Sheep Get Sheared

The Paradox of Pookie: Winning Today, Losing Tomorrow

Broadcast on:
16 Jun 2024
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You know, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the sheep get shared podcast. Uh, so my friends normally, as you know, if you're staying on this channel for a while, you know that I normally have a little more dynamic set up, but I'm, I was in England. Now I'm in Spain right now. And you know, it's really interesting before we get into talking about Pookie and the problems with him and the problems with being him in the challenges that he faces before we talk about that. I wanted to just add a little something to why I think it's important for men to travel, whether it's traveling amongst states, if you live in the US or traveling to different countries, if you live in the EU or frankly anywhere in the world, it's to help you gain perspective. One of the problems with Pookie will discuss is he wins up front. When you're young, from ages of, I don't know, 13 to 25, arguably even to 30. That's Pookie's prime time, I'd argue 25, but some people would argue more than that. Usually it's like ages 13 to 25, Pookie runs the field. Oh, and by the way, if not just women you would associate with being, you know, sluts and skis or whatnot, no, no, those good church girls that wear that I sundrazzes on Sunday who act like they're good country girls or they're good church girls, they gain their back blown out by Pookie with the do rag with the guy who smoked cigars, the guy with the low rider, the guy who is a no good guy who's every month, every mother and father tells their kid, tells their daughter, no, don't go out with him. She going after that guy. But one of the problems that Pookie has in, there are a couple guys on this channel who I can guarantee you identify as being a Pookie or they were, they're an ex Pookie. And as someone, I'm not Pookie, okay, I would never been Pookie. I'll put that on a line right now. I was closer to the goofy guy who got the kind of watch Chad, Tyrone, Pookie and Ray Ray running game. And I didn't understand it at the time, but as I've gotten older, I've understood the game a little bit better as an outsider looking in. And when we talked about Chad before and a lot of guys who are very intelligent on this channel that we had a little bit of a disagreement and that's fine. I'm totally cool with it. So when it comes to Pookie, Pookie is a different story. Pookie is the guy who wins when we're young. Even as a guy who was just finishing up college, who's been in the military, who's been in high school, Pookie, Pookie gets the gut student, Pookie gets the vagina and he gets a lot of it, especially younger when he's like in high school, middle school, college, Pookie always gets bitches, okay? But here's the problem with Pookie. Pookie will win with women when he's young. But just like that one football player who was going to high school, he wasn't good enough for college or he was averaging college and that as the competition went up, he didn't compare anymore. That is who Pookie is. Now, when a woman still has his acts with Pookie when she's going through a divorce, when she gets out of a breakup, if she's born in a relationship, or if she's down bad, she's drunk, or the guy she's with is kind of goofy and doesn't know how to hit it. Well, she called Pookie, oh, yes, she will. But the reason I don't encourage you to be Pookie is because Pookie is a master at sex. But that's about it. Pookie tends to live and die by how much vagina he gets, how he hits that vagina, and that's it. He does not the guy who go to for cryptocurrency advice. He is not the guy you go to talking about travel advice. He's not the guy you go to with real world problems outside of how to get bitches. And even if you try to get bitches, Pookie's going to tell you how to be Pookie. And it's hard to be Pookie without suffering the consequences of Pookie, especially as you get older. Now, does Pookie have insights that you as a normally do not have? Yes. Yes, he does. He's usually the first guy to figure out that the more attention that you give women, the less they'll give you. He's usually the first guy to find out these bitches ain't shit. He's usually the first guy who has three, four, five girls all trying to get with him. And you're over here like, what the fuck? How does he have all these women and how you don't? What the fuck is going on? And you'll get mad. You'll be like, Oh, what? Do I need to get a gold tooth and a kind of do rag and start looking like a. You know, that kind of guy, do I want to be that guy? That's when he's a bad boy that most women, they love to hate him and they hate that they love him. And a lot of dudes are envious of Pookie because it's hard to act like Pookie. You could try, but it usually doesn't work out. You either are Pookie or either a gang banger, stammer, drug dealer, whatever. The lot of women you'll see in street interviews, whether they're doing it for hype or they're doing it because they actually believe it will tell you, Oh, I don't want no nine to five guy. I don't want a guy who was focused on his education, focusing on his career, focusing on getting his act together. I want Pookie. I want the scammer. I want the drug dealer because why anything got good Johnson pause and be because he's exciting, he's not boring, but you best believe as time passes, Pookie is usually behind the curve and he's not going to win at life. He might win in the bedroom. He will not win at life. And as he gets older, his quality of women will go down. He'll get older, soggy women. He'll get divorce and he's he'll get broken women in plain English. He tends to get more broken bitches who are not prime. They might look good, but they are not prime real estate. Now will he still hit? Yes. However, Pookie tends to also end up on child support or he has a pregnancy scare or he has trouble with the law. And like I said, he won't win when you're young because he is the type of the blockchain when you're younger, he's rebellious. He doesn't submit to authority. He's doing whatever the hell he wants to do while you're being a fun another follower. He stands out then, but as the pool gets bigger, Pookie gets smaller and Pookie gets competition with other Pookie's. That's the part they don't tell you, Pookie has competition with other Pookie's and Pookie's the guy that gets shot and again, and a drive by Pookie's the guy that gets arrested, Pookie's the guy who has tattoos on his eyeballs or gets out of jail. Now again, I'm not going to tell you that Pookie does not get bitches, Pookie gets bitches. But is that all that you care about in life? Again, you got to ask yourself that question. If you are currently Pookie or you're really young and you want to be like Emi Lake Pookie or even if you're a little older and you want to emulate Pookie, do you want to hold is that your end all be all in life is to get broken bitches? Because if that is the case, then go ahead and be Pookie. But after a certain age, you will stop getting access to prime women. When you're in high school, you'll get access to fine chicks. When you're in college, you can still get somewhat good chicks. But after that, it gets a whole different game, a whole different game, and when Pookie still get access, yes, but he's not going to get the type of women that the corporate guy is going to get. He's not going to get the type of women that you can get because he's not going to pay. Pookie doesn't like to pay for anything. He likes to get things for free. If you want to quote "free", there is no such thing as free, Pookie usually ends up paying child support because he got so much free sex. Free costs the most, you can write that one down. So whenever you're trying to get something free, no, you are risking a lot. When it comes to the potential fallout, you could face later. Now whether you decide to be Pookie or not is your choice, whether you continue to be Pookie, that is your choice. But I know for a fact, there's at least one guy who's a loyal listener to the show who will tell you, I won't mention his name, I don't want to put his business out there in the straits if he doesn't want me to do it. If he wants me to do it, then I'll be happy to do it. But just know, Pookie won't win when you're young. But as you get older, Pookie starts to get access to less quality women. Now if you don't care about that, go right ahead. But the problem is a lot of Pookie's, when they get to a certain age they want to turn into Tyrone, but they can't, they can't turn into Tyrone. Because you are either shattered Tyrone or you're not shod in Tyrone, you don't just become them. You can emulate them, but you will never actually become them, it's not possible. I'm not telling you that to discourage you, I'm saying you got to carve your own lane. Because you're usually shod in Tyrone, they don't need to figure out this information, at least not early on, because they don't, they don't have struggles. A lot of us are introduced to the red pill for women. Now the red pill is more than just women, but that's usually the introduction is we figure out the true nature of women and then by extension we want to know the true nature of the world, of the power structure, of the economy, we want to figure out everything else but it usually starts with chicks. So if you're not struggling with chicks, then it tends to not really involve you. You tend to not care about that type of stuff, you laugh at them, all of those guys just can't get laid, they don't know what they're doing, they're goofy, they're lambs, whatever. That's what that people who are pookey, ray, ray, chad, Tyrone, that's usually what they say about guys like you and like me, unless of course they have a realizing moment which is rare but it does happen. Now if you are a pookey and you listen to the show or you're an ex pookey, why don't you let the guys know in the comments section, is what I said accurate, am I wrong? Because I'll tell you, I know a couple guys who outclassify as pookies, they've gotten in trouble with the law, they've gone to jail, what happened for years and years before a little bit of time, and trust me, they be having sex with other dudes, girlfriends, oh yeah, oh yeah, they be having sex with other people's girlfriends, wives, didn't matter likes on Tinder, Bumble and Hange and all that stuff, oh yeah, oh yeah, I'm not here to tell you that pookey loses. Well pookey wins when it comes to women absolutely, however he's not going to get the prime women past high school or college number one, and number two, that compound interest he could have had towards his career, towards aspirations, towards development as a human being, he's going to lose out. So it's all a trade off, everything is a trade off. So pookey has the one and the probably the best stroke game pause in the business, probably yes, because that's all he has. All he has is his ability to knock down chicks and blow the back out, that's usually about it. You might know some street game about drugs, about drugs, about on the law, about pushing all this kind of stuff, but again, though he has problems, we talk about shot having problems, pooke has problems too. So my friends, if you are pookey, if you know pookey, let me know, do you think what I said is accurate, do you think it's wrong? I think we need to do more of these child Tyrone pookey ray ray videos, because a lot of people they don't understand what we're talking about. They might have a somewhat accurate image in their heads, but they are not totally clued in as to what we're even talking about. A lot of people don't fully know who these archetypes are, what they stand for, how to be them, how to avoid them, they don't know. So I think it's important we discuss it, especially because I'm on the road and I don't have access to a ton and tons of research to go into more. I'm here to talk about the church as well, I could talk about the church all day and all night. But gentlemen, let me tell you, I was out and about in Spain today in Malaga, Spain, and let me tell you something, there were a lot of women with these pookey guys, tattoos on their necks, all kinds of like bikes and flashy cars, like the lowrider, like kind of gangster cars, oh yeah, they're here. And the women were ugly. I'm not here to tell you the pookey loses. He loses in some ways, but in other ways he can win. But it all comes down to what you want out of life. If all you want out of life is to get shit, being a pookey is not a bad idea, in my opinion. That's how we need to break the law, that's how we need to do any of that goofy stuff. So don't take that as permission from me to break the law or do stupid shit. Just understand that if that's what you wanted to do, then that's not the worst lane you could choose. Just know though, you're losing out on other potential growth, other potential building blocks that could make you have a better quality of life, a better life outside of women. But I think I'll leave it at that. My friends, you let me know what you think. Call me out in the comments if you think I'm right, wrong, off, totally. Let me know. I'm here to listen and learn as much as you. I know more than I let on, I tried a lot out as much as possible, but just understand, we're all in this together, we're all trying to find the truth. And I don't actually think I know the truth pretty accurately, because I see the world for what it is and not what I wish it was, unlike a lot of other people, because that's what they do. Because that's how we're naturally trained to see the world is how we want to see it, not for what it actually is. My friends, in the meantime, you take care of yourselves. I'm out of here. I got to get to sleep. It's pretty late where I am right now, but I wanted to have this conversation with you because I think it's important. And I think that a lot of people waste their time trying to only appeal to women instead of trying to develop themselves and grow as a person and get to the finish line where a lot of women are waiting for you. You just got to cross that finish line and don't pedestalize the women. Just know they are like a protein shake. They are a supplement to an already fulfilled life. So if who keep them as a prioritized women and that's one of the biggest problems, in my opinion, but I'll leave it at that to carry yourselves, my friends. I'm out of here. Peace. [BLANK_AUDIO]