the fifth or sixth paragraph. But they still let it go through because it's valuable for the party's narrative. The Canton police posted on Facebook that there were potholes on the main street. And someone asked if they planned on filling them in or just covering them up. Could go either way. What do you think Trooper Proctor is doing tonight? You think he's having a couple of Jameson and Genes with his buddy Brian Albert and his other buddy Brian Higgins? Claims he didn't know Brian Albert until he had to interview him. Oh, by the way, that was another interesting cut. One of his buddies asked him, OK, we'll get to it afterwards. 844-542-428-444-542-442. That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. That's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of The Howie Carr Show. You can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 PM Eastern time. And we may or may not play it. The Chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message, 844-542-844-542-442. Press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just like to hear a second brand new Chumpline, we have one later in the evening. It's called Chop Chumps. It's posted around 7 o'clock every week night. It's where we put all the messages we didn't have room or time for just now. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff, and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. I would like to give the Canton Police Department a special gift, fireproof pants. As in Liya pants on fire, it's more for the mass state police and their cracker jack squad of investigators in the Norfolk County DA's office, they leave no stone unturned except the one that the other crooked cops are hiding under. I'm Howie Carr. As social unrest escalates and crime rates soar, securing the safety of our families is more crucial than ever. In these uncertain times, having effective yet non-lethal options is vital. Introducing the Bernal, less lethal pistol launcher developed by a team of common sense gun owners who understand the importance of having choices. They engineered the Bernal launcher as a powerful tool for self-defense, allowing users to de-escalate threatening situations without resorting to deadly force. For many responsible gun owners, the thought of using lethal forces daunting, burdened with emotional and legal consequences, the Bernal offers a safer, sensible alternative, potentially saving lives on both sides, protecting both the user and the aggressor. For those who are averse to owning a firearm, the Bernal is the optimal choice that delivers formidable stopping power without having to take a life. In today's unpredictable environment, the Bernal is an indispensable tool to keep you and your family safe. Legal in all 50 states, no background checks or permits required. Over 15,000 4.5 star reviews, they can ship directly to your door. The Bernal isn't just an option, it's an essential component of responsible non-lethal protection. Visit for 10% off your purchase. That's for 10% off. for 10% off and to check out the latest news about Bernal. I'm Howie Carr. - Want more from the Howie Carr show? - Yes, always. - Watch Howie Live at Howie Carr show. He's not just another pretty face. He's an extraordinarily good looking man. - He's Howie Carr. - That's a little bit of a bromance going on there. - You're listening to the Howie Carr show. - 844, 542, 42. Today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what's the worst text from Trooper Michael Chip Proctor regarding the Karen Reed case? Telling his sister to have the Albert send the thank you gift to his wife, calling Karen the C-word, saying she has no ass, describing her medical condition as a leaky balloon knot, saying she has a weird fall river accent, calling Karen and her attorneys retarded or searching for nudes on Karen's phone. - I'm still gonna stick with the bribe being the worst. Thanks for listening a bribe. - 15% say the thank you gift. 25% say the C-word and 33% say the leaky balloon knot. - Which is, there are a couple of ways you can interpret that, as the textors have been pointing out, but it's, either way, is pretty horrible. 844, 500, 42, 42. This is, I wanna play a couple of these cuts before we, we'll take some more calls after the break, but I wanna play a couple of these Biden cuts. Cut seven with David Mira. Cut seven. (dramatic music) - I've known him for over 40 years. - Who? - He's concerned me for 40 years. He's not a decent man, he's a dictator, and he's struggling to make sure he holds his country together while still keeping this assault going. We're not talking about giving the weapons a strike, Moscow to strike the Kremlin, the strike instant, just across the border where they're receiving significant fire from conventional weapons used by the Russians to go into Ukraine to kill their new gradients. - I mean, how many things are wrong with that? - He hasn't known him for 40 years. He was a secret police agent, KGB, I think in East Germany, 40 years ago, Putin, and he's saying, not firing U.S. missiles into Moscow just over the border. This is what got us into the, got it started the war in the first place when he said he could tolerate a minor incursion by the Russians into Ukraine, and they took it as a green light. What a boob this guy is. Cut eight. - It's the idea that we become semi-isolationists now we some are talking about. I mean, the idea we had to wait all those months just to get the money for Iraq and we, because we're waiting, I mean, it's just, it's not who we are, it's not who America is. - So we confused Ukraine and Iraq, but there's more, there's more, we'll take some more calls when we come back on the retrial Norfolk, whatever you want, or about Biden, and we had a lot of other cuts to get to here as well. 844, 542, the jury has gone home for the night in Wilmington, Delaware. And, but again, I think, you know, no matter what happens, it's a win for Donald Trump, whether there you have an acquittal or a guilty plea. And if it's a guilty plea, then he'll be forced to pardon him, although probably not until after the election. I'm Maui Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844, 542, 42. So this is Biden again with David Mira talking about Netanyahu. Two, cut two. Is Benjamin Netanyahu listening to you? - I think he's listening to me. They didn't, they were gonna go into Russia, into Rafa full bore, invade all of Rafa, go into the city, take it out, move, move was full force. They haven't done that. And what they've done is they've agreed to a significant agreement that if in fact, Hamas accepts it. And look, it's being backed by Egypt, being backed by the Saudis, being backed by the, almost the whole Arab world. - How about Mexico? I'm very confused, Egypt and Mexico a couple of months back. So BB was listening to him. He didn't go into Russia. Didn't go into Russia. 844, 542, 42. So as you know, President Trump was in Vegas. And it was a huge speech. And he, you know, a lot of tipped employees, obviously, in Vegas with all the hotels and restaurants, casinos. And so he said, you know, he mentioned how Biden's planning to tax all tipped employees. And he said he's not going to, he's not going to tax tipped employees if he gets back in. I mean, obviously kind of a rhetorical statement, but. So he, he was reading from what looked to be a menu during the, during the rally yesterday, it was very hot. And he held up, he held up what looked like a menu and some, some jokers on the internet. - No, pretend this is real. - Okay, excuse me. Excuse me. I'm sorry. I'm mistaken. - Nobody else was able to obtain this audio. - No one else was able to obtain this audio. So now they, it was posted on the internet. And some people took it as a parody, as a satire. But Trump actually said this stuff about the cheesecake factory and how prices have exploded under Brandon. Here. - The Biden economy is the worst economy in the history of economies. And there's been many economies, let me tell you. The prices are insane. This is a menu from the cheesecake factory. We love that place, don't we? One of the best factories. (crowd cheering) - The warm crab dip is $47. He's a Biden prices. And I bet it's not even warm since Biden is so bad with energy. Ice cold crab dip, $47. $37 Korean fried chicken. When I was president, all chicken was American. (crowd cheering) (laughing) So, the MAGA War Room, which is an ex Twitter site, they put out something today. This viral post might be a parody. Says Alex Pfeiffer, spokesman for Make America Great Again, Inc. But Bynomics is no joke. Prices at the cheesecake factory have ballooned under Joe Biden. The original cheesecake, when Trump left office, $6.95, now $10.50, that's up 51%. The egg roll sampler up from 12 bucks to 18 bucks, 50%. Tie lettuce wraps, 14 bucks to 19.50, 40%. Crusted chicken Romano, $16.95 to 23.50, up 38%. Bang, bang, chicken and shrimp, 19.50 to 26 bucks, 33%. Smokehouse barbecue burger, 14 bucks to 18.50. Warm crab dip, which is, as Trump said, it's not warm, it's cold crab dip, 11.95 to 14.95. It's up 21.3%. So, Trump is right again. Even in a parody, he's right. 844, good job, Taylor, good job, Taylor. And I like the sound effects, too. I like him when he's, we tell the joke and a woman starts laughing. That's a nice touch. That's not just applause. 844, 542, 42, Ron, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Ron. - Yeah, I know, yeah, two things. You were gonna ask Turtle Boy earlier about the techs, N-O-O-D-Z. - Yeah, I didn't get around to that, I'm sorry. - Oh, no, that's fine. I just figured, oh, I think he's gonna get to that. And the other thing is, you mentioned about the piece, the tail-eye piece of herlexus in the rear. You said something like, it should be large pieces, but theoretically, the town of Canton, the perfect town in placement, it should have been little pieces because they must have used a ball peen hammer to shatter it up and then hide it in the snow after? - I don't know what they did, but usually you find the biggest pieces after a crash, right? Or if you drop a glass, the first pieces you pick off the kitchen floor or the patio are the biggest pieces, and then the smaller pieces go everywhere and they take that, but with this case, first of all, they didn't start looking all day long. It was a short day, obviously, January 29th. They didn't look in the snow until after sunset. Sunset was at 455, they started looking for pieces at 541 when it was already dark. They found like six small pieces, then the state trooper said, you found all you're gonna find, go home, and they went home. But over the next few days, over the next few weeks, they discovered 40 more pieces that they didn't discover the first day. Does that make sense? It does not make sense. 844, 542, 542, Jack, you're next with how I car. Go ahead, Jack. - Hi, how are you doing? - Good. - I'm from the small little hamlet of Norfolk where the governor is trying to put a migrant shelter into a prison. - Yes, an old prison that was closed almost 10 years ago because it wasn't fit for human habitation, for prisoners. - It wasn't fit for inmates or prisoners. And since then, we've found that the water has lead in it. We had a time form, and since 2021, when the first report came off, the amount of lead in the water is quadrupled. Now, the most sensitive population to lead in the drinking of water is pregnant women who are going here, babies and children who are going here. - Yep. - In addition to that, I took a ride down there the other day and I saw an exterminator. Guess what they have in the other time, that exterminator? - Roches? - Rats. - Rats. And the corrections officer said they have big rats in the kitchen. Not really a good place to put kids, do you think? - No, I don't. No, I don't, but hey, you have a Republican state rep, so that's why they're going after you. They're hitting, they're not enough towns with Republican state reps, but they prefer to go after the Republican, somewhat Republican leaning areas in the state, Jack. And you're paying the price for having representative Vaughn. - We do have a Democratic state senator. - Becca, right? - Who has been very little, yeah. Has been very little help. - Yeah, I know. Well, she's super liberal. She's one of the most, the Democrats have been no use whatsoever in helping out any of these affected communities. And some of them, like Boston, I mean, Boston got killed, Roxbury, they put them into the Melnea Cass Center, they put them into over in the South Boston area near one of the old buildings in the Seaport District. And nobody stepped forward, nobody seems to care. They just think they can get away with it, the Democrats. Thanks for the call, Jack, good luck keeping them out. Allen, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Allen. - Howie, thank you so much for taking my call. I'm just, I'm wound up, I'm furious. I have to see in these Palestinian Hamas supporters being allowed to tear down, to burn down and to terrorize our country. Our grandfathers would be rolling over their graves. We just had an anniversary of D-Day, Howie. And I want to remind people it was five American hostages still. You know, was it Dateline or ABC that used to show the numbers of hostages? - Yeah, Dateline. - And the Iranian had it. I mean, that-- - Nightline, I guess, Nightline, yeah. - It was Nightline, Nightline, how exactly? And that was devastating for the presidential race. And we should be talking about the hostages that Hamas has because what they did to Lafayette Park, what these people did down in Washington is a disgrace. I mean, Americans are so busy paying off their bills, they're so busy paying off from our light bills to all our energy bills. - By the way, Allen, did you see what's happening in LA? You know, just like in Maine, you know, they built that new low-income housing project in Brunswick. I mean, really a nice place. And then they filled it up with these illegal aliens, you know, who are on welfare, never gonna work. They're doing the same thing in LA. They have a giant, a giant new, basically luxury housing. And they're gonna, people in California can't afford, Americans can't afford to buy houses. Everything is so expensive. But they're gonna put all these illegal aliens to live for free in this giant apartment complex that I think cost 168 million bucks, Allen. How out of control are things? Americans are living on the street, working two and three jobs to make ends meet, scrimping and saving to put, you know, cutting up their prescription drugs 'cause they cost so much. And the illegal aliens are being handed everything. - Howie, this election is so important, especially up here in Maine. We're up in our second district. We, I mean, from Austin, Terrio to Mike Sowaleski. I mean, they're going neck-to-neck right now because it's important. No, we don't have a voice-up here in Maine. I mean, we had a guy, Jared Golden, that's out there trying to take our second amendment away. I'm all from Mike Sowaleski back 'cause I don't know who this Austin Terrio kid is. It just came out of nowhere. I love his enthusiasm, but we need a man that's a will and a put his neck out because if you stick your neck out right now, you're gonna lose, you're gonna lose your friends. You're gonna lose everything that you have today that you've worked so hard for. And you've got to stick with it because look at Trump. I mean, he's just in the way of all of us. I mean, like you said, Howie, I mean, even you, Howie, even you, you know it better than anybody. I mean, the things you say up here in New England, you must, you don't get friends by doing that, do you, Howie? I mean, you got to tell us, I mean, tell us the truth. I mean, because we love to hear it, you know, it keeps us fired up because with this election is a major, major election. - Well, tomorrow's primary day in Maine, correct? - Yes, yes, sir. Yeah, and it's a very important prize. - So whoever you're voting for, get out there tomorrow and cast your ballot. It's the start of the road to November. Thanks for the call, Alan. 844-542-42, I'm Howie Carr. Howie will be right back after this short break. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) - Howie Carr is back. (dramatic music) 844-542-844-542-42, low. You're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, low. - Hey, Howie, thanks for taking my call. You brought up the housing in Brunswick. - Yes. - It's actually at the old Brunswick Naval Air Station. That's where they built that housing. Now, there's two years free rent and you can renew, okay? There's thousands and hundreds, at least, disabled American veterans that are homeless and streetless here. 18 states give tax exemption if you're 100% disabled veteran and you don't have to pay your property taxes. They don't do that in Maine, but they will take, put them in a hotel in Freeport, Maine at $200 a night, give them $1,000 a month in DBD card and it's for one year, but they can renew. So we've got, Maine keeps claiming it's such a veteran-friendly state, but they really don't do anything for us. I'm a Vietnam veteran. So I'm always working with friends of mine all the time. And you know, it's a craft show. This is not the Maine I moved into 44 years ago, but it'll force the rest of the country, really. There are no places I really want to go to. - I know. - And they're bringing 75,000 more in here over the next 10 years. So they're going to need more housing for them, more money for them. And while our, look, me, I'm in my city, you and I have to say, Maine. - Right. - So I'm saying, what are they going to do as we're aging and our lives retire and the money is tight and gets harder as the cost of living continues to go up? So Maine doesn't really care about veterans. It's nice to say thank you, but it doesn't put food on my table. - No, you're right. It's really amazing. I mean, but this has happened everywhere. In New York City, 20% of the hotels are filled with illegal aliens, 20%. And they're committing all kinds of crimes. They finally decided, Lou, to shut down these scooter gangs, these illegal aliens from Venezuela, they're gangbangers, they're thugs, criminals that were released from prison. They come up here, they get into welfare, they get EBT cards, they get health insurance. All their medical needs taken care of. They're living in these, what used to be hotels. And all they're doing is robbing American citizens. And this is going on in every large city, and not just every large city, it's going on everywhere in the United States. And we're supposed to say it's a great thing. And Biden says he's cutting down on the number. And it's all BS, even the Democrats know it's BS. They want them in here. They want to destabilize the United States of America. - Think about this too, Howie. When they hit 100,000 immigrants in New York City, the man was crying. Okay, they have a population of between eight and nine million people. We got 1.4 million people and we're bringing 75,000 in. Do you think that's going to have a New York-style effect on us? - I don't know, I mean, it's, you know, yeah, I mean, it's a huge number in Maine. There's a million people. So you bring in 75,000, that's almost 10% of the population. And the million Americans are going to have to support those 75,000 because they're not going to work. - That's on top of everybody who's already here with the free housing and the free EBT cards and the thousand to $2,000 a month and cramming them into the schools. Now, look, I, you know, I don't want anybody to not cover the country's deserves coming here. But there's a point when the people, the people need to start standing up and start all this, oh, everybody needs this. They, we need it. Americans need it. Our groceries are double the triple. - I agree, I agree. And they don't, they don't care. They, the, the Democrats do not care. This is all part of the fundamental transformation of America that they've been dreaming of. Thanks for the call. Paul, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Paul. - Hey, Howie, thanks for taking my call. I just wanted to know what you think of the latest AOC now saying that it couldn't get any better. There's going to be a right for you, too. So I thought that was funny from a woman who steals her tips from her co-workers. - I, I know, you know, she was, it wasn't she in college. She was elected to Congress when Trump was president. I don't believe he threw her in jail, right? I mean, what is she concerned about now? - Exactly. - She's just, she's just such a, such a buffoon. She's, she's an embarrassed, she's an embarrassment to me just because I used to teach at Boston University and she went there. I know that's a tenuous connection, but it still embarrasses me that she's a, she's a representative of a place where I used to teach. God, she is so bad, so ignorant and just so, so entitled. And she claims she's from the Bronx. Oh my God, she's from Westchester County. She's a, she's a rich girl and she's gone too far, but she knows it don't matter anyhow. She can rely on her Democrat party credentials. And that's all, that's all she needs. That's all any of these people need, whether it's AOC or Hunter Biden, you know? And then when they get in, if we get jammed up like Robert Menendez, they just say, I'm gonna run as an independent and, and Biden better give me a pardon or I'm gonna run and flip the seat to the Republicans. Everything is, everything is, you know, right out there now. No one even pretends to be anything other than super corrupt. Just ask the Massachusetts State Police, I'm Howie Carr. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)