Jesse Kelly Show

Ask Dr. Jesse Friday

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15 Jun 2024
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Lucky Land Casino asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli I guess I'm in my dentist's office more than once actually do I have to say yes you do in the car before my kids PTA meeting really yes, excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky. I never win and tell well There you have it you can get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land slots calm play for free right now Are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary for you by law 18 plus terms and conditions policy what's every details? Jesse Kelly show final hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and asked dr. Jesse Friday I hope you are having fun. I hope you're going to have a blessed weekend Shout out to all the dads out there before we get into anything else father's day is coming and remember dad You are critical for your children's lives critical So embrace it enjoy it and enjoy getting spoiled on a Friday. Now. Let's dig into a bunch of stuff this hour first Before we get back to the ask dr. Jesse questions You remember we were talking about how they lie about everything The system the government everything they say is an outright lie now including the crime statistics remember they at the FBI came out recently and Said violent crime is down way down. Wow. It's a miracle except the FBI is an evil Secret state police agency that lies in order to protect Democrats when they're not arresting and shooting Republicans That's what the FBI does Crime isn't way down The major cities were almost all of America's violent crime happens Stopped reporting their crime numbers to the FBI When the major crime centers stop reporting to the FBI and then the FBI reports to you that crime is down Everyone is conspiring to lie to you. How are things in the major cities? What would those crime numbers look like? Well Listen to this murders are off double digits in LA Baton Rouge, Kansas City or Lando Wichita and Colorado Springs up double digits murder rape Karthap and this comes back a lot of this comes back to obviously the Soros pro crime pro rape DA's George Soros has chosen to attack two very specific things recently and Look credit where it's due that evil piece of trash is really good at what he does He chose to attack the district attorney offices sink a bunch of money into that steal the DA races Then you have das who don't prosecute criminals more rapists on the streets more violence more chaos more murder Just what he wants in America. He's done that and he's gotten involved in the secretary of state races Did you know that you know the kind of people who handle elections? Maybe you've heard of Michigan. It's this beautiful state has a garbage university in it, but it's this beautiful state Their secretary of state is a George Soros communist She's also gone to painful lengths to reduce voter security if you will Funny Wonder what George Soros's plans are for that Anyway, let's move on Jesse My name is Alea That's a beautiful name. I'm 13. I wanted to get some advice. I'm going into eighth grade, and I'm very nervous I really want to respond. I really like the shows so on and so forth Listening to you know my existence would make me so happy You may be want to be a politician because it sounds so cool, but my friends tell me I'm a girl and I'm too short I'm four foot ten Okay, well one you're four ten You're not short You're a dwarf. All right, but you might grow taller But chicks don't have to be tall to be in politics at all if you want to be in politics go be in politics I prefer you didn't because you're a woman, but if that's what you want to do you can certainly do that That's one two. Let me tell you something Alea about eighth grade. Let me talk to all of you Junior hires out there and whatnot tell you the same thing. I've told my sons this is The most awkward period of your life because you're not a little kid anymore But you're not an adult yet. You're not even really a teenager yet growing facial hair Well, I'll lay out never mind you wouldn't go facial hair unless you're Italian. You know, you're not you're not you're not you're not growing up yet So you're stuck in this part where you're awkward and everything's changing and your friends are awkward So allow me to tell you just the same thing. I've told my sons Do the best you can you said you're nervous and I get that nerve-wracking time Do the best you can? Not to take yourself too seriously you hear me This is gonna be a time like I can't speak for the women In fact, it wouldn't even be appropriate for me to speak for all the things the women go through at this time physically and everything else So I'll just leave that aside for dudes Your skinny I was skinny as a rail your voice is cracking You are attracted to girls, but you don't have any idea how to talk to any of them because you don't have any confidence in yourself yet It's an awkward time instead of pretending like you're not awkward embrace it Learn to laugh at yourself. This is an awkward period in your life. There's look It's hard to shame somebody or embarrass somebody who laughs at themself Laugh at yourself. These days will be a distant memory one day one day. You're gonna be old and gray like me Balding well, no, you won't be balding lady, but you do understand what I'm saying. Don't take yourself too seriously Jesse the great Who controls which party is in charge of counting the ballots? How can one party control vote counting and prevent oversight of what they're doing? Is there any federal law someone and so forth? Well The people who get involved in counting the ballots Are the people who show up and volunteer? Take out the ballots. Did you know that? You see There's a reason poll watchers ballot counters They're occupied by mostly communists not all at all There are some really really great freedom lovers who do this work and I applaud you if you do But most of the people who do that kind of nitty-gritty stuff are communists. Why? Well, you know what let's change the subject for a moment. I'll come back to this Your church do you go to church if you have a church if you if you if you even if you don't have one You know about how a church works, right? You have to pastor and elders get the congregation sermon and everything else Did you know that in your church? there's somebody who cleans the bathrooms in your church there's somebody who Stands out in the heat and directs traffic trying to get cars parked the right way on Sundays Did you know that in your church? There's a guy who or a lady who vacuums the floors dusts everything off After everyone leaves if there's an event or something. They're picking up all the chairs and moving it You probably don't know these people Or at least you've never seen them do the things they do. We're never really thought about it But there are people in your church who do What is considered the little things even those aren't those aren't little things. Why do they do that? Because they believe Because they believe in the mission of the church and they believe in it all the way That they will do the little Nitty-gritty things things that aren't sexy things that are things that aren't beautiful things that sometimes are even Gross they'll do that because they believe Why does the Communists do the boring parts of politics, you know running for the house or Senate? Running for some big shot office. Yeah, there's a lot of crap that comes with that But at least and you get a fancy pin on your collar people want to take pictures with you wow, it's Jesse. That's so amazing Very very few people in fact the numbers probably hovering right around zero Get requested for a picture because they're Counting ballots working the polls on election day. Whoa, you're working. You're working on election day You're asking for my ID and handing out ballots. I can't believe I got to meet you Can I have a picture with you? You've never heard that conversation in your life. Have you and you never will? But the Communist understands what we on the right have never understood The quote little things the nitty-gritty things the things that aren't sexy and don't get you celebrated And don't get you a book deal and don't get you on someone's Instagram feed those things are critical The machine doesn't go without those things We have neglected the non-sexy Little things of politics. It's not that one party controls who counts the ballots or works the polls or does whatever It's that one party cares enough to get involved in it And hey, I am not pointing fingers at you I've never worked up work the polls in elections now I've gotten involved in politics in many different ways working for candidates running for office So yeah, I'm obviously involved in politics. I'm not gonna act like I'm not But I've never done one of those jobs I've never showed up and sat there on election day and done all that stuff The people who care do and right now in America the people who care are the dirty communists That's why they're winning the people who want to destroy America are simply more committed than the people who want to save it Until that changes. We can't save it if that changes we can't it is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday And ask dr. Jesse Friday. Don't forget we are live here. You can email us Jesse at Jesse Kelly show calm Also, do not forget to be part of your community led by the members of the community they are People who understand the capacity of the community the needs of the community the culture of the community She's so bad. Yes, you want to you want to hear something terrifying? She there it's she might be president It's not outside of the realm of possibility that that woman is going to be president within the next four years Gosh, anyway, let's get move on. Hey, Jess. Hey Jesse. I support Israel And I don't have a problem with us helping them out, but when it comes to Ukraine I don't think we need to be doing anything over there. Does that make me a hypocrite? What do you say to people who think these situations are the same? Love the show as always your thoughts and analysis of political situations always seem to pair with my thoughts as well His name is Troy. It doesn't make you a hypocrite. Listen. Here's the thing about foreign policy Foreign policy is complicated and often times there's no Right answer because foreign policy is so Complicated now. I will say that there are a couple things that I believe in One thing I find indefensible. I detest it. I always have is chicken hawks. I'm much more of a non interventionist I do not believe in sticking our noses and other people's business I believe what the founders believe that is the founding of the founding thought of this nation when it comes to foreign policy However, if you are one of these people of no, no, no, we have to invade here We have to maintain this breath. We have to maintain our strength. We have that's fine That doesn't make me smart and you stupid or vice versa However, the thing I absolutely cannot abide. I cannot abide it at all is the person who wants American troops Everywhere and doesn't risk themselves or their children No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you don't get to be Mitt Romney Mitt Romney's got 95 children and neither Mitt Romney or any one of his children have been able to apparently locate a military Recruiting office and yet Mitt Romney no matter what is going on once to invade here invade there No, we have to spread freedom. No, this is really important Oh, it's important mitt. Well, then pick up a weapons senator if you can't or you're too old Is there something wrong with your sons or their fingers broken? Oh, so it's it's important for him to die But no one you love to die It's just what is that for the peasants mitt chicken hawks. I hate chicken hawks chicken hawks or no If you are a kill them all and got like God sort them out person fine Your butt better be in the trenches Teddy Roosevelt was one of those types not not chicken-hot But he was one of those guys. He disagreed with the founders. He wanted America involved in every foreign war Okay, fine. I disagree with Teddy Teddy Roosevelt on this, but I would never ever ever trash the man for that. You know why cuz Teddy was fighting in him He wasn't just trying to send you to die or your son to die Teddy wanted to be there and when he couldn't go like World War one They didn't let him he was trying to go. They didn't let him Woodrow real some band him from going He sent his sons and lost his sons Now that ain't no chicken hawk We may disagree on foreign policy, but I've got no issue with that at all when it comes to what you said I support Israel. I don't support Ukraine Okay, fine. I don't I don't have all the answers. I don't have all the right answers I get that what I have said repeatedly about Ukraine specifically well one. This is what I've said about everything America doesn't have any money left We're gonna get to a point quickly. I would argue were way past that point that it doesn't matter what you want or what I want What you think or what I think? There's no money left We are borrowing money from ourselves at Elevated interest rates at the same time the dollar is collapsing so quickly Saudi Arabia just broke a 50 year pact on the petro dollar The money is gone It doesn't matter what you want or I want what I want is a brand-new Navy our Navy is old and rusted It's not good that we have ships out there from the 80s. That's not up-to-date enough I want a brand-new Navy. I'm talking cruisers destroyers attacks subs aircraft carriers Guess what? We don't have the money. I don't get what I want. I shouldn't get what I want We don't have the money now what I've said though about Ukraine is This is about the wealthy in the powerful the finance giants the politicians Democrat and Republican The defense contractors. This is all about money That's what this is about. It has nothing to do with freedom or democracy This is about money your Republican colleague Senator Tommy Tuberville just this past week said on Steve Bannon show that Vladimir Zelensky is a dictator and unconstitutional I wonder if those remarks from your fellow senator represent the GOP no it represents him and him alone If you spent 15 minutes studying Putin and what he wants he wants to re recreate the Russian Empire He's not gonna stop in Ukraine. We celebrated the 80th anniversary of D Of course, he's lying Putin doesn't have the ability to go any further. He can't even take all of Ukraine So why would he say such a blatant lie? Because this is about money. That's why all right All right now, let's talk about something real quick before we move on to the other asked dr. Jesse questions It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and asked dr. Jesse Friday And we still have a stack of questions to get to although I do want to say I've been really really fast today I feel like yes. I have Chris. Yes. I have you know, I never get credit from Chris Jesse because I Did to set this up in case you missed the show earlier this week. I was complaining I was saying you don't need to use chopsticks Because the point of eating is not the experience. It's to get the food into your mouth It's to eat delicious food. That's the point of eating. It's not to experience it Hey with this guy disagrees and he actually makes it very very fair point your royal foodness as a fellow tall human a father of four children and a coach of sports teams a I can tell you that you were looking at chopsticks thing the chopsticks thing from the wrong perspective It's not about how much food You get into your face It is about establishing The pecking order. It's about dominance. He says I Absolutely agree with you that chopsticks are a terrible utensil But we live in a society where so many people have so few skills You break out the chopsticks and use them effectively and show everyone at the table who the alpha is I Love your show, but you're missing an opportunity. His name is Tim I love you guys. I love how many you know what you know what tickles me is How many different groups of people? Listen to the show and I enjoy all of you There are so many kids who listen I think that's awesome There are so many old-timers who listen old men and women old vets guys who are in the service Meathead dudes Dimes single times Mary Dimes homeschooling their the 19 kids. It's wild to me The different groups and how different those groups are biker gangs listen to the show Do you know that the men insane that they do it's crazy to me. I love you guys you murder me Well, wait a minute. I just mentioned the biker games. Don't actually murder me. Please. Hi, Jesse I read that at firearm training soldiers were informed if you point your firearm off 180 You will be shocked if you heard of this are there any such instances his name is Joe Okay, I don't know if anyone was ever shot, but I will tell you oh I guess I should explain what he was talking about. Okay. Thank you Chris for asking a clarifying question Chris said What does that mean? Okay, so when you are Training like in Marine Corps boot camp you have to rifle qual or you can't pass boot camp period You have to qualify with your rifle when you go out to the rifle range There are lines firing lines at the different Distances there are you're gonna have 300 and 200 and 500 and everything else. There are lines there Oftentimes you be shocked how often this is You are dealing with guys Who have never held or shot a weapon before now? I grew up my old man had me hunting like I have told you before I remember being six years old carrying a toy gun Hunting rabbits with my dad. I was hunting from the earliest age I was very comfortable with firearms for the longest time But there were there were guys who genuinely had never held a weapon and believe it or not a lot of those guys turned out to be amazing shots, you know why? You didn't bring in any bad habits and you got to learn how to shoot from the best marksmen in the planet Marines So they you you were a blank slate and they made you anyway, anyway back to the firing line Because you're dealing with inexperienced people you're dealing with recruits. There's lack of sleep. You're nervous. You're everything the one time in boot camp You were allowed you the drill instructors are allowed to physically attack you That's not like they don't ever physically attack you, but the one time they're allowed to do so is if your weapon Gets pointed any other direction on that firing line any other direction than downrange And that and that includes even for basic screw-ups if you have some new guy and actually I experienced this before I'll tell you that story in a moment if you have some new guy who I don't know how this thing works And he turns around and points that m16 anywhere else he will likely be body slammed by the drill instructor that they will jam your face into the ground because we're dealing with life and death in fact Here's one at idiot. I am this and this is all on me. It's my fault when I was running for Congress a Lot of people wanted to go shooting with me. It's because I was a marine things like that get that's fine I love shooting anyway. That's fine with me We decided to have a little fundraiser of hey come shoot with Jesse. That's what it was and This kid shows up. I say kid. I think he was in his 20s. I would guess and he had no weapons experience And I thought I had laid him out pretty well weapons safety and whatnot and and here's the downrange and got him all loaded up and he was practicing and There are ten of us behind him he's got this little semi-automatic pistol and he's cooking it off down range and I forget if you know it wasn't out of ammo because the slide wasn't locked back. He jammed there was a jam and You know, I can't kill the guy for being an idiot. He just didn't know He said ah no, and he turns it's held at his waist But it's pointing you know straight out from his belt buckle and he turns and just faces all of us Just staring down the the barrel of that weapon That's a hundred percent on me for not making sure I had enough safety there and whatnot very very lucky that somebody myself included Didn't die that day, but it's another lesson for you. All right No, Lufa, but still uses body wash Jesse. I hate you guys Trump's comments with Hannity and dr. Phil that he's not naive to what's happening to him with the political executions is he naive to what's going on or do you think he finally gets it? Second his comments make it seem like there will be no retribution if he wins Do you believe that or think he's just saying it for the election? Okay, let's deal with the last thing first Do I believe Trump when he says not about retribution? I've kind of moved on I'm not sure, but I believe Trump is saying that for the election He's saying that because he doesn't want to freak out norm and norm up member Trump is running a campaign now Where the approval numbers are in his favor Norm and Norma even if they hate him personally and many people do the majority of the country actually does about 60% of the country Doesn't like Trump personally even if they like his policies or whatever he wants people to forget about that Hey inflation's bad Borders bad. I had that stuff fixed. You want to be that's the kind of campaign He's running and that's the smart campaign to run Trump needs to run a campaign on inflation jobs border security inflation jobs border security over over and over again He doesn't want to run the campaign that I would like to see of Just kill them all and that God sort them out elect me. I don't have these commies in cages He can't say that he's gonna freak Norman Norma out. So when he kind of downplays that part of it I believe that's him just trying to win the election as far as his naivete to what's happening to him Look, we're not going to know Unless and until he gets back into the Oval Office Trump the first time by his own admission was painfully naive He thought he was just gonna go be a deal maker will pass a bill year and pass a bill there Let's get the economy going. He's a business guy He thought he would win the election and things would kind of calm down because Trump had no idea what he was dealing with No idea how committed these communists are he just he had no idea and he kept surrounding himself with all these morons Who kissed his rear end and so it was bad? Are we going to get a different Trump the next time? I mean guys are convicted fella now. How crazy is that? I? Don't know I Hope I don't know There's not gonna be a return to normalcy by acting normal. I know that Whoever the next Republican president is They are going to have to do extreme things in order to save this country if we are able to save Imperged the federal government extreme things if you walk into that Oval Office and think you can just be normal Hey, let's just get it back to normal. You are gonna get eaten alive. I Don't know whether he gets that or not yet. I don't know we will not know you don't know either So don't act like you do. No one does until he gets there and we see what he does. That's when we'll know, right? It is the Jesse Kelly show final segment of the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and asked doctor Jesse Friday. I do hope you will treasure your weekend. I forgot to get this It's so Joe Biden at the G7 he was these around all these world leaders It was really bad. It was really really really bad. The articles are starting to come out the other world leaders noticed It was bad bad bad. He's he's not doing well Morning Joe man. You want to talk about no shame. It just it needs to be sad I mean you you you have jump on here with a schedule that'd be brutal for anybody. Oh my god President of any age going to Europe, you know On D day and spending five days in France going over to the G7 in the middle of the personal struggles In the middle of the personal struggle will stop the the personal struggles would be his son becoming a convicted felon No, that would be the personal struggle the other trial And and yesterday I even even critics were saying that that he did a Strong job very good job representing the United States even though again We have some some cheap fakes that the RNC once again spreading vicious lies about Joe Biden, but that's just that's that's who they are They become we will point that Those two kill me and James Carvel had this to say I miss this and man I have a big disagreement with James Carvel about this. I think Democratic coach has too many preachy females It's too much. Don't eat hamburgers. Don't watch football He said democratic culture has too many preachy females and I completely disagree with that America itself has too many preachy females. This isn't isolated to the Democrat party This is America. Also this story out of Washington I saw this group of teenagers like deliberately Making us marks and scratch marks with their line scooters like just all around several witnesses confronted the group and called police We're not gonna sit by as we watch people deliberately Come in a hate crime like right in the middle of downtown after looking at security footage office come in a hate crime imagine imagine The older black person listening to the show right now Who experienced poison as hatred in their lives back in the day? segregation maybe even lost a family member today a Hate crime is some kids leaving skid marks on your degenerate pride flag in the street Which is hilarious by the rest of three teenagers to our minors and one is 19 year old Russell and Turco Turco had his first appearance in court this afternoon the judge released him under the condition He doesn't go near the crosswalk or the other teenagers The prosecutors though had asked the judge to set a $15,000 bond since that's how much it costs to repaint the mural the community really Came together to raise the money for them to be able to do it before the parade on Saturday now This vandalism just hours after that repaint only a few weeks after someone else set fire to the mural It sucks to be reminded in moments like this that there are still people out there that you know Have hate in their hearts for other people These kids that's so great the next generation. It's gonna be awesome I'll tell you what they're gonna be a huge part of the community So the importance of community banks is they are as they are called they're in the community led by the members of the community they are People who understand the capacity of the community the needs of the community the culture of the community It's a very simple talks the concept wouldn't you agree? This is not an attempt to ban tik-tok It's attempt to make tik-tok better tik-tok-toe a winner a winner I agree and now and now Emails we didn't get to you Lufa Jesse I live in Omaha so not a bastion of fine dining I like Omaha Omaha is underrated I took the wife and one of my boys out from mexican last week wife had a stake for $32 and a $19 margarita Wait, total bill was a hundred and twenty dollars It's insane the prices. We only go out to eat once a month anymore Anyway, my question is why does the Trump slash GOP have so many leaks like the Milwaukee quote are they made up? the Dems really ever have a leak well Most of these things like that Milwaukee quote from Trump is completely made up But when you control the entirety of the media you can create something from nothing Something can be created from nothing a Republican We'll have a much more difficult time doing that because the media Hates everything they say so they would immediately dig into it. What are your sources? You can't name anything you have to have more than just something to make us something out of it You have to have a huge something to get the media to even look at it at all So that is we're not dealing with a level playing field here at all now as far as the leak stuff goes Well, this goes back to something we've talked about before Donald Trump can't hire anybody You can't I've I've said repeatedly. I've told his son He needs a hiring manager now That's not the kind of thing that Trump would relinquish but you got to know your your strengths and weaknesses in life You have to he cannot hire good people because he hires whoever's nice to him So he's all his White House leaked like a sieve There were all there was always some back biting new staffer new assistant here screwing him over He hired I'm a rosa Gah Lee Jesse I ordered an autograph copy of the anti-communist manifesto What I got was the hardcover edition and yes It was so-called autographed by what looked like a three-year-old with a Sharpie And well played anyone full enough to fall for the autograph thing is full enough to buy it and I did I enjoyed your book and of course your radio and TV on the first. Thanks Jesse all the best from a loyal listener, okay That's my signature. That's not that bad of a signature and if you think my signature is bad You should see my dads. I'm not even making this up. This is worse than mine is anyway Go enjoy yourself this weekend. Go enjoy your community. Go enjoy your family its fathers They celebrate your dad call or text him or go hang out with them. All right That's all it is Ryan here and I have a question for you What do you do when you win like are you a fist-pumper a woo-hoo a hand clap or a high-fiver? I kind of like to high-five, but if you want to hone in on those winning moves check out Chumba Casino at Chumba Casino Dot-com choose from hundreds of social casino style games for your chance to redeem serious cash prizes They are new game releases weekly plus free daily bonuses So don't wait start having the most fun ever at Chumba Casino dot-com >> No purchase necessary, P-T-W point where prohibited by law. See terms and conditions, 18 plus.