Turley Talks

Ep. 2619 The EU Election Results Explained: Winners and Losers!

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11 Jun 2024
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Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turley. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges. And together, learn to live in the present in life of even better things to cover. This is Turley Talks. It is livestream Monday night. I am your host, Dr. Steve, your Patriot professor. Here to help you stay sane in these insane times. Make sure to smack that bell and subscribe. But we got our exclusive backstage private Q&A tonight. So if you'd like to join our private virtual platform and ask me your questions, just click on that link below or go to Sign up for any level of support. And you'll be given your own backstage pass to ask me anything you like. Just click on that link below or visit Become a supporter at any level, and we will transition. Ah, there we are. That's what the graphic is looking for. And we will transition to our virtual platform in mere moments, our backstage platform, where we'll have the most wonderful, patriotic fellowship. You know, I just had an absolutely amazing, what was it? Two hour and 15 minute interview with Dr. Nima Parvini. A lot of you may know Dr. Nima was just on the Duran with Alex and Alexander. And it was awesome. I was being interviewed by him. And we had a live stream there. We had his audience there asking questions. We got into it. So my voice, my voice is actually a little horse tonight, but I am going to plow through it. His very first question was fascinating because he said, so my signature thesis is that the world is undergoing a conservative revolution against globalism. How do you think that's going in the summer of 2024? And I said to him that up until this weekend, I would have said that it's a tale of the West versus the rest, meaning 85% of the world's population is going full blown civilizationalist. Orthodox Russia, Confucian China, Hindu Nationalist India, Shinto Japan, Ottoman Turkey, Buddhist Sri Lanka, continental Africanism, Sheidaran, Sunni, Saudi Arabia, even Egypt. I pointed out, even Egypt is bringing back the pharaohs and obelisks in their new capital city. The rest is clearly going civilizationalist, but after this weekend, it does look like the West is increasingly joining the rest. I want to talk about the elections over the weekend in Europe. Again, they were such a political earthquake. The aftershocks are still shocking the political system, as it were. But again, if you're just coming up to speed here, beginning on Thursday of last week, over 300 million voters in 27 nations went to the polls to elect their next European Parliament. And the results really were nothing less than stunning. Some are calling it a right-wing tsunami. Zero hedge, I believe, led with that headline. It was a right-wing tsunami. I wanted to give you a breakdown of what happened over the weekend, so you can better understand, as it were, the winners and the losers from this epic election. So if you got your note taking here -- now, I did do two videos today. The first one that had an overview of the election was that was our first video today, and then I did the stunner. I did a separate video on the stunning announcement by Emmanuel Macron, where he was dissolving Parliament and calling for snap elections as a result of the National Rally. Marine Le Pen's nationalist populist party just doing so incredibly. We don't really know what he's up to. It's very interesting. We could talk about that tonight in behind-the-scenes. Remember, all you have to do, if you want to join us for our private Q&A tonight, click on the link below or go to sign up for any level support. You'll be given a link to join us in our private backstage virtual platform. I'd love to have you there, and you'll love the fellowship with all the other patrons there, hundreds and hundreds of patrons. Join us every Monday night. But I do want to -- I will finish off with France, but if you wanted a more in-depth of what happened in France, check out my second video today. But let's start with the extraordinary developments in Germany right now. As of yesterday, I think it's official. Germany is basically going through a political split. It's very interesting. When all said and done, Western Germany is still mired in the old globalist liberal politics that had defined the country since the end of World War II. While Eastern Germany is going full-blown, civilizationalist, populist, and they are embracing what is increasingly sweeping the continent and the world. The AFD, the alternative for Deutschland, is their Patriot Party. They are now the single most popular party in all of Eastern Europe. If Eastern Europe were to, as it were, once again, break off from Western Germany, they would today have a solid AFD majority government. Let that hit you. If Eastern Germany were its own nation today, they would have a solid civilizational populist AFD, alternative for Deutschland majority government. Now, overall, they got 16% of the vote. That means they came in second, second to the CDU, the Christian Democrat Union. It's Angela Merkel's old party, right? They came in first. They're a center-right party, but they're very, very globalist. I don't know how much they're going to work with the AFD. Eventually, they will have to. They're doing, I think they're working together in Bavaria, for example. But nevertheless, the first party that came in first was the CDU. Then second place was the AFD. So the AFD is now officially the second most popular party in Germany. They have gone mainstream. Chancellor Olaf Scholz's social Democrats were humiliated. As were their coalition partners, the far-left Greens and the neoliberal pre-democrats. Those are the ones who were governing Germany as we speak. Those three parties got shellacked. The social Democrats got barely 13% of the vote. It was their worst result in a national election since the end of the Second World War. And support for the far-left Greens was halved in five years. So in Germany, winners, AFD, big time. Losers are definitely Chancellor Scholz and the social Democrats. They were absolutely humiliated. Let's go over to Belgium. Belgium was so fascinating today because their prime minister's guy named Alexander de Krew, he's a total left-wing globalist prime minister of Belgium. He shocked everyone today. He flat-out resigned. He resigned. His party got crushed last night. But the far right glums belong. We'll talk about that in a second. His party got crushed. He got five percent of the vote. That's how bad it was yesterday. But he decided, well, if you hate me and my party that much, I'm going to resign. And he did. He resigned. Belgium has no prime minister at the moment. The so-called far right glums belong. That means Flemish interests. They are allied with Marine Le Pen's National Rally Party under what's called the identity and democracy group in the European Parliament. They achieved gains from last European Parliament election back in 2019. They came in first place overall. There was another party called the new Flemish Alliance. They're more moderate, but they're still populist. They're very anti-immigrant and alike. They did very well. And what we're seeing is the Vlums Blung and this Flemish Alliance are together creating a very strong block to push back against any pro-immigration measures inside Brussels. Let's talk about the Visigrad 4. Again, remember, gang, if you want to chat with me tonight privately and I have our own Q&A, just click on that link below or go to Join any level support you like and you'll be given a link to our very own private platform where you can ask me all the questions that you like tonight. We have a very interesting development going on in the four countries known as the Visigrad 4. It's a bit of a mixed bag. The Visigrad 4, if you don't know, is central European countries. So this is Hungary, this is Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Slovakia, of course, is a place where Robert Fizzo, the prime minister, was the assassination attempt a few weeks back. He actually, there's pictures of him voting today. Thank God he survived. Let's start it with Poland. Poland was a bit of a mixed bag. Law and Justice Party, that's their nationalist populist party, PIS. Law and Justice Party did suffer a setback. They came in second. That's the first time they came in second in years. They were narrowly beaten by their current globalist prime minister, Donald Tusk's civic coalition. They're called KO. When I say narrowly beaten, I mean that. They were beaten by 1%. Now, why is the Law and Justice Party that won two landslide victories back to back in Poland's national politics? If you don't know, Law and Justice Party is the party that officially dedicated Poland to Jesus Christ as Poland's Lord and King. This is back in November of 2016, just a week or so after Donald Trump's victory against Hillary Clinton. What's happening is the Law and Justice Party seems to be losing voters to an even more right-wing party. What's known as the confederatea, confederation. The confederatea party actually came in third place, tripling their support from the last European election back in 2019. They came in with 13% support, which is absolutely huge. They're also the most popular party among polls age between 18 and 29 with over 30% support. It reminds me a little bit of what happened in Italy, where Lega first descended into prominence and power. But then they receded because a new right-wing party that's even more conservative, the brothers of Italy, in effect, took its place. It's too early to say confederate. He is going to be doing that any time soon or confederate. He is going to be doing that any time soon over the Law and Justice Party. Just know that about 13%, well, at least 10% of Law and Justice Party's vote went to this new even more right-wing party. So that, again, is very, very good news. In Hungary, Victor Orban's party once again placed first. The second was left far behind. The one thing that was concerning some people is that he got less support than he did in 2019. So first time, I think he got under 50%. It was in the 40s, under 50% in like four consecutive terms. But again, still, I mean, it's a huge victory in a multi-party election. I mean, 45%, 46% of the vote, huge victory. I mean, no one's like, there's just no one like Victor Orban to maintain this level of political dominance for that long in a single country is absolutely astonishing. In Slovakia, Robert Fizzo, who was almost killed, almost assassinated a few weeks back. His party came in second. And then his coalition partners, they gained ground from the last election in 2019. So it wasn't too bad. Remember, Robert Fizzo technically is not right-wing. He's more a left-wing, but he's very populous, very anti-migrant. And he's very anti-Ukraine right now. He thinks Europe should find peace, work for peace in the situation and learn to work with Russia rather than work against Russia. So anyway, his party did well. They did very well. And then in the Czech Republic, this is Andre Babasees. Babasees, his ano party, ano party. They're the nationalist populist party of the Czech Republic. And they absolutely crushed it. They won the European election for the third time in a row and even increased their support. So for individual grad four, the nationalist populist in every country did very, very well. Some dominated, some were a little bit behind. But nationalist populism is here to stay inside the visual grad four for sure. Winner, nationalist populist. Austria. Gotta talk about Austria. Austria is sort of a, you know, I don't know, sort of a sister to the visual grad four. But Austria is part of Germany when all is said and done. But Austria had one of the biggest winners of the night. And that was the far right, the extreme right, the radical right Austrian freedom party, the FPO. They doubled their support from 2019 and became the biggest officially, the number one most popular party in Austria. So first time they've been able to pull that off. They've always been a bit behind the center right party in Austria, which is known as the Austrian People's Party. They actually, they, what's really interesting is this freedom party has gone through basically a resurrection. They were politically dead for years. They were in a coalition government with Sebastian Kurtz, one of the youngest, I think he was the youngest chancellor, prime minister like our president like person, a chancellor of Austria. In the whole of the European Union, I think it was like 31, 32, brilliant, brilliant kid. He was in coalition. He was the head of the Austrian People's Party. They were in a coalition with the Austrian Freedom Party. Scandal, one of the major leaders of the Austrian Freedom Party brought the entire party down. The coalition collapsed and Austria ended up getting captured by these center left, you know, globalist forces. Well, the Freedom Party has been building itself back up. And now they are poised to dominate for the very first time outright. They're upcoming domestic elections, which are, if I recall in September of this year. So it looks like for the first time, they're going to be the number one party. They're going to surpass the Austrian, the center right Austrian People's Party. And we got a taste of that with these European elections. They are the number one party for the European Parliament elections. Again, never been done before. Huge victory for the nationalist populace in Austria. In Spain and Portugal, nationalist populace did very, very well. The Vox party in Spain, they continued to surge. They hit 10%. Remember, they're just a few years old, 10 years ago, two elections ago. They got 1.6% of the vote. Now they're getting 10%. They 10x that. Keep going guys. Pretty soon it's going to be 2030. They are the third largest party overall in Spain. And in Portugal, the Chega party, which again is their brand new nationalist populace party. This is the first time they ever ran for European Parliament. They came in third around 10%. Again, stunning, absolutely stunning. So excellent for Chega and Vox. Now let's talk about some big, big hitters here at the end. The Netherlands. This is Garrett Vilder's freedom party, his Dutch freedom party. They are, they're on fire. So they just came off a domestic win. So they had another election, national election inside the Netherlands. They became for the first time the number one party there. Garrett Vilder's is vehemently anti Islam, anti migrant and like. They came in first place and they are forming a coalition government. He's not prime minister, but he's, he's more or less the king maker in that government. And now they almost came in first in the European elections. But they went from basically zero seats. They only got 3.5% of the vote back in 2019, the last European election. This time around, they get almost 20% of the vote, 17% altogether. So huge victory for the Netherlands. Say again, they were just within a couple of percentage points of winning overall. So they're right up there in Italy. What can you say prime minister, George Maloney's brothers of Italy just continues to absolutely crush it. They won 30% of the vote. Remember in these multi party elections, 30%, 20%, 30% is stunning. That's awesome. Like in Sweden, you have literally 17 parties running. Okay. So if you get 20, 30% huge, and they did one out of three Italians voted for the brothers of Italy. And then when you bring in the other national's popular parties, like Lega, Mateo Savini's Lega, and Silvio Perlusconi's Forza Italia, all together, we're talking about a super majority of national's populace, taking their center right to national's populace. The politics in Italy have gone dramatically to the right. So very, very impressive. But the biggest winner of them all without question was the shellacking that Manuel Macron got by Marine Le Pen's national rally in the nation of France with his party just getting about half of what Marine Le Pen's party got. Marine Le Pen's party got 30. They're still counting, but it's about 34% of the vote. It was just again in a multi party election. It was absolutely stunning. Macron got half of that. He seemed to have had a bit of a temper tantrum today. And so he dissolved parliament in his demanding that they have a snap election at the end of June, even though they have the Olympics coming up in the next couple of weeks. So he was just so upset. I don't know. We don't know what. I mean, he didn't do what the prime minister Belgium did, which was resigned. But obviously he was so upset at the results. He felt he had to do. He had to do something. Marine Le Pen national rally for the very first time ever broke the 30% threshold. They are right now poised to basically take over France. It's really impressive stuff. So the biggest winners of this weekend's elections were definitely the national's populace. At the end of the day, it looks like they've won 25% of seats in the European parliament. We'd love it to be 60%. But again, these are so many of these parties are brand new. The AFD didn't appear in national elections in Germany until 2017. These are brand new parties that are going to take some time. But clearly, clearly, the momentum is moving in the direction of the civilizational populace. They are clearly ascending. Clearly growing, and there's no signs whatsoever that they've even come close to reaching their peak. And you put together with that Donald Trump. He's back stronger than ever. Nigel Farage is now back in the UK. It looks like stronger than ever. Na'i Bug Kelly and El Salvador wins re-election with 85% of the vote. Javier Malay is doing things in Argentina. No one ever imagined possible just a year ago. National's populace have the wins at their back. The biggest losers are the establishment parties in Europe. Their time is over. Yeah, they had some success in the Scandinavian countries and so forth. Who knows why. But when all is said and done, when all is said and done, I think the establishment left and the establishment right are starting to feel the heat that their time is coming to an end. All right, guys, I bet you have a lot of questions that you want to chat about. And that's what we're going to do. So all you have to do is click on the link below or go to Sign up for any level of support. And then you'll be given a link to come on over to our virtual platform, our backstage private exclusive platform where you can ask me anything you like. We're going to have an awesome Q&A tonight with your fellow Patriots. You get to fellowship with them and you get to ask me your questions. We do it every Monday night. You'll absolutely love it. I think give it a try for a month. See what you think. Click on that link below. Or go to Sign up for any level of support. Whatever works for you. And then come on over to our private platform where you can ask me all the questions that you like. We will start in about 30 seconds. God bless them. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Turley Talks Podcast. Don't forget to subscribe. Leave us a five star review and share this episode with your friends. Help us defeat the fake news media and rank us the number one news and commentary podcast all over the world. Come back again tomorrow for another episode celebrating the rise of a new conservative age. [music] (upbeat music)