The Howie Carr Radio Network

Karen Read Update: Tully Wears Shorts All Year Long | 6.13.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Grace has been following the Karen Read murder trial very closely, and she's got updates direct from court. Tune in!

Broadcast on:
13 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, stay stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. We have a lot to discuss here in this last hour. There are some new polls out that show that, or suggest that Maine might actually be in play for Donald Trump. The last time Maine went red, 1988. Not a joke. That's how nervous people are about another four years of Joe Biden. Plus, we have updates on Trump's speech today, meeting with GOP lawmakers, and much, much more. So stick with us for this next hour. I think, though, that right now... Should I? Yeah, we're going to play some of this Tully sound. We'll play this Tully sound and we'll take calls on Karen Reid. We've got some people who want to talk. Let's actually start with the callers who have been on the line a while. Bill, your first up, this hour, at least, on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Bill? I just want to think, years ago, she was this girl, Farrick. She was a state in the exam in the state labs. Yes, Sonia Farrick. She rubber-stamps all these drug investigations. Yes. And they dropped the charges on every exam she took. Every species she did. Over a thousand people walked. Some of them were in jail and get out. Yeah. Should they do their same thing with this trooper, Procter, major fashion evidence? I think that that is the fear. So there is a really good documentary about Annie Ducan and Sonia Farrick, and it was on Netflix. I'll look up the exact title of it so I can give it to you guys, but I watched it a couple years ago, and it's fascinating. If I remember correctly, and when I have Howie on a 250, he can clear this up a little bit. I think that Sonia Farrick, not that one was better than the other, but she was like just rubber-stamping things in general, and I think she was also actually using some of the drugs. Whereas Annie Ducan, I think, was tampering with the actual evidence. I might have that wrong, but they were both crazy cases out of Massachusetts that showed that there's a serious problem with a lot of the evidence that was used in a lot of cases, and to Bill's point, a lot of those cases just got wiped out. They just got thrown out. As far as Michael Proctor goes, that was my first question as well. I think that's why he hasn't been fired yet is because he's heading up this Brian Walsh murder case out of Co-Hassett, and that is a huge case as well, and you'd hate to see a murderer, or someone who's at least accused of being a murderer, not get justice because the trooper involved is a moron. The family of that woman who's looking for justice, it's not their fault that the trooper Michael Proctor, the lead investigator, is an idiot, and it doesn't mean that this guy Brian Walsh isn't guilty just because Michael Proctor doesn't know what he's talking about, so it's unfortunate. I think that's what they're trying to avoid right now. That's why they haven't fired him, because if he wasn't on the Brian Walsh case, then that's an easy see you later. How to fix a drug scandal is the name of that documentary. Thank you. Excellent. You guys know I love a documentary. You know I love, especially with the Massachusetts element. I tried to get Howie to watch it, but he's not really a Netflix guy. He likes his, he's got his set things that he likes to watch, but it really was excellent, and it told you the whole story leading up to it, and all the commotion. A lot of it's fuzzy for me at this point. I feel like Lieutenant Tully, I can't recall, but I do remember it being pretty great. Alright, so let's get to Lieutenant Tully. He's being questioned today by Alan Jackson, and I want to start with Cut One, because the idea that Officer John O'Keefe wouldn't be in a coat has come up quite a bit. And everyone who follows this case focuses on different things. Some people focus on the dog, and some people focus on the Google searches, but something I haven't really heard yet in this trial is the conversation about what he was wearing. Now, according to Lieutenant Tully, it's not that odd that he wouldn't be wearing a winter coat, even though it's snowing, because Tully wears shorts all year long. Is that the explanation? Okay, so let's have Cut One. You also know that he was found without coat on? Yes. Are coats normally worn outside or inside? It's user's choice. Fair enough. 18 degrees you would expect that if someone was outside, they'd have a coat on, correct? I'm the kind of person who wears shorts throughout the year. I'll often go without a jacket. Alright, the true Bostonian. Yes, sir. Oh, tough guys. They're all tough guys. That is something that we can definitely, we can definitely say at this point is that all of these guys are tough guys. They all look a lot alike too, but they're all tough guys and they don't need no stinking pants when they've got their shorts. Shorts go shorts. How about you, Jared? I didn't ask your comments on shorts. Are you a shorts guy? I actually am not. I will wear them occasionally in the summer, but generally I'm a long pants kind of guy. Yeah. Yeah, I'm a shorts girl, you know, it's hard to find the right length for the ladies out there. You'll understand me, but in the winter time, that's an easy no. Why wear shorts when it's snowing when you can wear pants? I guess I'm just not as tough as Tully. Now let's also take Cut Two. This is now, they're talking about Higgins and who he saw in the house. This is Cut Two. In the early morning hours of, well, let's say the hours following your Massachusetts State Police initiation or engagement in this investigation, you became aware of Brian Higgins. Correct? Yes. That name was bantied about as a potential witness in the investigation, correct? Yes. I'm aware that Brian Higgins indicated that he saw a tall, dark-haired man into the home after he arrived. Correct? I'm not aware of that. And the reason you're not aware of it, Lieutenant Tully, is because nobody bothered to interview Brian Higgins February 10th. Right. It's actually. So in that form, that needs to stay and ask it differently. When was Brian Higgins first and then? February 7th? 7th, 10th. Yeah. In February, not January 29th, certainly. Correct. Although, he was known to be inside the house, correct? Yes. There's a lot of things that you would do in a situation like this, even if you're not a cop. If you just had, if one day Jared, someone said you got to pretend to be a cop today, we're putting you on duty and you show up to this house and there was a dead body on the front lawn, there's a lot of things that you would do that did not happen here. Yeah, right off the bat, changing the shorts, guardless of temperature. It's crazy the amount of things these people didn't do. And it's actually really sad and it's, it's really serious because I don't think we'll ever figure out what actually happened to John O'Keefe. And I think there was a world in which we would know if this was handled in the appropriate way. And two things can be true. Like there's a world in which Karen Reid did hit him and these guys bungled this so bad with the evidence that could have happened. Two things can be true at the same time. But the only reason I go back to, I don't know is because of the little lying and because of yesterday Michael Proctor, the vindictiveness. This didn't seem like people who came in and maybe were just stupid, but didn't really have a dog in this fight. They seemed like they did. They seemed like they were actively trying to pin this on her. Let's have cut three, again, Jackson with Brian Tully, cut three. Had you had the information, for instance, the Brian Higgins admitted to having seen a tall, dark-haired man walk in the house, that might have changed the much of your investigation at that time. Jackson. Can you answer that protective lieutenant? In the off chance that Mr. Higgins presumably had said something like that, I would certainly need more information describing this person. I would ask a series of questions to narrow it down to make sure that this person was the, was John O'Keefe. Right. That would just be a normal part of the investigation. You just take evidence A and link it to evidence B to evidence C, that would be the normal way to do investigation. We would normally follow the evidence, correct. But in point of fact, nobody did seek a warrant to go inside the house, correct? Correct. Nobody did seek to have a printing team go inside the house and look. Correct. And nobody asked for consent. Correct. I don't know if this, this would probably be objected to and Jared as the lawyer in the crew here, Jared Diglio Escort. You can help me out with this. But I think it'd be worth asking if you had to do it all over again, would you go inside the house? Will you answer that lieutenant? I don't know if she'd even give them, I, you know how sometimes she says, I'll let you have this one, Mr. Jackson, I'll let him have this one. Answer the question. I don't know if she'd give them that. I think she'd say sustained, hypothetical sustained, rephrase that, rephrase that please. But, but Jared, it is a good question. It's like, okay, so this isn't how you typically did things. You did do it in this case. You're all now in a pickle. You're all in a huge bind. Your lives have been from this point on will never be the same. And it's fair to say that if you could turn back time, Allah share that maybe you would try it a different way. Would you knock on the door? Would you go inside the house? Because that answer, if he says no, then it's like, oh, okay, doubling down at least. Do you feel confident in the way you handle this investigation? I just don't think that would be his answer. I also just, again, I don't think that the judge would allow it. All right. The last one. We come to this tail light. The tail light has been. The tail light is like beauty. It's in the eye of the beholder. Some people see 50 pieces. Some people say one. Some people say it was here. Some people say it was there. But I want to hear what Tully, Lieutenant Tully has to say about the tail light cut for. You were the one that conducted the search, right? The searching conducted the search. I was present. The search. Yes. You were there photographing the things that were covered in the search. Yes. And ultimately were responsible for bagging those items up, right? Yes. There are five items in that bag, or in those two bags, right? Just plastic. Correct. And yet your report very clearly says there were three items of plastic evidence recovered at the scene. Correct? Yes. So my question, once again, is where do the extra two items come from, pieces of plastic? Well, as memorialized on the bag, it says pieces of clear plastics. So I'll take the hit that my report does not properly memorialize it. But I would argue that the handwritten notes on the bag that are contemporaneous to the collection of the evidence would be more accurate, as is in my memory of two clear plastic things being collected. Now, as to the third piece, again, I'll make an assumption that it appears that that is a small piece that was separated from the other two pieces. You don't know the best small piece separated from the other two by being broken off. No, I don't. Just a guess. Right? It's a guess that the bags were, you know, hot about custody at the crime lab for a period of time. I love when they use the word contemporaneous. That's a James Comey favorite. That was also a Brian Higgins favorite. I find that they throw that in when they want you to know that they're intellectuals, too. You know, they're doing their jobs, but they're also pretty smart. You know, contemporaneously. It's like, let's just stick to the basics. We don't need to get into the contemporaneously of it all. Just stick with what you know. I was wearing shorts, contemporaneous that my Dunkin' Donuts ice coffee in winter. This tail light and I'll take the hit on that. So what you're like, I'll be the one to admit it was a mistake. Is that what he's trying to? Yeah. He said he. He's going to be the hero. He's going to go down with this one. I'll take the hit on that. I filled out this report not correctly or whatever, but there was more, but just the fact that like it wasn't in their custody for a while, doesn't that also seem suspicious? Don't worry about taking the hit on this. I have a feeling the state troopers on mass are taking a hit for this. I think you're all going down with this ship. I don't think this is something where it's like, oh, yeah, Tully, good for you. You'll shoulder the blame. I don't think that's going to work. 844-500-4242, so I was trying to think we were talking about the drug lab scandal here in Massachusetts and Jared, you said the name of the documentary is how to fix a drug drug. How to fix a drug scandal. How to fix a drug scandal. Super creative, but it gets to the point. I was trying to think of what was the big differentiating thing and I said, well, it wouldn't make sense about tampering because they both tampered. But then I realized I think what I took away from it, just from the documentary was that Sonia Farrick seemed to be tampering with evidence so that she could use the evidence for herself. She had a drug issue, whereas Annie Ducan was just giving everything to go ahead so she could do it really fast and get credit for being a really speedy, I don't even know what they're called, like drug checker, chemist, lab person. But she just wanted an A plus plus plus plus plus four gold stars. And so that's why she was shuffling everything through 844-500-4242. We can ask Howie more about that. He's the expert on Sonia Farrick and Annie Ducan. When we come back, we'll take your calls. We're going to talk London Roberts, this new book that she's written about Hunter, and so much more. Don't go anywhere. If you have any comments on Lieutenant Tully or Karen Reed, we'll take your calls after the break. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all for tuning in. Thank you for texting in. Thank you for always giving us such great tips and suggestions and comments on the show. We really appreciate it. And let's go to Ron, who's been on the line for quite some time. Go ahead, Ron. Hey, Grace, how are you today? I'm great. How are you? I'm doing well. When that guy, Ryan, calls in, it's almost, to me, it's like comedy gold, or he goes by more, he goes by more aliases than Old Dirty Bastard from the Wu-Tang Clan. But at any rate, I think that he has, he's the embodiment of Magachusset. He has reached the final stage of Greek, which is acceptance. And I think there's a lot of people in Massachusetts that are at that point right now, which means that it's time to double down. It's time, you don't back off, it's time to double down and full steam ahead. And like, she had nothing good or nice to say about Joe Biden at all if he's being truthful, which that's doubtful, but still. Yeah. And you know what's funny, Ron, is that I was, the other day I was reading a piece from the Federalist, I think it was John Daniel Davidson, who I really like. And he was talking about the border, and he was saying how there's all of this backwards logic about, well, illegal aliens actually commit less crimes than American citizens. And it's one of my least favorite arguments from the left, because it's like, oh, no, no, illegal aliens commit crimes the second that they come into the country illegally. That's kind of part of the label of illegal aliens. But one of the things John Daniel Davidson said is when people say that to you, just say, I don't care. I don't care. I want them to shut the border. And that's how I feel when I get callers like Ryan, because it's like, well, Trump lied about this, or so and so said this about Trump. I don't care. I don't care. I still like him more than Joe Biden, and isn't that the test? We have two candidates here. I know you could say our kid, junior, but isn't that the test is who do you like more? Who do you not even who do you like more? Who do you think is going to do a better job? So my response back to Ryan is I think Trump's going to do a better job. And nothing you're saying about the fact that JD Vance once called him Hitler or Byron Donald said he didn't like him. That doesn't change my opinion that he's going to do a better job than Joe Biden. And you haven't offered up anything to suggest otherwise. And more even more to the point, Ron, is that plenty of people had said awful things about Joe Biden who now support him, and he's doing a sucky job. So it doesn't really matter to me what people have said about a candidate 10 years ago, five years ago. I don't care. Some people, some people hate me and then they come around and they love me. You can't base it off of that. People are fickle. They have a lot of opinions. I go based off what I think. I don't go based off what JD Vance thinks. I don't go based off with Byron Donald's thinks. I go based off what I think and what I think is going to be better for my life and for my family and for my country. That's what I base my vote on. And I don't care if Ryan is mad that some people didn't like Trump and now they've changed their minds. I go scream at the sky about how people have changed their minds, Ryan, and how it really bothers you. But that's not my problem. I got bigger fish to fry and you know what? I think most Americans do as well. And I think we're going to find that outcome November is that people aren't as concerned about what Byron Donald said in 2015 as you are, Ryan. You might be missing the forest for the trees, my friend. When we come back, Hunter Biden is in the news because London Roberts has a book out and we're going to discuss plus Ron DeSantis handled the media beautifully. You got to hear the sound. Don't go anywhere. Yeah, Senator Chuck Schumer is talking right now on Capitol Hill about how the Supreme Court is upholding full access to myth a price stone. And that's the abortion pill. And it seems counterintuitive, but the Democrats are political strategists. They're power hungry. That's the religion that they pray to is just the religion of wanting power and wanting to keep power and being political creatures, swamp creatures. And so as much as they're going to go out now and talk about how the Supreme Court ruled, this is just more proof that women's rights. If women didn't have this, it would have been a lot more beneficial for them politically speaking if the Supreme Court hadn't rejected this case and then they could go out. Remember when Roe versus Wade was overturned and Elizabeth Warren had like a band at the ready to go banging their drums on the streets? She wasn't the only one. It was a movement to the left was so reenergized by the overturning of Roe versus Wade. You couldn't figure out if they were celebrating or if they were sad. I mean, it was obviously they were sad, but there was an air of kind of celebration that went along with it because they knew politically this was what they needed. This was going to be the impetus for a lot of young people and especially young women, women of all ages really to get out the vote. And I did think it was going to taper off by the time we got to the midterms and it didn't. I was wrong on that. I was wrong. But the first to admit it, I thought that it happened far enough away, further enough away from the election that it wasn't going to pack a punch. People would forget about it. No, it did bring out a lot of people. So I think this update on this abortion pill is probably a bummer for the left because they were probably hoping, all right, hopefully the Supreme Court will do what they do and they'll rule against us and we can talk about how the Supreme Court needs to be abolished and that it's all magga judges and that women will die if they don't have access to this birth control pill via the mail and that this is just part of the Republican agenda to destroy women and to rule against their reproductive rights. And now they can't do any of that. Now they just have to go, okay, well, good. We still have the minifestrone or minifus. I don't know. It's keep messing it up. How are they saying minifestrone? Mythoprestone. Mythoprestone. Yeah. The worst part for them, of course, CNN is not reporting this nor any of the other usual suspects putting it in their headlines and the outlets, but it was a unanimous decision. So they can't even say that that like Brett Kavanaugh was the whole that way. Yeah. He wrote it. He wrote it. And he was very clear that the money laundering. Trump pick. Drag waving. Samuel Alito. Yeah. So that that's a tough one. And the other thing I wanted to talk about since we're talking about some of these more social issues that tend to come up around election time. Another huge issue. We were just talking about reproductive rights. That's a euphemism for celebrating abortions in this country. And again, I understand some people are pro-abortion. Some people are anti-abortion. I'm not making a judgment on that at this moment. All I'm saying is that it's very obvious that when you say reproductive rights, that you're trying to be vague, there's a purpose. There's a point to the vagueness and it's not so that people understand exactly what you're talking about. That you can kind of sugarcoat an abortion, which is not something that if you actually explain it to people and you have to explain where you think the term limit should be, that a lot of people are going to want to hear. There's been a lot of polling done that when it comes to abortion on the right and on the left, people don't like extremes. That's just the polling. That's just what the polling says. And so Democrats don't want to talk about their extremes. They'd rather focus on what they see as Republican extremes and not the fact that they can't even put a term limit on abortions. And so they'll use the term gender, I'm sorry, reproductive rights, women's rights. They can't even say women's rights anymore because they're not all biologists. So they say birthing people, reproductive rights, and that's code for abortion, which is another word for killing a baby. And the other euphemism, the other term that gets thrown out a lot, and I think is even more of an attempt to bamboozle people, is gender affirming health care. Because you hear that and you really have to think, what are we talking about? Gender affirming health. What does that consist of? What is that? And what it is is puberty blockers, in some cases, castration, in some cases, not telling parents that their children are going to change genders. So there's a lot that goes into a pretty simple term of gender, something that sounds positive, gender affirming health care. And Ron DeSantis was asked about this. And I really like Ron DeSantis and that's why I did think at one point he was going to be a great presidential candidate because he handles the media really well. I don't think he was ready at the time, clearly that presidential campaign kind of went up in flames. But he's a great governor of Florida and he knows how to handle the media. And so he was asked by a reporter about how a judge had struck down Florida's ban on gender affirming care for minors. Now, this judge, Hinkle, had stated, I'm reading from Bonchi, one of my favorites from Red State, that gender identity is real using his power to legalize the mutilation of children. So the judge ruled that this, he claimed that the law was unconstitutional because it denied medically appropriate care. Now right there, there's plenty of, not just politicians, because really, most of these politicians aren't experts on anything, but actually recently, and we talked about this Jared earlier in the week, I think it came out on Monday, I first heard about it in the morning wire and then I did some research of my own, the American College of Pediatricians issued a declaration condemning child gender transition. And talking about how, first of all, we don't have enough studies on this because it's too new of a concept. Believe it or not, 100 years ago, this wasn't even the, it wasn't even in the cards. I'm like, oh, you don't think you're a boy? Okay. Well, we'll perform a surgery. That wasn't something that was being done 100 years ago, as far as I know. And so because it's a new trend, there's not a lot of studies that you can refer to to, but what this group and they're part of a larger group, doctors protecting children, what they're arguing is that permitting children to socially transition before puberty does not improve their mental health and social well-being outcomes. Again, it's the same, you hear the same argument, whether you're talking about abortions or whether you're talking about these surgeries, which is if you do not have them, people will die. If you do not allow women to abort their children, people will die. If you do not allow children to transition, whether it's socially or with puberty bloggers or with surgery, they will die. And the insinuation there is that they'll commit suicide because they'll be depressed that they can't transition. Now, the issue with that is that there's no long-term research on the effects of not just the hormone therapies, but the surgeries. And when you don't have those long-term effects and those results, it's hard to know if these things are benefiting or hurting these young people. And if they're actually making them less depressed, or if this is just what is seen as a quick fix with bad long-term results, which I don't think is a crazy thing to suggest, you make these insanely serious decisions when you're 16 years old. And if you regret it, I would imagine that your mental state is not helped by that regret. So let's get to Ron DeSantis. He's asked this question by a reporter. He's asked about this judge that struck down Florida's ban on gender affirming care. Let's have cut five. Because it's wrong to mutilate minors. It is wrong to perform a sex change on a 16-year-old. You're not allowed to get a tattoo, but somehow you can have your privates cut off. Give me a break. This is wrong. Yeah. Let me the next one too, Jared. This is a really good cut. This idea of using tax dollars, because the media will point out, "Oh, the state is spending money to do." So if you say that we shouldn't do that, you're saying that any liberal judge should be able to veto the policy of the state of Florida, because they go to the same judges every time we lose almost every time, and then we win on appeal almost every time. That's what happens. So if you're not willing to defend Florida's duly enacted statutes against liberal jurisprudence, then you're basically saying the people of Florida shouldn't govern themselves, and that we should just turn over our destiny to some trial judge somewhere that I refuse to do. Yeah. And I think this conversation about whether or not this is in the long term going to be good for these kids is a really important conversation to have, and there's this false narrative that conservatives make fun of these things, and they do, there is satire about it on the Babylon B to highlight the outrageousness of it, but the point of it is never to make fun of these kids who feel this way. I think there's a lot of mental issues right now with young people, and trust me when I tell you, I do not take that lightly. The mind is a powerful thing, and there's nothing worse than seeing somebody sad and wanting to fix it, and my heart goes out to all of those kids who feel like that, but I think where we're making a mistake is that we're giving them the false impression that this is going to fix it, that this life altering decision is going to be the magic switch that makes everything good, or makes them less sad, and the truth is sometimes time is the only thing that does that. Sometimes time brings you out of a tough spot, or a sad mental state that you're in, but to tell kids that if you do all these things, then it's going to be roses, and it's going to be wonderful, I think is very, very dishonest, and I think the best thing, and I'm not trying to preach anything because I'm a new parent, so I know that I get that it's hard, but I'm sure I don't even know half of how hard it is, but I think sometimes the best thing you can say to your kid if they're going through something is, "I'm here for you, we're all here for you, but this too shall pass," like whatever sadness you're feeling will pass. Life is a wave, you know, things come in waves, and I remember having Caroline Leviton and she said, "There's nothing compassionate about this. There's nothing compassionate about giving people all these puberty blockers, and surgeries, and telling them that that's going to be the fix, because I don't think it is. 844-542-42, let's do the poll question here, today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles, don't be fooled by impostors with similar names, if you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua, call 1-844-A-Perfect Smile, or visit, Jared, what is the poll question, and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which government spending waste irritates you the most? Cancelling student loan debt, climate/green initiatives, or Ukraine foreign aid. I'm going to say green initiatives, you know, Biden's at this G7 climate, I'm sure they're talking about, you know, how bad airplanes are, and how people should be eating bugs, and meanwhile, they're doing anything but. So I'm going to say the green, the green movement. The green movement has just been overtaken by canceling student loan debt. 37% for canceling student loan debt, 36% for the climate/green initiatives, and 27% for Ukraine foreign aid. There's a case to be made for all three, I will not deny it. I know there's people on the lines, I would love to take your calls, I'm sorry we are running out of time today, we're going to have how we card joining us after the break, but call back tomorrow, we'll get right back to the phone lines. Do you scented candles, cover-up sprays, or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? We'll stop masking these smells with more odors. All you're doing is adding more harmful odors to your home, and I got news for you, you're not covering up the smell. It's a good effort. I don't blame you for it. We've all done it before. You try to use a perfumey thing to make the air smell fresh, it's not masking any odors, it's making things worse, and what you really want to do is you want to get to the root of the problem. I sound like Kamala Harris, get to the root of the issue, but it's true. You want to destroy the odor, and there's a way to do that with the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier, because the Eden Pure Thunderstorm, which I'm going to hold up for the rumble viewers right now, it uses oxy technology to send out all three molecules into your home that destroy bad odors rather than just covering them up. You plug it into the wall, it's very easy, it's very small, there's no filters required, it's not expensive, and you just, you turn up the nozzle there how far you want it to go. So if you want the max or you want the minimum, I like to keep it on the minimum just during the day, because, and then if I do cook something, or if it's in the basement, and it's a little bit musty down there, I'll turn it up a little bit more, but the thunderstorm can start working in seconds, and there's no filters to buy, place a thunderstorm in your bedroom, your family room, your office, if you're like in an office like this, and there's no windows to open, or even in your basement, plus they make great gifts. Get $200 off a three-pack today for whole home protection, visit and use discount code GRACE3, that's, discount code GRACE3, Howie Carr joins the show after the break. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gunworks. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join GRACE and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is the GRACE Curly Show. Today's car crossover is brought to you by Get a 2024 GMC Sierra HD, the truck that works as hard as you do. Tuxtrucks GMC in Hudson Mass has 2,500 and 3,500 HD models, like the Denali Ultimate, Pro Duramax, and some with work bodies for landscapers. So shop online at So there's been a big hullabaloo thanks to the Rolling Stone magazine, the Failing Rolling Stone magazine. I can't believe it's still in business. And they're focusing on Justice Alito and some comments that he made and that his wife made. And Howie, something that stuck out to me was, I guess at this fundraiser that they had this activist filmmaker pretending to just be one of the people at the fundraiser, Alito agreed with this woman's statement that she hoped America would return to a place of godliness. And I was reading Jim Thompson in Red State and he said, "A judge can hope the country moves back toward God without compromising his commitment to the Constitution." And I thought, well, actually, one of Howie's favorite quotes goes to show you that a justice should want God and the Constitution and the country all on the same page. John Adams. Give us the quote, Howie. Our Constitution was made for a religious and moral people. It will not work for any other. But they are acting like because... That's not exact, but that's what it boils down to. And the left thinks that because Justice Alito and his wife, and forget his wife, she's not even, she's not the Supreme Court Justice, but because Justice Alito is religious, that means he's a zealot who can't do the job of being a Supreme Court Justice. It's absurd. They're not serious people if they believe this. You know what else was kind of ironic about it though, when they were talking to, they had all these secret cuts of his wife. And she says, I'm going to fly the flags. Again, I'm paraphrasing too, but I'm going to fly the flags I want. My husband doesn't tell me what to do. It's just kind of funny that all of the feminist liberals out there who hate this woman so much, you think they'd have a little respect for that, that she's like, I'm going to do what I want. This is what I believe. It doesn't necessarily mean my husband believes every time I believe. I guarantee the Alitos are better neighbors than any of the people that they were feuding with and any of the people who are attacking them for being jerks. Right. And also, you've talked about this before, but there's plenty of people in politics, especially, who have different opinions than their spouses. Right. Or at least that's what they claim when they're journalists in Chuck Todd, right? Yeah. No, no, James Carville and Mary Madeline. Yes. Worked for Bush. But a lot of these people claim that, listen, just because I'm married to someone with different opinions doesn't mean I have that opinion. Right. Or Kellyanne Conway and George Conway who's a nut. Yeah. Howie, what do you got today for the show? Well, we'll do some more on the Caron Reed trial. There's not a lot going on today, but we'll have some fun with it. We'll talk about what's going on in Ukraine. He's singing, he's going to give 50 billion more to Ukraine. So, you know, unlike the state police, I can do the math in my 10% for the big guy. That's $5 billion. Quick math with Howie Carr. He's coming but I'm next, I'll go anywhere. (upbeat music)