Jesse Kelly Show

President Biden...Vice-President Harris...Economy

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13 Jun 2024
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It is the Jesse Kelly show another hour of the Jesse Kelly show we're gonna dig into some of this economic stuff with this former DHS guys saying about the border and terrorism and I'll do some some emails and other things this hour will have some fun you know it's what we do here remember you can email us love hate death threats email Jesse at Jesse Kelly show dot com now inflation came in today at 3.3 percent and because that's lower than the eight or nine percent they had it up too they're all pretending like this is good but listen if if I walk home or I walk home if I walk in my home and all of the living room the kitchen and two bedrooms are on fire that's bad if I get a bunch of water and fire extinguishers and I put out the living room fire in the kitchen fire yeah it's not as bad as it was before but I'm not in a good situation I still have two bedrooms on fire these people continue to lie to our faces and continue to tell us that everything's fine any inflation at all any inflation at all means you are poorer than you were before period and a story it's bad everyone knows it's bad except for all Biden's people I would certainly say if you look at where we are today with inflation down by two-thirds and continuing to come down unemployment below four percent for the longest period in 50 years robust growth very high levels of investment factory construction those are all positives but we that's the Biden people here's the reality this one is the one that'll sound a lot more familiar to you on headline non-ceasily adjusted the actual index it moved up to 314.069 a new all-time high if we look at the core index which is seasonally adjusted that moved to 318.14 guess what a new all-time high those indices have never been higher and they underscore the angst that the population has because no matter how small the month over changes get the cumulative effect is substantial and that's what these indices continue to show us on a month over month basis consumer prices hold at record highs up 20 percent since Biden elected other headline typical single family home costs over eighteen thousand dollars in hidden expenses and then you go to the communists this is the headline the u.s. economy reaches superstar status this is man this is from some guy named rose karma gosh of course it would be some dork name that if the United States economy were an athlete right now it would be peak LeBron James if it were a pop star it would be peak Taylor Swift don't yell at me I'm not the one who wrote this godly good this is reality and I've I've brought this up before but I wonder if these people if you're the guy writing that article rose guy girl who knows if you're who wrote that article I wonder if you ever feel kind of dirty doesn't that feel gross do you do you care not at all about the suffering all around us normal people are having their lives destroyed torn up ripped up rebuilt headline in and out hyped in and out burger in and out hikes prices thanks to california's new twenty dollar minimum wage law now fast food is getting more and more expensive everyone's getting squeezed and the commies are still jacking up minimum wage laws people can't afford a cheeseburger they can't afford a single home couples are now both having to go back to work second jobs can't afford groceries moving back in with parents parents moving back in with kids and this is the crap we get from the regime so I would certainly say if you look at where we are today with inflation down by two-thirds and continuing to come down unemployment below four percent for the longest period in 50 years robust growth very high levels of investment factory construction those are all positives but we really need to keep working on bringing costs it's bad I don't need to spend a lot of time on it because you know it's bad and what has frustrated me to no end is there is no end in sight and we can talk about elections now we can we can lie to ourselves about this and this is what we do we lie to ourselves that all we have to do is get democrats out of office and we'll elect republicans and this will fix look if we elect republicans there are things that will get better right you put trump in office instead of joe biden you're going to have better border security you are you'll have fewer economic regulations the energy sector will be better than it is under joe biden these things are in arguable but the main drivers of inflation are the printing and spending of money that we don't have in the truth is republicans almost all of them are as bad as democrats are and we lie to ourselves every election cycle that these democrats are killing us these trillion dollar bills we gotta we gotta get republicans in there and then we get republicans in there and republicans can't help themselves they pass the same bills and that whether it's a republican president or democrat president and they all do it there's never been one in my lifetime who didn't ragan the great ragan blew up the federal budget to his credit at least he lamented that later on in life about how much money he spent from ragan we just kept moving right along ragan blew up the budget george hw blew up the budget bill clinton gets in blows up the budget brock obama gets in george bush gets in trump gets in all of them every single one of them trillion dollar bill at their trillion dollar bill deficit after deficit after deficit because as we've talked about so many times nobody wants to be the adult in the room to make the tough choices to save our way of life economically republicans don't want to be that guy and democrats don't want to be that guy they want to be the free candy guy no no no no we'll just keep spending here and spending there and more money and more but let's pass another bill hey they need a stimmy check oh we'll get this and we'll get that nobody wants to say no no more i am president i will veto every single penny that comes across my desk until we start running surpluses instead of deficits so do me a favor don't send me a bill because i won't sign it oh the american people are mad we're gonna lose this tough make me a four-year president we're done with this we're going to try to save the american people because that's what this is about it's not about deficits and debts and crap that you don't really care about i don't really care about well well i wouldn't give a crap about the national debt deficits if it didn't directly affect you and me that's the point every time congress passes one of these bills and a president republican order to craft signs one of these bills your standard of living goes down you get poorer every trillion dollar bill they sign every single one and the reason i don't want to spend much more time on this is where's the light at the end of that tunnel is it is anybody is anyone even running for office i'm talking congress senate president is anybody even running on cutting spending chris michael have i missed it has anyone seen any major ad kit nothing no unless i've missed it i haven't seen anything i haven't seen anything either you can't find anybody no one wants to be the bad guy no no no we're not gonna cut anything no we'll just keep this and we'll keep that and we'll keep this and we'll keep that oh i'm no we didn't everyone loves their own thing right and they all campaign on what what are they campaign on we're gonna hand things out and if you're getting handouts we'll never ever cut it off at all so what are they all okay every single one of them now we're not going to cut this program you use that i love that oh the military no we're going to rebuild the military we're going to build an entire new navy okay where's the money for that there's no money left nobody wants to be the bad guy it turns on the lights at the party and says party's over kids here's a mop and a broom it's clean up time nobody wants to be that guy so i'm going to move off it because we're going to keep getting these economic numbers until that guy takes power one day all right let's do some emails before we get to this dhs stuff hang on what chris we can make jokes it's fine you got that right the jesse kitties the jesse kelly show on a wednesday remember if you miss any part of the show they podcast it and that's free too i heart spotify i tunes go download it and listen at your leisure i like using what chris i like using that word leisure you sound so much fancier when you use the word leisure instead of leisure that's probably a word chris uses let's get to some emails there might be a stupid question probably i'm sorry or maybe i haven't heard the answer it seems to be assumed that Kamala Harris would want to be the choice that democrats would choose next as their next presidential candidate especially since she's black and female but is it for certain that she even wants the position she's certainly aware of her own inadequacies and poor polling maybe she would gladly step aside and be nicely compensated for the good of the party well this is not a stupid question and i have always i've always attacked this question in this way they don't want to run dome biden's unpopular dome somehow someway is more unpopular than joe biden that's actually very difficult for a vice president to be more unpopular than the president because the vice president doesn't actually do anything you don't have any responsibilities as vice president i've joked with my friends for the longest time i political friends and everyone agrees it's true the greatest job in politics is vice president wrap your mind around this you are next in line to be president but you're not president so you don't have the unending pressure of the job if you want to be president historically one of the greatest ways to become president is to be the vice president first many many many presidents have been vice presidents so if you want the higher office it's there you don't really have a fisher responsibilities so what do you do you spend your time traveling not only around the country but around the planet with the most luxury travel humanly possible full security detail you are treated like royalty wherever you go do you have any idea what it's like to land in paris at a private airport and have the secret service agents and your staffers escort you to the armed convoy where it drives you to the most luxurious hotel humanly possible and you and your team have the entire floor just for you i don't know what that's like either but the vice president knows what that's like now i think they'd have to bribe her to get her out bribe her or threaten her is what i've always thought they would do to try to get her out now to your question are we certain she wants the position oh she wants the position i have always said that if kamala heres ever wrote a book it should be titled naked ambition and she has what chris is she would we can make jokes anyway she would have all the reason in the world to name it that and this is what i mean i joke about dome a lot but it's really not a joke let's discuss something let's discuss her background look something up right now unless you're driving look something up kamala heres montel williams look it up you've heard of montel williams used to be pretty big celebrity type if you look up kamala heres montel williams you will see montel williams on the red carpet with two lovely young ladies under his arm one of them is his daughter the other one is a young kamala heres before anybody knew her name kamala heres moved on from montel williams and she began to date willy brown willy brown unless you're from san francisco or one of these wired in california types that name won't mean much to you because he never became a national figure but willy brown is one of those local king makers where if willy brown decides he likes you and wants to get you started in politics willy brown can handle that for you kamala heres began dating a man twice her age and he got her into politics she then has vaulted from one position to the next position to the next position i'm ag i'm senator i'm vice president do you know that her staffers quit at an amazing rate why do they quit at an amazing rate because dome treats her staffers like garbage why if you actually read any of the stories the behind the scenes stuff she will whenever she screws something up at a speech or something even if they've given her material so she'd be better prepared she will behind closed doors be right her staffers because she looks stupid now let me ask you does an unambitious person be right their staffers because they looked dumb on camera kamala heres's entire professional career in politics so far has been doing whatever she has to do saying whatever she has to say yelling at whoever she has to yell at in order to get to the next thing you probably have known people like this in your life don't you know someone like that if you never worked with someone like that i certainly have the guy who would knife you and his own mother in the back if it meant getting that next promotion i work with people like that before trust me dome wants the job can you bribe her or threaten her out of the job i don't know that would be up the democrats not me but dome wants the job all right all right let's talk about what this dhs official said before we get back to the emails before we do that let's talk about putting our money where our morals are this can be very very difficult it can be in some cases impossible you know i'm car shopping as we speak or truck shopping i've decided what i'm going to get yet but try to find a car from a company that isn't going all rainbow this month it's freaking awesome why are you gay but with your cell phone your cell phone service you have the golden option sitting in front of you there's no reason none to have Verizon at and to your t mobile pure talk has the same service the same 5g network pure talk will make you pay so much less my bill got cut in half you can get pure talk for 20 bucks a month you don't have to change phones you can keep your phone or get a new one you can keep your phone number or get a new one there's no reason not to switch 10 minutes on the phone speaking to someone who speaks english that's all it takes dial pound two five zero and say jesse kelly switch to pure talk pound two five zero say jesse kelly it is the jesse kelly show on a wednesday on a hook day going over all the things happening out there right now now let's let's dig into this this new york councilman bob holton is his name new york city councilman he said this is frightening and we're headed for another 9/11 i predicted that i think we should have a secure border we should know who's coming into our country we don't and millions of migrants and illegal aliens have gotten through so it's a situation that we're just really rolling the dice here headline former dhs official he's a chad wolf he's the former department of homeland security secretary former dhs official says that apartment has no idea how many terrorists are legally entering the country and let me explain how this works which you probably already know if you want to enter the united states of america across the southern border you have to pay the cartels now there's different ways of doing this and there are different amounts so if you are god forbid a young lady who wants to make that journey you probably are not flush with cash otherwise you wouldn't be hitching up with the cartel coyote to get here so what the cartels will do for the young lady is they will tell her she has to pay pick a number five ten thousand dollars back to them they know she can't afford to pay that they will have a list of her family members that they will show her they will tell her that hey you know if you don't pay we're gonna cut your mom's head off and mail it to you and they will do those things this is how it works we know where your mom is your kids are in your home country your cousin will kill them off you don't pay so she has to pay she doesn't have the ability to pay now how they usually handle that is they will get her into the country probably through official means they'll probably have her show up border patrol will escort her into the country and then one of these non-government organizations these NGOs which are almost all funded with your taxpayer money they will whisk her away off to new york la wherever and then she will disappear wherever they have her she'll have a court date for two years so now she'll disappear where'd she go the cartels will have set all this up and coordinated it ahead of time and she will go work for the cartels and if it's a young lady lord willing they have her cleaning hotel rooms or something because what happens to the women and kids it's it's really honestly it's really bad what's happening all around you right now to other human beings is really bad it's it's it's bad okay so that's how it can work but there are different fees charged by the cartel depending on what exactly you want you see the easiest thing for the cartel to do is to take you to the border take you to one of the official stations like i just said and have you turned in because then they'll just pick you up across the border there's no must no fuss no risk we're already in we all know the stupid americans are going to let you in anyway we'll pick you up in la tomorrow or wherever it may be there are higher prices if you don't want to get caught if you don't want to get caught this is it's been going on forever down on the border if you know anyone on border patrol and i do they'll simply explain the cartels will gather a large group of people they know what they're doing these are professionals with professional level communications organization they know what they're doing they'll take 4050 people who are going to go work in the fields clean hotel rooms and do god knows what else and they will intentionally have them flood a border patrol area in order to suck all the border patrol agents in that area to that one spot because they have to go facilitate these people but part of that is getting some guys through they don't want caught getting guys through who are paying the cartels premium prices so they don't get caught you see if i'm lupé from brazil and i just want to get to america and make a little extra scratch and send it back home to my kids then i want to get caught i'll find a job and i know i probably don't know what's waiting for me there but if i'm a terrorist pick your terrorist yemen yron it just just pick your terrorist and i have bad things planned for america or let's say i'm with russian intelligence or chinese intelligence and i have bad things planned for america i will pay a premium premium and i can pay premium these terrorist organizations are well-funded obviously any intelligence organization is going to be well-funded i will pay a premium elevated prices so the cartels will get me into the country and they will unmolested i haven't checked in with anyone there's no retinal scan they're not scanning anything about me cross-checking it with a terrorist watch list and that we know also we know for a fact that is happening a lot and that's on top of the illegals who are coming in who are getting caught and our system is so broken we are not catching them in time there have now been multiple terrorists who have actually encountered our border patrol and have been set free we ran a story last that we didn't run a story we talked about last night how they found six isis members in various cities across the country new york la and otherwise our system even if we encounter these guys it's not catching all of them it's not stopping all of them and as i've said before what good does it do to dwell on this because how do you know what it looks like meaning the next nine eleven what's it going to be it won't be nine eleven you know it's not going to be a plane flying into a building lord willing what what's it going to be i don't know is it a train derailment is it poisoning a water supply is it emping a power grid imagine imagine an emp on the streets of los angeles and the lights go out in a city that big and you've fried the power grid you know how many people would die from that the anarchy the chaos the violence that would ensue if the lights went out that would be a mass casualty event losing power in a major metropolitan what does it look like i don't know i don't know what it looks like maybe it's a tactical new and look you say nuke people freak out and there's it's justifiable i understand why people freak out but when i say tactical remember the challenge with nuclear weapons is not bigger ones they have the biggest ones you can possibly imagine they have country killers you know they have weapons you can drop on united states of america and there's not a united states of america those already exist the challenge is how do you make them smaller more portable and less detectable and countries like russia have been experimenting with this very successfully for a long time because it's very very difficult to ship a cruise missile into new york city it's much much much less difficult to put one in a backpack and walk into Times Square and i'm not trying to freak you out just trying to make sure everyone is aware this is part of the danger of an open border it's not just the burden on hospitals on schools it's not just that it's driving all housing costs through the roof it's not just the crime that it's bringing in the drugs the murder the rape everything else it's not just that and all that stuff is really really really bad as a country you have to monitor who is coming in and who is coming out and if your country happens to get taken over by a bunch of dirty communists who don't care about america at all and so they not only intentionally open the border they begin flying people into the country from all around the world you find yourself in quite a pickle how many jihadi's are here now planning plotting as you listen to the sound of my voice how many chinese intelligence operatives irani and intelligence operatives remember iran has a big boy intelligence intelligence network that's not a bunch of mud huts over there how many russia american weapons are landing inside of the border of russia how many russian operatives have come across that border and are planning very very very bad things yeah play christian order patrol sources telling fox news that dozens and in some cases hundreds of migrants from the countries of iran seria pakistan afghanistan russia and china have been caught trying to use this very porous border to our south in order to illegally get into the united states over the course of a couple of weeks this month so 151 individuals on the terror watch list which you know began after 9/11 they created this list to keep track of certain individuals that they're very concerned about 151 of them have made their way across the border and that's more than the total of the previous six years combined that was from october of last year where is it now all right let's do some emails shall we someone wants to know about the black vote hang on let's dig in some things then we'll get to this us Ukraine security agreement and looks like the elite communists have had enough of a street communist like we've talked about and there's a lot more we have to get to tonight on the show but first this guy let's get this some emails for a show gun do you think if trump wins 20 to 25 percent of the black vote it will crack the dem's lock kind of hard to call one out of four in uncle tom all right essentially what he's saying have trump gets a high enough percentage of the black vote will black people stop being treated like crap by other black democrats when they vote republican you've seen this phenomenon a million times go look at what the things they say about Clarence Thomas Byron Donald's some things i can't even say on the air and you know i say about everything that the hatred poured on and it's not unique to black people anyone who leaves the communist family whether you're a woman and they they feel like you should belong to them you're a gay person a woman a black person i mean whoever you are if you're a card carrying commie and you wake up one day and realize wow these people are demonic and you leave you will be treated worse by them than you've ever been treated by anybody in your life so to answer your question first of all let's be clear about something trump is not getting 20 to 25 percent of the black vote let's not do the broken down gop thing we do every election cycle where this is the time when we're going to get the no it takes a long time to realign political parties he may get 20 to 25 percent of black men possibly black women are the most reliable black or reliable vote for democrats in the country everyone in politics republican democrat and otherwise knows this to be true that little old church lady she believes in god she goes to church on sunday and talks about jesus and life and everything else and she only voted for abortion her entire life it's all she'll ever vote for and that's how that's who she is okay so let's but let's let's let's just let's go with the spirit of your question if he gets a high percentage high and up percentage are they going to stop no they're not going to stop if anything they would ramp up remember this when you're dealing with anti-humans when you're dealing with communists the truth is not something they're concerned with in the very least all that matters is the revolution all that matters is the revolution that's why the cries of hypocrisy that that's all conservatism has ever been in my whole life that that's why it's only fallen on deaf ears have you noticed conservatives have been pointing out out the hypocrisy of communists for 50 60 years and the communists haven't changed why haven't they changed they're not worried about being hypocrites they're worried about the revolution if they if 25 percent of black people start voting republican are they going to stop calling these people uncle tom and all the terrible things they say to them well no they're not worried about the accuracy of the accusation the accuracy of it whether it's true or false has absolutely nothing to do with what they do is nothing at all the point is to intimidate anyone else who might be thinking of growing a mind of their own thinking differently about politics acting differently about politics remember i've used this example before i know it's kind of weird and lame but it does help me understand it think about democrats think about communists american communists as a wolf pack they see the entire country as a wolf pack okay we must all stay together at all times we have to march the same way speak the same way dress the same way there can be no individuality no thinking whatsoever the survival of the pack in their minds depends on the pack doing everything together with not an inch of daylight in between them and they are so adamant about this that if one wolf strays from the pack they will do everything they can up to and include violence to bring that wolf back into the pack and they do so believing it's for the best that it's for the best in fact they will swarm and kill that wolf if it means keeping the pack together no matter what no one can ever stray you know you saw this so clearly so crystal clearly during covid you saw this even if you're one of the people early on you were concerned maybe you were just to get that poisonous vax or maybe you maybe you wanted to get it at first and then you realized maybe that wasn't it but no matter where you stood during covid when you watched these people how they spoke how they operated wasn't it so bizarre not that they would you know wear a mask or or maybe you believed it was an actual vaccine and took that not that that was that bizarre but that they insisted you do the same thing i am vaccinated and therefore i am protected wait a minute why haven't you gotten the vaccine you're gonna kill me you have to get the vaccine wait a minute you just said that you got it and you were protected no everyone has to get it i need 19 booster shots and you will wear 25 masks or you guys aren't allowed to visit a Thanksgiving i don't understand why i would have to why do i have to act the same way you i have a different belief no you have to grandma will die wasn't it weird wasn't it bizarre to watch the ravenous wolf pack mentality of the communist back to your question the accuracy of an accusation is not the point of communist activism the point is intimidation so the pack stays together at all times it doesn't matter that that uh you're Byron Donald's well they were just calling Byron Donald's an uncle palm of course they're always saying terrible things to Byron Donald's that's of course a ridiculous statement he's nothing like that that's not his life or anything like that but the accuracy is not the point the point is so the next black guy looks at that and thinks well i don't want them saying that to me and so he doesn't do what Byron Donald's has done make sense all right this has been a podcast from WOR it's time for today's lucky land horoscope with victoria cash life's gotten mundane so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with the trip to lucky land you know what they say your chance to win starts with a spin so go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes get lucky today at available to players in the US excluding Washington and Michigan no purchase necessary vgw group void reparhibited by law 18 plus turns in condition supply.