Jesse Kelly Show

Military Versus U.S. Citizens

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15 Jun 2024
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He's Ryan here and I have a question for you. What do you do when you win? Like, are you a fist pumper? A woohoo, a hand clap or a high fiver? I kind of like to high fiver. But if you want to hone in on those winning moves, check out Chumba Casino. At Chumba Casino dot com, choose from hundreds of social casino style games for your chance to redeem serious cash prizes. There are new game releases weekly plus free daily bonuses. So don't wait. Start having the most fun ever at Chumba Casino dot com. No purchase necessary weekly review review by loss in terms of 18 plus. It is the Jesse Kelly show, another hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and asked Dr. Jesse Friday, we're going to talk about the military taking on the American people. That'll be light and fluffy and fun. It's talk about an AK 47. What do I think about those things? Why don't I laugh more on TV like I do on radio? Someone wants to argue with me about chopsticks will make fun of Lindsey Graham. All that and so much more is coming this hour on the world famous Jesse Kelly show. I do have to play this little bit too. This is from Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson. But just remember this. We call it communism Marxism because that really is the governing religion behind so much of what we see. But in the end, on an even more macro level than that, what is it? What is it? Well, it's just people in power, acquiring more money and power for themselves and destroying everyone else in the process. It's it's tail as old as time. It's not like the communists are the first ones who have understood this concept. They may have taken it to greater extremes than other people have before communists really have been more willing than honestly about anyone else I can think of in world history to murder their own people. Plenty of people have been conquerors and murderers and genocidal maniacs. The communists will look at his own country and burn it to the ground. It's really, really demonic. But in the end, it's just about getting richer and more powerful. Remember the communists in North Korea? The Kim family, they own a lot of mansions. What is that? I forget what I forget what the day with the fancy liquor is. Tennessee. There's Tennessee. Kim, the current Kim, his dad, he was the largest purchaser by far of Hennessy on the planet. Lenin ate a lot of steak dinners. So did Stalin. Pol Pot lived real, real well. That dirt ball in Venezuela. Oh boy, it's private air travel, pretty girls, juicy steaks. Everyone else dies. Everyone else starves or is murdered by the regime. But in the end, it's all just a scam. Mayor Brandon Johnson. He has been caught, if you will, dropping 30 G's on a taxpayer money on things like hair and makeup. Dude's got a crew cut. These dropping 30 G's on hair and makeup. And this is what he said about the sometime story last week about your spending of $30,000 from the campaign fund for hair and makeup. Sorry, campaign fund, not taxpayer money, campaign fund. Can you respond to that and explain why you think that's an appropriate use of the campaign dollars? Too many people seems like a lot of money. I think it's always appropriate to make sure that we're investing in small businesses, especially minority-owned, black-owned, women-owned businesses. Our campaign spends money on food. We support black and brown-owned businesses, women-owned businesses, printing. There are a number of things that my campaign spent. Well, of course, he's just out there helping the black and brown people. Of course, in the end, for all these people, as soon as you move from being a street scumbag and you get promoted into being an elite scumbag, in the end, it's just about money and power like so much of the rest of it. Anyway, hey, why is in balding Oracle? That's not very nice. Every time the topic occurs about people versus the government, you explain that the people have more arms than the government, despite not having planes or cannons or whatever. My question is, if told to attack the people, what percentage of enlisted service members, three-letter agencies, and capital police would say no into five orders? I don't think this thought has been addressed, but I wonder about it each time. Let's say you emailing from my peer-talk phone and haven't heard the Frito Bandito in a while, his name is Russell. Okay, let's give Russell what he asked for. Now, let's have a talk. In fact, we haven't covered this story in a long, long time. It was covered a story. We're talking about a book, an event in world history, but it is beneficial for what we're dealing with not to answer the question the guy has. When the commies finally decide that they're in a position of power and they start ordering us to be shot, how many are going to go along with it? Army, FBI, cops. Well, there's a book I've told you about many times before. One, I would really recommend you read, probably not for the kids. It's a heavy, heavy, heavy read, but the book is called Ordinary Men. That's the name of the book. It's called Ordinary Men. And here's what it's about. It's about a reserve police battalion of the Nazis in World War II. Now, I need to clarify a couple things about who these guys were before I just do a real brief thing on the story. These were not technically Nazis. These weren't SS types. Kill all the Jews. These were reservists. They were older. They weren't the young 20-year-old tip of the spear fighting men. These were the accountants, the lawyers, the construction workers who get called up from the reserves to do relatively safe things during the war, meaning the area they were put in charge of had already been conquered, pacified. All the enemy is gone. You bring up the reservists. Why? They're essentially there to do roadblocks, to take care of crime, to just do basic things, stand guard over the armory. That's all these guys are there for, their reservists. That's what they're there to do. And the book follows the path of these guys. But the beginning is the most interesting part. It's all really ugly. Don't get me wrong. But the beginning is the part that has always captured imagination, certainly mine. There's 500 of these guys. And their commander gets word from on high. Hey, there's a village over here, and it's full of Jews. We need you to go to this village, march all the men out of the village. They're going to go to labor camps. The women and children, you guys need to go dig a bunch of deep holes, take them into the woods, and shoot them all on the back of the head. Now I need to stress again. These are not kill all the Jews, Nazi types. Not everyone in the German army at all was like that. These are tubby reservists. And the commander when he's given this order from on high hates it. He's despondent. He's disgusted by it. He can't believe this is what he's been ordered to do. And so he stands in front of his unit of 500 men and says, we've just been ordered to kill a bunch of women and kids. Anyone who doesn't want to do this, I'm giving you permission right now. You can back out of this. You do not have to do this. You're not going to beat what the court marshal or there'll be no punishment or anything. If anyone doesn't want to go shoot women and children, you can back out of this right now. 500 men. Do you know how many said I'm out? 10. 490 men went along with it. Some enthusiastically, I'm sure many, many, many, many, many most the vast majority very reluctantly. They were worried about the social stigma. I don't want to look weak in front of my friends. I don't want to I don't want to do this. I don't want to do that. And the book really chronicles it from there. Go pick it up. It's a fascinating read. They go, they kill all these women and children. It's a terrible, terrible story. But then the book, it covers these guys and the things they did from the rest of the war. And that first night, after they'd killed all these guys, they were just fondant. They wouldn't eat. They were drinking. They had nightmares. By the end of the war, they looked forward to the next village. It just goes through the breakdown of their morality, of their mentality to where they went from hating it, but agreeing to do it to getting more and more comfortable with it to looking forward to it. That is not a story about Holocaust and Nazis. I mean, obviously it is. That's that's obviously a part of that story. That is a story about human nature. And there are a million examples of human nature. And we're going to dig into this in a little more depth here in a moment. I know it's as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving, but it is something we have to talk about. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday. Remember, you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly Chris, Michael, I will continue that conversation we were just having about Mexican food. I want to tell you what happened last night. And now we're going to have that conversation in front of the entire country. But this is after I finished my story. No, I'll tell you, it's a great story. I'm about to help you out. Anyway, back to what we were discussing. The question in case you missed it was, Hey, what percentage of the military would fire on American citizens if they were ordered to FBI cops? What percentage? And I was telling the story, the brief, brief story of the book, Ordinary Men, reserve police battalion under Nazi Germany, go kill a bunch of Jews. They don't want to do it. But only 10 of the 500 refused. The rest of them agree to go along with it. Eventually, they get comfortable, comfortable with it. Eventually, they look forward to it. Right. So that's the story. Look, the book goes into a lot more depth, highly recommended. But let's set that aside for a moment, because I do need to clarify a couple of things, at least about that portion of the story. The guys in that battalion, that reserve police battalion, they were from a society where there was some Jewish people suck stuff already built into them. It was already baked into the cake. No, I am not saying everyone in Germany at that time, one of the Jews to go to the death camps, not at all. Most of the Germans didn't even know about the friggin death camps. But because of some long religious tensions, remember there were, there have been religious tensions between Catholics and Jews, Christians and Jews for a very, very, very long time. Obviously, when it comes to Jesus or not Jesus, that's it. That's a big thing. And back in the day, that really was, you'd get physical about something like that. It's much less so today. But back then, when both the Jewish faith and the Christian faith were more aggressive when it came to enforcing what they wanted, that could end up with swords clashing. That was a big deal for the longest time. So there were already tensions there. And then when you build on those tensions in Germany throughout Europe, actually, once the Nazis started taking over the depth, the lengths they went to, to taint Judaism and Jews and the minds of the German people, it was, it was pretty deep. If you were, if you could take a poll of German people back then and not ask them if they wanted all the Jews, gassed and murdered. But if you were to pull the German people and ask them, hey, if you had your way, would you live around Jews? You'd be shocked at the numbers of them that would have said, well, no, actually, no, that didn't mean there wasn't enough gas, but they don't want them there. They don't, you see what I mean? So in the basic German population through endless amounts of propaganda, you had already baked into the cake some Jewish papal sock thing. So that is going to skew those numbers. We just talked about 500 men, only 10 of them refuse. So now let's go to America. Let's talk about us. Let's understand a couple things. There are differences between what you asked me, meaning you asked about law enforcement, cops, three letter agencies in the military. Let's focus on law enforcement for a moment. Let's let's begin there. Well, it's going to depend. And this is what I mean. If the Capitol police, okay, that's a great example, because that's the one you mentioned, we'll go with that. That's the Washington DC police, the police of the Capitol. That is a despicable communist, filthy organization, full of a bunch of America hating freaking dirtballs. If the Capitol police were ordered to open fire on you and your family, they would do so without a moment of hesitation. Now, let's go. Let's forget that forget. Let's set them aside. Let's use a different extreme example. Let's go to, I mean, what's the redest state in the union? Wyoming, Idaho, somewhere like that. You know what? Forget that. Let's go down south. This would be a better example. South Carolina, North Carolina, what pick your thing? And let's get out of a city. We're not any of the big cities. Let's go to a country jurisdiction. So that's going to be run by a sheriff, not local cops. It's going to be run by a sheriff in a county that votes about 95% Republican. If somebody came and ordered that sheriff to go fire on his own people, it depending on where you were, that sheriff might kill you. If you pull that in Louisiana, with the wrong parish, you're probably going to feed you to the Gators in a place like that. So that's going to local cops. It's going to depend on the jurisdiction. That's the truth. Now, let's set local cops aside. Or, you know what? On the along those same lines, state troopers, dude, state troopers are hardcore righties, hardcore righties. You get into a big city police department. That's where you're going to have major problems. State troopers, not so much. All right. So let's set cops aside. Let's talk about the three letter agencies. These are federal government employees. And the federal government has been killing itself, bending over backwards for years to ensure that these three letter agencies are filled with people who hate you. Why do you think? Why do you think the FBI is recruiting at Pride events? Pride events are despicable degeneracy. We're talking adults dancing naked in front of children. That's degeneracy. That's disgusting. Why would the FBI have a booth recruiting there? Because they're bringing those people in. Do you remember after St. George Floyd died? There's a picture. You can go look it up if you'd like the available or online. There's a picture of FBI agents in uniform kneeling before Black Lives Matter. If it's a three letter agency, oh, the answer will be yes when the orders are given. Now, let's set them aside and let's talk about the military. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and ask Dr. Jesse Friday. Remember? You missed any part of the show? Download the whole thing on iHeartGoogle Spotify iTunes. I'm answering the question about guy asked, Hey, what percentage of the local cops or the three letter agencies or the military would attack the American people if ordered to do so? And I told you, when it comes to local cops, totally going to depend on the jurisdiction. Some rural Red County sheriff? Absolutely not. You'll be okay. Some big city DC. You better watch yourself. State troopers, you'll be okay. You're in LA. Watch yourself. And then it just Rodney King who has to worry about the LAPD. Now, three letter agencies, every one of them would just just assume they're all bad because the ones that aren't would still follow orders, right? Now, set them aside. The American military. Now this is going to depend on a lot of things. I will tell you something that I was told one third of the green berets. This was told to me by a green beret who's currently in. He said, I believe one third of the green berets who are currently serving would attack the American people if ordered to do so. One third. That's the best. The green greas are the best of the best. The tip of the spear. That's a third of them. Now, let's work our way down. In fact, let me read this email to kind of make my point I'm about to make. And I realize it's a heavy point, but just hear me out. Jesse, I hear your point about the military being built up to turn against the people. I also hear your point about the caliber of soldier that the military is being built up with. If a group of these soldiers come and take away citizens, guns, shots rang out. I'm picturing a bunch of soldiers scattering. Lack of a better way to put it. The guy says, I'm not worried about it because the American military is being weakened with all this di diversity crap and all this other stuff. And I'm not worried about it. But this is actually something that should concern you. It should concern you for this reason. In general, a strong man, a genuine strong man is not the one you really have to worry about as much doing something evil and murderous towards you. If you see the picture of some Delta Force guy and he's got a beard and he's got a bunch of unsightly tattoos and he's strong and he's fast and he's deadly and you know it. Can that guy kill you? Oh, yeah, no question. Kill you me and everyone you know without breathing. But is that guy one of these hard charging but also thinking types? Is that the type of guy who might not follow orders? And he really, really is not going to kill women and children for the most part? Yeah, strong men don't do that. That's not what strong men do. Now, you're filling up the military with a bunch of LGBTQ filth, a bunch of the civil rights commies. You're filling up the military with a bunch of feminazis and all kinds of other things. What are these people? Angry bitter in week. I remember seeing a little video of a Navy sailor. This is a couple weeks ago, two or three weeks ago, he put some video up on his social media of him transforming into drag and in full makeup, prancing like a woman across the deck of an aircraft carrier. You know what I'm talking about? Don't you Chris? You saw it. I saw it too. Everyone saw it. That little fruitcake, that little fruitcake would follow orders and would probably very much enjoy doing so. Weak men. Those are the ones you need to be worried about. No, it's not the strong guy. It's honestly, it's not the if you told me that I had to take my wife into a bar with a bunch of biker gangs, Banditos, Hell's Angels types, or I had to take her in to some LGBTQ bar. If you asked me which one I would feel safer with, shoot, I'd go to the biker bar right now. I love bikers. I always get along with them. Great. Are she going to hear some salty language? Yep. When I go hit the head, is someone going to hit on her? No question about it. I'm probably going to be just fine in that bar. The other place. Well, that's where the predators are. That's where the predators are. And that's what I've tried to explain to you about what's happening in the military because you love the military and I love the military and you love America and I love America and therefore you want the military to be strong and you view it as something that's going to protect America and that's how I view it. Understand that the communist is not destroying the military. He is building a military. He is building a military to do exactly what you want the military to do. You want the military to do what? Attack America's enemies. Oh, the communist is doing the exact same thing. The difference, of course, is who do you think the enemies are versus who he thinks the enemies are? How many? We have the president of the United States of America, the man who was the commander in chief. He has repeatedly called Trump supporters an end of democracy, a threat to democracy, a threat to our foundation. And this is not a one-off for Joe Biden. The people who command the military think like this, talk like this, and they are building a military that will act on this. The United States and the world owe a debt to the ancient Greek ideas that first taught us that we the people and the demos, our democracy can control our own destiny and we you made us believe it in the idea that is endured for millennia. But it's also an idea that every generation has had to fight to uphold. Every generation has to defeat democracy's mortal foes because in our imperfect world appetites and ambitions of a few forever seek to dominate the lives and liberties of the many. And sadly, we have both discussed including the summit of democracies last year that democracy is more under assault today than including in the United States than any time in the recent past. But the Greek people know just as the American people do that freedom and democracy are worth sacrificing for. That's one of a million clips I could have played for you. Remember what Corinne diversity hire said the day after Joe Biden gave that really dark speech calling Trump supporters a threat to democracy. Remember how he had the United States Marines behind him, which is never done. You don't bring in uniformed military personnel when you're giving a political speech. If you're giving a presidential state of the Union something along those lines, yes, when you're giving a speech as a Democrat or as a Republican, you don't bring in the military and Corinne diversity hire was rightfully asked. She was asked, Hey Corinne, the Marines? The presence of the Marines at the speech was intended to demonstrate the deep in abiding respect. The president has for these service service members to these ideals and the unique role our independent military plays in defending our democracy. You're a threat to democracy. You're a threat to democracy. You you're a threat to democracy. Hey, what's with the Marines? All those guys, they defend democracy. The American communist is not destroying the military. He is building a new one, a new one for a new purpose. Let me ask you something. If you think this is over the top, if you put in front of Joe Biden today, AOC, Nancy Pelosi, pick your Democrat. If you put in front of them, a bona fide member of the Chinese Communist Party, who's working day and night to subvert the United States of America or a Trump supporter wearing a MAGA hat and he had to eliminate one. Which one would he eliminate? You already know the answer. They're building one. Keep that in mind. All right, that's enough heavy for a little bit. Let's get on to some other stuff. All right, hang on. It is the Jesse Kelly show that shows you how dated Tom Petty's music is. If you live like a refugee today, that means Americans will pay for everything for you. You just come into America. Here's a Visa card in a luxury hotel will fly you wherever you want. Anyway, I I owed you this because I promised it to you before I get back to the ask Dr. Jesse question. So I took the wife out last night and we went to this little local Mexican restaurant. Just needed the I needed to get away from the kids. All right, look, every now and then the boys, all they want to do was rough house and I just needed an hour with some Mexican food. Okay. And then I went home and I beat the snot out of them anyway. We took the wife out to some Mexican food and she got the chicken fajitas. I got beef fajitas. I'm generally not a fajita man. I'm more of an enchilada man, a quesadilla man, Beria Chris, you don't understand that's Mexican for a gravy or whatever, but it's delicious. Anyway, I'm not a fajita man much, but I got beef fajitas last night. She got the chicken fajitas only this place. They had something you could add to it that I'd never heard of or experienced before. A lot of you may have heard of it. I never had. It had what was called berry. You could add berry or a berry sauce or something like that to something berry. I don't know how to say it exactly. But here's what it was. It was a bunch of serrano peppers. And then it was kind of like a Marsala sauce, like a mushroom wine sauce. It was the best thing I've ever eaten. Now you may be asking why I got it. Because of course, I got my beef fajitas and she got her fajitas and she liked the looks of mine more than hers. So I had to switch it out. Best thing that ever happened to me. I highly, highly recommend it. It was awesome. Absolutely awesome. Dear, some Brero dong oracle. My family got some wonderful health news this week. As a Christian, of course, I immediately praise and gave thanks to the Lord. Then I've fired up some Elvis gospel gospel music. Do you have a favorite gospel song? Swing down sweet chariot and I'll have a new body or two of mine. I love the show Despise commies. Happy Father's Day. Pre John. His name is Jordan. I have always been an amazing great Scott. I love the song, but I have an axe to grind with the people who sing amazing grace. This is Kristi, you know the song. I realize it talks about Jesus, but you know the song. Everyone knows the song. The greatest verse of the song is the one almost everyone cuts out of the song because it's been covered by a million different singers, males, singers, females, singers are and be country. You name it. Everyone sings the first two and the last verse, but the greatest of the verses is the third verse. It's the one that goes through many dangers, toils and snares. I have already come to his grace that brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home. That's the most beautiful verse in the song and most people don't even know what's in the song because for some explicable reason, everyone of you pop stars cuts that verse out, cut out the last one or cut out the first one or do me a favor and just sing the whole freaking thing. I didn't mean to start yelling. Hey, Lord, I didn't mean to start yelling about amazing grace. I apologize for that. I've had a lot of caffeine today. That's going to be on me. All right. That's going to be on me. You know what I'll do to punish myself? Well, to be honest, it's going to be to punish myself and the boys. So I have this plan for the weekend. You see Sunday's Father's Day. The family is already going to take me out to lunch. I know this. I am forcing them to watch a documentary after I'm done with me. I'll make it an hour or two. I don't want to torture them, but I have to always hear, I ain't your set to dork with your documentary. She said to dork with it. Guess what? It's Father's Day. I get to do whatever I want, and they're going to sit there and watch a documentary with me. I haven't even decided which one it's going to be yet. And lastly, so I have this plan and the boys aren't listening right now, so I can tell you what the plan is. You know, I told you about my burn up pistol launcher. It's these non lethal pistol launchers. They shoot pepper balls or tear gas balls or practice rounds, keep in mind or kinetic rounds, which is just the hard plastic ones. Anyway, it would set all that stuff aside for a moment. Practicing with it is something my boys and I love to do. You go right in the backyard and they send you this target with it and you practice. And it's a blast. It's something you can do anywhere. You know, you can just go practice with it. And I do this a lot with the boys only on Sunday instead of the practice rounds. I think they're filled with baby powder or something like that. Instead of the practice rounds, I'm going to have the boys practice up close. I'm going to tell you this sometimes different distances. And I'm going to tell him, hey, we need to practice our five foot distances. And I'm going to put the tear gas rounds in there. What Chris, and it's going to be hilarious. It's not going to, they're not going to be bad. It's outside. I mean, yeah, that there might be some pain, but that's not my problem. Anyway, do you have your burn up pistol launcher yet? It'll save your life and you can torment your children with it for Father's Day. In fact, it's the Father's Day gift for dad. And also, just keep this thing on you. They're incredible. I love having a non-lethal option with my lethal option. Burn a dot com slash Jesse gets you 10% off. B Y R N A dot com slash Jesse. It'll not only save your life. You'll be able to torment your kids. Hey, Jesse, if an AK is 47 is as heavy as 10 boxes, you might be moving. How many boxes does Rambo's huge gun way? That's a very good point. Rambo's gun. Honestly, 20 boxes as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving. It's got to be 20 boxes. It has to be. Jesse, I listen to you every day when watching your TV show. You don't laugh like you do on radio versus TV. I understand your limits. My question is, why can't you laugh on your TV show? Awesome. This on your military service. I love you, man. So on and so forth. Well, I, you know, I do a TV show every night on the first TV, every night after this show, I do a TV show. And I actually, someone just asked me yesterday, which one I like more. And I like them both for different reasons. TV is there's a visual element to TV that I really enjoy, because I talked, I talked with my hands. And if you watch the radio show on simulcast, you know this to be true. I talk with my hands, I roll my eyes, I make facial expressions. I do, I do all kinds of things. I don't do this on purpose. It's just naturally how I talk and how I how I try to get a point across. I do it with my kids, right? That's just how I talk. I like that part of TV. I like that people can see me do it. However, TV is so much more structured than radio is. It is just so structured with with how the brakes work and how the guests work and how everything is laid out. TV is much more scripted and structured, even though I don't have a teleprompter or writers or anything. I'm all it's just me. It's much more structured. Radio, I love radio because it is completely freewheeling, at least if you do it like we do it. I realized most other shows are probably a bit more structured than this one, but we don't structure anything here. The show is not scripted out. We don't write anything down. We have a bunch of stories out. I picked my favorites and we'll just kind of riff and start talking about life and sound and we'll joke and I'll talk about fajitas and and other things. I probably laugh more on radio because if I'm being honest, while I like them both, as far as pure fun goes, radio's more fun. You can't do that on TV. You can't you can't do that. All right, we still have a whole hour. I have a stack of questions, but I'm up to the task. Hang on. Hello, it is Ryan and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. 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