The Howie Carr Radio Network

IDF Rescued 4 Hostages from Gaza: Ari Hoffman Reacts | 6.10.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Ari Hoffman reacts to the news out of Gaza. Plus, NYC has a hotel problem.

Broadcast on:
10 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Obviously, over the weekend, great news about the four hostages that the IDF were able to rescue from Gaza. You would never know that if you're tuning in to the mainstream media, which I always advise you to avoid if possible. Joining us now to talk about this is Ari Hoffman. You guys can follow him on Twitter at the Houghfather. Ari, before we get into the spin from the media, the reaction from the White House, which left a lot to be desired, I first want to get your reaction on a good note here to start the interview. Give us your reaction to this news and how you felt when you found out these four hostages had been rescued. It was a surreal experience, and thanks, as always, for having me, Grace. Orthodox Jews, like myself, are offline, completely cut off from electronics, everything else we spend time with in our synagogue and with our families on the Sabbath. I found out about this from our synagogue security guard in synagogue on Saturday morning. I didn't tell if he just said four hostages had been rescued, and he mentioned one of them was the girl kidnapped on the motorcycle. Now, in our synagogue, we have pictures hanging up all the hostages. The custom is that when one of them gets released, we take it down. That's the only time it's okay to tear those things down. I actually had the privilege of taking it down and then announcing to the congregation that she and three other hostages had been saved. It was just relief and thanksgiving, and everybody was just with a moon. That was the initial reaction. Yeah, overwhelmed with the motion, I'm sure. Ari, I'm going to put you on break here just for a second. We're going to try to reestablish this connection. It's a little bit shaky, but while I do that, I wanted to play this cut because we just talked about the amazing news, and unfortunately now I do have to get your reaction to some of these responses from the media and from the White House, but I repeat myself. I wanted to start with the clip that got the most attention. This was Helina Humphrey on BBC. She's speaking with the former spokesperson for the IDF, and this is cut five, please. All of the casualties that were incurred. There are reports of women, of children who are among the dead. It is appearing to be a high civilian death toll. Would there have been a warning to those civilians for them to get out on time? Oh, sure. Of course, we cannot anticipate Israel to be warning ahead of a raid to extract or to save hostages, because then what the terrorists would do is to kill the hostages, and that would defeat the purpose. So, of course, we cannot expect that. Yeah, he says, of course, but it's clearly not that obvious to the BBC reporter. And my question for you, Ari, before you get into the stupidity of that comment from the BBC reporter, was anyone in Israel given a phone call before October 7th of hey, just FYI tomorrow, we're going to come in, we're going to kill the most Jews since the Holocaust? Was that nicety ever extended to Israelis? No, of course not, but then you think about the IDF that warns neighborhoods in Gaza before they're coming in all the time. And then the BBC and other mainstream media outlets attack them for going after civilians, even though they dropped leaflets, even though they send people through the streets with megaphones, even though they give them every warning in the world. So now, the BBC and the mainstream media is upset. Israel didn't warn anybody coming to free their hostages. And in the past, we know that Hamas has killed these hostages when Israel has come to rescue them. So now, actually, the big concern is that apparently Hamas is telling its soldiers and the peaceful Palestinians who are holding these terrorists, obviously, they're not peaceful. They're telling them that if they're worried, there's going to be an IDF raid to kill the terrorists. It's going to kill the hostages. Yeah, well, that actually brings me to my next question, Ari, and this isn't something we've discussed yet, but it's a big part of this story. And that's the Palestine Chronicle. Have you heard about this and the involvement that the Palestine Chronicle's, I think, editor, or at least a journalist, it says, let me see here, as Breitbart News reported Sunday, the IDF confirmed that three of the four hostages who were rescued from Gaza had been held by Abdullah Al-Jamal, a contributor to the Palestine Chronicle, into Al Jazeera. Now, keep in mind, the Palestine Chronicle is a media outlet to extremely anti-Israel, anyone who's been, you know, who's ever heard of it or read anything from it would know that. It's a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization with U.S. tax authorities. Give us your take in any information you have on this. Well, the first thing I did was I went to find out who they were, and I found out that their parent organization, the People's Media, is actually headquartered right here in Washington state where I live. And I was blown away by that because we have tons of anti-Israel pro-Hamas activists here. And then when I started going through their website and their contributors and who writes for them, and I went and checked out their social media feeds, these are all rabid anti-Semites. This is propaganda for Hamas. And somehow they have a U.S. 501(c)(3). So I went on their website, and I went to the IRS website, and I started checking out their form 990s, which every 501(c)(3) has to file every year about their income and donations and stuff. And there are no 990s on the IRS website. They were established in 2012, and there is nothing that I could find so far that's there. Something stinks. Yeah, absolutely. I'm speaking with Ari Hoffman. Again, follow him on Twitter at the hotfather. The other part of this Ari that I wanted to get your take on is the White House's response. So Jake Sullivan does the weekend shows. He's on CNN with Dana Bash, and he's talking about how heartbreaking it is that people were killed during this operation. And again, they're using numbers, I believe, that they've been given by Hamas-run organizations like the Gaza Ministry of Health. So you always have to take those numbers with a grain of salt, which, of course, the White House and the media never, ever do. But he also says the only way forward is a ceasefire. I want to play this cut. This is Jake Sullivan cut too. The exact number we don't know, but innocent people were killed, and that is heartbreaking, that is tragic. The president himself has said in recent days that the Palestinian people are going through sheer hell in this conflict. Because Hamas is operating in a way that puts them in the crossfire, that holds hostages right in the heart of crowded civilian areas, that puts military emplacements right in the heart of crowded civilian areas. But every day that we see more innocent people lost is another horrible, awful, tragic day. And our hearts in the United States and across the world break for that. But there is only one answer to stop that from happening going forward. And that is a ceasefire and hostage deal that ends the military operations, brings the hostages home, and puts us in a position to give the Palestinians an opportunity for a better future for their people. You know, Ari, the left loves nothing more than semantics and, you know, using these euphemisms. And I find that this word ceasefire has become kind of a catch all for basically asking Israel not to defend herself. And the part of it that I always go back to is how do you have a ceasefire with people who have no intention of abiding by a ceasefire? As far as I can tell, Hamas has made that pretty clear multiple times that they have no interest in a ceasefire. So how is that the only way forward? And would you agree with that assessment from the NSA Director, Jake Sullivan? There's a word I can't use on air because you'll get in trouble with the FCC, but involves a four-legged animal's excrement, which is what I would say in response to what he just said. So there was a ceasefire in place on October 6, Hamas violated it when it killed over 1,200 people raped, tortured, murdered, and kidnapped another 250 civilians. I didn't hear everybody screaming about that when that happens. Now let's move on to what's going on now. The end of this, they want to ceasefire, really, really simple. All Hamas has to do is surrender and return the hostages and this war will be over tomorrow. But as long as they don't do that, it's going to keep going. And here's what we found out this weekend. The myth of the peaceful Palestinians is dead. It's gone. These Palestinians, who they keep calling peaceful, are being paid to hold these hostages. Noah Arghamani, the girl who was freed this weekend, was kept in servitude doing dishes and house chores and cleaning for these people that were holding her. They all have their very own pet Israelis, what's going on right now. And God knows what she suffered in addition to that. God knows what the other female hostages are suffering. And we know the reports of rape and sexual assault that have even been confirmed by the UN Israel's greatest critic. So for them to say, "Oh, all we need is a ceasefire is a nonsense." And then Kamala Harris this weekend, going to a Democratic Party fundraiser in Michigan and saying that she mourns for the people killed. Well, you know how you don't get killed? Don't hold Israeli hostages and then you won't get killed. All right, on that note, I wanted to ask you about what's actually going on politically in Israel because as I'm sure you know, last week when Biden was being interviewed by David Muir, he said he didn't blame people who were accusing BB Netanyahu of prolonging the war for political gain for political benefit. And of course, that's ironic coming from Joe Biden because in his own way, he's prolonging this war in favor of Hamas for his own political gain. So there's a real level of irony there. But the reason I bring that up today is because there was news out that Benny Gantz had left the war cabinet. And some people are saying that it was a real show of unity when he joined, but I think it makes sense. He's BB Netanyahu's chief political opponent. We get a lot of reports here in the United States that there's a lot of friction and there's a lot of fighting and people don't necessarily agree with how BB Netanyahu is handling this. What is your assessment? I know you have a lot of ties to Israel. I know that you talked to a lot of reporters there. Is that a fair reflection that people are not happy with the way BB Netanyahu is handling this? Or is Benny Gantz just making his own political calculation and saying, okay, I'm out of here. You know, I did my show of unity and now enough is enough. Well, let's break it down this way. The thing people need to understand is they have a different structure than we do. They have a coalition government, which imagine, if you will, Donald Trump and Joe Biden having to run a war together because that's how Israel's system works. So Benny Gantz and BB Netanyahu are political rivals. Benny Gantz wants to be the next prime minister of Israel. My guess based on what happened is BB Netanyahu is very unpopular after the October 7 attacks. A lot of people held him responsible for them and not and falling down on the job and the fact that all this happened on his watch. Well, his polls have been tracking up the water. This has been going on. And he's probably going to get a boost in his approval rating after the successful raid that rescued the hostages. And Benny Gantz says he's getting all the credit for this coalition government. We're having together. If I want a chance to be prime minister, I've got to get out now and start criticizing him or force an election. Otherwise, his polls are going to keep going up and I'm not going to have a chance. Yeah, that's what was my thought as well. But here it's being spun that BB Netanyahu is not acting on behalf of Israelis and he's betraying his people. Ari, I did want to ask you another question here before we have to let you go. And that has to do with the protests. That's a very generous way of me putting that. The riots that were happening outside the White House, you have these pro Hamas hippies. They're chanting for jihad. They're calling themselves martyrs. They're chanting for intafada. They have, you know, a blood soaked picture of Joe Biden. Joe Biden's face. They're defacing these monuments. They're attacking park rangers. I want your your response to it and I want you to give us what you would do. If you were in charge, if Ari Hoffman was the judge in the jury, what would send a message to these people who are behaving this way? Well, if you've seen Judge Dred, that's the way I would take it. But let's do this a little differently because I don't have those kind of powers. Let's examine it for the holiest month of the year pride month. That's what we're in the middle of before right now for according to the Americas left. So you have these crosswalks like in Spokane, Washington and San Francisco and other places, which are painted for rainbows. And if somebody takes a lime scooter over them and leaves a skid mark or a car, even though these things are on the pavement, even though they're on the ground and the ground gets skid marks, those people get sent to jail like teenagers in Spokane, Washington, who just got charged with that lime bike. Lime will create a whole area, no go area over the pride crosswalk. But if you vandalize American statues, if you attack park police, if you attack capital police, if you attack secret service agents, then you get a free pass. It just is the absolute hypocrisy of the left and the two tiered system we have. And last of my checks, I thought that everybody kept calling Islam the nation of peace. How come there's always attacks every time they have a protest? I never see American flags at those. Anytime there's a rally supporting Israel, you see American flags all over the place. But here you see a group of people that want to bring down America. It's not Israel. They want to take down the West. They want Sharia law everywhere. Israel's just in the way and America's next if they're actually successful. Ari Hoffman, we love having you on. It's been too long. We thank you for the reports. You can follow Ari on Twitter at the Ha Father. He's an award-winning host at KVI Seattle. He also writes for the Post Millennial and does op-eds for Newsweek, so check those out. We'll talk to you soon. Ari, keep us in the loop. When we come back, we'll take your calls on all of these topics. But I'm so excited to tell you guys, I had my appointment today at Perfect Smiles. And Jared, when I came back in today, you weren't expecting me to be in such jolly mood coming from a dentist appointment. No, I figured first of all, you know, going to the dentist can sometimes be painful and even scary for some people because, you know, you just never know what's going to happen. And I figured you would have gotten stuck in traffic and it would have been just absolute misery everywhere. No, no, no, no. I came back as happy as a clam. Your mood was perfect. I really was perfect. And that's because the team at Perfect Smiles, they helped me on so many fronts. I had a question about my jaw. Jared knows I have a little bit of jaw pain. They helped me out with that. I got to talk to Dr. Houghton. I got a cleaning from Lori, who is the best dental hygienist because she just has a lovely way about her. She's very talented and she's very good at what she does, but she has a great personality. And I talked to Melissa at the front desk, and you know what Melissa said to me? She said, "Grace, when people call up and they want to come to Perfect Smiles, they always mention that you're mentioning me on the air." And I said, "Yeah, I do, Melissa, because you're lovely and you always take care of me. You treat me like a VIP. You make me feel special and seen and that's why I love going to Perfect Smiles." And I'm so glad that when you guys call up Perfect Smiles to get the ball rolling, that you tell them you heard about it on the show. That means a lot to us because we really do love Perfect Smiles. We love everybody there. And they've got a dream team. Dr. Tamu, Dr. Houghton, everybody's awesome. And it's easy to put yourself last. It's easy to say, "I'll do it tomorrow. I'll do it next week. I'll do it next month." When you have a smile you're proud of, when you have good oral hygiene and clean teeth, you are going to feel better about yourself. Your teeth are going to look better. You're going to have more confidence, more enthusiasm. You're going to smile more. And your smile is going to be perfect. They're going to take it at your pace. They're going to figure out what you want and they're going to deliver. So go to Perfect Smiles. They're right off Route 3 in Nashua or call them or visit them at Check everything out. You guys are going to love it. Go to and let them know I sent you. Change your smile. Change your life. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. I got a good news bad news, Jared. What do you want first? Good news to the bad news. I'm always a bad news first guy. I think most people are. I'm going to say bad news is Turtle Boy cannot join us because selfish, selfish person he is. He's going back to court at 1.30. The Karen retrial is resuming and he wants to be there. Of course we don't fault him for that and we'll keep following his tweets. So we won't have him on the show, but the good news is we're back and this is The Grace Curly Show and thank you for joining us. And we're going to do the poll question and in the two o'clock I'm going to play a lot of sound from the trial from today. So even though we don't have Turtle Boy on, you can get a little bit of info before he joins Howie later on at 4.30. Today's poll question. Did I break that news nicely? Did I soften the blow a little bit? Well, today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning Auctioneers. Whether residential, commercial, or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now to learn more. Contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to With over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients, you can be the next one. Jared, what's the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what's been the biggest bombshell moment in the Karen retrial. The host long questioning, Brian Higgins, cell phone destruction, or Officer Barrows' cracked tail light testimony. I'm going to say Officer Barrows' cracked tail light testimony because here's a guy who, out of all of the people involved in this, seems to be someone who's not connected, at least from what I've been able to take away from this, he's not connected directly with the McAlberts, he's not someone's brother-in-law, he's not someone's son, he's just a cop who was there that day and said there was a piece missing, it was a cracked tail light. He's wildly different from what Trooper Proctor, or as Jen McCabe likes to call him, Proctor Trooper, told us. So I'm going to say the cracked tail light is going to be a big problem for the Commonwealth, and this is their witness, and he did not help their case. He helped Karen read, and to me, that was kind of out of left field. Yeah, 43% of the audience agrees with you, Officer Barrows' cracked tail light testimony, 31% for Brian Higgins' cell phone destruction, 26% for the host long questioning. Okay, and when we come back, we will take all of your calls, I see you on the lines, there's a lot of stories I want to run through here before we head into the Karen Read updates for you in the two o'clock, including Joe Biden's fancy fundraiser coming up, more sound from the mainstream media, and what's going on in New York City, the hotels are packed, but not with who you might think, we'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly show. There's a lot of news regarding illegal immigration in this country. One in five New York City hotels is now an illegal migrant shelter. This was a story, it's been in a lot of different places, but the story I chose was from the Federalist, and it says the average price for a hotel room in the city based on 2023 data is a record breaking $301 per night and 8.5% increased from 2022 costs. Now, of course, there's inflation, but this rise in prices is largely due to the city's gross over commitment to providing shelter for the influx of illegal migrants flooding the city. Now, that over commitment is due to end and then have to be renewed, it's called the Sanctuary Hotel program, that over commitment runs until August 31. And I'm guessing that it's going to extend far beyond that. I think when the contract negotiations come up, it's going to be good for the Sanctuary Hotel program. But on top of that, there were sound from this weekend, and it was from Fox, a reporter was interviewing one of the illegal aliens. It was from Good Day Austin, Fox 7. It was a Turkish illegal who crossed through the border, and this is what this illegal had to say, cut 10. I talked to one man from Turkey. Here's what he had to say. What do you think of President Biden? Biden, I love Biden. Why do you love Biden? Because Biden, we love. Why do you love him? Biden helped us. That's what he said. You should really take note of Biden's fiercest supporters, because that tells you a lot of what you need to know, people who are crossing into this country illegally, who are breaking the law, who are cutting the line. And sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes coming in here and committing violent crimes, sometimes raping people, sometimes coming in as part of a gang and hurting often, oftentimes when this does happen, it's hurting lower income communities and it's hurting minority communities. And Biden is just welcoming all this. And, you know, I saw in the New York Post, there was a story about Margaret, Margaret Brennan from CBS. She's from Face The Nation. And she was having an interview with CBS News pollster, Anthony Salvanto, and they were talking about the polling on illegal immigration, how a lot of people think that illegal should be deported. And she was so confused by this, like the still shot they have on the story is her with an eyebrow raise, like her brows are furrowed. She's very perplexed by this. And she says it doesn't seem practical in some sense to round up children. And that's what she said. And then we know that the courts have questioned whether local authorities would have the ability to do it and federal authorities don't have the resources. So what exactly do people think they're supporting? Again, it's this condescension of like people don't understand how complex everything is. We're all just big old dummies. We didn't understand how complex COVID was. We didn't understand why we had to stand behind plexiglass, why we could sit down and not wear a mask, but we had to stand up and wear a mask. We didn't understand the complexities of the supply chain crisis. Joe Biden said, you know, you go to a restaurant, people in the booth, they can't even explain what it is. We didn't understand inflation, according to Joy Reid, until all these Republican right-wing agitators on TV kept talking about it. So we are all just not smart enough. We're credulous boomer rubes who don't know how to read a map. And now Margaret Brennan doesn't think we understand how impractical it is. She goes, it doesn't seem practical. Does it seem practical for a country to import millions of people who are unvetted? Sometimes we're importing terrorists into our country and just hoping for the best. Like that's my question for Margaret Brennan. What about this immigration policy, as Joe Biden likes to call it? What about Kamala Harris's border czar root problem strategy has seemed practical up until this point. Point out where the practicality lies, please. Show me, point me in the direction of what's been practical so far. It's always the ideas from conservatives where it's like, and this is also, by the way, I know now I'm stretching it a little bit. But this is from the same group of people in the media who think they can round up all the AR-15s in this country. Just by passing a law, like if we write it down on a piece of paper, we'll be able to confiscate all the guns, and nobody will ever get hurt again. But they're going to lecture us that it's not practical to take people who are here illegally and deport them. I just don't think you're in a position, Margaret Brennan, to tell me what's practical and what's not practical. Ron, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Ron. Grace, good afternoon. What's up? So you had brought up earlier that you were going to talk about the unfulfilled infrastructure projects. In Franklin, there's been a few signs out there, like the Joe Biden infrastructure project signs, and they're in these really weird areas, like wetland areas. To where you'd look at them and say, "Oh, geez, I didn't even realize there was a problem here, let alone that it would dramatically change anybody's life for the better." But it wasn't me, but some patriot has been going around with a Sharpie and writing the initials for Foxtrot Juliet Bravo on them. So I think you might like to hear about that. I'm sure they're all over the state. I'm sure they're all over the country, just like the Obama shovel-ready jobs. They put up signs for things that never happened. Yeah, I'm so glad you brought this up, Ron, because the story was by Andy Kessler, and it was in the Wall Street Journal. And luckily, how he gets the Wall Street Journal, so he just cut it out for me. I have it here. But what's amazing to me is he references a bunch of different projects, you know, bargains that we never signed up for, but that our tax money gets used for and how giant these failures have been and how expensive they have been. And what I love is he starts with the Pete Buttigieg of it all, which is those electric vehicle charging stations. That was one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. Was that with Margaret Brennan? That actually might have been. It was either Margaret Brennan or it was Nora O'Donnell. I get them both confused. But Pete Buttigieg trying to explain why we only have eight electric vehicle charging stations instead of the 500,000 that are promised by 2030 was laughable. And it didn't get nearly enough attention, because luckily for Pete, the one positive of this administration is they have so many disasters going on at all times, where it's hard to, you know what? It's like watching when people have the chip underneath the cups and they go, "Okay, follow the ball, which cup is the ball under?" It's like, you can't follow all of this dysfunction. It's happening. Pete, I'm here at the office. It's happening all the time. So let me read you a little bit of this. It says, "After the $320 million floating fiasco ran aground, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance tweeted, "The Gaza Pier is a symbol of the Biden administration, a horrible idea executed terribly." True for almost all government projects. I'm just going to paraphrase a little bit here because it's a long article, but he talks about going back to relying on the private sector. Remember the $7.5 billion of pork spending set aside for electric vehicle chargers and the 2021 infrastructure bill? The administration promised 500,000 of them by 2030. As of May, only eight have been installed. Jared, you could have sent us out there. Tweetle D and tweetle dumb and said, "Here's a couple billion dollars. How many can you get made in a year?" We probably have at least, I don't know, 50? You know what? No, I'm going to give us credit. I'm going to say we'd have 100. We'd have 100 in the year. I'd say, "Hey guys, I know it's not what you wanted, but I'm in the office and we've got 100 of these bad boys ready to go." Eight? Who's in charge of that they have a horse installing these things? How do you have eight? You know what would actually be better? That's a point where it's such a terrible failure that you'd be better off having zero. Like, if I show up and you tell me, "Oh, we got eight up and running." That number is so concerning because it's like, "Okay, so you know how to do it. You just haven't." I would prefer a goose egg. I would prefer someone to say, "We don't know. We're waiting until the moment feels right." And then we're going to hit the ground running, but we're not going to do this half-assed. You tell me you have eight. I'm thinking half-assed is exactly what you're going for. So it says, "In 2008 Californians, we got a Californian in spirit right here behind the mic, Jared Diglio, voted for about $10 billion in bonds for high-speed rail connecting San Francisco and Los Angeles. You must have been thinking to yourself, Jared, how old were you in this?" What was the year? 2008. 2008's I'd have been Scan 52. Okay, so you must have been pretty excited about this. You're like, "I'll be able to retire and ride this rail back and forth to my movie auditions in L.A." I'm also a trained guy. Back to San Francisco. You know, just a bindle stick or a bindle staff and a pocket full of dreams right in the rails. Now, the first payment of a then-estimated $33 billion budget for the 800-mile stretch, so far only 1,600-foot Fresno River viaduct has been built along with the hodgepodge of giveaways and structures. Only 42,000 years to go. Oh, and the estimated cost has risen to around $130 billion. It'll be a bargain when it's done. It's amazing how the less they have to build. I know that I understand that they're building at such a slow pace as if they've done nothing, but it's amazing how you start off with the budget and you say, "This is just an example." You go, "Okay, it's $33 billion for all of this." And then you build a little bit and you're like, "Now we need $130 billion." It's like, "How do you need more money for less rail? Shouldn't the price be going down at a certain point instead of increasing?" Andy Kasser says, "I'll take the private sector every time." You could die waiting on hold to talk to the IRS and don't get me started on the Department of Education. Since it's founding in 1979, spending per student has been up up and away. The results 40% to 60% of first-year college students are taking remedial classes in English math or both. And they can't deliver the critical financial aid application that Google could probably roll out by tomorrow. Why are governments so bad at execution? Accountability and incentives. He also says, "But these public works projects are well-intentioned, right?" Hardly. Good luck finding all the hidden agenda, political back scratching, and paid off donors, or in the case of student loan bribes to voters. Getting re-elected is how politicians measure the success of government work versus private sector profits. Profits also provide guidance to markets that fund great ideas and kill off bad ones. It's Darwinism versus kleptocracy. Sadly, politicians and industrial policy will always fund dumb things like electric vehicle charges, horrible ideas executed terribly. Yeah, don't kill the job, don't kill the rail, don't kill the electric vehicle chargers. But even with that being said, Jared, it's like, "I get, I get that concept." That it's like, why would we rush to get this done? Why would we say that we can get the job done under budget when we can just open up America's wallet and spend billions more dollars and be working on this job for the rest of our lives? It's like a retirement plan for people. There's probably people who've been working on this high speed rail, and it's their entire career. It's just, "Oh, no, sorry guys, over budget, we need more money, and it's not going to go as far." And it's essentially a totally different project than when we started. That's their career. But eight? I know I keep going back to that, but eight for me? That's a crazy number. That could be a good hour. What's your favorite, like, boondoggle? I know a lot of people in New England will say the big dig. Because I even remember as a kid, not to age, howie, but I remember listening to howie in my car, or in my mom's car, and listening to him go on and on about the big dig. And he was right, and people were-- The middle will be a bargain. It will be a bargain. But I mean, even compared to those old days, we've got so many big digs happening at once. At least there were tunnels made. Yeah, there's something to show for it. We'll be right back, we've got more to get to, and when we return, I want to talk. Well, I think I'm going to save Karen Reed and the trial and the cuts that we need to talk about from Trooper Proctor. Proctor, Trooper. I'm going to save that for the two o'clock hour. We can dive into all of those. But I do have a lot more to get to. And there was an article published in The Daily Mail, which I think you all will enjoy. Jill Biden's 3600 mile round trip from France to Delaware to spend two days at Hunter's trial could cost up to $345,000. And this is my fair part. Dot, dot, dot. You know, we love a dot, dot, dot. And taxpayers could be on the hook for a huge bill. Could. Daily Mail. That's how you know it's a British publication. It's like, what do you mean could be on the hook? Wait, is there a, what's the hypothetical where we're not on the hook here? Is Jill going to pay for it from her, uh, from the royalties from her children's book about Willow the Cat? Or is Hunter going to exchange some diamond to pay off her trip? I don't think so. If you want to know who's paying for Jill Biden's trip, take a look in the mirror. That will give you a hint. Uh, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Do you use scented candles, cover up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? Well, stop masking these smells with more odors. It doesn't help. It doesn't fix the problem. It actually sometimes makes the problem worse because then you've got the mix of a funky smell, whether it's a trash can, whether it's cooking smells, whether it's tobacco odors or animal smells, if you have a dog or a cat. And then you're mixing in some sort of floral, floral, you know, burst onto the scene. And it just becomes a concoction of strange odors. And you don't want that in your house. You need to destroy the odors. And with an even pure thunderstorm air purifier, you can do that. It uses oxy technology to send out O3 molecules into your home that destroy bad odors rather than just covering them up. That's what you always say, Jared. You go, you don't want to mask the smell. You want to eliminate the smell. Yeah, you don't want the flowers. You don't want the thick air that comes with air fresheners. You don't want the dangers, honestly, that come with candles. So many fires start with candles. Don't do any of that stuff. All you need to do is just plug in the thunderstorm. You turn it on and you get the ionized air, the O3. That's what you're looking for. Yeah, and I was just going to say, Jared, you were talking about the flowery smell. You're not fooling anyone. You know, you're really not. Once that smell hits people, they know something's up. They know that they're not in a patch of lavender. They know something else is going on. So you want the thunderstorm. It starts working in seconds. There's no filters to buy. You can place one in your bedroom, your family room, your kitchen, your basement, even your office. They make great gifts for coworkers. If you're trying to send a hint without being too harsh, this is the perfect gift. So get $200 off a three pack today for whole home protection. Visit Use discount code GRACE3. That's It's a small device, but it really works. When you go to, make sure you enter code GRACE3, and we will be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Taxpayers will pick up the majority of costs for Jill Biden's whirlwind flights between Wilmington, Delaware, and France. So she could be at Sun Hunter's side during his federal gun trial. Although the Democratic Party will chip in some funds. Oh, that's nice of them. Money well spent. Money well spent. Aren't they chipping in the defense funds? This is a very expensive trip. You don't have to worry about the cost. The liberal voters are fine with Joe Biden setting their money on fire. They actually think it's a wonderful thing. As long as he's not Orange Man and he's not mean tweeting, take their money from their hands, take a match, and watch it burn. But what they do have to worry about is Mother Earth and the damage that they are inflicting on the planet, which has a fever. Like Greta Toonberg, do you have anything to say? She's got plenty to say about Israel. Do you have anything to say about Dr. B, about Nana? She, I mean, all I hear about Jared is how we only have so many time. We only have six years left. How many days is Dr. Jill knocking off with these trips to France? I don't want to hear anybody tell me ever again. You should really, you know, you should really use this straw. You should really do this until you start working on these people who are destroying our planet. If everything you say is true, all of you climate people, then I don't want to hear it because I'm the least of your worries. Grace Curly takes maybe one flight a year, maybe two. So don't lecture me if you're not going to lecture Dr. B. That's going to be my motto for when I run for president. Don't lecture me. Lecture Dr. Beatty. We'll be right back. We got Karen Reed updates and so much more. Don't go anywhere. You