Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 107

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16 Jun 2024
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"Kofa avamat baiz" six times from the bottom of the new mission. "Hama kapasat mihovei rei lizaras ayrim" if you have a person, and this is, again, "Hakirus", it would be a set amount that would be paid, a set amount of produce would be paid for use of the field for the years. So "Hama kapasat mihovei al lizaras ayrim" if the deal was that Barli would be planted low yizar and achitim, that person would not be allowed to plant wheat, and in general, wheat is a lot rougher, it saps a lot more than nutrients from the ground, more than Barli, however if the arrangement was "chitim" that the farmer was going to plant wheat, his rent is certain, then Barli would be allowed less taxing on the soil, whereas Roshumulim leo, who eats box, to Roshumuliel, oyster, he says no matter what, whether the thing that you eventually end up planting, if it's not the same thing, whether it's worse for the soil, even better for the soil, it makes no difference, you can't do differently. Period. "Tivuwa" if the arrangement was to plant grain, low yizar, double under on the word low yizar and achitnius, can at plant legumes, or chitnius, if the agreement was to plant legumes or beans, yizar and achuwa, it would yes be allowed to plant grain because that's less of the nutrients get taken from the soil, where's Roshumulim leo, oyster, here too, he says he can't do something different than whatever was agreed upon that would be planted. "I'm Roshusas," I spoke with Roshumulim leo, "what's his reasoning why he says us are always well, dear sieve, because of the basic concept of you got to do what you say." "Shairus Yistrel, the remnant of Israel, lo yizar, suavla," says the Pasekis Sifania, they don't do things that are wrong or evil, the lo yidabrukhazav, and they don't speak lies, the lo yi matsib ifyhem, lushen, tarmis, and you won't find in their mouths tongues of deceitfulness. Basefae, we have a tinex source, though that would seem to indicate otherwise it goes till the first word on Kobzain Amadalif. This is regarding a collection made by the community leaders for Purim to be given out to the poor people. So Maguesvas Purim, collection for Purim, la Purim, it has to go for Purim things. Vayim daksimidavru, not very necessarily precise on that, we give whatever the person based on Yisvainani Rashi, however, the poor person receives this money for Purim Matnus Anim. In A Rashihele cockmahan, he would not be allowed to purchase Ritsul Asandalai, like a new strap for his shoe. Basef has to use it for the food needs of the day. Ella Imkain, the only time he would be allowed to maybe spend it on something else would be if he was his son of a man on Shair, made a special condition with the representatives of the city. Do you remember me? Shumra Meir, and we box for Meir, where Shumra Gamaliel would be Mika. We also box for Shumra Gamaliel. And now he would be Mikael, even if you were going to use it for something different. He apparently doesn't know that a person is very particular on something that doesn't cause a loss to him. So then why in the Mishnah would Rishon Lael, so it would be us, or if the farmer planned something of them was agreed upon if there's no loss to the Elan donor. Well, Amr Abhiye, I circled Abhiye, and Abhiye would disagree with him of Christa, who we had in the bottom of the previous one, but he says, "Time to Shumra Gamaliel, actually the reason Shumra Gamaliel says he can't do differently is Kidhe Marr, similar to what Raba had said, "Amr Marr, Jaime de Nihalay, de Titbor Arre, a person who said a little bit sarcastically, or who wants to cause his land to become barren." Which is of course the last thing a person who has land wants to do, makes his land unproductive. You know what he should do with the recommendation, basically, to ruin your land? Lizra Shoshasari, plan one year, wheat, and then the next year, barley, or Shoshasashi, Bishasar, have planned one year going in one direction in the rows, and the next year in the other direction. That's a surefire way to cause terrible loss to your field, which of course then, if the agreement with the boss was to plan one type of produce, even if the type of produce that you want to plan seems like it would take less nutrients, yeah, but maybe it's the opposite of what was planted in the last season and you'd ruin his land. The Loyamaran, by the way, this is all said only if Ela De Loy Caravitani, if you didn't plow into a second plowing of El Caravitani, seems like whatever was planted in the previous year, if there was a valid, numerous plowings, Lestan Bauden, there is no issue. Bishasar said, "Ful lo Yizrana Kittnius, ma sini lee raviudalarovin." So Raviuda talked to Raviuda, the following today, a source. Three words, I box it off, "Tavua yizrana, Kittnius, okay?" If you, the agreement was for grain, you can yes plant Kittnius. "Amalay," so it says, "Back Ravian, one second by naan snan," here's a quote from R. Mishnah, R. Mishnah seemed to say the opposite, R. Mishnah forward quote, to put in writing those to Vua, "Lo Yizrana Kittnius, I double under in the low." So if the agreement was to plant, let's say, grain, can you paint beans? Well, Amalay says, "Back Loyakasha, it depends where you are." Halan, the hallehu, are you in Bovell or are you in Israel? The Mishnah, which is discussing the laws in Eret's Israel, doesn't necessarily have the most fertile land, it's a lot of mountainous areas, then you have to be much more concerned for the depletion of the earth's nutrients, but the other din, which is now that we are, or now that they were in, Bovell, which had, most of the places they lived were lower in the elevation and much more naturally rich, and therefore it wouldn't be a problem, period. I double underline Amalay, review to the Revan Bar-Rov-Nossen. The reason I did that is because five lines later, it says Amalay, review to the Revan Bar-Rov-Nossen, and I double under that, and then about ten-eleven lines later, first word on the line is De-Palgis, near the middle of that line is, once again, a Amalay, review to the Revan Bar-Rov-Nossen, which I double underline, so we're gonna have at least three members by that same name. Here's the first. Amalay, review to the Revan Bar-Rov-Nossen. Bovell-Nossen, he says, "My brother-Rov-Nossen, honey-dilly, de-lach, be-di-lach, de-ly." Well, what's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine, apparently they had trees. Your trees, my fruit, my trees. Your fruit, they basically had fields or orchards, one right next to the other, and there were some trees of one leaning into the other ones, and some tree, the other one's leaning into this one's, Vinog-Bene-Matsra, Il-an-han-no-te-lach-an-lach-an-no-de-lach-an-lach-an. And the basic practice of people who share a border is that a tree who-han-no-te-lach-an, whose roots are turned entirely to the other field, the neighboring field, the neighboring field gets the fruit. And similarly, nice-lach-an-lach-an-lach-an-det-mark. Here's the case. So if you have a tree and it's basically like right there on the border between two fields, who's is it? Amarav, Aister-lach-lach-an-lach-an-lach-an, one that has all of its roots in one field, even though the trunks seem to come up in the other field, the fruit belongs to the one whose roots are in their field, then similarly the other way, where Schmul, Aister-lach-lach-an-mar, he says, "Nope, you would hulken, you would split it." Macefae, the egg source, goes for all of five words, the box is often going to be a question on Rav, and says, "Ilanar-imid-al-am-ad-sar, yah-hui-ku." If you have a tree on the border, you split the fruit, and that sounds like Schmul question on Rav. Should we then say, Aister-lach-an-mar to you? Is that a Rav-lach-an-mar? Well, no. Türgen-mesh-mul-alib-ad-arav, he explains the case, interestingly enough. We have this many times in the tomorrow where the barb looked to defend the one he's arguing against. He says, "Bam-amal-ak-al-am-ad-sar kool-ite, it's a case where you have the entire border filled with these trees, and you actually have the roots of the trees going a little bit in this way, a little bit in that way." Okay, well, then Ihakhi, my l'amamara, like, of course, it's going to split it if some of the roots go under one person's field, some of the other ones go under another person's field. So, like, of course, it's going to split. Well, low. It's not so straightforward because the street is necessary. D'etali-tune-lach-an-gisa, the waiter, the load of the fruit is vast majority on one of the two sides. Still, you split it. Well, Vakhati, my l'amamara. So, then what's the shiddish? Why? Wouldn't you split it? Well, like, how do you split it? You make a line down the middle, and everything on one side goes to one, and the other side goes to the other. Mao, D'etini, you might have thought to say, "D'ammar-laye," where one of the two can say, "You know what? Split it here. We'll make the imaginary line, and I'll take my side. You take your side," kmash-malan, the shiddish is d'ammar-laye that the other party can say, "Well, one second. Why do you have your imaginary line drawn in that direction? You should be in a different direction." My cause is to palgas-hach-y. Why are you swimming it this way? Plogue-hach-y. Split it the other way. I'm only reviewing the Revan Barov-Nossen. This is the third. He said, "Rov-Nach-y." I think I skipped the first one. Let's go back to the first Revu-D'ammar-Rov-Nossen. Sorry about that. This one, we're going to go back to about 10 lines from the top, and then we'll get back to the one we just got to. He says, "Rov-Nach-y, honey-tach-ly." When we're dealing with that, tach-ly is usually cress, or some sort of wild cress. It depends where it is in the person's field, whether you could take it or not. The Bay-Kistna, if it's in a flax field, aim by a mission gazelle, you can actually take it. It's not a problem of gazelle because it's basically detrimental to the flax, and any tomtic or herring comes along and pulls out of the ground, is going to benefit that field that it's in. However, I'm derlined at these three words. I'm der Solagvulin, if it's there on the border area of the field, the H-Bn-Mishim gazelle, then there would be an issue of gazelle because it's not causing any loss to the flax field. The Imahook-Shul-Ezerra, if, however, it's reached a stage where it's got seeds, a field of the Bay-Kistna, Nami H-Bn-Mishim gazelle, even if it's there in the field, it's gazelle maitaima, because the opposite opposite, once it's already had seeds, well, those seeds are in the ground and, sort of, like, too late to prevent the weeds from coming up next year. Okay, that was the first one. We had already done the second one. That's one of the third of Yehuda Sesterov in Barrov-Nasan, which is about 60% of the way down the yamud. The line starts Barrov-Nasan. He says, once again, "Rovinachi, Brotherovin, Loitazvinarza des Mihalamata. Don't buy land that is close to the city. They used to have cities, and a lot of people lived there, and then out in the yonder, like, beyond the city would be the fields of don't purchase one of the cities that don't purchase one of the fields that's right into the city. Why not? Damravar-Maurav-Hunam-Arav-Hunam-Arav-Rav-Nasan. As-Sala-Ladam-Shi-Yamu-Yal-Sad-A-Cha-They-Rei. Here's the concept, because it's actually forbidden for a person to stand next to somebody else's field. Bishash-A-Shay-Medis-Bikaim-O-Yusaha at a time that literally it's standing in its fullest height. Like, basically the time it is about ready to be harvested, and the issue is going to be because of Ayanhara that, you know, they have something that's very successful, you want to keep it out of the public eye. Okay, so better not to have that first field that everyone's going to see. Really any question mark, and I put a long question mark in the margin that would go down from here till the bottom line on this omelet. So is that really true that you don't want to have a field like close to the city? Here we seem to say otherwise, and it's going to be a lot of information, but one Main point we'll get to will online when we get there. So the ha what happened once Ashkehin who Rabbi Abba and on her Bible It's how many did you rob an online Rob? So everybody about once found these students of Rob Amalou when he said to them my amarav the honey cry what I'd say about this puzzle at the end of safer environments is Baratabir Baratab is So the Baratab is so debaratabir Baratab is a sec. How do you understand each one of those four phrases? Brahm hulay hulky amarav I circle graphs name and this is what they responded that this is a lot of this is how Rob explained those Parts of the puzzle quote three words Baratabir. What's it referring to that bless you? Shall you be in the city shape based on summer the basic analysis that the house that you have should be close to the show? You know, it's easy. You gotta go out to show all the time. It should be close Baratab is sadeh I put those three words in quotation marks what's that referring to and I am Underline these four words cuz it's really the whole reason we're bringing it. Shea hei nechasecha Croy vim la yir that the assets that you have like the field that you have should be close to the city So it won't be a major hassle to schlep everything in from the field to your house It sounds like it's not really a problem having the field near your house is actually ideal Let's continue Baratabir. Oh, yeah, how those three words of quotation marks was that referring to blessed are you and you're coming? Surely seems so used to class Suffolk need a vischa be asking me in a dara That a person should not find his wife South fake needa when coming back from a long journey and if she's definitely needa, so she's definitely needa Definitely not either. That's also one thing, but so it could start that that person rationalize. Well, you never know Yeah, even that's what it is Referring to in Baratabir say sucka those two words of quotation marks and the positive plus for you when you're going out Shea said say a meachal comma is rather the going forth some one's loins The basic ones just and didn't should be just like you Comma now that was all said by the Tamiridirav to Rabbi Abba Rabbi Abba responds Rama Luis is back to them Well, that might be where Rob says but we're gonna lie on our hockey. We'll come on doesn't learn it that way Allah And here we go through the four phrases and see the way of yoga learns it quote three words Baratabir. That's your purring to you Shea basic he say some of us your honor a person who has we have indoor plumbing. I think everyone who has a House or apartment has a bathroom in it, but in those days it was not so common So what's Baratab? But you're blessed. How are you blessed in the city if you have a basic he say? At that time some of the shulchan are even close to your so speak your dining room table We eat because then you can go if you need to go right before you eat Which is always recommended if you have to or go right after Abba base Knez says when it comes to a shul. It's actually not a brokha to have a very close shul That's what Bjorkha on the Tamir Tamar. He says harp siyyash that there's tremendous reward in the effort that it takes to get to the shul so a shul a little bit further might be better Kama Baratab Assad. I put those who were to quotation marks was that referring to bless her you out in the field? She ain't a shul a shin that you should have a diversification of your asset portfolio So regarding the three main types of things that you should have your money in one in cash One in real estate in one in land that one that's in land. You should split it Shlish bits for a slish bizase him slish big a fondant one third in grain one third in olives one third in Grapes so that's like a diversification of your diversification you first split your portfolio into approximately thirds and then the Land third should have different types of crops. The public continues Baratab. I'll talk about it a seca I put that in quotation marks. What's that referring to and that's actually says the I guess it would be rebby Abba Chatei it's the ask them in them kaviy askalaylam the person's exiting from this world should be just like the way you came in How's that mapi askalaylam below hate a person enters this world without sin afits the askalaylam So to the going out should be below hate now That was the end of a very very very extended question But the main point was that it seemed like having a field near your house was a was a good thing And we had said it's not such a good thing. So just look what like hasha had the mahadele Shura verraska hadlamadle shuraaska basically doesn't have a nice big Fence and hedge around it or not if it does that's great. It's great to have it close if it doesn't that's where the problem I know is literally I in horror where people can see into it. So if it doesn't have like a proper Wall around it or fence around it. Then that's where it is not a good thing the post against varm says I Underline these five words vahasya asham mim chal kal khayli the lord will remove from you every ailment What's that referring to we're gonna have five different shots in here? One about every three lines Rob when line he's number one. What's the kal khayli referring to this ayan? This is I guess on the same topic here the ayan harah That's rahv latame rahv going according to reasoning. We have heard him say elsewhere to rahv He wants a solid little base cavalry Went to a vineyard not a vineyard a graveyard excuse me Avat by de avat that's a very interesting line. He did what he did which rashi explains. He he knew I Don't know how to relate to the souls of the deceased and get a a Basic idea of what they passed away from Amr and his response Upon doing that was or his comment, and I I double underline this whole Guess about seven words tisha of a tishin by in rahv, but there are carrots at every hundred people who who passed away 99 of them passed away from ayan harah Not they wouldn't have had they would have died just they would have died at a later time It's only one who died according to like the regular way of the world Okay, so definitely a kal khayli would refer to let's say ayan harah. That's something that I Don't majority the people passed away from ushwool windline schmool Is the second of five shot to mamaar? What is kal khayli referring to zeh haruach? Okay wind air atmosphere may be germs in the air or something like that by the way schmool is the famous Doctor or medical professional of the shots. He's always giving medical advice with schmool Well one second. How could you say was the germs haikar ogi malka's ogi malka's guy basically had his head chopped off with a sword. That's really some sort of germs in the wind and Darat says, you know what actually that kind of is an Aknami Elav Zeke if wasn't for the wind over understanding when maybe like the elements the the germs those types of things if it wasn't for that I've to lose some of the khayi you would have been able to concoct some sort of I don't solution or medicinal I don't know solution or benefit and have the person live Okay The third out of the five shots from chanina who under land amar zut seen as referring to cold Cold is that which seems to get most people damn room chanina hakobie isha ma'im It's all sort of in the hands of heaven hoots me seen him pakhem from like a cold blowing Draft chanammar like the past was initially seen him pakhem But they're a case showing right off show you're ma'im cold winds or drafts bederech E case they they're in the way of or they blow in the way of the Crooked person shame right off show you one of the words himself. You're gonna have a little distance himself from them We understand is a fourth out of five understandings. What does it mean in the past set on the third line called hily? Amrzu soa soa we usually have the referring to us like that which one Deficates a bowel movements, but it could be anything that kind of Secreated from the body. It could be mucus. It could be ear wax any of those things down remark so us a hotel It's also sin we're talking about those the soa of the nose. Maybe we call it mucus. So I saw us in of the ears Maybe ear wax Ruban kasha. Most of it is like really bad umi utanya often only occasionally is it beneficial and finally rebel Loser who we underline is the fifth out of the five shot to mama. What's it referring to? kohalee zoo Mara, that would be the bile of the gallbladder El Tananami hakui akshev abreisa that kind of brings out that approach. The basically goes for four lines plus a word starts here When the puzzle says machala That's we were asking about what's the puzzle. Hey, see your shampoo called hily that word hala machala That's actually referring to Mara. That is the gallbladder the lamina Krishma machala. Why is it called machala? Well, here's why she he machala kogufe shaladam It sickens the entire body of a person davarachar alternatively machala look at the letters of the word and figure out the gammatria She my name was shalasha is 83 Because 40 plus 30 plus 8 plus 5 is a 43. It's excuse me 83 That's the 83 hala m a el mens tule in bamara that are directly attributable to issues with the with the gallbladder The kulan pashachus melach fakutansha maim evat lassan and all of them can be solved by having Morning we'll say bread in the morning with a little bit of salt and a pitcher of water That's to this seems to be very beneficial. That's the end of the today's source Which leads us to another today's source on exactly that topic. This one goes for about seven and a half lines You'd give them all to our amnam rupa chakras by the way today's a mood or this unwood has been sponsored by the Bread suppliers of the nation of Israel. Anyway, there were 13 things said by pass chakras Passes bread chakras in the morning. It's that that morning breakfast. I don't know your weed ease Whether it's literally bread was like cutting my sonas product, but there's many many benefits to a good grain-based bread type of breakfast and Well, 13 of them will listen off 1 to 13. Here we go number one Mazzales minacham, it says people it makes it very much easier to go through a very hot day Oh, me nuts in a that's number two and from a very cold day number three minha zikin This would be sort of like what schmuel had said And about the sixth line of the Samud is referring to the zikin it it helps the person Ward off whatever the detrimental situation would be from the winds or from the Ruach Moving to my zikin number four is from the demons number five Ummakimas passi it Gives wisdom to the simple and number six the zaika biden and obviously along those same lines a person will be much more likely to win In a court case because he's got a clear head number seven It also helps little mai taira to have a clarity of mind to be able to learn properly Number eight ula made and to teach properly number nine is ravenish mine your words because you're in like a good mood and a good headspace So you'll say things properly and your words will be Nishmai and hurt Number 10 and Talmudum is kind be all day. All these have to do with a clarity of head and focus because of a good breakfast one's learning will be established firmly in his In his hands number 11 raima sorry mala hevel his flesh will not give off Hevel some sort of rashes a zaia the zaia. I'm some sort of sweat or odor number 12 that niz kakli ish tai Veinoy mizabli chakares he will have desires for his wife Which is a good thing for a man to have and he will not have desires for any other woman and That's also a very good thing and number 13 last list for hijragas kina shum in ma'am it helps kill sort of the bugs that are in the intestines the foreign bugs be a shimram there's a a shimram here not that this is a 14th in the list rather it's a qualification of another one of the benefits that niz kakli ish tai ah motsi a sakino makhness sava a little bit poetic there to end the brice it also chases out the jealousy and brings in the love That's the end of the snake source. I'm only Robba the rob of our Marie Minha Milsa. Where do we know the thing down your injury that people say? This phrase goes for just over a line she's in rihiti rahut Valomatul the Gava the mid saphra krach 60 runners can run and they would not be able to catch up to the guy who they would not be able to catch up to the guy who Had bread for breakfast Vamra Bonon and another statement of the rabbi's hasch kang the whole but kai it's get a burly and eat in the summer time meet nay hahama because it's much more beneficial if you have to work in the day that you start with some bread in your breakfast Ben you bechai ref and also get a burly in the winter mean that's you know cuz it holds for the cold Well, I'm our lay says back Rava Bar Murray, I guess to Raba Dixiv low year off of all you some of a low yakim shar of the shamash do not Fast from food or from drinks and By not doing that in other words, why not fasting by yes eating believe I came shar of a shamash Oh will not be smitten by the heat or the Sun, which is low yakim shar of a shamash Why why won't you be smitten by that cave under the area of all you smooth so you didn't Make yourselves starving or thirsty. I'm a lay so Raba says to Raba. Murray Oh, that's interesting. I'm recently mayhem. You are saying it to me from there from that post again Isaiah the honor I'm gonna lock my eyes and from this post again say wish boys But it says about it is generally care come of our race. That's not mess. Let's me mess up and it'll bless your Bread and your water Vavar attempt essentially care on those four words in quotation marks What's referring to y'all should serve a sham. That's Korea schma of its fila referring to schma along with schma nessary The puzzle continues to bear us. Let's not have as many mecha know bless your Bread and your water zoo pass my melach the key don't show my this is referring to what we have above the Picture of water and some bread with salt because it has to waste you much. Let me care back. I bet from then on it. It will be a sham Removing all sorts of ailments from Armids ad ka [BLANK_AUDIO]