The Howie Carr Radio Network

Trooper Proctor on the Stand Plus Caitlin Clark in the News (Again!) | 6.10.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Jill Biden's trips to France are raising eyebrows. Plus, Trooper Proctor's texts are disgusting and Caitlin Clark is in the news.

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10 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. The Karen Reed trial is ongoing as we speak. Proctor Trooper. Trooper Michael Proctor is on the stand. I wanted to go back and play some of these cuts. And I really want to focus on the sally port and the conversations, the arguments around what kind of video we're looking at. It's inverted. Where is the video of the car entering the sally port? Why is that video missing? Is it missing? Because Buchanan says it's not missing. It just was never recorded. Jackson doesn't think he'd have any way of even knowing that. So there's a lot of confusion. And I think all of this confusion. Sometimes when I catch myself, Jared, and I'm asking Taylor all these questions because he's the one pulling a lot of this sound. He's explaining it to me and he's saying, "Well, it's inverted." And I say, "Well, would someone have to edit a video to invert it?" I don't know. I'm not like tech savvy in that sense. And we go back and forth and he's explaining and he says, "Now there's a camera in the back that should show all of this, but that camera wasn't recorded." He says it wasn't recording. I catch myself getting so confused. And then I think the important thing to remember is all of this confusion that I'm feeling. It's a pretty good bet the jurors are feeling that as well and that goes really well for Karen Reid. I think the more confused a jury is in this case, the more likely they are to have reasonable doubt for someone like Karen Reid who's on trial here. We will play all those, but before we do, there's a sound cut and I get grief on occasion. I'm specifically thinking of one person on Twitter who will tweet at me and say, "All Biden sounds all day." Jared, I do not believe that I take a lot of criticism. I saw that tweet that day. We played one. We played one. And it wasn't even a cut making fun of him. But you know what we can't? We can't let the haters get to us. It's like, it's nonsense. It's absolute nonsense. But I am going to play one cut here. That was my way of prefacing. Yes, incoming Biden sound. Get ready for it and protect your ears because Joe Biden was in France. Again, we were just talking about how Dr. Jill's going back and forth. It's going to cost like $350,000. Some of it by the taxpayer. I'm sure we'll get just a tiny little portion of that bill. The rest of it will go to the DNC. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. But while Joe Biden's in France, he's visiting an American cemetery in Northern France and he got a little confused by a little, I mean, he got a lot of confused. This is cut seven. The idea that we become semi-isolationists now, which some are talking about, I mean, the idea we had to wait all those months just to get the money for Iraq because we're waiting. I mean, it's just, it's just, it's not who we are. It's not who America is. Hey, I'll tell you what the most concerning part of that is. And I know this is Joe Biden when he's talking to reporters, when he's giving a speech. Keep in mind that those cuts of Joe Biden that we see when he's prepped and ready and in front of a microphone, those are not indicative to how bright he is behind the scenes. He really saves his savant-like ways for when the doors are closed. That's when he looks at everybody and he says, hit me with your best shot and he starts, you know, talking about all these different concepts and Socratic ideas and he's a very, very bright guy behind the scenes. But we're only seeing this Joe. This is the only Joe that we're seeing. And so I would say that we could talk about how ridiculous it is that just because Americans want a little bit of accountability for the money that we're sending to Ukraine, that that's considered being isolationist. Not that I think that's even a negative, like you can argue that it is and you can say the pros and cons, but I don't like the idea of labeling people, labeling people, isolationist who just want to say, what's the end game here? I think that's a good way of looking at anything. If you're sending giant checks, if I was giving you tons of money, Jared, and you said, oh, I'm trying to pay off my credit card debt or I'm trying to do this or that. And I started sending you tons of money and I check in with you and say, how's it going? You making any progress? And you're like, no, not really. Actually, I need more. I think I would have every right to say, we got to sit down, we got to flush this out a little bit. We got to come up with a game plan. We got to strategize. Something's not right here. I don't think that means I'm a bad person. Like, oh, Grace is a bad coworker. She doesn't want. No, you just, if you're giving money to something, you'd like to know where the money's going to. Who the money's going to? What's the money being spent for? And when am I going to get to stop sending all this money that could be used here? We have plenty of issues here. When am I going to be able to stop sending that money to Ukraine and start spending it here? Is there any end in sight? Is this a never ending tunnel of just signing checks with no real strategy going forward? And so to conflate that with, you're an isolationist. You don't want to help anyone. You just want to curl up in a ball and hope that, you know, the rest of the world can go on without us. Well, hold on there, warmonger. Hold on there. Hold on, Neocon. I'm just asking some questions. And keep in mind, I'm asking these questions about the Ukrainian government, which has a history, has a reputation of being incredibly corrupt. And I'm not saying that as a fan of Vladimir Putin. Because again, I know that gets equated as well. Oh, you're criticizing Ukraine. You must be a fan of Putin. No, two things can be true at the same time. I cannot like Vladimir Putin. I can also say that Ukraine has a history of not being able to manage funds well and of a lot of problems. Bob Menendez asked problems, you might say. And so that's obviously if we wanted to flesh out the conversation, but the bigger issue with that cut is that he didn't say Ukraine. He said Iraq. And I'm assuming he meant Ukraine. That is a general consensus. But who knows what's going on. And the other part, too, that I do want to bring up is that he did not catch himself, which always is a frightening thing. Like, it's never a good sign. I guess every once in a while, I'll make a mistake and Jared will say, you said this and said of this. And I'll admit that. But that one to me, can I hear that again? That felt like one where you'd catch yourself. Say your mind would say, why are we talking about Iraq? Oh, wait a second. I'm talking about the wrong place. This is cut seven. The idea that we become semi isolationist now. We some are talking about. I mean, the idea we had to wait all those months just to get the money for Iraq and wait because we're waiting. I mean, it's just, it's just, it's not who we are. It's not who America is. One more thing. I'm going to throw in here. This I could, I could really dissect this cut for a very long time. There's the obvious problems of naming the wrong place, not catching it, calling us isolationist because people have people have problems with the way we're spending our money. You have no right, by the way, to criticize where the government spends our money, where they send it to. That's just, you know, whether it's a high speed, light rail, or if it's, you know, EV chargers or whatever it is, or, you know, beagle tests in different countries or hamster, gender studies in Pakistan, shut up and say thank you and stay out of our way. But the other part of this is I'm really sick of people that I don't respect and people that have not helped me and people who have infringed upon my rights as an American. I'm really sick of them telling me who America is. It's not who we are. It's not who we are. I don't think we have the same idea when it comes to who we are. I don't think, I don't think that Joe Biden's idea of who I am or who we are is something that I would rubber stamp. So I would just appreciate whether it's Michelle Obama or Joe Biden or, you know, any of these talking heads explaining to me who we are. I don't agree. I think we just agree to disagree on that one. 844 500 42 42. And one more thing. And then when we come back, we're going to get right into all the Karen Reed sound. But speaking of the Beagle studies, did you see that the Washington Post, they kind of sort of made an apology. I remember one time I got in a fight with somebody and my mom said to me, I said, well, she didn't say she was sorry. My friend dropped off a book for me. Okay, she we got into a big fight. And then a couple days went by and then she dropped off this book that I had been wanting to read. And I said to my mom, she didn't apologize. And my mom said, that's the closest you're going to get to an apology. So you should just take it because that's her way of apologizing. Everyone has different ways. If you're part of the mainstream media, you don't ever have to say you're sorry. And if you do try to kind of say you're sorry to try to kind of cover your ass, you do it like in the eighth paragraph of something in a very, very subtle way. That's when they've got a lot of nuance is when they're admitting, Hey, remember that story we reported we were wrong about that. They really bury that lead. So back in 2021, the Washington Post put out an article and thank you PJ media because they set this up with a nice bold letter so I can find the lies here. Anthony S. Fauci was swamped by so many angry messages and threats that in late October, his assistant quit answering the phone for two weeks. The US COVID chief got 3600 phone calls and 36 hours, just as he and other Biden administration officials were preparing for the campaign to vaccinate young children. Oh, it's so sad for them. They were preparing to vaccinate young children. Probably they were hoping, even if it was against parents wishes. And then they were getting swamped with all these angry phone calls. Now the onslaught. The Fauci out. The onslaught of these angry phone calls stem from a viral and false claim that the agency Fauci leads the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases had funded a medical experiment in which Beagles were trapped in mesh cages filled with disease. Sandflies. So that's from 2021. The Washington Post describes that as a viral and false claim. And you know what the insinuation is there, that it's a viral and false claim by right wing agitators and right the vast right wing conspiracy theories on the interwebs. So they're killing on and crazy people and Marjorie Taylor Greene. Now, later, it should be pointed out that they admit it says now. So now we're June 7, 2024. Okay. So Marjorie Taylor Greene, Taylor Greene brought this up in Congress. She showed the picture of the Beagles. She said, Dr. Fauci should be in jail. In the Washington Post, it says, a raft of fact checks noted that the National Institute of Health said the study in question had been attributed an error to the agency that Fauci ran a division of the NIH. But it's more complicated than that. So they're saying a raft of fact checks, including your publication, right? You were part of the raft. You were part of the riff raft. I know it's a riff raft, but in this case, it's riff raft. You were part of that. You were part of the fact checking committee that you're now referencing as though like, there was a lot of fact checks. Yeah, you were one of them. You had one. It says, but it's more complicated than that. A review of NIH emails and documents obtained by the group since 2021 under the Fauci suggests some of the documents call into question the NIH's statements at the time, part of what appears to be a bungled public relations response. Is this your way of saying you were wrong? Because that's a really, really long-winded, vague way of admitting you got it wrong. How about this? It's always good to be concise when you're writing. How about, we're sorry. We're dumb. We made a mistake. Not it's more complicated. The fact checks seem to be like they miss them. You were the fact check. You're referencing your own publication. Democracy dies in darkness. Remember blows my mind. They're like trying to act like they have no part in it. We notice some of the raft of fact checks. Yeah, you fact checked it. So if the raft of fact checks was wrong, then you were wrong, which means you should apologize and not try to bury it in like the 14th paragraph of an article about Beagles. We'll talk about the Beagles, too, because justice for the Beagles. I know I've come out the Beagle community before, but I think I'm going to be on your side from now on. Father's Day is almost here. It's also on Jared's birthday, which is very exciting. And with Father's Day, that means you've got to find the perfect gift for the guy who has everything. The perfect gift for the guy who does everything for everyone, and you want to make sure Dad knows that he's cared about, that you thought about him, and you also want to get him a gift that he's going to use. And that is Omaha Steaks. One of my favorite things about talking to people about Omaha Steaks is sometimes people have these preconceived notions, and they go, "Yeah, I like steak, but I don't really want a whole box of steak." I say, "Well, that's great," because there's tons of options that aren't steak. I mean, the steak is to die for, but if you want hamburgers, if you want hot dogs, if you want fish, if you want air-chilled, delicious chicken, all of these are options with Omaha Steaks. The possibilities are endless, and with the Father's Day deals, you can start at a package for just $89, so you also, Jared, you can't beat the value. Yeah, we actually were having some burgers tonight. The brioche buns that came with the burgers are thawing out as we speak, and we'll be having some greats. I think we might do some brisket burgers tonight. I think we're going to go with the brisket burgers tonight, because I'm saving the bacon wrap fillets for Sunday. I'm going to grill those up nicely, but everything from Omaha Steaks is fantastic. The quality is better than what you can get at the supermarket, and the price is definitely better than what you can get at the supermarket. I mean, $89, go to the supermarket, look at what meat costs $89, and you're going to be amazed at what you get with Omaha Steaks as opposed to the scraps you get at a regular supermarket. Yeah, people are used to paying a lot for quality steaks, but they're not used to also getting a lot of quantity, which is the perfect part. I also think because it's Father's Day, and it coincides with your birthday, you should have the bacon wrap fillet, vineyards, and then also throw in a couple hot dogs, Jared, because YOLO. It's your day. You know what? Maybe I will use the bacon wrap fillet as a hot dog bun. I'm going to go crazy on this one. Yes, and you should. So visit Omaha to make Dad's Day. You have a little bit more time left. If you haven't done it yet, today is the day. Go to Omaha and use code GRACE at checkout before it's too late. Again, that's Omaha Dad's wants steak, and Father's Day is coming up. Omaha Go now before it's too late, and please don't forget to use the code GRACE. Thank you very much. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. There is still plenty of time to vote in today's poll question. Go to and click on the poll question, which is brought to you by JJ Manning. JJ Manning auctioneers, whether it's residential, commercial, or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now to learn more contact Charlie Gill at 805210111 or go to With over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients, you can be the next one. Jared, what's the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is what's been the biggest bombshell moment in the Karen read trial. The Haas long questioning, Brian Higgins, cell phone destruction, or Officer Barrows' cracked tail light testimony. I'm going to say Barrows' cracked tail light testimony from today, which I was not expecting. I hadn't even really heard his name before until today. I'm going to say that his testimony had a lot of impact because as Jared pointed out, the last few days of trial have been focused on all these different pieces of tail light and the shimmering of one and the shape of the other. We found it here and then we found it here and then a couple days later, we found a piece here. And for this officer to say it was cracked and there was one piece missing, it kind of throws a real wrench in the Commonwealth's case. So that's the one I'm going with. Crack, you never go back. Yeah, Officer Barrows' cracked tail light is in the lead at 43%, 34% for Brian Higgins cell phone destruction and 23% for the Haas long questioning. Now, the Sallyport video is a big focal point of the trial today. The Sallyport video jumps around and it's also inverted. Now, this was Turtle Boy's tweet around 10 o'clock this morning. He said the video from the Sallyport that does not show Karen Reed's right tail light is mostly there. The video from the Sallyport that would show Karen Reed's right tail light is missing 42 minutes, including the time when it was brought into the garage and anything police did with it after that. So the reason I bring that up is because when you're looking at this video, you're seeing the Lexus be pulled into the Sallyport. There's another camera in view that would show the tail light that originally when I first saw the Sallyport video, I thought we were looking at the right tail light, but because it's inverted, it's the left. But the video that would show the right is and people can decide if it's missing video or if it just wasn't recording up until that point. But let's take a little bit of Trooper Buchanan with Alan Jackson cut one. About how long would you say this video is in its runtime from start to finish? I did not take note of the length of the video. Now cut four, he talks about how the video, it's not missing. It was just not recording cut for. I do not know all the inner workers of the system. But you do know that there appears to be portions of this video missing and portions of this video in which people just seem to operate out of nowhere. It's not missing. It just was not recording. We'll discuss that. And if you believe it, when we come back, don't go anywhere. ♪♪♪ Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. ♪♪♪ Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Michael Proctor, who's on the stand today, was holding up some of the taillight to the jury, the taillight he found allegedly on February 18th. And that was his last trip to 34 Fairview Road. And again, it doesn't make a lot of sense saying it's impossible. But it seems unlikely that you miss some of the biggest pieces of taillight the first few times and then you find it on your last trip to the crime scene. That's not usually how things play out. I wanted to play some of this sound and we are going to get to Michael Proctor. I know a lot of people have been waiting for that. But one of the textures brought up said, "Grace, you keep referencing this cut from Nicholas Barrows from Dighton PD, who was the officer in charge that day, got a call from Karen Reed's father to do a wellness check." And he commented today in this trial that, and he was, by the way, being questioned by Lally. So he was one of the Commonwealth's witnesses. And he kind of destroyed a huge part of their case, which is that this taillight is all over the place. He contradicted that and said, "No, there was a crack in the taillight and there was one piece missing. Let's play this for people who are just tuning in now to the show. This is cut ten." And at some point did you make any observations of the right rear part of that Lexus issue? I did. And what if anything did you observe about that area of the day? I saw that there was some damage to the right rear taillight, to my best ability and recollection, that taillight was not completely damaged. It was cracked and a piece was missing, but not completely damaged. And then beyond the taillight area of that vehicle, what if anything else did you observe as far as damage to the rear passenger side area? Like a dent on the rear quarter. Yeah. And as one of my callers pointed out, there's a video of Karen Reid backing up her Lexus. And this video was from John O'Keefe's house. He had a ring camera. Whereas the Alberts did not have a ring camera at 34 Fairview, not that I've seen at least. He had a ring camera set up and it shows Karen Reid when she's leaving, John O'Keefe's home going to look for him, backing up and hitting his car. And if you look, if you zoom in, it's the exact spot where the taillight and that bump in the car, that dent in the car above the taillight, it looks like that's exactly where she backed into. And you can't see John O'Keefe's car move when she makes contact. There was definitely a bump. It's not one of these situations like we're talking about where some people see one thing and some people see another. There's motion there when you watch it. And I want to go back though, before we get to Trooper Proctor, let's go back to Buchanan because the Sally Port video is coming up not because of the camera, not because of the video that we've seen, which is the inverted video from one angle. The camera that would have shown the right taillight and would have shown the car pulling in doesn't have any recording of the car pulling in and the people kind of circling the car. And that's peculiar. A lot of this is coincidental. It's like, oh, it's just missing a few minutes that would have shown the taillight pulling into the Sally Port. Well, that's worth raising your eyebrows over. So let's take Alan Jackson with Trooper Buchanan. We played cut four. I want to play cut five. I want to go through these cut five, please. You see where the person that was toward the back of the vehicle went. And it appeared they went behind the vehicle. Which area of the vehicle? The right of the left in real life, not on this video. In real life, it would be the right area portion of the vehicle. Yeah. And there's been plenty of people trying to dissect this video and figure out who's back there and who's looking at it and the weird jumps in the video. But let's play cut six, because again, we go to these time lapses. And that's part of the problem right now for the commonwealth as well, is that it's hard to figure out what's going on. You have certain video where you have all of it, and then you have other times where there's nothing to be found. So let's have cut seven. Or I'm sorry, cut six. I don't know how much it jumps. Well, from 508 approximately to 550 approximately. How much time is that? Approximately 48. 42 minutes, excuse me, 42. Okay. Now I want to go to Trooper Proctor because this is, so we're not getting any clarity with the Sally port. And I don't think we're going to get clarity on anything from Trooper Buchanan. I think that's kind of out of the question. But with Trooper Proctor, Lally starts questioning him about the tail light. Can I have cut 13, please? If I could take you back to, I'm sorry, just as far as when you're coming up the driveway and you're passing by the defendant's vehicle, you mentioned some damage that you observed to the right rear passenger side areas that correct. Yes. Can you describe through the jury what it was specifically that you observed as far as damage to that area? Yeah, the right rear tail. I had large pieces missing from it. Yeah, so if either Barrows is, Officer Barrows is lying about there being one piece missing or Trooper Proctor's lying, right? Do I, is it any more complicated than that? This is like when you have two people, you know, when you're young and you fight with one of your siblings and one person says one thing and the other person says another thing. My mom used to sit us down and say, well, somebody's not telling me the truth. So we'll just wait it out and figure out who it is. It's not that hard. But you know who's not involved in any of that lying as of right now is Karen Reed. So either Michael Proctor is lying about these pieces going missing and where they found them and the whole process of finding them or Barrows is lying. And I will say that Barrows has a lot less reasons to lie than the rest of these people. Because other people are intertwined like you wouldn't believe, Barrows just seems to be an officer who is telling the story as to what he remembers. Now, I will say that according to Turtle Boy's text, he says, or tweets, Michael Proctor is reading a group chat text message that was made public by the FBI during their investigation into him. It is believed that at some point Proctor tells them he went through Karen Reed's phone looking for nude photos. I have heard reporting on that. I will wait. And one other thing is that Turtle Boy said that this is his first time seeing Michael Proctor in person. He's being charged with felony witness intimidation against him. So Turtle Boy's being charged for that. And Turtle Boy wasn't able to come on the show today because the lunch break was not an hour long, which I take real issue with that Auntie Bev. Give the people an hour off. Give them time. Okay. How are you even supposed to get lunch in an hour? What is this? This isn't the state that I know and love. Massachusetts courthouse only getting 30 minutes for lunch. Where is OSHA? This is cruel and unusual. What's next? Are they going to work a full day on Friday? Are they going to work July 4th? Jared, I need you to come up with some posters or something. We need to fight this. Unless there's a hot dog vendor outside of the courthouse, I don't understand how they're supposed to make that happen in 30 minutes. And this has nothing to do with the fact that yes, does it help me if it's an hour long because Turtle Boy can call into the show? Sure. I could understand how you might think that's why I'm saying this, but that's a small part. That's a small part of this. There's so much more to it than that. It's about justice, okay? It's about lunch. They need an hour lunch. 844-542-42. And obviously, you know, we'll get more information about Trooper Proctor as he gets cross-examined by Alan Jackson. We'll get more juicy scoop there. I wanted to mention, though, a big story that's been circulating today. This Caitlin Clark thing. So Caitlin Clark, basketball player, national plays for the WNBA. She's been in the news. She makes headlines every single day. One day she was in the news because she got some other player hit her or, you know, fouled her and people thought it was a nasty play. I saw it. It was kind of nasty. But I mean, she didn't seem that upset by it, so I wasn't going to get myself worked up over it. And now, Jared, you're my sports guy, so I'm counting on you here. She's been overlooked. She was snubbed and she's not included in the Olympics team and the female basketball Olympics team. And people are outraged. This woman, for someone who's, like, fairly soft-spoken, very, very talented but doesn't seem like a lightning rod of a personality, she is a scandal maker. Everything she touches turns to headlines. People really don't like her. There is something a little bit, I don't know if I should say this, I might get myself in trouble here. But there is something ironic that for so long, women were like, "Why doesn't anyone want to watch the WNBA?" You know, the women at the WNBA should be making as much LeBron. Of course, it's a little bit of, you know, supply and demand. If you don't have the demand, if people aren't going to watch the games, then you're not going to be able to pay people as much. But women were upset. We wanted people to care about the WNBA. I say we, like, the collective. I really wasn't that worked up about it one way or the other. But I understand. I'm part of the sisterhood. I'm like, "You know what? Yes. More women need to be watching. We all need to be watching more basketball. More females playing basketball." Then, out of nowhere, it actually happens. People actually start to care about women playing basketball. Because Caitlyn Clark is really good and she can hit a lot of three pointers. Was that the correct sports terminology? Yes, it was. She can hit the threes. She's a good player. I don't know anything about basketball, but I watched her play and I was like, "This is pretty entertaining." And as soon as that started to happen, it was instant. Women everywhere began criticizing Caitlyn Clark. It's only happening because she's white. It's only happening because she's privileged. It should have happened to this person. This person should have had more attention. This person paved the way and they never got any of the accolades that they deserved. And we immediately start tearing her down. The one person, I don't care. You can give me a whole history on the WNBA. Sure. There's been Lisa Leslie. I always reference Lisa Leslie. She used to be on Sister Sister. That's the only person in the WNBA I ever heard of. I've heard more about Caitlyn Clark in the past three weeks than most basketball players of the last five years. She's always in the news. And so this woman starts to make waves, starts getting asses in the seats. And what do we do, Jared? As feminist women, we start tearing her down. And by the way, I think she's fine. I think she's going to be fine. I think she's making a lot of money. I'm not worried about her. She seems like she's a pretty tough girl. She'll be okay. But there is something ironic to it. Whereas we want people to be watching basketball. And then she comes along. People start watching basketball. Well, we don't want people to be watching basketball because of this white woman. That's really what it is. People are just mad that she's white and she's really good at basketball. Unless there's some other layer to it that I'm missing as a non-sports fan. It seems like she's getting a lot of attention. The other women are jealous. Jealousy is a powerful emotion. It's a really jealousy if you're not aware of it. If you don't have the self-awareness to stop it in its tracks, it can be really nasty, really detrimental to your own success. So they're jealous and they're bitter. Yeah. You're the sports guy. Is there something else I'm missing? Nope. I could not have said that better myself. And I understand from a sports point of view, because it's been debated, that yes, team USA probably does not need Caitlyn Clark to win a gold medal. I think they've won like 73 straight games or something like that. Because, I mean, it's just other countries just don't play women's basketball. They just don't. I mean, I guess Sweden has a pretty good team, I think. Yeah, but it's like the Super Bowl doesn't need Lady Gaga to perform a halftime show, but it certainly sweetens the pot. Like, you don't need Beyonce to perform, but it brings in other crowds. It's like, if this woman has a lot of fanfare behind her and she has a lot of eyeballs whenever she hits the court, don't you want everything's a business, everything's marketing, everything's trying to make money, the Olympics is definitely in the business of making money. They don't want to put this person on who has created this whole wave of interest in female basketball. You know, I'll put it this way, because the biggest thing at the Summer Olympics is gymnastics. Everybody loves the gymnastics. It's the figure skating of the Winter Olympics. Can you name me one male gymnast on the team USA gymnastics team? No, but if there was somebody out there that was a male Nadia Comineach or a male Carrie Strugg or a male Michaela Moroni, you know, dang, well, they'd be on that team because you want eyeballs on the show. I can name a male gymnast, and it's not because I just Googled it. It's because actually, no, I really, I don't even know any of these people. So point taken, you're right. Yeah, I don't get it. But again, I don't think she's like crying in her soup. It's the Olympics loss. They're the ones who missed out on this opportunity to have someone who's going to draw a lot of attention to it. I think Caitlin Clark will be just fine. 844-542-42, you know, they should be careful, though, when they're all playing rough and, you know, kind of giving her the elbows, Jared, because if she goes out, if she like sprains an ankle or something, it's like rising tides lift all ships. She's lifting all the ships. And if you take down that ship, you're all going down. So prove that point, I know exactly what you're talking about when she was called a bad word and then shoved down by another WNBA player. I couldn't tell you that player's name. She's the villain of the year in the WNBA. And I have no idea what the woman who followed Caitlin Clark's name is. Yeah. And like I said, jealousy makes people do crazy things. We'll be right back with how he, how he car. Don't go anywhere. This is The Grace Curly Show. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is The Grace Curly Show. Today's car crossover is brought to you by ReadyWise. With inflation, food and energy costs rising, families are feeling the financial pinch as they struggle to make ends meet. Preparation is key. And our friends at ReadyWise have emergency food kits that will provide peace of mind. So go to and use code Howie20 at checkout to save 20% on your order. You know, at first I heard a lot of halleluh back there in the green room when Michael Proctor was testifying and I thought, "Damn it, there's so much sound that I'm not going to be able to use because the show's ending." But Howie, I don't know if you're going to be able to use this sound either because Proctor Trooper is reading his text messages with his friends and they are disgusting. Hose long until this trial is over, Grace. Howie, you've seen a lot of trials. And you've also, you've... I've never seen, I mean, this isn't the weirdest thing. I don't think it's the weirdest thing, but it's the grossest thing. I mean, who would be this stupid? I mean, you know, you know, but Chenic is a complete moron. But he's a mastermind compared to this guy. But it's not just stupidity. It's real like filth. They have filthy minds. The stuff this man Michael Proctor was writing about, Karen Reed, I tried to describe it to Howie and he put his hands up. Like, please, no more. Stop. I didn't know what some of this stuff means. Yeah. And you're not a spring chicken. You're not like a square, Howie. But it's a lot even for you. Well, you know, and it was just what we were told it was too. You know, when they say they want to send you a gift and he says, "Send it to my wife." He reads that. Mm-hmm. That and more when Howie comes up next.