The Howie Carr Radio Network

Vindication: Hunter Drops Lawsuit Against Rudy Giuliani | 6.14.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

After what they did to Rudy, is it truly all over now? Grace covers the latest in the final hour of the week.

Broadcast on:
14 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hi everyone, welcome back to The Grace Curly Show and TGIF. Happy Friday to all of you. I'm so excited to be here. We've got one hour left in this show and then we hand it over to HowieCar who's at Jake Rooney's on the Cape Cod and you guys can visit him. He'll be there from three on so make sure you swing by. And I do believe Jared, the book deal is still in play at Jake Rooney. Spend $20. She'll receive. You get a book, one per table. So make sure you do that as well. Big news today, which we did have Toby on to talk about in the first hour. So if you missed it, go back, check out your podcast. The Supreme Court declares ATF ban on bump stocks illegal. So this is a big win for Second Amendment advocates all across the country, attaching a bump stock to a rifle does not make it a machine gun. And thus, the federal agency ban on bump stocks is illegal under federal law. The Supreme Court held on Friday. This was a 6-3 decision. Justice Clarence Thomas explained where they were coming from with this and you can read the entire thing at A lot of different places have the information on it. And like I said, we talked to Toby about it as well. It was one of the only things that Toby really took issue with when it comes to Donald Trump. And it makes sense because Toby is a Second Amendment advocate. He's very passionate about it. And he didn't like what Trump did in 2017 with that ban on bump stocks. He did not think it was constitutional. And he wasn't afraid to say it. And he actually used to say to me, I hope if he gets in again, he can fix some of these things. And it was fixed already, thanks to the Supreme Court. So like I said, Jared, yesterday when the Supreme Court ruled them at abortion pill and the left was very on board with it. It's the letter of law, the law, and the land. Nothing needs to be said here. The Supreme Court made the right decision. I'm sure that's changed. With this ruling, we revert back to abolish the Supreme Court. It just depends on the day. It's quite the pickle, too, because now who's the villain here? Is it the Supreme Court because they undid something Trump did? Meaning Trump was the villain in the first place, which means Trump is good now because he did something the left wanted. So now he's a hero, but the Supreme Court undid, it's very, very touch and go right now. Yeah, they're in between a rock and a hard place, you might say. We'll see how they handle it. I did mention this earlier as well that Hamas official told CNN no one has any idea of the number of Israeli hostages still alive. That was an interview that aired yesterday. Now, this comes on the heels of everyone from Tony Blinken to Joe Biden to, of course, all of the raging anti-Semites across the country. You know, whether it's at UCLA or in New York City at that NOVA memorial, they're constantly telling us how Hamas is not the one to blame. It's Israel. Israel just needs to agree to a ceasefire. A ceasefire will fix all these problems. And the ironic part is that, of course, Hamas won't agree to a ceasefire because they don't want a ceasefire. It's hard to agree to something, Jared, that you don't want. It's hard to come to a resolution if you don't think it's a resolution. For Hamas, the resolution is kill all the Jews. And that's not something that meshes well with a ceasefire. A ceasefire actually runs contrary to their entire goal of their existence. Their entire Rezon Detre is based on killing Jews. And the reason I bring this up is because someone who's really, really disturbed me lately, and I've never been a fan of Jamal Bowman's, but recently his comments, his anti-Israel, anti-Semitic comments regarding our strongest ally in the Middle East, have rubbed me the wrong way to put it mildly. He actually tried to say that October 7th wasn't unprovoked, that these savages going into the kibbutzes and raping women and chopping people's heads off, that the Israelis had done something to deserve that, essentially. What did you try to say? He said it. He said thank you. Thank you for that correction. And I just want to give people a little bit of good news because most of the time when I'm talking about Jamal Bowman, it's because he's saying stupid things, and he's making stupid TikToks, and he's getting away with it. But that could all be coming to an end very shortly. Have you seen this polling, Jared? I did see that. Yeah. And did you see what Hillary Clinton did? I did see that as well. Hillary Clinton? Who is? We might want to just play this, Jared, because this one. She's the serpent who guards the gates of hell. Hillary Clinton is actually backing George Latimer, who's up against Jamal Bowman in their district in New York. And guess what? Congressman Jamal Bowman, who just recently, I think, became a full-time squad member. It's like trying to be in the major leagues. You know, they bring you up for a couple games, they'll push you back down, they'll bring you up. And they contract. He's got a contract. He's in for the squad. But it's hard to be a member of the squad if you're not a member of Congress anymore. And George Latimer is leading Jamal Bowman in these polls, not by a little. I'm talking 48% to 31%. And then Hillary Clinton at some event. All her events are the same to me. Have you noticed that? Like every single event is her in a captain sitting in a chair talking to someone who's, you know, saying, "Oh, tell us how you survived losing the election and, you know, having the election stolen from you." And then she sits there and she says, "I feel as though this is what needs to happen. It's the same." I don't even bother looking up what the event was. They just blend together. But at this event, she endorsed George Latimer and not Jamal Bowman. Now James Clyburn has also not endorsed Jamal Bowman or hasn't really campaigned for him, but he has given him a contribution. So this could be, this is just one of these races where I have my eye on this because I would love to see Jamal Bowman lose. And really, it would restore just a tiny, tiny, tiny, just an aiota of confidence in humankind. If Jamal Bowman was kicked out of Congress and had to get a real job, I don't know what he would do. I think he was a school principal before. Yeah, that sounds right. And I'm sure there's some school with fire alarms that need to be pulled and doors that need to be opened. Hopefully he can, hopefully he can just move on to that part of his life. 844-542-42. When we come back, we're going to play some of this sound of every person in the mainstream media trying to make excuses for Joe Biden and for his behavior at this G7 summit. It's, it's pretty amazing to watch everyone from obviously the Biden spokespeople to Joe Scarborough to Mika Brzezinski. Everyone is trying to put a spin on this. And the hard thing is when you have video, it's really, they want you to believe them and not the video. Like don't believe your own eyes. Believe Joe Scarborough. Believe Mika. And people just don't want to do that. And speaking of the G7, this is from Politico today. It says on Thursday, the group of G7 leaders agreed to a complex plan spearheaded by President Biden. Does anyone believe that? Does anyone believe that there was ever a plan? I'm going to say in Joe Biden's 400 years as a politician, was there ever a plan that he actually spearheaded? I'm sure Jared, there was a plan that he saw someone else spearhead and he said, "Hey, can I copy and paste that and get credit for it?" I'm sure there was some sort of plagiarized spearheaded plan, but does anyone think he's spearheading these plans about Ukraine? I tend to doubt it. And it would convert $50 billion of seized Russian assets into long-term funding for Ukraine and its fight with Russia. G7 leaders will begin dispersing the money this calendar year. A senior Biden administration official said the U.S. is willing to provide a loan of up to the full amount, but some of the money would come from other countries. The idea here is to share risk, the official said. President Biden and Zelensky also agreed to a 10-year security agreement that would commit the U.S. to supply and keep with military assistance. This deal is only between the current U.S. and Ukrainian administrations, meaning Donald Trump could terminate the agreement if elected. That's a big if. That's a big if that they got to keep in mind. Is there any concern that people here, and I know this is going to sound like a crazy concept, Jared, that maybe people here are starting to feel as though we're spending so much money in this war that has no end in sight where there's no game plan? How about you spearhead that plan? How about you spearhead a resolution between Zelensky and Putin? No one will even make mention of that. You're fine to tell Beebe Netanyahu essentially you have to lay down your weapons and let Hamas try again. But if you even bring up the fact that there is no way for this war to end, if we keep supplying billions and billions and billions of weapons with no actual strategy, no military end game, if you even have the audacity to bring that up, you are a threat to democracy. You might as well be in a Russian hotel room with Michael Cohen. Like there is no getting around this. And I think that people are starting to win. This was kind of our poll question yesterday. People are starting to get sick of it. They're getting sick of all the spending, but they're definitely getting sick of spending in Ukraine. And as how we said yesterday, Biden vetoed, I think, a pay raise for the military the same day that he spent sending all this money to Ukraine. Go ahead, Jared. I need to cut you off. No, actually. So we got somewhat breaking news here. Putin apparently is putting a proposal for a ceasefire on the table. The conditions are that Ukraine troops will withdraw from the donut and other regions where they are. I can't pronounce that. And Ukraine will give up their plans to join NATO. They will propose a ceasefire under those conditions, which has been the kind of the condition of we're not going to go into Ukraine from the beginning if they don't do these things. And then they did those things. Right. But so that's, I guess, the proposal out there. Do you think there's any, I'm going to say this and I know zero chance. I was going to say, is there anything? Is there anything Putin could say at this point? Where's the Linsky would say? Yeah. Only thing Putin could do for Zelensky is cut a bigger check. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not getting. I'm not hopeful about that. 844, 542, 42. When we come back, we'll play some of that sound for you. And we will also take your calls. So get on the lines now. It's 844, 542. It's Friday. We got a lot to get to. And I am going to circle back to this Rudy Giuliani story because Rudy Giuliani has had so he's taken so many L's the last couple of years from the hair dye dripping down his face to everything else. And it's been a long time since Rudy Giuliani could take a victory lap. So that, you know what that means, Sharon? That means we read it twice on The Grace Curly Show. Okay. That means he's going to get the new story covered two times today. We'll have that for you when we return. [MUSIC] This is The Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC] Chiron from Fox, which I did read on Howie Show earlier this week. Kathy Hocho is considering mask bans as anti-Semitism surges. Yeah, all of these social justice warriors who are pro Hezbollah, pro Hamas. They're all wearing the. How do you say Jared? Kefias. The Kefias. I got it down, Pat. And there's no question. They're not using these for COVID. They're not afraid. They're not trying to slow the spread. They're trying to slow the spread of. Maybe their face being out there and their identity being able to be found out by, I don't even know if the FBI would care, but Kathy Hocho is considering this. She's considering banning the masks. And I think it's probably a good idea. This is some of the false accusations of anti-Semitism that AOC told us not to worry about. The mobs of people on the street celebrating outside the Nova Music Festival Memorial in New York City. Just some of that fake anti-Semitism, I guess. Mike, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Mike? Well, Grace, you forgot. There's something that Biden did spearhead. And that was the 1994 crime bill. Very good point. Put so many young, put so many young black men in prison. And we want to keep reminded the black community that the damage he did to their community and not be forgotten. Yeah, he called them predators if you remember. Super predators, I believe. What would you, do we have that wrong? That might have been Hillary who said super predators. But I think Biden did too. I did say predator, but I think that the Hillary one gets the most. Oh, okay. Not to take away from the horridness of what Mike is talking about, because 100% right about Biden. Did you see the Babylon be headline the other day about Joe Biden and being a statue, being confused for a statue and the protesters are trying to tear him down. He's just a picture of him. It's like anti-racist protesters confuse Joe Biden with statue and try to tear him down. But yeah, Mike, your overall point is right on the money. Joe Biden has a history of being racist. That was what something I brought up with a caller yesterday who was trying to tell me, what about all these people like Byron Donald and JD Vance who didn't used to like Trump and now they like him. And I said, what about Kamala Harris? She called Joe Biden a racist on the debate stage about six months before she became his VP. Does she need to explain that or does he need to explain that? No, of course not. They get a pass. And her actual Kamala Harris is reasoning for why she thinks Joe Biden is a racist on the giant list of reasons he is a racist, doesn't even crack the top 10. There are so many things he said, racial, jungle, how about poor kids are just as smart as white kids. We could go on and on. You will judge just an exalted cyclops. That's up there. Like yeah, it'd be a hard list. He probably did. He probably just didn't say it when the cameras were on like Hillary. Yeah, and oh, okay. So yeah, maybe that's I'm sure he's used the term in his life to mine. Maybe we can't credit him with super predators. You know what? I don't want to take away anything from Hillary Clinton. If we've learned anything, she needs, she needs all the accolades and all of the credit for everything she's ever done. And if she wants credit for that horrible thing that she said, she can have it. Joe Biden has plenty of other things, Jared. He's got plenty of other examples of being a racist, horrible, disgusting person. And unfortunately, we are running out of time on today's show. Oh, okay. Yeah. He did not use the term super predator, but he did talk about predators on our streets while advocating for the crime bill. So all to say the caller was right, and then I corrected him, and then corrected me, and then I corrected him again. Yes. He did not say super predators. He just said predators. Okay. Well, today's poll question. I'm going to, you know, Jared, I'm going to go and let me say, if we said either of those super predators or predators, we would have had a lot more flack than Joe Biden ever received. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden pure thunderstorm three pack special. Everyone loves the thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space. There are no filters to replace. And it's only one third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. So take advantage of the thunderstorm three pack special at Eden, pure Don't forget the promo code grace three. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far today's poll question, which you can vote in at grace, curly is how much do you tip 10% 15% 20% or 25%. Yes. So there's a, there's a pull out by you, Gov. And it's showing that Gen Z, these poor Gen Z years, they can't catch a flipping break. I mean, they're always, their reputation precedes them everywhere they go. And now we're finding out their bad tippers to top it all off tipping in common core. Here's four dots. So I'm going to say 20%. That for me, as someone who doesn't have great math skills, in that way, I'm a lot like the state troopers. I just like to go 20. Keep it simple. I don't judge it based off the service. I know I probably should, but I really can't be bothered. It's like, if as long as I got my food, again, 20%. Yeah, 68% say 20%, 16 for 15, 11 for 25 and five for 10. We'll be right back with your calls on the other side. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for tuning in today and for the entire week. We really appreciate it. And I hope your weekend is off to a great start. I hope you're planning on tuning in or maybe visiting Howie as he takes over at three o'clock and starts up with his Jake Rooney's remote. It's going to be a really great time and he's got plenty of news to get to today. Let's go to the collars here before I break into a few news stories and we'll play some Karen Reed sound as well. Dave, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Dave? Hey, Grace, I heard you're talking about masks. I've always been against allowing people to wear masks during public protests. It's okay to protest in public, but you've got to show us that you are the public, that you're not from someplace else, really. And, you know, it just shows criminal intent in my mind that you want to hide your identity. And if you want to hide your identity, might as well stay home and stay behind you in a little computer and do your blogs and all the other fun stuff. But if you're going to get outside and you want to protest the government, you know, for petitioning the government for a redress, then let them see that you are a citizen and that you're obedient to the law. Because, you know, during all the BLM stuff and this and that, every time I see one of those stupid masks, it just made me want to just, you know, if I was, you'd just go up and rip it right off their face and then punch him in the face, you know. Well, we don't want to do that, but your original point about the masks, I think, how a car would cosign the original point, which is just that it used to be against the law in a lot of places, against federal law, especially in banks. You couldn't wear a mask into a bank. They had big signs because it was dangerous, some will come in and usually if you had a mask on, unless you were, you know, just cosplaying as butch Cassidy, usually you were planning on robbing the bank. And I think it's become very clear that the kids in these encampments that have the scarves on the cafés on their faces, it is not because they're trying to stop the droplets from entering. Also though, with the encampments, I'm seeing this stuff from UCLA. I get that everyone has summer programs, so maybe that explains it. But it's not a time to go home. Here's my idea. Set up an encampment on your parents' front lawn and see how long that lasts. Make your parents appreciate and understand the encampment experience. Summer time has come. Schools out forever. Go home. Get a summer job and then when you come back from your summer job, you set up the tent. You can even, here's a tip for everyone, if you really want to make it feel like you're still at the Harvard Yard, ask mom and dad. Tonight, when I'm out there in my tent with my Kefia and my Hezbollah flag, would you do me the favor, would you turn on the sprinklers? Just for 15 minutes. And when I start yelling and screaming and putting buckets over them, just let me do my thing. Don't interrupt. Just keep the sprinklers on. I will handle it. But I want to go back there. I want to go back to this time. I wonder if they're sending demands to their families when they're home. Like, oh, I need, what are some of the things I need? No sunblock, but I need nutrigrain bars and I need gluten-free pancakes, but don't give me any bug spray. Very particular about these lists. Hey, did you and your friends take all the nutrigrain bars when you're playing Jihad? I just leave the schools. It's very hard for me to drum up sympathy for these elite institutions. I have a great deal of disdain for them, in fact. But I do think that at this point, we can give them a little bit of a breather. Give them a break. I'm just thinking of the janitors at Columbia who got held hostage by these virtue signaling crazy people. Do they have to, like, who's sticking around to try to keep these kids in check? I just think, take the summer off, regroup in the fall. Regroup in the fall. Send out the syllabus in the fall for what's going on. Say, hey, guys, we're back. 9 a.m. Schools back in session, get your, get your tents ready. But everyone deserves a break. You know, everyone deserves some time off. Okay, now there's speaking of protesters. I don't know if you saw this, Jared, but the Congressional baseball game for charity was on Wednesday night. Now, this is always a wacky, wacky event. It used to just be good old fun. It used to be bipartisan, camaraderie, getting together, some healthy competition. Fart like hell on the baseball field. Go grab beer and have lunch after. Yeah. And I threw that ball over the mountain, and then I grabbed a, then I grabbed a beer with a Republican. He was one of the good ones. Yeah. Well, I think that kind of ended. I would say, I got to be careful there because I don't want to seem like I'm making likes. It was very scary, but I do think the real shift was obviously when Steve Scalise was shot by a crazy man. Thank God. Yeah. I mean, before that, honestly, you really didn't even know there was a Congressional baseball game for the most part. Yeah. No, no, no, you didn't. You didn't, you might see a little blurb on Politico, but that really made everyone pay attention to it. Luckily, Steve Scalise was okay. And it was an amazing thing though, because the media didn't run with that and say, oh, Bernie, bro, shoot Steve Scalise. It was just kind of, oh, this horrible thing that happened and had nothing to do with politics because the shooter in this case was on the left and not the right. You all know how that goes. But typically what happens at these Congressional baseball games is that the climate people come out. I don't know what it is about the baseball that brings out the climate folks, but it happened again. So several arrests were made at the Congressional baseball game for charity Wednesday night. It's like these individuals have antennas for anything that is good old-fashioned fun. If they hear about something that is celebratory, that is fun, that is bringing people together, that is for charity, that is maybe spiritual or religious, they, it's like a bat signal goes out. Time to ruin it. Show up now. And all of these woke superheroes come in and they remind you, I'm still here. And I'm still as annoying as ever. So they show up and people in attendance who appeared to be protesters of climate change stormed the field at Nationals Park in DC and a small group of anti-Israel protesters were also in the crowd. So it was a little bit of a, it was a little bit of a mix. Over the last several years, the event has drawn more attention after a gunman opened fire on Republicans at a ballpark for practice in 2017. We just mentioned that. This is from Powerline, but by the way, so now these climate people are going to the baseball games. I'm going to go back. I'm going to tie this in with my original thought. Take the summer off. Everyone, everyone. I'm talking to everyone right now. Take the summer off. If you hear the Congressional baseball game, you don't need to show up. You don't need to come and tell us about the climate. We know. You know, I was reading a book last night and I'm 50% through this book on my Kindle. And you know, I love to brag about when I'm reading Jared. And it got to like 40% through the book and I was like, "Ah, I'm not loving it." And my husband said to me, "If you don't love it, just stop reading it." Like 40% is kind of a big chunk. I want to finish it. I want to add it to my list of books read. Then I got to 50%. And in the book, one of the daughters is talking. She just got engaged and she's talking about how she's not going to have kids. And the parents are like, "Why aren't you going to have kids?" And she starts to go, "Isn't it obvious? The planet." Essentially, she goes Ed Markey on her parents. She's like, "The planet has a fever. What more do I need to say?" It made it very easy for me to say, "I'm done with this book." I've done all I can. I've gone as far as I possibly can. It's time for me to hang it up. All right. Now, I do have some sound that I've been promising you guys and it does deliver. So Joe Biden has been doing a couple of things on this G7 summit that have raised eyebrows. It was his trip to the Vatican to meet the Pope. He was at the Vatican and he kind of leaned down and pressed foreheads with the Pope. It was also the way he was viewing the skydiving demonstration and wandered off into the distance. There were quite a few things that made people concerned. And Joe Scarborough is having none of it. This is cut too. It needs to be sad. I mean, you have Joe Biden here with it. It's scheduled to be brutal for anybody. Oh my gosh. Any press of any age going to Europe, you know, sometimes on D-Day and spending five days in France going over to the G7. In the middle of the personal struggles. In the middle of the personal struggles. The Potter trial. And yesterday, even critics were saying that he did a strong job, very good job representing the United States. Even though, again, we have some cheap fakes that the RNC, once again, spreading vicious lies about Joe Biden. But that's who they are. We should point those out. That's who they've become. We will point that in a second. That's who I am. That's who I am and that's who I hope to be. That's all I'll ever be. I just want to say, when he said in the beginning, a schedule will be grilling for any president. I could buy that if not every single president before him had done this trip. They all go to Normandy. Then they go to the G7. None of them just wander off stiffly in the middle of whatever photo op with skydivers they're in. None of them had to skip dinner because they just stopped functioning. I'm sorry to interrupt here, but I got to throw in one more thing. This whole thing about he's been dealing with hardships. I didn't force Hunter Biden to get a gun and lie on the form. And then I didn't force Halle Biden to start a relationship with her brother-in-law and then throw said gun and the trashkin because he was on crack. And I don't understand how all of that happening makes Joe Biden somehow a victim in this. I thought this is just how justice worked. This is the wheels of justice turning slowly but grinding exceedingly fine. And now that's supposed to be a reason why he's fumbling around of the G7 because of personal issues? How about Trump? Do you think Biden will be able to handle all of the legal, you know how I should put it? All the law fair from the Democrats that Trump's going through? How about that for personal issues? I don't see him getting the same level of sympathy. He's doing a remarkable job considering how much is being thrown at him. Nobody says that. But with Biden, it's like giving all he's been through. And you know what really stuck out to me out of that whole cut, Jared? When Joe Scarborough said even critics are saying, even critics are saying that he did a really strong job. Now I know Mika Brzezinski's job is to sit there and nod her head. Like she is a bobblehead at this point. She just, yep, yep, yep, yep. And then she takes her sweater and she puts it over her shoulders and she just, that's her job. But if I were sitting there and I were in Mika Brzezinski's seat, my question to Joe would be, can you name some of those critics? Can we have their names? Who is a critic of Joe Biden who thought that he did a great job at the G7 summit thus far? Who is one person who you consider to be critical of Joe Biden who is watching what is happening with the forehead rubbing of the Pope and the confusion with the skydiving man. And who is saying, you know what, I'm not a fan of this guy, but even I have to admit that he really came out guns ablaze in here. I'm not a fan of Joe Biden, but I will, I will give it to you, he nailed this one. Show me one, I don't need, he said, critics with an S. Plural, I don't need multiple. Just give me one, give me one of those people who is singing Joe Biden's praises. I beg of you, sir, please. But of course, he does not have one. Now the better one is Adrien Elrod, who's Biden spokesperson, who I'd never heard of until the last couple of days. She's everywhere. This was her explanation. And I already explained the video. You can see the video at It got a lot of hits last night. It's up there. They're trying to say that by showing Joe Biden wandering off and not showing the other skydiver that it's taken out of context, it actually looks even worse when you see the other skydivers. So this whole idea that Republicans using their Russian disinformation tactics have ginned up this controversy is ridiculous. The actual cut doesn't make Joe Biden look better. But this is what Adrien Elrod had to say cut three. This information is alive and well. We have to use surrogates and voices across the country to combat this and make it clear that not only do we not play this game, but to your point, President Biden was out there literally representing America at the G7, saluting our troops, doing what he does as President of the United States. And look, we're going to see more of this. I mean, this is just the reality of campaigning in 2024. So we have to combat that disinformation. We have to hit it hard when it happens and make it clear that these are dirty tactics that MAGA Republicans are using because they can't run on the issues, Lemire. They have to run. They have to use these dirty tactics like this because they are not right with Americans on the issues. So we're going to see more of this. We're going to do what we can to combat it. But it does take the voices of surrogates across the country. It does take the media to call it out. It does take social media platforms where a lot of Americans are getting their information to point it out as well. Yeah. You know what she's giving? She's giving super califragilistic expialidocious censorship will make it all go away. Yes. She just wants censorship. That's all they want is censorship. Combating this, you don't be a really good way to combat the idea that Joe Biden is a stumbling, bumbling fool is to have even 50 seconds of Joe Biden not being a stumbling, bumbling fool. Like, you know how you guys always talk about, oh, behind the scenes, he's so sharp. He's razor sharp. He's socratic. He says, show us that. Show us it for 50. I said 55 though. That's a little much. 15. Show me 15 seconds of this man seeming like he's in his right mind and that will combat it. But no, they can't do that. So what's their next go to? We need to censor people. We need the social media accounts to stop Grace Curly or Howie Carr, Jared Digglio or Taylor Cormier from sharing a video of Joe Biden, just being Joe Biden. We can't combat it with him being a good president, so we have to combat it by weaponizing social media platforms and the media and trying to censor the videos that people are seeing of the president of the United States. That is the Biden way. We'll be right back. We're going to talk to Howard Lawrence Carr after the break. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Today's car crossover is brought to you by ReadyWise. Global unrest is battering the food supply chain and the energy markets and it's incumbent on you to be prepared. So what are you going to do? You're going to get ready with ReadyWise. Go to and you can use code Howie20 to get 20% off your next purchase. Joining me now for the car crossover is Howie Carr. Howie, give us the rundown. How's it looking at Jake Rooney's and what can people expect if they come by to visit today? It's great. If you come by before four o'clock, you can get the great $15 lunch. I just had a $15 meatloaf. It was fantastic. It's great. They got a huge menu. The place is filling up. The bar seems to be pretty much full, but there's plenty of seats, tables around. Come on down. We would love to see you. It's in Harwichport on the curve. If you spend 20 bucks, you get a free copy and I'll be glad to autograph it of Paperboy. Read all about it. You can buy t-shirts for Father's Day if you want for 20 bucks. The only way to get a book is to spend 20 bucks at Jake Rooney. It's a great place. We're going to have a wonderful time. That's awesome, Howie. I think a lot of people are wondering what your take was today on the testimony of the cell phone expert. She had Lally question her and then she had Yannetti question her. Did you have any takeaways from that? I think it boils down to, who are you going to believe? Me or your lion eyes? What are we supposed to think? If this is untrue, then everybody who's ever been convicted or everybody who's ever charged on cell phone data, including the same county in Massachusetts, Brian Walsh, who allegedly dismembered his wife. You can now call this woman in and say, "No, this is all BS." That's a really good point. Howie Carr has an excellent show prepared for you guys today. He's at Jake Rooney, so if you're in the area, go on and say hi and grab a bite to eat. It's the perfect day to get cozy and hang out with Howie. Listen to his show. Have a great Friday, everyone. I'll see you Monday. [MUSIC]