Jesse Kelly Show

Attorney General Merrick Garland...Hunter Biden...Communism

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13 Jun 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba Casino calm I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They're also playing Chumba Casino Go incidents. I think not everybody's loving having fun with it Chumba Casino is home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime anywhere even at 30,000 feet So sign up now at Chumba Casino calm to claim your free welcome bonus. That's Chumba Casino calm and live the Chumba life Right where everybody lost in terms of conditions 18 plus. This is a podcast from WOR Let's have some fun On a Wednesday, it's hope day You have done it you have crested the peak of the week and it's all downhill from here. Yeah, what Chris what what? Downhill is good Chris It's less effort to go down it. You know what shut up Chris. We're talking about other stuff right now Merritt Garland Contemptive Congress will talk about that here in just a moment. It is good Is it teeth is it enough? No, but it is good. We'll discuss that. We're gonna discuss some economic things I got a text message this morning from a friend of mine in the energy Sector and you're gonna want to hear that when you pair it with one of these articles about America's power grid I'll get to that in a minute. Oh, look at that The United States of America and Ukraine sign a 10-year agreement to blood suck more of your money out of your wallet and send overseas All that FBI talks Star Wars is bombing and creating the monster That wasn't there to begin with all that and so much more is coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show I'll get to emails. I'll get to other stuff. Okay. Let's first of all address the Merritt Garland news I I'm not exactly sure how I want to put this It's a big deal But it's not a big deal. This is another thing. Let me explain We are you and me we're gonna go through some things now in the coming years now It's gonna be a lot to take in if we are not flexible and here's what I mean The next 20 30 40 years of politics in America. I don't know what it's all gonna bring You don't know what it's all gonna bring we I can't tell the future But I do know this and I know this because of where we are as a country the next 20 30 40 years in America Are going to look nothing like the last 20 30 40 years? so what that means is We're gonna have to be fungible Flexible is probably a better word to say With what we view as normal Normal is going to be changing on you and me Constantly if it was the year We don't have to go ancient history here if it was the year 2000 and the attorney general for the United States of America was being held in contempt of Congress That would be a big deal a really really big deal And it should be a big deal today But you know the game we're in now. I know the game we're in now that country that kind of normal country is gone The Republican nominee for president of the United States of America has been indicted on multiple Jurist in multiple jurisdictions already convicted of multiple felonies that they made up in one of those jurisdictions They sent the Federal Bureau of Investigation to raid the man's home and then put pictures of the raid which they staged online the FBI did that the DOJ did that We have entered a totally different ball game now a completely different ball game hunter Biden is a felon He is a convicted felon The president of the United States of America people are kind of glossing over this is the head of that crime family that Hunter Biden is Simply part of Listen, this is that the set aside the talk radio fodder for a moment Joe Biden is the head of a political criminal Enterprise and that's not just talk radio stuff. It's documented We have the laptop we know we know about the shell companies the Biden family has created We understand that 10% for the big guy We understand why Joe Biden's brother gets this meeting and that deal and Hunter Biden gets this meeting and that deal Because they're collecting money based on Joe Biden's influence and passing a cut of that money up to Joe Biden Yes, like it's the Gambino family and that is the president of the United States of America So the non criminal guy running for office that would be Trump Has already been arrested and convicted of multiple felonies the guy who is President and is the felon hasn't been tried and convicted of anything at all We have entered an era in America. That's going to be wild And if we stay married to the past and I don't mean the ancient past to the year 2000 if we stay married to the norms that were five minutes ago Every day we're gonna wake up and be shocked and stunned and this is going to be the era of impeachments of arrests of Special councils of all kinds of dirty ugliness out there You realize that the left They took a dude Who was putting memes up online? He was putting what what amounts to political cartoons online? And he put one online. I think he was telling people that the election day was a different day than it actually was You know, it's a funny joke that I myself have made multiple times. Hey Democrats election days on Wednesday. Ha ha ha ha just a joke They sent him to prison We've entered an era now That's not going to look like it did before So we wake up today. They had to vote on it. What five six hours ago? Merrick Garland the house passes a resolution to hold Merrick Garland in contempt. He was Jim We think we're entitled to we don't think we know we're entitled to all the evidence and that includes the best evidence Which is this audio tape. That's why we sent the subpoena the attorney general is being clear. He's not going to give that information to us So, um, that's why we have the contempt resolution We assume this is going to wind up in court But we think our case is strong and we think that we will prevail But step one is to pass the resolution holding the attorney general in contempt for not giving the house of representatives The body who's in an impeachment inquiry phase of our oversight responsibilities not giving us the best evidence Finally, I would just say this we think the privilege has already been waived. We think when they gave us the transcript They've waived the privilege and understand that there have already been times where the transcript That we've received from the white house doesn't match up with what was actually said By the president of the united states and so again for all those reasons We think we need this information and that's why the resolution will be on the floor today Okay, so let's let's just drop this out there for those who maybe you've been out of the news What is this about what what's happening here? Remember there was a special counsel who sat down and interviewed joe biden He interviewed joe biden because joe biden had all kinds of classified documents He was not allowed to have he as vice president He didn't have the authority to declassify those documents in the way that trump did So joe biden was dead set wrong criminal. It's wrong Robert her sits down with joe biden joe biden and look we've heard enough stories now to know you think he's bad in public with the anyway Behind closed doors. He's reportedly a disaster Out of it completely out of it. He just sits there drooling on himself. It's bad. It's really bad and so The white house the official white house remember the white house is not allowed to be political They have to be official. It's not the democrat white house. It's not the republican white house and republicans take over It's the white house But because communists ruin and pollute everything they've turned it political and they've turned the deoj political joe biden He gets his transcripts edited They've been caught doing this multiple times where he will get up and give a speech and then he'll do something like read End of quote, which was on the teleprompter And they'll edit that out of the transcript. It's become white house policy to edit the transcripts So joe biden doesn't look so old and feeble. It's a disaster Well, the disaster gets so much worse when you consider The department of justice is now in on the cover up for all the other evil stuff merit garland is done From rusting pro-lifers to what they did with school board moms to you name it. It's all really really bad It's all really really impeachable But merit garland as attorney general is not the protector of the president of the united states of america I know everyone's shocked because no one learns civics anymore He's not the president's personal attorney You don't get to cover for him and they've arrested his enemies and protected him at every turn And the house of representatives to their credit You know, i'm loathe to give republicans credit for anything to their credit said we need the audiotapes And merit garland to our now. I can't do the la la la la with that stupid voice of his And now here we are merit garland held in contempt So let's adjust expectations and talk about where we're going from here What it means was it what it doesn't mean and then we'll move on to economic stuff and other things Let's also talk about the pain in your life I'm not talking about emotional pain. I can't do anything about that other than use my soothing voice to make you feel better Let's talk about the physical pain you go through neck back feet Hands shoulders every now and then i'll sleep wrong on my shoulder wake up nagging shoulder pain Your body is trying to fight that inflammation you have that pain because there's inflammation Why don't you help your body fight the inflammation with natural things? That's what relief factor is it's natural So stop doing things that are harmful to you and stop living with pain Snapping at your wife your husband you're not sleeping well And just start taking relief factor every day. Let it build up in your system take it for three weeks That nagging pain will be gone. There's a reason like everyone calls and orders more Call 1-800 the number four relief or go to relief All right We'll be back truth attitude It is the jessie kelly show On a Wednesday remember you can email the show and you should we love your emails love hate death threats Ask dr. jessie questions for friday All those can be emailed into jessie at jessie kelly show dot com now Let's deal with the nitty gritty of the merit garland the house passes a resolution holding him in contempt Is this going to result in the removal of merit garland from his position as ag no Would that would that even be of a benefit? He certainly deserves it of course, but would that be of a benefit No, they would simply take merit garland and sit him on the bench And when I say sit him on the bench He has punched his ticket for life by being a loyal communist soldier He'll walk right out of that office and make insane amounts of money at the biggest law firms in america So even if you removed him it wouldn't do any good But does that mean this is useless pointless pathetic? We all know the gop would never actually follow through and paste him to the wall anyway Well, no, it's not useless You're frustrated and i'm frustrated because of the d of the do nothing low t gop I will remain frustrated with the do nothing low t gop however putting him through this The process itself Can be a punishment Even though it won't end up resulting in something tangible merit garland going to prison or being removed from office or something like that merit garland Getting put through the ringer Is Good because it's painful and the communist as we've talked about many many many many many times Only understands fear and pain. Do I think this is going to actually dissuade merit garland from all the evil things He does regularly as attorney general no But maybe it'll give the next stagey a moment of pause Maybe it won't either way that makes merit garland miserable for a month or two That's a w And it is a w we have to start thinking about things that way. All right. All right now I was going to wait until next hour or later on the show to go over this And the reason I was going to wait is what i'm about to say is huge It is very big. It is something i've been hearing about a lot. It's very very concerning I don't want to address it too much. Why? because There's not a ton You can do about it or I can do about Other than digging in Making sure we start winning more elections legal local things like that So here it is. I'm just going to lay it out there. Yeah, I'm not going to spend a lot of time on it Our power grid in the country Our power grid in the united states of america is something I have taken for granted my entire life and you probably have as well We just take for granted that we walk in flip on a light switch and the lights come on Or we turn on the electric oven or the microwave and it comes on We plug our phones into the wall and they begin charging you're probably rolling your eyes, right? Because yeah, okay Well, listen in many parts of the world That's not the norm There are parts of the world even the quote unquote modern world where boo the lights get that's the sound lights make when they go up Boo the lights go out and you just understand with your family. Okay might be a day or two But they'll get it back up and running That's how many parts of the world work We here in america have never really experienced that on a regular level But as I have talked to more and more and more people who understand what we're dealing with in the country I find out some really scary things about our power grid Our power grid is being spit roasted It's being attacked from two different sides One side is really evil and nefarious. The other side is just how progress goes So let's deal with the evil nefarious part first. You already get this part The communists in this country and around the globe hate prosperity hate western civilization hate anything good And remember climate change communism The climate cultists the genocidal monsters. It is communist Communism's final form. It is the most murderous Portion of communism in the history of it because they intend to kill billions of people They have Relentlessly Attacked energy. We're just going to make this about america even though it's taking place all over western civilization They have attacked american energy Without end and I know you're going to find this shocking But the low t gop has grabbed its ankles for this movement without end You can find even here in red texas or if you live in a red area Regularly you will see republican senators and people running for the house talk about how we can reduce carbon and go for Just handing over the ground to the democrats Just just just handing the ground well as soon as you have handed them the premise that carbon is poison You've already lost and so of course, that's what republicans do immediately. Well, I mean there's a smarter way We can I do can we do some clean coal? I just want coal to be cleaner or though though Well, we shouldn't do coal anymore. I want to be nice to the environment you morons Coal is unending in the energy you get from coal is unending. I want new coal plants built every day But of course the gop has bowed to that including in my state of texas texas Should have power coming out of its ears now we regularly get worn from the power company Hey watch that ac we're running out of juice here There has been an attack on our power grid and I should note This is why I've been telling you about the grid doctor 300 have you heard about this thing What it is it's a solar power generator And the reason you need that is When the grid goes pop When the grid cooks off You need this you are going to need it. How are you planning on charging your phone plugging in your mini fridge fans? Whatever you need, you know, uh, my patriot supply on top of their three-month food kits You know they sell these grid doctor 300s, right? They're 50 bucks off right now at prepare with jessie This is one of those things. This is like food water ammunition Get a generator that you don't have to plug into the wall A solar power generator that can give you juice if the sun is shining. All right Prepare with jessie go get one of those back to what we were just talking about That's the nefarious side of our power grid. It's being strained by the left's constant attacks on it Solar panels and windmills and things like that Cannot produce the energy of coal and natural gas and oil just doesn't work that way So that's that's the bad part. Let's talk about the other part and then i'll tell you the text message I got this morning. Hang on It is the jessie kelly show on a Wednesday Remember if you miss any part of the show, you can download the whole thing on i-hard spotify iTunes don't freak it to leave a five star rating in a review Discussing how handsome I am back to what we were talking about I know we're gonna get to all the economic news. I already covered the merit garland stuff, but Our power grid in america is being attacked from two different sides You already know already talked about the nefarious left. Ah solar panels clean We have to we have to we have to use windmills that murder the whales not get that icky coal And of course the low t gop grabbing their ankles for them We all right set that aside that has been a relentless attack on the power grid But the power grid is being attacked in another way While the left has been attacking it in reducing the amount of power we have we are also increasing our demands on power We need more power now Than we have ever needed before and one of the main drivers of this in the technicalities of this are well beyond me I would need to ask jewish buster christ or michael to elaborate further, but just know that data That okay, let's let's pause on this for a moment data The internet is hoovering up all of your data at all times Every single time you put your email address in when you make a purchase online Your social media accounts. I'm not trying to freak you out freak you out. Just understand Your data your information is worth money And therefore companies all over the place are hoovering up as fast As possible as much as they can get why do you think you got that text message yesterday that annoying text message from some Political campaign that you never signed up for I got one the other day for who was it from? Marjorie taylor green. Hey jesse. It's Marjorie. Yeah, I needed to contribute 10 bucks It's how does she even get that number what or not her the campaign how My data Someone got it and someone sold it. I told you before after I finished running for office I had other political campaigns approach me and offered a pay me money money for what? Well, we had all these excel spreadsheets and things like that of the data of the people who had Sent emails into the campaign donated the campaign I essentially had a list of republican donors and activists and people will approach you and say hey I will pay you for that. I didn't do it. But that's how important your data is Data is power for these people. It allows them to micro target you to market to you It's so big data is everything only data It doesn't just exist in the actual physical clouds that you can look up and see Data must be stored. It does have a physical component to it either even though all this stuff is electronic If you want to see something wild If you're not driving and you're in a place you can do this safely on your phone Go look up or what's an easy one google go look up google data center Just do an image search google the company google data center You see what i'm looking you see what i'm talking about These things are not Tiny things they're gigantic Wearhouses you would drive by one and you would assume it's a big Amazon or walmart distribution center They're huge and here's what's so crazy They have to keep building them Chris just told me the nsa data center in utah is 1.5 million square feet And it's filling up every time you see one of these whether it's google the nsa Wherever it's from they're filling up They run out of space and you have to dig you have to build more in more of them And these data centers that was a bunch of nerd data center talk forget about that But the point is these data centers are sucking up gargantuan amounts of power To maintain them to cool them to do everything there So we have this power grid that we have always relied on you've always relied on it I've always relied on it and it's being spit roasted from two different sides You have the dirty environmental commies on one side You have simple usage on the other side And what you have in the middle is a power grid that you and me rely on What does it mean for your life for a day? Forget about two days forget about a week What does it mean if you go without juice for a day when you think about it It's a lot isn't it? It's an adjustment So I saw this headline today grid operator warns dem's climate agenda is pushing populist blue state Towards blackouts. He's he's a guy in new york California has already begun experiencing some brownouts every now and then They'll experience them. They'll tighten the screws on a couple things and get it cleaned up And then I got this text message today I cannot tell you specifically who this person is I will say this If I told you who he worked for you would know the name It is an energy Giant of a company an absolute giant of in fact if I walked into Tokyo Berlin Or Moscow and said the name of this company they would know it as well He is a big shot at this company. This is a man who understands energy More than anyone I've ever met in my life And unprompted he sent me this text message today paired with that one Hey jesse you've been following your stuff so and so forth We have an absolute energy crisis on our front doorstep Is i'm reading this verbatim Texas needs to double its energy output in six years Especially without nuclear and he finishes it by saying dark days ahead Now the reason i'm not going to spend any more time on this Is because as you well know, I don't like giving problems Without a solution i've i've always hated that about talk radio of hey everything sucks And we're screwed anyway. I'm gone Give people action. How do people help? That's why when I wrote that book anti-communist manifesto I insisted on action items at the end of every chapter you're worried about this here are the problems Here's what you can do boom boom boom boom boom this is what you can do There's precious little you can do or I can do To fix the power grid because creating juice Creating power takes so much time money Research and energy you don't wake up tomorrow. Nobody wakes up tomorrow and says you know what? I like this lot here. Let's put a nuclear plant there. That's not how it works No one wakes up tomorrow. No one even adds the ability to wake up tomorrow and say do you know what? In a month we're gonna have an oil refinery here and we're gonna refine oil that ain't how it works What we can do I know it doesn't sound like much and maybe it's not much but it would be if we would all do it Is demand a lot better from our red states Look if you're listening to me right now on W OR New York City Honestly, there's nothing you can do about this Dirty communists run your state and the lights are going to go off at some point in time. They will it won't be tomorrow I'm not saying that if you're listening to me and Sacramento San Diego It is what it is. It's gonna be what it's gonna be. It's coming But for the red states We can begin putting a lot more pressure than we are On our representatives because the day will come when the dirty climate commies And the demands on our power grid mean you and me We're stuck and you know how this is gonna work. Let's not be naive You think google with all the money they donate to politicians Do you think the lights at the data center are gonna go out? Oh, no, no, no, the data center will be just fine You can't charge your phone. You lost one of your kids Google will be just fine And it's a problem. All right nine Look, don't be scared But we have to talk about this the grid is the grid's something to talk about Are you are you ready to have no power? Chalk will get you ready You don't need energy because your personal energy will be even higher than it ever has been before Because you'll be taking a male vitality stack from chalk or a female vitality stack So when you flip on the light switch and the lights don't come on. You're just gonna say, yeah, I wanted a challenge today I'm excited about it. I don't even need lights Anyway, listen a lot of people when I've talked about chalk a lot of people prefer to talk to somebody on the phone You want to speak to a pleasant american on the phone? They've got dimes waiting for you to call it chalk If you want to talk to them about what they have natural herbal supplements Go talk to an anti-communist diamond chalk find out what they can do for you Here's what you do. You can call or text and this is the number 5 0 chalk 3,000 5 0 c h o q 3,000 get ahold of them find out what they can do for you. All right We'll be back the Jesse Kelly show It's the Kelly show on a wednesday on a hump day We're gonna get to some emails before we get to the uh, Ukraine stuff the economy stuff Some dude at DHS says terrorists are coming into the country That's generally not good all that and so much more let's do some emails for so dear jesse You say they might use hunter biden's conviction to push joe out Depending on the sentencing so on and so forth I see this as forcing joe to stay in office He can't really pardon hunter before the election or risk losing democrat votes for all democrats Am I crazy so on and so forth? Well, no, you're not crazy and listen when I say That I think they're gonna force joe biden out at the convention Remember it has to happen at the convention it can't happen before then he has to get the nomination And then he has to hand his delegates to someone else that can happen that is allowed That's just a theory. I tell you when I know things when I have sources when I'm a journalist It's journalist jesse. There's just no one better. We love jesse. He's the best jesse, please kiss my baby jesse jesse And I tell you when i'm guessing I think Think it's just a theory. They're gonna force him out now when it comes to pardoning hunter Well, this is part of the reason I believe more now than ever they're going to force him out joe biden is unpopular democrats are Panicking we know that I know that from sources. We know that from articles that have been printed publicly democrat donors high up democrats are scared to death They don't care about his destructive policies democrats hate the country. They care about his poll numbers They're looking at swing state poll numbers new one just came out yesterday The three the only three states that really matter probably in this election are michigan Pennsylvania in wisconsin trump probably sweeps the sunbelt stuff Arizona georgia that stuff will probably go trump trump will win ohio But this this entire election will be decided most likely in michigan Pennsylvania in wisconsin those are the poll numbers to pay attention to joe biden was losing in all three in a poll yesterday he's underwater on every issue dems are panicking but this creates An opportunity for them And an opportunity goes like this joe biden Accepts the nomination remember. This is just my theory. You can call me an idiot. I might be I might be totally wrong But joe biden accepts the nomination Hey, thank you. I'm i'm otter. I know you guys loved me. You know he'd say something stupid like that and then Maybe that day maybe the next day I really developed a bad chest cold. I I don't know if my health is going to make it anymore There'll be some excuse to help him save face, right? I've been diagnosed with this I did this I did that I've decided that I can't I can't fight for you though the working man as hard as I did before And so I've decided i'm not going to run for re-election He can pardon hunter biden He can pardon hunter biden as president Anytime he wants the reason presidents do this on the way out Is so they don't have to own the ridiculousness of the pardons because they all pardon So many scumbags who just happen to be friends with them And they just they all do it republicans do it too republicans democrats You find someone who was nice to you or you like or helped out your campaign And you give him a pardon and you let him out and you won't really pay a political price for it But back to what we were talking about the political price thing If joe biden does that they nominate him at the convention And then he steps down What you can do what it gives them the opportunity to do is Take all the problems All the things people are unhappy with and drop them in joe biden's lap as they wheel him out the door Oh, you're unhappy about the border. You know what? We are unhappy too that joe He really screwed it up. Oh, you're mad about inflation. We have to go over economic numbers here shortly Oh, you're mad about inflation gosh. We are sick about that too And joe just didn't do the right things. That's why we had to get rid of him We're glad joe biden is gone Oh, you're concerned about the unending amounts of american money being sent overseas gosh We are too and that was joe. We are going to change course now And of course they're not going to change anything joe biden's just a vehicle for all the dirty communist Policies that they want enacted the next person would do as bad or worse But it gives them in the minds of the american public It gives them the opportunity to say wait a minute This is all screwed up and we've found out who's responsible It's joe. Anyway, he's gone. So we got a new guy now and then it becomes Pick your poison Probably has to be either trump dome trump versus dome I mean, can you even imagine how great those freaking you know imagine how great the debates would be Stop trump dome or trump noosome or trump michelle obama I don't get you everyone just drove off the road The reason I say it has to be one of those three it really does have to be one of those three Those are the only three Who would have a presidential campaign infrastructure at least some semblance of it? In place newson's been planning on running for ages if joe biden ready to have a heart attack tomorrow newson's greasy But would be in the race in about five seconds Michelle obama because her husband has never left politics as we all know She's got the infrastructure in place and dome Just by the fact that she's vp and when i've accessed all joe's stuff She would have it in place Now you can argue like don't send me an email telling me how much you hate all those people i get it I hate all those people too I understand i i can't stand them But you see the opportunity it would give the communists If joe does step down You can take all these things people are unhappy with and make joe biden the fall guide for him Oh man, you're unhappy about that? Dang we're really unhappy too. That's why we got rid of joe. We're here for you here to help out This has been a podcast from w oh r judy was boring. 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