The Howie Carr Radio Network

Weakness in the Oil Market & a Very Statie Chump Line | 6.12.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Howie gets a call from his go-to guy when it comes to financial news, John from New York, who fills listeners in on the decent day for Biden (which means a mediocre day in the market). Plus, if you've been following the Karen Read trial, you'll love the Chump Line today!

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12 Jun 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by Balance 7. Stop procrastinating and get your energy back. New customers can save 20% and get free shipping at with Code Howie. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Back home out of the terror rests across the country, we've learned several men with suspected ties to ISIS. Sources familiar with the matter tell us the men cross the southern border. Some over a year ago. I told you, what did I tell you? Didn't I tell you? Cause I told you. And when did I tell you a long time ago? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. At first by the name of Doc writes, is that chick a smoke? Yes. And then you write, not bad, as Chief would say correct? Correct. Chief. Sure, wasn't he one of the seven dwarves? Bear let's focus, correct? Yes. Who's Bear? That's the another nickname I have. Here comes Bear on patrol. You two got so drunk that he couldn't find his badge and had to ask you the next morning where his gun was. Were you drunk that many? I don't recall. It's a long time ago. Rum swabs, hacks and moon bounce beware. It's Howie Car. John from Kansas has been living. He's been living the show for a long time, listening to the show for a long time. Alert the Boston area chambers of commerce. I won't be traveling in your neck of the wood, which for fear that these Karen Reed, Elio Goobers, will be targeting me. I got news for you. People live in a lot closer to Ken than Kansas are given this place a good leaving alone. This is just really, really what a mess. 844-542. It's going to be more of the same tomorrow, I think. Maybe not as quite as explosive, but one human thumb head or a tillery shell head or another. It's the same difference. 844-542-542. Time now for the chump line. Has the tooth fairy paid a visit to John from the cage yet? Snaggle too. Come on, man. It's time we have some common sense gum reform. For instance, everyone should be required to lock their guns in a safe or in a trash can across from a school. Also, we need to ban salt weapons like salt shakers and saltines and salt beater. Thank you, everybody. Thanks everyone. There's a big piece in the Daily Mail today in London. We can't hide it anymore. The President of the United States is senile, late. You just figured this out, Gavna? Today's chump line is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo insurance audit at no charge, no obligation. That was basically his answer. I don't understand why you deny something when you know they have the facts on you. I mean, I know it's embarrassing, but it's more embarrassing to lie about it when you know the truth is coming out. You see, I was wasted. What made Milwaukee famous has made a loser out of me. I never got the memo from Jerry Lee Lewis drinking doubles. Don't make a party. The crime of crisis nuts are blaming the floods in Florida on fossil fuel pollution. I don't believe there were a lot of SUVs around when Noah built his arc. No, there weren't. No one's buying that stuff anymore. People, that was one of the lessons from the European elections, for the European Union. The green scam is finally hitting people in the pocketbooks and they're voting no or nine or whatever the word is. Thumbs down for the green. Green thumbs down for green movements. I would recommend that Michael Proctor adopt the look of the unknown comic for the New Orleans Saints fans from the 1980s. The brown paper bag with the two eye holes cut out of it. Now, somebody just texted in and said, "Boy, do I wish I owned a liquor store again." Joe Biden says that voting for Donald Trump means he'll get rid of the AFT. What does that, the assemblant of factual teleprompters? You know, he keeps claiming that he's been around, that he's a micromanager and he knows government backwards and forwards and he can't even get the acronyms right. AFT I-B-W becomes I-E-W or I-B-E. Remember, health and human services, he called it, it used to be H-E-W, but he called it H-E. Remember, he's totally lost. Let's play a cut of talking about integrity. If you get kids in the car, turn up the radio because trooper proctor is going to give you his definition of integrity. Cut 33. You know what the definition of integrity is? Doing the right thing when no one's looking. It's the quality of being honest. Having strong moral principles, correct? Protection. This game. Do you believe that integrity means being honest and having strong moral principles? That's part of it as well. Do you stand by that testimony that you were showing strong moral principles in this investigation, sir? In the investigation pod, absolutely. Through these text messages, absolutely not. They were juvenile and regrettable. Lemmer Guy says, "This Kenton Ship of Fools is ruining Mr. Clean's image." Yeah, can you get a restraining order against this racketeering enterprise known as the state police detective unit in Norfolk County? Hey, Howie. I guess Hunter doesn't listen to his dad. While he didn't walk out on the balcony with a shotgun, he definitely did too blessed. Did you notice now they're not responding when they're asked, "Will he commute his sentence?" I thought he ruled it out, didn't he? Or was he ruling out a pardon? They're now saying that there's a distinction between a pardon and a commutation. As long as you don't go to the can, what does it matter? Howie, very well-calling. They came for our happy hour and I said nothing. They came for our nymphs and I said nothing. But now they're coming for a Trump's liquor license and I say two arms. But I'm legless. You know, I didn't, I'd forgotten this, I think. I think I knew it, I'd forgotten it. But do you know where Bill Weld lives now? TAN! Somehow it seems only appropriate, does it not? Yeah, Proxis said he was down the cape working on a cold case. I think he was working on a cold case of Bud Light, cold case of Bruce Keys. What a loser. Yeah, that's what he said. That's why he and the knight he and Kevin Albert, the canton detective got shattered. They were in a cold case. Yeah. Was it long next? Was it 12 ounces or 16 ounces that cold case? Probably 16 ounces. No, I can't. People who think I'm a geezer don't know squat and I'm the most dependable president since Woodrow and he has a bunker well set. Oh, I can't believe these these maga people making sport of someone's family problems. Who hasn't had a junky relative in the family who threw a gun in a trash can next to a high school and knocked up a stripper and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on cocaine with dealers named Mookie and Frankie and then evaded paying income taxes on eight million dollars. Let he, who was without said, cast the first snound. Looking for nudes in all the wrong places. Looking for nudes. Don't care about faces. Troopers hearts are just looking for nudes. Not bad. 207. Is anyone recanting their statements? Yeah, only when they're confronted with the grand jury testimony by the defense attorneys. That was your last chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. All right, that's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail of message service of the Howie Carr show you can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time every weekday. The Chumpline number if you wish to leave such a message eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two press two for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you like to hear a second Chumpline of the day or you just want to hear your message and you didn't hear it just now, we have a second Chumpline of the day. It's called Chop Chumps. It's posted every evening around seven o'clock Eastern time week nights and you can get it wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. It's the second Chumpline of the day. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have held me and my staff and they can help you save money too. The insurance rates for home and real estate are out of control as you know and it's now's the time to get your Rizzo Insurance audit at no charge, no obligation. They can probably oftentimes they save you money. They've saved me money and they've saved my staff money. Get your Rizzo insurance audit at no charge. Yeah. Proctice said he was down the Cape working on a cold case. I think he was working on a cold case of Bud lights, cold case of brew skis. What a loser. Man, they're setting up a sobriety check in Worcester County. If somebody said responded on the social media, wouldn't you bombs be better off just setting it up and can? Instead of bothering us, you can nail some of your own people. Do what I did in order of burner for your loved one. Charlotte was visiting and we started to talk about all the benefits of a burner. Immediately she said, well, why don't you buy me one? Dad, I need it. You want your loved ones to feel safe and having effective yet non-lethal options is vital. Introducing the burner less lethal pistol launcher developed by a team of common sense gun owners who understand the importance of having choices. They engineered the burner launcher as a powerful tool for self-defense, allowing users to deescalate threatening situations without resorting to deadly force. For many responsible gun owners, the thought of using lethal force is daunting, burdened with emotional and legal consequences. The burner offers a safer sensible alternative, potentially saving lives on both sides, protecting both the user and the aggressor. For those who are averse to owning a firearm, the burner is the optimal choice that delivers formidable stopping power without having to take a life. In today's unpredictable environment, the burner is an indispensable tool to keep you and your family safe. Legal in all 50 states, no background checks or permits required. Over 15,000 4.5 star reviews, they can ship directly to your door. The burner isn't an option. It's an essential component of responsible non-lethal protection. They come in two colors too, orange and black. I asked Charlotte what she wanted to do. I want one that looks like a gun, but some people don't want one. So you can get either color, black or orange. Visit for 10% off your purchase. That's for 10% off and to check out the latest news about burna. And if you haven't checked out my new episode of Meet the Experts with owner Byron Bryan Gantz, listen today wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcast. I'm Howie Car. He's Howie Car. 844-542-42. Hunter the victim. Biden believes DOJ went after son because of his last name. Oh my god. Yet another indication. Mr. President, keep your arms out. It'll make it harder for them to throw that net over you. Good lord. They tried to broom the goddamn case. I'm sorry to swear like that. It's just so irritating. Today's poll question is brought to you by local silver mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at local silver Local silver Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question which you can vote in at is what was Michael Proctor's biggest lie. He's never solicited a bribe. Didn't remember getting drunk with Kevin Albert. Didn't lie about the time when he seized Karen Reid's car. It was a figure of speech when he said he wanted Karen Reid dead. He didn't recall calling the medical examiner a whack job or didn't realize that Jen McCabe deleted all her phone messages. It's just a figure of speech to say that she hopes she should kill herself. 27% say figure of speech. 23% say I'm not realizing Jen McCabe deleted her messages and 19% say never solicited a bribe. You think the Boston Globe has finally realized that they've backed the wrong horse in this one. But maybe there is something amiss. What would happen if if Karen Reid were black or she were a lesbian? Do you think that'd be on a different side of this? Do you think that'd say that'd be seeing that maybe she's being lynched? I think so. 844, 542. Mr. Garcia, you're next with howiecar. Go ahead, Mr. Garcia. Yes, Harrycar. I want to ask you a question. When fighting fake Trump debate, Trump not had to get or judge, right? He's going to be a straight debate, right? I think so, yeah. Oh, okay. He can say anything, right? Hey, listen, Mr. Garcia, I got to ask you something. I want to get a man in the street interview here from New Jersey. Is anybody you know going to vote for Robert Menendez now that he's running as an independent in New Jersey? No, no, nobody hates him. He also, he had a nano guy running for the Korean guy. Kim, yeah. I don't like him, but we had a good Republican guy, but he hates Trump. He hates Trump. That's the way it is in the Northeast, Mr. Garcia. We got this problem with these Republicans, like Weld, like Baker, like Scott in Vermont, like Sonu Nu in New Hampshire. I mean, these guys are, what's wrong with them, Mr. Garcia? Well, New Jersey, New York, the Republican is all about the same Democrat. You vote in Democrat. It's a Republican, but you vote in Democrat. It's what's the name Whitman? Whitman was another one who hates another Republican who hates Trump, right? The former governor. And Christie. Oh, and of course, Chris. Crispy cream, Christie. Yes. Thanks for the call, Mr. Garcia. Just to just say his name, and everybody gets a chuckle. Unless they ran into him at the Red Diner, and there were no sausages or pancakes left for two weeks. 844 542. Nick, you're next with how we car quickly, Nick. Hey, Howie, this has occurred to me many times. I haven't followed the cases closely, but we've heard a number of times I heard it repeated today. I think the prosecutor asked a question. So what did the fireman say? He said, he said that she said Karen said, I hit him, right? Yeah. You remember the movie Cousin Vinny? Yes. Ralph Macho was questioned by the sheriff. He says, Okay, you got, he said, I got my stuff. I left the store, right? And I left. He said, no, no, let's back up. You're in this store, and you shot the brick, and Ralph Macho says. I know, I know. People have mentioned that before. Thanks for the call, Nick. I'm Howie Carm. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844 542, 844 542 978. The guy who used to play Bill from West Hartford and now plays Mr. Garcia has a good voice range, huh? Are you accusing me of scamming the the audience? Bill from West Hartford was a real person who we were all supporting. All of us work for a living for since the Jimmy Carter administration. He died. He's gone. Mr. Garcia is a real person. How dare they? How dare you accuse Mr. Garcia of being a fictional character. 844 542 42. So the consumer price index is out. John from New York is checking in with us. John, what's going on? Hey, Howie Brandon. I got a little bit of luck today. The CPI was zero. It's flat, but almost the entire decline was due to energy prices and airfarers. As you know, oil fell from that 86, 72 last month. But I expect that to reverse next month. It was up. It's up $7 from the low. Weals around $79 today. So almost the entire decline was due to energy, gasoline, natural gas. Plus he released. He released some from the strategic petroleum reserve, right? Yeah, absolutely. And there is. It does appear that there is weakness developing in the oil market, but I don't anticipate a big decline till next fall. And Jerome Powell also talked today. I wanted to give you an update on that. The Fed is not going to lower rates. It appears till September at the early as he's really reluctant. He could just tell from his body language to do anything. But more importantly, for people out there a few months back when food and energy prices were really going through the roof. The Fed didn't really like that. They didn't like to talk about it. So they created this new index. They looked at super core services. As you know, the economy is most important. Super core. So that means all the stuff you don't need, right? Well, yeah, they took food and energy out already, right? Right. Now what's going on? Yeah. Well, now they took housing out, right? But the problem is they created that when all those prices were going up. Well, now super core what they call CPI, which excludes food, energy, and housing, is now going up at a 5% annual rate. And they don't talk about that now. They didn't mention it today. Are you surprised? Super core index sleeps with the fishes. So now they don't talk about that. Now that the index that they invented is going up at 5%. They don't like that and they won't talk about it. I mean, I don't think anybody believes any of these statistics anymore. They all they believe is what they see at the grocery store and at the at the gas station. That's all I believe. Well, yeah, in the motor vehicle insurance, the health insurance that they're cooking the pucks on. I mean, there's so many things that the things that people have to have, right? You don't really have to have a new car theoretically. So, you know, all that stuff is going up. You know, I look at a round of 5% rate. That's what they're manipulating at numbers, which means it's probably going up higher. But, you know, there's so much money in the system that's driving stock prices up, because the prices wouldn't be gone up if you had deflation. Well, you know, I mentioned a couple of days ago, just in passing, there was an interesting editorial in the Wall Street Journal, you know, that Elizabeth Warren is is blaming. I don't know. She's she's blaming big insurance for the price of auto insurance and and and home insurance for going up. But it's it's just it's all a scam, you know, they the prices of the prices of parts have gone up because they all come from China. And, you know, you got all these illegal aliens driving around hitting cars and everything. And then you and everything cost so much more to to repair a house. And, you know, I just mentioned it in passing and we were they loosed with calls. You know, this is a this is a big issue with with insurance, you know, in all the in Florida, there a lot of the insurance companies are getting out because the prices are out of control. DeSantis is trying to do something about it. But, you know, in the blue states, of course, they have no they have no concern whatsoever about this. I told people, you know, this is go to go to our sponsor Rizzo insurance dot com get it get an insurance audit. It's free Rizzo insurance dot com. I mean, it's I'm sure it's out of control. You're in Connecticut, aren't you? It's bad there. We got some VIPs from Connecticut. Yeah, and I'm still in New York, but, you know, I'm right on the Connecticut border and it's bad there and it's affecting real estate transactions. And one other quick thing about health insurance. Florida, DeSantis passed the law that hospitals have to account for illegal alien, alien treatment and have to report on it. The first month, it was half a billion dollars in expenses for uncompensated care where they took care of people. And that gets passed on to US citizens in their health insurance premiums. Half a billion in Florida. And what that's I mean, it's a big state. It's a big state, but it's one state out of 50. And that's one month, Ali. Right. One month. Right. It's costing the illegal aliens in Massachusetts are costing. They claim it's a billion a year. It's probably more like two billion a year. Yeah. Well, to answer your question on Menendez, I'd be happy to vote for him if he gave me a few gold coins. You know, the thing is, I mean, this is the society we live in though. I mean, they're just speculating openly that he's trying to shake down Biden for a pardon or a commutation. If, you know, if he gets a pardon or a commutation, he'll drop out and let and let Kim, the Korean American take over. But I mean, he could theoretically drain off enough votes to elect a Republican senator for the first time in 40 or 50 years in New Jersey. So he's just, he's just, you know, shake everybody, shake it everybody down. And it's just out in the open. It's amazing. There's nothing like a free market, Ali. Yeah. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a free lunch if you're an American citizen. If you're an illegal alien or you're Bob Menendez or, or you can't cops in the state police, there's plenty of free lunches and it includes an open bar. But for the rest of us, we're, we're just all getting sent the tab. So, John, thank you for checking in with us and keep us informed. So we're going to get a rate cut before the election. I don't think it's going to do them any good though. Yeah, 25 basis points isn't going to mean anything because the, the real economy operates really on 10 year yields and 10 year yields have been between four and a quarter and five percent, pretty much for the last two years. And that's what mortgage rates and car loans and everything else are based on. So Powell was asked that question today. Well, what if you cut 25 and he goes, well, if you look at history, it's, you know, it's not going to do much. And in fact, I think he's reluctant to cut in front of the election. I think he will 25, but it's not going to mean anything. What's going to mean? What's going to mean? The most important thing for the election is inflation. And there's no sign that the core rate of inflation that most people pay for goods and services is going below five percent before the election. Thank you, John. Appreciate it. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Annie, you're next with how we car go ahead, Annie. Hi, Howie. Hi, you're off talk. This is off the topic that you're on now, but getting back to Karen Reed. Yes. When the Daiton police looked at her tailpipe, they said there was a piece missing and it was cracked. Right. How did they come up with so many more pieces? I don't know if they've been talking about that. No, they they were they have been they have been talking about it. They didn't talk much about it today, but you know, I mean, so you have to decide you you heard proctor today and you heard all the lies he was caught in just one after another all day long. And so he says that the the the the the tail light was shattered. Whereas the Daiton cop who has no no skin in this game. He's just a he's just a legitimate guy. He said he says that it would like you say there was a small piece missing and there was a small crack. And by the way, we also have the the video that that she hit she hit his car and the car the car moved. I mean, that could have done the damage right there that that little accident, not not hitting him, you know, somehow, you know, again, the how far how far up is the tail light, maybe about like four three four feet, something like three and a half feet three and a half feet. The VIPs are saying and he's he's six to how does how does it how does it smack the back of his head. And and and if you say, okay, knocks him back into the into the onto the lawn. That's I don't know how much damage it's going to do when he's hit onto the back of the what you're the the lawn. And and again, no bruises. There he said he admitted he's never seen a a pedestrian fatality with no bruises. It's amazing. Thanks for the call, Annie. Eight four four five hundred forty two, forty two. Here's a here's another one about Higgins, the ATF agent, the guy who drinks Jameson and Jen jets. He's he's the one who brought he brought in all of his he he brought in his curated text, meaning he pulled him off. So you couldn't see everything he was like Hillary Clinton didn't want to turn over all her emails. I'll just turn over the emails that you need. Okay. Have you ever been have you ever been subpoenaed by grand jury or by you know what a civil case where they tell you to preserve everything they don't tell you what you just preserve the stuff you want to preserve. No, they don't say that. They don't say that. So so Higgins so Proctor's trying to say this is nothing. This is just what the way it operates cut 20. And you knew that those text messages were messages that he curated to give to you, right? Yes. He's the one that made the determination of what was important, what was not important to give to you, his interviewer, right? Jackson. Is that your understanding? It was my understanding was mistake was being very forthcoming by providing those messages. Very forthcoming. It's not uncommon for witnesses to screen shots or send us emails or send us text messages. So he just had a different means of producing text messages. Well, you were actually asked that question in a different proceeding grand jury under different questioning. And you were asked whether or not in your career as a law enforcement officer has any person or witness ever brought a self extraction of text messages to an in-person interview, correct? Jackson. I'll allow it. Correct. Most your answer was to Proctor. You had never experienced that in the history of your career, correct? Correct. But it's not uncommon. I've never seen it happen before. Yeah. Okay. This is cut 41. You were actually asked this question whether or not it would have an impact on your decision, notwithstanding what the medical examiner's decision was, correct? Your decision to charge her. Is that right? Yes. On February 1st, 2024, you were asked. So what you're telling this grand jury today and you expect this grand jury to believe that you didn't care whether the medical examiner came back with a homicide determination. It doesn't matter to you. And your answer quote, no, because either way, Ms. Reed was going to be charged, right? Correct. It didn't matter what the evidence was. They were going to charge her. They had to charge somebody. So she was taking the fall. What did Lee Harvey Oswald say? I'm just a Patsy. They're still making Patsy's today, all these years later. We love our pets, but we don't love their smells. Smells from litter boxes, wet dog smell, and pet accidents in the house can build up and cause a big stink. Thankfully, the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier gets rid of the toughest pet odors in just a few seconds. Even those dreaded pet accidents like urine, feces, and puker eliminated by the thunderstorm. It works by sending out all natural O3 molecules into your home that attach to those sneaky, stinky smells and destroy them, leaving you and your furry pets with a fresh and clean smelling home. Eden pure even has a pet odor guarantee to wipe out any pet odor or your money back. Place a thunderstorm in your bedroom, family room, kitchen basement or anywhere. They even make great gifts. Get $200 off a three-pack today for a whole home protection. Visit and use discount code HAWY3. That's discount code HAWY3. I'm HAWYCar. Howie will be right back after this short break. HowieCar is back. So Brian Walsh is this guy who allegedly killed his wife, made her body disappear. She was going to leave him, so he decided to do away with her. Using Google searches how to get rid of bodies, but we now know Google searches don't really mean anything. But guess who the lead investigator is? Michael Proctor. So I guess in the Brian Walsh case, the Google searches really are important. They're totally accurate. But now Brian Walsh's lawyer got him Kevin Rydington. He's kind of over the hill, but he's going to file a motion naming investigator Proctor after read trial testimony. He was in court the other day just kind of lurking around. You could see this one coming. Proctor's going, "Thank God they can't fire me until they broom that Walsh case." Otherwise it'd be out the door yesterday, maybe. 844-542. Alan, you're next with HowieCar. Go ahead, Alan. Thanks for taking my call, Howie. I'm all upset that more conservatives aren't speaking out because Hunter Biden and Joe Biden sold this country out. Our Democratic neighbors still believe the Russia collusion. The courts just proved, the justice system proved, that the laptop is real. I want to remind people that we would be platformed over this. Disinformation. There are two Russian warships off our coast right now. What do you think that's connected to? People, we need to wake up because our voices are very important right now. This is more than just a big deal. This is a worldwide deal. The whole world is watching us. Everybody's on their lap. Everybody's on their phones, watching their movies and stuff. Our grandparents, our grandparents, will be rolling over the grave. They left us with such a responsibility and we're being so lazy about it. It's disgusting. The laptop was real. Our NPR loving Democratic neighbors, they still believe a Russian collusion. Howie? I don't know what to say though, Alan. I mean, I don't know how you can, it's really harder to make someone give up a wrong belief because they don't want to admit that they were wrong, especially something is insane. Same with COVID. They don't want to admit that they let the country be wrecked and that's why they're still wearing masks. It's like saying, "I can't admit I'm wrong. I was wrong. I can't admit I was railroaded, buffaloed." I don't know what the answer is, Alan. We just have to get out there and vote, don't we? I'm just afraid a lot of us are relying on the news and a lot of us are relying on other people to do the work. They're not going to rely on the view to do the work. They're doing the work of the other team. They're doing the work of the deep state. I don't think the problem is the view anymore. I mean, I don't think the problem is TV so much, even cable news. I think the problem is social media. That's where people are getting their news from, Alan. They're getting the news from TikTok from Instagram and that's the problem. We're trying to figure out how to fight that and just hang in there. That's one reason we're doing a care and read trial because we're getting new people in and we're trying to use new social media to reach them and get them involved in talk radio, more traditional linear media. But I don't know. It's tough. Hey, you had a primary yesterday, Alan. We're going to have your winner on the NASCAR driver. Well, good, Howard. Hold his feet to the fire, Howard. We need him and we need to make sure that he's willing to take punches because he's going to be going into a fight that's going to be all holds, but look what they did to Romney. Look what they did to that cupcake. They turned him into a dog-eaten beaten monster. I just hope he's ready for this battle. This isn't racing. This is brutally politics. Did you vote for him or the other guy? No, I didn't vote for him. I voted for the real conservative, but hey, he's our man. You can't pick the people you go into battle with. You go to Boston, go to war with it. Austin, how does he pronounce his last name, the other guy that won? Austin Terrio. Terrio. Yeah, he's from the north. He's from up north and he's our guy now. So let's hold him. Let's push him. Well, listen to him at 630, listen to him at 630, Alan. We're going to have him on. He's better than Golden. Golden is a sheep and sheep's clothing, but at least he votes the right way occasionally because he knows he's in a district that's voted for Trump twice, the second congressional district of Maine. And if they didn't have ranked choice voting, he wouldn't be in Congress. He lost the election in 2018. But as soon as they say they were going to rank choice voting, I knew he was going to win even though I lost because that's what ranked choice voting is all about. I'm how we car.