The Howie Carr Radio Network

Halie Biden didn't seem to have any "Street Smarts" plus Brian Tully takes the stand | 6.13.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Massachusetts State Trooper Lt. Brian Tully took the stand at the Dedham courthouse today, and Howie has all the new information hot off the press. Then, Grace and Howie discuss the installments in the Hunter Biden trial as well as the book published by Hunter's baby mama.

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13 Jun 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. 18 degrees, you would expect that if someone was outside, they'd have a coat on it, correct? I'm the kind of person who wears shorts throughout the year. No, it's always the one guy, big ski parker, and shorts. They're my legs, but like, don't kick off. Like, don't kick off. That's like his only hope of hooking up with somebody. Like, maybe that's interesting to make with-- Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. Your boss calls it corporate greed. You don't. Well, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna. You know, there's a lack of competition that enables firms to have healthy markups in profit. We're developing the first railway line to extend from Angola to the DRC, Zambia to the Indian Ocean. Ocean? Ocean? Ocean? You know, the ocean, the big blue wet thing. To the Indian Ocean. Train on the water, boat on the track. Train on the water, boat on the track. Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaats beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Holy car. Now, when this goes to the Indian Ocean for Angola to the Indian Ocean, the railroad line, is this going to be the same railroad that's going to be all the way from what, California, across the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean? Is it going to hook up? Might as well take it all the way across the Atlantic to South America, too, as long as-- just make it a whole worldwide railroad. Well, we're going to end and we're going to help-- we have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean. That's what I'm wondering. So now he's talking about another railroad that's going to go to the shores of the Indian Ocean. I mean, is it going to hook up with this other one that he was talking about? 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42. So he's in Italy right now. And he's with Zelensky. And he just talked about how he's going to give $50 billion more, $50 billion more to Ukraine. So he just apparently nixed or vetoed, maybe even, pay raises for the US military. But he's going to give $50 billion to Ukraine. The price of Swiss chalets and chattos on the French Riviera is going through the roof. Penthouse apartments on Biscayne Bay and Miami Beach, up and away, townhouses in the posh districts in London. Everything is going to be-- everything is going to be going up. And then a day or so from now, Ukrainians don't have-- Ukrainian troops don't have enough ammunition. And the story the day after that will be headlined. No young men left in Ukraine. They've all fled to Poland. Nobody wants to fight for Zelensky. It's such a noble struggle. Where is that sergeant, Yuri Butchnick, the guy who speaks and broke in English and can't do simple math? He's a Ukrainian, you know. Well, why doesn't he go back there? You know, set up the man button brigade. 8, 6, 3, will the railroad go through both Palestine and East Palestine? There'll be a lot more guarantee. There'll be a lot more money for Palestine than for East Palestine. 8, 4, 4, 542, 42, 919 says. In Raleigh, North Carolina, just off the highway, a homeless camp was evicted. Over 400 shopping carts were found in the camp. Only 400? Did they get them all back to Food Lion and all those other-- they still have wind ixies in North Carolina? 8, 4, 4, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42. So it's kind of a slow day in the Karen Reed case. We'll have Turtle Boy with us again today. But it would be hard to top the fireworks of yesterday. But they had another skinhead today from the state police. We tweeted it out. They separated at birth. All these skinheads from Kenton. Today it was Brian Tully, who's the head of the state police detective unit in the Norfolk County DA's office. And yesterday, the skinhead was Michael Proctor. And then before that, it was Chris Albert, another skinhead. The brother of Kevin Albert, the Kenton police detective who got so drunk working on a cold case of Budweiser, I guess, with Proctor that he lost his gun in his badge. 781, more importantly, why are we building a railroad in Angola? I know that is an important question. But this is the Brandon administration. I mean, you could also ask the question, why is Palestine getting more money than East Palestine? Ohio. None of it makes any sense. Why are the borders open? Why have we become energy dependent again, after being energy independent under Donald Trump? How we don't forget the peer that we're sinking another $400 million into. Are we repairing the peer again? So they built the peer. It worked about two days. And as soon as every truck that came off was hijacked by Hamas and was taken to terrorists. And then God saw what was happening, I guess, and created a storm and wrecked the peer. And several US ships or boats were washed ashore onto the beach in Gaza and southern Israel. And so that was the end of that aid convoy. And then they repaired it, and I guess it's broken again. 844, 542, 42. Somebody went, can I give me a train to get to the Indian Ocean from here? You know, they used to have a railroad in Florida that ran-- it was the Florida East Coast railroad. And it's still there. But it ends before it gets to the Keys. They used to run all the way down the Keys, the Islands. Then came, I think, the hurricane of 1938. And that was the end of the Florida East Coast railroad south of Miami, or maybe a little further south than that. But if a hurricane is going to take out a railroad built into the ocean right on the edge of the mainland, what would it do in the middle of the ocean? I mean, it's obvious. We all know that. That's why there are no railroads across the ocean. But Joe Biden doesn't know that. This pier will be a bargain. At about 130, container ships struck the Francis Scott's Key Bridge, which I've been over many, many times commuting from the still tellery to our trainer by car. No, you haven't. No. Yeah. Remember that? No, there aren't any trains that run over that bridge that was wrecked by the barge. But I mean, think about how much building the railroad across the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean will cost, considering how much the bridge in Baltimore Harbor is going to cost. How much is the bridge in Baltimore Harbor going to cost? I forget the number he cited. What is it? Barge train collisions are going to spike in the Indian Ocean. [LAUGHTER] And they don't have hurricanes in the Indian Ocean. They have typhoons, right? And tsunamis, which are another way of saying hurricane. But still, how much does the bridge cost? Do we have an update on how much the bridge is going to cost in Maryland? I think we do somewhere. I think it's an astronomical number, as I recall. We'll say 844, 540, 242, we'll get to it in a while. 844, 542, 42, get on board now. And we're rebuilding the $60,000,000 bridge in Baltimore. $60,000. This house must cost $1,000,000. No $60,000,000, actually. And they say inflation is cooling? $60,000. Do what I did in order a burner for your loved one. Charlotte was visiting, and we started to talk about all the benefits of a burner. Immediately, she said, well, why don't you just buy me one? I need it. You want your loved ones to feel safe, and having effective yet non-lethal options is vital. Introducing the burner, less-lethal pistol launcher developed by a team of common sense gun owners who understand the importance of having choices. They engineered the burner launcher as a powerful tool for self-defense, allowing users to de-escalate threatening situations without resorting to deadly force. For many responsible gun owners, the thought of using lethal forces daunting, burdened with emotional and legal consequences. The burner offers a safer, sensible alternative, potentially saving lives on both sides, protecting both the user and the aggressor. Look what happened in Oakland the other day. 77-year-old guy is sitting in his house, and three thugs come in. One of them's got a crowbar. He shoots one of them. Now this guy is under arrest. You don't want that to happen to you or any of your loved ones. For those who are averse to owning a firearm, the burner is the optimal choice that delivers formidable stopping power without having to take a life. In today's unpredictable environment, the burner is an indispensable tool to keep you and your family safe. Legal in all 50 states, no background checks or permits required. Over 15,000 4.5-star reviews, they can ship directly to your door. The burner isn't just an option. It's an essential component of responsible, non-lethal protection. Visit for 10% off your purchase. That's for 10% off, and to check out the latest news about burner. If you haven't checked out, and if you haven't checked out my new episode of Meet the Experts with owner Brian Gantz, listen today. Wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcast, I'm Howie Car. Leave a message for the big guy. Call the chumpline. 844-500-4242. Press two and leave your message. Then listen every weekday at five to catch the best messages of the day. One of them may be yours. (dramatic music) (crowd cheering) - The emperor of hate Howie Car is back. - I'm extremely proud of my son Hunter. He has overcome an addiction. He is one of the greatest, most decent men I know, and I am satisfied that I'm not gonna do anything I said. I abide by the jury decision. I will do that, and I will not pardon him. - Commutation, perhaps. But I don't know, I'm still not totally clear what the difference is, but it's all BS. He's gonna pardon him. There's no way. Again, when they, Hunter listened to the jury verdict stoically without emotion. Yeah, 'cause it didn't matter. Nothing's gonna happen to him. - Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop an intruder from breaking down your door? The original Flip Lock is the answer. It's simple to use and is rated to stop up to nearly 1,700 pounds of force. Learn more at That's Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is Biden reaffirmed today that he will not pardon Hunter. Do you believe him? - No, not in the least. - 97% say no. - My word is a Biden. I will not pardon Hunter. I don't like, oh, he's one of the brightest men I know, and he's in recovery. Oh, okay, everything he says is a lie. 844-542-42. Eric, you're next with howiecar. Go ahead, Eric. - Hey, good afternoon, howie. Cameron Reed, skinheads at the climate of Massachusetts have spent like this for a long time, and you know. - Yeah. - Yeah, static electricity, mitochondrial DNA, that could have got there, from inside, flying around, and there. It's just, what else is on other contaminants around these pieces of evidence? - Yeah, they have, they have a DNA experts on, they've adjourned a recess for the day, they'll be back in the morning. But they have this guy saying that they're on his clothes, they found three types of DNA. One is O'Keefe's DNA, and the other two are unknown. I mean, wouldn't it have behooved the state police before they indicted, or before the prosecutors indicted, Cameron Reed, to have checked the DNA samples of some of the other people who were around him, some of the people who were inside the house, where they claim he never was. - Hello. - But you know, these guys are so smug, and you know, they don't have a clue what they're talking about, they all become these experts, like Proctor became a physician. Now this guy, this guy Tully today, the new skinhead that they put on the stand, he's a big expert on cell phones, and technology. - Hugh Kenick was the same way with the physician stuff, he thought he was a doctor, too. Epidermis of the skin, he said. (laughing) - Yeah, again, he's the guy who said, Jackson said five, five oh eight from five fifty is what? (grunting) - 48. - Yeah, 48. A 42. (grunting) You didn't let me take off my socks. I would have got it if I had my toes to count with. Pete, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Pete. - Hi, Cap, thanks for taking my call this afternoon. - Thank you, thanks for calling. - Yeah, you're entirely welcome. You know, so the empty-headed one is a crime family, the entourage, they've jetted over there at our expense to the G7 Summit Conference, and who walks on, and who's Biden hooked up with? The money vacuum, Zellinski, and I have to ask a question. Where the hell, number one, where in the hell is our Congress? What the hell is going on in Washington with our Congress? Number one, number two is, I listened to Charles Payne today on Fox, and I listened to Stephanie Pomboy, who's a very smart individual. This lady knows her business. She says, 25, we're headed for a major recession. I'm gonna think it's more like a depression. - Well, you know, again, you don't have to be an economist to know, Pete. You can't just keep printing money. You know, I mean, societies have tried it down through the ages, and it always ends badly. Weimar Republic, Zimbabwe, Juan Perones, Argentina, it always ends money. And you know, the thing about Congress, Pete, is though, they always say, well, we just found another three billion that was unused in the Pentagon budget, and we're gonna ship it off to our pals in the Azov, what is it called, the Azov Brigade? You know, Brandon was over earlier this month in Normandy talking about fighting the Nazis and all that. And now they're giving money to the Azov Brigade in Ukraine, which apparently half of them have Nazi swastika tattoos. It's basically Nazi sympathizers in this battalion, and we're backing them. Remember they had, you know, when the war first started, they had this guy, he was supposedly a Ukrainian hero. They took him over to Disney World to get an award, and he had his shirt up. Remember this, Taylor? He had his shirt up, and he had a big swastika tattoo. They had to cover it up before they could put him out in front of the cameras. And so, but we say, we're gonna give you everything you need, Ukraine, but you can't really use any of the missiles against the oil fields in Russia, 'cause, you know, there's an election coming up, and gas prices are already too high. But we don't mind if you shoot the missiles just onto the border land of Russia. That's still an invasion. Just like he said, there was a minor incursion by Russia would be okay. You know, Putin sees that, and he goes in. As far as he's concerned, it is a minor incursion. All they want is the eastern half of the country, right? 844, 542, 42, I'm how we car. (lively music) (upbeat music) - Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. - 844, 542, 42. Look who's on Fox right now, Byron Donalds. Where was he earlier today, Grace? - He was on the Grace Curly Show, thank you for asking. - Yes, that interview will be posted any minute now, representative Byron Donalds, Congressman from Florida, who's also a VP contender, but he wouldn't give me any scoop on that. - I don't think there are any scoops. - Yeah, he said we're all just trying our best for something along those lines. - That's right, that's all he can say. - But he's funny because he's a real lightning rod, when he goes, whatever. You can tell that they have a magnifying glass on what he's saying, and they're trying to speak. - These are tryouts, your show, now Fox. I mean, all these, you know, he's making the rounds. - Yeah, and Trump today is in Washington, and he's trying to, in D.C., he's trying to unify the GOP, and I said this earlier, Hallelujah, I don't know if you'd agree. I feel like the GOP right now, sure there's the dead enders like Mitch McConnell and the, you know-- - Well, he did, did he meet with Mitch McConnell for that? - Yeah, it seems like because of this law fair from Democrats that the Republicans are very unified. - You can see why Mitch McConnell would hate him, he only gave Mitch McConnell's wife a job in the cabinet, right? - Yeah. - No good deed goes unpunished. - Yeah, he's still a little ungrateful, but it seems as though the GOP were definitely more unified, I would say than the Democrats right now. - Yes. - Not that that's a very high bar at this point. So Trump is meeting with House Republicans in high energy, unifying event in D.C. He met with House Republicans at the Capitol Hill Club in D.C. on Thursday, the first leg of an event packed day. A handful of protesters were there as well, but nothing got out of hand. - Dogs bark, the caravan moves on. - Meanwhile, a lot of news cuts from Joe Biden's G7 trip, including the fact that his granddaughter, Naomi, did you hear about this? That she glommed on to the trip. She's in Italy at like a $1,000-- - Did she clear this with her probation officer? - Does Naomi have a probation officer? - I believe she does. I think that might be one of the other ones. - Don't they all have probation officers? - Naomi's the one who just got married. Not just, but she got married at the White House. But yeah, she was at Hunter Biden's trial. She's Hunter Biden's daughter. And now she's in Italy with pop for this G7 summit. Also, even bigger news, there was a really strange cut of Joe Biden and the rest of the world leaders watching a skydiving demonstration. And the entire group is focused on, if you're watching a skydiving demonstration, here's a quiz, Howie. You're watching a skydiving demonstration. What are you focused on? - The airplane. - Right, not Joe. He turns his back to the demonstration and starts kind of wandering into the beyond. And luckily-- - Was there a silver alert issued? - Luckily, one of the other people in the group, I think it was Maloney, the Italian prime minister. - Yeah, the new one. - I think he says that she's a Nazi too, right? Or thinks she's a Nazi. - She grabbed his arm and pulled him back to the group. Well, Dr. Jill wasn't there. I don't know why. And you know what? - I'm surprised. You know, they both have blonde hair. You know, Maloney and Jill. Dr. Jill, I'm surprised they didn't say Dr. Jill. - Hi, honey. - Yeah, well, if anyone-- - Can I step your hair? - It is one of those things that you're better off seeing, because obviously there's no audio of it, really. So if you want to see that, you can go to I just put that video up to him. - You want to know what he said when he looked up at the airplane? - What? - Don't jump. - Don't jump, yeah. - All the G7 leaders, by the way, they walked out onto that field. Joe Biden was forced by the Secret Service to take a golf cart, like 100 year old Bob Hope. (laughing) - Oh my God. - No, really? - I just hate everybody. - And everybody else walked? - Yes. - That's when you have to say to the other people, listen, he's taking a golf cart. I know you guys don't need one, but everybody's got to be in a golf cart. - I think Trudeau rode with him, so it didn't look as bad, but still. - You know what Trudeau said to him? Said, you think your poll number sucked. - Yeah. - Have you looked at mine? - Wait, you sound way too masculine to be Justin Trudeau. (laughing) - Yeah, that's crazy. I think you have to get everywhere on the same page, you know? You can't have half the group doing one. - Well, the thing is too, when Bob Hope, you're right, he rode around at the end in the golf cart, but he always would take a golf club with him, you know, to preserve that diminishing illusion that he could get something done. - Watch this one, everybody. - Can you imagine if Biden had a golf club in the cart to go watch this guy diving demonstration? - Speaking of bizarre on camera moments, do you see Nathan Wade? This was-- - Oh, yes, we did. - Very strange. Nathan Wade being interviewed by Caitlyn Collins, she's asking him about the timeline between his, in his relationship with DA, Fannie Willis. For people who don't know, he was the lead prosecutor, he was getting paid more than the other prosecutors, and he had really no experience in that type of-- - No, he was someone you went through to get a parking ticket fixed, so you don't lose your driver's license. - Yeah, he was definitely out of the three prosecutors, the least qualified, yet he was making a lot more money than the other two, and Caitlyn Collins asked him about the timeline, and like 30 seconds into this, his media consultant shuts down the whole thing, and has him take off his mic, and let's play a little bit of the sound. - Just to clarify, when did the romantic relationship between the two of you start? - Yeah, so, you know, we get into, there's been this effort to say that, okay, these exact dates are, are, are-- - So it's like that issue in these exact dates? - I'm getting, I'm getting signals here. - You get ex-signals. - Yeah, Tanner, do I go out and wait for a second? - Yes. - Okay. - Keep rolling. - Keep rolling, don't stop that. - There's, do they understand that the cameras are still rolling? - Yeah, and I wanna say something, Taylor, we can kinda hear a question. - It's quite the media extrovert. - It goes pretty long. If you're a media consultant, you should know that once he sits down for that interview, it's up to him. You stepping in makes it look so much worse, and your job, I'm guessing, is to make him look good in the media, and you just created a complete bleep storm. And whatever happened, how we did just, if someone doesn't wanna answer a question, like if you think legally it's gonna get you in trouble, or if you think it's gonna be a bad look, whatever happened to just saying, "I don't wanna answer that." - Yeah, I don't wanna get into that. That's a hypothetical question. Well, it's not a hypothetical. Well, I'm just gonna say it's a hypothetical question and not answer it, okay? - You know what I always wonder? Bring back no comment. Remember people used to say that all the time, no comment? It's like, now people don't think they can. - 617, Nathan Wade, victim of a random act of journalism. Yeah, in a way, he was, but on the other hand, I mean, what does it matter at this point, when the romantic relationship began? And he seemed like he was practicing figuring out when the relationship began when he was in court. So at this point, I would think he's had plenty of practice. Don't you have the dates? Like, just go based off what you said in court. - Yeah, but he can't tell the truth. He's stuck like, he's like the state cops. - There's so many lies. - Didn't he purge her himself on the stand anyway? - Yeah, I mean, that's the thing. I mean, yeah, you just keep lying. I mean, I know a guy at the state house, you know, we were talking about it. We were all getting called before something. And he said, so and so hired a lawyer. And this guy, he was an elected official, said, why, once you start lying, you don't need a lawyer. You just lie. - You just keep going. - Right. - It's hard to keep lying straight. - You don't need to run up the billable hours if you're gonna lie. - Well, if someone says to you, when, what date did this start and you have to start your sentence with like, the thing of it is, it's a very simple question. It's not a yes or no, but it shouldn't take like 16 sentences before you tell us the timeline. Grace's news is brought to you by TuxTrucks GMC. Luxury Tech and Safety are all built into the entire premium GMC line. TuxTrucks GMC in Hudson Mass invites you to experience a GMC Sierra, the new Acadia, Yukon or Terrain, GMC, professional grade. Search their inventory at Howie, this is a story you're gonna love. This is hot off the presses from the New York Post. Governor Kathy Hochl is considering reviving a New York mask ban to make anti-Semitic protesters. - Oh, I saw that. That's the lead story in the post today. - Base consequences for their hate. And I remember during COVID, one of your biggest qualms with the masks, besides the fact that they didn't do anything, was the fact that masks can actually be quite a danger to places like banks and, you know, and stores and bodegas. - I'm telling you, Grace, I don't know if you've ever been in a bank where some of them have the signs or used to have the signs posted. It is a violation of federal law to be wearing a mask into a bank. And there's, I've said this many times before, but sometimes you go into a bank after COVID started and there would be the sign bolted to the wall saying it's a federal law that you can't wear a mask in. And then taped on the door would be a hand letter sign saying you can't come in the bank unless you're wearing a mask. It's like the open container law. - Right. - The open container law was just totally suspended. You could get a takeout triple gen buck to go. - This is, the other part of it too, whenever you see these protesters, these pro-Palestinian, they're really, it's becoming clear that a lot of these people are pro-Hamas that they have the masks on. It's not a COVID thing. It's not that they're fearful of the droplet spreading and you know, seeding and-- - No, look at the picture. - They don't wanna be identified. - Go into my office and get the picture on the front page and then you're posted. It's pretty clear that's not one of those masks, one of those stupid COVID masks. - Yeah, last story for you here, Howie Hunter Biden. This is a story from London Roberts. She's got a book out, which hopefully will do better for her than Valerie Biden or Hunter Biden's books have done. And I found one quote very interesting. He's talking about, she's talking about how Hunter Biden wanted her to meet Howie. You'll love her and she'll love you. Let's all get together. And here's what she wrote. Am I really spending time with someone who's in a seemingly open relationship with his sister-in-law? That's part of her book which-- - Were they looking for a threesome baby? - Yeah, baby. - When she did meet Howie, she talked about how she didn't think she was very street smart. And I hate to be judgmental here, but I don't think anyone. I don't think the writer of the book, I don't think any of the characters in the book would fall under the category of street smart. - My favorite part of it was, you know, I've gotten a bad rap saying I met him at a strip club. I was working at a strip club. - Yeah, baby. - But I met him at a swank cocktail party. - These are key details. You know what I say back to that, Howie? - Do I make you horny, baby? I say duly noted, duly noted. Thanks, Howie, that's it for me. And don't forget to go to, check out that video if you wanna see Joe Biden not watching the skydiving demonstration and kind of wandering away into the distance. - Don't jump. Many people have asked me, does balance seven really work? They've also asked me, how does it work? If you've wondered for years why I love it so much, you have to take a listen to my Meet the Experts interview with Dr. Norastani about balance seven. He runs the company now. In the podcast, you will learn about this alkaline liquid that is so important to your health. Here are the seven reasons you need balance seven, thus the name, their number. One, more energy. Two, lessons, heartburn. Three, helps with joint pain. Four, aids digestion. Five, balances your pH level. Six, takes away sneezing fit. Seven, helps you sleep better. Balance seven is an alkaline concentrate formula designed to restore your body's natural pH balance. Just give it three days and you will feel the difference. And don't forget to listen to my Meet the Experts podcast for a special discount code that will save you 20%. To order your bottle today, go to That's balanceseven, the number I'm Howie Carr. - The Holly Carr Show returns after this. [MUSIC PLAYING] - You're listening to The Holly Carr Show. - It's Holly Carr's cheap bastard deal. - Oh, yeah. - Sounds too good to be true. - Oh, no, it's real, and it's a steal. - You know there's plenty more when you shop at Holly's store for another Holly Carr cheap bastard deal. - Holly Carr, the cheapest bastard around. - Everybody loves ready-wise and everybody needs some ready-wise products on hand, whether it's in the basement of the garage or the trunkier car to be ready for any kind of emergency natural or otherwise. Ready-wise, today we have a 90 serving organic bucket. It's a perfect addition to any food supply, whether you're affected by a snowstorm, hurricane, or other weather emergency. It's wise to be prepared. These great tasting freeze-dried and dehydrated foods are ready within minutes when you just add water. They also come in stackable buckets with an easy grab-and-go handle, so they're easy to store and transport. - While supplies last, you can purchase a ready-wise 90 serving organic bucket. That's a $230 value for just $115. Get yours now at and click on store. With us now to tell us more about today's deal is Brandon from Ready-wise. Brandon, thanks for being with us and tell us about the 90 serving organic bucket. What's in it? - Yeah, thanks for having me, Holly. It's great to be back. This is a new item that we haven't offered your listeners before. It's got all new meals and it is organic, which is unique to ready-wise. So we've got a pineapple chipotle chili, which is delicious. It has real chunks of freeze-dried pineapple in there. Obviously, it's organic. We have a pasta primavera. We have a white cheddar broccoli soup and then a delicious home-style oatmeal that is a breakfast option. And like you mentioned, all of these are organic. So GMO-free, the best ingredients. And we're just providing options for better-for-you options, even in emergencies. - So, yeah. So if you're concerned about what you're ingesting or someone in your family is concerned about it, this is the perfect solution. Even if you have a bucket ready-wise products already, this is your first organic product that you're offering. - Right, Brandon? - It is. And it's really unique to us in our manufacturing facility. And like I said, it's also a great way to increase the variety of meals that maybe they already have on hand. And obviously, with the deal that you give your listeners, you can't beat the price point. You're not gonna find a deal like this. It's barely over a dollar a serving with the deal that your listeners are getting today. - So 18 servings of the pineapple chipotle chili, 18 servings of the pasta prima vera, 24 servings of the white cheddar broccoli soup, and 30 servings total from the oatmeal. So that's a great deal. That's about nine days of food at 1,800 calories per day. It's 17,000 calories, basically. You need 90 cups of water. And again, it's better to have hot water, but if you don't have hot water, you can put these together with just regular room temperature water. - Yeah, preparing with regular water. And again, even though they're organic, they still have the 25-year shelf life as well, howie. So these are gonna last a long time if you need it to. And in my opinion, some of these meals are the best tasting. So people should be excited to get this bucket, try it. They're gonna love the product. It's delicious. You could use this for dinner, and nobody would probably even know that it's a dehydrated and freeze dried product that comes out of a bucket. - Well, as you always say, sometimes you even use it, just when you don't have anything ready to go or in the refrigerator, don't wanna go out to a fast food place. You can just open one of the pouches. They're all metalite pouches. And there's only six servings. So you don't have to worry about a lot of waste. You're not cooking for a platoon. You only got six servings. And grab and go handles for easy transport in an emergency and the buckets stack. So if you don't have a lot of room in a storage area in your house or apartment, you can still put in a few of these things. And so these are 90 serving organic buckets. This is a $230 deal for 115 bucks. And a lot of our listeners now, Brandon, as you know, they have one or more of the buckets stashed. But again, if you have somebody in your family who's into organic and kind of, the old word used to be picky eater. We'll just say health conscious now, you know? But if you have a health conscious person in the family, this is a good bucket to have. It is a good bucket. I mean, it's from a nutritional standpoint, we have a lot of people that have, you know, blood sugar issues. This is the bucket that they go with based on there's not a lot of added sugar. There's a lot of fiber in these recipes. So, and like I mentioned before, they taste delicious. So this is an item that people really, really like. - Okay, Brandon. So go to, click on store and get the ready wise 90 serving organic bucket. 90 servings for 115 bucks, half price them.