The Howie Carr Radio Network

Can I Get Me An Uncooked Cheeseburger Over Hear | 6.17.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Sen Chuck Schumer had an embarrassing mishap on X this weekend, which reminds a caller of some other Democrat mishaps.

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17 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pier 360 fan. Get yours at and save $30 off their already low sales price with code Howey30. This deal is for one week only. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howey Car Show. Now, sir, with respect to your investigation, what if any opinions you can draw based on your training experience in regards to this religion? The vehicle is traveling at high acceleration. Just tell me what you're thinking. Well, what I think? Yeah, I do. Good health. Well, force. And it was the next chief of police. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. It was told to me like the crime scene. Crime scene is everything else. Air, air, today, junior. I mean, I don't think the Hunter Biden's business relationships have anything to do with who should be present in the United States. So, I don't find it to be interesting. I agree as well. Shallow and presented. What is this? Are you going to talk down to everyone just because you won a game of trivial pursuit? Perhaps. Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's Howey Car. 844-542-42. I think if we'd have had the sound cut of saying that the videos of Biden looking lost and confused in Italy and Hollywood over the last few days were cheap fakes. That might have been the poll question, but it didn't come out till after the show had already started. They're cheap fakes. You know how hard it is to fake video? I mean, there were 20, I know this from my TV days, working in an editing suite. There are 28 frames per second, 28 frames per second. So, if you just slip out one, two frames, you got to you got yourself a jump cut. Like you see with anything that Biden records that is on tape because he can't speak in complete sentences. He can't do 30 seconds without taking multiple takes, without doing multiple takes, because he makes mistakes. So, the thought, supposedly a wide shot like that. You know, it's not like a tight shot where you just keep the camera in one place, where you might be able to sort of get away with it. But these are wide shots. And as somebody, as one of the textors pointed out, they got them from multiple angles, multiple angles, and they're claiming their fakes. I mean, either they're very stupid or they think we're very stupid. And I think in this case, both apply. They are very stupid, KJP, Kamala, Jared Bernstein, Pete boot edge edge. They're all credence. And of course, Brandon, and they think we're as stupid as they are. They are incorrect. We are not eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, 508. What about trooper Paul saying one of the female troopers with him is his trainee? I know. I think the trainee was with him at the scene. Can you imagine being trained by trooper Paul? Trying to make sure you understand what I'm saying. Oh, hun, you're home. What did you learn today from the expert? I learned that you don't have to be very smart to advance in the Massachusetts State Police. In fact, it helps to be very bleeping stupid. All right, time now for the chump line. Trooper Paul, can you tell us your qualifications? I was the very first graduate from the Annie Ducan School of Forensic. No, they had the Annie Ducan people on last week and the Sonia Farak people on a couple or two weeks ago, maybe. And they, the forensic chemist failed her test, her proficiency test. Shocking, huh? Come on, man, it was so great sniffing Pope John Paul in a second. I told him how I want to become a priest back when I went to the Black Puerto Rican synagogue because I love kids jumping on my lap. You see, I have these hairy legs. You know what it is? It is astonishing that he hasn't said yet that he wanted to be a priest. He's wanted to be everything else or he has been everything else. He's been a lumberjack. He's been a Tibetan guide in the Himalayas. He's a public defender. He was a big-time private sector lawyer. He was a professional baseball player or a professional football or nearly professional baseball and football player. Why not? Might as well be a priest. Global unrest is battering the food supply chain and the energy markets. It's incumbent upon you to be prepared. Get ready with ReadyWise. Go to and use code howie20 to get 20% off your next purchase. I haven't checked lately. We still may have a few of our cheap bastard deals left from last week. Organic ReadyWise supplies 50% off. Check it out now at, Click on store. We also may have a few Cape Gun works. Annual memberships left. Haven't checked today, but I will. When Chuck Shuler cooks a burger, he thinks E. coli is a condiment. I just, I, I can't believe it. I mean, didn't you know when you were 12 years old if, you know, your, your grandfather was putting a piece of American processed cheese food on the raw hamburger meat, wouldn't you say? Dad, I think pops needs to go to the rest home with it, with President Brandon. Ah, wait. Don't you know there's a difference between debris and night debris? That's what makes this investigation so difficult. Get your terminology down, man. You must not have gone to community college and administration of justice. It's not debris or nightbree. It's brie. Did it brie? The start of that brie? The start of that brie. Naha. Trooper, how long do you leave your brie out before you serve it at the, at the cocktail party? Which, with the state police and the canton police runs for about 15 hours per day. I got loads of active and reconstruction experience. I wrecked dozens of cars. I'm the, you, so were you there at the scene? No, I wasn't there, really. Oh, you're the accident reconstruction guy, but you weren't there. Well, who told you? Trooper Proctor, that guy who committed perjury before the federal, before the state grand jury and then lied on the witness stand and then lied off the witness stand last week at the trial. Oh, he was the one who told you what was going on. Okay, we have it. Thank you. Thank you. Trooper. The prime minister of Italy sent Jill Biden a bill for having to babysit her husband at the G7. Were her rates higher than the Easter Bunny or lower? The Easter Bunny is also the secretary of the interior, as you know. Who knew that the illegals going on the doll would help the US job market attain its goal? It's really a sin how these people spin because their world revolves around complete control. That's it. Exactly. I mean, somehow they think that they're going to remain in, in power. If they, if they flood the country with illegal alien third world savage criminals, like the one who murdered the mother of five in Maryland, I'm going to read you that story coming up. It's an appalling story. And it's all the blood is all over Joe Biden and the Democrats. And that's it completely. Even the governor of Maryland is saying we need immigration reform, by which he means just just legalize them all and put them all on welfare. But I mean, that's not going to stop them from murdering people. I mean, they're just savages. That's the problem here. Hey, layoff associate geniuses. It was the best six years of my life. Another six years I might have graduated, but I can't guarantee it. I don't care if anybody's got a degree or how advanced the degrees are, but I just guarantee you that these people with PhDs that the FBI hired are going to be a little more well spoken, shall we say, a little more astute, every night, whatever adjective you want to use than the trooper conehead number four. That's right. I do go my reports and I can't say that's the family where a pedestrian was struck. We got so many, we can't even get to all of them today, even though we got like an hour and 45 minutes left in the show, we couldn't play them all. Mayor Manino, what do you think about the Boston Celtics? We have an amazing set of remarkable athletes whose actions in the moment have become ironic. What worries you the most? Three or more people conjugate in the Boston public on the public garden. Is there anything in the gives you comfort? Well, our intelligence unit is working with the state. If there are any problems, who should people call? Well, if there is 911, if there is something suspicious out there, call 911. Oh, I'm glad you got the intelligent unit in. That's one of my favorite ones. You know what the state police doesn't have an intelligent unit? None of them, none of them are the intelligent unit, apparently. Hey, Harvey, I think we're doing his best myself, my soul impression the other day. Just needed 30 more seconds to do the hands of the mirror portion. You went for you mean you believe one of those fake videos, man? Come on, come on, man. My word is a Biden. That's faked by the Republican National Committee. Come on, man. When I saw humor trying to grill some burgers, I thought what's up, Chuck? Growing up in strength and synagogue. I know that these burgers are anti-Semitic. That's why I like them. I'm trying to suck up to Hamas. That was your last chumpline message. Thank you for calling, Harvey Carr. You chump. All right, that's it for the chumpline today. The chumpline is the voicemail message service of the Howie Carr Show. You can call and leave a message at any hour between 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time every weekday, the chumpline number. If you'd like to leave such a message, 844-542-844-542-542. Press 2 for the chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just like to hear a second brand new chumpline every evening, we have one. It's called Chop Chumps. It's posted every evening around 7 p.m. weeknights. Wherever you get your Howie Carr Show podcast, you can get chop chumps. It's all the messages we didn't have room or time for just now. Chop Chumps, the second chumpline of the day. Wherever you get your Howie Carr Show podcast. Global unrest is battering the food supply chain and the energy markets. It's incumbent upon you to be prepared. Get ready with and use code Howie20 to get 20% off your next purchase. Howie, don't you know there's a difference between debris and night breathe? That's what makes this investigation so difficult. That's not what the crime scene told me. I like to speak to the crime scene. I'm going to call the crime scene during this break and see what he's up there. Did you like the chumpline or did he not like the chumpline? I always go by what the chump what the crime scene says. I'm Howie Carr. Listen to the Howie Carr Show from anywhere. Jack, what sauce or is this? Go to and click listen to start streaming Howie live in Crystal Clear High Definition. You're listening to the Howie Carr Show. It was told to me by the crime scene when I was at my inspection at the initial inspection. What you meant by that's what was told to me is the crime scene talked. Yes. Crime scene saying anything else. We'll play some more of those during the six o'clock hour. It's just really something. 508, this witness was bearing testimony to the value Massachusetts taxpayers are realizing via the Quinn Bill investments. These degree mills are a total scam. I think they did away with the Quinn Bill though, didn't they? Or they changed it around? But still, I mean, they have these phony baloney degrees. And I mean, obviously, it's absurd. I mean, this guy couldn't pass a GED test. 802, it was fun watching the mathematician, physicist, Trooper Paul testified today. It made me feel brilliant. See, there is that. No, no matter what you feel embarrassed about your lack of education, sometimes you feel you're not as bright as other people you run into, just think of it. If you ever run into Trooper Joe Paul, you will be the smartest person in the room. If Roscoe, the pug one runs into him, he will be the smartest, Roscoe will be the smartest mammal in the room. 844, 542, 42. I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code From pillows, towel slippers, and even their GEDs of dream sheets, go to and use code howey for amazing discounts. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what would you call the mass state police? Coneheads, a bunch of proctors, defendants, or brave public servants? A bunch of proctors. A bunch of proctors is at 29% right now in the lead as defendants at 37%, 27% for Coneheads, and 8% for public servants. 201, is there a community clown college? Well, wherever he went, I'm surprised they didn't get that out of him where he went. Maybe they didn't want to embarrass the college he went to, whatever the college was, the community college, I should say. 844, 540, 242, illegal alien suspect arrested for murder of mother of five in Maryland. He came across the border last year after he murdered someone in his third world, Hellhole homeland of El Salvador. Victor Martinez Hernandez, 23, arrested in Tulsa late Friday night. He entered the United States of Joe Biden's invitation in March of 2023. He had been fleeing El Salvador after committing a brutal murder of a young woman in January of that year. So this is what Sheriff Harford County, Maryland, Jeffrey Gayler said. Once in our country, and likely emboldened by his anonymity, he brutally attacked a nine-year-old girl and her mother during a home invasion in March 2023 in Los Angeles. And as everyone, I believe is aware, that was our first DNA match linking Rachel's case. That's Rachel Morin who was murdered in his home county to the one in L.A. Sheriff Gayler had plenty to say about Joe Biden and his management of the southern border. "We are 1,800 miles from the southern border," Gayler said. "And American citizens are not safe because of their failed immigration policies. This is the second time in two years that an innocent Harford County woman has lost her life to a criminal in our country illegally. In both cases, the suspects are from El Salvador with ties to criminal gangs. This should not be happening." Victor Hernandez did not come to this family to make a better life for him or his family. He came here to escape the crimes he admitted in El Salvador. He came here to murder Rachel and God willing no one else. He came here also to live on welfare. He came here to not have to work so that while he committed his crimes, he could get everything paid for for free. For all the bleeding done about asylum seekers, this is from PJ Media. Having it rough, the facts are simple. They live on the arm. We do not have control of our own borders. Those who do not see that as a huge problem do not have the best interests of the United States at heart. 844-542-844-542. I'm how we car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-442. We still have a few Cape Gun Works memberships. These are this a great deal down in Hyannis, the premier gun range in New England, right centrally located near the rotary, near the airport. Cape Gun Works in Hyannis, it's a $500 value, $575 with the initiation fee for just $250. You get all kinds of great freebies that are open seven days a week for the gun range. You get free guests, all sorts of great stuff. We got a few of those left. That's a $575 value for just $250. And we also have the cheap bastard deal ready wise, 90 serving organic bucket. That's an amazing thing if you've got someone in your family that is into organic foods. This is the thing to get to add to your collection of ready wise grab-and-go buckets. It could be, no, they got that chipotle chili pasta prima vera, white cheddar broccoli soup, three pouches of oatmeal, total 17,000 calories, nine days of food at 1,800 calories per day, about 90 cups of water needed. It's a great deal ready wise, 90 day organic bucket. That's a $230 value for 115 bucks. So check it out at how, how Click on store. Those are great deals. We've only got a few left of both of them. That's those were cheap bastard deals from last week. Bob, you're next with How We Car. Go ahead, Bob. Yeah, Howie. All day long, I've been hearing and watching this nonsense about the barbecue at Chuck Schumer's house. Yes. And I have two that are even better than that. Number one, Liz Warren, get me a beer. Number two. Right. Well, how about our husband, who's another professor at Harvard Law School, and he doesn't know that you can't twist off the cap on a long neck beer bottle. I'm going to get me a beer. Where did he spend the 60s and 70s that he doesn't know that? But you can't twist off the cap of a long neck beer bottle. But my top one is the fact that the Vietnam War hero, John Forbes, Kerry. I want to get me. Can I get me a hunting license here? Yes. Can I get me a hunting license here? There's so many with him, though. He ran in the Boston Marathon, but was the one person who ever ran in the Boston Marathon that couldn't remember the year. He once had a 24-point buck in his sights on Cape Cod, but had to turn away. Now, I don't know, maybe an Indian back before the white man arrived at a 24-point buck, but I'm not even sure they had him then. But he saw one on the Cape. He used to win surf with the tradesmen, not with his fellow swells, but with the tradesmen on Nantucket. I mean, the story is just on the end. That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. And then he didn't pay. Remember, he moored his boat in Rhode Island to avoid the excise tax on boats in Nantucket, even though he wanted everyone to pay their fair share. And he wanted to raise the income tax on Americans as his second wife's first husband's trust fund put all their money into municipal bonds, so they wouldn't have to pay the same tax as they wanted us to pay. Those are just a few that are right off the top of my head. I'm sure I can come up with a lot more if I Google them. Can I get out of here, please? Yeah. Well, I'll give you another one with Kerry come to think of it. When Kerry left the convention, I forget somewhere in the Midwest, where he was nominated for president in 2004, and they put John Edwards on the ticket. And so, John Edwards and his wife, who we later dumped for the or later died, she later died, and he took up with the videographer for his campaign and father, a child buyer. Edwards and his soon-to-be dead wife and Kerry and his second wife, they took off on this boat, on this bus, a tour. And then they went, they pulled into the Wendy's because he allegedly was a man of the people and loved the wind. I don't know if it was the Wendy's chili or what he claimed he loved, but they went in and they ordered some some chili and they sat around the camera and came and they click, click, click, you know, got some video and all this of the men of the people Kerry and Edwards. And then they shoot the cameraman out and the bus went around the corner to a French restaurant where they had the real mail. That's, that one hasn't never, never got as much traction, but that was one, that was from the, the post-election story in Newsweek magazine when Newsweek was just a, was a real thing. 844, 542, 42, excuse me, 508, will the defense make a motion for summary judgment? The DA and the judge will have ethical responsibility to admit the evidence isn't there. I don't know. I don't, I don't think they're going to, you know, Bev Canone is, you know, she comes from the same hack swamp as the district attorney. And I don't think she's going to take that responsibility upon herself. I think they're going to have to take this thing to the, to the bitter end. And it will, I don't think it'll take the jury long to, to, to reach a decision. But, I mean, they're not going to stop at this point. I mean, this, you know, as, as Mark Baderow, who's really a good, a good observer of this, he's a New York City attorney. And he's, he's on a lot of shows. He was on Grace's show this afternoon. And he said, nobody in their right mind would have, no prosecutor in their right mind would have ever brought this case. It's just, it's just nothing there. We're not enough there beyond a reasonable doubt. And there's two, all the people are dirty. And they've spent that, what are the, we're in our seventh week now, our sixth or seventh week, 26 days, because they only work about three days a week. And they haven't introduced any evidence. The only evidence is in defense of the McAlberts. They're trying to defend, they were doing it again today. They were trying to defend the McAlberts. And so they're producing these, this evidence, they had an argument in, in Aruba when they were on vacation in at Christmas 2021. And now today they're introducing text messages showing that they fought a lot. Wow. I mean, they, they, they fought and they exchanged angry text messages. You got to be kidding me. What a shocker, huh? Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. By the way, remember the gas up here that was going to deliver all the aid. It looks like the gas up here is going to be dismantled due to damage. Oh no, some, some press reports described the move as temporary, though it's questionable whether the project will ever resume after being completely torn down and towed away. What a fool, 320 million dollars. They delivered a little bit of food and it came off of trucks. And as soon as the trucks arrived on dry land, they were hijacked by Hamas. So they could be used for, for all the savage Nazi Muslim terrorists who were murdering Jews and their own people, by the way. Andrew, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Andrew. Hey, how are we thanks for taking the call? Wait, if they're dismantling the pier, where is the Biden train going to park and drop off all the relief aid? They'll figure something out. Anyways, I've got a quick Brandon story for you. NPR being the stalwart defenders of everything accurate and honest in media, they had a little sit down with their experts today to discuss what's going on and strategies and are you ready for this one, Howie? Democrats, strategists, I kid you not. Their advice to people who are not as well informed as the experts is they want them to listen to the speeches of both candidates, Howie. They want them to listen to what both candidates say and they want them to watch both candidates rallies so that they can understand why people should clearly vote for Brandon. Well, you got to put quotation marks around rallies for Joe Biden. There really aren't any rallies per se, are there? Well, you know, it might be like the thing that the South Koreans did during the lockdowns where they couldn't have any audience in the soccer stadiums. So they just had all the inflatable audience members populate the seats. If you know what I mean. Thanks. Thanks for the call, Andrew. 844 542 4844. The English writing boots, he refused to pay the tariff on 774. I don't remember those, but I tell you, I do remember he, he went to Wisconsin. He was campaigning. This is Kerry. He was campaigning at the Harley Davidson factory. And he, I believe he lied about the fact that he owned the, what is it called, the Ducati, the Italian motorcycle. They're really, I mean, that's a really high end model. But you know, if you, you know, is it better than a Harley? Absolutely profoundly, absolutely globally, is absolutely this relief. Limerick, I don't forget the life shot set the, life shot set the world's record for most Purple Hearts ever in the history of war with four in just seven months. Well, didn't he also get a Purple Heart later, he released his diary and he said, I haven't said this at such and such a date. I haven't seen any action. And then it turned out that he'd put in for a Purple Heart a week before he wrote this in the diary that he hadn't seen any action. But you know, it's sometimes, sometimes you're a little Craig Kerles with the razor, you know, a little slash. I mean, who's to say? Yeah, you might have, you might have had more, paid more attention and not gotten that Nick if you'd been back in New Haven. So I, you know, who can dispute this Purple Heart? Bob, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Bob. Hi, I would love to see a website concerning this trial that you've been covering for a while that would show her daily itemized legal bills. Oh, God. It's got it. You know, the thing is a turtle boy has been mentioning this that, you know, they let this clown in as the state trooper, this guy who, you know, can't tie, could barely tie his shoes. And as an expert reconstruction witness, and they have, yet on the other hand, tomorrow they have to fly in the three accident reconstruction experts, all PhDs that were hired by the FBI to prove that this, this whole case is nonsense and that our civil rights were being violated. They have to have a hearing on whether or not they're qualified, but they didn't have to have a hearing on whether this clown, this hack, was qualified. It's a, I mean, I think she's going to get the money back in lawsuits paid for by the taxpayers of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, which is all of us. But still, I mean, this is, this was totally unnecessary. But you're right. I mean, she's, she's, this guy is an extreme. This guy, Alan Jackson, he represented Kevin Spacey, you know, wasn't it Kevin Spacey? I think it was, or was it, who was it? One of those, one of those big-time actors. And in, in, in maybe the, the suit down in, on Nantucket with the, with the, the anchors sun maybe, something like that, he represented a big-time Hollywood actor. He's a former. Yeah, it was Kevin Spacey. Kevin Spacey. Yeah, he represented Kevin Spacey. I mean, Kevin Spacey's got a lot of money, even though he hasn't worked much lately for obvious reasons. I mean, this, and I think the, I think the father has, has some dough. I think he made good investments when he was working at Babson. He was an, you know, a finance professor. And he, you know, in those days, the finance professors had to know something about finance. Nowadays, I'm not so sure. But he, I think he's got a little bit of dough. I'll, you know, although I'm sure he's got a lot less dough than he had when he started out. Do what I did in order a burner for your loved one. Charlotte was visiting and we started to talk about the benefits of a burner. Immediately she, she said, well, why don't you buy me one? I need it. We did buy her one. I said, do you want to orange or black? She said, I want one that looks like a gun. Give me the black one. Some people like the orange one because they don't want to be shot by the cops if they could come up, but that's, that's not going to happen. If you, if you don't, if, if the cops show up, you don't need to bring out the, the burner. You want your loved ones to feel safe and having effective yet non lethal options is vital. Introducing the burner less lethal pistol launcher developed by a team of common sense gun owners who understand the importance of having choices. They engineered the burner launcher as a powerful tool for self defense, allowing users to deescalate threatening situations without resorting to deadly force. For many responsible gun owners, the thought of using lethal force is daunting, burdened by many emotional and legal consequences. Look at what happened to the, the 77 year old in Oakland under arrest for killing a guy who, who broke into his house with a crowbar. The burner offers a safe, safer, sensible alternative, potentially saving lives on both sides, protecting both the user and the aggressor. For those who are averse to owning a firearm, the burner is the ultimate optimal choice that delivers formidable stopping power without having to take a life. In today's unpredictable environment, the burner is an indispensable tool to keep you and your family safe legal in all 50 states, no background checks or permits required over 15,000 4.5 star reviews. They can ship directly to your door. The burner isn't just an option. It's an essential component of responsible non lethal protection. Visit for 10% off your purchase. That's for 10% off at the check out the latest news about burnah. And if you haven't checked out my new episode of Meet the Experts with owner Brian Gantz, listen today, wherever you get your howie car show podcast. I'm howie car. car show returns after this. I'll be car is back. 844-542-42. Someone caught this guy Nick Garino, the first non conehead state trooper on the witness stand. Apparently he whispered kill me into the mic. Did you hear that? Yeah, I didn't actually hear it yet, but one of the callers called in and let me know. Kill me. Maybe it says the guy who tweeted it out. Maybe regretting some bad decisions that led you here, Nick. Sometimes I don't think you want to get a stay of execution. You just want to start that. Just bring your toothbrush and just start the jail sentence immediately. Get it over with. So now he's got to wait until Thursday to get a new bodily orifice drilled in him. And it will happen. It will definitely happen. 844-542-42. So the illegal alien who's now under arrest, he's murdered someone in El Salvador, decided to come over and go on welfare because Biden was going to, Uncle Joe was going to, T.O. Joe, T.O. Jose was going to take care of him. And then he brutally raped and attacked a mother and her daughter in LA. And then he came to Maryland and killed Rachel Moran, who was the mother of five. And his mother, his mother was reached in El Salvador for comment. He's a good boy, a very good boy. Joe Biden, Joe Biden says he's going to raise bail money for him because he's a Democrat. He's an undocumented Democrat. I have the police logs for the state police, New Hampshire state police. Let's go over it quickly here. Suleiman Oh, Ayinde of New Sharon, Maine, operating without a valid license, an unregistered vehicle, lugged in Northampton, New Hampshire, Eric, no middle name crews from Providence, Rhode Island, arrested in Portsmouth, operating without a valid license. Jasper Dodson, Jasper, for that is indeed his name, from Matapan, Massachusetts, operating without a valid license, possession of marijuana and an open container in Wyndham. Yes, Mekhan Yunga of Nadek Mass, operating without a valid license in Concord, New Hampshire. Can I have my, my bugle, please? Manuel Alberto Arre, operating without a valid license, DWI, impairment, driving after revision. That's it, amigo. I'm Howie Carr. when Gee-Go, when we went Gee-Go. [MUSIC PLAYING]