Sheep Get Sheared

Unfiltered News of the Day

Broadcast on:
11 Jun 2024
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My friends, welcome back to the raw news coverage from yours truly Austin Creed a special here on the Sheep Kitchen podcast. So for those of you who are loyal to the show and you love the show, don't worry, I have a episode coming out tomorrow. So I wanted to give everybody a little announcement before I start covering the news. The uploads are going to be a little different over the next couple of weeks because I'm going to be in Europe. So I might only be able to do shows that are similar to this and I'll still talk about stuff, but it might not have all the dynamic toys and fun stuff that we normally have on the show. So just a little heads up at the next couple of weeks will be a little bit different, but then we'll go back to normal programming after that. Speaking of programming, I opened up my Apple news feed for this again out the gate. I see that, of course, Israel's on the front news again, they show the, the dead bodies. Of course, it's trying to make Israel look bad. Again, let's read it from the Wall Street Journal says, Israel's political turmoil logs down us push for ceasefire. I don't understand the major powers in the world and how they have the guts. To say, Oh, we need a ceasefire as if it's the Israelis that started this conflict and not Hamas and the, the garbage, the radical Muslim garbage. And notice I say radical, don't misquote me a radical scourge, the demons that started this whole thing. Notice they're not calling them to turn in their leadership for being able to see the fire, no, they didn't want the Israelis just to throw down their arms. Makes me sick, frankly, what else was in the news, national politics in Europe are in disarray after the after EU election CNN, of course, CNN is about pretty much as fake news as you can get, in my opinion, almost without fail USA and a severe weather in several forms threatens many parts the United States. Oh boy, I can't wait for Al Gore and all the green mafia members to step out from behind the curtains and say, I need more money to fix this problem. Mr. Bernie Sanders, yes, my name is Bernie Sanders, and I know my wife allegedly collected millions of dollars off of this college, we busted out up there in Vermont, but make no mistake. But I'm a millionaire, the millionaire is just fine, it's all about the billionaires, and we all know that climate change is spreading the entire world, and I, me as myself, Bernie Sanders, I could very much put the earth and to help the earth, we should definitely put that evil Donald Trump that races big in prison. Yeah, I mean, come on, man, what's next, what's the green mafia going to come up with next? I can't wait. Politico says closing arguments underway and Hunter Biden trial on gun charges. Oh, do I dare click on it? Yeah, share what the hell, let's look. Defense lawyers for the president's son rested their case on Monday. Okay, closing arguments, let's see, what does it say, federal prosecutor telling jurors that no one is above the law. Oh, yeah, sure, no one's above the law. Yeah, right. Sure. Keep telling, keep telling yourself that. Yeah, sure. The jurors of 12 Delawareans will begin deliberation after both sides completing their closing. Oh, do you think they'll come to the same conclusion that the jury did up for Trump? I kind of doubt it, but we'll see could be wrong. The president's son faces three felony charges bought forward by special counsel David Weiss. Oh boy, prosecutors have charged Biden with a legit with illegal possession of a gun as a drug user and lying on paperwork about his addictions to crack cocaine at the time of purchase. Let me get a poll who actually believes that Hunter Biden is going to go down for this. And if he does, he's going to get anything more than a slap on the wrist. Does anybody think that's going to happen? I don't personally, but maybe I'll be surprised, but I kind of doubt it. All right, I've had enough of that. Ten places are in America where home prices are doubling. Well, that would be pretty much everywhere. Thanks to Joe Biden and his friends at the Fed at the Federal Reserve who are printing money around the clock like King Ludwig of Bavaria. Oh, let me see, United Nations estimate of live births. Oh God. We're talking about the birth rate again, suddenly there are enough babies in the world, says the Wall Street Journal is everything about the change. No kidding. I mean, it's telling me with the rise of feminism, the rise of the gynecentric society and the fact that women are feminists and are being empowered and they're giving themselves babies at like 40 years old, one, two kids a piece. When back in the day, your grandma might have like 12 siblings. No wonder we're living in a different world. What are you crazy? You mean with birth control and the abortion clinics going around the clock that we're going to have a high population? What's this now? Massachusetts school allowed to ban students to gender shirt. Oh, of course. Because everybody knows the rainbow mafia, the green mafia cannot be outdone, but by the rainbow mafia or the alphabet mafia, some call them. We're out here buying every senator that they could buy, every congressman they can buy, every school official they can buy or bully, they'll do it, I get it. Or Hunter Biden in Putin's wartime Russia, military corruption is suddenly taboo. Oh, you mean there's corruption in every military? Oh, my that no, I would never have guessed that. What kind of news is this? How is this news? Oh, we're talking about a January 6th rioter. Okay, does anybody, does anybody actually think that January 6 was anything but an inside job in my estimation? I mean, there are, there are theories going around the internet, which will never be validated by the way, because we don't live in an actual representative government. But if we did in an ideal world, we would get answers to these rumors that the FBI and Nancy Pelosi might have allegedly been behind the January 6 riots. I mean, how if you're going to really stage a coup, which I would never recommend ever, but if you were a stage one, who would do this with no guns? Who would stage a coup against the government with no guns? I mean, do I need to ask the question? What sense does that make? Answer none. What's next? Macron gambles on on election after crushing loss. Oh, you mean the communist socialist, Macron lost to the right to the quote, far right in EU vote? Oh, you mean they actually had some semblance of survival, is I'm still left from their ancestors fought World War I and World War II in France? Oh my goodness. Oh, of course, the day wouldn't be complete without MSNBC talking again about Trump. Can they, can they, I challenge any member of the mainstream media to go an entire day without talking about Donald Trump. I don't think they could do it Ukraine. I've noticed a trend in the media Ukraine, Russia, Trump, and corruption. That's about it Ukraine says it struck ultra modern Ukraine's stealth jet airbase. Okay. Let me tell you guys something in case you didn't know before the war, Ukraine was like one of the most corrupt. I think it was the fifth most corrupt nation in the world. Now since the war started, in my estimation, it's been about number one. You really expect me to believe that it's anything but corrupt. Yeah, right. Anybody see that thing on X the other? I think it was yesterday where a Ukrainian soldier called the, I don't know how he got the number, but he called the girlfriend of a Russian soldier that he had just offed off. And he called her and told her that he killed her boyfriend. Oh, you didn't see that? No, of course you didn't because we can't like, you know, say that there's any propaganda going on beside, if it's Russian, you can call it out. But if it's Ukrainian, no, there's no propaganda. No, no, no, no, no. Trump. Trump. Everything's about Trump, apparently. Trump denies calling dead soldiers, losers and suckers after Biden visits the cemetery. In other words, they got to continue to hit Trump on, in my estimation, lies and half truths. Again, Ukraine and Russia. What's with the warmongery against Russia? Could somebody explain to me why we suddenly hate Russians? They were allies in World War two. They were our allies in defeating ISIS. Why do people hate Russians so much? They're a natural ally against China and the spread of communism. But for some reason, no, no, no, no, we need all the Russkies to be put out the pasture apparently. Oh, brother, more sports. I don't care about anybody who's watched any of the shows I do about the news. But the modern day sports is the modern day gladiators. I don't watch them unless I'm watching with other people who watch it. To me, it's an excuse to drink and to care about stuff that you wish you could do. Unaired footage shows chaos and anger of congressional leaders amidst the January 6th evacuation. They have a picture of Nancy Pelosi, huh, outfitting. In Trump, oh, Wall Street doesn't want to embrace Trump. Oh, boy, no, no, no, no, no. We want to Trump. You don't want to trust the evil orange man. No, no, no, no, no, no. Is there any original news? It's all the same recycled crap. It's like they read their other. It's like MSNBC read the Washington Post headline who read Politico's headline. They took basically the same thing and recycled it and made it seem like they came up with it. It's so incestuous, it's unbelievable to me. What Merrick Garland hearing evolves into partisan brawling. I mean, what did you expect? Merrick Garland is a disaster. The United Nations news, Chinese military harass, Dutch warship, and forcing a UN sanction on North Korea. In my estimation, North Korea is the junkyard dog of China. They're the front man for China. I mean, who else is going to do business with that mafia, so they have running the country over there in North Korea? I think China sits on the UN Security Council, if you can believe it. UN program pauses food distribution from Gaza peer citing safety concerns. No kidding. You mean the Palestinians are violent and run by gangsters and bums and they store. I mean, the leadership over there in Gaza, they store their weapons, immunicians, and everything in hospitals and schools and synagogues and in mosques. I mean, what do you expect? Oh boy, do I even want to look at education? Education today is just pure propaganda. Stop letting revolutionists rewrite American history. Oh, you mean like your friends and the rainbow mafia who are teaching kids sexuality in middle school and elementary school and teaching people that like the new game that's coming out from Assassin's Creed that all the samurai, there were black samurai in Japan. Meanwhile, from what I've seen and what I've read, the Asian is don't even like each other much less anybody else in their countries by and large, especially in Japan. And especially in China. What else do we have here? That's worth your time. Oh boy, Florida teachers will get a $1.25 billion and stay allocation raises. So in other words, this is giving teachers a raise. Okay. Okay. Good for him. Good for him. Just make sure they're not using it to buy books that are is, you know, smart. They'll give it to the kids in the library. Oh my goodness, what environmental news, America, the beautiful, how Biden is conserving land in water as Trump looms. They're so desperate to be pimps and they're they're so desperate to be, they're nothing more than prostitutes, they're horrors for the people in power unless their name is Donald Trump, Supreme court seeks us government views on Honolulu climate shift. Let me tell you guys something. I love the environment. I just hate the people who are using the environment as a as a piggy bank to bank roll their money like in the sopranos and a sporting goods store. I love the environment. I just don't like the people who often are associated with the environment because they're usually disgusting individuals who are only caring about money or they're communist vermin. Do I even want to look at the Russian Ukraine news? Oh God, sure. What's a couple more brain cells I can lose Poland weapons factory got set on a fire. Out of the way the Russians do that to I doubt it look let's pick one thing clear if Russia really wanted Ukraine gone they could turn them in the glass tomorrow, but they don't. I know for a fact that he could Russian the Russia has the biggest nuclear arsenal on the planet almost doubling hours by the way. I don't think that's classified. I think I could say that Apple new iPhone. I don't care. SpaceX congratulations Elon Musk on another W. I think that's it. I don't see anything else that's really really worthy of your time today. There's not a ton of disgusting news outside of they're still going against Trump. I'm curious what see what Biden's son gets away but Hunter Biden gets off or not. Which I'm pretty reasonably certain he will, but my friends let me know what stories been bothering you today that you might want me to touch on tomorrow. I'd love to do another show tomorrow. I'll start doing this more frequently because I enjoy it. My friend you take care of yourselves. Check out the news. Let me know if you're saying anything else you want me to cover because I'll do it. And if you like the video you know what to do. Take care of yourselves. I'm out.