The Howie Carr Radio Network

Congressman Byron Donalds Calls In To Talk Trump, the Economy and More | 6.13.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Could Congressman Byron Donalds be America's next Vice President? The GOP star joins the Grace Curley Show to discuss the ongoing fight for Donald Trump with the hope of putting him back in the White House this November. Then, Taylor joins for Woke or Joke!

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13 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace. Stay stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you for joining us. And welcome back to Florida Congressman Byron Donald. It's been a long time. Thank you so much for joining us today, Congressman. That was my pleasure to be here. How you doing? I'm great. So first I wanted to ask you about the controversy that erupted last week. There were plenty of talking heads, including Joy Reid and Al Sharpton, and you went toe to toe with them. You went on their programs, members of the White House even, who melted down over comments you made on June 4th in Philadelphia about Jim Crow. Now, if someone were to take Al Sharpton at his word, which I really don't know why anyone would do that to begin with, but the narrative that is being pushed is that you were nostalgic for Jim Crow. Joy Reid said you called it the golden era. I wanted you to give your reaction to this and clear up this spin from the left. My reaction is that every four years, the left always tries to find any way to inject race, to gas light, to lie to the American people, especially to black voters in our country. And this is really what happened there. All I was talking about was family structure and the marriage rate and comparing it to different time periods in American history. Obviously, the Jim Crow era was the last area in our country after reconstruction. And so they wanted to take that as, because I mentioned it three times, the name Jim Crow, that somehow I wanted it to reappear as if I wanted beetle juice to reappear. This is the stupidest thing in the world, but this is what happens with the left with their campaigns, because they have nothing else to run on. So, you know, the good thing is that we push back very, very hard. We actually have the tape, play the entire tape in full content in its entirety, but the left still goes on with their stupid headlines. So, me, this damage rates exactly what they do all the time. They lie, they dissemble, they gas light, and they try to use race to race bait to try to make Republicans look like we're fond of an era gone by that's simply not true. What we want to do is have sound public policy, so all Americans head ahead and succeed, as well as black Americans. Yeah, and Congressman, something I noticed that the media usually has varying degrees of nuance when it comes to twisting a Republican's words. There was really no subtlety here, though. As you just mentioned, if you play the tape, then there's no question that you didn't say those things. In the Wall Street Journal, William McGurn actually described last week as the sliming of Byron Donald's. Why do you think, why will two things? Why are you eliciting this figure outreach specifically? And the second thing is, why is talking about the collapse of family and marriage, not just in the black community, but across the country? Why does that spark this reaction from the media? Well, to me specifically, yeah, because I'm a threat to them. I'm a black American who also happens to be very conservative. I have no problem making my points known. And when we go toe to toe on the actual facts, I beat the left, make them look really, really silly. So this is their opportunity to try to batter me and to slime me the way Bill McGurn talked about it. But, you know, I live by no adage that, you know, if you can hit, then they're going to try to find ways to walk you, because they don't want to deal with you head off. They're going to probably do everything they can to make you look bad. I think on a broader level, the point I'm making is that the Democrats touched home policy agenda of massive welfare payouts has been destructive of families. That is 100% the case, because actually a couple of, you know, one or two of the Democrats has talked to me on the side very quietly, and they said to me, they're like, Byron, you're right, what you're saying is correct. We remember the days where you had the federal agencies and local agencies, state agencies will go to people's houses to make sure that there was not a man in the home before the welfare check went out. That's terrible for families. And if you're going to, and you need strong families, if you're going to have productive children come up in America, gain skills, gain high levels of academic on the whole, not in every situation, but you have a much better chance of children being economically viable in America. And children being economically viable in America means they don't need the government. And if they don't need the government, then what do you need Democrats for? That's the issue we have. That's what we've got to fix moving forward so people can be productive for themselves. Not feeling that they need a political party or they need some political leader to get ahead in life. I'm speaking with Byron Donald's Congressman from Florida and also one of Trump's top VP contenders. Congressman, you just brought this up, but I was doing a little bit of digging, and I came across a Politico interview. I know you do a lot of interviews. You probably, there's a chance you don't even, this isn't going to ring a bell here. But you were doing this interview and you were talking about Trump's economy, and you were talking about, you were making the case that it's stronger for black Americans than Joe Biden's economy. And something really struck me. When you were discussing this, you have a background in economics and finance. When you were discussing this, the interviewer immediately pivoted to the fact that Trump gets credit for stimulus checks. Does that strike you as maybe part of the problem that when you talk about how Democrats see black voters in relation to the economy, that the go-to move from someone interviewing you is to talk about, and he used the word "stimmys," "stimulus checks," and get your response to that. You did move the conversation back to the economy as a whole, but what does that tell you about the left's mindset? Their mindset is that if they're not in charge of it, then it's bad. Their mindset is that if they're not the ones doing it, then somehow people are going to fall behind, or they're going to be subject to the big bad corporation or the big bad rich person. The reality of our economy is that it is a highly interdependent economic system based on trillions of decisions, whether you're poor, middle-income, rich, upper-middle-class, et cetera. People make decisions in their own interests. It's not about somebody going after somebody else. You can bash -- and I'm going to use them as an example -- you can bash Apple all you want, but millions of Americans have decided to give Apple money in exchange for products. That is a voluntary decision a person makes in their individual life. I don't understand that decision because I use a Samsung phone. I'm a droid person myself, but millions of people are allowed to do that. What the left wants is for all the decision-making to be centered in their hands. That's why they like to talk about "stimmys," because they feel they did something, because they sent a check out from the federal government, and so they did something. But even a stimulus check, even when President Trump did that, it was in response to COVID-19 and the vast majority of our economy being shut down. And President Trump understood that was an opportunity for the federal government to be a backstop for the American people. But stimulus checks are not a governing philosophy. You cannot continue that forever, because when you do that, what you end up really doing is you borrow so much money, you depress the dollar, and you destroy the purchasing power of the American people. We're seeing that right now with Joe Biden because of his massive inflation. That's crippled poor people, crippled the working poor. It has really hurt them. But the Democrats don't care. They think that this is the way to go. It doesn't help people. It only makes it worse for people. And they want a sugar high. Now, that's what these stimulus checks are. They want a sugar high usually right before an election to say, "CCC, we're doing something for you when the reality is. You're falling further behind." Congressman Donald, you've been doing a great job of outreach as far as Black voters go. And when I have talked to other guests before about the outreach in general to Black voters from the Republican Party, the criticism is that either the polls look good, so we move on and we say, "Oh, yeah, we're going to get Black people to vote for us," or there's just not enough on-the-ground effort to make the case to Black Americans as to why the agenda actually aligns better. Something that I appreciated at a recent event you were at, you talked about how the Black voters' agenda, and obviously not everyone has the same agenda. So this is specific, but you said that conservatives actually align more with Black voters than Democrats do. Can you speak to that a little bit? Why you feel that Donald Trump's agenda, and maybe not Donald Trump's persona. There's a lot of people who don't like Donald Trump and his personality, but why the things he's actually doing are better for the Black community and why it will resonate more with the Black community than what Joe Biden's working on? Well, it's simple, I mean, Donald Trump's economic philosophy and his agenda are about lower taxes, lower regulations. Now, what does that mean? Lower tax regime actually means that you get to keep more of your money. That's a good thing. Joe Biden's running around talking about raising taxes. Well, how is that going to help any business owner get ahead? You have a lot of fledgling Black businesses in our country. You have a lot of stabilized Black businesses, some large Black businesses in our country. Tax increases aren't going to help them be more successful. It's going to stifle them. When you talk about regulation, the regulation is nothing more than a barrier to entry. What the Biden administration wants to do, and I'm going to use an example, digital assets. They want to over-regulate cryptocurrencies and digital wallets and all these types of things. One of the industries where you have a lot of young Black entrepreneurs is in the digital asset space. If you over-regulate an industry that's in its infancy, they're not going to be able to race capital in this country in order to create their business. They're going to have to move offshore. How does that help Black Americans or any American? That's number two. Number three, when it comes to education, the Democrats still, because of the teachers' union, want to centralize everything in public education. Well, if a kid is in a public school and now he has illegal children in the same school who don't speak the language, who are further behind academically, how does it help that Black child get the education that they need? And so that's just three examples where Donald Trump is diametrically opposed to Joe Biden. That's why Joe Biden's agenda does not work for Black people in much more lines -- Trump's agenda aligns much more with Black voters. In America today, well, Black men in particular, but Black people overall are trying to figure out how to really get to, is build generational wealth. Build asset bases that you can pass on to your children. You cannot do that in Joe Biden's economy or in Joe Biden's agenda or Joe Biden's America. You can, and Donald Trump's, because it was starting in a COVID hit, and now we have the mess we have with the master of disaster himself, Joe Biden. Congressman Donald, I know you have to go in just a minute here, but I wanted to ask you, you said that some Democrats have approached you on the side and kind of said, "Listen, Byron, you're right about this. You're right about the economy. You're right about Joe Biden." And I'm curious if any celebrities -- this might sound like a silly question, but there's been a lot more celebrities being a little bit unafraid to kind of step away from the group think. 50 Cent, for example, JZ has recently been an advocate for school choice. Have you had anyone? You don't have to name them, but anyone reached out to you who might have surprised you and said, "Listen, I can't really come out and say this because it's not good for my brand, but I'm actually rooting for your guy." You know, I think what it is is people are just looking at the country. You know, when you have black moms in Chicago upset about illegal immigration, it causes them to think about all the policies. When you have what's going on in New York, Denver, Colorado has been overrun. People see this stuff. They're seeing it on a granular level. I think, secondarily, social media, like ever since Elon bought X formally known as Twitter, and now you have more open thought being moved around by people. That's helped to shift minds. I mean, entertainers are like anybody else. They want market share, too. They have businesses to run. You know, so they're looking at this situation saying, "You know what? This is not working out." And historically, they might have been tied to the Democrat Party for a myriad of reasons, but they're looking at the realities today. And they're saying this stuff is not working for America going forward. We haven't even gotten into foreign policy and how much of a disaster that's been. I think that's why you're seeing celebrities either start to step away from the Democrats up away from Joe Biden, or they're just very quietly amongst Francine. You know what? I think I got to go with Trump, or some of them are now outwardly saying, "I'm with Donald Trump." You're going to see more of that. It is a crazy thing to watch happen in real time. Congressman Byron Donald, I know you have to go. I have one more question for you. Any updates on the VP search, I know your name gets thrown around quite a bit. And there's a lot of other senators on there, some congressmen, some least Stefanic, Congresswoman. So any update for us on that? When do you think we'll have an answer? No, no answers. Nothing right now. President Trump's going to make that decision. So everybody just can't paint a hard fight for him. You know, he's going to decide, and we move forward, and we keep going on to victory. All right. Thank you very much, Congressman Donald. Is there any website you want to send people to if they want to help the Trump campaign? Just go to Go there. Make a donation. Please contribute. We're raising a lot of money, but we need a lot more. The Democrats are playing for keeps. It's time for us to save our country. Make it great again. Thank you very much, sir. We appreciate your time, and we'll talk to you hopefully very soon. Keep up the good work. Father's Day is almost here. If you're struggling to find the perfect gift for the man who has everything, I have the answer for you. The solution is simple. Give him the unforgettable experience of Omaha Steaks because a world-class dad deserves a world-class steak. The Father's Day experts at Omaha Steaks have made it easy to put a smile on the big guy's face with hand-selected gift packages starting at just $89 when you go to Omaha and use promo code GRACE at checkout. There is no better way to celebrate Father's Day weekend than grilling up some steaks for dad, but it's not just steaks. I'm talking cheeseburgers, hot dogs, air chilled chicken. Whatever dad likes, you can get a custom package starting at just $89 with all of the great stuff. And the quality is amazing, but as Jared told us earlier, the quantity is there too. You're going to have to clear out some space in your freezer for all of this delicious goodness. Yeah, my freezer is full of burgers, it's full of hot dogs, and it's full of some bacon, wrap, flamingions, but those are actually going to go off Sunday. So I'll make a little more room, which is great because that means that I have more room for more Omaha Steaks. I love their chicken. The chicken, it tastes like chicken. It's unlike any chicken you've actually ever gotten from the supermarket. The flavor is incredible. The flavor on the beef and the beef franks, the hot dogs, all of it is incredible. And if dad has a sweet tooth, they have desserts as well. They have sides, they have scalloped potatoes, which are fantastic. Carmel apple tart, it's like a restaurant that comes to you. There's so many options. Yeah, be like Jared, have a freezer full of happiness with Omaha Steaks. Visit Omaha Don't forget to use promo code GRACE to check out because I want you to save all the money you possibly can. It's Omaha Use that promo code GRACE, G-R-A-C-E, and save that money for Father's Day. Make Dad's Day with Omaha Steaks. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. I just saw a video of Biden at this G7 summit and there were skydivers, parachuters or something. He was wandering off and then Macron and other world leaders had to kind of corral him back to this spot they were standing. And the wandering is getting worse. It's like whenever a whole group is looking in one direction at something, this happened in Normandy too. When everyone's looking at one spot, like when everyone's facing one direction and there's clearly one space that you should be staring at, he turns the other way. In this case, they were on the grass and he just started wandering away until one of the women there had to grab him by the arm and kind of pull him back because Dr. B wasn't around. She wasn't there to hold his hand. And I know I sound mean when I'm saying this, but I do think that is a sign of cognitive decline. It's the wandering off into these, if there were people around there keeping an eye on him, I don't know when he would stop walking. He just seems to walk into, he would just walk to the horizon. I get that I sound a little bit harsh, but I don't think there's any question that there's something going on here. When this Baunchy pointed out on Twitter, they're going to have to pump him full of a lot of stuff come the end of June at this debate. Also, I wanted to mention something, that collar we had Ryan. I want to harp on it. All of the textures are harping on it. They're like, don't let Ryan on anymore. I'm always going to let people, I am sick of Ryan because he calls up and he's all these different people. But what he said, and I stand by the fact that it's like Byron Donald's JD Vans, everyone can change their minds. People do that in politics, plenty. And this idea that their opportunists, again, it's politics, politics ain't beanbag. There's a lot of opportunists out there. But how about the fact that Democrats are never held to that standard? You have to be loyal to someone from the start. You can never badmouthed one of someone that you end up following. Would it Kamala Harris say about Joe Biden when she was running against him? She didn't have very kind things to say, Ryan, about the dog poop as you describe him, Joe Biden. She didn't have, she thought he was a racist. And you know what? She had plenty of evidence to back that up. But I'm just curious why it is that Republicans are held to this different standard. Where if we ever said a bad thing about one another, then clearly that proves that we're opportunists. It's like, Democrats do it all the time. You look at all the Democrats who are surrounding Joe Biden. You don't think they've had bad things to say? I'm sure you haven't done that research. But plenty of them have had negative things to say about the president. And they changed their minds. They saw a different opportunity. They went a different way. It's kind of how the world works. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiled. Perfect Smiles don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844-A-Perfect Smile or visit Jerry, what is the poll question and what are the results? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which government spending waste irritates you the most? Cancelling student loan debt, climate slash green initiatives or Ukraine foreign aid. I'm going green, man. Yeah, 39% of the audience agrees with you. 34% for student loan debt cancellation and 27% for Ukraine foreign aid, which we just signed to a new 10-year contract. Okay, we'll talk more about that. But coming up next, we've got Walker Joke. Some people are already getting on the lines, you cheaters. It's 844-500-4242. Walker Joke is coming your way after the break. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Welcome back, everyone. It's time for Walker Joke and it's brought to you by Aviva Trattria. A gift card to Aviva Trattria is the perfect gift for any occasion. Pick one up at any of their locations. There are so many. Quincy's going to be open soon. We went to hand over for my birthday remote. To find the Aviva nearest you, go to We thank them for sponsoring this segment. And without further ado, Jared, play that funky music. Everything woke turns to sh*t, okay? I started a joke. Take care, Walker. The word "walk" means losing. Joining me now is the Wizard of Woke. He will not wear shorts all year round, but he's not opposed to a short pant when it's seasonably appropriate. Oh, definitely, absolutely. And when it's work appropriate, when it's so oppressive outside, the walk from the car to the office building where I'm going to be sweating, I'll wear shorts. Yeah, you know who? You know who loves shorts? Howie. Howie Car loves shorts. Howie acts like... Or I didn't sweat at the time. By the way, how are you not freezing in here? I am. That's why I have my sweater on. No, howie acts like the pants, any material that has to be on his cabs is oppressive. That for him is oppressive enough. Let alone the heat. I can see that. Yeah, I don't disagree with that. Yeah, well, that's rare. We usually disagree. All right, Taylor Kromier is here. He's going to redo your headlines. Let's start today with LB. LB, your first stop. Are you ready for your headline? I'm ready. Okay. All right, LB. Here is your headline. University Awards Cat Doctorate in Litter Assure. I hope that's a joke. It's not, it's true. Not a joke. Not a joke. Let's take a guess at the state this happened in. Minnesota? Vermont. Vermont. Okay, that makes sense. Max is a recent graduate of Vermont State University. He's six years old and he's a cat. The frequent visitor to the university's Castleton campus has earned a doctorate of Litter Assure. His owner, his owner Ashley Dow lives on the street from the university's main entrance just down the street. She says he's been spending most of his time on campus for years, so they made him an honorary graduate. Kind of waters it down for everybody else, doesn't it? No, come on. I get it. I get it. It's cutesy, but it's like these honorary things are becoming a bit much. Is he meowritus at the university? Yeah, well, you obviously support this because you're hoping that your cat can hop on the bandwagon. There's no, there's no universities on my street. My cat is poorly educated. Okay, Peter. He's got their PhD from the streets. Peter, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, Peter? Yes, I am. Peter, here's your headline. All these consider selling edible insects amid cost of living crisis. That's smoke. You are correct, Ellen. Oh, well, not a joke. Not a joke. It's high stakes. You know, people are very afraid to get these wrong. It is. This is Aldi UK, the store hinted on a channel 4 show that is considering selling edible insects in the future during an episode of Aldi's next big thing in which food producers compete to get their products on the supermarket shelves like Shark Tank for grocery stores, edible insect business Yumbug. That's a great name. It's like Humbug because they say that over there. Yeah. Hey, I have a question. Did you ever watch Fear Factor? Yeah. You know how they used to eat? There was always different, so some of them were physical challenges, but a lot of them had to do with bugs. Like, would you eat this bug? Right. Sometimes, right, I'd look at the bug and just based off how the person was eating it, I was- You think you could wrestle through it? Yeah. If it was crunchy enough. Like, I couldn't do the juicy ones. The ones that are the weird, like, worms. A lot of them were live, though, right? If it had a crunch to it, if you bit down and it was- Really? I think that would be- I think that would be better than a juicy, thick, chewy bug. I don't think I could do it. Wow. Really? Put me in the tank with the tarantulas. You know what was always the scariest one to me is when they would have them go underneath the water, and there was glass- there was, like, plastic above the water, and they'd have to get from point A to point B, and they couldn't come above. You had to find the other opening in the glass. This should bring that show back. It was- Like, if you're claustrophobic, you'd have a panic attack, for sure. Okay, Michelle, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, Michelle? Hi, I'm Grace. All right, Michelle, here's your headline. What's stopping liberals from having kids? Success. Ooh. Whoa. You are correct. Wow! Good job, Michelle. Not a joke. Not a joke. Out of the New York Times, this is a long dissertation on, you know, the excuse. There's a trajectory that a lot of liberals take. They establish- they go on a journey in their twenties to find themselves and establish a career and buy a home and make sure they're cemented in their career, and then they might have kids, but they wait for success to come first. Okay. I feel like a lot of people do that. I don't think that's- I don't think that's Democrat or Republican. Do you think you did that? No, no. My timeline just kind of fell in the way it was. I wasn't really thinking about my career. It's- It becomes very clear after your first kid, you're never going to be ready. Yeah, that was my mindset. Just go for it. At the point- my wife will say, "No, well, people ask us, so we're going to have another one." Whatever, sure. Why not? What's the difference? We've done it. It's happened, and it's still going on. We'll see. Yeah, well, once you have two, it's kind of chaos, right? So what's the- what's adding in this? Yeah. But you know what I don't like about the insinuation here? Is that, like, unlike conservatives who are a bunch of losers and just have kids when everything you want, it's like, "We wait until we're successful, unlike you dopes, you toties." So Jim Gaffigan does a joke where he says, "People ask me what it's like having five kids." It's like, "Imagine you're drowning, and then someone hands you a baby." That's it. Okay, well, it's good for liberals that they do all of that. That's wonderful. Bob, wait, I was going to say, though, I thought they waited to have kids because of the climate. I thought that was a big factor. So, yeah, people are concerned over the climate and the future of the environment and what not. The clock is ticking. Mainly success. The clock is ticking on this globe. Bob, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show during Walker Joke. Are you ready for your headline, Bob? Absolutely. Bob, here is your headline, Toronto Pride Ball Parade, scheduled for next week, Queer of the Year Marshall Yet to be Named. You are correct. That is a joke. Good, good, Bob. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. I don't know. That one would have been hard for me because it makes sense. It's Pride Month. That was a good fake-out. Ed, you're up next. Are you ready for your headline, Ed? Yes, I am. Okay. Ed, here's your headline, Spokane Post's job listing for Rainbow Crossing Guardian to curb vandalism. Whoa. It is a joke. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. Again, a very good one because I have seen stories about how these crosswalks, these pride crosswalks, are being guarded, and if you make any sort of marking on them, that you can get tossed in jail. I haven't seen those, but there have been plenty of instances, especially this year, where people are making more of a concerted effort to "vandalize" these rainbow crosswalks that they set up for Pride Month. They paint them the cuddle of the rainbow flag, and people will take their truck tires and spin them and do burnouts. Kids in Spokane have been taking the publicly available scooters, the electric scooters. Yes. Okay, so that's what I was thinking. And skidding out on the rainbow crosswalks, but the scooters? But the skid is considered the vandalism. Because you're leaving a tread, you're leaving a skid mark on the— Right, but all I'm saying is they're not taking spray paint and writing something horrible or anything like that. Correct. Correct. Because skids do happen on the road, even if you're not trying. You're actually committing the actual vandalism because they're putting paint on public property. Got it. But what the scooter company has done, the owners of the scooter company— Oh, no. They have gridded out that section of streets so that if your scooter goes on that crosswalk, it shuts down. If you're within those coordinates— Your scooter shuts down? The scooter shuts down. The scooter shuts down. How do they— Like a grocery cart when you take it too far out of the parking lot? You don't know that? There's grocery carts that shut down if you take them far out of the— Yes. How? Like a technology. They have a sensor on one of the wheels and it just locks up. Wow. It's like one of those underground dog fence type things. So people don't steal the grocery carts? That's amazing. Was that a huge crime? People stealing grocery carts? Evan, you ever seen a homeless person pushing you? Yeah. Do you wonder where they bought that grocery cart? I never did. I never went to that next step. That's interesting. It just seems like we could use all this energy towards anything else. No, I think it's being appropriately applied, not with the scooters, but the grocery carts, yes. Okay. I guess. Tony, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, Tony? I am, but first, if I could, I just wanted to wish my fiancé, Ally, happy 30 good birthday tomorrow she listens to the show every day. Oh, and her name's Ally? Yeah. Happy birthday, Ally. Thank you for listening. Happy birthday. And here's your headline, Tony. All right, Tony. Here's your headline. New credit karma feature tracks, carbon credit score offers everyday discounts and other incentives. I'm going to go with woke. I'm so sorry, Tony. It's a joke. On Ally's birthday. That was a joke. On Ally's birthday. That's just a shame. He's a big time loser. Sorry, Tony. You're a big time loser, but Ally is not. Ally is a big time birthday girl. So happy birthday to her. My wife has a role, her family. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. The rule doesn't apply to everybody. I want to say something and this isn't, this wasn't part of the plan, but we were talking about fear factor. I could do an entire, I could do three hours on fear factor. You know what was the craziest challenge they used to do? No. They'd have two speedboats going full speed ahead. If anyone remembers this, please text it. And they'd have a person just be standing on one of the speedboats on like a platform on the speedboat, and they'd have to jump over to the other speedboat that was moving full speed. And when they wouldn't make it, it would be like, their head would smack the boat. I'm sure there was a limit on how fast, like maybe 40 miles an hour. I'm gonna pull off the YouTube Taylor. You're going to be blown away. All of it's a lot of it's tricks with the camera and being close and seeing the water go by make it seem like they're going fast. That show never should have got off the air. And you know what I blame Joe Rogan. He got too big. He had too much success. He needs to go back to fear factor. Bring that back. That was quality programming. Didn't he like get into a fight with one of the contestants, like legally it probably was a disaster. Because you have people jumping from speedboats, it's like, I don't know how you keep that up for a long time. Yeah. The lawyers probably ended that. Yeah. Thank you so much for your time. We will be right back. We got a lot more to get to. And we are going to talk short. Do you wear them all year round? Do you wear them seasonally? We'll discuss when we come back. Follow Grace on Twitter at G underscore curly. This is the Grace Curly Show. You'll each ride on one of these ultra boats going at speeds up to 40 miles an hour. You'll have one quarter mile, which will have to jump from one boat to the other approximately seven feet away. Crazy. Just crazy. So Taylor is right. It was up to 40 miles per hour. That was the fastest they could go. But when I tell you as a kid, it was the craziest thing to watch. Some people would clear it. They'd clear the jump. Some people didn't even seem like they tried. It looked like they were trying to smack their head against the other boat. What a wonderful show, though. I really, that's going to be my mission. That's going to be my New Year's resolution in June. Bring back fear factor eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. You know, we are going to talk about the shorts, shorts go shorts, shorts to number one. We will talk about that. But I think that Nathan Wade being in the news, Jared, is worth mentioning. Nathan Wade, who was the, well, he's most well known for being Fanny Willis's ex lover. It's a, now here's, here's the story in the New York Post, a media consultant for Nathan Wade interrupted a tape TV interview Wednesday as the ousted former Donald Trump prosecutor was being grilled on the timeline of his relationship with Fulton County, Georgia DA, Fanny Willis. Grilled is a little tough to describe what Caitlin Collins is doing. She was just asking basic questions, but that is, you know, what we consider a softball interview to most Democrats is considered a grilling. So he sits down with Caitlin Collins and you would think he's had so much practice at figuring out this timeline. He was figuring it out live on TV when he was being questioned by lawyers. He still doesn't have an answer. So Nathan Wade is asked about his relationship with Fanny Willis for people who need a refresher. She hired Nathan Wade, who became or was already her boyfriend. It's kind of unclear there. And then she paid him a lot more than she paid the other prosecutors, even though he was wholly underqualified for the job. And now I want to play this cut where his media consultant, who seems just as professional and is equipped to deal with these things as Nathan Wade tries to stop Caitlin Collins from asking the question by just interrupting the interview. Never a good tactic. This is cut one. Just to clarify, when did the romantic relationship between the two of you start? Yeah. So, you know, we get into, there's been this effort to say that, okay, these exact dates are at issue and these exact dates are, I'm getting, I'm getting signaled here. Okay. They're taking off his microphone now. Oh my gosh. Can you pause it for a sec? Once somebody's in the chair, they got to handle it themselves. Whether it be telling the person, I don't want to comment on that, whatever happened to no comment, like whatever happened to having a question and saying, yeah, I really don't feel like going down that road. You know what's an example I'll give? This is going to sound random, but Travis Kelsey gets asked a lot about Taylor Swift. And if it were happening to a woman, if it were reversed, if a woman was being asked about her boyfriend, every time Taylor Swift did an interview and they said, Travis Kelsey just scored a touchdown, people would be up and arms, but he gets asked about Taylor Swift all the time. Yes, he's kind of open the door to it a little bit, but now the questions are getting more and more ridiculous. And he, the other day, he said something like, ah, I don't want to get into that. It's kind of personal. And I know that they're going to make him out to be a bad guy for saying that, but whatever happened to being able to navigate, not answering a question yourself and just saying, I don't really want to answer that question, that wouldn't be nearly as bad of a response as whatever I just heard, Nathan Wade saying, respectfully, Caitlin, I'm not going to get into the timeline. You know, my, even this Jared, my lawyers, my lawyers have advised me not to really go into that next question. I get that you want to be cooperative, as the White House might say, but if you really, if your team thinks it's that bad for you to be answering these questions, either don't do the interview or just say, I'm not going to answer that question. Next question. Does, does no one have the media consultant clearly has no training in media? If she, if he or she thought that taking the mic off live interview and flagging Nathan Wade down to say, don't answer it is going to make him look good. Add it to my jobs, Jared, media consultant for the cabin guy, Nathan Wade. My work never ends. We'll be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING]