The Howie Carr Radio Network

Taylor Cormier: Trump chats with Logan Paul about...ALIENS? | 6.14.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie's Executive Producer, Taylor Cormier, fills in for the final hour of the show. Taylor's been keeping up with Karen Read, and he provides some of his input. Then, we've got the craziest conversation between DJT and social media star, Logan Paul!

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14 Jun 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by Balance 7. Stop procrastinating and get your energy back. New customers can save 20% and get free shipping at with Code Howie. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Idiots. Call my name as Fanny because like silly school boys, the name reminds them of a woman's rear. No ass. We're far river accent. Don't have good news for you this year. The expectation is that we see food prices continue to rise this year, Jake, by just over 2%. Pretty mind blowing quite frankly. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. This election is most certainly not about age. Jibine here with it. It's scheduled to be brutal for anybody. Oh my god. Any president of any age. But to your point, President Biden was out there literally representing America at the G7. Joe isn't one of the most effective presidents of our lives. In spite of his age, but because of it. The magic source is here. People have been speaking to say it's worst they've ever seen Joe Biden. And he's been easing a bad way. Rump swabs hacks and moon bounce beware. It's Howie Car. Welcome to the Howie Car Show. I'm Taylor Cormier, how he's executive producer filling in for him during this final hour of this week. And thanks to everybody who came out to Jake Rooney's on the Cape today to see Howie and listen to the show and enjoy some great food and beverages. And hope everybody had a great time. 844 542 42 is the number here. Jill Biden has such a way with words. Much better. She should be the press secretary instead of Korean Jean Pierre. She should be first lady and press secretary. I mean, she is the home care worker for Joe Biden full time. So she might as well take on another role as well and be his mouthpiece. But she has such a way with words. If I were her writer, I certainly would not have given her anything that starts out with Joe Biden isn't an effective president. That's not the message you want and have people think, where is she going with this? And then she gets into his age. Let's let's actually play do we have that cut Matt Matt of the of Jill Biden saying Joe Biden is not an effective president because of his age. It was in the intro, but we'll have the the full cut in just a second here because that will lead us into some of what Joe Biden has been doing. We don't have any Biden cuts today, by the way, except for maybe one. But I want you to hear this audio and just let it preface what we're going to play for you afterwards. Here's Jill Biden. This election is most certainly not about age Joe and that other guy are essentially the same age. Let's not be fooled. Joe isn't one of the most effective presidents of our lives in spite of his age, but because of it. Well, so what's the point of the argument there? If you're going to say they're the exact same age practically and then say Joe Biden is not an effective president because of his age, but in spite of it or in spite of his age. But however she phrased it, it's very confusing to make the comparisons that she's making and then try to put Joe ahead of Trump for some reason when it's a very easy comparison to make intellectually and having just a general awareness of where each of the candidates think they are. Joe Biden doesn't seem to know if you saw the video yesterday and I think we're going to have something coming out on how his social networks, social media platforms about Joe Biden and his pitiful performance in Italy yesterday watching the skydivers and just wandering around. I guess it was a golf course and looking at the ground and wandering off. And you saw President from France Emmanuel Macron kind of looking at Joe Biden and other dignitaries that were there as well looking at Joe Biden saying, what the hell is he doing? Where's he going? And they had to, they had to basically tug on the sleeve of Biden's fill in Easter bunny to say the geez is wandering off again. Can you get him? And that's what she did. She went off and got him. And this was visible. This you could not deny this. This was caught on camera and in several instances, he's just staring off into space looking around, wandering around. He has no idea where he is. He has no idea who he's with. And this was taken note of you heard of it. You heard it in the intro, but the good folks over at MSNBC morning Joe, they they're flabbergasted that you could think anything other than that. This is a man who's playing eight dimensional chess and he's he's just plotting out his next moves and what he's going to say is this masterful mind of a foreign policy is is putting on the best show on earth that you could possibly see. This is Joe Scarborough trying to put a spin, a lovely spin on on Joe Biden's performance yesterday, cut three, it just it needs to be sad. I mean, you you you have Joe Biden here with a sketch with a new brutal for any body. Oh, my God, president of the age going to Europe, you know, twice on D day and spending five days in France going over to the G seven in the middle of the personal struggles in the middle of the personal struggle will stop the Potter trial. And and yesterday I even even critics were saying that that he did a strong job, very good job representing the United States, even though again, we have some some cheap fakes that the RNC once again spreading vicious lies about Joe Biden. But that's just that's that's who they are. That's that's who they become. We will point that second where these comments met made this morning or yesterday morning. I believe they were made this morning. Okay, that's good to know. Cheap fakes, vicious lies, keep those words in mind. Also a very vigorous schedule. I mean, the man had to answer two questions from two American reporters yesterday. Let's not forget that. And questions that he knew what they were in advance. This was a strenuous schedule that he had to keep in place. He had to remember how to read their names off of that list and where to look when they were speaking eyes up here, Joe. And he did an amazing masterful job B S. So Joe Scarborough called his detractors, Biden's detractors, cheap fakes, spreading vicious lies about Joe Biden at the G seven. Well, it's just so funny. I don't think we got this to this yesterday because it would came in late in the show. But there's another story that has come out. And this is so Trump was on Capitol Hill yesterday meeting with notable Republicans on the Hill. And they had a meeting, you know, discussing strategy, discussing 2024, the race, and certainly a lot of other policies in this closed door meeting and also previewing the convention coming up in just a short while. It was reported that Trump during this meeting said Milwaukee was a quote, horrible, unquote city. I'm not sure exactly where these comments came from, but this is not true. You had a number of people that were there in the meeting saying that this was not true. This never happened. He never said anything like this. I'm pulling up the, the press release that the Trump campaign put out just yesterday debunking the Milwaukee hoax. Again, this was late yesterday in the show. President Trump was explicitly referring to the problems in Milwaukee, specifically violent crime and voter fraud, which are horrible thing going on. Multiple members of Congress, including members of Wisconsin's own delegation, instantly debunked the journalist's fake claims. Jake Sherman, who wasn't even in the room, the Trump's campaign says, representative Brian Steele of Wisconsin. I was in the room. President Trump did not say this. There is no better place than Wisconsin in July. I've never been to Wisconsin in July. I have been debossed and in the fall, but I can't say Wisconsin is the best place to be in July. Representative Glenn Groffman, Wisconsin president Trump was, quote, concerned about the election in Milwaukee and, quote, felt we need to do better in urban centers around the country. This is like the whole suckers and losers comments. When Trump was in, when Trump was in Normandy and flying over the cemeteries, he did not say, he did not call the veterans buried at those cemeteries, suckers and losers, a number of people on the plane, including the guy with the fierce walrus moustache there, said that was it? Mike Bolton? Was it, John Bolton? He even said, a guy who hates Trump, by the way, said he never said anything like that. Representative Tom Tiffany, Wisconsin, President Trump's remarks were in the context of election integrity. I think he lumps election integrity and crime together. Well, because those two have been so mutually exclusive to each other. Yeah, they, they, they can be lumped together. With Derek Van Ordon, Donald Trump was specifically referring to the crime rate in Milwaukee, representative Jim Banks. I was in the meeting, Indiana. I was in the meeting, President Trump never disparaged Milwaukee, just another Democrat hoax aid to Representative Scott, which fits Gerald, Wisconsin. President Trump's remarks were about election integrity. So you have all of those sources that were actually at the meeting saying that Trump did not say this. This is fake news. But yet here we are. This is Mika and Joe Brzezinski this morning on morning Joe. And they pulled out a prop. Okay. And the prop was Milwaukee's best, which I'm not sure would Matt, you've worked in, in the business before. What is the alcohol content of Milwaukee's best? Do you know offhand? No, say a solid 4.5. I think it would be a little bit higher. It's not a light bear. So it might be like a five closer to a six. All right. A well educated guess from a well educated man, Matt. Here's Mika and Joe. First of all, spreading this, this story as truth. And then sucking up to the Democrats in Milwaukee cut 15. There you go. Donald Trump is trying to clean up an attack he made yesterday on the city hosting next month's Republic National. What are you feeling? I love Milwaukee. I know you do. I mean, while speaking to House Republicans, Trump called Milwaukee quote, a horrible city. The comment was first reported by Punchbowl News, Jake Sherman, and later confirmed by an NBC News source who was inside the room. Instead of being the site of the RNC, Milwaukee is also the largest in addition to being the site of the RNC. Milwaukee is also the largest city in the key battleground state of Wisconsin. Well, it was so funny wise. So you had you actually had Republicans saying, Oh, he never said this about Milwaukee, right? They've got Pints. He never said this about Milwaukee, but tall boys. Oh, tall boys. Later, amenity said it about Milwaukee, right? Hey, can I just say something? Was there 40 hours? Yeah, 32. But so they start, Willie, by saying they're drinking this on the air, by the way, right? Right? We love it. Milwaukee's best, not the not the beer I would have gone to. I've never had Milwaukee's best. I don't want to say anything bad about it. Maybe I'll maybe I'll try to find some later sometime this weekend. But Miller, I think would have been a better bread to go with if you're going if you're going to drink on air, go with the champagne of beers, right? Yeah, I definitely go with Miller. I mean, but you watched the video, man, I only heard the audio and the listeners only only hearing the audio. Can you describe Mika's face when she sips her, her Milwaukee's best that she, you know, is a proud consumer of? Do you know the commercials that you used to have for a bitter beer face? Yes. That was essentially what Mika did. Coyled and it's great. I love it. Yeah, great. Thank you. Oh, God, talk about a bunch of pandering hacks. That's, that's, that's what you call cheap fakes and vicious lies 844 542 42. We've gotten much more coming up on this final hour of the Howie car show for the week. I'm Taylor Cormier. This is the Howie car show. Did you know that between hosting a four hour radio show, multiple media hits, political advocacy and walking Roscoe the Wonderpug? I call it a dog. How he still finds time to write three columns a week. Oh, I'll read his latest at how we car show dot com. The emperor of hate, how he car is back. Welcome back to the Howie car show 844 500 42 42 is the number one. Limerick guy. Milwaukee's worst is 4.8% alcohol by volume. Thank you. Limerick guy. Yeah, Miller. I don't know what Miller's at, but I just like the taste of Miller. I was never a Bud Light guy, but I've explained this before. That's what you bring when you don't know what to bring Bud Light. That's what you bring to the party, not anymore. But Miller's is what I've gone with when I'm not drinking IPAs like the snob that I am. I'm not an IPA snob, but I do like, I do like an IPA now. And then today's poll question is brought to you by Northeast hair restoration through June when you book a P F air P F E hair restoration. You'll receive a laser cap, a laser hair cap valued at $3,000 for free. How he was wearing it today at Jake Rooney's contact them today at P F E hair dot com or call 1-800-208-Hair. Matt, what's today's poll question and what are the results thus far? Should trooper Michael perjury proctor be sent to prison? Yes, no, just fire him and force him to rake leaves for food. Just put him in the stocks on the comments for a few days. Yeah, I think he should be putting, putting the slammer for a while. He's, he's made a number of lies. Yesterday was probably the worst day of his life on the job. And professionally speaking, it was, it was bad. Yes, has 71% followed by just fire him and make him enforce him to rake leaves for food. All right, thank you, sir. And we can talk about the Caron read trial after, after the break, we'll get to your phone calls right now because there were, it was a confusing day, at least a confusing morning on the Caron read trial. We can get into it a little bit after the break. Paul, you're next on the Howie car show. Go ahead, Paul. All right. Thanks for taking my call. So when I heard that word, cheap fakes on, on that cut, I immediately thought it was a play on word of, of deep fake. And, and I'm thinking they're going to start using that word as like a buzz word. You know, every time that video of Joe Biden goes viral, they can't call it a deep fake, but they're going to basically, they're calling it a cheap shot because they are saying you're going to take it out of context. And I think that's, I think that's what they're doing with that word cheap fake. And yeah, they love, they love their little nicknames for everything. They're stupid little buzz words. But you know what, Paul, you don't even need to deep fake Biden. I mean, he, you can't make up the stuff that he says. Even if you were making or trying to make up gibberish, you could not make up the gibberish that Joe Biden spews on an almost daily basis. And, and he goes into these weird stories and tangents of when he was younger and, and you know, just just earlier this year, talking about his uncle Bozy getting eaten by cannibals in the South Pacific and very, very strange stuff. You, you cannot write. I mean, you always hear, you know, you can't write a script like that. You can't write what Joe Biden is saying. I mean, they try and they literally try to write him scripts and he messes it up and creates his own gibberish. You couldn't fake gibberish like that. Thanks for the call, Paul 844 542 42. I wish we had time for another call at the moment, but we don't, we're going to be going into a hard break here. So we'll get to the calls after the break as well as some Karen Reed stuff. Trump was on a podcast with Logan Paul. I don't know much about the Paul brothers, their influencers. But I think I know enough, Matt, to say that I don't care for them. But Trump had some interesting things to say on Logan Paul's podcast about one of my favorite subjects, aliens. We'll be back. This is the Howie Car Show. Welcome back to the Howie Car Show 844 542 42. Tom's been hanging on a little while. Tom, thanks for staying on your next on the Howie Car Show. Go ahead. Thank you. Just a couple of quick points. Number one, why is it that Biden can sign a 10-year agreement with Ukraine to be that sounds like number one, a treaty? And I thought that that was only something that the Senate or Congress could approve of. Number one, and number two, I think when a lot of independent people are perplexed as, why is he so namby-pamby on Israel, but at the same time, not looking for peace between Ukraine and Russia? Just it doesn't make sense. I'd rather fight war rather than wars. Well, because I think he's seen that in the Israel versus Palestine fight, there's no good side to be on as far as his side is concerned. You know, you're the Democrat president. You know, support for Israel is predominantly, I would say, a Republican notion, though it shouldn't be. I mean, they're a sovereign nation, and I don't want to get into all the politics of it because, as I've said before, I'm not the expert on it, and there are more people qualified than me that can talk to this. But to him, it's a losing issue because they have had to put such a heavy hand down on Hamas, on the people on the Palestinians, and it's been ugly. It's not been a pretty thing to see. And you know, you have a lot of questions of human rights and whatnot. So you have people from both sides condemning what Joe Biden has done, his support, his lack of support for this side, for that side, there's no winner in the Israel versus Palestine for Joe Biden. So he's trying to pacify all sides as best he can. What he can tout is that Vladimir Putin is a, you know, he's a villain. He is a dictator who is merciless and who is taking advantage of the Ukrainian people and the weakness that they've shown. So he thinks he's backing this underdog for righteousness, for freedom, for democracy. When the people that are against this, us backing Ukraine as financially, heavily as we have, are people who realize that Ukraine is a very corrupt nation and has been proven to be a corrupt nation for many, many years now. And we know that the Bidens have been in bed with Ukraine for some time as well. So as long as he's backing that and covering up his tracks along the way, that's where his bread is going to be buttered. And that's why you see so many. I still see people with Ukraine flags painted on their houses, hanging their flags from their trees. It's weird. I don't get it. But thanks very much for the call, Tom. I appreciate it. Alan, you're next on the howie car show. Go ahead, Alan. Hi, Taylor. Thanks for taking my phone car. You brought up Biden going over to go and overseas there. And I just wanted to bring up, I just wanted to bring up the newspapers over there and all the other newspapers over in Europe are just are actually reporting the news about Biden and saying how frail he is, how fragile he looks. And if you look up the Italian newspaper right now, it's the total opposite of the American journalists, so-called journalists, because they're actually doing what they're supposed to do, telling you the truth. And it's awful that our overseas journalists actually do report. And it reminds me of COVID. It reminds me of COVID in Canada, when the truckers in Australia, when they're putting the thumbs down on the people. It's pretty bad when the leader of the most strongest country in the world is looking so weak and feeble because these bad guys in the world, like Putin, like Gigi Penn, like North Korea, like Iran, they sense blood in the water. And when they do, they're going to pounce and it's going to be very quick, you know, Taylor? I mean, I've been paying attention with this. Yeah, this is what Alan's talking about, just a second, Alan. I just want to read the headline that you pointed out from one of the Italian newspapers, headline, of course, is in Italian, but it translates to long pauses, eyes closed, weak voice, Biden and new doubts about health at the G7. Is that what you're referring to? Yeah, exactly, exactly, Taylor. And you made such a good point. And we were talking about this, this cut I'm about to play yesterday. And I remember, I'll share my thoughts right after we play the cut. This is cut one, Matt. About what more, if anything, the US can do to drive towards a peace agreement? Thank you. One of the American reporters. I wish you guys would play by the rules. We can stop it there. He said, I wish you guys would play by the rules a little bit. You know, if that were Donald Trump, still at the podium, instead of Joe Biden, there would have been Jim Acosta had he not been kicked out. Jim Acosta from CNN would have been saying, well, Mr. President, I wish you would take a few more questions. That's what we need from the White House press corps and the gaggle that that travels with the president and his staff. But you don't have that. You have these weak, manby, pamby, press guys that they call themselves press guys. But how he's right, they're just stenographers with press passes. They don't push back at all. When when Trump was in office, you had a press corps that was pushing back whenever they could, they would needle Trump because they wanted to see the explosion. They wanted to see the guy get furious. They wanted him to trip over himself, trying to explain something, but they couldn't do it because every time that they did, they'd embarrassed themselves. I'm thinking of the, I think he was from the Washington Post where he was asking, I forget his name, but he was asking about the price of oil and Trump goes, what's the price that today? He goes, I don't know, sir, but the oh, you don't know that question. You don't know the answer to that question. I thought you were the press. You should know these things. And then he said five, you know, whatever dollars a barrel it was at the time completely eviscerated him embarrassed him. But you don't see that with the, it's so easy to put it over on Biden. He's got such a glass jaw. All you had to do when Joe Biden said, I wish you guys would play by the rules a little bit because the rules have been set up and this, this precedent has been put in place that, and he said it yesterday, we're going to call on two American reporters that are going to ask two questions. That's two American reporters with one question each. That was it and no other questions. And just for asking a follow up, which is a constitutionally protected right, this reporter was scolded by the, the commander in chief and saying, I wish you guys would play by the rules a little bit. No, Mr. President, we wish that you would have some transparency in your administration. Thank you very much, Allen, for the call. 844-542. I do want to get, I know I'm going to lose a lot of people here, but I think it's important to just review a little bit the Karen Reed trial today and some of the notable things that were said. The Karen Reed trial is in its 25th day. They wrapped up their 25th day today. The prosecution is expected to rest sometime next week because they're bringing, they brought on the accident reconstruction expert today. I've got to go back and rewatch that. I haven't seen any of it, but I'm told that they had a war deer today, that the jury had to be taken out of the room as is, did a way that goes, but it got very heated between Allen Jackson, the defense attorney for Karen Reed and the, the trooper that was on the stand and, and even the prosecution attorney himself, ADA Lally, but that, that, that'll be for after my drive home. I'll, I'll do some listening to what was going on there. It was a very, very odd woman today. And one of the textures pointed out, and this is how he said early, you don't want to have, you don't want to make fun of, of the woman's appearance. I won't make fun of her physical appearance, but I'll, I'll make fun of her appearance on what she decided to wear. I thought she looked like Ilhan Omar. She had the, the same colored, same colored shirt, the same colored sweater and the same colored turban, I guess. I don't know what you call it. The, the turban on her head, all burgundy colored pieces of clothing. She looked like she was dressed to, to model after Ilhan Omar, one of the textures, nine, seven, eight. I don't know how this woman got time off of supporting Hamas to testify today. You said it nine, seven, eight. You said it. Her name is Jessica Hyde. She's got this tech company and she's a so-called professional, you know, cell phone, extrapolation, data expert, whatever you want to call, but she made it very confusing for the jury. Now, the crux of what we all wanted to know was, did Jennifer McCabe at two 27 and 40 seconds in the morning on January 29th? Did she Google search, "Hoss long to die in cold?" That's all we want to know, but we couldn't really get a straight answer out of this woman, Jessica Hyde. She was very detailed and technical on the direct examination. She was not defensive or a hostile witness at all. I wouldn't say she was hostile with the defense either, but she was certainly a lot more disagreeable. This is her going back and forth with Lally, the ADA, the prosecution. And it's fairly clear and is straightforward as you can get when you're talking about technical data in a case like that. Let's go with Cut 5. T, I die in cold. We cannot tell by this particular artifact what time that search occurred. It is a high likelihood that that tab was opened at this time, because there was another search that occurred at two 27 in the morning. It was a sports site. I cannot pronounce it. It began with an H, Hunkamoc. Okay, thank you very much for the pronunciation. Hunkamoc sports. There were a couple of searches pertaining to that done immediately after, but it appears that that's when this tab was opened and the first search done there. So her explanation for the timestamp was that was not necessarily when the search was made. That was just the last time that tab that the search was conducted in was moved or modified in some way, which is a very strange explanation. Why would that even need a timestamp? And why would that be printed out in a celebrate report? Hopefully the people from celebrate for the defense really explain how they got this timestamp because this is going to be crucial. So that was her explanation. It was highly likely that the search took place after two 27 a.m. How long after she goes on to say we won't play this cut, but she goes on to say that at two 27 a.m. the search for this Hunkamoc sports team was made as Jen McCabe explained during her testimony that she wanted to, she was thinking about this sports team that wanted her daughter to play for them. So she searched at two 27 a.m. after she got home from a drunken night of whatever they were doing at the Albert household. So and then at six 23 and six 24 at the urging of Karen Reed, she searched on her phone how long to die in the cold with those spelling errors. So Yannetti for the defense asks her point blank. Could this search have taken in your expertise? Could this search have taken place at or before two 27 a.m. And she plays a little tough to get, I guess, a cut 11. Would you agree with me that another simple explanation for that two 27 a.m. timestamp was that the user of that iPhone conducted that search at or before two 27 a.m. Simple question. Can you rephrase? No, it's the same way. Repeat it. Repeat it, please. Would you agree with me? That another simple explanation for that two 27 a.m. timestamp was that the user of that iPhone conducted that search at or before two 27 a.m. on January 29th of 22. That timestamp is not indicative of a time of search. So the question is difficult to answer because I can't say that that is not anything about the time he was asking you to go by saying forget the timestamp and forget what that timestamp stands for. According to your expertise, your experience. Could this search have been made at that time or before that time? I don't care what that timestamp means on this report. She would not answer it until she basically said, well, it's highly unlikely. But I think what's more telling than that is she was only given certain parameters to look through Jen McCabe's phone. Remember, Jen McCabe, she deleted some text messages with her daughters before handing willingly handing voluntarily handing over to the state police for them to go through. So the state police handed it off to Jessica Hyde. And she was given a very specific set of instructions on what to do with Jen McCabe's phone, cut 13. You're given very specific instructions. I just said that in terms of what to look at. Correct. Correct. I had a very limited scope in this analysis. I wonder why that gave you that limited scope. That scope was relayed to me by Detective Tully. Oh, surprise. And Detective Tully instructed me specifically to only look at the part of the phone extraction that dealt with the Safari search history. Safari's history search history specific to January 29th, 2022. That is correct. One day. That's all that we need that one day. And she went on to further specify that she was not told to look at any call logs from that day. No text messages. Nothing of the sort. No geolocation data. Just what she searched at that time in the morning, which is an interesting thing. What? Why? How would they know what to search for? How would they know that those searches were made? Why was Jen McCabe so worried about those searches enough to spill them and hand them over to the state police saying, I searched for this. Weird. 844-542-42 will be right back. I'm Taylor Cormier. This is the Howie Carr show. Howie Carr will be right back. You're listening to the Howie Carr show. And they tell me stories that they've seen things that you wouldn't believe. These are not people that you would say, gee. Oh, that's okay. President of the United States. I said, who is it? That's Joe Biden wanting to do an interview. So I met with pilots like beautiful Tom Cruise, but taller. Okay. Handsome perfect people. Sir, there was something there that was round in form and going like four times faster than my super jet fighter plane. And I look at these guys and they really mean it. Super fighter jet play. Oh, he's he if nothing else, the man can make you laugh. Happy birthday to President Trump who says he's prop. I probably don't believe in aliens. Let me tell you, but people have said things to me. People Tom Cruise kind of good looking, but taller. Beautiful pilots, great pilots, talented pilots. They say they've seen things in super fighter jet planes. He's funny. That was with Logan Paul influencer. He's the one that was supposed to be fighting Mike Tyson, right? But that got canceled or was what was Jake Paul, Jake younger brother. Yeah. Okay, I see. They both seem like troublemakers. Is it just the two of them or is there another one? As far as I know, that's just the two of them. Logan does WWE now trooper Paul who is on the stand today. Was he one of the Paul brothers? Doesn't have enough hair? That's very, very true, Matt. A very astute observation by you. We don't have time to take any more of your calls. This has been a fun hour. Thank you for being here today and for the final hour as well. It's been enjoyable. I will see you Monday. By the way, if you want to see me tomorrow night, I'll be at Carmine's Italian restaurant in New Bedford tomorrow night. Carmine's NB dot com to make your reservations. I'm there from eight to 11, singing the songs of, you know, those guys, I just, I don't want to be put on to the hate mail Monday again by saying that's all I talked about for the entire hour. I didn't mention them once, but you know who I'm talking about. Have a great weekend, everybody, in your super fighter jet planes. Am I? [MUSIC PLAYING]