Froggy the Gator

The Music Adventure

Today's episode was written IN FULL by one of our listeners, Cedric, who is 9 years old.

Froggy and his friends go to music lessons, but when they get there, they're surprised to see...MUSIC MASTER GERSHWIN! Will they be able to defeat Music Master Gershwin's series of music-related challenges? Tune in to find out.

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Broadcast on:
14 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

Welcome back everybody to another episode of Froggy the Gator your favorite kids podcast and as we always say at the beginning of these if you want to help the show grow there are two things you can do a you can tell your friends about Froggy the Gator with your parents permission and be you can make sure with your parents permission that you've rated us five stars, hopefully that's what you think we deserve on your podcast app of choice. So if you do those two things if you rate us five stars if you think that's what we deserve and you tell your friends about Froggy the Gator we're going to keep growing nicely thanks to you and thanks to your parents. And remember if you want to get in touch with me whether you got a joke you want to share or a story idea you can go to and send a message there and an announcement people have I asked if I can wish you a happy birthday on the show but all I ask is that you send me a request for a birthday wish as close to your birthday as possible. So like if your birthday is in October don't send it now because I'll forget because I got a lot of stuff to do. Let's send it closer to your birthday and I'll make sure that I remember it. Alright and guess what? Well I know you guessed it because I know you're smart and this is also the part of the show that's usually the same every time. So if you guessed here's a hilarious joke from the audience you are correct and today's joke comes from one of our listeners Abigail who is five years old and it goes like this. What is brown has a hump and lives at the North Pole and this one this one's funny because it really toys with your expectations just wait till you hear the punchline. What is brown has a hump and lives at the North Pole and the answer is Rudolph the Rednosed Camel. Rudolph the Rednosed Camel because he has a hump and you think she's talking about maybe the reindeer but she's not. She's talking about Rudolph the Rednosed Camel, Abigail. Well done my friend thank you for that and now I've got to say something pretty special because today's story is what comes next and let me tell you something about today's story. Today's story is even more special than normal because it was written in full and I mean every word of it by one of our listeners named Cedric who was nine years old. And Cedric's mom sent me his story and when I read it I knew immediately that it would fit perfectly in the pantheon of great Froggy the Gator stories. So Cedric I am so proud of what you've done here with this story you should be proud of it too great job and I hope you never ever stop writing because this is great stuff so without further ado Cedric's story starts right now. Froggy Daddy the Gator's voice echoed through the house it's time to go to your music lessons Mr. Hummus and worm bird are coming too. I'm coming dad Froggy shouted back Froggy the Gator loved music lessons. On the way there he just couldn't stop wondering out loud what they would be learning. "I think today we're going to learn the chromatic scale" said Froggy. "Isn't that where you hit every single black and white key on the piano?" asked Mr. Hummus. Froggy the Gator responded yeah yeah I think that's right. "Oh yeah I think I saw someone doing that when I went to a concert once" said worm bird not wanting to be left out. "Wow we got here about ten minutes early" Daddy the Gator said when they arrived. When Daddy the Gator had left to do some business stuff as one might expect Froggy the Gator and his friends imagination kicked into overdrive. As Baby the Gator just kind of totled around in the nursery babbling at different toys after he had fully covered them with slobber. "Let's go and get some practice before the music lesson starts" said Froggy. So when they walked up to the piano there was a key that said tap to travel. "Tap to travel" said Froggy. "Well that's weird." "What do you think it means?" asked Worm Bird. "Well I'm not sure but I think we got to tap it" answered Froggy. So they did and then without warning they started spinning wildly as a sweet harmonious song started to play. After a few frantic seconds the spinning stopped the song stopped and they found themselves in a land with rest brushes loaded with rhythm berries and cleft trees hanging thickly with a beet fruit. Suddenly they heard a voice behind them. "A familiar voice." "Welcome to Music World. I am... Music Master Gershwin!" Sure enough it was Gershwin and he was dressed in an all black tuxedo with tails and he was gripping a baton in his right hand. "Music Master Gershwin!" Froggy said. "How did you get here and what are you doing?" "I am here to trap everyone here forever." "My plan is unfathomable and I am unstoppable." "You will be trapped here forever unless you complete the five challenges." Froggy the Gator responded. "Well okay then. Well what are these five challenges?" But Music Master Gershwin was gone. The friends knew what they had to do. They had to complete the five challenges. And they immediately saw what they were up to first as a giant castle wall with note head munchkins shooting rest arrows rose up out of the ground. "We have to get a double bar line," said Froggy jumping an imaginary rest arrow. "A double bar line is just two vertical lines and sheet music that signal the end of a song." Here it is shouted Warren Bird and he threw it at the note head munchkins and the throw was good. The note head munchkins lowered their bows and the wall sank back down into the earth. "One challenge down, four more to go," Froggy the Gator said. As the castle wall disappeared it fell into a giant gorge across their path and their next challenge appeared. "Look!" said Mr. Hummus. "A wobbling bridge with no railings. It looks like that's the only way across," said Froggy. So they started to cautiously walk across the balancing bridge as legato birds smoothly swooshed past the bridge making it sway dangerously from side to side threatening to swipe their feet right out from under them. Despite the danger defying the laws of gravity they made it to the other side of the bridge. "Two challenges down, three to go," said Mr. Hummus. And as soon as they had all crossed the bridge they immediately saw their next challenge. They saw a sign and a pool and since they were all pretty much expert readers by now they read the sign. "Welcome to Fermata Lake," they read in unison which of course means at the same time. "Oh no," Froggy said. "Fermata Lake, we can't touch it or we'll never want to leave." "Look," said Wormbird. "A boat. It's labeled piano player's paradise." "Well, I guess we'd better get in it and see if it will carry us to the other side of Fermata Lake," said Froggy. "What?" said Mr. Hummus. "Does that mean that there's a piano on the boat?" And of course there was. Atop the sheet music on the piano there was a rhyme and this is how it went. "With your friends, play this piece to get from beach to beach." "Well okay," said Froggy. "I guess that means we've got to play that piece." So they started playing expertly, powering on the boat to the other side of Fermata Lake as Baby the Gator just kind of sat there waiting for nothing, just sitting. Since Froggy the Gator's story is more exciting I'll continue to tell you that one instead of the story of Baby the Gator. "Three challenges down, two to go," said Wormbird. Next, appearing out of what head a moment ago seemed like thin air, was a music maze. "Whoa!" said Froggy. "Look at that. It stretches further than I can see in both directions," said Mr. Hummus. "Well, we're expert maisers, guys," said Froggy. "So let's start mazing." So they started to weave perfectly through the maze, not making a single wrong turn. And soon they came to a button that said, "End piece." And when Froggy pressed the button, the music maze disappeared into the musical expanse, freeing Froggy and his friends. "Phew!" Froggy said. "Four challenges down," Froggy started to say, but then he was interrupted by music master Gershwin who said, "And one more to go." "Your final challenge is to beat me in a one-on-one music duel." "You'll have to play better than me on three instruments that I repeat I get to choose." "Guys," Froggy said. "Come over here and we'll make a plan." So Froggy and his friends huddled in a circle. When their plan was made, Froggy told music master Gershwin, "We will accept the challenge." First, music master Gershwin said, "We are playing the cello." And worm bird went first. As they started, worm bird found his hands moving two times as fast as his wings flapped. Music master Gershwin lost the first round. Next up, music master Gershwin said, "The flute." And Mr. Hummus stepped up. He realized that because his hands were bigger, he could easily block all of the holes of the flute that he needed to. It was now two to zero, Froggy's team in the league. The last instrument, music master Gershwin said, "Is the..." And there was a long moment of silence. Piano! And it was Froggy the Gator's turn. By now, quite a few of Baby the Gator's friends had come, and Baby the Gator was just babbling to them about how cool Slobber was, but in Froggy's and his friends' imaginations, it was Froggy the Gator's turn to play in front of a massive, applauding audience. He sat down on the bench. It was a duet bench, which means it's wider than a normal bench, or longer, depending on which way you look at it. Froggy sat down and started to play. He was playing like a concert pianist when, in the middle of the song, he saw the sign for a chromatic scale all the way down the piano. Bravely, he just sight read it, doing incredible finger crosses all the way down until he got back into the normal sheet music, where he played even better than before. When Froggy finished his piece, a hole opened up underneath music master Gershwin, and he fell down screaming. Noooo! Until all Froggy and his friends could hear was a faint echo of music master Gershwin, as we should probably call him music master Gersh lost, if that makes sense, which I think it does. Then, as the friends were all celebrating, something snapped them back to reality. Kids, it's time to learn the chromatic scale, and why is Gershwin behind the piano? It was their piano teacher, Miss Torpipe. "It's a long story, Froggy chuckled." "Alright, well okay then," said Miss Torpipe. And with that, Froggy the Gator just smiled a knowing smile at Mr. Hummus and Warmbird, as Baby the Gator played with all his toys and friends. The end. And thank you again, Cedric, for that amazing story. Great job, sir. Keep up the great work, and to everybody else, we'll talk soon. You