The Howie Carr Radio Network

"WOW": CNN Contributor Left Speechless with Latest Poll | 6.17.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Trump is gaining with black voters but Rep. James Clyburn isn't worried about it. Plus, is college worth it?

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17 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. So as you know, the debate is coming up. It's going to be at the end of June, June 27th. It's on CNN, hosted by Jake Tapper, moderate Jake Tapper, who only calls balls and strikes. And Chris Saliza put up the rules for the CNN debate, and we knew some of these before. We knew about how you get 30 seconds on the mic, and then when you're done, the mic shuts off. So there's going to be no interrupting or speaking over anybody. And no audience boring. No live audience. Now, this one, I guess, is standard, but I still think it's going to be amazing to watch. No pre-written notes. I can't tell you the last time I saw Joe Biden speak extemporaneously without pre-written notes that are bolded and italicized, and tell him when to breathe, and tell him when to pause, and tell him who he's talking to, and they'll say things like, "You, you shake their hand, or you sit down." It's all bolded for him. So I think the no pre-written notes thing is going to really throw him off. Now, I think they will have a notepad, so when he gets out there, maybe he can scribble some things down really quick. But still, he's not -- Well, yeah, you don't have to have pre-written notes when you've got an earpiece and somebody's telling you your notes beforehand, and you're just writing them down. I've thought about the earpiece before Taylor. And the conclusion that I've come to, and this is just me, is that that would throw him off more. Because sometimes someone speaking in your ear can actually make things worse. Like if you were trying to tell me what to say, and I was trying to say it at the same time, it gets a little complicated. And that's me. I'm 32 years old. I think I'm fairly with it. Joe Biden, if he had people telling him, "Okay, now say this," he'd start going, "Who's this? Who is this? Who's talking to me?" It would become like a train wreck, even more so than it already is. So your team, no earpiece, you don't subscribe to that conspiracy theory? No, that's one conspiracy theory. You don't subscribe to the cheese dairy conspiracy theory that Chuck Schumer is inserting pictures of dairy products. No, but I have to mention this because part of the team here at The Grace Curly Show, The Howie Curwinew Network, is Matt. Matt is a big part of the team. And Matt in the green room, there's not a lot of things that really pique his interest. One of them is this cheeseburger thing. Like, it's very rare that he'll pull me aside and start talking about something I'm talking about on the air. You grabbed your arm like Obama grabbed Biden. Yeah, yeah, give me an air. I had to tell you something. Like, what's going on? It wasn't one piece of cheese. It was two pieces of cheese. Or it was just one really thick piece of cheese. And I said, "Okay, Matt, sounds good." And then he had something else that dawned on him that he needed to tell me about in regards to the burger. Oh, this was his other problem. He goes, "Why is there only one cheeseburger and like seven hamburgers? You're only going to have one with cheese?" I'm like, "Matt, you've got to calm down. I don't want you getting this upset." The other theory that was floated around this office that I think would explain that is that these were not real burgers. These were impossible burgers. So that would explain the severe lack of cheese. If somebody's a true vegan, vegetarian, whatever, they're abstaining not only from meat but from dairy products as well. So somebody who might want one piece of cheese, which would be the minority in that family apparently based on this impossible burger theory, would have that cheeseburger. Now, let's say you're cooking up 10 burgers at your house. How many of those burgers are getting cheese? Nine. There's always one weirdo who doesn't want cheese. And after that, I don't invite them back to my house. Yeah. And now if someone says to you, "Taylor, we're grilling up. What do you want a hot dog or a burger? Do you want to be each?" I will say yes. Yes. That's the most mad I know we'll say. I'll take one of each. One hot dog and one burger. Okay. Well, Chuck Schumer does things a little differently. And if you want to see that tweet that he has since deleted, you can go to It's up there. We have the original. That's the thing about Twitter. You can delete whatever you want. It still exists. It's still the Internet is forever, as they say. All right. Now, I did want to mention that Cori Bush is in the news. And if you're not familiar with Cori Bush, she's a member of the squad. I wouldn't say she's one of the original members. She's kind of like an add-on later on. I would say the original members are Ilhan Omar, Rashida Taib, and AOC. Those are the three, it's like Destiny's Child. Those are the three original members before they started subbing people out. Since then, we've had additions like Cori Bush, Jamal Bowman, might be some others that I'm forgetting about right now. Now, what I know Cori Bush for is that she is vehemently pro-defining the police. Ironically, though, she does like to have her own private security detail. Her reasoning for that is her body deserves to be on this earth. And so that's why she wants you to be a sitting duck and not to be able to defend yourself and not to be able to have police to call, but she wants to have people carrying weapons protecting her. But little did I know that's like the least interesting thing about Cori Bush. I thought that was a major part of her agenda is defunding the police. I had no idea how spiritual she is. So Cori Bush sat down with PBS. They were doing an interview and this is what she had to say. You're a pastor. Yes. You write about healing through faith. At one point, you came across a woman with "several visible tumors" on her torso. Tell me what happened. So at that time, I, along with a group of friends, we would go out on the street and just meet with people and pray with people and offer them food. And this lady came to us and she had these tumors. I mean, she wanted us to like fill them. And I just remember I put my hand on her and my hand just began to move and the lumps that were there were no longer there. And she was so happy and she went on about her day and I never saw her again. So you think the tumors disappeared? Oh, I do. Well, that's something I will say. That is quite something. If that is true, she's healing people with her hands. And a lot of people on social media are pointing out that if this were reversed, if PBS was interview, and they would never legitimize a Republican and actually interview, unless it was a Liz Cheney-style Republican. But if they were interviewing, let's say, Marjorie Taylor Greene or Matt Gaetz, and they were telling people that they went out to the streets. And healed a woman who had visible tumors on her neck. I wonder if it would be the same reaction from that reporter. Because it was a very respectful, tell us more, you know, let's get into this. But I don't think that the media actually healed this woman. We don't need any proof. We don't need any evidence. There are any fact checkers at PBS where they all still try to wrap their heads around the Hunter Biden laptop. But yeah, Cory Bush. What can't she do? That's the thing. The incredible Cory Bush. You know, you know what? She also, what was a big part of her agenda was the rent moratorium. Remember that? During COVID, they had this moratorium. Oh, and she was sleeping outside? Yeah. They all had sleeping bags in front on the Capitol steps. Well, it was out of that that the security stuff came about, right? She has armed security guards and then she had, you know, that conflicted with her defunding the police stance. Yeah, everything kind of collapsed in on itself. But now we know that she's a healer. A lot of times we joke around and say like, oh, these Democrats have a God complex. In this case, it's really ringing true here. She's going around healing people. I just, if this were a Republican saying this, and I only play this game like once a month, I really do try to limit how often I ask you to envision this. But this one's just too ripe for it. If this were a Republican sitting down and saying, and then I go around the streets and I heal people. I mean, huh? Can we get a follow up? This reminds me of Joe Biden being sacratic and brilliant behind the scenes. It's like, do we have any video of this? This is actually something I would like to see some video of. You healing people. You healing a homeless woman. That feels like maybe something we need to drill down on a little bit. This wasn't her only instance of this, by the way. She claimed that she was healed over the phone of COVID. In half an hour. This was back when COVID was dangerous. Like a telehealth call of the Doster? Yeah, I guess so. No, it was an alleged faith healer. Oh, a faith healer. Wow. Okay. Cory Bush, the more you know, her fellow squadster, Jamal Bowman is having a lot of trouble in the polls. I don't know if you noticed that. By the way, I missed the vote on that when we let him into the squad, but that's okay. He's been auditioning for a really long time. Like the fire alarm pull, you know, the insurrection. That was an audition that the cringy TikToks to Ron DeSantis, these were all an audition. And someone gave him a ticket to Hollywood and said, you know, we're on board. You got the green light, but the squad keeps growing. And remember what Nancy Pelosi told us? She said, that's like five people. Well, seems like there's more than five people now, Nance. When we come back, I want to talk about Donald Trump and the waves he's making as far as getting black voters to start supporting him. Now James Clyburn says, this is all a bunch of malarkey. Nothing to see here. He's whistling past this graveyard, but Harry Enton from CNN is blown away by these poll numbers. And more importantly, there's sound of people in the black community throwing their support behind Donald Trump and explaining why they feel that he's the best person. And I feel that he's the best candidate for them. We'll get to that when we return. Do not go anywhere. So much more to get to. This is the Grace Curly Show. Follow Grace on Twitter at G underscore Curly. This is the Grace Curly Show. You still have time to vote in the poll question today and it's brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers. Whether residential, commercial, or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now. To learn more, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to With over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients, you can be the next one. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote conveniently at, is has the Karen Reed trial made you lose faith in the Massachusetts state police? Yes, no, or I never had any to begin with. I'm going to say yes. I don't like to paint with a broad brush and that's not what I'm trying to do here, but there's no question that there's going to be reasonable doubt in my mind going forward about the integrity of the state police after this trial. This trial and it goes back to my original question, which is why would the DA? Why would they bring forward this case knowing all of this is going to come to light because they're not going to get a conviction? Karen Reed, I really doubt she's going to be convicted and so what have you accomplished here? What you've accomplished is you've sullied your reputation beyond repair, at least for the foreseeable future. So yeah, I'm going to say yes, I've lost faith in the integrity of the state police. 45% say yes, they've lost faith. 5% say no, they haven't lost any faith and 50% say they've never had any to begin with. What I'm getting really tired of is people trying to describe any moment that's occurring as like this is the moment by the loss of the election. Do you notice that? People do it all the time now. It's like, oh, for example, the illegal alien who was leaving the police station in New York City and gave the double bird to the cameras. People are putting up that picture and going, this is the picture that is why Joe Biden's going to lose the election. And it's like, there's not one thing, okay? I mean, really short of something colossal occurring. There's not one thing that's going to wake people up to this and I'll give you another example because this is what made me think of it. Pierce Morgan has a story in the New York Post. It says, the Obama Biden arm grab wasn't just a senior moment. It was when everyone realized the president's not fit for office. Like, no, that, yeah, it was, it was embarrassing, but it's probably the 3000th embarrassing or 60 zillionth embarrassing thing that's happened to Joe Biden. Why do we think that this is the moment that people are going to wake up to Joe Biden's incompetence? And it kind of actually is another reason why when Trump gets out at that debate stage, he can't make it about Joe Biden's incompetence. That can be, that can be a layer to the tiramisu here, but he has to also remind people of the job he did for four years and he has to give people hope. Like, if you vote for me, this is what could be in your future. It can't just be about how Joe Biden's feeble and Joe Biden's old because people know that. There has been a million examples of Joe Biden being an old man. And guess what? Yes. He has declined rapidly. But even in the last election, he was old then too. Like people should have been watching that. You kind of could get signs that this was coming if you were paying attention during the last presidential election. So it can't just be about Joe Biden is an old dude. Now, there are a few things in the debate that I'm keeping my eye on. One, microphones cut off after 30 seconds. Some people think that's a benefit to Biden. I actually think that's a benefit for Trump. I think the fact that he won't be able to interrupt Joe Biden, he has to let Biden speak is going to be helpful for him to no live audience. I think that is definitely a benefit to Joe Biden because Trump feeds off a live audience more. He's probably going to get a little bit more, you know, laughter than Joe Biden is. And I think that his energy sometimes depends on the live audience. That's just kind of how he operates. The other part of this debate, the no pre-written notes is definitely a win for Trump. Because most of the time when I see Trump at these events, these rallies, I don't think he goes up there with really anything. He kind of wings it every single time. Whereas Biden never wings it. Biden never really speaks openly without, you know, some sort of direction or handlers nearby. So there's a lot that I'm seeing about the rules that the Biden team is demanding for this debate that I think could help Donald Trump. Is it 30 second response for each question? It seems short, doesn't it? It's very short. How am I supposed to get a good answer on foreign policy and how we're going to end things in Israel and Palestine and Ukraine and Russia in 30 seconds? I know if I were Trump, I would say I want to give my 30 seconds to Joe. I want to hear the rest of this answer because what Joe does a lot of the time to save himself is he'll say, I'm not going to get into that. Every once in a while, I wish there was someone there who would say, no, why don't you? Like, I want to hear the end of this story. Yeah, I would say that 30 seconds definitely plays to Biden's benefit more than Trump's because he gets that automatic cutoff. He's not allowed to ramble so much. Yeah, and I will say, today I was all with Matt on WGAN and he said, what are you hoping to see in this debate? What are you hoping Trump does? And I said, I hate these words I'm about to use, but he needs to be presidential. I hate using that. I know, I sound like Jamie Raskin or something. I get why it makes people cringe, but for two hours he can do it. For two hours, and he's already had. I don't know if people caught this, but when he was always Sean Hannity recently, he was asked about Hunter Biden, he took a very different approach than he usually does. He said something along the lines of, my uncle has struggled with addiction. I understand how families are dealing with this. Like, he took the high road and it's so rare to see him operate that way that I think it might actually throw Joe Biden off more. So I think for two hours, he can still be Trump. He can still, you know, we still want to see the guy that we've always seen, but if he stays a little bit above board just for two hours, it's his. Like, it's his to lose. There's no question. Unless, I don't know, unless people just want to see fireworks. The only thing I worry about is that first debate the last time around where he got really, really angry. And sometimes I don't think, I think TV's a cool medium. You gotta, you gotta sometimes keep calm and keep cool in those situations when you do, it makes sense that he's angry. I totally get it. I totally understand why he's angry. But I just think that in the case of these debates, he's got this in the bag as long as he can play cool. We shall see if he can do that though. That's the big question. When we come back, speaking of Trump, there's more talk about his VP and black voters are starting to turn on Joe Biden and they're considering voting for Donald Trump. But the Biden camp isn't taking that threat seriously. We'll talk about it on the other side. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. I saw a quote this morning from James Clyburn. And he was saying something along the lines of anyone who believes these polls that black voters are actually considering Donald Trump, he has a bridge he can sell you. So the really, the Democrats are really poo pooing this idea that Trump is making inroads with these different demographics that typically are harder for Republicans to get support from, including Hispanic voters, black voters, young voters. We've seen a lot of Gen Z influencers coming out and saying they're not supporting Joe Biden. We get into those reasons on another day. But Harry Anton from CNN, I think he believes the polls. He's pretty much in shock, but he's still talking about it on CNN. Usually if I'm playing CNN, unless we're joking around about someone's comments like Jeffrey Tubin, usually if I'm playing a serious comment that I want you guys to hear, it's either from Harry Anton or it's from Scott Jennings. So those are really the only two people on CNN that I think are worth their weight. So here's Harry Anton. He is talking about this drop that Biden is seeing with black voters cut three. Biden and Trump among black voters compare where we were at this point in 2020 compare where we are now. You know, at this point, look at this in 2020. Joe Biden was getting 86% of the African American vote. Look at where it is now. It's 70%. That's a 16 point drop, John. And more than that, it's not just that Joe Biden is losing ground. It's that Donald Trump is gaining ground. You go from 7% single digits at this point in 2020 to now. 21%. And again, John, I keep looking for signs that this is going to go back to normal. And I don't see it yet in the polling of anything right now. We're careening towards a historic performance for Republican presidential candidate, the likes of which we have not seen in six decades. In six decades. And we're careening towards a lot of historic things if these polls are, you know, are actually true, which again, I'm very skeptical of polls. But recent polls out of, I think it was, was it you gov? There was several different ones. Some of them are saying that Maine's in play now or Republican hasn't won Maine. Maine hasn't flipped red since 1988. Virginia hasn't flipped red since 2004. And now these states are in play for Donald Trump. Now, I want to play one more here from Harry Enton before, um, before I get to my overall point, which is cut for again, talking about black voters. Look at black voters under the age of 50. Holy cow, folks, holy cow, look at this. Joe Biden was up by 80 points among this group back at this point in 2020. Look at where that margin has careened down towards. It's now just get this 37 points. That lead has dropped by more than half Mr. Berman home. I just never seen anything like this. I'm like speechless. I'm speechless speechless. I have no speech. Yeah, we had Byron Donald's on last week. You guys can check out that podcast. He was excellent. He's obviously one of the top contenders for Trump's VP, but he was explaining and he's been going around the country kind of making the case for Donald Trump's agenda and really explaining to black voters that he feels that the conservative agenda aligns with their beliefs more closely than Joe Biden and the Democrats. And for James Clyburn today to come out and also and five days ago, Clyburn said that 50 cent should know better than to think black men identify with Trump. So this whole idea of it's ridiculous to even consider the fact that black men in this country might be hearing Donald Trump's campaign speeches and hearing Donald Trump's agenda and considering it. And to me, what that speaks to and what a lot of conservatives have pointed out over the years is that Democrats take the black vote for granted. Remember what Joe Biden said to Charlotte, let me in the God where he said, if you don't vote for me, then you ain't black. It's this idea of that's insane that you would even consider it. And because it's so insane that you would even consider voting for Donald Trump, I don't need to prove that I'm the best candidate for you. I don't have to make your life better. You don't have to ask yourself the question or you better off than you were four years ago, because you would never, you would never even consider voting for that guy. So I'm not going to make the case and I'm not going to try to make your life better. And I'm not going to try to earn your vote. I'm just going to assume that I'm entitled to it. And that is a big problem right now for the Democrats because black voters are walking away. Speaking of, listen to this Detroit pastor talking about why he's voting for Trump. This was on Saturday. Can I get cut 14? President Trump, I'm so humble that you would be here. President Obama never came to the hood, so to speak, right? President Joe Biden, he went to the big NAACP dinner, but he never came to the hood. So thank you. Yeah, and this is a Detroit business owner, Aitasha Dodson, also talking to Trump. This is cut 15. I have a convenience store on the east side of Detroit. I didn't go there with the idea, but it wasn't a store in my neighborhood, the neighborhood that my store is in. So I just decided to do something for the community there and put some there that can be in use. I have just purchased me a building that I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with that. Some towards the community. I like to give back to the community. I love the things that you talk about, Trump. I believe that you, I know you're a stand up man and I know you want to do what you say you just want to do. And I'm rooting for you. Yeah, and then you have Clyburn who's saying that anybody who believes, this is the quote, anybody who believes Trump will get 30% of black men and 12% of black women. I've got a bridge to sell you. This condescending attitude of that's ridiculous. I don't even need to entertain that. I don't need to try to earn any of those votes. They're just going to come to Joe Biden naturally just by having the Dean next to his name. He's entitled to all of those black votes. We'll see, we'll see. I don't think that attitude is going to help. If these polls are even a little bit correct, I don't think that attitude is going to help. Ernest, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Ernest? Good afternoon. I strongly believe that that's seen with the Barack Obama holding Joe Biden's arm or walking him off this. That's definitive proof that all along, Obama administration has been working behind the scenes from the get-go. I don't know. I know a lot of people believe that, that he's like the puppet master and this is the ending of Barack Obama's term. This is like the second half of Barack Obama's term. And there's some truth to that. There's no question that Biden really took what Obama was trying to do and accelerated it into like a warp speed style progressive ideology that has, you know, now taken over the country. So in that sense, yes, but I kind of agree with Taylor. The sense I got was that Barack is just not a round Joe that much. The last time I saw these two together, I know they came out of the stage at one point with the Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden event that they had. And I think that was Stephen Colbert who hosted that. They came out of the stage like they were the Backstreet Boys, like they were going to boom. They were going to, you know, do some sort of choreographed dance routine. But besides that, the only time I remember Barack being at the White House was when Barack and Kamala Harris were both ignoring Joe Biden. Like they were talking to people and Joe was wandering off in the background and he couldn't get Barack's attention and Barack didn't have the time of day. I have so many theories on this bromance that we're talked, we're told about a lot that these two are really good friends and they like each other. I don't think Biden likes Obama that much and I don't think Obama likes Joe Biden at all. I think he thinks he's a fool. And that's part of the reason he said to him, you don't have to do this, Joe. It wasn't just because, oh, Barack's compassionate and cares that Joe Biden's getting older. It's because he knows what a moron Joe Biden is. He knows it even more than we do, which is frightening because I feel like we're all pretty well versed in it. And so I kind of agree that he's just not around Joe all that often. So he probably wasn't thinking, what am I going to do if this guy doesn't get off the stage? And so in that moment, quick thinking, he was like, I'll just pull him off. And it wasn't a good idea. It was, it didn't translate well on the video. And a lot of people just keep replaying it. And it's embarrassing for Joe, but he's kind of used to it at this point. Now, I do want to get into one other topic here beyond the election. And that is a conversation we have quite a bit, but I've been seeing more and more pieces written about this. There was a piece today in the Wall Street Journal. And it was by this person who decided rather than go to school for four years, I'm going to be an HVAC tech. Is this somebody that was on the witness stand today in the Karen redraw? No, no, this isn't an expert. This is Cole Kelly. And I just want to read you a little bit of this. Okay. He says, I've always liked building things with my hands and not sitting in an office, developing plans. His name is Cole and he's an HVAC. Yes. Nice. So I decided to become an HVAC technician. I do what I love and I found that I can make a more, more than livable wage. And he talks about how in Massachusetts, his home state faced a shortage of around 160,000 skilled workers in 2022. He talks about how enrollment in vocational focused community colleges rose 16% last year. And just the benefits of skipping school and starting up in a career. And Taylor, the reason I wanted to ask about this is because you have strong opinions on everything. But if you were to do things over again, or even maybe I'll phrase it like this, for your children when they grow up, will you be vocal about the benefits of a career in the trades or a different route than we've been traditionally is given to these young people? Absolutely. There's some things that you cannot phase out with artificial intelligence or whatever else comes along as far as technological advances. And that is working on all the infrastructure that we have to make our lives as livable and luxurious and as easy as possible. The creature comforts that we've been accustomed to, we're always going to need those. No matter what's powering it, if you've got enough windmills up to power the air conditioning in your house, fine. God bless you. But somebody's going to have to fix that stuff when it breaks. There's no shame in having a vocation. It's funny you say that because part of this story or this column, he said, artificial intelligence might be changing everything from electrical to electric car repair, but a highly trained person still needs to crawl under the house or the hood to do the work, which I think is exactly what you were just pointing out. Exactly. And there are fewer people now than ever, I think, that are doing these jobs or that are training to do these jobs. So it's their world. Do you want to get into it? You're going to make as much money as you want to make. Yeah. And the other part, too, is if you know, like in the beginning of this piece, what I appreciated is he points out, I don't like sitting at a desk. I don't like sitting on a computer. You know, I like working with my hands. I like moving around. If you know that about yourself, my husband knew that about himself for a very long time. He said, "I'm not a desk person. I don't want to sit in a building for hours a day. It's just, it's not how his brain operates. It's not when he's at his best." And he knew that a really long time ago, but I don't think that when you're young, people talk about that. People talk about that enough where, "Hey, if this is something you already know at 15 or 16, maybe you don't go to school for four years. Maybe you save that time." And what Cole Kelly writes about is he saved that time. And now while his friends are getting out of school and getting ready to pay off his debt, he's trying to figure out what kind of house am I going to buy and then fix up and then sell. There's all these other avenues that are open to him because he saved that time and he saved that money, which is very important. That money is a big aspect. I mean, if you want to start, if you want to finish your college education and pay like $1,000 a month in order to pay off those loans, fine. If you can make it happen and make it happen off the degree that you earned, great, God bless you. But it's a lot of cash every month to be forking out. Yeah. No, I agree. Let's go to Dave. You're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Dave. The key is with Obama is that he was the only person in our government that ever wanted it to be a two-state solution. I mean, Yahoo got in that fight in that first conversation. Never talked again. And all of a sudden Biden is pushing that. I mean, Biden and Obama talked two hours a day. The only reason they weren't Biden in the government, again, is because he's totally controllable. Yeah. I think if you look back at the Obama administration, and we've had Ben Weingar and non, we've had several people who are very knowledgeable on Barack's two terms and really his constant empowering of Iran. That's a huge factor in this. He was very supportive of Iran, and that is where Biden is in lockstep with Barack Obama. He's doing the exact same thing. That is really coloring all of his other decisions. It gives you a lot of context. You might look at Joe Biden's treatment of BB Netanyahu, and you might think to yourself, why is he doing that? That's our strongest ally in the Middle East. It all goes back to Iran. It all goes back to the Iran deal. It all goes back to the Obama administration. This is not something where I think Joe Biden is anti-Semitic. I think he might be in his own way, but it's really not about that. It's the fact that this White House, just like the White House that Barack Obama was in, is very, very supportive of Iran. That is their priority, and everything else comes out of that. Robert, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Robert. Yes. Good afternoon. I'd like to comment about your HVAC idea. This whole idea of a shortage of skilled workers. I heard a very interesting comment the other day from a very, very successful private equity founder. He was talking about the future of younger generations and their careers and so forth. He was talking about this idea of a blended collar, because it is blended collar. I thought that was quite fascinating. The notion that you could blend both a blue collar career and a white collar career together. In other words, using your brain and your hands, creating a real successful opportunity for yourself and a life full of quite successful and challenging opportunities. Robert, I think it's a great point and I think it's why if you know anyone who's in a union, oftentimes they'll get told that, "Hey, if they offer you to take a course to get a license and this or that, you should do it." Because the more skills you have and the more they can translate, the more you can keep up with all this technology. The technology keeps changing. Also, as you get older, my husband heard it from someone when he was climbing towers. It's like, "You want to be the guy with the clipboard when you're 65. You don't want to be the guy climbing." If you can work your career towards the other, the white collar side versus the blue collar as your career progresses, it's probably going to be better for you, not only financially, but also kind of physically as you get older. We'll be right back. We're going to talk to Howie Carr. We've got a lot to get to on state police trooper Joseph Paul. I'm sure Howie will have some strong opinions on that. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Trainwreck. Unmitigated disaster. Bleep show. These are some of the words that were used to describe Trooper Paul's testimony today. I've got a wordsmith with me right now. Howard Lawrence Carr. How would you describe it, Howie? You're always writing columns about these things. Give us a little taste of what people are about to read. A laugh riot. Comic comedy gold. Now, what part of it stood out the most to you? So far. Well, when he started talking, when he became the crime scene whisperer, the crime scene told him this stuff. And Jackson, even Jackson was incredulous. Huh? Who? Who told you? And then he repeated it over and over again. The crime scene told him. Now, crime scene is saying nothing else. It was a good return back. Now, his disposition, though, how he was extremely out of all the witnesses we've seen so far, I've noticed that a lot of them are very cocky, very arrogant when they get up on the stand. He was nervous from the very beginning. Well, you know, the thing about Trooper Paul Kohn had number four cycle. He was smart enough to know how stupid he was. And unlike botanic and proctor and chicken parm Charlie and all the red Higgins, you know? Yeah, how he's got that. And you got Turtle Boy today? Turtle Boy at 4.30. Turtle Boy at 4.30. And in the meantime, so much more to get to. So don't miss how he's show. He's coming up next. (upbeat music)