The Howie Carr Radio Network

Will the Commonwealth call up Lucky Laughlin | 6.13.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie covers Biden's trip to Italy, Canton corruption, and more in his final hour this Thursday.

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13 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. 18 degrees you'd expect that if someone was outside, they'd have a coat on it, correct? I'm the kind of person that wears shorts throughout the year. No choice that one guy picks ski, parker, and shorts. They're my legs, but like, don't kick off. Like, don't kick off. That's like his only hope of hooking up with somebody. Like, maybe that's interesting to make with-- Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. Your boss calls the corporate greed. You don't. Well... I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna. You know, there's a lack of competition that enables firms to have healthy markups and profits. We're developing the first railway line to extend from Angola to DRC, Zambia, to the Indian Ocean. Ocean? Ocean? Ocean? You know, the ocean, the big blue wet thing. To the Indian Ocean. ♪ Train on the water, boat on the track ♪ ♪ Train on the water, boat on the track ♪ Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... ♪ Train on the water, boat on the track ♪ How a car. Hope to see everybody down there at the Jake Rooney's tomorrow. We'll be broadcasting live from three until six o'clock. Jake Rooney's on the curve in Harwich Port on the Cape. It's gonna be a great time. It'll be a, then it's right before Father's Day. And it's been 20 bucks down there at the, at a great restaurant and a great pub. And you get a copy of Paper Boy, free copy of Paper Boy, and I'll be glad to autograph it. Just in time, just in time for Father's Day. All right. Four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. We also have some cheap bastard deals left. They're ready-wise, 90 serving, organic bucket. This is a, this is 90 servings for a hundred and fifteen bucks. That's half the price. And it's, if you got picky eaters, as they used to say in your house, hold who want to, want to eat more healthy products. This is the, this is what to get, even if you've already got ready-wise products. This is an organic bucket. It's got all kinds of great stuff. 90 servings for a hundred and fifteen dollars. You're not gonna get a better deal than this. Sixteen thousand, nine hundred and twenty calories. And, you know, as you know, you know how it is. The grab-and-go buckets, you can stack them up. It's, it's a great deal, ready-wise. So go to and click on store. And I get the ready-wise 90 serving organic bucket for half price. A hundred and fifteen dollars for a two hundred and thirty dollar value. We also have a few gift certificates left. Annual memberships, one year to Cape Gun Works in Hyannis. And it's right centrally located near the airport and the rotary. And it's, it's a great place. It's the premier gun range in New England. It's a, this for two hundred and fifty bucks, you get a five hundred, it's a five hundred and seventy five dollar value when you figure in the, the initiation fee. All kinds of great deals and advantages to, it's open, the gun range is open seven days a week. You can bring in a visitor. It's a, it's a great deal. But it's, it's only a few left. So go, go to, click on store, get your ready-wise 90 serving organic bucket and, or your, your annual membership to Cape Gun Works. And I will see you tomorrow on the Cape at, at Jake Rooney's in Harwichport. 844-542-42. So before he had this idiotic press conference with, with Zelensky at the, at the, in Italy at the G7 conference. He had a, he, Biden had a, had an event, a partnership for global infrastructure and investment. Oh boy. You know what that means. That means, that means big time hack or ammo. That's the, that's the same, the same mindset that, uh, uh, provides seven, eight billion dollars to build electric charging station and stations. And two or three years later, there are seven built, seven built. This is, they just keep throwing it away. The infrastructure bill, this is Biden bragging about the infrastructure bill cut for. I remember when I introduced the infrastructure bill at home, they said we couldn't get it done. It was only a, a trillion, three hundred billion dollars and we got it passed. And you know what? No money has been spent on infrastructure. We called it the infrastructure bill. We called it the inflation reduction act. It's, it's only set inflation ablaze. But you know, hey, Democrats cut one. We're already seeing goods that normally take to 45 days of transport, now taking only 40, 40 hours. And think of the transformer, the transformer, how transformer this is. Huh? Transfer for four, for four, for four. Cut two. I also want to thank President Kushida, Prime Minister Kushida, I should say. I just demoted him. What? Cut three. That includes Mr. Fink, I call you Larry, I'm calling you Mr. Fink. But we go back a long way, a black rock and Mr. Nadella, Microsoft, an outfit that we know well. That's all bullshit. Yikes. Yikes, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two. I want to play some of these cuts from the Karen Reed trial. And yesterday, before Proctor left the stand, this is one of the skinheads. This is the skinhead who called Karen Reed a whack job, C-word, and an R-word, and a D-bag. And then he also called a medical examiner a whack job. And he just had all kinds of, he said Karen Reed had a weird Fall River accent, no ass, et cetera, et cetera. So finally, Mara Healy, the governor, had to come out today and say, well, you know what, I find those comments disgusting. But why didn't she just come, as soon as she heard it? I'm sure someone in the state, sure a lot of people in the state, I was watching him say it on TV, having to read his own text messages. But she waited 48 hours, because he's on the team, he's on Team Democrat. So yesterday Proctor complains to the judge, he says that my sister, his sister is his best friend. She's basically an associate of the McAlbert crime family. And she's the one that he texted to, I wish Karen Reed would kill herself. And the sister agreed that that would be the best thing for everybody, for Karen Reed to kill herself. So yesterday, Yanneti meets one of the attorneys for Karen Reed meets one of the witnesses, this guy Lucky Loughran, Loughran, who was the plow truck driver, who will even further demolish the case, because he didn't see any body when he went by twice the house where the body was supposed to be from 12 to 20 on. And so he wanted to meet Yanneti to talk about his testimony at this parking lot behind a school where Proctor's sister is a teacher. So he complains and says that Yanneti is, who is also figures in these text messages, he hates Yanneti for some reason. And he says Yanneti was trying to basically intimidate him by going to his sister's school. And he says, you'll hear what Yanneti says, after the court recessed yesterday, he's walking to the car and a turtle boy and others are asking him, what the hell happened with you in this guy Lucky Loughran, the tow truck driver, at the meeting in the parking lot of her, the Proctor's sister's school, cut sex. Do you know what he's talking about with that picture that was going on Twitter? It's like a guy that looks like you, talking to Lucky Loughran, and that was me. Oh, that was you? Okay, all right. Any lawyer is going to prepare a witness to testify. I took the off day, and I went down to Canton because I wanted Lucky Loughran to go through his route with me. Lucky Loughran asked to meet in the Kennedy School parking lot, where she suggested meeting at the DPW. I didn't know who worked there, who went to school there. I don't know Canton, I'm not a South Shore guy. I met with Lucky Loughran with my investigator. We left the parking lot, he took her on his route, we went back to the parking lot, picked up the car and we left. And he made up a conversation out of whole cloth that somebody supposedly approached me and had a conversation with me about leaving. Something about his sister, I guess his sister works at that school. I have no idea. I have no idea. But I was a first-hand witness today to perjury by the lead investigator who is framing my client. I was a first-hand witness to that today. That explains my reaction. I mean, he lied over and over again, read my column, read my column, read my column, just click on it. I mean, just one thing after another, he just was making stuff up and he had to know that they had evidence that they had grand jury minutes, not just from the state grand jury, from the federal grand jury that's investigating the frame job, that the racketeering enterprise known as the Norfolk County District Attorney's Office is trying to promote against or to push against Karen Reed. It's insane. So, he continues talking, "Yannetti." This is Dave Yannetti, the lawyer for Karen Reed talking to reporters, including Turtle Boy yesterday. Cut 7. When we're lucky, do you expect the Commonwealth to call lucky or will that just be the difference? I don't know if they'll call him or not. I mean, he's on their witness list, but he will be a defense witness if he's not called by the Commonwealth. I promise you that. And this is how we remain the same from what we've seen in the truth is the truth, and I look forward to putting Brian off in the history. Brian, everybody's named Brian, but they call him Lucky, I guess, to distinguish him from all the other Brian's that they had. They brought in a Needham cop today who took DNA samples of the state cops to prove that their DNA wasn't on any of the evidence. And the Needham cop's name, his first name, Brian. You got it. 844-542-844-542-442. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. He's Howie Carr, and he's back. 844-542-442. Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop and intrude for breaking down your door? The original Flip Lock is the answer. It's simple to use and is rated to stop up to nearly 1,700 pounds of force. Learn more at That's F-L-I-P-L-O-K dot com. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is Biden reaffirmed today that he will not pardon Hunter? Do you believe him? No. 95% say no. I can't believe 5% believe him. Jack, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Jack. Yes. Hi, Howie. Hi. This is a Union Joe story. I worked for the third largest trucking company in the country up until last July when they closed. We had 30,000 employees working there. The company had revenues of $5 billion a year, and despite some earlier bad management, they were on the track coming back, and they had a billion dollar note due. So the company was in talks with Washington, and it all fell on deaf ears, right? The year before President Trump gave the company $700 million to refurbish the fleet. They were all new fleet. Is this the company that had the problems with the Teamsters, too? Well, they were at Teamsters, but they didn't have a problem with them because the Teamsters gave back concessions for years to keep this company afloat. That company got themselves into trouble by acquiring doing acquisitions on leveraging. And then when the notes came due, they were in a bad spot. And Biden didn't help out. They were negotiating with Washington and fell on deaf ears. Did the company ever think about changing its name to the Ukraine Trucking Company? Well, you know, when I see this daily about this money that is thrown around the Ukraine and other places. How about to the terrorists in Gaza? They've spent like over half a billion dollars on this stupid pier, and when it's not bobbing up and down in the ocean, it's delivering trucks that are immediately hijacked by Hamas. I mean, is that a good use of our money? Absolutely not. And I think about all the employees, 30,000 that had families probably affected 150,000 people or more, right? And they could kill less. The people in Washington, the Democrats, they're just bureaucrats, and all they care about is promulgating their religion of climate change and DEI and open borders. They don't care about people like us, Jack. You know that. Right, and if President Trump still been there, he probably would have spent the day, got this situation squared away, and people would still be working. And if we don't drive an 18-wheeler, man, it's another one of his big lies, Jack. He took a ride in a tractor trailer once, and he suddenly has decided he drove it. It's ridiculous. Even the New York Times mentioned it in their mild debunking last weekend. Thanks for the call, Jack. 844-542. So we have some McAlberts who listened to the show from down in Canton, and he claims he's not a McAlberts, but he's totally in on it. And so he was gone for a couple of weeks, but now he's back today, going crazy. And he really hates Lucky, because Lucky's going to blow up what's left of their case by saying that there was no body out on the lawn. And so the McAlberts' rights, Lucky probably had jogged under the seat and didn't know what house he was looking at. Taylor, do you think that's really appropriate to be talking about someone being drunk and having it driving around with a jug under the seat on the day? On the day after, it comes out that the lead investigator was drunk with one of the McAlberts who got so drunk a cop in the state police cruiser that he forgot and lost his badge and his gun. Chug-a-lug, chug-a-lug. Make you want to haul a hide and hook? Go down to the waterfall. Have about 10 or 12 Jameson description is? Yeah, this is another text. Ask your boy Turtle how many women he's called the C word on his YouTube. I don't believe he's a sworn officer of the court. I don't believe that he has power to put people in jail. He was put in jail for calling out the McAlberts. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Justin at Boyle's Body Works was talking about the text that ended about this trucking company that was forced out of business because it couldn't get any more concessions from the government. One of said company's Teamster drivers was in our shop blaming Trump and when I pressed him on it, he ran away yelling at me. That's what usually happens, isn't it Justin? They run away yelling at you. They don't have the facts. All they have is an opinion. I always remember the words of Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Democrat, New York. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Everyone is not entitled to their own facts. 844, 542, 42. Last week we were talking about how in New York they have a new scourge of illegal alien crime. In addition to all the other scourges of illegal alien crime, people throwing themselves in front of cars, illegal aliens and claiming they were hurt. And then saying, "I'm going to report you to the police if you don't pay me some cash." That was last week's new crime. Not a new crime, just a crime that you don't see much of. Now this week there is another old crime that has returned big time in New York City and no doubt else everywhere else too. This is from Breitbart. Biden's illegal alien crime wave sends hordes of pickpockets to New York. I remember reading the first book of Jimmy Breslin's column back when I was in college, just written in the 60s for the old New York Herald Tribune. And he was writing about these gangs of shoplifters coming in from South America. And it was really an exotic development in those days. Now the entire country is overwhelmed with these shoplifters. You've got to pick a pocket or two. Lord your master, throw to one tree. You've got to pick a pocket or two. Oh God, what a mess. I guess you'd rather have you, they call it a minor crime. I like that too, a minor crime. It's like, oh, car theft, that's a minor crime or burglary, minor crime. Not if you've been burglarized, not if your car's been stolen, not if you reach for your wallet and there's nothing there because some illegal alien on welfare stole it. And he's using your credit cards or trying to anyway. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. So here's, so you heard turtle boys say that lucky, lucky law friend who's going to testify saw a, saw a Ford edge, which not that common of a vehicle. In front of 34 Fairview Road at twice, at 2.30 AM, you know, supposedly John O'Keefe's body had been in the snow for a couple of hours at that point. But at 2.30 he saw the Ford edge on Fairview. And so, you heard turtle boys say that there are three Ford edges in the family. They're owned by Chris, the selectman who did a stretch for vehicular homicide. Colin, who is Chris's son. And also, who's the third, who's the third one? Kevin, Kevin, the detective who got so drunk in the state police cruiser that he forgot where he put his gun and his badge. So there are three of them in the car. So Brian Tully, the supervisor of Michael Proctor, perjury proctor, who's now the governor says she's disgusted by his nasty text. So, Alan Jackson, the lawyer for Karen Reed asked Brian Tully, Lieutenant Brian Tully, 211,000 a year. Whether or not he has checked out lucky law friend statement about the Ford edge cut five. Well, we determined the veracity of that statement and we want to make sure that the person gave it is consistent and accurate and had a good vantage point of it. I have concerns about, no, well, the person is given the statement multiple times and it appears to have changed over those times. It also appears that the person observed this vehicle from a distance, and also the identification of a Ford edge seemed highly suggestive the way that I had read the account of it if I had done that as a police officer. It's cool with throw out that identification. So, did you find out anybody in the album family on the Ford edge. I don't remember recall, I've thought my head of somebody. I did not know. Did you task anybody else to look at the public registration records. I believe triple proctor and Sergeant mechanic and investigative that. And do you have any idea what that investigation revealed. I don't. I don't know. Is this it? Objection. So, the objections sustained. Of course, it's sustained. Anytime you start to draw blood, the hacker, the hacks circle the wagons. So, he's a by the books kind of guy. And I love the way he says the testimony has changed. Procter's testimony changed from the state grand jury to the federal grand jury to being on the witness stand earlier this week. And he works for you. He's one of your, one of your top guys. And he's, and he's never been seriously reprimand that hasn't you said he'd been reprimanded. But there's reprimands and then there's suspensions and terminations. 844 542 42 Mike, your next with how we car go ahead Mike. How are you doing? Good. Hey, this is just close to what you were talking about. These people pick pockets and throwing themselves in front of cars. This goes back decades. The first way the Haitians that came to this country, you know, they were healthcare workers and they were real decent people. Yeah. And then the lawyers started calling the lawyers started calling them black gold because everything that they would pile into cars and get themselves hit by another car for the Haitians. And they just sue each other. And the way is love them because they're black gold. They lie, cheat, steal. Yeah. The same thing goes on in Lawrence with non Haitians, Mike. And they were, they were doing this, you know, you're right. They've been doing this for the illegals have been doing this of all nationalities have been doing this for 30 or 40 years. You know, they smack, they just, you know, you're at a stoplight and they smack into you. And then they said they've got two or three of them in the car. They all claim they're injured. And there's, you know, there's one American in the car who's going to his job. And then there's three or four of these illegal aliens on welfare. And this is the scams. They run all kinds of scams. And they come into the country violating the law. What makes you think they're going to obey any laws? You know, it's crazy. I get the, I get the police blotters every week for New Hampshire. I just got, I got them today. Let me see if I got it in the, in the stack of stuff here. And they, they now are allowed to get driver's licenses, the illegal aliens. But they keep the, the New Hampshire state police keep arresting them over and over and over again for, for Massachusetts and they don't have driver's licenses. I think it's because it's, you know, it's cash. If they would give it to them for free, maybe they'd get them. I don't know. Let me go over some of the, the arrests that have been made this, this last week in New Hampshire. I got the whole thing out here. Rachina, you're Yevna, Kev, Kerr, Vinka, Kurt, Kervikina, Merrimack, New Hampshire, arrested in Nashua, impairment, DUI, DUI, Berlin, Ogando, Zapeda, Lawrence, Massachusetts, arrested in Manchester, reckless operation, negligent driving, William Figueroa, Gonzales, DUI impairment open container. A lot of people, a lot of illegals lacking the enzyme this week. Let's see, who else have we got here on the sheet today? Now Americans are starting to show up with operating without a license. You know why? It's because when you have two standards of law, pretty soon you have no standards of law because only a chump would obey the law if everybody else wasn't obeying it. Jardel, Lizboa, Santana, Braimingham, Massachusetts, arrested in Plymouth. Oyo como vah. Operating without a valid license, possession of marijuana, unsafe tires. Oyo como vah. That's a charge you can get in New Hampshire, unsafe tires. Apparently, I don't, you know what? I've never, I don't think I've ever seen that before. I've been getting these logs for over a year and I don't think I've ever seen one of those. All right, eight, four, four, five hundred. So there it is. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. So this guy Higgins, the ATF agent, he said when he went into the house, he saw a dark-haired man in the house, a dark-haired man in the house. Guess what? O'Keefe had dark hair. But nobody ever asked him about this. So again, this is a by-the-book guy who does everything, you know, right straight down the line. He's a, he's a no-nonsense guy. He leaves no stone unturned except the ones that his friends, the McAlberts, are hiding under. Brian Tully. So he's asking him about, Jackson is asking him about the dark-haired man that he didn't bother to check out, just like he didn't bother to check out who owned the Ford Edges. Cut to. In the early morning hours of, well, let's say the hours following your Massachusetts State Police initiation or engagement in this investigation, you became aware of Brian Higgins, correct? Yes. That name was bantied about a potential witness in the investigation, correct? Yes. And you're aware that Brian Higgins indicated that he saw a tall, dark-haired man into the home after he arrived, correct? I'm not aware of that. And the reason you're not aware of it, Lieutenant Tully, is because nobody bothered to interview Brian Higgins February 10th. Right. So in that form, that needs to stay and ask you differently. When was Brian Higgins' first interview? February 7th? 7th, 10th, yeah. In February, not January 29th, certainly. Correct. Although he was known to be inside the house, correct? Yes. What would you want to interview anyone inside the house? Still another cop who was inside the house when a Boston cop was found dead on the lawn after drinking with the ATF cop who was inside the house, and the Boston sergeant or detective who owned the house. Hmm. 8-6-0. If you like all movies, have your library get you the 1959 French movie "Pickpocket." Maybe the best movie ever made on the subject, basically a how-to. Well, the story in Breitbart said that they have schools in South America that teach people how to pickpocket, and then they just come up, you know, they get free room and boards on the American taxpayer, and they never get arrested for anything. So why wouldn't you go there? 8-4-4-542-42, I'm Howie Carr. The "Hommie Carr Show" will be right back. The emperor of hate, Howie Carr, is back. You feel this vehicle is safe for highway travel? Yes, I do. Yes, I really do. I believe that. I know it's not pretty to look at, but it'll get you where you want to go. 8-4-4-542. So the state police have really cut back on the number of postings on Facebook in recent days, haven't they, Taylor? Twitter mostly. They haven't posted on Twitter in a couple of days. They're still posting somewhat regularly on Facebook. Yeah, they're taking a lot of heat from people who are watching the trial and paying attention. So this past Sunday, this is on Facebook. This past Sunday, June 9th, was the 8th annual "Manheim, New England Touch a Truck" event. Touch a truck event. They do that now. William, my grandson, likes to go to the "Touch a Truck" event. So here are some of the comments on the "Touch a Truck" event. Were the children taught about how to sprinkle tail light pieces around a crime scene? [laughter] They were raising money for a sick kid, and Amanda says, "Hope none of the troopers had the audacity to make fun of his illness." But apparently, that's what MSP troopers do, so they probably did. Steve O'Connell, did anyone find Kevin Albert's gun in badge in the truck? Dave Eric, talking about Proctor, you know, the guy who's going to be fired as soon as they can do it. The one that the governor said she's disgusted with. Dave Eric, "When proctology is out of a job, send him my way. I need some gardening gun. I heard he is very good at planting." Evidence. Evidence. There's another one. "Training for operational readiness at all times." This was around Cape Cod. They were diving. Meg Walsh, "Let us know if you find the MSP's ethics, integrity, and professionalism down there in the water." [laughter] Boy, the women, these are posted by women. The women are really angry. They're angrier than the men. Christina Marie, did they bring their leaf blowers? You know, that's how they... That's how they dealt with the snow. Cheryl, did they find Chloe? Chloe Albert, that's a recurring theme in all these postings on Twitter and Facebook. A beautiful dog, a talented dog. Please check the balloon knot on that scuba gear. [laughter] Stay safe, and yet another woman. You're all going to go out for a couple of beers, whip around in the cruiser and misplace your firearms, or is that like a weekend thing? [laughter] You know, when you're a cop in Manhattan... You never do any work. You just get drunk, so every night is a weekend night. When you're in... 844-542-42. Let's play Governor Healy's comments going out as she's talking... She was hit today by Channel 5 and the Statehouse News Service, and I hope the Herald. The Globe picked up the comments from the Statehouse News Service. That's how far the globe has fallen. I apparently didn't have anybody at the Statehouse. They used to have five, six people at the Statehouse. Now, well, you know, the thing is they were covering the Statehouse like a newspaper. Now they're just a PR agency for the Governor and all the rest of the Democrat hacks, the super majority. So this is Governor Healy on Trooper Proctor. The State Police Trooper Investigator is on the stand at Cairnary Trial. He read his own texts. They were disparaging, objectifying, of a female defendant he was investigating. Is that appropriate for a State Trooper or anyone? It's terrible. I mean, anybody looks at that. I mean, it's completely unprofessional. It does harm, frankly, to the dignity and the integrity of the work of men and women across the State Police and law enforcement. So as a former Attorney General and as Governor, I am disgusted by that. I'll also say that this is the subject of a criminal investigation and trial, and therefore it's not appropriate for me to speak more to that at this time. Translation. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along. Now leave me alone. You've got to go home to my younger gal pal in Arlington, where we have no illegal aliens. I'm Howie Carr. (drum roll)