The Howie Carr Radio Network

KAREN READ BOMBSHELL: The Tail Light Whopper | 6.10.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace and Jarred break down the latest bombshell in the Karen Read trial. Plus, Hamas didn't get a heads up before the IDF rescued hostages from Gaza.

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10 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you so much for joining us on this beautiful Monday afternoon. You're starting your week off right. You've already made the right decision by coming here and listening to this program. We are so excited to have you. We've got so much planned for today, including Ari Hoffman, who's going to join us in the next episode. In the next hour, at the beginning of the hour, to discuss the wonderful news that the IDF rescued four hostages from Gaza on Saturday. This is amazing news. This is a real boost to the morale of the people in Israel and Jewish people all over the world. You would never know that from listening to the media. You would never even know that this was good news. You would think that rescuing hostages has become something that is going to get you into trouble. There was no celebrating from the White House or from their parrots in the press or from really anyone except for, you know, a few journalists out there and Jewish people who wanted to see these hostages returned home. The United States. This is what blew me away the most. We're going to get into the BBC reporter asking a former IDF officer if they gave, if they should have given warning to the terrorists. You got to be very polite to these terrorists, you know. You got to read Emily Post. You got to go based off the niceties. You call ahead. We were talking the other day about how you do you send someone a text before you call them. That was a story in the Wall Street Journal. Hey, I'm about to give you a call a warning text. Where was the warning text? You don't give these bloodthirsty savages a warning so they have time to execute the hostages before you get there. What's up with this element of surprise in this in this mission? Is that important to the operation? I've never rescued hostages, but I would think based off just sheer politeness that you give, you pick up the phone and you give them a call. And you say, Hey, I don't know what's going on the tunnels today. Just a heads up. We're in the neighborhood. We're in the neighborhood. You can expect us in the next 20 minutes. Way says we're about 20 minutes out. So you could even do Jared, like what happens if you have a furniture company or something and they block off the time for the whole day. You know, between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. will be showing up at some point. And they always show up at like 3 30. You're like, I've been here all day waiting for you. But yeah, nothing like that from the IDF, which is probably why they had a successful mission and were able to rescue four people on a very serious note. I am so, so beyond overjoyed about this. And I cannot wait to get Ari's reaction because even if you're not hearing it from other places that celebratory emotion that should be coming through in all these reports, you're going to get it here with Ari Hoffman. So I'm excited about that. But the craziest thing to me wasn't the BBC reporter who's a moron wasn't Kamala Harris getting heckled. It wasn't any of the follow up reaction. The craziest thing I saw as far as this hostage rescue goes is how the United States central command issued a statement. Did you see this Jared? I did not. Trying to make it only imagine what it says. This is beyond for me. Trying to make it perfectly clear that the humanitarian peer, you know, that disaster that we've sunk $230 million into, that that had no part in the rescue. Operative words sunk. Yeah. They don't want you to taint the peer with being involved in anything useful or successful. The 250, they say it ranges like 230 to 320 million dollars. I always love that too from the government when it's like it was anywhere between, I feel like it was your money. If this was a private company building this, we would know exactly down to the cent, how much it costs. But sure, we'll just ballpark it somewhere in the $300 million range. But they, this terrible idea, and there was a great piece in the Wall Street Journal talking about, it's a terrible idea that was executed terribly as well. So it's really, it's horrible on all fronts. But this terrible idea that is only meant to endanger U.S. soldiers and not deliver aid to Palestinians, they want to make sure people know. And then there's no questions. As KGP says, we want to be very clear about this. That peer had no business in this successful hostage rescues. God forbid it actually be put to any sort of use. And they're putting out this statement to tell Hamas, like, don't worry guys, we did not help with this. We understand why you're so upset. We get it. We understand why you didn't, you didn't get the courtesy call. You didn't even get a courtesy text. You're clearly perturbed by this. And we want you to know that this peer we set up that you keep coming to and stealing all the aid and the peer that's been a complete disaster, that had nothing to do with this hostage rescue. So if you're not, it will continue to be a place where we sink millions of dollars into, and it doesn't actually go to anyone who needs the aid. Also in the news today, we'll get back to that with Ari Hoffman, Hunter Biden's closing arguments, the closing arguments in the Hunter Biden trial are happening shortly any minute now. Good news for Dr. Jill, who has been ping ponging back and forth between France and this DC courtroom. I mean, between French dinners and listening to Hunter's ex lovers talk about his debaucherous ways. I don't know which one she's preferring, but she has been going back and forth and back and forth. Did I say, where, where is this courthouse? It's a Delaware. Yes, it is a Delaware. Okay. And she's been going from these state dinners with McClellan. It's just a stolen documents box away from my friends. Hop, skip and a jump. Yeah, so she's been going to these dinners coming back and forth. And I'm just, you know who I'm really excited. You know who's the winner in all of this, if this trial wraps up the planet, because I've been told that when I use a, for example, a plastic straw. If I use a plastic straw, if I order something online and it's not sustainable, the delivery system isn't sustainable, I made to feel like I'm having a real impact on the polar bears. You know, I'm having a real impact on the greenery out there. I'm hurting the planet as Ed Markey once told us our wonderful Senator Frosty once told us the planet has a fever. And I'm just thrilled that hopefully the wrap up of this Hunter Biden trial, the planet can take a breather from Dr. Jill's carbon footprint, because she's been doing some damage in the last five days of these trips. But another big thing that we're going to get to, this is why I said, I wasn't lying to you guys when I said we've got a real 10 out of 10 show for you. This turtle boy is going to join us at 130. After Ari Hoffman, and we're going to talk about the testimony today so far in the Karen retrial. Now, the thing that just came out of left field, at least for me, is that Trooper Proctor is on the stand as we speak. Don't, don't turn to that though, stay here, stay with me. But he's on the stand now, and it's going to be a while until, would you agree that they're, until they get to anything noteworthy? Yeah, well, he's asking him questions, so that's all you need to know. It's right now the mission is bore people started with him asking to spell his name out. So there you go. Yeah, I think that's pretty standard. But yeah, it's, it's been pretty, pretty boring thus far. And if there is anything noteworthy, of course, we'll bring it up. But I didn't want to talk about something and it plays into our poll question. And it's what we're going to talk to turtle boy about. Is Officer Barrows, because I really didn't see this coming. This shows you how terrible the commonwealth is when it comes to this Karen retrial. They're putting up people that are supposed to help their case against Karen Reid, and it's actually, you could say it is clearing her name or at best it's clearing her name. No, I would say at worst for them, it's clearing her name and at best it's just creating reasonable doubt. Like there's no, there's no question that some of these people that they, some of their witnesses that they brought up are not helping them. They're actually helping her and Officer Barrows is a perfect example. So when I first heard that name, I was kind of like, I don't really know much about Officer Barrows in his, his position, but from what I've read, he was the officer in charge on January 29. 2022, he got the call from Karen Reid's dad to do a check on her. Now what he said today on the stand, and I'll play it. I'll let people react to it. This is Officer Nicholas Barrows, he's with Daiton PD. He's being questioned by Lally. Again, Lally is on the side of the commonwealth. He is one of the people who is trying to prove that Karen Reid intentionally hit John O'Keefe and killed him the night of January. On January 28th into the morning of January 29th. This is the cut, cut 14. And at some point did you make any observations of the right rear part of that Lexus issue? I did. And what if anything did you observe about that area? I saw that there was some damage to the right rear tail light to my best ability and recollection that tail light was not completely damaged. It was cracked and a piece was missing, but not completely damaged. And then beyond the tail light area of that vehicle, what if anything else did you observe as far as damage to the rear passenger side area? Like a dent on the rear quarter. There have been a lot of times in this case where Lally asked the question and he does not know the answer. Just from my POV, this is just the take I have is that he doesn't know what's about to come out of that guy's mouth. Because if he did know that he wouldn't have called him to the stand. And the other part of it too is it's always a bad sign when you bring up a witness who you think is going to help your case. You question them and then it goes to the defense and they go, "We're all set. We're good." No further questions. If you're Lally, you're like, "Really? Nothing? Nothing you want to come back with?" Because this tail light has been a focal point of this trial and there's pieces of it that were found everywhere. They weren't found originally when there was all the snow. But once the snow started to melt away in the days following, all of a sudden, tail light's showing up. Little piece of the tail light here and there. In fact, on Friday, we heard that one of the officers, Buchanan, said that they were told to drive by 34 Fairview in case on their way into work. On their commute into work in case they spotted some tail light shining on the yard and they could bring it in. That's how weird this crime scene, that's how bizarre this whole thing is. But we were made to believe that it cracked into many pieces and they were found in many different areas. Now he's saying one piece. So unless they want to try to convince me that all of the tail light that they found and photographed and showed us came from one piece, then none of this makes sense. Somebody had to have tampered with that tail light after the fact. Now he saw, Jared, unless you correct me here if I'm wrong, he said that when he saw this tail light, it was 4 p.m. Yeah, it was in the 4 p.m. So he saw it after the fact. He's investigating it. He says, cracked with one piece missing. How, as Lally, as the Commonwealth, as Morrissey, how do you come back from that? Especially when you spend two entire days of testimony with pictures of at least 12 different types of fragments. You spent an hour, like you had an expert on there for an hour explaining the shimmer from the certain angle and the curvature. And then the guy was like, no, they were like, yeah, maybe a piece missing. It looked cracked. So let's play this out. What do we think happened? Did these cops go back to the crime scene, take it and sprinkle it like they were thrown out candy at a parade, just plop there, plop there, plop there. And then what? They pick it up right after they plant it down and then they pick it up and they go, found a piece. Is that what? I mean, and turtle boy will be able to explain this better. He's more versed, but that's kind of what it sounds like. I didn't know if it was more complex operation than that. I mean, unless they, unless we get really conspirator, they told them to drive by and look for pieces and they just add the pieces. It's like, oh, we found these. I don't know. But yeah, clearly the fact that there were, there were no taillight pieces found initially and then later they were like 120 or whatever it was. And there have been some bombshells in this. I mean, listening to, there were things we knew, but listening to the witnesses try to explain them. Like, I guess in the back of my mind, I thought, oh, once Brian Higgins takes this in, he'll have a better explanation for destroying the phone and driving it to a military base and throwing it in the dumpster. And then you hear him explain it. You go, whoa, he didn't have a better explanation. So in some ways, it feels like a bombshell, the house long to die in cold, seeing the timestamps on that and realizing that no, they did have forensic data showing that she made that Google search at whatever to 27 am. So in that sense, those things were kind of breathtaking to see them on display and confirmed in court. But the taillight thing for me is just that was kind of out of nowhere. That to me was a little shocking. Yeah, because there had been no reports, no indications of any kind before this, that the taillight wasn't destroyed at the scene at the time. How do they all have such different? I understand that your truth is your truth and my truth is my truth and then there is the truth. But a lot of these things are pretty concrete. Like, how many pieces of taillight were they? They all have different recollections. Jen McCabe has a different recollection than Michael Proctor. He got it wrong versus Barrows who thought this. There's this somebody's lying here. Somebody's lying. If I was Auntie Bev as they call her, I would say something's not adding up here. I don't want to know what's going on. Mr. Jackson. We'll go to break and we'll take your calls 844-542-42. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you so much for tuning in today. The number is 844-542-42. On Hamas, not getting a courtesy text from the IDF before this hostage rescue mission. 508 wrote in. No heads up text from Hamas on October 7th. Or is this new etiquette? That is so true. Yeah, I don't remember people in the kibbutzes in Israel getting a heads up that, "Hey, in a few hours we plan on coming and chopping your heads up." I don't remember if Hamas, I believe they utilize the element of surprise. But I guess when you utilize it against them in order to take those hostages back and return them back to their families after God knows what they've seen, then it's out of bounds. Then Israel has to be condemned. That's essentially what we're doing. Like the White House is getting very, very close to outright condemning Israel for having the audacity to rescue their own hostages, their own people. I mean, and that's how the Wall Street Journal put it. Like, wow, Israel has to say they're sorry for rescuing these hostages. What a wacky world we live in. We'll come back to this. We'll keep talking about it. But right now we have callers. Jonathan, you're up next. What's going on, Jonathan? Hi, Grace. Nice to talk to you as always. You too. I was just a little off the subject. But regarding the Kean retrial, if there was ever a movie made, I think the girl played Adriana on the Soprano straight to Maddie. I think she would be a really good fix to play Kean Reed. Yeah, she's put in the news a lot lately too because I think she's pretty outspoken about her politics. She's not your typical Hollywood liberal. Yeah, it's always a delicate situation when you're talking about something like this and making it into a movie because I never want to seem like we're making light of what happened there. John O'Keefe is dead and that's horrible and his family has gone through such tragedy. But with that being said on a serious note, there's no doubt they're going to make a movie about this. I mean, there's going to be several movies made. And I think that's a good pick for Kean Reed. The only thing that I wonder because someone else had called me and said, Mark Wahlberg, you want to play Kean Reed? Mark Wahlberg's going to want to play everybody. But the only thing that I wonder, Jared, is age wise. If she might be a little bit too old. Yeah, they can see GIAI that. Someone else called me and said, Oh, Holly from the office who was also in Gone Baby Gone. She did a really good job with like a Southie Dorchester accent in Gone Baby Gone. Her name's Amy Ryan, but she would be tooled too. Like, Kean Reed, sometimes you envision people from what you know them from when they were acting, but it's been 10 or 20 years since. I don't know. But there's a lot of casting going on in regards to this Kean Reed case. We'll be right back with the poll question and we'll take more of your calls after the break. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers. Whether residential, commercial or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now. To learn more, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to With over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients, you can be the next one. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what's been the biggest bombshell moment in the Kean Reed trial? The Haas long questioning Brian Higgins' cell phone destruction or Officer Barrows' cracked tail light testimony. Haas long for me was the most movie-like where he had the projector looking at the 62630-ish, I might not have the exact times, right? I know this doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. What the YouTube chat is saying. Jared, you know as well as I do. YouTube chats are really wild. And so are rumble chats, by the way, to all the rumble viewers out there. Y'all crazy. I love you. Stay with us, but you guys are nuts. But the YouTube chat during that time period where Alan Jackson is showing the 630-ish Google searches, everyone starts going, "Wait a second. No, they don't have the 220. They don't have the--" or whatever, 227. There's no go--"Why do they tell us that? This whole thing's been based on a sham of a mockery of a sham. They got us all hyped up for this 227 and they don't show it." And all of a sudden Alan Jackson says, "Can you scroll up, please?" I'm going to tell the prompter. And then boom. It hits you all over again. Like he really set up the timing of it was perfection as far as I would think the impact on a jerk is keep in mind. And this is something I want to remind people to about the Trump trial is that we're all looking at this with so much context, more context than any one of any time, whatever half. Like we have social media. We have contributors on TV telling us their take. We have lawyers. So I remember when the Trump trial when they came to that verdict, I thought none of these people have heard Jonathan Turley's take on this or heard about Juan Merchant and his daughter and the conflict of interest, at least not to the extent we have. So you have to keep that in mind that for those jurors in the Karen Read trial, that's the first time they're finding that out. And they're going there going, "Oh, that explanation makes sense for the 621." Okay. Yeah. She said that Karen Read, yeah. Karen Read was all wound up and she was asking her to Google it because the police are there and paramedics are there and he's dead and she wants to know how long it takes to die in the cold. So Jen McCabe, being a good friend, takes her phone, Googles it, Googles it wrong, and then does it again. That makes total sense. And then all of a sudden he goes scroll up a little bit and you're a juror and you're sitting there looking at 227, you're going, "Wait a minute. Why did she feel the need to do that one? What could have possibly been happening at that point in time that she would Google that hours before?" So for me, that moment was very cinematic. Now the other one with Brian Higgins was the most comical. Like hearing this guy try to explain how he casually destroyed his cell phone and the cell phone somehow ended up in a trash bag and then that trash bag ended up in his car and his car found its way through a military base and that's where he decided to put it in a dumpster. And for me, as far as the show goes, Jared, that was the funnest, the most fun bit to kind of dissect on the air. So what's your thought? The most shocking for me is the taillight. This is the one I did not see coming. We've had so many people talking about all the pieces. Where are they found them? How they took pictures of it. Did you, Buchanan was talking about whether or not he really mapped out the diameter of where everything was found and how they didn't follow a lot of the procedures about marking the evidence and where it was in relation to where John O'Keefe was hit. So there was a lot of talk about this taillight and then we had the Sallyport video and it was inverted and who was behind the car on the other side of the taillight. There was a lot of talk about the Sallyport, but hearing Officer Barrows today say there was one crack and there was one piece missing, which I think is what he said, or it was cracked and there was one piece missing. That totally changes this entire thing. Somebody here is lying, which I think we've known for a while, but I'm starting to think that the people lying so far, the person who's been, who I've been least skeptical of lying is Karen Reed and that's a problem for the commonwealth. So yeah, I'm going to go with the taillight. Did any of that make sense? I don't know. You know, comment below on the rumble chat. Forty five percent of the audience agrees with you, they say that the officer Barrows' cracked taillight testimony is the biggest bombshell, 28 percent for a host long question, 27 percent for Brian Hagen, the cell phone destruction. So people agree with me. This is the first time this has happened in like three weeks. Wow. Kumbaya, we're all in it together. We were just discussing, and again, very serious, not trying to be flippant, but there are going to be several movies made about this. There's going to be documentaries, which is really what I'm more interested in. I don't really go for the, the actual movies where they like fictionalize it and they put in all these actresses. I just like to have, I like the confessionals where they go, oh, this journalist, this is what they have to say. And you know how Netflix has it kind of in a rhythm where boom, boom, and then they go to this person and they explain it and they have all the, all the, the testimony and they'll have the photographs and all that, but there probably will be a movie with actors. And this would be my tip, not that Mark Wahlberg or anyone else is asking for it. What I find about watching TV shows on like Britbox. So watching European television or movies. This might come off the wrong way. So I'm going to be careful here. I think choosing people who look like regular people, really good actors who look like regular people you might see on the street is a better idea than casting say a Blake Lively. You put a Blake Lively. You put an Angelina Jolie-esque looking person in these movies and it takes you so far out of it because all you can focus on is the distraction of this gorgeous person walking around Canton. And I'm not insulting anybody in this area, but if you just have regular looking people who are good actors, that could be really strong. And that's what they always do well with Britbox and stuff. They always have these actors who you could see them in a coffee shop. You wouldn't go, oh, glamour girl, look at that Hollywood star. You would just go, hey, how you doing? They look like real people. And that's what they need to do here because this is a, this is a story obviously of mystery and suspense, but it's also a story of a town and it's a story about townies. And that's what they gotta try to convey. Yeah. And this isn't commenting on the looks of David Schwimmer or Lawrence Fishburne. And like when David Schwimmer played Robert Kardashian in the OJ. You were like a wise Ross playing. It was like all I saw was Ross and Lawrence Fishburne in this new Clippers, L.A. Clippers series clip is playing Doc Rivers. And it's just like, come on. That's a huge problem though with being a celebrity. It just doesn't work. I was reading this review because I watched this movie a million years ago and it scared the crap out of me. I was in high school. I watched this movie changeling with Angelina Julie. It was so scary and I was looking at it up the other day because I was telling my sister about it. And I found this review of it. In the review, the person said, you know, Angelina Julie does a great job in this. There's no question that her beauty is distracting because when you're watching a movie at a certain point, you're like, wouldn't anyone in Chicago in the 1920s look at this woman and go, Hey, by the way, you're a really beautiful lady. So I just think that if they have really good actors, which we do, we have a lot of people here. We interview actors sometimes in the Boston area. There's a lot of potential, but you got to go and you can't go too heavy because I can accent. Yes, it's a Boston accent, but there's nuance to it. There's a complexity there. So you have to have someone who's really studying it. Might I suggest how we car? He's constantly talking in the canton slang. That's what you need. You need someone with that level of investment. Nick, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. What's going on, Nick? Hey, how you doing, Grace, I always think you know better than me because I haven't really seen a lot of this. I just saw them open up the magical box and make a big deal out of that and then quickly put it back in. I just do distinctly remember, though, when they lured her back, if you will, if they're the guilty party, to go there at 4.30 in the morning, it's very dark, but you could see as she's backing up the vehicle, she bumps into another vehicle. Yeah. That's what you guys say is at least 3,000 to 4,000 pounds. So hitting another vehicle that may weigh 2,000 to 3,000 pounds, there's got to be some damage there. I'm sure you've seen, you know, a little fender, better accident when a stationary object means it meets a moving object, right? Right. And unlike the killing blow, it would have killed Officer Keefe that I understand that's about waist high and that because he was 6'2", but how the hell did he get a huge wound in the back of his head, okay, with the tiny shoes? And that wouldn't have been enough to kill him, that light there. No, no, something else, what I'm saying is, how about the other video where she has to ring camera? Yeah, the ring camera. So Nick, I just show people who can follow along here, and we'll talk to Turtle Boy about this. As I said, we're having him on at 1.30. The ring camera, I was very confused as to why there wasn't more ring camera or there wasn't any ring camera at 34 Fairview. The easy explanation is they didn't have a ring camera, but I was surprised that there was no one nearby or there wasn't any sort of footage because a lot of times when I watch these documentaries, a lot of it comes down to the ring cameras. Everybody has them nowadays, but not at 34 Fairview. Then a ring camera does come into the trial, but it's the ring camera at John O'Keefe's house. What Nick is talking about is when Karen Reed was leaving the house to go back to try to find John O'Keefe, she backed her Lexus into his car. If you watch that video, there's a bump. They make contact. The car kind of rocks a little bit, and then she pulls out. The theory there is that could have been what cracked her tail light. When we had Turtle Boy on, he told us that one of the jurors who, up until that point, because there had been a long period of boring testimony, courtesy of Lally interviewing some of these witnesses and putting people to sleep, that one of the jurors who up into that point had been very bored was re-energized in that moment and wrote down a lot of the jurors started writing down like, "Hey, this car, who knows what they wrote down?" But it was something about the car making contact that made a difference to them. That kind of changed how they viewed this case. I do think a lot of this comes down to the tail light. Thank you for the call, Nick. When we come back, we're going to talk about the protesters. I want everyone's take on this. There's protesters. They were outside the White House, and they were chanting things like jihad and tafada. They were trying to deface national monuments. They were bullying a national park ranger. They were bullying a park ranger who was standing there throwing things at him. As if he's the real enemy, this park ranger trying to protect a monument, a revolutionary war monument. But this is a microcosm, really, of everything that's wrong with the Biden administration. These people are not punished. These people, there's no accountability. They can do whatever they want. They're cheering on Hamas from outside the White House, and the most disgusting part, Joe Biden is trying with all his might to make those people happy, to placate those people, to capitulate to those people, the people harassing the park ranger and calling for jihad, and celebrating Hamas, and calling themselves martyrs, and condemning Israel for rescuing its hostages, for rescuing its people. It is bananas. It's going to be a tough sell since they were holding up a mask of Joe Biden with blood all over it. He doesn't care. He's like, yeah, I get it. I get it. I'm sure he's thinking of himself. You guys are right on. So true. So true. That man. He looks at the picture of himself and he goes, he's a bad dude. We gotta, we gotta make sure we stop that man. No, Joe. That's you. I know. He's crazy. And so are these protesters, and there's no accountability. We'll talk about that. Plus, Jared, what are your favorite topics? And I think because you're a little older than me, resonates more with you. Government waste and also projects that never get built. Does one in California come to mind when I bring that up? The, I believe it was the light, the high speed light rail. Yes. That never was. But high speed, not light, not anything. We're going to talk about that. How many minutes from L.A. to base? Yeah. That was, that was the goal at one point. It's like the EV chargers. Well, how many did they want? Of the EV charger? I think they said 500,000 by 2030. So far, they have eight. So we're chucking along. We're getting there. We'll talk about that and we'll take your calls. 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They have refined this process over 48 years. Luxury homes, rental properties, commercial land, JJ Manning knows how to squeeze all of the juice out of the orange. To learn more on how to get your commercial residential or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or visit JJ Manning dot com. Call Charlie today at 800-521-0111 or go to JJ Manning dot com and get your real estate sold. We'll be right back. Welcome back everyone. Welcome to the Grace Curly show. We've got Ari Hoffman joining us next, but you know, Jared, there's so much sound today and there's so much to get to and I'm worried that we're going to miss a few of these stories. So one that I want to check off our list right now is Molly Jungfast, who was on MSNBC. Something I find frustrating when it comes to Hunter Biden is that this is a man who you can't criticize. He has a protective force field around him. If you do criticize him, you're a right-wing agitator and you're also insensitive to addiction and people who struggle with addiction. I think I've made it, I've been very, you know what, I'm going to use a different word. I was going to say, let me be clear, like KJP, but KJP's been working in something else lately. I've been very mindful about that because I know plenty of people who have struggled with addiction. I think most of us do, someone in our family, someone in our life, someone in our friend group, and I do not take it lightly whatsoever and I don't think it's a laughing matter. But I don't think these two things are conflated. I don't think pointing out the hypocrisy of this family, the double standards when it comes to justice in this country, the coddling that this grown man has gotten from the mainstream media, the way that his treatment of women has been excused by these people who don't want him to be a liability for his dad. It's a level of privilege that he does not deserve and it's a level of privilege by the way that other people who struggle with addiction in this country never, ever receive. Just because you're addicted to something, that usually means that you're struggling and the world can be really tough and if you're lucky, you hit rock bottom and you come back from that. This is a man who has never had to apologize for anything. He's always the victim or he's the superstar or he's the artist or he's getting interviewed by Jimmy Kimmel. He has never, ever held accountable for his actions. And listen to Molly Jung fast, she's talking about her own addiction and then she says this, cut 13. And I don't fault her for sharing it, but I do find it strange that she's lumping herself and with Hunter Biden and it does seem like it's a way to protect him. Again, he's constantly protected by people and he's constantly made out to be the victim in this. He's not the victim in this. Nobody forced him, forget the taking of drug, forget the crack cocaine, nobody forced him to film himself getting sexual favors from women and film them and put it on his laptop. Nobody forced him to lie on a gun form. This idea that he's a victim of circumstance and a victim of right-wing agitators who aren't sensitive to addiction is hogwash, it's malarkey, it's bogus. And while I appreciate Molly Jung fast's story and her struggle, she's almost selling herself short because this guy is a totally different beast when it comes to corruption and bad behavior into botry, leaving the drugs out of it completely, he's not a good guy. We'll be right back.