Jesse Kelly Show

Freedom is not passive

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11 Jun 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba Casino calm I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They're also playing Chumba Casino Go incidents. I think not everybody's loving having fun with it Chumba Casino is home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime anywhere even at 30,000 feet So sign up now at Chumba Casino calm to claim your free welcome bonus. That's Chumba Casino calm and live the Chumba life No purchase necessary People who are hostile to freedom in your society and throw them into cages You see that El Salvadorian president you realize how violent El Salvador was just a few years ago You couldn't visit. It was a place that was run by violence now It is the safest place in Latin America by a mile Probably the safest place in the Western hemisphere. You can go walk at midnight down Main Street with your wife now Not a care in the world Tucker sat down with his president. Hey, what? What exactly did you do? We basically and there are a roll-up of phase six we basically pacify the country in a couple of weeks How do you do that? How do you pacify a country? Well, the faces included a building up of the police forces the army we double the army We literally double the army to fight crime to to to use I'm gonna let that literally go because I like it the army to fight crime and We equipped them Before like soldiers within a have like he goes on to talk about how they gave them weapons and drones and things like that But the important part was a couple weeks from the most violent wretched place To the safest place around in a couple weeks The bad guys. Yes, they are all around us They're in inch deep if we treat them with aggression with hostility We can have a country again If not, well, we're gonna have more of this whistle blower charged by the DOJ after exposing Gender-affirming care at the hospital. We don't use that term gender-affirming care. This is from just the news There's no such thing as gender-affirming care. There's mutilating people children and adults Texas Children's Hospital They're trans and kids Chopping penises off cutting the breasts off of young girls a doctor Ethan Haim a surgeon came forward and said hey These guys are these guys are violating the law. They're they're chopping up parts of the kids Biden's Department of Justice. I'm gonna send they got a federal prison for four years We need to treat these people with aggression. All right. Let's do this. Don't care what your problem is or whatever it is Get to it quickly Gary or I'm sorry not Gary Grant, Oklahoma. Don't yell at me. I screwed up your name. Go Hey, no worries Thanks for being a veteran. I'm also a two-time veteran myself. I enjoy your show You said something last week that I think is very correct We are not going to stay together all 50 state. I think that is very sad I don't advocate that but I don't see any way around it and here's why let's look at America's foreign policy We had no problem convincing people who were fighting communism for decades after World War two We Sent troops to Vietnam We know how that turned out open up your closet. Look at all the clothing items made from Vietnam We sent troops to Communist China to supposedly fight mouth say tongue We threw Shanghai Shek under the bus for those who need a little history lesson. He wanted to establish a Com and not a communist regime, but Shanghai Shek wanted a constitutional republic very similar to the United States We did not support him. I don't think the way that we should have Thirdly since World War one 650,000 American soldiers have died on foreign soil and we have allowed this Yet what's baffling to me as someone who has served my country twice volunteered both times I Don't think this country has citizens tough enough to fight against communism on their own soil for some strange reason We don't mind watching him get slaughtered 10,000 miles away, but we won't do a damn thing about it in our own Now I understand what you're saying, and I don't I don't actually have any disagreement with it with anything you just said there I Will say though Yes, we do have a people problem said that many times We don't have a politician problem as much as it hurts you and hurts me These scumbags who run our country are an accurate reflection of us. They are That's why I kind of just Smirk whenever I see someone say Ilhan Omar get her out of Congress. Why she ain't Congress? She shouldn't be there. I Think she's a perfect reflection of her district perfect reflection The the converse the congressman from your area should represent your district That's her district. Why shouldn't she be there? I think we have a people problem the people keep sending her there now as far as Us being unwilling to deal with communism in our own country It's important to understand this We have for years and years and years been conditioned by our Putrid education system with the which the communists took over right away if you read the anti-communist manifesto Available at Jesse Kelly book calm then you would understand what they did and why they did it They took over the education system and in our education system We don't learn about the evils of communism. We don't We don't now. I understand there are good teachers listening to this show who probably do But as a whole when you emerge from high school in this country You grades K through 12 you just did K through 12 education on average The American student can't really do math very well anymore. They certainly can't speak. They can't write at all They can't punctuate anything, but they do know that the United States of America is a pretty racist place After all we used to have slaves, and you know what else they don't know they don't know Jack about communism about Communist atrocities about communist involvement here in America. Oh sure. They've heard the names Mao In Stalin, but when you what's that Michael? What do you say it over there? Go ahead. Go ahead. It's it Well, hi chicken now that well anyway Yeah, when you would you graduate high school you will do You'll spend three or four weeks in a year on the evils of slavery on the genocide of the native Americans Will you ever do three weeks on? Po pot exterminating 25% of his country in four years you won't Are people have been educated to think America is the root of all evil instead of what actually is freakin awful Ivan Idaho go Hey, so I know that you are an incredibly well-read individual. So perhaps you have already heard of this book But I have a book recommendation for you and perhaps anybody with young children The book is help mom. There are liberals under my bed Hmm Yeah, who wrote a book my dad taught me to read with that book Help mom. There are liberals under the bed Chris look that up. That's awesome. They get it's tough to find kids education stuff out there It's real real tough Gary New York go Trump get out of Cretona Park in the south Bronx and get out to the Oh Dang it. I think I think that was the guy on the all that was gonna be Steven man at and I got so excited that I fat-fingered the button I know that was him anyway He was gonna talk about Trump in New York before he did have you heard of Steven Manhattan thing Which is my favorite thing in the world? Look people are riding on Trump a little bit He's gotten some gotten some guff for doing a bunch of campaigning in New York You know, I'm more than willing to criticize Trump when I have problems with him. He was stuck in New York He was stuck there and he had to stay close to home. So Don't delude yourself. He's not gonna win New York He's not you're stuck in a win New York But if that's the only place you can have campaign events and that's the only place you can have campaign again campaign events All right, I want to talk to the forum policy thing for just the moment because this guy brought something up and speaking of trumpets Let's talk about that and what something Lindsey Graham had to say gosh Lindsey Graham was just the friggin worst Then we'll get back to these eight seven seven three seven seven four three seven three before we get to that That's the Let's talk about making some preparations, shall we? We have to make preparations not extreme things not even fun crazy things like I want to do Which is by a nuclear bunker. I just don't have the money But we do have to do basics medical supplies. How are you gonna have clean water and One of the things that haunts me when I think about this too long as EMPs, you know what EMPs are Real wave of the future stuff when it comes to what they can do with them electromagnetic pulse it fries Everything electronic in your area your power grid Did you do you remember the interview I did a couple weeks ago about our power grid and the attacks on it? How are you gonna get juice when they fry out the power grid? You know about my Patriots apply you know about emergency three-month food kits They have something now which I wholeheartedly endorse It's called the grid doctor 300. What a great freakin name the grid doctor 300 It's a solar powered generator a solar powered generator Get you enough juice to get you by your fridge your phone whatever you have The 50 bucks off right now at prepare with Jesse Kelly calm Prepare with Jesse Kelly calm generators, baby. We'll be back Miss something We'll get back to the emails and calls here in a few eight seven seven three seven seven four three seven here I want to talk about something Maybe a little a little heavy also, but something that was hitting me today. I had a chance I sat down for a while with Mike Bens. I've had Mike Bens on before I need to bring him back on the radio I'm having him on my TV show actually tonight. He's one of these Spook types he knows a lot about a lot knows where a lot of the bodies are buried and We were talking about many many things about The State Department the CIA FBI Specifically we were talking about Mark Millie's involvement in January 6th But the more I talk to him and the more I talk to people who know Something is becoming clearer to me and I believe I'm right about this. I Was trying to figure out I've been trying to figure out What the absolute hatred for Trump from the left? Where it came from now? Let me let me pause and we put a couple disclaimers on that. I Understand anytime a Republican is elected America's left acts like it's Adolf Hitler. I get that I was here for the Bush years - I was in the Marine Corps during all that I saw all that I understand that I get that so that that's part of it for sure. I Understand that Trump's nature creates love or hatred in people very few people are like me where they just I don't I don't love Or hate him. He just he's a politician. I don't believe in loving or hating them I really don't care about him at all. He's a rental car to me like they all are get me to where I'm going Then I'll dump you and pick someone else But he does create that in people love or hatred. I get that I get I get that as well But I think you would acknowledge and at least by my observation It was turned up under Trump That hatred was turned up Chris am I have I had a bounce in that Michael London. I'm out of yeah It was turned up to a level that was weird almost on day one and part of the reason I thought it was so weird was Trump is not Some dictator type and Trump is not even someone you would consider to be conservative He's really not he's he's a fairly pragmatic Extremely moderate far too moderate for my taste businessman He's really somebody as far as Republicans go that Democrats should Enjoy Remember Trump was Trump views himself as a deal maker. He wrote the book the art of the deal right when he got elected You could tell he just wanted to get things done get things done for the country. That's how he viewed it He didn't come at it where I would come at it from from a more ideological standpoint He just wanted to get stuff done and remember he started trying to get deals done even on the border Remember he tried to strike a border deal with them's that involved amnesty It was yeah, no, no, we'll give you some amnesty But we get the wall first and we get to deport people. He was just trying to strike a deal very prog very pragmatic type guy And they acted like he's Mussolini and I just have never been able to fully understand why I couldn't Quite get it, but the more I talk to these foreign policy types and the more I talk to these people Who know where the bodies are buried in various places the more I? Believe it's Donald Trump's foreign policy Not immigration policy as much not trade policy But the truth is American industry American politics it exists a On the vast quantities of money that are made through combat overseas Combat and making sure certain territories are taken care of You know, you remember we've we've gone over this story before about Ukraine About the insane money we've poured in and remember I told you the money we've poured in now won't be a fraction as much as we pour in after it's over and they've already announced partnerships with America's finance giants to help rebuild Ukraine after it's gone the truth is That it's not billions at stake. It's trillions with a tea at stake and Trump to his credit has always been against that and always spoken out loudly against that he was one of the loudest voices against Iraq back when that wasn't very popular Trump was saying this is crap What are we doing here? We weren't even attacked there and The more I hear people like Lindsey Graham the more convinced I am That that's where the problem really is the deep state whatever you want to call it the real problem They had with Trump came from that and yes, I know Trump and Lindsey Graham I know they link up, but what are you getting funny gonna do this stuff happens all the time with these guys? But this was Lindsey Graham. He was complaining about Tuberville senator Tuberville one of the good ones your Republican colleague Senator Tommy Tuberville just this past week said on Steve Bannon show that Vladimir Zelinski is a dictator and unconstitutional I wonder if those are marks from your fellow senator represent the GOP Let me pause for a moment That's not debatable Vladimir de Vince Zelinski is a dictator. You may love him He's a dictator They have suspended elections They have eliminated the domestic opposition. I don't care whether you use a dictator you like or dictator You hate he is a dictator period and a story Oh, it represents him and him alone if you spend 15 minutes studying Putin and what he wants He wants to re recreate the Russian Empire. He's not gonna stop in Ukraine. We celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-Day It was a failure. It was the unnecessary war Destroyed by Winston Churchill. We had a dozen chances to stop Hitler It's not about NATO it's not about American weapons in Ukraine It's about a megalomaniac wanting to create the Russian Empire by force of arms if you don't stop Vladimir Putin couldn't take Ukraine Vladimir Putin yes, he has pieces of Ukraine that he will keep but the Russian military wasn't strong enough to take all of Ukraine that he wanted But he's going to Take all of Europe What that's crazy. It doesn't even make sense that that makes no sense at all unless of course the goal is War without end headline France seeks direct entry into Ukraine I believe that the real hatred for Trump Came from his foreign policy That's what I believe. I'll always believe that. Anyway, we'll get to some more emails and calls in just a second before we do that Remember, there's always a bonus when you're calling from a pure talk phone. You get whatever soundboard item you'd like Why? Because we don't support garbage in this company in this country at least not on this show Your cell phone company unless you have pure talk probably supports garbage at right garbage Pure talk they love this country love this country Pick up your cell phone and dial pound 250 and say Jesse Kelly While your cell phone company is giving to pride month pure talks giving to America's warrior partnership helping our veterans Come back into society helping them with jobs medical care That's what pure talks all about Dial pound 250 and say Jesse kelly their ceo is a veteran. He loves america. All right All right emails phone calls Is the Jesse kelly show on a monday? Of course it was a medal of honor monday if you missed that or you missed any part of the show We broke down all kinds of stuff you can download the whole thing on i hard spotify iTunes jesse I always thought the u.s. Shouldn't get involved in nation building and policing the world We should have stayed isolationists, but these days I hear a lot of people saying that doesn't work Can you support or attack isolationism? I do it myself, but figure stealing your words and claiming that is my own would do you more honor That's from craig. Okay, look Here's the honest truth Nations themselves are going to serve themselves. That's the nature of any organization whether it's a family a small business A small country a large country nations are going to be in it for themselves Nations are also filled and oftentimes led by very selfish people Terrible people stupid people that's not a modern day thing obviously it's really bad today Maybe worse than ever, but that's that's look at one point in time the most powerful empire on the planet Had a ruler who wanted to make his horse a senator Yeah, it's bad It gets really bad out there sometimes And so america's forum policy and the founders were emphatic about this if you want to read something Fascinating go read it's a little long but it's not terrible go read george washington's farewell address It's farewell address. I believe that's actually what it's titled is farewell address chris look that up and make sure i'm right about that george washington's farewell address Where he talks about our forum policy it should be We trade with everyone here and we mind our own freaking business and he even says in there Europe these places they're always in new wars someone's always starting something Someone always has a reason to graze up an army and march it off to war and slaughter a bunch of your own young men We here in america. We don't do that We mind our own business here and what's insane about our forum policy today is that forum policy i just explained That was the forum policy for the vast majority of our existence Clear up in and in fact through world war one They had to tell a bunch of lies and twist a bunch of arms to get us into world war one because the people didn't want it The people the american people didn't want world war two That's how that's how ingrained isolationism if you want to call that is the american people and we hated nazis Before we even knew about what was before the holocaust even existed We did not like nazis here in america. We were we hated hitler We hated nazi germany. We thought it was terrible And if you were a politician And you said you wanted to get involved in world war two You would have lost your election democrat or republican any congressman senator or president Immediately it wouldn't have even been close. That's how emphatic the american people were about getting involved In other people's wars. Nope. We are free here. We build an economy here. We don't have a gigantic standing army here We have a good navy because that's what you need to protect your country when you're surrounded by two major oceans And we mind our own business and trade with everyone and look at what america was up to that Versus what they've done to us now 34 Trillion in debt the spending and printing without end now People can't afford freaking McDonald higher prices for food and labor have for some restaurants to declare bankrupt seat or close locations Including red lobster apple bees and california based rubios 80 percent of americans now consider fast food a luxury item And they're looking for ways to save by choosing cheaper restaurants or eating at home if you look at the lower end consumer That's where you're seeing much more pressure Can't afford mcdonald's fast foods a luxury item We have printed and spent and printed and spent And now we're here And they just they're still going and they're dead set against anyone doing anything about it That's why i tell you about gold by the way Because these people are going to destroy our currency one way or the other they are call docs for yep You got some gold coins in your hands silver coins something Call them please 833 995 gold 833 995 gold do i need to remind you These are the people running the country. Do you think they're about to fix this? We have increased the number of refugees that we will accept from the western hemisphere We have built safe mobility offices in columbia equidore guaramala Costa Rica to reach people where they are so they don't have to take the perilous journey The united states of america now has mobility offices set up in foreign lands to fill the country up with illegals Do you think you should make some preparations? 833 995 gold all right all right my colorado go boss All right i'm out in camper and i have all these part hits out here the always I can't understand anything. He's saying that's too bad. Lawrence jackson ville go Yes, sir. How are you? Johan florida go Go on Chuck maryland go Yes, sir. Good evening. Uh quick aside, uh trump hatred. He was a died in the old democrat his whole life from new york Yeah, he jumped ship to republican. I wonder why he's hated so much The actual point i'm calling uh biden said he's known Putin for 40 years. So biden's been a useful soviet idiot for 40 years Your your opinion on that. Thank you, sir. Yeah, oh biden's a liar the truth isn't in him it said look biden just look Who who who even says you know one of the things has been a legend in my family is my middle name is robin a And allegedly i've never i've been told by my grandfather That i'm a son of the american revolution Because he's the son of the american revolution. He taught to second amendment He is grew up in the greek community the polish community the black community his son bo biden Has apparently given his life in every conflict from the american revolution up to this one Even though he died of cancer back here in the united states of america There is just as i've said many times before there's never been a liar like joe biden There's never been one and i know they all lie i'm one of the ones who acknowledges republican democrat They all lie there's never been anyone as shameless and brazen as joe biden. It's just the way he is It's a wild to watch ruby atlanta go um I have a strategy listening to you talk about these protests funded by billionaires here's an idea that's simple It's easy. And if you don't need billionaires to do it. It won't cost any money We need young men single would be better because they wouldn't have to approve families of military age They wouldn't have to join the military. They wouldn't have to protest worry about being arrested or imprisoned All they do is take up their states and move to dearborn michigan flood the area And stay put in two or three years time registered vote And vote out illhan omar Recheated to lead also cori bush Ruby that's a terrible idea. I'm not gonna lie. That's that's a that's a dreadful idea and it would never work listen You can't strategically have people move because people don't move for that reason You know, I understand conceptually what you're saying But this is why i tell people to move to red states and people will email in and say hey jesse Wouldn't it be smarter to move to a purple state that way you can turn a purple state red? Well Yeah, that would be smarter, but Moving to a red state is an easier sell because a red state gives you a better life You don't need someone to move only for political reasons you can pack up your family and move from chicago down to Tennessee somewhere And your neighbors are waving to you your trash can blew over yesterday your neighbor ran out and grabbed it and brought it in People are waving to you on the way by the schools still say the pledge of allegiance You're selling something more than politics and that's what you need. All right. We'll do a couple quick emails I'm gonna I'm gonna talk about this mayorkus thing And then we'll move on to some other things as we try to wrap up as much as we can here on the world famous jesse kelly show, all right Hang on Miss something Here's the jesse kelly show final sake, but at a jesse kelly try I want to do this email real quick here I want to talk about the mayorkus comments also remember you can email the show That's definitely a better way to do it jesse at jesse kelly show dot com I do see though that Apparently someone wants to be hung up on tawny in san diego go I love your show jesse. Hey, how you doing? She actually told the call screener that she wanted to just tell me she loved the show so i'd hang up on her That's a glutton for punishment. All right. I would let's talk about this comment again here really quickly. It's it's It's too heavy to get into right now and it's a conversation we've had before We were we were talking about heavy stuff already earlier in the show, but mayorkus talking about setting up Well offices so we can just fly e-legal is into the country We have increased the number of refugees that we will accept from the western hemisphere We have built safe mobility offices in columbia equador guaramala Costa Rica to reach people where they are so they don't have to take the perilous journey we're actually going into other countries and filling up planes of foreigners and flying them into the united states of america i'm just gonna say remember the leaders of america it's all the west so keep that in mind, but the leaders of america view their own citizens as being the problem in the enemy their most patriotic citizens When when the republican leadership mcconnell, mitch mcconnell's of the world when the democrats when they get together They don't lament pouton. They lament you They don't think about china they think about you they don't think about drug cartels They think about you they don't think about inflation they think about you and how to deal with you And the easiest way to deal with you is simply to replace you You you people you think you have rights freedoms well Pedro doesn't think that Pedro wants a $500 visa card and a job washing dishes at the rich guys hotel for 50 cents an hour And Pedro is bought and paid for for life. What do you think of president biden? Biden i love biden. Why do you love him? Biden help us Yeah That's what's happening And I don't know Just just leveling with you here. I don't know how we recover from that And I know I know this is when people say no, we just got to elect trump and and trump will deport him again I'll give you that let let's elect trump Let's hope he departs as many as he possibly can but that's not what i'm talking about How does a nation go on? When the leaders of one political party are all committed to filling up the country with foreigners who aren't loyal to it How do you how do you even continue to be a nation? I don't know. I don't know the answer to that. So Let's move on talk about other stuff. Dear june bug jesse As long as it's june, I have to ask how do we fight back against diversity hires I just got off the phone with the customer service representative at wells Fargo bank She explained something to me in a less than lucid way So I was having a hard time understanding her I'm a smart person. So I got the gist of it But what kept distracting me was her constant use of bad grammar and all this other stuff. I just want to remind you That if you are raising your children You're loving your children. You feed your children And you're teaching your children basics Please thank you speak up eye contact Shake hands like a man Firm handshake for ladies and man you young ladies Firm handshake out of you as well, especially if you're going to go into the business world Remember the business world is a man's world. I don't want to hear any crappy whining about it. It is so buck up If you teach your kid just basics like that Did I tell you teach him how to build a computer from car parks? No You teach them basics like that Because of how quickly things have gone backwards your kids can have success now many maybe not in the traditional fields but You know, I talk about trades all the time. I'm not going to tell you about trades again. Don't worry If you weren't about sales Maybe you don't have the personality for sales. By the way, you don't it doesn't mean you have to be mr Class class clown that's not what it takes to sell. It's not what I mean You don't have to be mr Owns the room every dude wants him every woman wants to be him That's not what i'm talking about if you are that I said that the wrong way shut up chris anyway if you are responsible diligent If you can deal with the sales process You know, you can make a lot of money for yourself Good salesman. I'm not just talking about rv's sales sales has involved in virtually every industry If you can communicate with people you're disciplined about getting back to people Look, I'll tell you this here's two quick stories before I do headlines real quick You know when I was looking for a midlife crisis car a few years ago I pulled into this one car lot this one a nice car lot. I'll tell you right now. It was an Audi car lot I'd never driven one before I was gonna test drive one I had my pickup truck and I knew what it was to buy and sell cars and I knew what the sales process was I'm the ultimate you'd want me as a salesman because I just tell you right off the bat I tell you what i'm looking for. I come prepared. I just want to get in and out. Don't bother me I take this drive and this Audi. I forget what it was and I wanted it And I tell them because I again I was prepared. This is my pickup truck. This is the condition of it This is the mileage of it. I want this car go ahead work up some numbers for me If I like the looks at them, I probably will come back tomorrow and buy it from you. I told that to the salesman He never even called me back I never got a return phone call Yesterday I had to book this house that my mom was trying to rent some place so she could go see a cousin as long What it doesn't matter what it was But I put in this inquiry online. I'm trying to find her something affordable I'm looking online and I find this place and I put in Their online thing where I decided to put in my name number and what I was looking for And I set my phone down and my mom and my wife were sitting there and I told them We'll see how long it takes these people to get back to me in less than a minute Boom my phone rang. You got my business booked it right then and there Sales consider it just consider it. All right, make yourself a lot of money And now Headlines we didn't get to Olympic committee releases inclusivity guidelines asking broadcast casters to avoid quote problematic terms For transgender athletes. That's according to the blaze The communists do this so well with language notice how emphatic they are about language It matters to them. They decide the language. They tell you any other languages problematic and ban it That's why you must use all the words the communists doesn't want you to use Exposure to loud aircraft noises could lead to obesity Is it a coincidence all these feminists rallies take place next to an airport? I think not This has been a podcast from wor It is ryan here and I have a question for you. What do you do when you win? Like are you a fist pumper? A hand clap or a highfiver I kind of like to high-five But if you want to hone in on those winning moves check out chumba casino at chumba casino dot com choose from hundreds of social casino style Games for your chance to redeem serious cash prizes There are new game releases weekly plus free daily bonuses. So don't wait start having the most fun ever at chumba casino dot com No purchase necessary, E.T.W, report prohibited by loss in terms of conditions 18 plus.