The Howie Carr Radio Network

No Christians Need Apply: MFI's Sam Whiting Joins the Show | 6.12.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Sam Whiting of the Massachusetts Family Institute joins the show to share the latest efforts to fight against the encroaching woke mob in the Commonwealth. You won't believe the discrimination Christians, Catholics, and conservatives are facing in schools, the workplace, and even the home. Then, Austin Theriault calls in to make his pitch for November after besting opponents in the Maine primary.

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12 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Back home now to the terror rests across the country. We've learned several men with suspected ties to ISIS. Sources familiar with the matter tell us the men cross the southern border. Some over a year ago. I told you, what did I tell you? Didn't I tell you? 'Cause I told you. And when did I tell you a long time ago? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. First by the name of Doc, Bryce, is that chick a smoke? Yes. And then you write, "Not bad," as Chief would say, correct? Correct. Who's Chief? Sure, wasn't he one of the seven dwarves? Oh, Bear, let's focus, correct? Yes. Who's Bear? That's the, uh, another nickname I have. Here comes Bear on patrol. You two got so drunk that he couldn't find his badge and had to ask you the next morning where his gun was. Were you drunk that many? I don't recall. It's a long time ago. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's... Howie Car. Welcome back to the Howie Car Show, 844-542-42. Once a month, we check in with the Mass Family Institute and they try to represent conservative values. It's an uphill struggle in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, but we like to check in and see what's going on. Sometimes the news is bad. Sometimes it's not so bad. But it's that time of the month, so we wanted to do a segment with the Mass Family Institute. And joining us now is Sam Whiting from the Mass Family Institute. And if you want to check out what they do, go to Sam, thanks for being with us here on the Howie Car Show. And I'm glad you're here because I was thinking, I wanted to get an update on Liam Morrison. I think he's a great little kid. And tell us about Liam Morrison and he had a setback in court the other day. Tell us what happened. Yeah, thanks for having me on again, Howie. So Liam Morrison is the seventh grader, now eighth grader, who stood up for his right to free speech to speak the truth in his public school in Middleboro. He wore a shirt to school that said there are only two genders. And for that great crime, he was sent home and told that he could not wear that shirt to school again because that was targeting and harassing other students. So we partnered with the Alliance Defending Freedom after the school went back down. We sued them. And unfortunately, we lost in this report last year. So then we appealed to the first circuit at oil argument early this year. And then unfortunately, again, just at the beginning of this week, we received word that the first circuit also ruled against Liam. So I'm happy to dive into the details of that decision and why we think that it was, you know, egregiously wrong and what the next steps might be. How could stating a simple fact of life be considered hate speech, basically? Yeah, well, it's a good question, but in public schools, you know, less has been considered hate speech. Now, what the first circuit said in their decision, what they actually said was his message denies the self-conceptions of other students. That's the language that they used. And for the crime of denying the self-conception of other students, you know, he lost his horse to remember the right to just speak about, like you said, a biological fact. So they were concerned that his shirt just stating that there are only two genders might cause psychological harm and cause a disruption at school. If my self-identification was as a Celtic member of the Boston Celtics, could I start tonight for the team against the in the playoffs? Yeah, maybe you could, maybe you couldn't, but if I told you that you weren't a Celtic at school, I might be shut down. I'm sorry, you know, I don't mean to be, you know, I know this is a serious issue and I'm totally on Liam's side and I really love talking to the kid last year. He seems like a very smart guy. But I mean, this is absurd. This is ridiculous. No, it's absolutely absurd. And I think the thing about this case, it's not just absurd, but it's also dangerous, is that Liam really is one of the only people who had the guts to stand up and say that the emperor has no clothes in the face of all of the gender and the sanity. But now even kids are being told that they can't do that at school. I mean, of course, teachers for a long time have been told you can't, you know, you have to affirm kids, you can't hurt their self-esteem for a student at school. And now to have their free speech to be stripped away is really, you know, crossing a bridge that I think is really dangerous. We're talking to Sam Whiting. He's the staff attorney for the Massachusetts Family Institute. So there's better news in the case of Mike and Kitty Burke. And these are devout Catholics and they want it to become foster parents in Massachusetts. So fill us in on the situation with Mike and Kitty Burke, Sam. That's right. So Mike and Kitty Burke are, like you said, Catholic applicants to be foster parents. Now they applied to be foster parents, I think, last year and the year before, and went through all of the, you know, extensive vetting process to determine whether they would be good foster parents. They passed all the tests with flying colors. There's no problem until DCF asked them, you know, the department of children's families asked them. Well, what would you do if you had a kid who was LGBT? You know, what if you had a kid who identifies transgender and they said, well, because we're Catholics, we wouldn't be able to affirm that. But of course, we would love them. We would respect them. We would treat them like we would to any other person. Right. And for DCF, that answer was not satisfactory. So they rather have them in an orphanage than with a traditional Christian couple. I mean, the foster care system in Massachusetts is so overloaded. They were literally checking kids in the hospital rooms on a long-term basis because they didn't have home-slidden. So they'd rather have kids in hospital rooms than with a Catholic couple that held to, you know, the long-standing view that there are only two genders and that, you know, sexuality should be between a man and a woman. Well, can Mike and Kitty get the foster children through a private organization or is it all through DCF, the department of children and families? As far as I understand, every foster parent has to be vetted through DCF. I think you have to get a license from the state in order to foster because they want to make sure, obviously, that it's safe for the kids. And athletes are not safe, according to DCF standards, because they won't- Or the FBI's. For my kids. Yeah. Right. Well, yeah, definitely. So thankfully, you know, they partnered with the Beckett Fund, which is another religious liberty law firm, and brought to you in Massachusetts. Actually, one of our MFI's board members was also local counsel in the case. They brought to you and the, you know, the state, DCF tried to dismiss the case and the judge to his great credit said, I'm not dismissing this case. You know, clearly they have a plausible claim that you discriminate against them based on their religious views. You basically told them you have to choose between being Catholics or being foster parents. And that's not something that the Constitution allowed. No, it's not. It's like the litmus test that the Democrats want to set up for federal judges, right? They, you know, if you're pro-life, you can't be a judge, according to the Democrats litmus test. So much for, you know, freedom of religion. Who was the judge, by the way? That was Judge Mastriani in the district of Massachusetts, I believe, Springfield Division. It's, it sounds like he's a Catholic, you know, he's most likely a Catholic, you know. So if he were, if he's a good Catholic, he couldn't be a foster parent under the under these terms. I'm glad that, I'm glad he made that, that decision. Tell us about what happened in, I, well, let me ask you. I watch YouTube. I don't watch much TV, hardly any anymore. But every time I go on to YouTube, someone's telling me that if I'm a woman, I should not go near a, near a pro-life center. Who's in, and I, I can't believe that the state is paying for this. Tell, tell us about what's going on if people don't, aren't familiar with this ad campaign. I mean, the, the state's just wrong on so many fronts. But, but here we're talking about, the state is running a million dollar smear campaign. A million bucks. And I'm sure they're lining their coffers as part of this deal as well. But what they're doing is they're publishing, you know, information about these pregnancy resource centers that's completely false and defamatory and actually listing them by name and saying, you know, these centers. Seed women, they use this information, they could be abortion clinics. It's not true. And we're looking into legal action to push back. But, I mean, I think whether you, you know, whether you support life or whether you're more on the pro-choice side of things. I think the fact that the state spending a million dollars on this right now, instead of investing in things like education or addressing a lot of this. Fixing potholes. How about that? Right. Should, yeah. Should be a scandal to anybody. Yeah, they make it seem like it's scary. Like this is some kind of, you know, you know, white slavery ring that's going to get you if you, if you go near this place. Insane. What they, and the fact that the tax, they're running this at all. You know, when they censor ads, if you want to say something about Democrats, they won't let you even let you put it on the air. And yet these things go on totally unchallenged paid for by taxpayers. It's ridiculous. One last thing here. Yeah, I want to ask you about the Grotten Dunstable School Committee, what they did. Yeah, so we found out recently, the local parent that in Grotten Dunstable, there's this DEI advisory committee, the diversity, equity, and inclusion. It's all you need to know, DEI. Yeah, so what, yeah. You see where this is going, but they said in their charge, essentially, that that Christians need to apply. Non-Christian applicants would be preferred. So, are we allowed to pay taxes? I think we are. Aren't we, Sam? Yeah. Of course. So what did they, so what did they, no Christians need to apply for what exactly? The DEI advisory committee? Yeah, that was supposedly dedicated to including people from all backgrounds, diversity, equity, and inclusion. No Christians need to apply for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Exactly. And so, but you, we reached out to them, and we told them, you know, if they kept this on the books, we would take legal action. So quickly, their lawyer got back to us and said, no, no, no, this is just a big mistake. We'll take the language out. We'll take the language out and just make sure that no Christians get on anyway. We just won't have it in black and white. That's what it boils down to. That's the, that's the risk there, but we'll definitely be watching them and these other school districts that have gone totally woke, you know, much more closely. Anyway, thank you, Sam, for coming on the show and where can people go if they, you're doing good work and I know it's, must be like banging your head against the wall a lot of days going up against the woke commonwealth of Massachusetts and all the everything in it. But where do people go if they want to learn more about the Mass Family Institute? So go to and definitely if people are interested in keeping track of Liam's case and we're not done fighting on that one yet. It's, I think it's quite likely that we'll file a petition to the Supreme Court to take up the case. So if you want to keep track of any of these issues, go to to learn more about what we're doing. How's Liam taking it, by the way? He's okay. I spoke with a step mom the other day and they were definitely disappointed, but you know, they weren't too surprised given how things have gone so far. But, you know, we're just proud, super proud of him for standing up for what he believes in. And I think whether or not we get a win in the court, he's already won by standing on his beliefs. He's a good kid and he's very well spoken to and he's a lot better educated and well spoken than most kids that are, I'm sure, a lot more woke than he is. But there are only two genders, Liam, if you're listening, you are right no matter what they say in the courts. Sam Whiting, thank you for being with us. And again, if you want to know more about the Mass Family Institute, go to, I'm Howie Carr. Got a great cop story? Email it to and listen to policeplotter Facts Friday every Friday at 5.30. Your story could win you a great prize from The Howie Carr Show Store. Howie Carr Show is back. 978, what if someone wore a shirt saying there were 50 genders based on this ruling? Wouldn't that offend Liam's rights? Liam has no rights. Come on, this is Biden's America. You know, the guy that said where the t-shirt that says 50 genders, he wouldn't have any problems whatsoever. Not certainly not with any public school in the Commonwealth and probably in most states. Today's poll question is brought to you by local silver mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at local silver That's local silver Taylor's working on something else. Matt, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? What was Michael Proctor's biggest lie? He never solicited a bribe. Didn't remember getting drunk with Kevin Albert. Didn't lie about the time when he seized her car. It was a figure of speech when he said he wanted her dead. Didn't recall calling the medical examiner a whack job and didn't realize that Jen McCabe deleted all her phone messages. Figure of speech to say that he wanted Karen Reid to commit suicide. It was a figure of speech when he said he wanted to kill herself. That 28%. All right, eight four. Keep voting all night. And again, I got another column running tomorrow and check out the column today and we have all kinds of stuff on the website, how we car We also have some Cape gun works, memberships left at our cheap bastard deal. While supplies last, you can purchase one full year of range use at Cape Gun Works. It's valued at 500 bucks. You can get it for just 250 bucks. They're also waiving the $75 initiation fee. So you're getting a $575 value for just $250 bucks. Get your half membership now half off membership by visiting how we car and clicking on store membership codes and instructions will be sent to you via email within 48 hours following your purchase. It's a great deal. You have access to their state of the art indoor ranges right in Hyannis, just off the rotary and near the near the airport. It's right. Very, very, very easy to get to. You get to bring in any guest anytime for free 5% discount on everything in the store, 10% off all the classes. And you get the Cape Gun Works t-shirt. You have a free full access to the indoor archery range. A lot of stuff. It's a good deal. And people are sorry when they're gone, but they only come around like twice a year. So get on board now with the Cape Gun Works half price membership. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. Let's play a cut 19 with a trooper, trooper proctor and Alan Jackson cut 19. And then you write, what? She's got a leaky balloon knot, trooper proctor explained to the jurors what a balloon knot is. You're essentially, I guess you're back to Mario. Your anus. Yes. That's what you were referring to about misread. Yes. And you're making fun of her because you believed that time that it eat. That's how you're treating this read. Yes or no? Yes. He dehumanized her. That was what the proctor said. Let's go out with that cut 46. Would you agree to proctor that you have dehumanized care and read during the course of your investigation with comments and reports like this? Jackson. I'll give you this one, Mr. Johnson. Would you agree to that? I would say based off that language. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. There were a few final primaries yesterday in South Carolina and Nancy Mase won kind of a crazy Republican woman endorsed by Trump and closer to home in the main second district. It's the district, the only district I guess in New England that Donald Trump is carried in the last two elections. And it's the northern, maybe three quarters of the state of Maine, basically everything except York and Cumberland and maybe a few chunks here and there. There was a contested primary between two Republican state reps serving in Augusta. And the winner was Austin Terrio and he's from way up north in Aristic County. And he prevailed. He was endorsed by Donald J. Trump. And so now he's running against Jared Golden who, you know, prevailed thanks to ranked choice voting. Still a burr in all of our sides, I do believe. But we wanted to have Austin Terrio on the show and he'll be a regular guest as we go forward here. We need all these seats. The Republicans also retained a seat in a vacant seat that they controlled in Ohio. So they now have an extra vote, but it's still too close to call. Austin Terrio, good to have you with us and good luck in the upcoming election. Tell us why people should be for you. I guess you're reaching out to your opponents, your opponent's supporters here tonight. So Baleski, Mike Sobaleski, who seemed like a good guy when we had him on once. But you prevailed. You were endorsed by the president. Tell us about yourself, Austin Terrio. Hey, well, thanks for having me on. And first of all, I want to thank the former president for endorsing the campaign. He came out early in support of our campaign and it really meant a whole lot. And as you mentioned, primaries can be tough. It's like fighting within the family. But at the end of the day, we know the true enemy is the progressives that are trying to ruin our country, you know, the far left progressives. And they're not going to stop, right? This is a fight that we've been fighting for a while and it's going to continue. And with so much on the line, with control of Congress and certainly with the Biden agenda and Jared Golden, you know, supporting Joe Biden for president, we can't let these folks continue to win these races. You look up in New England, you know this, the second district in Maine is the only Republican district on paper. Besides Susan Collins, there's no Republicans in New England at all. That's incredible. Really, really unacceptable. Yeah. That's unacceptable. And, you know, I will say walking and talking to voters, whether it's small businesses or the working class up here, they honestly feel left behind. They feel like the, like, you know, the career politicians and the bureaucrats don't care what they have to say. And it's a tragedy because these are the same people that built our country. These are the mill workers. These are the loggers and the farmers. And they feel forgotten. And I'll tell you, this campaign is going to be about them. It's going to be about, you know, bringing back power that we once had in our country. Common sense, you know, secure in our border, all the issues that people talk about, cutting government spending, holding the government accountable for everything it's done in terms of wasting government money and in these agencies are growing out of control. That's what the working class wants us to focus on. And I believe we're going to come together for that mission. But, you know, Jared Golden, you know, sometimes we get the list of Democrats who voted with Republicans on some, you know, fairly incendiary issues, you know, like supporting Israel or illegal aliens and sometimes Jared Golden switches over. He's kind of sneaky that way. You know, he sometimes votes with the Republicans because he knows he's in a competitive district. So what are you going to do when he says, well, I'm a common sense Democrat. I don't go along with that, that Jamal Bowman, Hakim Jeffries BS. I'm not a squad member. What are you going to say when he tells you, tells people that? Yeah, well, you know, the reality is he's going to vote for the liberal speaker of the House that they tell him to vote for if he's reelected and we can't afford that. I know you saw recently he flip fluffed on the Second Amendment. Joe Biden is going to be running his campaign on seven key bills that he got during his administration. Jared Golden supported Joe Biden on six of those seven bills. So you can't tell me, Jared Golden is an independent fighter for the district. He only votes with the, with the other side when his vote doesn't matter. I mean, I've been in the state house. I see how that works. He has permission from leadership. They want him to keep the seat. But when push comes to shove, he's a reliable vote for the far left Democrats. And he's a nice enough guy. I mean, I give him credit, right? You have a beer with him. That's great. But the district is struggling. People are hurting right now. And he is not the aggressive leader that our area needs and deserves. Now, I keep reading you described and I'm on your mailing list. I get all your stuff, your emails. They say you're a NASCAR driver. I mean, how much of a NASCAR driver were you? I mean, there's big-time NASCAR drivers and then there's kind of like ham and eggers. I'm asking you, honestly, Austin, what kind of NASCAR driver were you? Well, you know, you're familiar with Ricky Craven. Ricky Craven came from Maine. It's difficult to come from the Northeast and be successful at the top of the sport. I made it to the Cup Series. I raced in all three national series, including the ARCA Series, and won a national championship back in 2017. And, you know, folks can look back on YouTube. If you search my name, you'll see a crash from 2015 and that's where I broke my back. That was Las Vegas motor speedway. Certainly could have been a career-ending injury, but us northern people don't give up. When push comes to shove, you get to get back up, dust yourself off and get back to work. And that's what we did. Won a national championship just a couple of years later and very, very proud of what we did and all the team that supported me along the way, couldn't have done it without them. You know how that works. It's all teamwork. It's not just one person. If we're going to be successful, it takes everybody working together. When you say northern people, you say, and you're tougher than guys from Portland? Well, you know, Rooster County in particular has something to it. Like, you know, a lot of folks up there are respected because of how hard they work. I think of my grandfather, he left school in fourth grade to help his father on the family farm. They had 13 kids in the family. Can't read or write, but I'll tell you what, that guy has more common sense than anybody I know. And I know you know, darn well, you know, folks like that growing up. Potatoes? Potatoes and they also did logging in the winter. Does Rooster County still have potatoes? I'm sorry. I don't see you as many main potatoes in the supermarket as I used to. Yeah, there is actually. It's a large part of the economy up there. I was actually just at a processing facility up in the Prescal area. And, you know, there's families that are really doing what they can to get them. The main potato products back on the market nationally. And it's awesome to see. I tell you, it was a huge industry back in the 70s. No, I remember. And I remember potatoes took over. Yeah. I had to hope potatoes did a good marketing campaign and they took over, but Maine's fighting back. That's great. So again, how do you spell your name? So if people want to go and, you know, who haven't been paying attention in the second congressional district or outside, who are looking to get some Republican in the New England delegation for Congress. So how can people reach out and find out more about you, Austin? Yeah, absolutely. I know you get a loyal base of listeners. And I love folks to go to Austin for Don't even try spelling my last name. Just go to Austin for And, you know, help us out because at the end of the day, like you said, we're fighting to flip the only Republican seat that should be Republican in New England. And this is the seat people should be paying attention to. And we need all people from around the country to help us out if they can. Yeah, they never should have been lost except for the ranked choice voting scam. So you talked to Bruce Pollack one? Yeah, yeah, he actually called me last night. We had a good conversation and he was our former congressman before growing up here. And, you know, he worked hard for the district as well. So really excited to have basically everybody pulling the rope in the same direction right now because we've got to work together as conservatives as Republicans if we're going to win this thing. We can't be fighting each other at this point. So looking forward to taking on the real battle, which is fighting back against the, you know, radical progressives with their crazy ideas. And I believe we're going to be successful, how we, but we, like I said, we've got to take this seriously. We've got to fight fire with fire and work together. As I recall, Pollack won one by 3,800 votes in 2018, but under ranked choice voting, that wasn't nearly enough. No, it's just, it's just amazing that that seat was lost. And you just knew, you just knew as soon as they said they're going to a recount, you knew what was going to happen. You knew you remember? Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, everybody remembers. I mean, he was, he was one of the first congressional candidates to ever get the, you know, win the sort of popular vote on the on the first round and then lose the election. And it's unfortunate because, you know, what I noticed, people are so confused by it. I know there's been ballots that have been thrown out because people have voted incorrectly and it's unfortunate. You know, we should live in a democracy where people cast their, their one vote, make their voices heard, but it's been, it's become very confusing and convoluted. And that's one of the things we can do. That's what they want to do. That's what they want. You know? Yeah. Yeah. They want it to be confusing for people and hard and hard and. If you don't know what the rules are, they'll set the rules and they'll make them up as they go along and they'll just keep counting the ballots until they win. It's just a, it's a, it's a damn disgrace. And I, and I hope you could, that's one reason I hope, you know, that the Republicans, we can take back this seat because it's, it never should have been lost in the first place. It wasn't lost. It was stolen, basically. Austin for, Austin for and you just tell people how to spell your, your last name just, just in case they want to check you out that way. Absolutely. It's, it's T-H-E-R-I-A-U-L-T. You can find us on Facebook, Austin, Tario, for Congress. And, you know, like I said, this is a team effort. So folks, if you feel like you want to help us maintain control of Congress and fight back against the radical Biden agenda and hold the Democrats accountable for what they're doing, support us if you can. All right. Austin, Tario, good luck. And we'll be in touch. Give us a call whenever we can help out on WVOM, The Voice of Maine. That's, and, and all the other, all the other outlets that we have in, in Maine and throughout, throughout everywhere, including social media. Thank you, Austin, Tario. Appreciate it. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show. He's Howie Carr, and he's back. 844-542-42. So Austin, for Maine, if you can help out, that's a, if, if it really goes well in the, in the November elections, that seat is winnable. I knock on wood. I hope so anyway. 844-542-42. Ron, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Ron. Howie, can you hear me good? Yes. Hey, isn't it interesting that the Democrats are pushing abortion and transgenderism on our society? Never mind that you have to work 15 jobs just to keep up with the inflation. You can't even go on a date. But then people like the human landfill, Jerry Nadler, say things like, we need mass migration because the birth rate in the United States is low. Like, who's not connecting these to hot to this point? Well, I mean, you know, Nadler represents the west side, right? I mean, they, they, a lot of those hotels have been taken over by illegal aliens. Lady Gaga's father is going crazy. You know, they, all these, all these private colleges have rented out the dorms and they're wrecking the whole neighborhoods. Guy, did you read the guy, two, two illegals shot, shot a, shot a, a tourist from Indiana in Times Square? Times Square? And they want to bring in more of them? You know, the good news in New York is that I, I thought the first poll I saw, I thought it was, you know, one of these polls were paid for by the opponent of Jamal Bowman, this crazy guy, the guy who pulled the fat guy who pulled the, pulled the fire alarm in the Capitol. Apparently, now he is 17 points behind George Latimer in the primary. That, that would be a good one to take away from the, from those people. Thanks for the call, Rod. 844-542-42. I, you know, we've got so many of these cuts that we didn't get to today from the cross examination of this crooked trooper, Michael Proctor. But if you, if you want to see how lost the guy was, I, I just, this is my, this was my favorite cut of the day when the defense attorney Alan Jackson picked up his grand, his federal grand jury testimony. The guy knows he's, he's, he's in the soup. He's, he's all jammed up because he's lied and he's, he's screwed up the investigation, either, you know, deliberately or just by being a, a netwit. So, so, uh, Jackson asked him a question and then he reads him his own grand jury testimony, cuff 40. You were asked a question. So first, what do you mean by, of course it's undetermined? And your answer was, I said it at the time. It was kind of like, not like figuratively, of course, it's, and of course, like, I had never really seen that before in a homicide. In quote, correct? Yes. Your statement in February of 2024 under oath was you'd literally never seen that in any homicide you've ever worked, right? Yes. Never seen that. He's never seen a, never seen a pedestrian fatality where there were no bruises, let alone no broken bones. He's never seen a situation where anyone, let alone a cop, would come in with a quote unquote curated cell phone with, with no, you know, not, rather than turning it over. Why, why didn't you bother to seize the ATF agent's phone? You're another one of your drinking buddies. Cut 38. Yes. And you decided not to image his phone. Is that right? Correct. You didn't ask for consent to search his phone or to take his phone, correct? No. You didn't seek a search warrant to get his phone. Is that right? No, sir. Let's go back to the drinking and driving with Kevin Albert. This was a new one. This was new, a new development today. The, the, Kevin Albert's another drunken canton cop. And he's the brother of Brian Albert, where the body was, whose body the, where the body was found on the lawn. Cut 23. So the fact of the matter is, you two got so drunk that he couldn't find his badge and had to ask you the next morning, where his gun was, right? Again, I can't speak to any level of intoxication, whether you just forgot it. I don't know. I'm asking you about his BAC triple proctor. Have you seen drunk people before? Yes. You've been drunk before. Yes, sir. We've all been drunk before, right? Yes. Was he drunk? Were you drunk that night? I don't recall. It was a long time ago. But he left his badge in your cruiser after a night of drinking. Is that right? Yes. Which means you were drinking and driving in your cruiser. Right? And when I remember we were down the Cape working on the cold case together and... A cold case! I saw it for dinner, had a few beers, and then dropped him off. A few beers. Councils, can I see you with the sidebar? We're going to have a few beers as part of the cold case, you know? Oh, my goodness. Talking about saying he wanted to care and read the killer self. Cut 44. I believe, triple proctor, that your life would be much easier if care and read was just dead, didn't you? Section. I'll allow it. No, Nora. Like I said, it was a figure of speech. My emotions got the best to me based on, you know, the fact that Miss Reed hit Mr. O'Keefe with her vehicle and left him to die on the side of the road. So my emotions got the best to me with that figure of speech. Police chief who said I'm not going to hire any smart people because they don't fit in. Is that the policy of the Massachusetts State Police? I'm how we car.