Turley Talks

Ep. 2620 Dems Predict Biden Will DROP OUT as Katie Hobbs GETS CAUGHT!!!

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11 Jun 2024
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A depressed Democrat strategist James Carville openly admits that Biden should not have run for re-election. His campaign is a disaster and Carville appears to be one of the rats beginning to flee the sinking ship! Find out why Carville is so depressed and why more and more Democrats are openly suggesting that Biden officially end his campaign and drop out of this race! 

Also, learn the latest on the investigation into Katie Hobb’s alleged pay-to-play scheme with her donors and what it means for the key swing state of Arizona.


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  • “We even have Nate Silver of 538, the darling pollster of Democrats, coming out suggesting that Biden should probably drop out!”
  • “Katie Hobbs is now under investigation for a pay-to-play scheme in a state that is still rather dominated by Republicans.”


[00:41] James Carville saying that Biden should not have run for re-election

[04:58] Why people like James Carville are openly freaking out

[09:23] Katie Hobbs’ pay-to-play scandal investigation


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Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turling. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges, and together learn to live in the present in life of even better things to come. This is Turly Talks. But the '90s were done, and this is where we are now. And, you know, we have a choice to make in November. And it isn't a choice that I was crazy about. I actually was very public that I thought that President Biden should not run for re-election. But he did, and there's him in Trump, and that's where I am. If anything, if President Biden decides not to run, or is his ill, and can't run, where does the Democratic Party go? There's so much talent, and a lot of it is young, and vigorous, and energetic. I think Joaquin Jeffers is doing a great job, by the way. He's a leader, you know, much more difficult. But I thought that President Biden should consider not running for election, but that's not the choice that he may eat. And so I got to live in the world, and I've got to live there, not the role I wanted to live in. This is not the world I wanted to live in. A depressed Democrat strategist James Carville openly admits that Biden should not have run for re-election, duh. His campaign is a disaster, and Carville appears to be one of the rats beginning to flee the ship. We're going to see precisely why Carville is so depressed and why more and more Democrats are openly suggesting that Biden end this disaster of a campaign and drop out of the race. And then... Hi, I'm Katie Hobbs, Secretary of State, and candidate for governor. And don't forget to mention, easily bribed. We're going to take a look at the latest on the investigation into Katie Hobbs' alleged pay-to-play scheme with her donors, and what it means for the key swing state of Arizona. You are not going to want to miss this. Hey gang, it's me, Dr. Steve, your Patriot professor here to help you stay sane in these insane times. So make sure to smack that bell and subscribe button and let's dive right in. As you heard, veteran Democrat strategist James Carville is but the latest of voice his concern that Biden, in retrospect, should never have actually run for re-election in the first place. Talking on the W.A.B.C. radio program, the cat's roundtable, Carville's admission, as it turns out, is yet his latest disparaging remark on the fledgling nature of Biden's campaign. You may remember, it was just a couple of weeks ago, that he said this. So it frustrated, and I do think the president has to deal, the age issue is suffocating him. And he needs to bring up that he's only four years older than Trump, and Trump had his goons steal his medical records out of his internist's office in January 2017. So I released all my medical records. Why don't you release the records that you had T. Sheila Steele from the interns? I mean, he's got to turn that around and need to quit by logging and complaining about the times covering his age and a poem is so good. That's a waste of time. Don't do that. Biden is being suffocated, politically suffocated by his age. Again, notice the pattern here. Biden shouldn't be running. Biden should not be seeking reelection because everyone sees and hears the same thing. She knows so long as I see the night, our freedom can never be secured. I'm sorry. What was that? She knows so long as I see the night, our freedom can never be secured. That's right, gang. We've now got four score and seven years ago. We've got asked not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. Now we've got she know long. She knew she'll have him a job. Freedom can never be secured. If this isn't an indictment to help aesthetically degenerate, our permanent political classes become, I just, I don't know what is, but we have to understand the reason why people like James Carvel are openly, openly freaking out here is because the law fair, the weaponized legalism that was supposed to provide that Joe Biden, the cover he needed given the guy simply can't function. I mean, this is so key that the panic is setting it. It's an open recognition that the Democrat strategy for 2024 wasn't to beat Donald Trump. They knew they couldn't do that because they have nothing to beat him with, obviously. The strategy wasn't to beat Donald Trump. The strategy was to take Trump out. In other words, if Biden can't campaign, if he's a vegetable, right, if Biden can't function, and if they can't stuff the, you know, ballot boxes like they did in 2020, then they have to make sure Trump can't campaign. They have to take him out of the race. The problem is that effort is not working. Look at the latest from decision desk. Trump is maintaining more than a two point national lead over Biden. This after more than a week out from that venomous verdict handed down in Manhattan. And take a look at this. It's official Trump and Biden are tied in Virginia. We're getting it pull after polls showing this. Trump and Biden are tied in the state. Then Biden won by double digits in 2020 by 10 points. It's a very ominous sign for the Biden campaign and make no mistake. This was not supposed to happen. All the polls after the last several months, over the last several months, showed that where Trump convicted his campaign would implode. LA Times ran a piece that predicted that Trump would lose 20% of his support where he convicted. This is what they were banking on, gang. This was the whole point of the weaponized legalism and it did not happen. Trump has found guilty on 34 counts. We don't even know what the crime was, but nevertheless, he's found guilty. And his poll numbers have not budged. So now even Nate Silver of 538, the darling pollster, the Democrats is coming out suggesting, you know, Biden should probably drop out of this. I mean, it's devastating. Silver. The wonder kid pollster Nate Silver is coming out and bluntly saying that Biden is losing. There's no way around that. He is losing and he has no plan to reverse his electoral misfortunes. And so it wouldn't be a bad idea for Democrats to cut bait. It's just, it's time for Biden to go. Unbelievable stuff. And again, we predicted this. That's what's so freaking hilarious about how Looney are permanent political classes. We knew, given Trump's base, that there was no way he was going to lose support over his conviction because his base no longer trusts our judicial system. Why would you abandon someone who just got convicted by a New York judicial system that you believe is incurably corrupt to the core? Oh, and speaking of corruption, wait until you see what Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs is now officially under investigation for gang. This is going to make your day. But first of all, you know, I am very passionate about the fact that we can't rescue our nation if we don't first take care of ourselves. And health actually starts with our livers. If you think about it, we throw everything at our livers, cholesterol, alcohol, toxins, Tylenol, statins, cigarettes, you name it. That's why so many of us have a sluggish, fatty liver that makes us gain weight and lose energy. But thanks to today's sponsor, there really is a very real solution. Liver health formula is an all natural supplement, which contains 12 clinically proven botanical levels that help recharge and protect your liver at the cellular level. It's manufactured right here in the United States and approved by independent American doctors. And if you click on that link below right now, you could try liver health formula and receive a free bottle of blood sugar formula when you order today. So don't let a fatty liver keep you sluggish in an active gang. You know, I myself recently lost 60 pounds and could say it was one of the best decisions I ever made. So now it's your turn. Let's do this. Click on that link below or go to and claim your free bonus gift. That's Arizona's Attorney General investigating ties between Governor Katie Hobbs and the operator of a group home for foster kids. It comes after reports that Sunshine Residential Homes Inc. made six figure donations to the Governor's inauguration fund. According to the Arizona Democratic Party, just before getting a large rate hike from the state, this story was first reported in detail by the Arizona Republic. Oh, Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie. What can we say? You know, you put yourself into office through false pretenses, eventually that corruption inevitably catches up with you. And that is exactly what appears to be happening here in Arizona. Hobbs is currently embroiled in a pay to play scandal investigation at all centers on an organization called Sunshine Residential Homes. That organization made six figure donations to Hobbs inauguration fund and the Arizona Democratic Party. Just before coincidentally, the organization got a very generous rate hike from the state. So Sunshine Residential Homes runs group homes for foster kids. Okay. It's one of dozens of homes that do just that in Arizona. And it happens to be the only one that got this massive rate hike from the state. The others were all turned down. And it's so interesting because we've got records of Sunshine Residential Homes being turned down for a rate hike back in December 2022, just a month after Katie Hobbs, the then-secretary state, oversaw her own election to the Governor's mansion. They were turned down in December and then three days later, they contributed six figures to her inaugural campaign and lo and behold, they were suddenly approved for the rate hike. Is that neat how it works? So it appears that the organization paid Hobbs and the Democrats hundreds of thousands of dollars and they got millions back in return. So needless to say, Katie Hobbs is now under investigation for a pay to play scheme in a state that is still rather dominated by Republicans. So what does that mean for November? Well, if Hobbs is politically damaged by this, which she almost certainly will be. Remember, she's not a particularly popular governor. She barely squeaked by in the 2022 election and again, under rather suspicious circumstances. If she's damaged by this, it will have the opposite effect of what we're seeing in Virginia. The Republican governor there, Glenn Youngkin, is very popular. And so that's obviously boosting Trump's chances in this otherwise blue state. By contrast, with Katie Hobbs politically damaged, that will just boost the prospects for the opposing party, which is good news for Trump and Kerry Lake. So I think at this point, we're pretty safe in putting Arizona and Trump's electoral column. And perhaps we'll ironically have Katie Hobbs to thank for that. Here's your opportunity to tell big tech tyrants where they can stick it. Click on that link below and download our brand new cancel proof Turley Talks app. And you can sign our special declaration of restoration. That's our petition to big tech that declares a new day is dawn. They are no longer in control and we are taking our nation back. We've already got over a thousand signatures of courageous patriots and yours is next. Click on that link below or go to right now. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Turley Talks podcast. Don't forget to subscribe, leave us a five star review and share this episode with your friends. Help us defeat the fake news media and rank us the number one news and commentary podcast all over the world. Come back again tomorrow for another episode celebrating the rise of a new conservative age. [Music]