The Howie Carr Radio Network

Today's Trooper Makes the Smallest Six-Figure Salary so Far | 6.14.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Joseph Paul, who only makes $130,000 per year, is on the stand at the Karen Read trial. Howie points out something about him that puts him in the same category as three previous fellas.

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14 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. It is. Call my name as Fanny. Because, like, silly school boys, the name reminds them of a woman's real. No else. We're far over accent. Don't have good news for you this year. The expectation is that we see food prices continue to rise this year, Jake, by just over 2%. Pretty mind-blowing, quite frankly. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. This election is most certainly not about age. Jump out here with it. It's scheduled to be brutal for anybody. Oh, my God. Any price of any age. But to your point, President Biden was out there literally representing America at the G7. Joe isn't one of the most effective presidents of our lives, in spite of his age, but because of it. I was in for a few minutes, for a few minutes. Magic sources here. People have been speaking to say it's worse than ever seen Joe Biden. Ah, and he's been easing a bad way. Rump swabs, hacks and moonbaats beware. It's... ♪♪♪ Howie Car. Did you see it looks like he's sniffing the pope today? He looked like he was sniffing the pope. And you got to look at the Georgia Maloney, the Prime Minister of Italy, was right behind the pope. They got the screenshot of her, and it's just like this look of, I guess, horror is the best way to describe it. Like, she doesn't know the pope is in a wheelchair, but I'm sure he's more... ...a sound mind than the president of the United States, but he's stuck in the wheelchair. And Biden gets right up on him and puts his nose on his forehead. It was extraordinarily strange. And, of course, they're very angry. They're very angry. You know, again, it comes down to... It's the same as the Karen Reed testimony today. Who are you going to believe? Me, the expert on MSNBC, or the prosecution witness, or your lion eyes. Okay, that's all it comes down to. 844-542. Meanwhile, in the Karen Reed trial, we're not going to talk about it all that much today. It's kind of boring, but a guy has taken the witness stand today, and you will be shocked to learn. But he has no hair. This is like the third of four. They brought in this woman. And the woman, the expert, the supposed expert on cell phones. She comes from the firm of cell phone experts for a dollar, LLC. But other than her, they've had three state police witnesses in a row that have no hair. Who knew Lex Luthor had gone to the academy in New Brain Tree? The cone heads are suing for copyright infringement, all these guys. I think, though, what it is, is they sometimes do this when Gody shot the Castellano. He had everybody dress up in the same outfits, you know, so they couldn't identify anybody. And the white emulsion used to do this when he was robbing banks. He made everybody dress up the same way, so nobody could pick them out of a line up. So this is it. So, you know, when these guys all get lugged into federal court, and they had asked about their lion testimony before the teenager, how do you know it's the same guy? All these guys, nobody's got any hair. So this guy, this guy that's up there today, Joseph Paul, he's the lowest pay of the state troopers that's been up there so far. He only makes 130 grand a year. But he may be related to another state trooper named Paul, David Paul. He makes 306,000 dollars a year. Anyway, I'm just trying to show the people down here in Harwichport how much money the state cops are making. We are here today broadcasting live until six o'clock at Jake Rooney's on the curve in Harwichport. And we're having a great time. Well, come on down until four o'clock. They have the $15 lunches. It's amazing. I just had Meat Loaf, 15 bucks. It's a huge proportion. And they got all kinds of other great dishes. And even after four, it's a good place to get a big plate of food and a nice drink for economical affordable price. So please come on down if you spend 20 bucks here at Jake Rooney's in Harwichport on the curve, you could get a free copy of my book. Paperboy, read all about it. And it's just in time for Father's Day. Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there, by the way. Happy Father's Day. And, you know, I'll be glad to autograph it for dear old Dad or for you or for anybody else. And it's just great to see everybody down here and see a lot of old friends. And I saw, should I tell, I saw one of my old friends from the State House. She said to me, she said, "I heard you had a birthday this year, Howie." And I was thinking, "Well, I always have a birthday." And she said, "I heard you turn to 80." I didn't come here to be made sport of, Senator. Senator Joanne Sprague from Walpole, she's 92. So I'm still, give her a round of applause, Senator Sprague. You know, we got to get the Republican Party back up and running in Massachusetts. Joanne Sprague, she just told me something, I didn't realize. She left office at the end of 2004 when Bush was reelected. She's the last woman Republican to serve in the Massachusetts State Senate. I know, congratulations to Joanne, but you know, we've got to get some, we've got to get some new blood, like Kelly Dooner from Pontin, or, you know, I'm sure there are other women running. We've got to get some new people. You know, on the other side though, Joanne, which is even sadder, the Republicans almost ran out of men. In the State Senate. They were down to three for a while. Now it's back up to four, but that's still not great, was it? Out of 40, yeah, one-tenth. And, you know, 1990, after the 1990 elections, there were 16 out of 40. And, you know, 50,000 votes, which seems like a lot, but it's not a lot when you spread it over 40 districts, 50,000 votes change. The Republicans would have had a majority in the Massachusetts State Senate. So, you know, it's time to get back to work and get some Republicans elected. And, you know, that's one of the things we'll be talking about for the rest of the year. At least until November the 5th. 844, 542, 442, 844, 542, 917. Did these state troopers get drunk on Friday nights and trash talk women while they shave each other's heads? Why do you think they only do it on Friday nights? There's six other nights the week they could get drunk and trash talk women and shave their own heads. I'll tell you though, if after Proctor was on, he wasn't the first one with a shave pad. One of the Alberts had a shave pad and no beard. But there was a -- he was the first of the state police. And after his disastrous performance, I think if I'd have been the district attorney or the colonel of the state police, I would have said, "You know what, guys? All the rest of you that can go in on this trial is witnesses. All of you chrome domes. I want you to put on a wig." Doesn't matter what kind of wig it is. It can be a little Richard wig, a super fly wig, any kind of wig you want. But just don't go in there as a cue ball. It's just not a good look after what happened to Proctor. 844, 542, 42, 844. You're bald! I don't get it. You know what I brought here today, for everyone's amusement here at Jake Rooney's? I brought the laser cap. When we do police blotter facts Friday, I'll be wearing the laser cap. And the red laser rays will be coming out. It's great. I don't know if it affects other people, but it affects me. It helps me. 844-500, there it is. It emits a mysterious sound as it's fixing your hair. Can we get a group discount rate for the mass state police? We love our pets, but we don't love their smells. Smells from litter boxes, wet dog smell, and pet accidents in the house can build up and cause a big stink. Thankfully, the Eden Pier Thunderstorm air purifier gets rid of the toughest pet odors in just a few seconds. Even those dreaded pet accidents like urine, feces, and puke are eliminated by the thunderstorm. It works by sending out all natural 03 molecules into your home that attach to those stinky smells and destroy them, leaving you and your furry friends with a fresh and clean smelling home. Eden Pier even has a pet odor guarantee to wipe out any pet odor or your money back. Place a thunderstorm in your bedroom, family room, kitchen, or basement. They even make great gifts. Get $200 off a three-pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code Howey3. That's discount code Howey3. I'm HoweyCar. If you missed any part of the show, we've got you covered. You don't look there. This could be a podcast. Subscribe to the HoweyCar radio network on your preferred podcast platform and start listening to previous shows. An exclusive podcast only features. It's actually not a bad idea. You're listening to the Howey Car Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Northeast Hair Restoration. Through June, when you book a PFE hair restoration, you'll receive a laser hair cap valued at $3,000 for free. And I'll be wearing it during police plot or fax Friday, and it will be giving out magical red laser rays. I just turned it on briefly. Now it's off again. Contact them today at or call 1-800-208-Hair. They did a great job restoring my hair. The laser cap just keeps the hair and makes it even thicker. So we're going to talk about the poll question is about Michael Proctor. The first of the state police chrome domes who testified. Not the first chrome dome to testify. He was cue ball number two after Chris Albert, the guy who did time, the brother of the two cops who did six months in the can after he hired the judge's brother as his lawyer. Not that it's incestuous in Norfolk County, you understand. So Proctor, as you know, had a problem with the truth. He lied repeatedly. It looked like he obstructed justice to somewhat of a degree. He forgot to put things in reports, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So Taylor, what is the poll question about Michael Projorie Proctor? I call him Projorie Proctor now, after his wonderful testimony to two grand juries and under oath at a trial in Dedham. What's the question? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is should Trooper Michael Projorie Proctor be sent to prison? Yes, no, just fire him and force him to rake leaves for food or just put him in the stocks in the common for a few days. I'm going to say yes, he should go to prison. 69% say he should go to prison. 19% say fire and force him to rake leaves for food. 9% say just put him in stocks on the common. 3% say no, he should not go to prison. 3%. So that's the percentage of McAlperts that are listening to the show today. 844, 542, 508 says cops get too many perks as it is. Make them pay full price for the laser cap. That'd be okay with me. It's kind of embarrassing to have them all show it up in court with the same look. 844, 500, 42, 42. We're going to talk about this more information coming out about the flop house that used to be a holiday in in Marlboro. We've had a lot of the story. We've talked about it, but we haven't used any names. The main wire, though, today got a story with all the names of everybody. They got the police reports. They did a great job on the story. We're going to talk about it at four o'clock. But I want to just play a cut from Shelley Pingree. She's the Democrat congresswoman from the first district, the southern district, Portland and Point South in Maine. And she's bragging about what Maine has done for illegal aliens. I just want you to hear this if you haven't heard it already. I appreciate it. Appreciate very much the ranking member submitting this amendment and this funding is particularly important to one of the cities that I represent, the city of Portland, Maine. You know, we all talk about big cities like New York and we all have all kinds of concerns about this. But let's be clear. In my state, this funding is critically important to supporting our city, which has been very welcoming to asylum seekers. It didn't just come since Joe Biden became the president. They were coming across the border, getting into buses in the previous administration. And our state, I'm very proud of our state. We've been very welcoming. Some of you may not have been to Maine, but it is the whitest state in the nation. It's the oldest state in the nation. And we've had a tremendous worker shortage. And I challenge any of you to have a meeting with your chamber of commerce and not have people say to you, my biggest issue is getting enough workers to come to work for the jobs that we have available. So is she saying there's a problem with having a lot too many white people in Maine? Is that what she's saying? Too many old people in Maine? And how many of the illegal aliens are really working in Maine, in Portland, or anywhere else? 844, 500, 42, 42, 508. You are like a reformed drunk or smoker ripping the poor bald guys. You know, I don't think these guys are, I don't think all of them are bald. I mean, they may have a, you know, male pattern baldness. It's a heartbreaking malady, you know, like psoriasis. But where could these guys go, how, if they wanted to fix that? They could go to PFE. They could go to Northeast hair restoration through June. Through June troopers. When you book a PFE hair restoration, you will receive a laser hair cap. That would be a good luck in the courtroom. Wouldn't it a laser hair cap? And they could, they could, they could take the jurors minds off all their lives by just turning it on and having all the people who look at the red dots coming out onto their foreheads. And they'd be distracted from the lying. I could be, I could be a consultant for, for, for prosecutions. I, frame ups are us. That would be the name of my, my outfit. We cannot confirm nor deny that the laser hair cap has mind control powers. But it's, it's like three card mottie. You just keep talking and just creating this distractions. And then you put one over on the people that are watching it. In this case, the jury. So when you turn on that thing and they, and they start hearing the sound and they see the red dot, the red rays coming down, they're going to be, they're going to be tricked into think, you know, I think Proctor was telling the truth when he told a different story to each of the grand juries. And he's, now he's got a third one here today. I think, I think, uh, Jen McKay, but I don't think she's lying through her tooth anymore. She's, she, I, now I think she's telling the truth when she tells a different story about every, every time about when, uh, when Karen Reed said how long, uh, is he dead? Dennis, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Dennis. How are you? I don't know if you took note of the fact that between the time just after the 2022 midterm elections and this election year, the strategic petroleum reserve has mysteriously been off limits. I heard Jay, I heard KJP proudly stating yesterday that they were releasing a million barrels per day again. And of course, it would be cynical, but the Republican candidates should offer to divide the strategic petroleum reserve. Half a Democrat emergencies and half a Republican emergencies. I know, remember, remember Donald Trump wanted to fill it up during COVID because the price of oil, I think had gone down to like 20 bucks a barrel. And he said, he said, we got like three quarters of a tank, but now's the time, now's the chance to top it off. And Schumer said, I'm stopping this in the Senate. This is a bailout of big oil. Remember that? Then it went up to like $92 a barrel. I think it's down to 76 now, so it's only like almost four times what it was with Donald Trump wanted to fill it up. 2007, I thought Maine was part of Massachusetts originally, so how was it the oldest? Yeah, it was part of, it was Eastern, they called it Eastern Massachusetts, believe it or not. Until 1820. Our latest episode of Meet the Experts is available now, I spoke with Brian Gantz of Burna Technologies about some of the non-lethal self-defense products they offer. Listen, the Burna handgun looks like a gun, it works like a gun, but it fires these projectiles. And these projectiles contain either pepper or pepper and tear gas. So what prompted you to become invested in the field of non-lethal defense products? I'm a gun owner, but like most reasonable gun owners, I haven't thought how quick would I be to pull the trigger. I mean, you pull that trigger, your life changes forever, legally, financially, psychologically. So I wanted something that I could use to protect myself without the risk of taking a life. We've got a number of law enforcement officers, and they said to me, Brian, the scariest thing that we ever do is come up upon a vehicle that's refusing to put down the windows and open the door. The ability to fire pepper into the car, these guys get out coughing, choking, hands in the air, very effective. Meet the experts with Howie Car, available wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcasts. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 4-542-42. Great to be here at Jake Rooney's today. And during the breaks, if once you get your buck, I just give you a $20 bill to any of our people. And you get a free copy of Paper Boy. I'll be glad to sign and take your picture with me if you'd like. It's great to be here down on the Cape. I love how hard it works for us. I spend time down here. You know that 844-542. Grace is with us here for Grace's News. Hello, Howard. Yes, I am. And I have news for you. This is from the New York Post today. Hunter Biden has officially dropped his laptop suit against Rudy Giuliani. So he's dropping his lawsuit accusing Rudy Giuliani and the former New York City Mayor's ex-lawyer of manipulating data found right on. Yes, yes, Mr. Costello on his infamous laptop. And here's the part I wanted your take on. It says filed last September. The lawsuit sought more than $75,000 in damages plus attorney's fees and other penalties. Now, Biden's legal team agreed to dismiss the lawsuit because they know they have problems on merit. According to Giuliani's attorney, Joe Sibley. But my question for you is how he, in this case, shouldn't Giuliani request that Hunter Biden pay his legal fees? I mean, the laptop was legit. He was really just a faming Rudy. Yes, absolutely. How about, doesn't he have a lawsuit going against John Paul McIsaac, the guy who owned the laptop store? I mean, there's a guy who has a lawsuit against Hunter Biden. His business was destroyed. He had to go in the hiding just because he was a good citizen. After giving it to, he gave it to the FBI first, you know, the FBI. And the FBI, I can't stress this enough. The FBI got that laptop in December of 2019. The story broke in the New York Post in October of 2020. The FBI knew probably from day one, it was legit. And yet they refused to confirm it and they refused to point out that the letter by the Democrats, the so-called members of the intelligence community, those 51 fakers, that they were lying. They refused to do it. Thanks, Christopher Ray, appointed by Donald Trump. Thanks, Bill Barr, the attorney general appointed by Donald Trump. Yeah, this is a little bit of a win for Rudy, which is good. He's had a couple of tough years there. Supreme Court declares ATF ban on bump stocks illegal. This is huge news today. Howie Toby Leary is definitely happy about it. Attaching a bump stock to a rifle does not make it a machine gun. And thus, the federal ban on bump stocks is illegal under federal law. The Supreme Court held on Friday. Yeah, I think that was a good decision ultimately. I mean, under the second amendment. Yeah, so this is what Justice Clarence Thomas had to say. He said Congress has long restricted access to machine guns, a category of firearms defined by the ability to shoot automatically more than one shot by a single function of the trigger. Semi-automatic firearms, which require shooters to reengage the trigger for every shot, are not machine guns. This case asks whether a bump stock converts the rifle into a machine gun. So it's difficult to hold that it does not and therefore affirm. So yesterday we were talking about how the Supreme Court rejected the challenge to that abortion pill. And so the left was very excited that the Supreme Court did what they wanted. So it was the law of the land settled law. You know, they did the right thing. And then today. So yesterday, yesterday they didn't need to pack the Supreme Court. Yes. 24 hours later, it's time to pack the Supreme Court. Well, what do you, what would you prefer? To pack democracy. What do you think if you're, if you were a progressive, is packing it better or is abolishing it better? Because I just assume packing it is just, you know, pushing, kicking the can down the road. They probably want to abolish. You just keep it as a rubber stamp for the Democrat National Committee. And so therefore you have this fig leaf of respectability and constitutionality. That's what you have to do. Oh, yeah. That's a good plan. That's a very good plan. Trump met with CEOs in a private meeting and he said he wants to bring the federal corporate tax rate down from 21% to 20%, which doesn't sound like a lot, but when you're dealing with these giant corporations, it's a lot of money. And he also said that he wants to eliminate taxes on worker tips. Yes, I saw that. And he told CEOs a story about how excited tipped workers were about his proposal not to tax tipped wages. And the corporate leaders laughed, said people who were in the room. Some of the people in the room, CEO from Apple, Tim Cook, JP Morgan, JCEO, Jamie Diamond. So a lot of big names. There were 80 CEOs at this meeting where Trump pitched cutting taxes. I don't think that's seriously on that one. But, you know, I mean, it was just, you know, he was in Las Vegas when he said it. And, you know, he had a lot of the guys who were in the service unions out there who tend to vote Democrat. They're getting screwed by Biden, you know, with these, you know, they're, you know, they're doing away with all the Trump tax cuts next year if they, if they remain in power. So they're going to get killed on so many different fronts. So, you know, he was just, it was, that was a little bit of pandering. But, you know what, a little bit of pandering is okay. Oh, yeah. No, I totally agree. It's part of the process. How he tailored the rents had a piece out today in the Washington Post. Oh, let me, let me guess. There's some, some very bad people are coming after her. And they're, they've threatened her life. Her cats lives are at stake. No, actually this story was about how Joe Biden is losing support from the Gen Z influencers on TikTok. Remember how at one point the Biden administration was giving all of this information, this propaganda to these TikTokers and they would go out there and they would repeat it for their millions of followers. Well, a lot of those TikTokers are not throwing their support behind Joe Biden and they want to, you know, why the price of weed has gone through the roof. And it is, it is now, it is now 53% more expensive to get a sleeve tattoo than it was when Donald Trump was president. Of course, they've turned against him. Yeah, he had a meeting with TikTokers and he actually threatened to throw one of their phones across the room. Yeah, let's, let's, let's play that cut. Cut to. And I know you're typical Prescott, you're grabbing me in front of this all and saying, I trust you as far as I throw your phone, I can have a good arm, man. I'm trying to throw it this long way, but my point is this, I have made very clear to his railways, what they have to do in the new term, if they don't, what's the matter. What's going on? And what's the U.S. going to cut off on this? I can't because usually when you tell me I have a nice suit and you didn't, you know, my suit's in there so I will fill it up. No, no, no, no. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Please. Thank you. Good God. Yeah, and one thing I wanted to mention, how you brought up the video of Biden meeting the Pope today and I'm doing that weird kind of forehead bump that is on the website right now. People go to It has been posted. If you weren't able to see it, it's just, it's a very strange video. He really invades people's personal space and he doesn't, he doesn't discriminate. He doesn't care who it is. He doesn't care how old you are. He doesn't care what your position is. He's going to get all up in your grill every single damn time. You got to, you got to, but beyond, beyond the weirdness of him sniffing the pope's head. Right. And by the way, the pope is 87 years old and in a wheelchair and he's, Joe's apparently turned on by him. You got to check out the woman that is standing behind the pope. That's the prime minister of Italy, Maloney. And she, there's just a look of shock on her face that, and horror, I'd say, are those the right words, shock and horror? Yes. Absolutely. But you know what? People should decide for themselves. So go to and click on that video. Another update for you, Howie. It seems like every year we're reading about the Congressional baseball game or practice for one reason or another. Obviously, the worst occasion for that was when Steve Scalise was shot by a crazy Bernie bro at the practice. But this time around, and this has been happening for the last couple of years, there were several arrests made at the Congressional baseball game for charity after people in attendance who appeared to be protesters of climate change, stormed the field in National Park in DC, and a small group of anti-Israel protesters were also in the mix. You know, they always want to sell you a program so you can, you know, keep a track of who did what during a baseball game. Now, now you need to keep track, now you need a program to keep track of the protesters. Were there any transgender protesters? It does not say the only the only protesters it mentions are anti-Israel reparations protesters. It only shows the people who were there, the anti-Israel and the climate change, but for whatever reason, the baseball game always gets the climate change people Howie, because last year they were chanting like, hell no, we won't go. It's always right at the, you know, between spring and summer. It's one of the longest days of the year. It's a beautiful, it's a beautiful night. It's a beautiful night for a protest. And one last thing for you, Virginia hasn't backed a Republican for president in two decades. Is it about to flip? This was a story today in the Wall Street Journal. Early polls are showing Trump cutting into the Democrat president's lead, and it served as a wake up call for Virginia Democrats. Biden and Trump are tied at 42% support each in a head-to-head matchup in Virginia. How about Maine? He's a head man. Yeah, a Republican hasn't won Maine since 1988. And this is looking like, I also read the Trump people just sent out there's a new poll in Minnesota. He's a head in Minnesota. Yeah, that's why I think that the New York situation was so great where he was campaigning in New York. I know it wasn't ideal for him. But even if you just get them afraid that these states are in play, that they have to go to these blue places where they usually can just bank on it, if they start spending their time there, it's a win for Donald Trump. And and Howie, as you always mentioned, if the polls are saying they're tied, that probably means Trump's pulling ahead. Yes, indeed it does. Yes, indeed. All right, Howie. That is it for me. Okay, thank you, Grace. We're here at Jake Rooney's. Give yourselves a hand. Come on down, everybody who's on the Cape, it even nearby. If you're in Plymouth County, Bristol County, come on down. The traffic isn't bad. The weather is better down here than it is up in Boston. It's raining in Boston, I think. So come on down. Jake Rooney's on the curve will be here until six o'clock tonight. You don't want to wait. You don't have to wait once a week for your favorite TV show to come on the air anymore. You just stream what you want when you want on demand. You also don't have to keep your favorite radio station on all day to hear a particular song or show. You can just play me or Grace when you want at the click of a button on your phone. The same rule applies to real estate. You don't have to list your property at a price and then start negotiating. You don't have to wait an unknown period of time to sell. You don't have to listen to negative comments arising out of a home inspection. You can now choose to sell your real estate in a well marketed auction event with JJ Manning under your terms and best of all with no contingencies. Times have changed. Processes evolve and people do things differently. The way to sell your real estate is changing too. JJ Manning uses their own 30-30 marketing plan, 30 days of marketing and 30 days to close. They have refined this process over 48 years, luxury homes, rental properties, commercial land. JJ Manning knows how to squeeze all of the juice out of the orange. To learn more on how to get your residential, commercial or land sold quickly contact Charlie Gill at 805210111 or visit Call Charlie today at 805210111 or go to and get your real estate sold. Somehow we car. The highway car show will be right back. I'll be car is back. We're here at Jake Rooney's on the curb in Harwichport, Massachusetts on Cape Cod, Barnstable County. Everybody give yourselves a round of applause here. We'll be here for another couple of hours. It's a great place to be on a Friday afternoon in the summer or almost the summer or anytime. This place is open year round that it's popular with the locals and with the tourists like me who come in for the summer and it's just a great, great spot and again, if you've spent $20 here this afternoon until six, you get a free copy of my new book Paper Boy Read All About It. With us now is Kate, she's the manager of Jake Rooney's and thanks so much for having us with you again this year Kate. It's a pleasure how he has always. You've got a great crowd here, it's nice to see everybody come out and how he's got books and teachers to give away and sell and yeah. Put it right up there at very close Kate. How's that better? That's better. Yeah, so you know this is a great place. I had a, you told me last night about the $15 lunches and I had the beat love. Oh did you like it? It was huge. It was a huge portion. Yeah, oh it's huge, yeah. The portions are always good. It's cheaper to go to Jake Rooney's than it is to go to McDonald's these days. That might be right. Yeah, Peter father, the founder is going, I'm cutting my throat. Well we're enjoying it. It's great. It's a great place and people, and again like I said it's popular all year round isn't it? Yes we're popular with the locals and we have a lot of tourists that come in here too. And you have entertainment as well. We do. We have entertainment on the weekends. We have trivia. We have Geno singing on Sunday. We've got lots of stuff going on all the time. And during the athletic, like for instance tonight the Celtics are playing for the championship they're up three zip. You can come and watch the game. We'll have it on all the TV's. And Friday and Saturday is now prime rib weekend. So you have prime rib specials to look forward to too. Oh on both Friday and Saturday. It's just a really great place. You've been around for a long time too. Yes, this is actually our 30th anniversary. Yep. Thank you. Congratulations. We got down to the restaurant 30 years ago almost to the day. He was a he was a child when he started the restaurant couldn't he he was tough for him getting a liquor license because he had turned 21. But it's a this is this a really great place to get it's it's easy to get to why don't you explain to people if they don't know how to get here. How to get here. Well we always say we're on the curve and hard work from the old A&W which a lot of people recognize as a landmark right but we really are on the bend on route 28 on the corner Brooks Road and 28 and then you'll see us as you're coming towards Harwichport. Yeah we're getting a lot of Republican politicians coming in here this afternoon and one of them came in and said I said I read I read you were coming here and he said I came by and I said and he said I used to go to the A&W across the street when I was a little kid. Yeah, yeah. I said well you're kind of establishing your credentials as a as a you know a native would you say something like that. Absolutely. People still know this place as the old Chuck Wagon. The old Chuck Wagon. I think some of our neighbors down the street in Harwichport used to work at the Chuck Wagon. Right. Yeah. 844-542-42 we're here at the at Jake Rudy's and we will be here until six o'clock tonight six o'clock tonight and come on down and again you couldn't it's you have plenty of room here right. Oh absolutely. I mean it's it's filling up but there's still payables available there's still a few seats at the bar. The doors are still open. Yeah. There's no there's no reason not to come down here and people are saying that you know well we don't want to you know we don't want to fight the bridge traffic but the traffic wasn't that bad. And we have plenty of parking so. Right. Plenty of parking. And again you know it used to be Friday was a work a day increasingly it's not a working day. Am I right? There aren't fewer people work on Fridays it's like you ride around something something in the morning it's like Sunday so come on down get on down here and what's what's your number one entree these days. It's probably the fajitas but we always like our signature stone grill. The signature stone grill that's that's your father set that up because of that. The tips too. The stone tips that's your favorite. Yeah the tips I saw them on the I almost ordered the tips but I decided to go with the meat love that it's almost it's a whatever you whatever you order here at Jake Rooney's it's a great place and you know I mean the Cape has gone in many ways upscale but this is a this is an old style Cape place of a family restaurant and affordable and it's it's it's it's like the cheers bar you run into people everybody knows your name when you go to Jake Rooney's. So we're going to be here for the rest of the afternoon we come back we're going to talk about a less pleasant topic which is the the illegal alien flop house in Marlboro, Massachusetts we we now have the actual details we don't have to hide the details anymore the main wire I can graduate for coming up with those details and then we'll talk to turtle boy about the return of the cone the state police cone heads to the witness stand this afternoon we'll be right back at Jake Rooney's give yourselves a round of applause everybody I'm Howie Carr [MUSIC PLAYING]