The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Biden Family's Italian Vacation | 6.13.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Biden is at the G-7 Summit. Lt. Tully wears shorts all year long. Plus, the Supreme Court finally made a decision that makes progressives happy.

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13 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and a spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. I can't believe it's already Thursday. Time flies when you're having fun and we are going to deliver a great show today. Couple of programming notes, we are going to move Wokerjoke to 105 today because Congressman Byron Donalds is going to join the show at 130. Now, Jared, you know this as a producer, but oftentimes when we book these guests, there's a chance, especially if they're in high demand, which Byron Donalds is right now. He's one of the VP contenders. He's on the list. There's always the chance they back out. So what I did was Emma made up a graphic for me that said Byron Donalds coming on the Grace Curly Show at 130. And I sent it to the person who I booked with to say just confirming for today and I'm hoping that when they see that graphic, they're going to say to themselves, we can't cancel on her now. She already made a graphic. It's set in stone. There's no getting out of this one. What's she going to do? Take down the graphic? That's crazy. So fingers crossed, we have Byron Donalds at 130. And the other big news today is Trump goes to Washington. The former president is hoping to unify the GOP, which I already, I feel right now that we are the most unified that we've ever been. The unity is through the roof. And that's what, you know, that's what Democrat law fair will do. You know, you want to put somebody in jail for wanting to run for president. It has a way of bringing their supporters and even some of their detractors together. They unified us without even realizing it. So we're going to discuss that. He's meeting with Mitch McConnell for the first time in four years and other top GOP lawmakers as well as possible VP picks. I think he's dragging out this VP thing as long as he can. There's no question that he's loving. He's loving dangling this over all of their heads. Like, who will I pick? I don't know. Well, pencils are pretty late announcement before the convention, right? I read something recently that Tim Scott is no longer one of the top choices for whatever reason, which I'm actually happy about. I wouldn't Tim Scott wouldn't be my first pick. I would prefer JD Vance or Byron Donalds or somebody who I think is a little more equipped to handle the mainstream media. You know what? I just can't take anymore. I can't take nice Republicans. I love nice people and I love nice Republicans in general. But if you're an actual lawmaker and you're too polite, you're off my list. We can't handle the politeness. You have to be a little bit scrappy to be Trump's VP because a big part of it is just being his mouthpiece and going around and talking about his agenda and slamming the mainstream media. And the great thing about Byron Donalds is he's getting slimed already from the mainstream media. So he's getting in some really good practice as to how this works and how to combat the talking heads and how dishonest they can be. And we'll talk about that with him at 130. The Karen Read trial, we are a show based in New England, and this is definitely drawing a lot of eyeballs. The Karen Read trial has resumed today, day 24, if you can believe that. Today, Lieutenant Brian Tully is on the stand. He oversees the state police detective unit at the DA's office. Very prestigious unit, as you could tell by Michael Proctor's text. It's funny to watch Lally question these witnesses and then have Jackson go up. And you really see a switch in their demeanor. When Lally is questioning them and he's the least intimidating person I've ever seen in a courtroom. You almost feel bad for him. He never has his stuff where it's supposed to be. He's always kind of fumbling over his words. And so when he questions these witnesses and they're all prepped and ready to go, they're very confident. You know, they're going to explain to you how things work. This is what I oversee. This is how we do it. You know, we follow the letter to the law. Absolutely not. This is what we're doing. We're doing this. We're doing that. They're very, very confident, arrogant, cocky. And then Jackson gets up to the podium and that's when everything for these state troopers, for these police officers, everything gets very hazy. Suddenly things get very blurry. It's hard to, well, they start doing the Nathan Wade where it looks like you're sniffing the air. It's like trying to think you're trying to see that. They start to squint. They fur their brows to let you know. They're really trying to think back to that time. And it's like, where was the person who first showed up here? Where was the cock of the walk? Who was going to show us how things get done? And now all of a sudden you're like, you're the heavy breathing. You don't really know what you're saying. But what I will say is Tully's testimony thus far has not been nearly as absurd as Michael Proctor's. To be fair though, that is a hard testimony to follow and to one up. You know, it's Michael Proctor. The text messages that man sent. I think anyone following up that it's like getting on the stage with animals. The animals are always going to outshine you. There's no outshining what we saw yesterday. And we do have some sound though. I'm not trying to downplay it. We do have a couple of sound cuts that we will get to later, including the story of the ever changing tail light. No one, not one of these people has the same recollection of what this tail light looked like as another person. Have you noticed that? No one person has the same story as the next as far as the magical tail light goes. One person saw a million pieces. One person saw a crack and one piece. One person saw two pieces. And I'm starting to think that the tail light is almost like Joe Biden's classified documents where maybe the best explanation is the pieces of this tail light just got up and moved themselves. And they just decided. They found their way. Yeah, they found. They meandered along to a room above the steakhouse. I don't understand how else everyone has a different narrative around the tail light. And what happened in photos? Don't you take photos? Don't you? Don't you establish some sort of crime scene? Obviously not in this case. The crime scene was like it remained a party house. People were still going in and out muffins, coffee. It's you can use your phone to take photos for crime soon. You can use your phone to text about the anatomy of a suspect ratio. You can't do both. Yeah. At the state police. You can't multitask. He was proctor was busy looking for Karen Reed's nudes. So he was he had his hands full. Okay, that took up a huge chunk. I would love to see if he did it. Allah Michael Scott like a schedule of his day of his breakdown. What each segment would say like from 12 to 3 looking for nudes. From 3 to 5 talking about Karen Reed's medical conditions. From 5 to 7. Waterfall. The hillside. Just was anyone working at any point? They were working a framer. But I don't even think they did a good job of that. He does like to wear shorts all year round. That's I think that's part of the hardo starter pack. Like I wear shorts everywhere I go. Oh, yeah. We're going to discuss that. We're going to discuss wearing shorts in the winter. Was it Jackson who said like, Oh, typical classic Bostonian? Yeah, it was Jackson. I don't like this. I and I'm not criticizing Jackson because it's that's a hard like response to I don't know how you retort that. Oh, I wear shorts all year round. That's weird. And he doesn't want to say. Okay, weirdo. But I would like to I would like to as a Bostonian. I know I'm from Milton, but you know, as someone from Massachusetts. These stereotypes that get thrown at us. We don't claim these things like we don't claim these people from Canton. They're not classic Bostonian. I think my dunks ice coffee all year round. I don't wait for summer. Yeah, it's I hate that stuff. I see those things on Instagram where it's like someone making fun of the classic Bostonian. Oh, you think it's cold. It's only 15 degrees. This is nice and warm. I hate that stuff. I'm like, will you please stop making us all look like this. That's not how we behave. A shovel snow with my bare hands wearing a towel. Okay, Joe Biden. I want to hear about anybody wearing a towel unless it's Joe Biden. Okay. And even then I'm not really prepared for it. We'll talk about that. We'll play some of the sound as the show goes along. But I wanted to start today with an update from the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court for the next. I'm going to I'm going to be generous here and say 24 hours. The Supreme Court is back in fashion. The Supreme Court ruled the right way. And by the right way, I mean the left way, which is the right way, according to the defenders of democracy. If you miss this today, SCOTUS rejected a challenge to the abortion bill Miffa Pristone. And I was thinking about it because whenever the Supreme Court does anything that the left doesn't like, they say they need to be abolished. The Supreme Court needs to be packed. It needs to be destroyed. It's right wing. It's all these right wing justices like Katanji Brown Jackson that are just a threat to the rule of law. And of course, when they do something that the left likes or supports, then it becomes settled science, settled law. This is the rule of the law, the land. They did a great job. Joe Biden is the president of law. So they upheld the constitution. And then when they do something that Biden doesn't like, he'll just totally subvert the constitution to do what he wants to do anyway. So it's an amazing thing to watch how the Supreme Court, depending on the day, how these liberals see the Supreme Court. But I will say that this ruling where they rejected the challenge to this abortion pill, the Dems were probably disappointed with this ruling. Because if it had gone the other way, I'm happy with this ruling. And not in the sense that, oh, I'm so happy this abortion pill. I'm speaking here politically and strategically. And I know that's not how a lot of people operate. I know to some people that is your clutch and your pearls, grades, you're a horrible person. But here's why, because if this had gone the other way, the left would be using about how women will die. If they're not able to get this drug, this is blah, blah, blah. Like nothing's really going to change because they rejected it because nothing was going to change either way. Everyone had access to these things. There's no shortage of birth control or abortion pills in this country. So nothing's really changing, but it does stop the left from having a Roe versus Wade type of reenergized campaign or support infused into this presidential election. So I'm sure that like the Elizabeth Warrens of the world and everyone on the Biden White House, when they heard about this ruling, they were thinking, well, there goes that chance to rally the troops. That's not helpful. 844-500-4242. But for the next couple hours, the Supreme Court is a okay if you are a Democrat or a member of the Biden White House. We will be right back. We'll take your calls. It's 844-500-4242. We have a lot to discuss today. Naomi Biden is with Grandpa Joe in Italy, saying in a beautiful, expensive resort with her hubby. We're going to talk grifters. They're not sleeping on cots. I'll hunt her in Ireland. Come on. No, no, no. And you know, Jared, she doesn't get enough credit. She's one of the big grifters, Naomi. I know it's like, she's off limits. Not that she's a kid, but it's like, she's off limits. She's just one of his grandkids. Don't underestimate the grifting ability. It only gets stronger, Jared, as the generations go. Do you notice that? The generations of the Biden family, the younger they are, the more skilled they are at just grifting, getting as much graft as humanly possible. And we're going to discuss. But for right now, something I want to discuss is that Father's Day is almost here. And I got a text yesterday from someone who said, "Grace, how dare you forget Jared's birthday?" You know, you should be getting him a cake and singing Happy Birthday. His birthdays, well, no, Jared's birthday is falling on Father's Day. So I did not forget Jared's birthday. That is very fake news. And I'm not worried about Jared because Jared has the gift of Omaha Steaks. So it doesn't matter if someone were to forget, Jared, your birthday, what matters is you've got the stakes and they're going to wish you a Happy Birthday. You've got the hot dogs that are going to wish you a Happy Birthday and a Happy Father's Day. You've got the air chilled chicken that I know you love. All of your friends are going to be there in that cooler from Omaha Steaks. Who needs love when you win contact when you get Omaha Steaks? That's what I'm saying. No, I am very excited, actually. I was choking with the wife last night because we went in the freezer. She's like, "How many boxes are in there?" I was like, "Oh, well, there's, you know, there's two boxes of hot dogs. There's three boxes of steak. There's six boxes of burger." I can't tell your freezer is Omaha Steaks, and I am so thrilled with this. Yeah, that is a really good point, though, Jared, for people. That's the one thing I will warn you about with Omaha Steaks is that you need to clear out enough room in your freezer. Because you think, "Oh, I'll get a, you know, for $89, I'll probably get a couple of things." No, you're going to get a lot of things and you need to have room for it. You need to be prepared for when that Omaha Steaks shipment gets delivered right to your front door or, in this case, to Dad's front door. Because there's no better way to let the big guy know that you're thinking of him than a delicious box of Omaha Steaks, chicken, hot dogs. But here's what I want you to do. I want you to use the promo code GRACE at checkout. Shop all the unforgettable gifts that are guaranteed to make your dad's day. He'll be so happy you thought of him. He'll really appreciate it. And he's not just getting quantity. We talk a lot about the quantity, but the most important part of Omaha Steaks and the part that makes them so special, it's the quality. They, they guarantee you that it's quality meat and you're going to enjoy it. So go to Don't forget to use the promo code GRACE at checkout. Give packages starting at just $89. Go now before it's too late and we will be right back. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gunworks. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2 a Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. This is the Grace Curly Show. Jera, you just hit me with some unfortunate news. I was curious if we were going to get Byron Dolls at $130. So far, so far, everything remains the same. I am confirming with his people, but I haven't heard that they're not able to do the interview. He said $130. He's going to be on the Grace Curly Show. I am a little hesitant just because, as we know, he's in very high demand right now. He's doing a lot of media hits and he's one of Trump's top VP contenders, which is why I was so excited to have him on the program. Jera, you just hit me with some unfortunate timing news. Yes, President Trump will be speaking at $130. And he is in Washington with members of Congress. So we don't know the configuration yet, but Byron Donald might be either in the audience or alongside and unavailable at the time. You really think he'd choose Trump over the Grace Curly Show? Is that what you're trying to tell me? God, I am just so disgusted by that. I don't know. It would have been a great poll question. Will Byron Donald actually end up being on the show today? I'm not giving up hope. I always see the glass half full and most of the time I'm wrong. So I'm going to keep going. Maybe he'll call us from standing behind President Trump. You'll see him on the cell phone and he'd be talking about us. That would be, yes. Byron, get back in frame, please. Who are you talking to? The Grace Curly Show. That would be very important state secrets. Yes. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 24 for a Perfect Smile or visit Love the team at Perfect Smiles, been in contact with them about a secret new project that I'll fill you in on in just a little bit. But Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which government spending waste irritates you the most? Cancelling student loan debt, climate slash green initiatives or Ukraine foreign aid? We'll take calls on this, by the way, because people are texting in and saying this is a great poll question. All three of these options make my head want to explode. That's usually what we're going for. But we'll take your calls about which one really gets under your skin. For right now, I'm going to go with the climate drift because the people who are always telling me about it and what I need to do and how much I need to pay in order to save the planet are damaging the planet. How dare you? Based off their own, you know, science, they're the ones doing the most harm. So for me, the most hypocritical is the climate agenda. 39% say climate slash green initiatives that's in the lead, 33% for cancelling student loan debt and 28% for Ukraine foreign aid. Okay, very close poll. Let's go to Jean. You're up next on the GraceCurlyShow. Go ahead, Jean. Grace, this is just getting under my bonnet, if you will. How can Joe Biden and his lovely wife, Jill, how can they defend the flying back and forth to this meeting and that meeting? Oh, Jill had to be with Hunter during his trial and then she was back for a state dinner and now Joe's over with Naomi in Italy. I mean, they have used up more carbon credits than anyone else on the planet. Yeah, and Jean, he's going to the G7 summit in Italy and you're right. Jill Biden goes back and forth between Wilmington and France and something else I noticed in a couple weeks ago was Biden had an event and then he went to Rojobith and then the next day because it wasn't the long weekend yet. It wasn't like a Friday. He went on, let's say, a Thursday and if I get any of this wrong, I do apologize, but I'm pretty sure he went to Wilmington, then he had to go back to the White House so that he could be there for the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he went back for the weekend. It's like, you're right. They never, ever try to carpool or try to save on gas or try to do anything to save the planet. But they expect us to do it. We'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly show. Okay, so this is this is actually becoming an entertaining part of the program. When will we talk to Byron Donald? I did just get a message where Byron Donald's team told me that there is a meeting at 130. I think Jared, that's probably the meeting you were talking about where Trump's going to give a statement. And so they're wondering, we can do 105. And I love to play hard to get. I love to say, "Hey, it's not going to work." I came back real quick and said, "Yep, yep, whatever you guys want, whenever you can call in, we're good." So we're going to talk to Congressman Byron Donald's at 105. Very much looking forward to that. We have tons to get to. In the meantime, I'm really glad that last caller Jean brought up how she has also irked about climate change and the Biden's flying all over the world. But of course, this isn't just a Joe Biden problem. This isn't the leadest problem. This is where all of the people, all these globalists, you know, pampered snobs who claim to care so much about the climate, who claim to get care so much about everything. They're bleeding hearts. They have so much compassion. They have so much compassion to give. They all get together for these summits where they soak up each other's awesomeness and they eat little mini wagoo sliders. And they talk about how they want to waste more of our money. It's kind of a collaborative effort, you know what I mean? It's one thing for just US politicians to get amongst themselves and talk about how they're going to spend our money. But when you get all of these hacks together, you get a global collaboration as to how to set money on fire. As to how to be unproductive and obnoxious and how best to not serve the people on planet Earth. And I really like the headline from CNN. CNN says, "G7 leaders huddle in Italy, escaping political peril at home." Yeah, they're all in denial. It's like, keep running away, run away from your problems, run away from all of us, you know, hang out with each other. That's true. I didn't aren't like five out of these G7 people. Didn't they just like lose their elections? Yeah, they're not a very popular. They think they're at the old kids club. I think they're at the old kids club. And they're like the only ones still standing without some type of chicanery. And barely, barely standing. And yeah, they think they're at like the popular kids club or table and they're not. Nobody likes them. It's like a senior trip. One less chance to waste this money before we're out of office. Well, let's like talk about the agenda, Jerry, because it's usually, I'm certain I wonder if the climate people, they must feel like also rans. They must feel as though their time in the sun has come and gone. But we're now, see what Greta Thunberg did, which I do respect in the sense of attention horrors everywhere. It's, I appreciate that she saw the winds changing and she said, screw the planet. Like I got it. The most important thing is keeping my face on camera. She had that Fauci reaction where it's like, okay, whatever I need to do to keep the lights on. And by lights, I mean the CNN lights shining on my face. So she quickly, she dropped that climate stuff like a hot potato and she jumped on to the pro Palestinian movement. And she figured, whatever's going to get me fake arrested the fastest, that's where I'm going. So she went pro Palestine really quick, like suspiciously quick, like almost as though she never really cared about the planet from, from the beginning. And that blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That to me is an amazing thing because the climate used to be a huge part of the summit. Like when I thought summit, I thought green, I thought John Kerry, I thought the flying squirrel, I thought all these things. And now these summits have become a lot more about Ukraine and democracy and Gaza. And so I'm just curious if you're out there of any of the climate core are out there. It's like Scientology, but it's for the climate. They go on some sort of giant cruise ship and save the trees. If you're out there, do you feel picked over? Like, do you feel cast aside? Are you bitter about it? Are you mad? Do you think you're, do you think the attention's ever going to come back? Or have we lost it forever? I'm saying we because, sure, I can be part of the group, right? Out of out of all of those options, I would choose the climate more than I would choose pro Hamas. Now, Antony Blinken isn't Italy as well because you can't have a climate summit or any sort of summit without Blinken there. Not sure if he's going to be on the guitar or don't know if he's going to be playing or singing. What was the song he sang, Jared? We are the world. Keep on rockin' in the free world. Keep on rockin' in the free world. Never almost like, oh God. We didn't come to the bar for this, man. Please, wrap it up. My tax dollars didn't build that bar on Ukraine. Just so Antony Blinken could play there. Do you think he's going to sing in this episode? I don't see how he can't. I mean, it's like a world tour now. It's become his party trick. Look, when everyone gets together and they finish the delicious meal, seven-course meal, they're probably like, "Hey, you know how to play the guitar, right?" Welcome, Antony Blinken and the secretaries of stage! It's like every weekend at college when there's that one guy who can play the guitar and it hits like 11.30 and he's like, "Alright, ladies. I guess I have to play Wonderwall. I guess you all need to see how I can play the guitar." That's Antony Blinken. He is that person on the world stage. This is what he had to say at the climate -- or I'm sorry, at the G7. This is cut nine. Here at the G7, we have countries coming together again to express their support for Ukraine. Later today, here in Italy, the President and President Zelensky are going to sign an agreement between the United States and Ukraine, a bilateral security agreement. What that means in plain English is that we're committing to support Ukraine as it builds up its defenses for the next ten years. Ten years? Is this a contract or something? Are we sending a free agent or something to a long-term contract? Are there certain clauses? Is there any out here? Is this just -- and also, I love how they say "we." I haven't built the commitment to a state. Who can we? Well, I don't remember -- I wouldn't consider myself part of this "we" that's on board for this. Oh, you're in. You're on. You're in it. Now, also -- You also follow up that statement with, "Are you ready to rock?" Now that we got all that out of the way, who's ready to rock and roll? Oh, Antony. I preferred what he was -- the spotify czar. I didn't like it when he was making his own music. Just give us your -- give us your takes. Give us your suggestions. Give us your playlists picks. I don't need to hear your actual music. Leave that to the RTS. He ends the lens you're going to do the dirty dancing number at the end when he -- he's going to lift Zelensky over his head. Yeah, everybody -- that is -- you know, I quote my nana quite often on the show. Anna Boyle makes you rest in peace. She was a legend. She used to say, "At the end of the day, Grace, everybody wants to be a singer." And when I saw Annie Blinken at that bar with that guitar, singing "Keep on Rockin' in the Free World," I thought, "Damn it, nana. You were right." And every -- but I guess if you want to take it a step back, you could say, "Everybody wants to be an artist." Like, everyone fancies themselves, "Well, if I wasn't doing this, what I'd really be doing is I'd be showcasing my talent as a Thespian." Or, you know, "I'd be throwing -- I'd be blowing ink through metal straws and concentric circles and selling my artwork for $500,000 a piece to my sugar brother, Kevin Morris." These are all things that people think about when they go to bed at night. Now, Naomi -- speaking of Hunter, his daughter Naomi, who also was testifying in this gun trial, she cried and she was supposed to make Hunter look more sympathetic, obviously wasn't very successful. But she is now in Italy with Grandpa Joe, and her and her husband are relaxing poolside at a $1,000 a night resort during her grandfather's Italy trip. Now, keep in mind, as the Daily Mail tells us -- because, of course, it's the British publication that gives us all the juicy scoop -- they say that it is unclear who is paying for the Biden family members to travel alongside the president to the high-stakes meeting abroad. I don't know if I'd consider this high-stakes. I think it's pretty clear. It says, "But on previous foreign trips on board Air Force One, family members have paid their way." That is something I -- there's a lot of things I associate with the Biden family. Books -- they love to write books. Prisma -- that's something -- rambling stories. What else are -- trains, cars, vroom vroom. One thing I never would associate with the Biden family is pay your own way. That is something that I don't think they're familiar with at all. I don't think that if you -- if they were at a diner, they would know to put down their own money. So I'm having a really hard time believing that Naomi Biden -- who, by the way, at one point, was living at the White House with her husband, or at the time, I guess, fiancee -- that she's in Italy with "gramps, pop," as they call him, and that she's paying her own way. Say, "Pay your fair share for damn it, right now." Eh, I tend to doubt that. But I will give Naomi credit because she sneaks under the radar as far as being a grifter goes. And she learned from her dad she is good at this. She had her wedding at the White House. She goes on all these trips with them. Now she's in Italy staying at this fancy resort. And when people ask me, like, "Oh, Jill Biden, why is she doing this to her husband?" I really think that this -- these types of trips and this type of privilege of getting to go all around the world and, you know, not have to fly commercial and get to stay at fancy resorts and get to stay at the homes of hedge fund billionaires and not have to pay -- like, I think they're all -- I think the Biden's are a very cheap family. I don't think they like to pay for things. I think living this ritzy lifestyle at someone else's expense makes up for the fact that Jill Biden is embarrassing her husband beyond a shadow of a doubt, and there's no coming back from that. And just really putting the country in a worse position with him as president. I think all of that checks out for Jill as long as she gets things like this, gets to fly from France to Wilmington back to France, gets to wear fancy outfits. And it seems so shallow. Like, it really does. I'd almost feel better if I thought she had some maniacal power trip wanting to take over, wanting to infuse her agenda into the country. I don't think she runs that deep. I don't think she's trying to, you know, undo anything. Or, I mean, obviously they're all very far left and progressive. But I think for her, the real motivation is just the free stuff and flying private. Yeah, and feeling important. Yeah. You know what I mean? I mean, that means it's a famous character, but, you know, we're talking about how she's treating her husband. Look how she treated her first husband to get to her second husband. She's not a person of integrity or character either. Remember how I said yesterday that whenever Michael Proctor would say absolutely not, that was usually a tell that he was lying? Whenever you start a sentence with, "I don't mean to defame her character." I'm like, "Jared, we don't have to preface it with these things." Like, you've been on the show for a long time now. People know where you're going with things. It's okay. You get defame her character, but I don't care. A4, 4, 542, 42. I wonder if people would agree, though, because talking about a First Lady is a funny thing. People have very different opinions on First Ladies, and I don't mean that, "Oh, of course, people on the left think she's the second coming, and they think she's amazing, and, "Oh, my God, she's so beautiful and classy." Meanwhile, Melania could never get a compliment out of them, but I don't even mean that. Obviously, you're going to have people who love her. I just mean conservatives have different ideas of why she does the things she does. Some people think that she's so politically motivated and so strategic, and she wants to... I don't buy into that. I just think that she's shallow, and she really likes free stuff. It's simple, but the grift is strong with the Biden family. There's no denying that. A4, 4, 542, 42. When we come back, Nathan Wade is in the news. We are also going to play some sound between Alan Jackson and Brian Tully, and that could have been a good poll question. When do you wear shorts? Three months of the year, half the year, all year round. We'll talk about it when we return. Don't go anywhere. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. ♪♪ ♪♪ This is The Grace Curly Show. ♪♪ Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. The Chiron on Fox right now, Dems struggling to sell White House green energy agenda. We'll hopefully Biden's trip to the G7 will help with that. Ryan, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Ryan. Hi, Grace. Yeah, I'm a big supporter of Byron Donald. I love the horrible things he said about Trump back in 2015. Will you ask him about those things when he's on the show? Sure, Ryan. No, I won't because I don't think he's relevant. Plenty of people said nasty things about Trump in 2015. You know what they did, Ryan? They changed their minds. They watched how he worked. Have you ever changed your mind, Ryan, about someone? Probably not, actually, when I think about it. Have you ever changed your mind about somebody? It's not like he's a shameless opportunist or anything, correct? I don't think so. 'Cause it seems like a lot of people said awful, awful things about Trump before he came to power. And before they saw... No, before they maybe before they saw the job that he did. Like I said, Ryan, I had a question for you. You love to ask questions. Ryan, Louis, Charlie, whatever name you like to put up when you call in. I don't know why you can't just use your regular name. But, Ryan, have you ever changed your mind about a person? Yes or no? Not if they offended my wife or I call... Have you ever changed... answer the question. Have you ever changed your mind about somebody? Absolutely, yes. Okay, congratulations, Ryan. Then you get it. It's possible, right? You can change your mind about someone. You see the job that they do. And maybe you change your mind for the better or for the worse. He changed his mind and he thinks that Trump is the best option. He thinks he's a better option than Joe Biden. Does he have the right to think that, Ryan? You don't like Byron Donald's. That's what I'm gathering from this. That's okay. If I called somebody, America's Hitler, like J.D. Vance did, I don't think I would change my mind about that person. So is J.D. Vance just another opportunist like Byron Donald's? He changed his mind. Like again, I don't know what you want me to say. You have all of these supposed quotes that people said about Donald Trump. They like him now. They support him now. Just like a lot of people didn't support Joe Biden and now they do. That's how politics works. You get that, right? Nobody supports. Nobody votes for Biden. Everyone's voting against Trump when they vote for Biden. Nobody likes Biden. You know that. Okay. Again, you call up. I don't really get what the point is. Like I get that the point is to try to trick me with like a gotcha. But I really, I don't understand as far as moving the conversation along what this does. Like do you have any actual thoughts or you just hate the show and you hate the gas and you hate Trump? Is that the whole point of these calls? What I hate is the people that enable Trump and frankly, the GOP's in Congress, the majority of them accept the true sycophants like MTG or Jim Jordan. They all hate Trump and all you got to do is look at the things they used to say about him. They used to say about him. They used to say about him. And you know what Ryan, I would say that a lot of people are looking at this as they have two options and they're choosing the option that they prefer. And if you just said everybody hates Biden, then what are people supposed to do? Are they just supposed to vote for Biden because what? Because nobody has ever said anything bad about Joe Biden before or nobody's ever disliked Joe Biden before. He has such loyal followers. Is that the argument you're making for Joe Biden? No, the argument I'm making is given the choice of eating dog poop or cyanide, I'll choose dog poop. What's dog poop in this situation? What's dog poop in this situation? Come on, you can figure this out. Biden, why do you think he's dog poop and not cyanide? Why is he less dangerous than Donald Trump? Because JD Vance never said anything bad about Joe Biden? The format of your show does not lead me to get into this conversation, but please give me a break. What the hell does that mean? The format of the show, I just asked you a question. And now you're saying the format of the show, you're not going to actually answer the question because you don't feel the format. Yeah, I gave you the floor and you couldn't answer the question. That's a cop out if I've ever heard one, Ryan. And you're not really selling me on Joe Biden, dog poop versus cyanide. I don't know what makes Joe Biden dog poop and Donald Trump cyanide, but I'm not taking your word for it. Stop and do me a favor, I've indulged this a lot. I'm good.