Sheep Get Sheared

Chad Has Problems Too...Worse Than Yours!

Broadcast on:
14 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

ladies and gentlemen welcome to the sheep gets sheared podcast on the road so my friends I'm actually looking outside my hotel window in London England or I guess it's the UK technically speaking to me I'll always be England but um you know my friends I thought it was important we do we discuss the topic because you know it's easy for us to talk about Chad Tyrone Pookie Ray Ray and you know what's interesting is even in other countries it's really no different I know that the passport bros like to talk about Asia being different I'd like to talk about maybe India being different or they want to talk about certain places being different and I think it's interesting the argument but I think it also does men aid to service does you and it does me a disservice because people are people women or women men are men high program you will always exist but then I'm gonna hand it myself because Chad has problems to that is the name of the show today this Chad has problems to you know we like to assume that Chad and Tyrone they don't have problems they get all the bitches they get all the money they get everything and they really don't have to try all that hard and you know what that's partially accurate Chad is so not a guy that you can become Tyrone is not a guy you can become you are Tyrone you are Chad I find it interesting when people talk about oh I want to be a Chad no you can't be Chad Chad is just Chad I know this from experience not because I am a Chad see one thing we need to concentrate about Chad having problems is Chad is not red pill okay we to establish that right off the rip because Chad gets women and so therefore he has no need for the suppository we call the red pill in a lot of ways he thinks we're crazy Chad does not watch it red pill content Chad is busy getting the hose playing golf going on yacht trips being at the frat house Chad is busy doing those things he is not making red pill content he's not watching my channel he's not watching coach Craig Adams channel he's not watching Rolla Tomassie's channel he's not doing any of those things he's not watching fresh and fit he's not doing any of those things he's busy reliving his life and so we talk about Chad having problems he doesn't have the same problems as you or the same problems as me but as a guy who is no who I personally know a guy who I would consider a Chad I'm known in my entire life my and throughout the relatively short life I lived I he's always gotten women women have always been drawn in even the ones I liked at high school they liked my best friend my best friend is the definition of a Chad he's an attractive guy no almo he has always had a muscular build he's always been good at sports he's always got the attention of the ladies he's always been charismatic even other guys grab a date to him not in an attraction way but in a oh with this dude is an alpha I want to be on his good side I think he's cool I want to follow him he is a Chad he does not listen to the show he does not watch the show because you need to watch the show he doesn't need to hear the stuff because he doesn't understand it and I don't blame him that's like LeBron James not understanding why you can't dribble a basketball or why you can't do a 360 windmill dunk that that's the whole point my friend but do not mistake this his lack of problems that you to share for him having no problems I think it's important we discuss this idea of having proper perspective because as much as we are jealous of Chad in Tyrell and trust me I understand it I was I've been jealous of my best friend for a long time without he always got the women that I thought were hot name 80 didn't try that's the kicker he never had to try they were just gravitated towards him they liked him they asked him to see these they he he was the one who had their she had her friend ask him ask her to prom that type of stuff he didn't have to try so my friends when we talk about getting perspective and we talk about Chad having problems I know you might be tempted to say well then Austin that's just your friend no no no no no no I'm known multiple chads over the course in my life and they all have the same theme whether it's there on the internet or they're in person they they're the kind of guy that would tell you would just be yourself and then and then you get bitches that's the kind of guy Chad is he just gets bitches he doesn't know how he thinks it's because he's got game no it's because he has a negative six percent body fat and because he has anything charisma a great John line that could cut diamonds that's why you can do it but you see they don't understand it in the same way that a really hot girl doesn't understand why a lot of dudes are angry under or a lot of girls are jealous of her the same thing with those dudes Chad doesn't understand why we can get bitches like him he doesn't understand why we don't have life on an easier difficulty than he does he doesn't get it that's the thing and when we talk about problems Chad's got problems usually it stems from his not not understanding the world he lives in trust me as a guy who knows a Chad who is actually going to get married somewhat soon I still alone making a mistake about I'm not disneying him in any way doing me leaving him as an example in fact he should be flatter I'm using him as an example but my friends when we get to go into this issue of Chad having problems to we had the perspective to realize that we are naturally going to be jealous of Chad but Chad just like a rich just like a rich guy has more problems than a poor guy Chad has more problems than you do they're just different problems Chad's the kind of guy that gets the clap he's the kind of guy that gets the herp derp he's the kind of guy who has a girl slashes tires because he's sleeping with her best friend that's the kind of stuff that Chad deals with Chad deals with getting hired to a job and he's already slept with a lot of women there and the dudes hate him and undermining Chad's that guy he has problems but but they're not the same problems that I have or that you have and so we need to understand that because we idolize him we don't often see the struggles that he has and in doing so we are tempted to throw ourselves a pity party and say oh not Chad so my list so what's the point in trying or I have to hold out hope that there's this one woman who's different my friends I don't like holding out I don't like it using hope as a strategy now if you need to do that you go right ahead I'm not gonna fall to you I'm not gonna laugh at you it's just you're just making your life more difficult by not accepting the reality that's what the red pill is it's accepting the reality no matter how harsh no matter how unforgiving no matter how atrocious we think it is we accept it for what it is which is the truth and when we talk about the truth I understand we often come at it from different perspectives with different end goals and a different mindset different worldview that being said I think we can all agree that we all have unique struggles and I'm not telling you to feel bad for Chad okay trust me I'm not telling you to do that at all when I'm telling you is to understand that Chad's got problems to does he have some easy does he have things easier than you when there were guards to women yes does he have things easier than you when it comes to maybe getting a better job like a sales job or a law job or whatever yeah there's even better chance at never being you know talked down to by women and whatnot yes but you see Chad's got his problems too there are no shortcuts in his life in fact a lot of times Chad's growth is stunted by his ability to get everything he ever wanted he's he's doesn't grow was fast he's the guy that does the keg stand in the party and so good he he's kind of like pokey in that he tends to burn out early kind of like the washed-up jock type syndrome he maybe he gets injured maybe he does he gets hurt himself doing some dumb shit but Chad will always be Chad and you can't become Chad you either are Chad or you're not Chad you don't grow a mustache or a beard in your Chad you don't get a six pack and then your Chad you don't learn how to ride a dirt bike or ride a skateboard at the skate park and become Chad no that's not how that works because by the time you do that Chad's already doing something else that's dare devily and the girls are all gonna want it trust me I've seen it I've gotten the t-shirt trust me you're not believe me if you don't want to well tell you my friend who I'm talking about my best friend I have yet to see something he is bad at do can dance do can play sports do could ride dirt bikes do could ride jet skis do conserve do could do everything okay so trust me when I tell you he does not out trouble getting bitches at all none and I grew up with this guy and I was I always lived in his shadow even though I'm taller than him I lived in his shadow when it came to women all the women I wanted they wanted him he was one of the first guys that really exposed the raw realities of the world to be a hyperbole is a real thing and at first I resented it maybe just like you resented I program you back in the day or maybe you still do hate the fact that you're not enough right now it's more misplaced you want to hate the woman for rejecting you but in the deep deepest part of your soul you know you're not the man you're supposed to be in the same way that Chad will never understand that because he just got blessed in ways that you didn't but that being the case he has his own problems too and they're often worse than yours you would just have already mastered it you you have no need for more knowledge really because you understand a lot of these things already you understand how the world works you're just trying to get at the bend to your will the same way that Chad kind of gets at the bend to his will but he doesn't even know how he's doing it he doesn't know why he doesn't know if that stubble is stripped away and he had to figure out how to do it he probably couldn't do it my friends again I'm not telling you this so that you feel bad for Chad nor knows that he doesn't need it it's so that you can gain perspective whether you're a passport bro I want to be passport bro and or whether it's you're just living your life and you're grinding and you're working harding sometimes you feel judged a little twin new jealousy against Chad and Tyroa whether you be an internet guy a guy you know in real life it's tempting to be very angry it's very easy to take out your lack of accomplishments and our actualization of your goals on somebody else or blame something that's outside of your control for your situation I encourage you don't do that all that's going to do is sabotage your goals all it's going to do is lead you to think you are a victim in your own life and it will take away your chance at victory I know that a lot of you might not want to hear the show today I understand that we we all wanted to be Chad I wish we were Chad we wanted to be the man we've wanted to be the guy that just naturally had a leg up on the competition no matter whether you tried or didn't try you just had a leg up unfortunately we probably don't so the next thing we have to ask ourselves is what are we going to do with that fact we can sit there and resent the guy who's winning right now or are we gonna be the guy that passes him up so that when I heard me affects him and it will because just as there are certain there are levels to there are tears of men there are tears of chads and tears of Tyrone and they will figure this out now they probably will never go to a red pill channel they'll probably never watch content like what you're listening to because they still won't need it but they'll start to think wait a minute wow how did that happen why did that happen hey hey Daniel hey rise hey Austin how did this happen well why did she not why did she do that to anything and then if you want you can give them the reason they might not listen to you the power thing to nuts but they can give you the chance they could listen to you and say oh huh that's an interesting perspective now I'm not telling you try to convert shot because it's probably not gonna happen but what I'm telling you is he's struggling with things that you're not struggling with yet keyword yet and telling you if you want to gain perspective quick about the world travel go to Europe go to Asia go to Africa go to Australia go to South America you'll gain some perspective that the world is so much bigger than what it is in your town in your county in your state even in your country my friends please let me know what you think about the Chad and conversation about him having his own unique problems are you with Chad kind of trick question probably not because if you worry you wouldn't be listening to me and you wouldn't be listening to the men on this channel you'll be busy being a chat and being at the nightclub trying to get try to remember all the girls that are trying to get your style chat my friends you didn't care yourselves this is gonna be the format for a little bit I'm playing with potentially getting the video back up and running on the road but just wanted to put this video up for you guys because I really enjoy talking with you I really enjoy having these conversations and I think it's important and then and I'm never really heard anybody else talk about Chad like this so I figured I'd share it my friends secure yourselves will be your comments below the comment section is always open to you you'll like the video you know what to do to carry yourselves I'm out of here peace