Jesse Kelly Show

The Ukraine deal is simply about money for defense contractors and politicians while the rest of us can't afford eggs

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14 Jun 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba Casino calm I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They're also playing Chumba Casino Go incidents. I think not everybody's loving having fun with it Chumba Casino is home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime anywhere even at 30,000 feet So sign up now at Chumba Casino calm to claim your free welcome bonus. That's Chumba Casino calm and live the Chumba life No, but it's necessary This is a podcast from WOR Final hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday the week is almost over Well, make fun of the WNBA will talk about the the looting and the Ukraine stuff with Biden from today Looks like Trump met with the potential vp's meeting with Mitch McConnell emails all that and more coming up this hour I'm the world famous Jesse Kelly's show. Let's let's deal with the Ukraine thing before we get to the WNBA thing though So we've been talking about this a lot and we're gonna keep talking about it sadly for years That it's beginning to get more and more obvious. This is all about money Obviously, it's not about freedom or democracy It's not about Putin marching through Europe anyone who says that as an idiot or a liar It's obviously about something else and more and more and more It began. It becomes clear that this is all about money It's all about money for the finance giants money for the defense contractors Job security for all these generals and of course all that money for finance giants and defense contracts Translates directly into money for political candidates all those defense contractors have packs That write gigantic checks to whichever candidate wants to keep the war drums beating in Ukraine That's the truth Biden was over there today, and he was pretty eloquent and Mr. McMr. Nodoa Mike when he was done stumbling and fumbling and drooling on himself though He did talk about this president Zalinsky and I Have just now signed that agreement between the United States and Ukraine Our goal is to strengthen Ukraine's credible defense and deterrence capabilities for the long-term a Lasting piece for Ukraine must be underwritten by Ukraine's own ability to defend itself now and to deter future aggression Anytime in the future the United States is going to help ensure the Ukraine can do both Not by sending American troops to fight Ukraine but by providing weapons and ammunition Just pause on that for a moment. I'll let him keep going, but Don't you love? Don't you love how the scum bags in the Democrat in Republican Party? How they both how they all keep selling that to us as the selling point the whole no American troops But we're only here. Hey, we better do this or American troops will die. Hey, it's only your money Your livelihood and you can't afford a pound of burger But no American troops they keep saying it as if we should thank them for that Oh, wow You mean you're not grabbing our sons and daughters now and allowing them to be slaughtered on foreign soil for the first time in ages What a guy. Thanks, Joe. The Republicans do it too. We're gonna keep doing this But not with American troops and a no trip not our troops. Don't worry about that. Don't worry. It's just your money Who cares, right? Expanding intelligence sharing Continuing to train brave Ukrainian troops and bases in Europe and the United States Enhancing interoperability between our militaries and line with NATO standards Investing Ukraine's defense industrial base. So in time in time they can supply their own. I love that I love how they put that Investing in Ukraine's defense industrial base. What a word. What a way to phrase that weapons and munitions Working with the Ukraine's partners to build a future force that is strong sustainable and resilient And supporting Ukraine's economic recovery as well as energy recovery after Russia's repeatedly targeted Ukraine's energy grid With massive attacks in the futile attempt to break the will of the Ukrainian people Hmm so who's gonna be involved in all this boy? That sounds like If you're listening to it a certain way, that sounds expensive Doesn't it I? Realize they're using politician words like investment, of course But you and I both know how that works. You me We will never see a penny of that money And we'll never see any benefit don't be wrong Joe Biden will get plenty of benefit Him and all the dirtballs in the government will have their campaign coffers filled the defense contractors will all be on private jets to Barbados You me, you know, we're not gonna be able to afford eggs But didn't that sound like a lot of money? Huh? Who's gonna get involved and help Joe out up? Would you look at that? He found somebody but before I play this What are the three? Finance Giants evil monsters. What are the names of the three evil finance giants who are responsible for? So much of the corporate filth you see out there now You're mad about a yes, gee. I am too You're mad about di all this diversity crap. I am too Who are the three finance giants? Black rock Vanguard State Street Burn those names into your memory These are the names of gigantic corporations a Republican who actually wanted to save the country. He'd be attacking these companies They are forcing this corporate communism everywhere, but You don't think they're just doing that out of the goodness of their heart, right? You see black rock Vanguard State Street. They have found a Reliable business partner the United States government and look at that Joe's looking for someone to help out in Ukraine and wow Look who he found mr. Fink I could call you Larry. I'm calling you mr. Fink But we go back a long way of black rock today black rock and other partners are committing to invest at least four billion dollars Four billion dollars to an infrastructure project for the line with our PGI priorities. Oh What a good guy Larry Fink and black rock they're gonna what did he say Chris give that what he said? Did he say give maybe I should play it again mr. Fink who we call him mr. Fink mr. Fink he's going to is he gonna give that money mr. Fink. I could call you Larry. I'm calling you mr. Fink But we go back a long way of black rock today black rock and other partners are committing to invest at least four billion dollars Four billion dollars to an infrastructure project for the line with our PGI priorities So allow me to explain how this works the federal government central intelligence agency most definitely is knee-deep involved in all this and gigantic global corporations Have billions and probably trillions at stake in Ukraine and the various mineral deposits and energy that's in Ukraine the grains to everything else They need to keep ahold of those things and keep control of those things and they understand that the taxpayer in various nations This isn't just ours. The taxpayer will be abused. They will hoover up all that money out of your wallet They will spread it around to all of their friends finance giants defense contractors Politicians you name it if you're in the club which you aren't but if you're in the club you are going to be well cared for oh Larry Fink and given four billion dollars to nobody he is Investing in that do you think? Being a card-carrying member of the system Do you think he's going to get some returns on that four billion dollars? Do you think in the end of all this Larry Fink's gonna wake up and do it you would I do roll over and grab his phone? Maybe chip pull up his bank app on his phone and say oh gosh Four billion mmm that hurt. I can't believe we lost all that Or do you think being? good friends with Joe and Helping of course democracy in Ukraine. Do you think that might end up paying in the end? As I've said We are in the looting the treasury phase of our Republic and it is Maddening to watch all these dirtballs do it right in front of our eyes It's not even it's not even like it's behind closed doors if you're somebody like you who pays attention I've they brag a president Ziliski and I Have just now signed that agreement between the United States and Ukraine Our goal is to turn the Ukraine's credible defense and deterrence capabilities for the long-term A lasting peace for Ukraine must be underwritten by Ukraine's own ability to defend itself now and to deter Future aggression anytime in the future the United States is going to help ensure the Ukraine can do both Not by sending American troops. I want you as you as you finish this I want you to think about your grocery bill last month before Ukraine, but by providing weapons and ammunition expanding intelligence sharing Continuing to train brave Ukrainian troops and bases in Europe and the United States they take money from your wallet And they hand it out to all their friends Domestically and internationally While you can barely afford to live and then they run to the cameras and have the gall to tell you how great you all Americans both Those who are well off and those who are near near at the bottom is the income distribution are better off now They're wages have risen more than prices It's so in your face. All right, speaking of in your face. Let's talk about the WNBA next Jesse Kelly returns it is the Jesse Kelly show odd at Thursday Do not forget that tomorrow is asked dr. Jesse Friday and you need to get your questions emailed in right now Don't wait till tomorrow doesn't have to be political can be about anything email your questions into Jesse at Jesse Kelly show calm The WNBA is Expected to lose 50 million dollars Despite popularity the league is hard-pressed to exist without the NBA according to an executive And I'm honestly, I'm not gonna rip on the WNBA again That's too much fun, and I've already done it before and I don't want to go into that right now it just It's crazy when you would you take a step back and look at our country and How much lame failure is being subsidized and how much? Failure is being wholly propped up just because it represents some kind of commie gobbly good cultural thing to people Why is there a WNBA? It doesn't make any money Nobody watches it everyone has to pretend to care about it Wow look at those girls shoot, but no one enjoys it It's a charity league. I'm getting a bunch of crap because I said it's essentially a charity for lesbians I don't know why I'm getting crap for that. That's what it is It's a charity. It's not a business. It exists on the charity of the NBA But look this is one example There are endless examples in our society of lameness or failure or things people have no stomach for it all that are propped up Simply because of the cultural Marxist gobbly good they represent we talked about it a little bit last night The the Disney thing the new star star wars thing You know all these Star Wars movies all these Disney movies. They're putting out movie after movie after movie after movie They're all bombing all of them their new Star Wars thing is a disaster Nobody's watching it and I played for the audio and I'll have to play it again of the director and the actress I had to be gay a Star Wars ever. I love how gay it is. I tried to make it super gay And yet they keep doing it. They keep making these movies They keep producing the same Kami filth. I like it's a movie for kids check out these lesbos they do it over and over and over and over and over again without end and it loses money and You can really see honestly. Can't you see now? Why communist countries collapse in the end? Think how many lies get subsidized in a communist country just look around you right now How many outright lies are being subsidized being held up propped up by money? They didn't earn in our society. It's everywhere you want it. You want to do something you want something that'll blow you away If you want to do a little research on it, it's worth it's worth doing. I've done it before You know DEI is ridiculous, right? It's just Cultural marks this gobbly cook. That's all it is. Oh, we need more diversity. No, we don't we need more inclusion No, don't need that either. It's so it's it's garbage. You know, it's garbage. I know it's garbage, right? Go Look up the salary pick a university go look up a salary of the quote head of DEI of the various universities across the United States of America There are these ridiculous commie hags without a single skill of value in the world and they're making Incomes that make me cry. They're gonna make you cry You can go find these. Oh, she's the head of the DEI department at Duke and they're making two three 400 G's. What's their job? Well be racist Run white people out. Oh, we don't need any more straight whites. They provide nothing of value whatsoever Zero zip-zilch. There's nothing on that P&L the profit loss sheet There's not a single thing on the profit loss sheet that they provide and yet they're making fortunes off of this Chris Would you just find? On average Chris just looked up the average the average is a hundred fifty G's a year What would you give to make a hundred fifty thousand dollars a year and that's what DEI people who don't provide a single tangible Thing are making It's crazy when you step back and think about it. It's not just the WNBA. It's everywhere in this country And that look speaking of tangible Tangible is going to take on new meaning as the rocky economic times Continue. I'm not gonna say come we're already in them. You know that so Where do we put our money? Well, make sure your money is going to tangible things How often have we talked about it gold silver land real estate gold silver land real estate? Tangible assets. That's what the finance giants are buying up. That's what state actors are buying up Well, I'm not a millionaire done for you real estate is not four millionaires Done for you real estate is so normal people can begin the process of Acquiring rental homes. They handle it all for you the financing. They find the home that they handle the rental process You're not dealing with any of this and you'll start out with one. You're not gonna start out with 10 But it can grow into 10 and they've done this many times you might retire on this one day You realize that people have and pass it down to your children. What a thing to pass down Go to done for you Jesse calm Done for you Jesse calm find out how all right all right Exclusive this is from the daily wire. Oh jeez Air Force celebrates pride month That would have been bad enough But they're celebrating pride month with a guy named Brian Bond Brian Bond is the head of P flag and I had to be really careful with how I said that P flag PFL AG and This guy is advocated openly for children to chop their penises and breasts off and he is being welcomed And promoted by the Air Force to celebrate pride month gee I gotta tell you I just can't figure out Why rural boys aren't joined in the military anymore? Huh? Why is that Iowa farmer? That's southern hunter that montana fishermen Why are they not signing up to join the military anymore? Do they not want to serve under this? That's exactly why turn into filth instead of what it used to be all right Let's talk about this Trump Ben Carson thing Trump Mitch McConnell thing got a couple little trumps their comments And then we have some emails and we have a lot we still have to get to don't worry They're retirement funds last as long as they do here at the jalinski visor room Jesse Calle show tackling all the tough issues of the day me and Jewish producer Chris during the break we're just discussing goldfish versus Cheezits and You were asking flavors. I think I need to clarify something because I said cheese. It's it's no question. It would be cheese. It's however White cheddar cheese it's are on a whole new level. I love some white cheddar cheese. It's But are we talking about the flavor blasted goldfish? Now if we're talking flavor blasted I Think the goldfish Man, they might be in that conversation. They might be they might be winning that conversation Michael Cheezits are flavor blasted goldfish. What say you? Flavor blasted the flavor blasted thing. Here's the problem though with the flavor blasted goldfish It's very similar to sausage gravy Once you have flavor blasted goldfish What reason is there to ever have a non-favorite blasted goldfish? Everybody loves to get blasted Why would you have non-flavored blast? It's just like gravy. Oh, we've got brown gravy. Really? Why? They invented sausage gravy once sausage gravy got here all other forms of gravy became obsolete No, I don't want to buy a beeper. I want to buy a cell phone Don't give me your brown gravy. No one has ever ever ever had a bite of sausage gravy and thought this would be better without the sausage in it It's never happened ever Well, I mean actually we just talked about the WNBA Maybe they wouldn't like the sausage, but you understand exactly what whatever dr Ben Carson announces he will meet up with Trump this weekend as VP rumors swirl I'll be honest I'm coming around more and more on the Ben Carson for VP thing And what have we what have we said forever about vice president? the vice president You don't want him to be like you you want your vice president to fill in Gaps shortcomings you may have Ben Carson Presents a I say calming. That's being very nice a painfully boring presence. He is very very boring But he's an incredible human being Highly intelligent has a fascinating story. I like him personally He's very boring, but I like the guy personally. I think it would be it would reflect calm where Trump does a lot of things Trump doesn't reflect calm You're definitely not getting a heaping helping of calm with Trump. I Kind of like it and I really dislike some of the options I really like the Ben Carson one the only option I'm gonna freak out about though if Trump picks her is Elise Stefanik The other options like the Rubio's of the world man Tim Scott I can't stand him, but I would understand it Ben Carson. I think it's a smart pick JD Vance I love but again, I'd rather you stay in the Senate, but that's still that's a great pick you get JD Vance on your team Governor Bergum. I would even get that like I would get that Elise Stefanik if it's Elise Stefanik honestly I don't even know if I'm gonna come into work that day because what's gonna happen is I'm gonna pop a blood vessel in my face And I'm just gonna lose it and I'm gonna make a bunch of Trump people really angry Elise Stefanik is a leftist She is a leftist she is a Democrat in almost every possible way But she is a Democrat who has understood that if you kiss Trump's butt enough that he will like you It doesn't matter your ideology if you kiss his butt enough He'll like you and she has kissed his butt endlessly to the point. She's on the short list for VP Trump's presidency last time was knee-capped repeatedly by the leftists he surrounded himself with Specifically Jared Kushner Trump would have these great America first ideas And he would be trying to implement them and Kushner would come in and torpedo the whole thing time and time and time again Constantly pulling Trump to the left pulling Trump to the left off of where he should be if he brings in another Freaking leftist who's nice to him. I'm gonna lose my mind. It better not be Elise Stefanik the others Okay, whatever, but gosh, please not that woman good grief along those lines Trump is gonna meet with Mitch McConnell for the first time in four years Apparently they did meet now I Understand this may make some Trump people angry that he met with Mitch McConnell in this and Nobody hate Mitch hates Mitch McConnell more than me But if that makes you angry allow me to defend him here. I guess I was just ragging on him now I'm defending him allow me to defend him here Donald Trump has to win this election In his mind, of course, it's everything. It's for Donald Trump. Let me explain the stakes. I'm not talking about you or me or the country for Donald Trump This election is about going to prison You understand that They are gonna paste him to the wall if Joe Biden wins this election That's another four years of Merritt Garland special counsel Jack Smith. He might be in New York state prison This election for Donald Trump. It might be about dying in prison because of his age that really I know that sounds nuts That's legitimate and he knows that He has to win this election He is in the coalition building phase now The coalition building phase is the one that always drives people like you and me crazy if we let it He'll take these people. Look Mitch McConnell is Trump's mortal enemy and Look He's gonna come together with these people or at least he's gonna try to calm things down And as much as I hate this is gosh, and I do hate it and it is terrible until we get read better Republicans and the House and the Senate Then we are going to have to try to figure out a way to live with the losers we have now If Republicans would bother showing up in primaries in red states, then we could get rid of all these guys But as long as only five people continue to vote in the Republican primaries and those five people are the five 70 year olds who watch Fox News every night Then this is what we're stuck with He's in the coalition building phase It is what it is. All right Jesse I see a lot of people saying the left went too far and the conviction ensures a Trump win I Just don't see it in a country where 85% of the people not only lined up for an experimental shot for a chess code But they also shamed those who didn't get it wore masks outside and closed their businesses I just don't see enough people seeing what is happening. What do you think his name is Chris? I oh, I look I always have to separate this my appreciation for hardcore anti-communists like you and My frustration I'll put it that way. I could have used a harsher word But it would have sounded too bad my frustration with the American people I Do not have faith in the American people. I do not not as a whole and in huge pockets of them sure and you yeah the American people as a whole Repeatedly have horrified me especially over the last few years. I still I'm look you mentioned the COVID stuff I will never get over that until the day I die if I live to 80 which will never happen But if I live to 80 on my deathbed, I swear I'm going to think about my countrymen Laying down when the government told them to go home and hide I I I can't I can't believe The land of the free is full of people like this and it's not just the initial response to COVID the American people Voted every single lockdown politician back into office except for Trump every one of them Trump's the only one who lost and that's not why he lost besides Trump every single lockdown politician in America got reelected That does not speak highly of us. That's Honestly, that's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed. That's really embarrassed. All right, whatever That look it woke me up to many things. I'll tell you that much. It was it was an awakening That's for sure and one of the things it really sparked in me was an interest in natural solutions to the things that bother me Natural solutions used to be something I wouldn't say I used to scoff at but oh, okay I mean, I guess I'll try it. I know it's not gonna work. I've realized more and more that it's the way to go When you have pain you have pain in your life. You have some kind of nagging pain is your your back Very common your neck muscle pain whatever You know, there's a natural way you can get after that Relief factor is something you take it daily. It's drug free and it helps support your body's natural response to pain when you take relief factor it builds up in your system and you will wake up one day And it just won't be there Take it for three weeks and then tell me how you feel you feel better. Keep going if you don't stop it works 1-800 the number four relief or go to relief It's just three weeks try it 1-800 the number four relief. We'll be back It is the Jesse Kelly show final segment of the Jesse Kelly show before we check out of here But we will of course be back tomorrow For asked dr. Jesse Friday. I'm so excited about that. It's gonna be a fun day Email your questions. They can be political or not. I don't care Jesse at Jesse Kelly show calm. All right, and we'll do we'll tackle as many emails As humanly possible tomorrow like this one Baldy. I Don't know what she's saying Baldy fit a paldy. I know the real reason you want to go to Istanbul You can't fool me a good friend of ours with your hairline Actually a little worse if that's imaginable So mean just went to get transplant surgery So he has the opportunity to have a full head of hair again. Your secret is not safe with me. That's not very nice lady Chris, I've heard they do do amazing stuff over there What if hear me out here? No hear me out Chris. You don't even know what I'm gonna say yet. Listen What if I went over and did the hair thing only? Instead of restoring Some sort of a normal set of hair. I went just totally over the top and got the thickest most absurd Maine. Oh, yeah mullet go mullet or afro. I've always wanted an afro What if I went over and got a huge afro? Tell me that wouldn't be sick Chris Can you find out how much it is and don't find a discount Chris? We all know how you are. Can you find out how much it is? I think that would be a great gag I think it would be funny. I would all deal with the wife when I get home All right, so I'm sure should be fine with it at some point in time she'll learn to love me All right, just find out afro Mullet and if there's a difference in cost, that's all I'm saying. That's all I'm saying and then I'll come home Imagine just wrap your mind around this How comfortable would the my pillow 2.0 be? If you had an afro adding extra cushion to it what Chris don't think about this think about this You already have the my pillow foam right and you already have the geeze of fabric the temperature regulating fabric on there If you get a big enough afro, aren't you essentially adding an extra pillow to your night's sleep? you think you're sleeping well on your my pillow stuff now wait till afro Jesse gets here and If you want a my pillow without the afro, they can't sell you that one of the premium my pillows are twenty five dollars right now Their sandals are twenty five bucks. They have this big twenty five dollar extravaganza sale My pillow calm click on the radio listener special squares and use the promo code Jesse you want some my pillow and an afro call them 800 eight four five zero five four four. I want to stress they don't deal in afros That's how I'm going to approach it. You're on your own. All right, Chris. You said two to eight thousand dollars for hair and Why does it take two weeks to recover? What are they doing to my head that it would take two weeks? It's hair not heart surgery Probably before you can shower and stuff. You know what? I take it back now that you brought up the showering. I Don't want hair again You know how nice it is to not even own shampoo anymore and the wife is just mortified because I still have this little bit of peach fuzz up here You don't need shampoo for this. I just get a little body wash the manliest body wash you can find Squared a little of that in my hand. That's a sound it makes boom wash my hair. What Chris way What are you making that face for? Jesse my husband and I got married yesterday and he advised for us. Oh, I see the ass doctor Jesse ones are already rolling in you can say our names Connor and Hannah Congratulations Connor and Hannah. I Do have a piece of advice not that you need to take any marriage advice from me ever But I do have a piece of marriage advice for me that well, it's been huge Don't ever ever ever under any circumstances Throw out your husband's white linen pants. All right. No stop stop. I'm joking. Don't ever and all seriousness. Don't ever Bad mouth your spouse To someone else fight have a good fight go for it Have it privately. I mean, what does that mean fellas? You don't go golf them with your what with your buddies. Ah, my wife's nagging Ladies, you don't call your mom Don't call your sister your girlfriends. I just can't take how mean he is to me anymore Never ever ever Keep your problems in house. Trust me. It's very very effective. It works and now He's a headline go. You know this you know the thing headlines. We didn't get to you Denmark recalls korean ramen for being too spicy You know, this is exactly why I won't go to these Nordic countries And I want to go see these Nordic countries like Norway and Sweden and I want to see Viking stuff the food every time I look It's always some raw fish or some piece of crap You're rejecting the spicy Korean food. That's the whole reason I want to go. Chris. What smoked puffin That's a penguin. I thought it was a drug. No, I don't want any smoked puffin supreme court unanimously strikes down a lawsuit challenging fda approval of abortion pill I had a bunch of people email this to me Today it was a nine o decision and a bunch of people are acting as if it was a big loss For the pro-life community. I will tell you I reached out to not only lawyers the pro-life activists I know and none of them repeated that at all. None of them echoed that they all were fairly dismissive of this This was just kind of a setup to get to a better case. So don't if you're pro-life like I am Don't don't get down on that. No big deal New congressional report exposes dr. Fauci's department for concealing plans to engineer mutant monkeypox virus Risking another global pandemic I almost forgot about monkeypox Oh monkeypox remember when they They came out with monkeypox and said we should be scared and then And then we started to figure out how monkeypox spreads and then Couple kids got it Then a dog got it and then It just disappeared from the news. I wonder why that is Sources say joe biden's gas up here is endangering troops lives For a photo op these people are so depraved and evil They would kill all of our troops for a photo op after all They've done it before biden faces first lawsuit over new asylum crackdown at the border Yeah asylum crackdown. There's no crackdown at all. Nothing's this is from nbc migrants who cross the border illegally are still being released into the us by border agents One week after president biden signed an executive action Suspending their entry they choose to come without permission and against the law They'll be restricted from receiving asylum and staying in the united states By course he lied about all that they're still letting all of them in as i've mentioned many times before A critical a central part of the communist plan to destroy america is an open border Fill up the country with the illegals. You can destroy a country of any size They're never going to back off of this for any reason. All right, this has been a podcast from wor Hello, it is ryan And we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we just to make up for things like sitting in traffic doing the dishes Counting your steps, you know all the mundane stuff. 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