The Howie Carr Radio Network

Ben Weingarten on Cease-Fire Negotiations, Ukraine, and More | 6.14.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace welcomes Ben Weingarten to the show to discuss foreign policy, including the seemingly endless stream of money headed to Ukraine.

Broadcast on:
14 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us today. We are thrilled to be here. Howie Carle will be at Jake Rooney's from 3 o'clock on, so you can check him out there for his remote today. I wanted to give you an update on something that's going on in California, Gavin Newsom doubles national guard troops at the California border. California Governor Gavin Newsom has more than doubled the number of national guard troops along his state's southern border with Mexico in an effort to crack down on deadly drugs. Huh, that's weird. It's almost like having an open border leads to more deadly drugs getting in. If I was just going to piece together what Gavin Newsom is trying to tell me with this latest move, in a news release Thursday, Newsom's office said the California's National Guard County Drug Task Force operations have been boosted from 155 service members to nearly 400. The move comes as state and federal officials grapple with a spike in border encounters in recent years. Yeah, they're grappling all right. And the numbers have been staggering with no end in sight and also something that's been increasing as the amount of terrorists that are coming over the border. Over the border as of late. So there's really no surprise as to why Gavin Newsom's doing this. I'm just surprised that he's bragging about it because it really is. It goes against everything that his party stands for, which is just, you know, open the borders, let everyone in. No issues. Everything will be fine. Kumbaya, that kind of thing, 844-542-42. We were just discussing Joe Biden and we will get back to that because he had a strange moment with the Pope that I think people want to hear about. But there was another bit of news today that caught my eye and that involves Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden drops laptop lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani. Hunter Biden is dropping his lawsuit this from the New York Post, accusing Rudy Giuliani and the former New York City mayor's ex-lawyer of manipulating data found on his infamous laptop. Yeah, it's got to be hard to accuse someone of manipulating the laptop when the government used it as their primary source of evidence against you and they got a guilty verdict. They got three, so it makes sense why he'd be dropping this, but here's where I was confused. It says, "File last September, the lawsuit saw more than 75,000 damages plus attorney's fees and other penalties." This dismissal, along with Hunter Biden's conviction based on evidence taken from the laptop, is vindication from Mr. Giuliani. His attorney said, "I would 100% agree with that. It's certainly vindication. I just don't know if I'm Giuliani if I would be as willing to just drop it." I would say, "No, you started this thing. You can pay for my legal fees. You're the one who said the laptop was fake." And the more this story continues and the more we hear about this laptop, and I even saw recently the New York Times trying to once again claim that they can't verify the laptop, but we're talking, "How long has it been? We're three years out from this? Three years and eight months?" And they're still pretending that Miranda Divine and these other people were manipulating the evidence or it had the earmarks of Russian disinformation. The more time that goes by, the more I hope that Donald Trump brings this up at the debate on June 27th. I really hope he says something about the laptop. We can't verify that it's real because we don't want to. Because we don't want it to be real. Speaking of Donald Trump, this is birthday today. It's his birthday today, Jared, and it's your birthday on Sunday. Do you know what that means? Hang on a second. I gotta get it queued up. I think that means... Is there is a tradition in someone's family? There's a tradition, and we have two birthday boys in our midst, and that means we have to celebrate, and there's only one way to do that here at the Grace Curly Show. Well, look, my wife has a role in her family. When somebody's birthday is saying "Happy Birthday," are you ready? Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear darling. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday indeed, and Trump today. I mean, he's just been non-stop as far as his campaign and goes. He's trying to make up for lost time when he was stuck in that New York City courthouse. Right now, though, we are joined by Ben Winegarten, one of my favorite guests who can talk about so many different things. Ben, I wanted to start today asking about the latest information coming out of Israel. So a Hamas official told CNN they have no idea how many Israeli hostages are still alive. This is while the rest of the world, especially here in the United States, continues to push for this ceasefire and continues to put pressure on Israel to come to an agreement with Hamas. I'd love your reaction on that. Well, first of all, I think, sadly, chances are that a substantial portion of hostages have died, which reduces Hamas's leverage to the extent it has it. But in reality, let's step back to the 30,000 foot of what is transpired. The whole reason this war has persisted in the form and fashion that it has for eight months is because the Biden administration has done everything it can to hamstring Israel to flow "id," but actually effectively material support to Hamas to allow it to survive. At every single turn, while the administration has sought to impose a ceasefire on Israel, forces routed trade, potentially thousands of jihadists for remaining hostages, pressured Israeli leadership, threatened it with sanctions, sought to topple Benjamin Netanyahu, and on, and on, all of that for Hamas's posture will only harden Hamas in a posture. So the end result is we are in a scenario now where we're eight months into a grinding and grisly offensive, which amazingly contrary to the left's claims of genocide has had one of the lowest ratios of Hamas members to civilians killed of any battle. And this, by the way, of course, is in a Gaza, whereas we just saw the "civilians" are oftentimes working hand-in-glove with Hamas and were complicit in the October 7 atrocities. Ultimately, the administration and the world want to force Israel to effectively surrender, which would let Hamas survive, allow it to reconstitute, and then try to reward Hamas and the jihadists and their idters, the betters and enablers throughout the Palestinian Arab. Areas with the creation of what would be a terrorist state, a terrorist state likely to make for indefensible borders for Israel. And let's note, just this week, Tony Blinken said the key to getting a negotiated settlement, a diplomatic settlement in the north, that is, between Lebanon and Israel in the north, is to force a ceasefire and ultimately put an end to the war. All of this is part and parcel of what I've called and I ran first agenda. Hamas is an Iran proxy. Hezbollah in Lebanon is an Iran proxy. Hezbollah, though it's not often talked about, is a force that is infinitely stronger than Hamas, infinitely more dangerous, with multiple hundred thousand missiles, drones, and other projectiles that can be lobbed right at Israel from the north. Also not stated and certainly not recognized often by the Biden administration, while it talks about refugees in Gaza, there are tens of thousands of Israelis who have been rendered refugees in their own country, evacuated from their homes from the north, precisely because of the looming Hezbollah threat, and Hezbollah has been increasingly amping up its attacks on the Israeli north. What is the Biden administration tie in here? The Biden administration has been trying for multiple years now beyond supporting Hezbollah by funding Lebanon's "army". They have pushed for a diplomatic resolution where Israel would basically engage in land concessions to Hezbollah as if this will get Hezbollah to stop rather than continuing to pose such a threat. Right after October 7, Israel planned a massive offensive against Hezbollah, knowing that this was a front that was on the verge of becoming a massive powder keg that could potentially create massive destruction for all manner of population centers in Israel. The Biden administration told Benjamin Netanyahu, "Stand down, do not strike Hezbollah." I bring this up because two days ago Tony Blinken said, again, the key to this resolution with Lebanon, which is to say with Hezbollah, which dominates Lebanon, is to get to a ceasefire. So all of this is about protecting Iran and all of its proxies and hemming in and boxing Israel because Israel is the chief stumbling block to Iran, the world's leading state sponsor of jihad, being the regional hegemon. And that puts the U.S. on the side in a continuation of Obama Biden policy of being Iran's chief ally in the world. It's an utterly treacherous, disgraceful policy and it needs to be called out and recognized as such. Yeah, and I'm speaking with Ben Weingarten, you can follow him on Twitter @BH Weingarten. The other question I have for you is that when you're watching the G7, when you're watching, for example, last week when Joe Biden was in France and he was talking about Ukraine and Zelensky. Ukraine and Zelensky get a very reverential treatment from this president and not just from this president, but from the rest of the world leaders. And in contrast to how they're treating BB Netanyahu, and I understand that BB Netanyahu is not going to be everyone's cup of tea and people might take issue with him. But there is a real stark juxtaposition here of the way Joe Biden is treating our strongest ally in the Middle East versus the treatment that Ukraine is getting where you have Tony Blinken and you have Joe Biden essentially saying that we're going to keep paying for things for 10 years. Like as though they're signing a free agent in sports. What do you make of that? And why is that like why is what's the reasoning behind this, this treatment? Yeah, so, you know, the treatment of Ukraine as sort of a stalking horse for the West in its confrontations and hostilities with Russia is obviously one issue that we can set aside for a moment and it goes back decades, of course. The Israel issue and sort of why is the left and why is the democrat party siding with the world's leading state sponsor of jihad who has Americans blood on attend dating back to the revolution when the democracy swept into power to the 1980s where American troops were bombed in Lebanon by Iranian backed forces, cobar tower bombings in Saudi Arabia where Americans were killed in the 90s, and then the ideas that maimed and murdered Israeli US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many of them Iranian made not to mention the hundreds of attacks that we've seen on US forces over the last year for my Iranian proxies. So why is the US sided with them under Obama Biden policy. There are a few different explanations for it. One is that this is what progressive foreign policy looks like, which is to say you embrace your enemies and you punish your friends. And that might be rooted in part in this naive worldview that you can appease people who tell you death to America, death to Israel, that they want to expand Islam over the world and they want to subjugate everyone to Sharia law and their theocratic way of life. Another is greed so not just well and also let's also note global social justice. If the reason that Iran is the way that it is or Islamist powers around the world are the way they are is because of US policy. Then we've got our just come up and essentially in jihadism and the proper response is we need to say that we were wrong and side with them. So that goes with a kind of kind of colonialist oppressed oppressor worldview. Another aspect is potentially greed. Just like with communist China, there was the idea. Well, if we have an opening to China, that's going to lead to massive trade. Everyone's going to get rich and ultimately that's going to moderate the regime. You could see something similar happening with why the quote unquote Iran nuclear deal with inked part of it was about using sanctions and opening up Iran to the world for trade, which would lead to potentially a lot of Western major corporations getting rich. And then there's the malevolence or the compromise issue, which is to say that these people in leadership under the Obama Biden rule, which were now on almost 12 years of essentially, they really believe that Israel is the chief irritant, basically that there's a little New Jersey sized Jewish state in the Islamic world. And that's the root of all evil there. And if pesky Israel would just be put in its place, then suddenly there would be peace among a tribal region that has been under, you know, Shia Sunni fighting for generation after generation, but somehow it's the Jewish state's existence that is the key irritant. And if that could just be solved, then all the problems would go away. They believe that you have to make the world's leading state sponsor of jihad the strong course and that somehow that is going to provide balance and stability in the region. That is the bed that the Obama Biden regime again now in its third term has made. They side with the Shia Islamic supremacists, which is Iran and their proxies. And then remember Barack Obama himself. He sided with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and other Sunni Islamist entities there as well as opposed to siding with Israel and the oftentimes tyrannical, but non Islamic supremacists, Sunni Arab partners as a bulwark against the Islamic supremacists in the region, which would allow the US to get out of that razor and have force multipliers. Instead, we've turned that policy on its head. And I think the results are self evidently disastrous. And if you care about America's national interest, the question you have to ask yourself is, how does intervening to the nth degree on the side of people who say death to America, death to Israel serve our national interest. It's utterly insane on its face. It is Ben Winegarten. Thank you so much. I'm sorry we got you a little bit late here at B. H. Winegarten. Follow his stubs sub stack Ben Winegarten dot com. But follow him on Twitter. You can click all the other links once you get there. Thank you very much, sir. We appreciate your time. I know how busy you are. When we come back. We'll take your questions. We'll take your calls and we'll also play a little bit more sound from this Karen read trial. Plus, we'll talk more about any of the topics that we just discussed with Ben Winegarten. You know what it's something I never thought I'd say? I can't wait for my next dentist appointment. Hear me out. The team at Perfect Smiles makes everything perfect. They are the best. From the second you walk in the door and you meet Melissa, you're going to talk to Stephanie. You're going to get your teeth cleaned by Lori or one of their awesome dental hygienists. You'll meet with Dr. Houghton or Dr. Tamu. The entire team is a plus and you don't have to take my word for it. Go to Check out the video testimonials. You'll understand why people trust Dr. Houghton with something as important as their smile. He's going to walk you through things at your own pace. He's not judgmental. He's incredibly kind, incredibly patient. But the most important thing, he's really good at what he does. He is the best in the business. And it's easy to put yourself on the back burner to put yourself last. Don't do that anymore. Don't trust anyone with your smile. Trust the team at PerfectSmiles. Go to and find out how to take the first step toward the smile that you've always wanted. That's what I'm doing at PerfectSmiles. That's what you should be doing too. Again, that's Change your smile. Change your life. We'll be right back. Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. To everyone who's on the lines to stay right there, we'll take your calls when we come back. We're going to talk about Joe Biden meeting the Pope. It was a very close encounter. The kind he likes shared forehead to forehead. Nobody loves a forehead meeting like Joe Biden. Who do you think was stealing? Who's life energy in that picture? Jared! That's not nice. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pure thunderstorm 3-pack special. Everyone loves the thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space. There are no filters to replace and it's only one third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the thunderstorm 3-pack special at and use promo code GRACE3. What is the poll question Jared and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is how much do you tip? 10%, 15%, 20% or 25%. Alright, now how is he going to make fun of me and say I'm like a math state trooper, but math-wise... It's not true you have hair. The math, the 20% is the easiest. It's easy to do very quickly. You don't have to worry about it. So yeah, that's what I go for. I go for the 20% because no one's going to... I don't think anyone's going to be mad about that. If anyone's mad about 20%, I don't know what to tell you, but I don't ever tone it down based off the service. I'm just not brave enough to do that. 68% say 20, 18% say 15, 9% say 25 and 5% say 10. That's Joe Biden voting in the 9%. I'm a big tipper. I like to tip a lot. We'll be right back. Play eight to five. Two to three out of five. We've got Karen Reed cuts for you. We'll talk the debate and so much more. Don't go anywhere. It's the Grace Curly Show. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. ♪♪♪ I don't know what's going on back there. The boys today, the men in this office. All having lots of fun. I just said to Matt, what's everyone giggling about? He said we're having fun, which you don't know anything about. Is that my reputation here? People don't think I'm fun? I can be fun. You sure are, Grace. I don't believe you. And then why are they laughing to that? That's not funny. Laughing. Laughing at me. We were talking this morning about how much fun we have on the show, actually. You are very fun, Grace. Thank you, Jared. Happy birthday to you, sir. I did want to give everyone this headline. I know it's a few days old, but there's more things breaking about it. Eight suspected terrorists with possible ISIS ties arrested in New York, L.A. in Philadelphia. Eight men with potential ties to ISIS out of Central Asia were arrested over the weekend in New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles. Three people familiar with the matter told NBC News. The suspects had been on the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force radar and were arrested by personnel with ICE. All eight men crossed through the southern border into the U.S. and their criminal background checks came back clean when they crossed. Oh, that's comforting. Remember what Jake Tapper was when he was telling Mike Johnson? Mike Johnson was on his show on CNN and was discussing how because of our lax border policies were letting in people on the terror watch list. And I think he said we're letting in terrorists and Jake Tapper corrected him. And it was something along the lines of, well, they're on the terror watch list. They're not terrorists. That was essentially what Jake Tapper was trying to say. And Mike Johnson had to say, it takes a lot to get on the terror watch list, Jake. I don't think you're making the argument. You think you are. Well, this is exactly what he's talking about. It's so eight suspected terrorists with possible ties. And a senior U.S. official says the FBI was monitoring the group for several months and kept close tabs on their activity. Oh, okay, good. As long as the FBI was on top of it, then I feel better. As long as that old reliable FBI was keeping close tabs on the terrorists, then we can all take a sigh of relief. Bill, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Bill? Oh, yeah, I'm calling from Maine. And you were talking earlier about how Biden all the time calls on his pet reporters because he already has the answers to the questions. Now, what I'm wondering is with this upcoming debate, is he going to have the answers to the questions or is he going to have the questions? Because that happened a couple years back, if you remember. Yeah, with Donna Brazil, I remember it all too well, Bill, to quote Taylor Swift. Yes, that is a possibility. But you know what, Bill? I don't even know if that would make that big of a difference. Because right now, what I would say is when we see Joe Biden, he is out there and he is giving us the best performance he possibly can. He's probably jacked up on Mountain Dew, wink, wink. And he has the questions, as you just pointed out, and this is what we're getting. We're getting a man like a spider monkey jacked up on Mountain Dew. We're getting a man who has no idea what he's talking about. And so I don't know of him getting the questions that doesn't scare me. I doubt it scares Trump and most certainly doesn't scare me as far as him being able to, Trump being able to handle Biden on the debate stage. It's a good question though. I have a lot of questions about the debate. The microphones, we were told the microphones are going to shut off after each candidate gets like 30 seconds to respond, then the microphone just shuts off. Is there a big clock in the background? Do we get to see the 30 seconds? Who's counting? You know that expression, who's guarding the guards? Who's watching the clock counters? Who's counting the seconds? Are we doing Mississippi's? Is this a Ross Geller situation where we're going to do one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi? Or, you know, I need to know these things. You might say I'm paranoid, but I've just seen too much. I know how uneven this playing field is, and I'm going into it. Eyes wide open. Nick, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. What's going on, Nick? Hey, a very oppression thing came up today with Jackson, the attorney for Karen Reed. I just wish he'd be a bit more emphatic, but I know the jury's apparent attention. The woman that was given the testimony on the phone data. Jessica Hyde. Right. So he got her to get in a situation where she admitted she was only looking at certain things. Like he said, well, at this point, are you not looking at any other calls? She's, well, I was going by the, by the instructions of Tully, you know, Inspector Tully, right? He says, wait a minute. So you're saying he has set the scope for this. This is what crooked investigators do for prosecutors. Nick, hold on. When we did that all the time, especially with Hillary Clinton, when he knew damn well that nothing bad was happening on a certain date range, he'd give a different date range for his investigators to do it, even though they may not be in on it. So I can't believe all this probably that's happening. And like I said, I think he's way too smart for these people. And Tully looks slick with all his knowledge about arcs and vectors and all this other stuff. But guess what? We're still talking about how are you investigating this? And when you're instructing these people, what are you limiting them not to see, not to even look at? Nick, excellent, excellent points all around. First of all, I'm glad you brought up Tully's vocabulary because you know, it's a weird thing is that I have such a strong desire to have a better vocabulary. It's the only reason I would love to say I enjoy reading. I do, but I prefer to watch TV, but I read all the time now because I don't want to use the same words on the show over and over again. And it's hard to incorporate new words, but something Nick just said stuck out to me because sometimes when people are using all these fancy words, it's because they're trying to confuse people and they're trying to act as though they're speaking one language that you don't understand because you don't have the same level of knowledge. You should just trust them because it's so confusing. You don't even know what they're saying. So you might as well just take their word for it. And when he uses words, arcs, vectors, contemporaneously, I do think that's part of it because a lot of this stuff you could explain with pretty basic vocabulary if you wanted to. I think that's on purpose. The second part of it is it actually wasn't Jackson today. It was Yannetti, but I have the cut that you're referring to. Yannetti's questioning and cross-examination Jessica Hyde. She is the cell phone expert who's trying to tell us that it's possible that Jen McCabe actually did not Google how long to die in cold at 227. But instead, she just went to a tab that had been opened at 227, which she was Googling the sports schedules or whatever. And then that tab came to the conclusion or stamped it that that was the time she Googled this original thing. I can't even try -- Jared tried to explain it to me in my office and I said, "You're confusing me. Please get out." I said it a little bit nicer than that because it's Friday, but I was very confused. And so take a listen to this back and forth. This is cut 12. Or I'm sorry, cut 13. You were given very specific instructions in terms of what to look at, correct? Correct. I had a very limited scope in this analysis. And who was it that gave you that limited scope? That scope was relayed to me by Detective Tully. And Detective Tully instructed me specifically to only look at the part of the phone extraction that dealt with the Safari search history. Safari search history specific to January 29, 2022. That is correct. And he instructed me not to look at anything else on the phone, correct? I looked at related artifacts such as what was being done at that time. The phone being on, the phone being used, but not anything else outside of that, correct? Okay. Can I have cut 14? Because this adds a little bit more context to that question. And you were not instructed, for instance, to look at other user activity on the phone, including examining call logs on the phone, correct? Correct. And you would agree with me that if you were allowed or instructed to examine the call logs, that could reveal deletion of calls that morning, correct? Of course. No. The objection system. No, something else I want to point out here as we're talking about this. And this goes back to, again, that last caller in a great point that Nick brought up, which is she's getting these instructions from Tully. And while Tully might not be as absurd a witness as Michael Proctor, Michael Proctor, who's the lead investigator on this case, he's also lost a lot of credibility throughout the course of this. I think all of these state troopers have. And so it is kind of like fruit of the poison tree. I know this isn't the typical scenario you use that in. But if the people who are giving you this information or who are instructing these people to extract things and their experts, if they are rotten to the core as far as credibility goes, then everything else that disseminates from them and disseminates from this investigation has to be called into question. And that's the reasonable doubt. Is you just heard from this guy, Tully, who doesn't think it's weird, that John O'Keefe didn't have a jacket on because he wears shorts all year round. And you just heard from Michael Proctor, who's calling Karen Reed the C word and making fun of her for having medical issues. And that has tainted everything else just enough to make these jurors wonder if they can trust what these experts are saying to them. Peggy, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. What's going on, Peggy? Oh, I just think that your friend there, Jerry's birthday, it's also President Trump's birthday. It is Peggy. It's President Trump's birthday and it's also Flag Day. Yes, I just came from Flag Day at Castle Island. It was very nice. Sullivan's gave everybody hamburgers hot dogs. I was marvelous. I was just going to say Peggy, did you get yourself a nice hot dog from Sully's? That's wonderful. And you beat the rain. I remember my sister coming from New Jersey. When they brought all the hot dogs, my sister called them. I came all the way here from New Jersey. New Jersey has a hoagie hamburgers, which is good. But anyway, I'm just thinking, honey, I was on jury duty several times. And the first thing, they don't want you if you work for an insurance company. And they don't want you on the jury if you're related to an attorney. Or anybody in your family is a police officer. Yeah, so I don't know where they're digging them up today. Thank you, Peggy. I sent you a message before you went on vacation. Told you to be good to yourself, your baby, and wonderful husband. Oh, thank you, Peggy. Thank you so much. Thank you for calling. And I'm so happy you had a wonderful Flag Day and had a nice celebration for Trump's birthday and for Jared's soon to be birthday. We really appreciate you, Peggy, calling in and for listening to The Grace Curly Show. It's callers like you who make my day. And I know I say this a lot, but I get so many people, especially after my birthday celebration. So many people reach out. They send me little gifts and cards and people are so flipping awesome. And I love you guys so much. So keep listening every single day. We love you and we appreciate it. When we come back, we have more to get through. We'll play more of these You Netty sound cards because I really want to get to the You Netty questioning about can you rule out that it wasn't made at 227 because they're trying to say that this idea of the suspended Safari tab makes it so that it's probably more likely that it was made at six something and this just cashed in at the wrong time. But what I'm saying is that doesn't mean that it's impossible that she Googled it at 227. It actually seems more likely that it seems like they're reasoning this expert, Jessica Hyde. Her reasoning to me seems less likely than just the idea that she just did Google it at 227. But we'll talk about this. We'll play more of the sound and we'll ask you if your mind has changed at all. You don't have to wait once a week for your favorite TV show to come on the air anymore. You just stream what you want when you want it on demand. That goes the same for radio. You don't have to wait all day long to listen to the Grace Curly show. You can pull up your podcast and listen to whatever you want. You can listen to Byron Donald's the interview from yesterday that Congressman from Florida. You get it when you want it. Well, the same rule applies to real estate. You don't have to list your property at a price and then start negotiating. People get stuck in this mindset that you have to do everything the way everyone else has done it. If your parents sold their home one way or if your siblings sold their home one way, then that's the way you've got to do it. I'm telling you that you don't have to wait an unknown period of time to sell. You don't have to listen to negative comments arising out of a home inspection or being on pins and needles. This is going to go through. Is this contingency going to work? 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Also, one thing I'd add in here to the JJ Manning is we were just mentioning podcasts. You can go back and listen to Justin Manning's podcast episode with us. He comes on every once in a while, and it always blows people away how knowledgeable he is. If you want to get a sense of the people you'll be working with, if you go to JJ Manning, then listen to that podcast and you'll understand why we trust Justin Manning and Charlie Gill so much. We'll be right back. We're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Governor Maura Healy finally commented on what's going on with Karen Retrial. I think everyone was really aghast. Even if you have a low expectation for the mass state troopers, even so Michael Proctor lowered the bar, and Governor Maura Healy commented on this. Let's have cut eight, please. State police trooper, investigator, is on the stand at Karen Retrial. He read his own text. They were disparaging, objectifying, of a female defendant. He was investigating. Is that appropriate for a state trooper or anyone? It's terrible. I mean, anybody looks at that. I mean, it's completely unprofessional. It does harm, frankly, to the dignity and the integrity of the work of men and women across the state police and law enforcement. So as a former attorney general and as governor, I am disgusted by that. I'll also say that this is the subject of a criminal investigation and trial, and therefore it's not appropriate for me to speak more to that at this time. But he still gets to keep his pension, whatever happens. Yeah. Well, again, it's his connection with the Brian Walsh trial that's really put them in a bind. I don't think any of this is good for the state police, but if he wasn't, you know, heading up this other investigation that also has national attention, it's also a nationwide story, and it wouldn't be such an issue. I just wanted to let people know that Joe Biden visited the pope today. I'm trying to get the video up on the site for everyone. I'll probably have it up by the time we come back for the two o'clock, but he loves a forehead bump. I don't understand how maybe they just, it never came across in all of the decades he's been involved in government and all these different places. No one ever explained to him that everyone has a personal space bubble and you don't need to break that bubble. You don't need to get in that, invade that personal space. He does it every single time. The pope, I mean, you let the pope make the first contact. You don't reach in. He essentially was like face to face with him and rubbing for it. What is that? Even defense of this one, the pope was in a wheelchair because he's not in great health. So Joe did have to lean down. So maybe it was more like a stability thing. Like he had to put his head there so he wouldn't like fall over. If you were Joe Biden's defense attorney right now, Jared, I'm going to say, listen. You are lally like right now, if that is the best defense you can come up with. I'm sad. Just looking at the UTC code time on the photo of Joe Biden leaning into the world. It's possible that that tab was open before he leaned in. I'm telling you, I've met people before. I've met people before who are sitting down, who are in wheelchairs, and I've never felt the need to touch their faces with my face. I can say that I can say that without a shadow of a doubt. Hey, and one other thing that we will get to in the two o'clock, this is hysterical. The media spin on Joe Biden's G7 trip and trying to convince themselves that he's doing such a great job and everyone. And by the way, Caroline Levitt today on Instagram was posting all the different headlines from the UK, from Italian newspapers, how they're describing this trip. Let's just say that the publications abroad do not have the same sort of fawning, drooling wet kisses for Joe Biden, that Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski have on MSNBC. He's really only getting this kind of glowing coverage from the morons here in the US of A. We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. One more hour until Howie Carr takes over at Jake Rooney's. This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)