The Howie Carr Radio Network

Obama Leads Biden Off Stage at A-List Fundraiser | 6.17.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Barack stepped in for Jill this weekend and walked Biden off the stage. Plus, the Karen Read trial never ceases to amaze.

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17 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand Up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. Happy Monday. Thank you for starting your week off with us here. We are so excited to be back. It's been a busy weekend. Hope everyone had a wonderful Father's Day. I should mention that having a wonderful Father myself, it is one of the greatest gifts you can ever ask for out of life. I know that to be true, so I hope you all had a beautiful Father's Day and you were able to celebrate the Father in your life. I thought it would be a slower day today with the Caron Retrial. But every single one of these witnesses is worse than the next. Like if you wrote a script and you brought in a Hollywood agent, which by the way, there's plenty of Hollywood agents that are all over this thing. We can talk about that at another point later on. But if you gave this to someone and you said, here's my idea. And then this character is going to come in and then we've got Trooper Proctor and then we've got Trooper Paul and Paul's not going to know what he's talking about. And Proctor's going to be talking about balloon knots. Somebody would say to you, no one's going to believe this. This is outrageous. No one acts like this. You wouldn't find one person in a police force that is this incompetent, let alone 5, 10, 15. But it's that old saying the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. And we will be mixing it up today on the Caron Refront. We're actually going to be joined by attorney Mark Bettero, who has been all over this case on social media. He's going to join us at one o'clock. We'll have more sound for you at that point. By the way, before any rumors start, we got no beef with Turtle Boy. Turtle Boy actually gave us his blessing on this. He saw that I had put out on social media looking to get Mark Bettero. He said, great choice. So I thought it'd be nice to give another voice a chance, a crack at this on the air. And we're going to break down Trooper Paul's unmitigated disaster of a performance today. For people who aren't aware, state police, Trooper Joseph Paul, he's a crash reconstruction expert with the state police. If you're thinking to yourself, wonder what is required or what it takes to be a crash reconstruction expert with the state police. Got two hours on a weekend? The answer's not much. It takes more to be like a real estate agent in Massachusetts than it does to be a crash reconstruction expert. We will get into it. A lot of these witnesses. And here's the part of it that I found interesting with Paul. A lot of these witnesses have an arrogance problem. They come in. That is not the case with Trooper Paul. Paul, he was going way too fast. He was changing his story. He was very nervous. He seemed beyond nervous. And before, this was all before Jackson even got a chance with him. He was falling apart. I always joke around about these witnesses like Brian Higgins and Buchanan, how their demeanor changes abruptly, going from Lally to Jackson. They all get real confident during the direct and they get real disoriented during the cross. They go from pompous intellectuals, contemporaneously, the arc of the investigation and we add blah, blah, blah. And then it quickly becomes defensive dummies on the stand. Like, I can't remember what was that. It just totally depends on who's asking the questions. But this Trooper was collapsing on the stand before the cross. And, you know, I talked about how we're having a better role on. He had a great tweet. He said, "Usually the blood on the floor comes from the cross. I've never seen it result from direct. Lally and this witness are something else." He can't get over this. He said he's never seen an expert perform so poorly on the stand. So we will discuss that more at one. Some things you might have missed over the weekend, Biden held a very fancy fundraiser with George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Barack Obama. Barack actually had to lead him off the stage, had to hold his hand and tell him like it's time to go walk him off. He tagged in as a handler for Georgia Maloney, who must have been so relieved, the Italian Prime Minister between the Pope forehead situation and the skydiving. She was really on Jill duty for a few days there. She was in charge of keeping Biden in check. And as you can tell, that's not an easy thing to deal with. So I'm sure when he said, "Oh, man, man, man, man, no, that's it for me." She must have taken such a sigh of relief. Like, get this man out of here. I cannot walk around with this guy any longer. I don't know who he's going to press his face into. I don't know what he's going to say to people. And so she gave him to Barack Obama, and Barack did his best to handle Joe Biden and get him off the stage. Oh, God bless you all. May God protect our troops. And now I'm going to sign an executive order, and Barack, let me remind you, it's a hot mic. So funny. I wonder if when people have to sub in for Jill, if afterwards. You know how sometimes Taylor, like if you're, if you babysit or, you know, if your parents babysit, sometimes people will say to you like, "Oh, I forgot how, forgot it's not an easy gig." You know, watching these kids. Oh, definitely. Look at Jill, and they're like, "I got to give you some credit, lady." They have to do. You are, you are doing yeoman's work. Boy, that ED doctorate is really coming in handy. Like, my gosh, she must have the patience. And I know sometimes she gets, you can tell she gets fed up. She gets that look on her face where the teeth get really tight, and she puts her hand over her mouth, and you know she's saying under her breath, like, "Stop doing that right now." It's like when you're at church with kids, and they start acting up, and you have to say, "Hey, hey, sit down, be quiet." I think she does that a lot with Joe. And Seinfeld, when they're getting the deflated to lip read. Yes. She's not a circus freak, Jack. Exactly. So I think there's probably a lot of that going on with Dr. B. But I will say the White House's reaction to Barack walking Joe Biden off the stage is like everything else. It's misinformation. They're actually, they've got a new phrase now. They call it a cheap fake. Not a deep fake, because a deep fake implies it's been manipulated in some way, which this video hasn't. A cheap fake is just their new way of saying Russian disinformation. It's just evidence they don't want you to believe. They don't want you to believe your own eyes. So they came out and said, "Oh, yet again, this cheap fake is making its way." They said, "What part of it is fake? What part of it are you claiming is manipulated?" But of course, there's no part of it. They just don't want you to believe it. The video I saw this morning was a wide shot, continuous shot, and Biden was on the stage, and he froze up for at least six or seven seconds before Obama grabbed him by the hand. But by the time I got into work and watched another video, it's like this 12 second. He's going around the stage. He's turning this way, turning that way, waving, and then he just like jaunts off the stage with Obama. Yeah, I have a question. In that situation, you're on stage with Biden. I'm always impressed how, even when he was at the G7, it's not just Maloney. All of these leaders are really giving a solid effort in trying to help him save face. So you'll notice, like, in Normandy when he was with Macron, he looks the total wrong way. Usually the podium, wherever the podium's facing, that's a pretty good hint of where you should be looking. But he turns his back to it and looks in the other direction. And Macron and his wife, in order to make it appear as though he's not acting strange, they all look that way. Like, "Oh, yeah, yeah, we're all partaking in this. Like, the emperor has clothes." Barack grabbing his hand and walking him off. I know I'm going to sound a little crazier. I kind of think maybe Barack was trying to make him look bad. Because otherwise, don't you go up to him and you say, "Hey, hey, like, you pretend you're telling him something funny, and then you go, "We're going to go this way." I just think I'd handle it better. Yeah, he's, but, you know, Obama's kind of been out of the circle for a little while, at least appearance-wise. A lot of us think that he's running the things behind the show, but he's not been on the stage interacting with Joe Biden. So he only gets these short glimpses into his level of senility. And when he's on that stage, he's like, "I mean, you got to do something, right? It's time to go." You can't verbally tell because it is a hot mic. You can't just say out loud, "Let's go, Joe." You got to, like, he should have done like, you know, "Rease this." Right, right. Here's the winner of the WWE Championship, but he leads him off. Not the worst look I've seen with Joe Biden. Do you remember the video of him going into, "I forget? I actually think it's a visiting angels home now because he's led in with an umbrella and somebody puts their arm on his back and ushers him in." Yeah, there's been so many to choose from. I would agree with you, it's not the worst look, but it definitely doesn't help ease the idea that this man doesn't know where he is. I'm always amazed that he doesn't just make a decision because, and that's got to be part of the cognitive decline, because wherever he goes, everyone else will follow. It's like he needs so much instruction on what to do. He's so hesitant. It's so infuriating. It really is. It's just huge. Just pick. Just pick. Left, right. We're down for either. We will follow you, man. You're leading the charge. Where is everybody? You're the leader of the free world as scary as that is, but you know we have to discuss, and I'll save this. I'll save this for the other side, but this is my favorite story of the weekend. Not the most important story, not the story that's going to have the most impact on the world, but it's one of my favorite sub recurring subplots in modern politics. And that is when politicians try to cause play as regular people. And for some reason, all these Democrats have decided it's going to involve a grill. That's what they, when they think of us, boomer, idiot, rubes, sitting at home, drinking beer, the thing they cling to is get out the flippin' grill, we're going to do a photo shoot. And they did it again with Chuck Schumer. And if you didn't see this tweet, he's already deleted it, which I have a lot of thoughts on that as well. But you can go to because we have the original tweet up there, even though he has since deleted it. Chuck Schumer pretending to grill, mess this up. And that is part of a bigger problem, which is if you can mess up taking a photo next to hamburgers on a grill, I don't know why we have these people in charge of running the country and also sending billions of dollars to other countries, it scares me. Because I'm not a chef, but I could grill a hamburger. Chuck Schumer cannot. We'll talk about that when we come back. Do you use scented candles, cover-up sprays, or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? Well, stop masking these smells with more odors. I always say it's a valiant effort that you're trying to cover it up. You're trying to cover up kitchen smells or musty-basement smell, but you're not fooling anyone. 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You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers. Whether residential, commercial, or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now. To learn more, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to With over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients, you can be the next one. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, has the Karen Reid trial made you lose faith in the Massachusetts State Police? Yes, no, or I never had any to begin with. I think a lot of people are going to vote I never had need to begin with, and I get that. But I would be lying if I said that. I didn't think they were semi. I knew there were people, obviously, the overtime scandals. I knew there were corrupt state troopers. I didn't know how dumb some of these troopers are. Michael Proctor, how gross some of the things they're texting are. I'll be honest, it has made me lose faith in the State Police. I'm not saying I had a ton of it, but I had some that is now gone. 44% say they have lost faith, 9% say they haven't lost any faith. 47% say they never had to begin with. That's how I figured it would go. Right now, we will get back to this, but I should give people a little tease of what we're talking about. If you miss Joseph Paul, who's the crash reconstruction expert from the State Police, this is just a little bit of a teaser as to what we're going to get into later on. This is cut five. Now, sir, with respect to your investigation, what if any opinions that you draw based on your training experience in regards to this pollution and power. I look at my report real quick, just to make sure. Yes. Thank you. So throughout my investigation, this appeared to be a single car collision involvement pedestrian. The vehicle is traveling at a higher. Higher acceleration when. Sorry. The accelerator high rate of speed before she struck the pedestrian John O'Keefe on the roadway and subsequently left him at the scene. Remember when you were in school and someone had to give a report and it was so painful and they were so nervous and they're in their paper was crumpling and you would look at the teacher and your face. I would look at teachers sometimes with a face of saying, like, please, don't put us all through this. We cannot sit through this. It's so painful. I feel bad for the guy. And there's a lot of people on Twitter, Turtle Boy and others who are saying you would feel bad for the guy if he wasn't so involved in what they see as a cover up. I don't care. I feel bad for the guy either way. No, I'm not saying I feel bad for the guy if he's involved in the cover up. I'm saying even knowing that he's part of the State Police and even knowing that how many mistakes they have made, I can't help but when I watch that. Feeling like, oh, my God, please stop this. This is so painful to listen to. I'm sorry. I disagree. Bra had all the time in the world to read his report, his own report that he wrote. Every other witness that has been called to the stand has reviewed their own stuff, their own reports, their own prior testimony, their own videos. This guy had such confidence and arrogance things. I got this. Gets up on the stand and freezes up like Joe Biden. You think it's lack of preparation? Absolutely. Yeah, no, I don't disagree. Lack of preparation and overconfidence. Oh, my God, but where was that confidence today? We needed some of that confidence. Just a little bit. Just, I mean, that wasn't one of the first questions. And this is Lally. He's the nice one. He's the one who's on your side. He's trying to trick you. Once I saw how he was performing with Lally, I thought, oh, my God, Jackson is going to, Jackson's going to destroy this man. Make it stop. It was the first minute of Jackson up there. I think I was torn to pieces on his credibility. Yeah, no, and you're right. I shouldn't feel. I don't mean I feel bad for him. Like, in that sense, it's just, it's hard to watch that and not have your scorn turn to pity at some point. It's like, put this man out of his misery. This is brutal. But we'll get to it more. And Mark Bettero definitely didn't feel bad for him. So we will ask him some questions later. I did want to focus, though, because Taylor has a theory, I have a theory on the Chuck Schumer. Chuck Schumer put out a tweet, a happy Father's Day tweet, and he had all these burgers on the grill. All these patties, raw patties, and some hot dogs, too. And the reason this went viral and then subsequently he deleted it is because one of the raw patties had a slice of cheese on top. And people were commenting that, like, that's not how you're supposed to grill patties. You're supposed to grill them through, and then you put the cheese on and it melts. You don't put a slice of cheese on a completely raw hamburger patty. Chuck Schumer then goes and deletes the tweet, which was even crazier to me. Because it's like, it's one thing to put this out there and embarrass yourself. But once it's out there, there's really no point in deleting things nowadays. It's almost just emitting defeat because everyone still has the tweet. Everyone knows what you posted. So now you're just deleting it and admitting that you're an idiot. Further embarrassment. Yeah. And what is it with the grill? It's like, I remember one time someone explained to me that Marie Antoinette used to, she built this village on Versailles. And the village was there just so she could go cause play as a peasant and pretend to be like a country bumpkin for the day. It was like her playing house. What is it about the grill that makes them feel like, now I'm connecting with people? The grill, the cast of, I'm going to get me a beer, all of that. It's also painful. But you had a problem that didn't have to do with the cheese. Shoot, well that's a big problem. Raw patty with cheese on top already. So you can't even flip over to cook the other side. My other problem is timing of the grilling of the meats. If you look to the left, the hot dogs are grilled. The hot dogs are grilled. Already done. Yeah. Everybody knows that you put the burgers on first. They take longer and much more care to cook. The hot dogs, it's already prepared stuff. It just has to heat up, get some grill marks on it, get it warm. And it's not like this is the first time this has happened. This happened to Cathy Hochl before with raw burgers. This has happened to several different, it's always Democrat politicians with the grill. How we had a great point earlier, he said, how did no one else? Like it's not just the fact that it's Chuck Schumer. It's that no one else at that Father's Day, Swaray, said, "Hey Dad, don't put the cheese on the raw burger. That's nasty." We'll be right back. We got more. [Music] Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. There's a meme that goes viral quite often and it's Steve Buscemi and he's got like a skateboard over his back. And the writing on it says, the caption, "How do you do fellow kids?" That's how I envision all of these Democrats when they have a picture of them next to a grill. It's like, "How do you do fellow grilleers?" That's not how we do. That is not how we do. We don't put two slices as a lot of the textures are pointing out. It's two slices of cheese and not just one. We don't put two slices of cheese on a raw paddy. Okay? I will say this in Chuck Schumer's defense because I always, I'm always fair. I'm a fair judge here. He did say that it was the first time that they were barbecuing because before this his daughter and her wife didn't have a backyard and now they have a backyard, they bought a house, they have a grill. So it's definitely his first time. But I mean, I would imagine that even people who are grilling for the first time know some of the basics. At any time you're handling raw meat, you've got to make sure it's cooked through. At a certain temperature before you start adding, at least on one side. I mean, if you had flipped that burger over and that other side was cooked. All right. Fine. Put the cheese on if you want. I still think it's too early. Yeah. No, same, same. I know people who don't put the cheese on until after comes. I like it on there right before so that it does melt a little bit. But if he's going to flip this burger over to cook the other side, there's going to be cheese all over the grill. It's just, I mean, and it's probably not that this is the, the saddest part. It's not the last bed grilling tweet that we will get out of Democrats this season. It's early on in the summer. We are bound to get more. Kathy Hochl, Kamala Harris, somebody's going to grab their apron and their spatula and try this again. Aretha, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Aretha? Hi, Grace. I love that the cameras are so good these days. We can get a picture of Chuck Schumer trying to like half butt us. You know what I mean? Like on the grill. It's like, no, it's raw, you're gross. You're burgers are gross and your cheese is gross. So, yeah, that's what he gets. Listen, I want to say something. I got to say something about the Curly and read trial because I'm like, I'm kind of torn. I'm a manor. I'm not a Massachusetts person, but I'm kind of torn with this conga line of witnesses. It's hysterical. Like with Howie when he says, and Jameson Ginger. So, what are these people like? What are they saying? Are they trying to say like the guy that just couldn't speak yesterday at the trial? He was so upset about what he had to say he couldn't even speak, but what are they saying? Like that because she has a flat butt and a leaky balloon thing and a Fall River accent. Like she's a murderer. Is that what they're trying to say? Well, in the case of state trooper Michael Proctor, and that's the text that Aretha's referring to with the leaky situation and the other things that were really, really deplorable that he texted his high school friends and his fellow state troopers. I'm not sure which texts were going into which chat. That I think was a case of just misogyny. Like this guy had it out for Karen Reid from the beginning. Now, if you're in the lead investigator in a murder, you probably don't want to go in with a bias where you're calling the defendant in this case or the lead suspect, the C word C word right out of the gates. I mean, this was. Yeah, she's a babe. We had Fall River accent though. This was 16 hours in to the investigation that he claims not to have a bias and he's sending out these horrid text messages about Karen Reid. Now, as far as Joseph Paul today, this is a totally different beast. This is just someone who is incompetent and is nervous on the stand and has no idea what he's doing, but again, we go back to all you need is reasonable doubt. And as you said, this conga line of characters that they're bringing in, I don't know how you could be watching this. I'm watching on the on the on the YouTube and I'm thinking to myself, there's no way they're going to get a conviction. I don't know how the jurors who are up close and personal to this unmitigated disaster are going to say, yeah, we can convict this woman. There's just no way and we're going to get to more of these. But I do want to play one here, Taylor. Could I have cut nine? So this is Alan Jackson. He's with trooper, uh, trooper Paul and he wants to know more about his area of expertise. This is cut nine. What role does acceleration play in the field of kinematics? What role does self? So what role does acceleration play with the kinematics? Talk about like you just said, it talks about the speed and talks about motion. Is kinematics also known as the geometry of motion? Is that correct? I have not heard that. Never heard that. Oh boy. Again, I know that I'm sure Jackson was planning on getting really tough on him later in the in the cross examination. I just don't think he expected the guy to fold so quickly where he's like, oh, I'm stomping this person very early on in this cross examination. I just hope I never get in an accident on a state highway in Norfolk County. I am right there with you. Paul, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Paul? Are you there, Paul? Paul. Oh, we lost Paul. Sorry about that. 844-500-42-42. We can play some more of these because we are going to talk to Mark Betterow later on in the show and we'll ask him all of your questions. There were a lot of flubs here. I think I should start with the beginning because Auntie Bev, the judge in this case, Judge Canone, she had to give Joseph Paul so many instructions over and over and over again. I can cut two, please, Taylor. We'll continue. If you could, please. What if any conclusions did you come to through reports to your investigation? So on Saturday, January 29th, 2022, at approximately 1245. So you can look at your report, but you can't read your report. I can read my conclusions based on what they asked me to do. Also, I can't hear you. Just take your time, read your report, and then answer Mr. Lally's question. If you need to look at your report, we'll see about that again. The only thing that I can compare this to, when I watch this, I do get the feeling that I used to get when I was in school and somebody was being reprimanded. Like someone came unprepared, didn't do the homework, didn't do the book report, and the teacher had to say to them, like, listen up. Oh, the ultimate installer for time. Just repeating the question back to the instructor. I love it. My little brother used to do that. I tell the story all the time, but my little brother used to do it all the time to my mom. She'd ask him a question in the morning, but who was the 16th president? And he would say it so convincingly. Like he would act like he really didn't hear her. He put on that Nathan Wade face of like furrowing his brow and he would look at her and he would say, I'm sorry, do you say 16th? Do you say 16th? I'm just not sure. And my mom would say stop repeating it. You know what I said. You heard me. Why do you keep repeating it back? And it was like you said, it was just a by time. That's what this state trooper is doing. And he's the expert. They're all experts. On what? I'm not so sure. Carl, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Carl. Good morning. I was talking about Jill by, most women wouldn't let their husbands work at Walmart Greeder job. And how can she justify him running for another four years? I think, and we actually, Carl, I'm glad you brought this up. Because we talked about this a little bit last week. And I think there's kind of two schools of thought when it comes to Dr. B. Or as we like to call her, Nana. One school of thought is that she's the puppeteer, that she's in control, that she's, you know, really pushing her own agenda or her own political beliefs. I don't buy into that at all. I don't think that she runs deep enough for that. I truly think that Dr. Jill's MO here is that she really likes expensive things. She's a material girl. She's a material girl. There nothing wrong with that. She's a material. A material. A material girl. I just think she likes the trips. She likes to go. She likes to fly to France. And then fly back. And then fly back. And then fly back. She likes to buy the expensive dresses with the weird patterns. She likes to buy stuff. She likes to stay at nice places. I think she likes to go to these events with celebrities. She likes to rub elbows. She likes the lifestyle. She likes to call up a hedge fund billionaire and say, "Hey, can we come there on Nana Tuckett for Thanksgiving and not pay you any rent?" This is the kind of life that she enjoys. So I think for her, and it's something she's going to have to live with, it's worth it to her for her husband to be embarrassed on the world stage over and over and over and over and over again. She can grin and bear that because she's getting all of the perks of being. Dr. B. Dr. B. And you know what I always think about, which was very early on in Joe Biden's presidency. Rachel Campo's Duffy from Fox was filling in. Or maybe she has the weekend for Fox and Friends. And she made a comment about how Dr. Jill is a terrible life and that, you know, in life, your partner is the person who's supposed to have your back all the time. Like they're the person who's supposed to be rooting for you and protecting you. And how Dr. Jill has just let him down, has betrayed him in that sense. And the amount of pushback, people forget this. Rachel Campo's Duffy got pushed back from the White House. The White House, I think it was like the first lady spokesperson. He ended up resigning after the breakfast tacos comment. But he came out on Twitter and demanded an apology from Rachel Campo's Duffy. Now we fast forward four years. Is anyone doubting that she is not a good partner? That you let this man embarrass himself in front of everyone multiple times a day? And you allow it because you want to be first lady? Yeah, let's play it. I felt sad watching that. I tell you, as a political spouse, and I said this before, you know, when he was on the campaign trail and we saw these early signs of dementia, and I'm just going to say it. I mean, I've been around people who have had dementia that looks very much like this. I can't, I still can't understand why Jill Biden as the spouse allowed her husband onto this journey. We knew the wheels were going to come off of this at around this point based on his actions and in actions during the campaign. And I have to say, as a woman who's married and was married to a politician, I would have never let my husband do this. I would have wanted to spend those last years of him, you know, with him. And you know that with dementia, that level of stress of this job is probably only exacerbating and speeding this up. I really, I lay this at the feet of Jill Biden at some point. The only person who cares about you when you're a copolytician is your spouse. Yeah, and she got beat up for saying that. And she was 100% on the money. Think about Nancy Reagan. She would have never in a million years. She, because you know what? Be on, be on anything else, be on any aspiration she might have had. Her number one priority was Ronald Reagan. Was making sure he was okay. And that's, it has nothing to do with woman, man, anything like that. That's just what a marriage is supposed to be. At the end of the day, you're supposed to care about that person. You're not supposed to care about, oh, this job is making this much money and this is why you, in this status symbol, you're supposed to care about the person and you're supposed to want them to enjoy their life. And she does not care about that. And there's some people, I think, who go to like Hillary Clinton or these women who are political, political monsters in a lot of ways. And they're always calculating and they're always thinking about how they can get more power and where can this lead me. I used to think that when Dr. Jill first came on my scene at least, because I haven't been around this for that long. I thought maybe after this, she wants to parlay it into some political office. I don't think that anymore. I think she likes selling the kids books on GMA and, you know, talking with Jenna Bush about nonsense and going on the view and saying how bad orange man Trump is, that is it for her. But this is all worth it so that she can do that, as sad as it might seem. Now here was the White House's response to the video of Barack Obama leading Biden off the stage. This is Andrew Bates. He's the senior deputy press secretary. All day long, he sits on Twitter and tries to explain away Joe Biden's issues. Fresh off being fact checked by at least six mainstream news organizations for lying about President Biden with cheap fakes. Rupert Murdoch's sad little super PAC, the New York Post, is back to disrespecting its readers and itself once again by pretending the president taking in and applauding crowd for a few seconds is somehow wrong. Their ethical standards could deal with a little unfreezing. You think the New York Post has ethical standards? The New York Post is the only publication that ran with the laptop while everyone else was saying that it was Russian disinformation, including Andrew Bates. By the way, your boss. Your boss was lying about it being disinformation even though he knew it was real and the 51 ex-intelligence agents were lying about it. How about their ethical standards? Cheap fakes. That's a new one on me. 844-500-4242, we'll be right back with more of your calls. Do not go anywhere. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2/8 Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. Let's go! This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. We've got people waiting on the line, so let's go to Mike. You're up next. What's going on, Mike? Hey, Grace. Great show, by the way. Thank you, sir. I think when you look at this cheeseburger incident with Chuck Schumer, I think you kind of dig a little deeper. Democrats are real good at photo ops, and I think that cheese is on there for a reason, and I think that has to be as crazy as it sounds. We've got a cheese-spiracy theory. I love it. So, what's the theory? The theory is that he is not going to show a photo op without showing some kind of a cheese product on there, because Wisconsin is such an important state. Oh, that's really crazy. I'm all for conspiracy theories, but that one... I thought that was going like the two slices were arranged in a pentagram. Yeah, or like a Taylor Swift easter egg. Not quite yet. You know, Mike, normally I'm all down for conspiracy theories. Jared works in this Howie Car Radio Network, so I'm very privy to many of the conspiracy theories out there. But in this case, you cannot convince me that there was anything about this picture that was on purpose. Also, because they deleted it. Like, if you're going to put that in for some reason, you don't go ahead and delete it right after. But I really appreciate the call. Now, speaking of conspiracy theories, there actually is a new conspiracy theory, according to the left. And these are the people that always are making fun of us, making fun of people like Mike, good people like Mike, with their cheese-spiracy theories. And they're calling us tin foil hatters. Well, listen to just a little cut here. We'll get to more of this later. From CNN, can I get number nine? This is Donnie O'Sullivan and Ann Applebaum discussing the latest conspiracy theory with the Republicans. Actually, let's get cut six. I've heard a lot of conspiracy theories. I hear a lot of things out on the road. But to hear Americans, people who would describe themselves as patriots say that America is not a democracy. That stopped me in my tracks. You are hearing people say America is not a democracy because there are people around Trump who want them to be saying that, who've been planting that narrative. Yeah, but also, and this is just, I don't know if this is important to the conversation, but also America is not a democracy. It's a republic that feels like something that would feel like this whole entire investigatory piece could have been summed up really quickly. If one person at CNN just said, "By the way, guys, it's not a conspiracy theory. It's actually a fact." I'm perplexed as to why they had to bring on all these people. Ann Applebaum, by the way, if that name sounds familiar, it's because when it came to another conspiracy theory, she wanted no part of it. And this is a conspiracy theory that ended up being true. Give me a tiny bit of cut ten. Do you think the media acted inappropriately when they instantly dismissed Hunter Biden's laptop as rushing this information? And what can we learn from that and ensuring that what we label as this information is truly this information and not reality? My problem with Hunter Biden's laptop is, I think, totally irrelevant. I mean, it's not whether it's disinformation or, I mean, I don't think the Hunter Biden's business relationships have anything to do with who should be president. Be careful who you get your conspiracy theories from. Just be cautious. We'll be right back. Back. Don't go anywhere. (upbeat music)