The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Cueball Canton Cabal with TURTLEBOY 🐢 | 6.13.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

It's Karen Read hour on the Howie Carr Show. Aidan Kearney joins to discuss Brian Tully's testimony in court today plus the latest from the Cueball Canton Cabal---in other words, the group of guys who look very similar.

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13 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. 18 degrees, you'd expect that if someone was outside, they'd have a coat on it, correct? I'm the kind of person that wears shorts throughout the year. No, so I said, "What got big ski-parker and shorts?" "And my legs!" "But like, don't get cold!" "Like, don't get cold!" "That's like his only hope of hooking up with somebody." "Like, maybe that's interesting to make with." Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. Your boss calls the corporate greed. You don't. Well, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna. You know, there's a lack of competition that enables firms to have healthy markups and profits. We're developing the first railway line to extend from Angola, to DRC, Zambia, to the Indian Ocean. Ocean, ocean, ocean. You know, the ocean, the big blue wet thing. To the Indian Ocean. Train on the water, boat on the track. Train on the water, boat on the track. Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaits beware. It's. How we car. 844-542-844-542. You know, we've been talking for days about, you know, we have so many feminists in public office in Massachusetts, and yet they seem to be giving this Karen Reed case and good leaving alone with these vile, nasty, disgusting things that these state troopers are saying and sharing about the defendant in the case, calling her the C-word, referring to her and other women as whack jobs, you know, perjury proctor, the lead investigator. In this case, and in the Brian Walsh case, which involves the dismemberment of his wife, he said he told his sister he hoped she committed suicide. And yet the silence has been deafening from Mara Healy, who is the governor. And she has ultimate responsibility for the state police. So finally, finally, today she came out of her office at the state house and issued a statement, or spoke to reporters about these horrible, horrible, disgusting comments that have been made by the state police. Go ahead. The state police trooper, investigator, is on the stand at Karen Reed trial. He read his own text, they were disparaging, objectifying, of a female defendant he was investigating. Is that appropriate for a state trooper or anyone? It's terrible. I mean, anybody looks at that. I mean, it's completely unprofessional. It does harm, frankly, to the dignity and the integrity of the work of men and women across the state police and law enforcement. So as a former attorney general and as governor, I am disgusted by that. I will also say that this is the subject of a criminal investigation and trial, and therefore it's not appropriate for me to speak more to that at this time. You know, I -- yeah, okay, I get that. But, you know, a follow-up question would have been. I think I asked him my column a day or two ago. Does she think that it's appropriate for the district attorney of Norfolk County, Michael Meatball Morrissey, the guy who employs the people, the guy who made the comments as well as at least one of the other state cops who texted back, "Yeah, you know, with a smile emoji when all these horrible things are being said about Karen Reed, you know, but she -- the C word, the R word, the fact that she has a disease. He's making light sport of her disease." Just -- just the horrible, horrible things. And Meatball Morrissey, the DA, employs this guy on -- as his top investigator, Proctor, perjury proctor, Michael perjury proctor. And, you know, he's going to the Democrat convention. Is this appropriate for him to go to the -- I mean, I know it's up to the voters of Norfolk County where -- where I live to get rid of him at some point down the road if he doesn't run for reelection. However, does she want to go to the Democrat convention with him? Is it appropriate that he become a -- he be a delegate to Chicago? They're -- they're so -- they're so into feminism, right? And by the way, why isn't this story on the Globe website? The Globe website is still -- is still into -- they hate Turtle Boy so much. That's what it is. They hate Turtle Boy so much. They -- they -- they don't mind framing an innocent woman if it can get Turtle Boy. That's -- and just -- they don't -- they don't like any of the people that -- that support Karen Reed or -- again, not so much support Karen Reed but oppose framing an innocent woman. They don't care about that. 603, the feminists have selective sensitivities as to what, quote unquote, "offends them." Disgusting. Yeah. I mean, you would think that after -- after all these -- these comments came to light. And again, these -- this was -- they were just -- they were just read into the record. They'd already been made public in the opening arguments in the -- in the trial. Everybody knew what he said. So I -- I -- there's a -- I -- I've seen on the Globe message boards, some people have said that this guy, perjury proctor, was a -- was a driver for Mara Healy. I -- I -- I find that very unlikely. I mean, I think she has mainly female drivers. I think that's a fact. And I think that if she has male drivers, she wouldn't want this guy. I know I wouldn't want him and I'm a -- I'm a straight male. Straight white male. I would -- this guy -- he makes my skin crawl proctor. But, you know, I -- I -- I sent a -- I sent an email to the state police today asking him -- asking them if proctor has ever been a driver for Mara Healy. I haven't heard back from him. They got back to me very -- they got back to me very early the other day when I said, "Are any of these people going to be this disciplined?" And they -- they gave -- basically gave the same answer that -- that she just did outside of her office at the state house, which is she -- they can't really do anything until the -- until after the trial's over. And -- and with -- you know, some of these guys, they could just demote or, you know, send them out to the, you know, overnight barracks in -- in Berkshire County or something. But what are they going to do with this guy proctor? Because he's the -- he's the lead investigator in the Brian Walsh case, which is a real murder. And there's no body. So, you know, I -- I don't know what they're going to do. And I know that the -- Walsh's lawyer is a guy named an old timer named Kevin Redington. Has a rather mixed record of success, not so much success lately. But he was there at the -- at the Karen Read trial when all this was going on with proctor on the stand. So he's going to -- he's apparently probably going to file some kind of -- some kind of motions. I don't know what he's going to be looking for. But obviously this has really screwed up the investigation. 978, didn't Mara protect the ADAs who committed a fraud upon the court? Well, when she was the AG, yes, with the Sonia Farrak drug cases. She -- she filed a motion to basically overlook all the evidence that -- that Sonia Farrak had been framing people by the fact that she was a chemist in the state police lab and she was snorting up all the evidence. And she filed a motion to overlook the evidence. And then she filed a motion to seal the motion. Yeah. That never got -- that never got nearly enough play that story. I wrote a giant column for the Herald about it. But just -- just based off the judge's decision, it was a -- it was a really well-reasoned decision. That was like seven years ago. 844-542-42. I think one of the -- one of the people that was involved in covering up Sonia Farrak's misdeeds was actually disbarred and separated from the state payroll. But I mean, the problem -- the big problem was that, you know, it's one thing to have this going on in an obscure lab in Amherst. But when it -- when you find out it's going on, it's like -- it's like trying to railroad a -- a woman in Kenton. You don't know what the railroading is going on. But when you find out about it, you got to do something about it. And the -- their initial reaction in the -- in the case of Sonia Farrak was to try to cover it up. And the initial reaction here with the state police was to cover it up. That's a problem. The cover-up was always worse than the crime or usually, anyway. Dennis, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dennis. Howie, how ostracized do you think Trooper Proctor would be by now if he had called Tara read the N-word? Karen Reed, you mean? Yeah, Karen Reed. Yeah. That's about the only -- about the only word he didn't call her yet. No, but, you know, some people can get away with that. I mean, look at Hunter Biden. He -- he used the N-word on the -- on the laptop. And, you know, nobody -- nobody ever talks about that. And again, his father today said he's the brightest man he knows. And I think he used the C-word, too, which is the female equivalent of the N-word. Well, he called his mother. He called his -- his stepmother, Dr. Jill. He called her the C-word, an entitled C-word. Has anyone ever seen Hunter Biden and Michael Proctor in the same room, Dennis? [ Laughter ] They -- they both have heavy -- heavy duty entitlement all about them. Thanks for the call. 844-542. 4242. Experience the ultimate savings event with MyPillow's $25 Extravaganza. For a limited time, dive into incredible deals like a two-pack multi-use MyPillow's. Stylish sandals for both men and women. Or a luxurious six-pack towel set, all available for an astonishing $25 each. Yes, you heard that right, just $25 per item during MyPillow's $25 Extravaganza. But wait, there's more. 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The Globe said everyone that's supporting Karen Reed is a racist in effect. Again, if Karen Reed were black or a lesbian, I said this yesterday, the Globe would be treating this like the beginning of World War 3. But it's just a white woman who's a heterosexual, so they don't care. And if MAGA people, like Turtle Boy, like me, like you, if we think that she shouldn't be railroaded, then the Globe's all in on railroading her. 844, 542, 42. If Proctor were the driver for Healy, wouldn't he have dirt on her? Another state police or other state officials. I don't believe it. I just saw, I just see it repeated over and over again on social media. So I just decided to check it out today. So I just sent him a quick email and I haven't heard back from him. But I don't believe it for any number of reasons. But again, he's got a pretty good job without too much experience. But there's a lot of hacker ram in the state police, obviously. Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop and intrude from breaking down your door? The original Flip Lock is the answer. It's simple to use and is rated to stop up to nearly 1,700 pounds of force. Learn more at That's F-L-I-P-L-O-K dot com. F-L-I-P-L-O-K dot com. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is Biden reaffirmed today that he will not pardon Hunter. Do you believe him? Oh, no. 96% say no. I was born at night, but not last night. 844-500-4242. We're going to play all these Biden cuts after we talk to Turtle Boy at the bottom of the hour. But again, let's play Governor Healy's comments again on Trooper Proctor. This is a big story today. State Police Trooper Investigator is on the stand at Caronary Trial. He read his own text. They were disparaging, objectifying, a material defendant he was investigating. Is that appropriate for a State Trooper or anyone? It's terrible. I mean, anybody looks at that. I mean, it's completely unprofessional. It does harm, frankly, to the dignity and the integrity of the work of men and women across the state police and law enforcement. So as a former Attorney General and as Governor, I am disgusted by that. I'll also say that this is the subject of a criminal investigation and trial and therefore it's not appropriate for me to speak more to that at this time. Governor, is it appropriate for the employer of this despicable human being and his despicable associates who were cheering him on as he wrote these terrible text messages? Is it appropriate for meatball Morrissey, the DA of Norfolk County who employs these people and it still has the Morris payroll and has said nothing about these horrible texts and his other employees who are cheering him on? Is it appropriate for him to go to the Democrat National Convention? Is it elegant? Of course it's up to the voters of Norfolk County to make a decision on whether he's fit to continue and he's not up for reelection for another two years, but the convention is coming up in about two months. Should he be going there? I know he likes to go to all the buffets, but you know, he's going to make the load on the plane a lot bigger too, you know. He weighs 400 pounds or 300 pounds. 844. 844. 542. I want to play a cut from Ron DeSantis. You know, he's been fighting this with the libs on transgender care and books in the grade school libraries, et cetera, et cetera. So he was asked by one of these snotty reporters about the transgenders and sex change operations for minors, what they call gender affirming care. This is Governor Ron DeSantis. Cut 8. But it's also just a fact of, you know, you use the term gender affirming care, which is what media uses and what the left uses. You're not affirming that. You're trying to change their basic biology, which you cannot do, okay? You cannot do that, you know, how you're born is what you are. And so I think it's about, are we going to be rooted in truth as a society or not? And if we're rooted in truth, then you would say, of course you can't do these surgeries because it's not going to take and transform somebody that's a male into a female. So we'll win that appeal. Yeah. I mean, so I guess we know where he stands on Liam Morrison, the now 8th grader who's been in Northboro, who's been told he can't wear a T-shirt that says the controversial words, there are two genders. Cut 7. We are going to stand up for duly enacted statutes. We're going to stand up for protecting the innocence of these kids. But I would say it goes beyond that because what this is doing when they're doing a sex change on a teenager, there's a lot of people that want to make money off that, consequences be damn, they're lying in their pockets and they could care less about what's going to happen to that teenager when they become 25, which many regret and have big time problems as a result of that. Yeah, you know, that's, that's the reality of it. I'm glad he put it out there. They, these, these gender affirmation surgeries are making big bucks for some of these people. And there's a, the UK, as woke as the UK is, they've been, they've been backing off of this stuff. It's sanity, insanity, 844, 542, 42, and how we car. Well, the day wasn't as crazy as the last couple in the murder trial. Of Karen Reed and Dedham. But it was, it was still interesting. I think the lead though today so far is that Governor Healy has finally come out and, and said that she is disgusted by what's been going on. It took her long enough to decide that. But joining us now to talk about what happened today is Aiden Carney, AKA turtle boy. And he's been covering this case from day one. And one of his, one of his nemesis was on the witness stand today, Brian Tully. But first of all, turtle boy, what do you make of Governor Healy finally saying she's disgusted with what's been going on? I'm disgusted. It took her this long. And the only reason she's doing this is because of public pressure, because she started, you know, we've been banging this jump for a while that she needs to chime in. And finally, when she hears, you know, when Sue O'Connell and other people on her side of the aisle start, you know, chime in on it and saying that she needs to talk, then she finally talks, but you know, she ignores it until she can't ignore it. That's all this is. She's disgusted that she has to deal with it. The pain in her, you know, doesn't want to deal with it. And Michael Proctor is causing problems for her. And that's why she's actually disgusted. She's not actually disgusted with the language because she would have said something much earlier if she was. Don't you think they should have asked her to? I've been saying this that, you know, what are your thoughts about Michael Morris? He meatball going to the, to the Democrat National Convention with you as a delegate, you know. I mean, she could put her foot down basically and get him, you know, force him to step down. I mean, should he really be? He employs these people. Right. I was going to say, you know, who's not disgusted, Mora? Michael Morris. He's not disgusted in the least because he's because he stood by this guy. He gave a taped presentation last August, telling everybody else that we have to shut up and stop complaining about this and stop suggesting something nefarious is going on because he stands by his troopers and Michael Proctor did nothing wrong. He doesn't know any of the witnesses. Nobody ever did that. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So he stood by him and so why is she standing by, of course, because there is no proctor without Morrissey. Yeah. Well, you know, again, this Brian Walsh situation is, it's really, it could get really messy. You know, I don't think that throw the case out, but it could, it could really slow things down. GM up the gears. It's pretty good. If, if Redington starts filing these appeals and they go through discovery to, to find out. He's got Redington. He's got Redington now. I thought he, I thought Redington was his guy. No, no. He's got, he's got Larry Tipton, the same guy that Lopes at Michael Chip. And whatever, you know, the, the, the lawyer is going to, unless he's changed lawyer's reason, the lawyer is going to take advantage of that. I put it, I, I slipped the note under his door when I was in the can with him. And I asked him, have you ever heard of this Michael Proctor character? I know he's on your case and I was just looking for the interview, you know, he wouldn't talk to me though. He said the doctor was a message of the attorney about it. But this is going to, I mean, this is going to be any token 2.0 anything that Michael Proctor touched at every lawyer, every defense attorney out there, you know, with a conviction on a client that Michael Proctor had anything to do with, is going to be all over this. One of the textors just said, can you imagine if what Proctor would say to his Hillbilly high school buddies about Mara Healy, you know, if he, if he was still, if he was still in that chat group? Oh my God, it was, that was an L, I'll tell you that much. He would have some strong feelings about Mara Healy. I don't think, he doesn't strike me as a Healy voter, but anyway, it's like, he's, and ultimately Tully is also his boss too, Tully got up there today, tried to act all professional about it. And did you see how they quickly tried to throw Lucky Lockerton to the bus and discredit him, the plow driver? Tell, tell us about that, I didn't, I was in and out of the thing today. Now, Lucky Loughran is the guy who's really going to put the final nail in the coffin of the prosecution case, isn't he? Who tell people who Lucky is? The Lucky is a county plow driver, right, and he was Brian Loughran. And his brother is actually the chairman of the board of Solakman. So, you know, his brother voted against the police audit by all, you know, like, if you look at them from the outside, this is the perfect guy who should, you know, be toe in the McAlbert line, right? He's in the cue ball, Kenton Cabal, in other words. Right, right. And he's bravely speaking out and telling what actually happened when he saw that night, when he said that at 2.30 in the morning, when he went by Brian Albertaus, there was nobody on the front lawn. Karen Reed's private investigator tracked him down after Proctor said that nobody from Kenton, nobody from Kenton, DpW, Plowd Fairview, wrote that night, he lied in his report. Yeah. And so they got a tip. He was told, he was told the DPW commissioner came in and testified, I told Proctor this. Proctor said nobody ever told, it was just another lie in a string of lies in his testimony. But so... So this guy, because they're afraid of his testimony, because his testimony says there's nobody on the front lawn at 2.30, and that means that Karen Reed couldn't have struck him at 12.30, and they even asked him, like, if there was a body there, you know, would you have seen it? Because, you know, they'll say, oh, you maybe you missed it. No, he insisted that there was no, if there was a body on the lawn, there's no possible body. He describes his routine and everything he does and why he wouldn't have missed it. And then the bombshell, he says he came back for a second run through about half an hour later on three or so, and this time he couldn't go through because there was a four-edged park right by the flat pole where John's body would be discovered three hours later. Done, game over bombshell, right? Well, to this day, they've done nothing to track down, the police have done nothing to track down who was driving that four-edged, ever since I publicized this for the first time in August when I spoke to him. Well, they finally went and spoke to a lucky locker in two days later, and he told them all, and this is the only interview, by the way, that they reported of all their interviews. And he told them the same story he told me and the PI and the FBI that nobody on the lawn, then he saw a four-edged, later run, right? So, they go to, like, so how can you discredit this? Well, Tully gets up there today, and he basically says that lucky locker in doesn't know what he's talking about, that his story was unreliable, he said, because it was too specific, it was too good. How could he know it was a four-edged, from whatever, like... Yeah, we've got that cut. Let's play the cut. Hold on, Turtle Boy. That's yours. Well, we determined the veracity of that statement, and we want to make sure that the person gave it, is consistent and accurate and had a good vantage point of it, have concerns about... No. Why not? Well, the person has given the statement multiple times, and it appears to have changed. So, over those times, it also appears that the person observed this vehicle from a distance, and also the identification of a four-edged seemed highly suggestive the way that I had read the account of it. If I had done that, as a police officer, this court would throw out that identification. So, did you find out, anybody in the Albert family first on the four-edged? I don't remember what we're called up, down my head, if somebody... Did you look at automobile registration records? I did not know. Did you task anybody else to look at automobile registration records? I believe Triple Proctor and Sergeant Mechanic had investigated that. And do you have any idea what that investigation revealed? I don't. Did the office own a four-edged? I don't know. Is this if you're... They did own a four-edged? Didn't they? Section. Objection sustained. Which members of the family owned a four-edged? Turtle Boy. Brian Collin and Kevin, I'm told they're also owned a four-edged. Oh, there were multiple four-edged? Multiple... Multiple four-edged? Yeah. Yeah, the same Kevin Albert who got drunk in Michael Proctor's trooper car and forgot his gun and badge behind, which happened sometimes apparently when he was a party with him at Calvert. His sleeve was gun and badge again. The state police, by the way, Turtle Boy, they put up a thing on their Facebook page about how happy they were about the touch-a-truck event they had over the weekend. And the first response from a member of the public was, "Did they find Kevin Albert's gun in his badge in the truck?" Yeah, right next to Chloe. Yeah. And then they posted a picture of a dog, a missing dog from the Blue Hills, right? Reservation. And somebody said, "Is that Chloe Albert?" They need to shut up their comments because they are just getting roasted every single... It was hilarious. I put it in my column for tomorrow, was they were so funny, it was better than anything I could write. They were hilarious comments. But so he's just dismissing anything that goes against what they want to hear. They dismiss. Yeah, they're saying that it was too suggestive. But how was it suggestive, like the guy said that he saw a four-edge there? "Oh, well, maybe it wasn't a..." How could he know it was a four-edge from that far away? Okay, fine. Let's suppose it wasn't a four-edge. Let's suppose it was a Nissan Pathfinder, right? There's still a car there at 3 a.m. And there wasn't a body there at 2.30. So maybe find out who that was. Can you do that? Can we figure that out? Who was driving the car that was here there at 3 a.m.? I feel like that kind of matters. Whoever is involved. Whoever was driving that car. It seems to have been involved in placing a body on the front lawn of Brian Albertaus. Now, Tully said yesterday at the very end of the session under direct examination by Lally, who came today dressed like somebody from Geys and Dolls with the black suit and the black shirt and the white tie, he said that he was reper-- that Proctor was reprimanded for what he said. But I mean, how come Jackson didn't try to follow that up? I mean, what kind of reprimand did he get? He didn't get a reprimand as far as I could say. Yeah. He's still working cases. He hasn't been docked without. He hasn't been suspended. Nothing like that. I was curious about that, too. He had a reprimand. What reprimand? By the way, Lieutenant John Fanning, who has the same rank as Brian Tully, was in those text chains. Did he get a reprimand? Right. How come he was okay with it? But all of a sudden, Brian Tully, he's the one that really chose the line at the state police. So nothing gets by Brian Tully. He runs a tight ship over there. He signed off on all these fraudulent reports. He's the one that signed the report by Michael Proctor that said that nobody plowed Fairview Road. Like, he signed that. Like, you signed a document that was false. Your name is on that, Brian Tully. Why aren't you, you know, why aren't you holding him, like, why is he not suspended? What exactly have you done? Well, another thing was they, you know, I thought it was a good point Jackson made. You know, it's, it's winter January in, in Massachusetts. And there's a snowstorm coming. And yet they find John, John will keep his body out on the lawn and he's wearing a just a sweatshirt. I mean, that doesn't, and he, and I think in the, in the, in the surveillance footage in the, at the waterfall, he's wearing a coat. What happened to the coat? And he didn't. He just, I don't think he had a coat. He just had the sweatshirt on, but that's, I mean, if you see somebody with just a sweat like a light pull over on in the snow, aren't you going to assume he's going to be a little, you know, it just happens that John didn't like wear a coat out that night, right? So like in Tully's response to that is I wear shorts in the water. Yeah. Listen to you. Listen to this. If you haven't heard it, cut one. You also know that he was found without a coat on. Yes. Are coats normally worn outside or inside? It's user's choice. Fair enough. 18 degrees you would expect that if someone was outside, they'd have a coat on, correct? I'm the kind of person that wears shorts throughout the year. I'll often go without a jacket. All right. The true Bostonian. Yes, sir. That's, you know, you know, again, they're, they're accusing people like us of making sport of, of the trial and just using it as entertainment, and, but what, what was that? That's, he's not taking this very seriously, is he? No, he's not. Oh, I wear shorts in the winter. No, you don't Tully. Stop it. Stop it. You don't wear shorts in the way. Like when you go out in 10 degree, whether you wear shorts, give me a break. Of course, that doesn't happen. And then he talked about the search warrant today. Oh, yeah, you couldn't search Brian Albert house with a dick. Come on. Are you kidding me? What about when you did it to me? When you did it to me, you didn't, would you have some probable cause for me? Are you a couple comments I made on YouTube? That's enough to like get a warmth of the car, the phone, all the devices, the house, all of it. But you can't, I should, like I said before, you just throw it that by, throw it that body on your lawn. That'll keep Brian Tully away from you. He's like a, that's like kryptonite to him. When you throw a dead cop on your lawn, they just leave you alone, the state police do. That's our policy. What is lucky going to testify, by the way, uh, you got to testify according to David and that UI interview yesterday, he's not going to testify. Uh, that doesn't sound like the Commonwealth's going to call him as they shouldn't, uh, but the defense is absolutely going to call him and Proctor, as it turns out, was whining about, yeah, I think I told you this yesterday that he's whining about, oh, he's interviewing Lucky Walker and my sister's school. They're being so mean to us. They're carrying us, they're being so mean. Uh, no, he just happened. That's where Lucky wanted him to meet. He's a county guy. He lives right near there. They want to meet there and go over what the testimony was made. And that is what happens. Right. We've got, you know, we've got, you know, he cuts. We'll play it after, uh, after the break, uh, from, uh, when you were talking to him yesterday. So who, who's going to, who's going to testify tomorrow, uh, turtle boy? I mean, we still have a nerve from the medical examiner, how are you? This is the end of week seven. We still have not heard from arguably the most important person we need to hear from the envy or errors, uh, or as Michael Proctor calls her, the whack job, the whack job. We need to hear from her about how she determined that John did not get in a fight. There was no signs of a fight, some reasons she felt the need to include that in a report. So she could be a very interesting witness if she was coached to say certain things at the, the police wanted her to say, we still haven't heard from the, their, their, celebrate experts who are supposedly going to debunk the 227 search because last I saw, it's still bright on it. Unless the celebrate guy says, still bright doesn't work. Uh, I, I think they're probably going to have to confirm that that's a legit Google search. If, if Adam McCabe, Google, how long to die in cold at two 27 a.m., which she did, then it doesn't matter if John O'Keefe DNA is on the tail a, it doesn't matter if his piece of his hair is on the car. That means nothing. My DNA is probably on my tail a, that doesn't mean I got run over a car. Yeah, I know and say, and is it, do they have phone evidence that, uh, that O'Keefe was in the house? People keep talking about that, but that didn't come up today. Did it? Well, they have a, uh, they have John's phone is Apple health data shows him ascending and descending three flights of stairs between 12 21 and 12 24. And, and less Karen Reed has a flight of stairs in her car. I don't see how he could not be inside that house. All right. Okay. Turtle boy. I'll talk to you tomorrow and, uh, good, uh, you know, good luck tomorrow and, uh, see, talk to you then. Where could people reach? Okay. We love our pets, but we don't love their smells. Smells from litter boxes, wet dog smell and pet accidents in the house can build up and cause a big stink. Thankfully, the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier gets rid of the toughest pet odors in just a few seconds. Even those dreaded pet accidents like urine, feces and, and puke are eliminated by the thunderstorm. It works by sending out all natural O three molecules into your home that attach to those stinky smells and destroys them all, leaving you and your furry friends with a fresh and clean smelling home. Eden pure even has a pet odor guarantee to wipe out any pet odor or your money back. Place an Eden thunderstorm in your bedroom, family room, kitchen or basement. They even make great gifts. Get $200 off a three pack today for whole home protection. Get and use discount code Howey3. That's discount code Howey3. I'm HoweyCar. Looking for the perfect gift for the HoweyCar fan in your life? Or maybe you're looking for a great deal on a local restaurant or entertainment venue. We've got them all. Go to and click store. He's HoweyCar. 844-542-42 Richard, you're next with HoweyCar. Go ahead Richard. Hey, how you doing Howey? Good. I believe Lucky Lawford was going to be blamed at the very beginning because if you're sticking a body that close, what better than a plow hitting them to make them land where he lands. And then all of a sudden the woman comes in, Karen, in the morning says, I think I hit him. Story changed immediately at 530 in the morning. Well, you know, I mean, there are there are all kinds of theories out there, Richard. I mean, another theory, you know, Higgins, the drunken ATF agent, he had a plow on his truck too. You know? Yeah, see, I hope Lucky is listening because he needs to know that they were going to send him up the river. Oh, you know, I think he, I think Lucky has a pretty good idea when he's up against and you know, he talked to him on Monday will play the cuts after after the chump line from you know, he talking about you know, he met him at the at the at this in the school parking lot where Proctor's wife teaches. So Proctor is whining and moaning. I mean, he's a big he's one another one of these big tough guys, you know, he can dish it out, but he is a glass job when it comes to taking a punch himself. So we're going to, I look forward to seeing Lucky on the stand. Seems like he's, he'd be, he's going to be pretty good witness. All right, we'll be right back on Howard Carr. Everyone is happy at the hillside. [BLANK_AUDIO]