Jesse Kelly Show

Medal Of Honor Monday featuring D-Day vet Staff Sgt. Walt Ellers

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11 Jun 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan, and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. Chumba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere with daily bonuses. That's your bright new day, Lo. Actually, a lot. So sign up now at Chumba That's Chumba This is a podcast from WOR. The Jesse Kelly show, another hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday. We got it. We're going to dig more into the street communist, the money system behind them, the politicians behind them, the legal system behind them. There's all kinds of stuff going on surrounding these DC protests. We'll get into that this hour. Do some emails, maybe some calls later on this hour. I haven't decided yet. I'm not quite sure. But we're pausing all that for now because after all, it's Monday. Remember, by the way, you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly love, hate death threats and Medal of Honor, citation recommendations are also welcome there. There are a ton of these. If you have ones, especially ones that are close to you in any way, someone you met, family member, neighbor, just a story that touched your heart, you could email and hey, would you mind doing this one? And look, there's a backlog. Okay, people been emailing these in for quite a while, but there are some gems in there. Every Monday, for you new listeners, we take a Medal of Honor, citation. And when someone earns a Medal of Honor, they do a write up on it. It's called a citation. And we read it. That's all we do. We honor the men, honor the deeds, sometimes tell a little history around it. This is something you can do and should do in your life, whether it's with just your kids, your school, your team that you coach, whatever it is you do. Sunday school will work fine. Probably these are, they're not political. They're not anything. It's just stories of heroism, remembering the men, the deeds, the things they did. We got this email. Jesse, I have a great Medal of Honor winner for you. His name is Walt Ehlers. And he was a D day vet with the big red one. That's one of the army units. They call him big red. I had the pleasure to meet him twice and took photos with him, which I proudly display in my classroom. And yes, I am a history teacher. Gosh, we have so many freaking history teachers that listen to this show. It just blows me away. It's awesome. You know what it is though, Chris? It's intimidating. I tell all these history stories and you have all these history teachers that know everything. Yes, I'm a history teacher. In one of the photos, he's actually wearing his congressional medal of honor, which he received from Truman. He's a great story and a valuable reference on D day. He passed away in 2014. He picked up the good fight. And God bless. And without further ado, let's honor the man D day vet and Medal of Honor recipient honoring those who went above and beyond its Medal of Honor Monday. For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty on the 9th and 10th of June, 1944 near Goville, France. Staff Sergeant Ellers acting as the spearhead of the attack repeatedly led his men against heavily defended enemy strong points, exposing himself to deadly hostile fire whenever the situation required heroic and courageous leadership. Without waiting for an order, Staff Sergeant Ellers far ahead of his men led his squad against the strongly defended enemy strong point, personally killing four of an enemy patrol who attacked him en route. Then crawling forward under withering machine gun fire, he pounced upon the gun crew and put it out of action. Turning his attention to two mortars protected by crossfire of two machine guns, Staff Sergeant Ellers led his men through this hail of bullets to kill or put to flight the enemy of the mortar section, killing three of them himself. After mopping up the mortar positions, he again advanced on a machine gun, his progress effectively covered by his squad. When he was almost on top of the gun, he leaped to his feet and although greatly outnumbered, he knocked out the position single handedly. The next day, having advanced deep into enemy territory, the platoon of which Staff Sergeant Ellers was a member, finding itself in an untenable position as the enemy brought increased mortar machine gun and small arms fired to bear on it, was ordered to withdraw. Staff Sergeant Ellers, after his squad had covered the withdraw of the remainder of the platoon, stood up and by continuous fire at the semi circle of enemy placements, diverted the bulk of enemy hostile fire on himself, thus permitting the members of his own squad to withdraw. At this point though, wounded himself, he carried his wounded automatic rifle into safety and then returned fearlessly over the shell swept field to retrieve the automatic rifle which he was unable to carry previously. After having his wound treated, he refused to be evacuated and returned to lead his squad. The intrepid leadership and domitable courage and fearless aggressiveness displayed by Staff Sergeant Ellers in the face of overwhelming enemy forces serve as an inspiration to others. And since he passed away in 2014 and we just had D-Day, probably go ahead and play taps for the man rest in peace warrior. [Music] You know, something hits me more and more. I'll get back to the politics here in just a second. Something's been hitting me more and more. I guess, I don't know whether it's an age thing or what's what's happening in the country, the state of the country thing, but these World War II vets. Do you see any of those videos of the D-Day guys from last week? You probably did. If you didn't, let me spoil something for you. They're really old. They're old. One guy saw was 99. A couple of them I saw either need assistance to walk on the beach or they were in wheelchairs. If I may ask you to do something and I'll tell you, I'm going to do this with my sons at some point over the next year. Over the next year, you might find yourself in a situation where there is an event in your town or driving distance or you'll be visiting someplace where they're honoring World War II vets. There's all kinds of local stuff they do all over the country honoring these veterans. Go talk to one. It's just worth it to talk to one. I've had the great privilege of talking to a couple in my life more than one. Honestly, one of the experiences that I believe had a big impact on my life is when I was 16, I think, when I was 16, I got a job with the local golf course just trying to make money, washing golf clubs, fixing things, doing whatever I could do to try to make money. This wonderful old man would always come out in golf, always at the same time every day, always come out in golf. I would always clean his golf clubs, it would always give me five bucks. I'd clean his golf clubs and he'd tip me five bucks for it and it was wonderful. We started talking more and more and more and obviously I'm 16. This is pre-marine corps days and all that stuff to me. I find out that he's a Pearl Harbor veteran and our conversations got longer and longer and longer as it went on. And when he first started dropping off his golf clubs for me, he'd drop off his golf clubs and he'd go in the golf club and eat some breakfast, get a gatorade, get something like that. He stopped doing that. He'd bring his clubs over and he'd set them down and he would just talk to young, stupid, immature 16-year-old Jesse. When I was doing the best I could describe his golf clubs for five bucks and he ended up telling me his story of Pearl Harbor and what he went through and I watched that old man shed tears over it and I'll tell you, I treasure that because I'm sure he's gone now. He was he was old then. I'm sure he's gone now. No, we didn't keep in touch. I'm sad to say I don't know. I can't even tell you his name. I don't remember anymore, but we're going to miss them when they're gone and they're worth talking to even as you just walk up and thank him for their service and have your kids do that. We need to thank these guys. All right. All right. Let's get back and talk some more of this garbage politics break more down. Why we see what we see? Why do they get away with what they get away with? We've already gone over the street animals and we've gone over some of the money system. Let's talk about the legal system portion of it and some politicians and whatnot. Before we do that, I do have some rough news out of the Kelly house. My mother was visiting this weekend and I told you last week that she spoils the dog. She'll show up with gifts for the dog and no one else and Fred because he just owns her and all she does is love on Fred. The whole time he's there. He won't let it. He won't leave her side. If she shuts him out of her room, he wants he sits and winds at the door to which she lets him in. She left this morning. We put her back on a plane to Montana. Fred hadn't been right since he hasn't left the front door. He keeps just pathetically whining by the front door to the point where you know the dog's supposed to comfort you. We're all comforting the dog throughout the day. That's what that dog is done to us. I'm so embarrassed that I took part in that too. But I do hope he lives for a really long time. They become part of the family. We give Fred rough greens because we want Fred to live longer. Our dogs die too early because they don't get nutrition from dog food. Poor rough greens on your dog's foods. You can have him longer. Real nutrition. All natural nutritional supplement. 83333mydog or Fighting for your freedom every day. One of the things that's been a legend in my family is my middle name is Robyn A. And allegedly I've been told by my grandfather that I'm a son of the American Revolution because my minute came over with Lafayette and never went home. I'm a state in the United States. So it makes me a son of the American Revolution. Of course he is. Joe Biden has done it all. Anyway it is the Jesse Kelly show. Remember if you miss any part of the show you can download the whole thing on I hard spotify iTunes in case you're just joining us. I can't possibly recap it all for you. You're gonna have to go download a podcast of everything. We've been going over. Okay. A bunch of street animals, a bunch of commie street animals, descended on DC over the weekend, spraying, painting everything, running secret service agents and cops out of the park, general anarchy, you know, standard commie stuff. And there's been a lot of why are they doing this? How do they get away with this on the right? And we're just explaining that the problem is much much deeper than people realize. But like I said, I've got some good news coming on the back end of it deeper, but not as deep. I know that sounds confusing. I'll explain anyway. So we've gone over the street animal part of it, who they are. We know who they are. Most of them, most of them are lost. Don't even know what they're doing there. Some of them are true believers. The ring leaders are paid to be there. This is what they do rent a riot stuff. This is what they do. They're paid. They're organized. They have the Beto money funds set up set up by who? By the billionaires, by the various billionaires, foreign and domestic who fund American communism. All right. Now that's what you miss so far. And we went into it in more depth than that. Now let's move on to a different part. You know who Matthew Graves is? This is one of those names that should be on everyone's mind. There are when you look back at various communist societies, there are names that are kind of the headliners of the society, not necessarily the dictators themselves. Everyone knows who Stalin is. Everyone knows who Mao is, but the people underneath them sort of sort of the chief henchmen who were in charge of so much evil. Matthew Graves, when they look back on our communist period in America, let's hope it's a limited one, Matthew Graves will be on the short list. Who's Matthew Graves? Well, Matthew Graves is the attorney, the prosecutor, US attorney of DC. He's the US attorney in DC. He's the one who's been taking January six protesters. Everyone he can get his hands on and overcharging them to such a degree that it is believed a lot of these people will flat out get out on appeal because Matthew Graves has essentially ruined as many lives as of right wingers as he possibly can. He's taken his position as US attorney of DC and used it to attack his political enemies. Oh, did I mention his wife? Matthew Graves is married. His wife's name is Fatima Goss Graves. Who's Fatima Goss Graves? Well, she's a leading communist activist in the country and she has checked into the White House for meetings with the Bidens over a dozen times since Joe Biden took office. The wife of the DC US attorney ruining the lives of January six protesters sits down with the president himself often. Now, why did I bring up Matthew Graves? Well, just a couple of days ago, one of these pro Hamas protester types rears back and socks a cop in the face, female cop, just boom, blasts are in the face. What was his penalty? 48 hours of community service. Now pause. Do not do that. That thing that we we do it instinctively because that's all conservatism has been for my whole life. That's so hypocritical after what he did to the January six protesters. Stop. We have to move beyond hypocrisy. That's terrible. It's lame. It's the most brain dead thing in the world. Of course, who's being quote, hypocritical. He's a communist. He's there to punish his enemies and reward his friends. The hypocritical nature of how he does it is the whole point of him taking the job. He's there to protect his friends, the dirty communist street animal who socks a cop. Matthew Graves understands that his job is to ensure that that animal is let out of jail. The me ma who saunters through the Capitol door because she's been invited in by the Capitol police. Matthew Graves sends her to federal prison for 10 years because his job is to take his political enemies and throw them in cages. Matthew Graves is doing his job. Hate him all you want. You should. What you should be doing is craving a GOP that operates the same way. We'll get to them in a moment, but Matthew Graves and his wife Fatima Goss graves. They give you at least some idea of the legal protections that have been put in place for the communists in this country. And why do they have so much of the justice system? They took over the law schools. The law schools were always pretty bad. Now they're unrecognizedly communist. Why bother doing that with the law schools? Because this generation's legal students, law students who are graduating are the next generation of US attorneys in DC, the Alvin Braggs of the world, the Matthew Graves of the world. You take over the law school. You have the judges in DAs in your pockets. You see, I told you, this has been a process getting them to the place where they're in enough power to protect their street animals is not an event. It's been a process. Now that's the legal portion. Let's dig into the political portion and wrap this up. Hang on. Is the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday? We are finishing up our little talk here about why are they get away with these things, these, these terrible things. Why do these protesters get away with destroying stuff? Then we'll get to some emails. I have some FBI DOJ stuff, probably take some calls and some other things, but back to back to the final group of our groups. Okay, you know about the street animals now, you know about the big money behind it. You know about the legal protections. Legal protections are they're important, but also the politicians. You know, we spent a lot of time on the show mocking the ridiculousness of Joe Biden for obvious reasons. He's a ridiculous person mocking the ridiculousness of really all politicians. So many of them are ridiculous, but they also are powerful. When it comes to politics, what we're talking about is power. Politics almost is the wrong word for it because it makes it sound kind of like a clownish side show. Just because clownish side show people are the ones who participate in it doesn't mean it's a clownish side show. These people have power and the street animals on the ground, they understand very, very, very well that the people in power want them to do these things. The communists a long time ago, decades ago realized that the Democratic party was the perfect, perfect carcass they could put on themselves to usher in every single part of communism into this country. They've been so good at using the Democrat party for that. Now you have the Senate majority leader speaking like this. I want it. I should note once again, just to remind you, this is the Senate majority leader and not long after he gave this speech, a man packed weapons in a bag, including a gun loaded and ready and flew from California to go assassinate Brett Kavanaugh and very likely would have succeeded if the man's sister hadn't found out freaked out and called the police. That man made that flight after this speech. I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. The politicians have a critical role to play. They all work together. You see it all goes back to the legal system, the billionaires, the street animals that I have mentioned, how important certain aspects are of that kind of four headed monster. But the truth is they all have critical roles to play. I generally just divide them up the elites in the streets, but they all have a role to play. You have to have people going out there, destroying things, agitating, creating chaos, wearing out society. You have to have billionaires who will pay for all of this. You have to have a guy willing to write a check with money. He knows he'll never get back. He has to fund this organization and that organization. And you just have to have those people. You have to have the legal system in parts of the country, as I've explained several times, because they took over the law schools, because they now have every single level of power. There are parts of America that are communist now. New York City, Washington, DC, these types of places, they are communist now. They are top to bottom, where the communists can get away with whatever they want. And the good people cannot get away with jaywalking. That's the truth. And the politicians, they all have critical roles to play. Now that's all the bad stuff. The good, well, you know, one more, one more point on this. This was Biden's spokesperson talking about the protesters. Keep in mind these protesters, they weren't even doing the pro-Palestine thing. They just, a lot of them had science that said Hamas, Hezbollah. These are foreign terrorist organizations. And well, listen, how are these persistent protests weighing on the campaign? Well, first of all, President Biden, certainly unlike President Trump, supports the freedom of speech and the freedom of expression. So obviously these protesters are exercising their right, and that is their right to do. That being said, we certainly understand it's a challenge. President Biden is certainly fighting for every vote. He's not taking anything for granted. But look, this is the freedom that people have going back to the message of freedom. They have the right to protest. They have the right to speak their mind. Walk on that tightrope. Anyway, now that was all the bad news. Let's do the good news. And then we'll do some emails. I get some calls here in just a few. If you want to call that's fine, get right to the point because I'm, I'm really, I'm not sure that I even want to do this tonight. So no droning on, no small talk. I'm just going to cut off the whole thing. eight, seven, seven, three, seven, seven, four, three, seven, three, right to the point eight, seven, seven, three, seven, seven, four, three, seven, three, I don't care if you're man, I don't care if you hate me, whatever, keep it family friendly and get to the point you can say whatever you want. All right. Now that was all the bad news. Here's the good news. We actually could handle all this because the communist network is a mile wide. I realized that but in inch deep, there aren't that many people you have to handle. But this goes back to what I was talking about at the very beginning of the show. We have got to drop this hands off laissez-faire idea of freedom. Freedom can only be maintained if the people who want to take it away are dealt with aggressively. The street animals. It's time to round them up and throw them in cages. Throw them in cages right next to the American billionaires who fund this stuff. If you are a billionaire and you fund this kind of violent illegal street activism, you should be prosecuted in the exact same way the mob boss is prosecuted under Rico laws, even though he wasn't the one handling the can the cocaine. These Republican DAs, GOP DAs should be dismantling the left wing money network in this country. Instead of hands off hands on legally, you cannot allow these people to operate within the borders of red states. I come back to this over and over and over again. Can you save New York City from all this crap? Probably not. Can you save Austin, Texas? Oh, yeah. If the state of Texas would get serious about this stuff, you could save and should save everything within your borders. It is a mile wide and an inch deep. We can break up these organizations. There aren't that many of them. We can throw the street communists and the elite communists in prison. There aren't that many of them. Now, as far as the foreign communists go, they have to be dealt with in different ways because you can't just send the cops over there, kick in the door and throw handcuffs on them. What are those ways? You can ban them from your borders, can threaten them with immediate arrest and imprisonment if they ever come back. You can do all sorts of things. And I realize this is the point where everyone starts to fantasize about sending Delta Force to the home of George Soros. Look, I understand where you're coming from, but I will always come back to this. Remember this? History kind of proves this. Same thing as it may be sometimes. Very, very, very difficult to kill your way out of a problem. It's a look. No one's tried more than communists have. Communists just kill everyone because human life doesn't mean anything to the anti-human. So they'll just round people up in mass and slaughter on mass graves, and they still have never been able to get rid of their political enemies. The regimes end up getting toppled and collapsing. Very, very difficult historically to kill your way out of a problem. But nevertheless, it must be done. And it can be done if we create a GOP that has the guts to do it. Now, that's all we lack is the guts. And notice I said create the GOP. The one we have now is pathetic. We don't have anyone in it. Very few people in it are willing to do it. They want to go along. They want to be nice. They want things to be normal. We need confrontational people. And I don't mean being mean to a reporter kind of confrontational. I mean, Senator, you're under arrest, that kind of confrontation. All right. Now, look, maybe the GOP we have. Maybe we can reform them with enough chalk. I don't know. Look, the male vitality stack from chalk. It is a powerful thing. 20% increase in your testosterone levels in just 90 days. That's amazing with natural herbal supplements. Is that enough? I don't know if it's enough, but it's a start. We'll start every single GOP or on some chalk, and then hopefully we'll get more confrontational people because it's going to take a lot of confrontation. Freedom must be aggressively maintained with your male vitality stack from chalk. C H O Q dot com fellas. You want to feel better, more energy, get the fog lifted out of your mind. Chuck dot com promo code Jesse, Chuck dot com promo code Jesse. Get some emails and some calls. Next, hang on. The Jesse Kelly show on a Monday. Of course, it was a middle of honor Monday. If you missed any part of the show, you can download the whole thing. I hard spotify iTunes. You want to email the show. You can do that. Jesse at Jesse Kelly I'm actually going to do a couple emails for we get to any calls or anything like that. So I'm a little behind on those. We'll get to some FBI DHS stuff in a little bit. 877-377-4373. Jesse, your Friday show hit me like a rock. If we are a two party system and one party is engaging in law fair and the other doesn't respond in kind, what are we to conclude other than that one party is simply controlled opposition? Is this a single party system now? And the only way out is with an anti-communist dictator? All right. So let's let's talk about this idea because you've heard me say something to this effect many times on the show, not that that's the only way out, but that that's where I think we're going. That the era of freedom, limited government, that kind of stuff. I'm very, very concerned that it's passed. And now our future is going to be left-wing dictators or right-wing dictators. Look, the left is very open that that's what they want. No Supreme Court, no legislature, no nothing. Have you ever heard of Judith Butler? Judith Butler, she's this horrific communist tag all about all trans stuff. You name the communist cause. She's all about it. Well, listen to her. Intensification of state powers and their surveillance mechanisms in particular that we are no longer able to have that conversation. Put both values on the table. See, that's exactly what I mean, my licentiousness in terms of the ways in it was personal liberty, language is mobilized for licentiousness. Yes, because even John Stewart, man, you got a harm principle. Yes, you do have a harm principle. There's no liberty without constraints. Yeah. There's no freedom without constraints. I understand this. Well, it's one thing for me to say, I must constrain myself in order not to do harm. And then I am still here in the position of the individual calculating what's harm, what's not. And he taught us how to calculate. But there might be an ethics that's beyond calculation. In other words, I'm thinking about my life, which means others are thinking about it in the same way. And we are linked in this living world in this on this planet, right, which is why the interdependency that we need to understand to fight COVID is also the interdependency we need to understand to fight climate destruction. I agree. And so we need a, I would call it a communist ontology. Well, there's solidarity. Well, that's, that's, they try to use a bunch of big words there, but you really got what she was saying at the end. Hey, we're all in this together. If we're all stuck here together, fighting COVID, all stuck here together to fight climate change. Well, obviously we need, we need one ruling party to enforce this because we're all together, right? So what's the opposition to that? Well, look, I believe the right will choose a dictator. I've long believed that. I believe that's what the people now hunger for. The era of limited government or small government. Sadly, I think it is probably past us. I don't celebrate that. I don't want to live under a dictator. The problem with living under a dictator, even one who may share some of your values is what if the next guy doesn't? What if the one you have who shares your values? What if, what if he stops sharing your values? Or what if he decides that you are as any living under a dictatorship is not something I desire. However, here's why I believe that we are going that way. I know I don't believe that's the only way we can get out of this. I believe the way, the appropriate way to fight communism in this country is legally and locally take back your neighborhood, take back your community that will eventually spread. And then we can say back the country, not from DC out, but from the outside in. However, but that that's a long complicated process that takes effort. And the effort part of it is the part that eludes so many people. And that's not just, that's not just modern America. The history of the world is full of that. People getting unhappy with their current situation, unhappy with whatever it may be, whatever the government is doing to them. And instead of digging in and wanting to fix it themselves, finding someone who promises to fix it and say, Hey, yeah, I like the sounds of that guy. Hey, go do that. And then eventually you're stuck with a dictator. Now, I believe we will eventually choose one. I've told you before, I think the next Republican primary, let's take all the Trump stuff out of it and what not, because he gives people blinders, people who love him and hated my blinders when it comes to Trump. Let's just pretend like Trump's gone. He maybe had another four years and he's gone. He retired. All the Trump stuff over is over. Pick a name out of a hat of there's a bunch of people running we've never heard of before. And one guy four years from now, one guy stands up and says, I am not here to promise anybody freedom. I'm not here to promise anybody prosperity. If you elect me, I promise to arrest at least 10,000 journalists in my first year and send them to federal prison. Tell me what percentage of the primary vote that guy would get. I'll tell you right now, I'd listen. And I've just told you, I don't want a dictator, but journal media people are so evil and so responsible for so much of the filth that's gone on in this country. And they've abused us and spit on us so many times. That's a message that would resonate with me. Hopefully I wouldn't vote that way. But I bet you that guy'd get half the primary vote. What's happened as we've watched the left weaponize and arrest us and attack us and kill us. And now I mean, look, it's bad. I'll tell you right now. Records show the FBI provided Democrats with information on whistleblowers who testified at a May 2023 weaponization hearing. Whistleblowers came forward to talk about some bad things. The FBI took their information and gave it to the Democrats. When stories like this come out, people will inevitably say, who's going to stop it? Find me the man who will stop it. Who's going to go arrest these guys? Who's going to do that? That's why I believe a dictator is coming. On one side or the other, or both. You know, that happens too. All right, enough. This has been a podcast from WOR. Hello. It is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba Casino dot com. I looked over the person sitting next to me. And you know what they were doing? They're also playing Chumba Casino. Go incidents? I think not. Everybody's loving having fun with it. Chumba Casino is home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere, even at 30,000 feet. So sign up now at Chumba Casino dot com to claim your free welcome bonus. 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