The Howie Carr Radio Network

TURTLEBOY: MA State Police Embarrassed by Proctor | 6.12.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Wondering what the faces of the jurors looked like after hearing all of Michael Proctor's heinous text messages? Aidan Kearney joins the show after a shocking day in the Dedham courthouse watching the Karen Read trial.

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12 Jun 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at, code word Howie BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Back home out of the terror rests across the country, we've learned several men were suspected ties to ISIS. Sources familiar with the matter tell us the men cross the southern border, some over a year ago. I told you, what did I tell you? Didn't I tell you? 'Cause I told you, and when did I tell you a long time ago? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. First by the name of Doc Brice, is that chick a smoke? Yes. And then you write, not bad, as Chief would say, correct? Correct. He was Chief. Sure, wasn't he one of the seven dwarfs? Bear, let's focus, correct? Yes. Who's Bear? That's the another nickname I have. Here comes Bear on patrol. You two got so drunk that he couldn't find his badge and had to ask you the next morning, where his gun was. Were you drunk that matter? I don't recall, it's a long time ago. Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's Howie Car. 844-542-844-542, will have a turtle boy with us at 433. There's a very big day. At the very end of the day, they put on Lieutenant Brian Tully, who's his superior in the Norfolk County District Attorney's Office, another chrome dome, another bullet head. People are saying he doesn't look like an artillery shell. They look like a thumb, thumb, maybe more like a thumb. But they always used to call bald people, either chrome dome or cube ball. So I mean, in that office, when someone says, hey, cube ball, they all look around apparently, or chrome dome. 844-542-542. So let's play a couple of cuts here. And we just have a whole batch of them to go through here today. But we'll take some calls as we go through the day. This is the first one about-- I want to play a couple of grand jury. I think I'm looking for something here. Cut 40. You were asked a question. So first, what do you mean by, of course, it's undetermined. And your answer was, I said it at the time. It was kind of like, not like figuratively, of course. It's an, of course, like I had never really seen that before in a homicide, end quote, correct? Yes. Your statement in February of 2024, under oath, was you'd literally never seen that. And any homicide you've ever worked, right? Yes. That's the one I was looking for. Wasn't that like something Joe Biden would say? The medical examiner, who is nobody's fool apparently, said, I'm not going to say that the car killed O'Keefe, the Boston police officer. Again, there's no bruises on the body. There's no broken bones. The back of his head is smashed in, like he was assaulted with a dead weight, a barbell or something. And so, of course, he's very angry about that. Cut 47. Do you see a text message received from Troopita Chico with a photograph of the autopsy report? Yes. And that autopsy report indicates undetermined? Is that right? For manner, yes. In response, you wrote a text message to Chico, correct? I did. What was your response? Of course, it's undetermined. And then what else did you write? She was a whack job. Of course, it's undetermined she was a whack job, right? Those are your two responses, correct? Yes. You were talking about Dr. Squirty Bello, the female medical examiner, who came to the determination that this was undetermined in terms of the manner of death, correct? I'm not sure who I'm referencing as far as she was a whack job, but of course, it's undetermined is our sarcastic response with me. It's sarcastic. I don't recall. Whack job, yeah. All women are whack jobs, cut 47, including the defendant. And true, Proctor, it would be far easier, far easier for you to pin it on the girl, who's just a whack job in your words, who you hope just kills yourself, right? Objection. Sister. Shame on you, sir. That was the very end. Shame on you, sir. Objection! You're on here. By this time, the jury-- I mean, the jury doesn't believe a word out of their mouths. And the fact that they put on what looks like a clone, a chromedome cue ball clone of the crooked Proctor. Tully makes $214,000 a year, by the way. So they're asking if Proctor is investigating all of his friends, but he claims they're not really his friends. He gets drunk with them and has blackout drunks and rides around in a state police cruiser and the guy-- one of the cops leaves his gun in his badge in the car. But he barely knows these people. Cut 28. You also told ADA Lally that you quote, "did not have relationships with--" I'm sorry, "did not have relationships" or no, members of the Albert or McCabe families, correct? Correct. And that's just not true, is it? You did know. You do know members of the Albert family, isn't that right? It's different from having a relationship with people. But what about part of the question-- did not have relationships or know members of the Albert or McCabe families? How about that part of the question? Well, that's lumped in with the McCabe's. I don't know the McCabe family, sir. I see. So what you did to Proctor is you dissected the sentence. And where relationships are concerned, you ignore that in terms of the Albert's, because you don't have relationships. Where no is concerned, you link that to the McCabe's, because you don't know the McCabe's. That's what you did? No. So it's sustained. You can ask it. You can break it down. Everything's sustained, you know, sir. I'll ask it a different way. How about if I just ask it this way? That was a lot, wasn't it? No, absolutely not. You stand by that testimony? Yes. That you don't know the-- at the time that you testified, that you didn't know the Albert's or any members of the Albert family? They don't have relationships with them. My question is, you keep going back to relationships. I'm asking you, did you testify that you didn't know that? Section. I'll let them have it. Do you understand the question, Trooper? I was Chris, Julie, and Colin. So if you were to say, I don't know any members of the Albert family, that would have been a lie, correct? Section. Sustained. I barely know them. I just get drunk with them and ride around in my police car with them, my state police car, and we get drunk. And, you know, when they leave their badge and their gun in the car, 844, 542, 781. These lunatics shouldn't be anywhere near a gun. Well, the good news is, sometimes they get so drunk, they forget where they left their gun. Kind of like Hunter Biden, come to think of it. 844, 542, 42. Steve, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Steve. Yeah, how the other day I was, I probably watched Shepard call probably for the 10th time. And I was thinking the culture that he entered was at a time where, you know, the cops probably weren't paid so well, but everybody's on the pay. Now it's like the opposite, where they're paid very well and they're drunk. And they're imbecile. Right. I mean, where is today's Shepard call? I mean, I don't-- what the hell is going on? You know what? That's a really good question, Steve. And you're absolutely right. I mean, again, when I was a kid, Massachusetts state cops were paid nothing. And you never had these problems. Never, not once. Right. And now they're all millionaires. They're all making six figures. Some of them are making upwards of 250, 300,000 a year. They're not doing anything but getting drunk, getting into trouble, taking drugs, stealing guns, framing people. It's just a disaster. I mean, it's happened in a lot of different facets of American society, especially government. How about the FBI is the same way, isn't it? The FBI used to be somewhat of an honorable, efficient agency. Now it's just the secret police. And these guys are like the Keystone cops. If the Keystone cops were drunk. It's a culture. Yeah, it is. That's exactly right. It's a culture. And again, the old-time state cops who are retired-- again, I got a call from one of them today. He just said, this is not the job I was on. This is not the way it used to be. And you know, it would be one thing if they were corrupt and they were getting the job done. But this guy's a boob. He doesn't do anything. Even the local Cannon cops who are nothing to write home about, they tell him where to go and things to do. And he wants to protect the people that he's acquainted with. But he doesn't have a relationship with. So he doesn't pull the video. He doesn't interview the guys who were driving the plow truck around who saw something, or in this case, didn't see something. He doesn't even go inside the house that the body was found outside of. He doesn't do anything. He just solicits a bribe. He solicits a bribe to take care of it. It's pitiful. Jack, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Jack. Hey, Jack, how are you, Howie? Good. Long time, no talk. Let's remember the days of Whitey Bulger and Eddie Mackenzie. And who was the biggest protector, besides calmly and Pullman, the state trooper? Well, Pullman was-- Pullman was just-- he was kind of after those guys, wasn't he? I mean, there was Schneiderman, I guess, was a state trooper who protected him. I worked at the naked eye, and the Flemi, and Pullman was the bad boy. Well, I don't think you're-- you're not thinking of the guy who was the head of the state police union, because he was long after that. There was a guy named Schneider Hand, I think, or Schneiderman, who was assigned to the state house. And he used to hang out in the zone. That's where he hung out. And he was corrupted by Moderna. And then when Moderna went on, the Lamby gave him the Flemi. And he was pretty crooked. There was no question about that. But Jack O'Donovan was the lieutenant colonel. He was the one who put the bug in the Lancaster Street garage to get Whitey. And he was-- and they gave it up. And Billy Bulger, the Senate president, tried to get-- tried to force out O'Donovan and all the rest of the top guys in the state police. That was when the state police were on the level. It was a long time ago now. 844, 540, 242, 844, 540, 242, 42. Father's Day is almost here. If you're struggling to find the perfect gift for the man who has everything, the solution is simple. Give him the unforgettable experience of Omaha Steaks. They're the best. I got my box for Father's Day a couple of weeks ago, and I've been enjoying it ever since. It lasts for weeks. It's a perfect gift for Father's Day, because a world-class dad deserves a world-class steak. 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They've got everything at Omaha Steaks. Sides, desserts, everything. Visit today and shop packages, starting at just $89 when you use my promo code HOWE at checkout. Go now before it's too late. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr, we'll be right back. You're listening to The Howie Carr Show. 617 says I have a poll question for tomorrow. Instead of talking about yesteryear, what used to be, and how things used to be, and how bad it is. Why don't you talk about what hasn't been ruined? That would be, I don't know, there's not, would there be enough institutions that haven't been ruined to put in a poll question? I don't know. Today's poll question is brought to you by local Silver Mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what was Michael Proctor's biggest lie? He's never solicited a bribe. Didn't remember getting drunk with Kevin Albert. Didn't lie about the time when he seized her car, Karen Reed. It was a figure of speech when he said he wanted her dead. Didn't recall the medical examiner, didn't recall calling the medical examiner a whack job, or didn't realize that Jen McCabe deleted all her phone messages. I'm going to go with the figure of speech to say he wanted her dead. 27% say the figure of speech. 24% say not realizing Jen McCabe deleted her messages. And 18% say either never solicited a bribe or didn't remember getting drunk with Kevin Albert. OK, never soliciting a bribe. Here's the cut about that, the gift. Cut 35. You were asked about this on direct examination by Mr. Lau, right? Trust. And you looked at the jurors, paused, and said, I never asked for a gift. I never received a gift. Elizabeth never asked for a gift. She never received a gift. You remember that? Correct. You said you never asked for a gift, correct? Correct. What's your next text? Get Elizabeth one. Get Elizabeth one, what? Referring to her gifts. Right. So you did, in fact, ask for a gift, didn't you? For my wife, who had been home with my children for the last 10 nights. From Julie Albert? Yes. For your participation on this case. I don't know if that's-- yes. Johnny Madarano always used to tell me, he said, when you're bribing a cop, you've got to put it in an envelope. It's just too embarrassing to just hand them cash. Just hand them-- just put it in the envelope. Ken, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Ken. Hey, how you doing today? Good. Good. Yeah, I got a question. The same as she had nine drinks, and her blood alcohol was like 2.9, so over three times the legal limit. I don't understand how she could even be driving, let alone standing up with that. Then when it came-- This is canned, OK? Yes. The cops are driving around police cars drunk on their ass. Well, I don't understand if they said she backed into him. What kind of forces needed to break a taillight and throw a lot of his shoes? If she backed into him, she would have backed across the lawn and right through the house. It's-- none of this makes any sense. How about the fact that he's 6'2? He was 6'2, and she killed him by smashing his head with the taillight? Now, how does that work? I don't think she could have killed a munchkin with, you know, at that speed and with the taillight. It doesn't-- none of it makes any sense. And that's why the medical examiner told her-- told him she wasn't going to be certified. There was a homicide. It was ridiculous. 844-542-42. rhubarb says his biggest lie was, I do when they asked him if he swore to tell the truth. That's right up there, rhubarb. You're right about that. 844-542-42. We will be right back with Turtle Boy on this big day in data on how we car. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Turtle Boy has been covering this from day one, Aiden Carney. He's a blogger, and he's done his own stretch in jail, first allegedly intimidating witnesses. What a croc. [MUSIC PLAYING] What are your young fans there, Turtle Boy? Check it in with you. [LAUGHTER] OK, I'm your city editor again. What's the lead? Oh, first of all, I mean, on the way out of court hour, they seem to try to lock me back up again. There's a little short little cop named Cummings. Though Trooper comes up to me at the end, he won't let me go towards the court upstairs because of what I did yesterday. On the way out of court yesterday, I asked Jackie Dougal why her husband, Carl Dougal, was banned from coming to court because he assaulted Karen Reed, and if it was true. Oh, this is a Boston cop, right? This is a Boston cop. That's a Boston cop. Yeah. And secondly, I'm just now-- and he goes, that's witness intimidation. It's just like, they're out of control with this witness intimidation crap. But anyway, the headline today, I would say, is I think the most glaring thing was the kill-- I hope she kills herself, tweet. It's hard to rank them all how, where they go in the shock factor. But again, they just went through all his messages. They talked about all the conflicts that this guy has, his lies about what time he picked up the car from Diane. Everything about this guy is just crooked. He's a liar. The jury isn't buying it. It was like the 4th of July, the pops, the grand finale there at the end, where he just listed every horrible thing that this guy said one after another. And again, the jury just shook their heads and discussed in anger about what this guy-- the fact that this guy is allowed to still be on the force today. Let's listen to Cut 45. He goes through the figures of speeches. When he said, he said, I hope she kills herself. But he said it was a figure of speech. Cut 45. Let's talk about your figures of speech. During the course of your investigation, your figures of speech include the follow. She's a bitch. Jackson. Is that right? Yes. A whack job, correct? Yes. A retard, right? Yes. Her balloon knot leaves, right? Yes. No ass, correct? Yes. She's [BLEEP] according to you, right? Yes. Ass Leaker, that was the word you used, a figure of speech, right? Correct. A girl who [BLEEP] is herself, right? Correct. And then [BLEEP] correct? Correct. Correct. Nice guy, huh? Yeah, and I think-- oh, how am I glossing over the fact, Howie, that Kevin Albert got blacked out drunk inside Michael Proctor's police car and left his gun there and badge in the car. Can we just talk about how insane that is? As if we needed one more insane scandal. That mere fact that he knows Kevin Albert and socializes with him. But socializes to the point where they get blacked out drunk together in his state-issued police cruiser, and then he leaves his gun and badge, and then he wakes up the next day and he's like, dude, where's my car, man? Like, oh, pro stuff, my gun and badge? Oh, crap, dude. What is going on here? And how about then-- how about-- he knows that they have all these texts, right? And he still tries to deny that he remembers anything about it. I mean, how dumb is Michael Proctor? Yeah, how dumb is Michael Morrissey and Adam Lally for putting this idiot on the scan? What did they accomplish? Like, what good came out of this for the Commonwealth? They were better off, just even who would have been super shady and super weird and the fence would have roasted them for doing it. They shouldn't have brought him up. Nothing positive came out of this for them. And they look horrible. They look absolutely horrible. Even the state police union, who about-- I don't know. Last July or August, Patrick McNamara, the former discrete head of the Union for the police, he had this article out defending Michael Proctor and how professional he is. And I put it up on Twitter yesterday. It was gone within a couple hours. Even the Union is turning it back on him. They are going to throw this guy under the bus so fast when this is over and racially so. I got to play with this cut here. Jackson is just asking him about an incident that obviously occurred, where they were down in sandwich or somewhere. Then they come back, they're just drinking. And when you're in a car and you're drinking, it's like drinking doubles. And so they get back there. And of course, they go to the waterfall or McCarthy's or someplace. And they get loaded. And so Jackson's got all this stuff. And he's denying it. That's what I couldn't believe, Turtle Boy, that he would deny it. But let's hear it. It's a theme with these people. They deny, celebrate, kid it. They deny Google searches. They deny deleting things where it says, delete it. It's unbelievable. So here's when he's finally confronted for about the millionth time today with the tax or the grand jury testimony proving that he's a complete liar. And then he changes his story. Cut 24. Having Albert responded, it's bad. Exclamation point, exclamation point. I was hung over for sure today. Exclamation point, exclamation point. Couple tonight to make me feel good. Here are the dogs. In quote, correct? Correct. Let me take that down. Does that refresh your recollection? Two of you have been out drinking the night before. You got so drunk that you couldn't find this badge and couldn't even find this gun. Yes, it does refresh my memory. And you're in your cruiser. Yes, sir. And this is with Brian Albert's brother. With the proctor. Correct. He's only in acquaintance though. They're a boy. You know, they did crossword together a couple of times. How are you? I'm getting wasted together. Oh, my God. You can't make this stuff up. And how about the fact that he said that he didn't videotape any of the interviews? None of them. The McCabe's in the McCabe's home. He didn't interview any of these people on camera. How? When they arrested me in October 11, every single trooper at his body came on and recorded me inside and outside the house, all of them. But it's a pro… And that's a YouTube case. They said things on YouTube they don't like. And they record everything. If you murder someone though, they don't record anything apparently. How about the fact that, you know, the kin cops as bad as they are, they're giving them tips about where to go to get to surveillance video. And he doesn't even follow through on it. Oh, no. They can't do anything. I mean, is there ever wonder they're being audited? I mean, these are the people that they did not want to get audited last night in November. No, everything is totally normal. And at the end, he tried to take a page out of Lizzy Proctor's book by victimizing himself at the end about why he said that about David G.A. I don't like him because he's mean to me. He says mean things about me. And yesterday, he was at my sister's school and they were doing something with a witness and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And he's harassing my sister. He was that. I talked to David and he had the court about that today. There's a picture on Twitter going around at the troll tab of David and he's speaking with the plow driver, Lucky Lockrin, which you're allowed to do. By the way, you're allowed to talk to your witnesses. D.A. talks to all of the witnesses before they testify. And I asked him after I go, is he still going to testify? He goes, 100% of the commonwealth doesn't call him. We will definitely be calling him. And his story is the same as it always has been. And that's troubling for them. And this guy's caught. And it was Lucky's idea to meet, I guess, in this school parking lot where apparently Courtney Proctor is a teacher. And in one of the, she's a special ed teacher. And her brother's calling people retires. And then you have in that text message group where he said that he wants Karen to kill himself. That's too his sister. And his sister responds by saying something in the effect of like, that would be doing everyone a favor. Something like that. The schoolman works for kids. These people are all depraved. All of them. None of them have a conscience. None of them have a soul. Where did they all come from? How did they all find each other, Howie? They all came out of the same pool, cesspool in Kenton. You know, again, Paul Revere. Paul Revere wouldn't much like the, wouldn't much like the place now, I don't think. So let me, let's play the cut about, about wanting, wanting Karen to kill herself, which we knew was coming. But again, it's different when you hear it and see it on TV. Cut 43. You responded to a text message from your sister, correct? And your response was, hopefully she kills herself, correct? Yes. Who's she? The defendant. Miss Reed? Correct. You literally said that you hoped that Karen read the subject of your investigation. The woman sitting to my left about seven feet from me. That she would just die, correct? The figure of speech. A figure of speech, terrible boy. Figure of speech. Michelle Kider, should you use that excuse? Would you got locked up for me after telling that kid to get back in the car or tell himself? It was just a figure of speech, apparently. Since when? Since when does that go kill yourself a figure of speech? I've never heard that one before. I don't know about you. How about when he said he lied repeatedly on affidavits about the time that he picked up the car, right? He said 416 was when he picked up the car. But he actually, he picked it up at 416. Yeah, he said 530. He said 530. He said 530 and then he got there at 430. So like he had two of his hours wrong, right? And as it turns out, he got, he goes, oh, I made a mistake. Like, did you make a mistake on both of them? Because the only reason they changed their story is because there's footage showing him picking up the car at 415, which is he's been alone with the car for an hour and 50 minutes unaccounted for. And they got caught doing that and they tried to explain their way out of it for like a year. They said it was daylight savings, even though the sun didn't set that date till 456 in this daylight in that video. So it couldn't be. And then all of a sudden when they finally got caught is when we did FOIA requests for the Dayton Police Department and as it turns out, Nicholas Barrows, the guy who testified on Monday, said that the whole scene was cleared by 415. So they got caught right handed. The Dayton police caught him lying. Yeah, it's just unbelievable that I mean, he just lied over and over and over again. And now they've got this guy Tully on. And, you know, what does the jury think when they got another chrome dome going up there? I know. The same, he looks like a human thumb. Doesn't he, Ali? Yeah. He's my personal. I hate him so much. He's the one that came to my house arrested me, read me my right. He's got a special thing for me, this guy. I'm not that into him. I'm way more into Michael Proctor. So I'm not a type. But yeah. So I mean, Brian Tully today says, I mean, it's Adam Lolly questioning him. So it's not like real questions. But he said that, like, when he found out about all these text messages that Proctor had said, you know, he brought him in and he, you know, he said, that's not good. That's not good, young man. We're not going to put up with, you've got to straighten up in the fly right. It's, I don't know what was done. And by the way, like those text messages included Lieutenant John Fanning on the text message. Right. And Sergeant Yuri... 230 grand a year for Fanning and for Yuri 211,000 a year. Yeah. But Tully didn't know anything. Tully didn't know anything. It is promising because when I heard him say that, I'm like, oh, they are going to throw this guy Proctor under the bus so fast. If I were him, I'd be looking for a proffer. I'd be calling them about a proffer any day now because Tully made it very clear that you're going to throw you under the bus Proctor. You know, there's so many lies that he said. Like they said, you know, when Higgins, the ATF agent brings in his lawyer and his curated phone. So he's pulled off text messages because he doesn't want anything else. All the messages with him and Brian Higgins. And so Jackson says, does this happen? Oh, this is not uncommon. And then he hits him with his federal grand jury testimony. So he's never seen this happen before. I mean, why is he lying when he knows Jackson's got his real testimony under oath. Now he's under oath and he's telling a totally different story on TV. It was amazing. I mean, the lives of this guy caught in. And every time he would just kind of like look at the jury, like his little boy, he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. And somebody wasn't supposed to do. I'm like, I'm really sorry. That was really regrettable and not professional. And that was not good. And I definitely was not proud of myself for that. That's just that makes it OK. I mean, how does this guy still have a job? I was talking to Christina Rex from WBV today. And she said that she contacted the governor's office about this. And you know, that usually, you know, if they have no comment, they'll tell you no comment. We're not going to comment on this. They just ignore her. And she said that was odd. They don't ever ignore. So I'm pretty like Sue O'Connell and other media people are putting pressure on the governor now that she needs to respond to this. You can't just ignore this elephant in the room that's going on with your state police. Like everyone's watching this trial. You have a PR nightmare right now. And you need to do something about a governor, Haley. Yeah. And are they going to go to the Democrat convention with Mike Morrissey when he employs these horrible people? You know, I want to know the answer to that one too. I'll give you one last cut here before we leave. This is asking her about apologizing, cut 34. We say that juvenile and regrettable. Sounds like you're almost apologizing to the jury. For your conduct. Is that what you're doing? Close text. Jackson, you're... Sustained. You're proctor. Have you ever apologized to Mr. Reed? Jackson. Sustained. He doesn't even have the decency to apologize to her. Yeah, I mean, she wouldn't accept his apology anyway, but it still would have looked good on him in front of the jury to say, "You know, I'm really sorry I'm embarrassed. I never thought this stuff would become public." But he couldn't do it. And he even attempted to, like, explain it away yesterday, which is like, "Yeah, I really don't care for you, Eddie." I mean, what a stupid answer that was yesterday when he said, "Yeah, I really... Do you still feel this way? Yeah, I don't care for him." When he sure says like, "Yeah, I said that in anger. I don't really feel that way. We're all doing our jobs." He's like, "Yeah, I really don't care for him." Oh, yeah. Where can people go to see your stuff, Turtle Boy? At, Turtle Boy Live on YouTube, or @Dr. Turtle Boy on Twitter. You think Tully's going to be good tomorrow? Yeah, cross-examination should be good. He's the one that signed all these fraudulent reports. Excellent. Excellent. Thank you, Turtle Boy. 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I'm Howie Carr. Get a crash course from the captain on everything he's talking about in today's show. Go to and click on today's edition of Howie's Homework. You'll be up to speed on today's news in no time. ♪♪ ♪♪ Albie Carr is back. ♪♪ Alright, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. We don't have much time left here, but let's take Phil. Go ahead, Phil. ♪♪ Well, how about Brian Walsh? How about the guy who got rid of his wife? I mean, he's the lead investigator on that. I think that's the reason he hasn't been fired yet. I mean, this is going to screw up all kinds of cases. He's the one who screwed up the Michael Chezna. You know, the cop that was killed. You know, it took him two trials to get that guy convicted. And part of it probably was this nitwit was running the investigation. Well, that's the problem. It's crazy. One more minor thing, and I don't want to get it. The House really big thing happened. So many cops involved in the department, that housing kit was owned by a boss and cop. And then you have to live on a boss, and I know it's a minor thing. But there's so many names in state, state, city, and Jesus, I believe. Yeah, no, it's just a big mess. It's just a total mess. They have cops from Canton, Boston, and from elk shumi, from Canton, from the state police, and from the feds, who've all told different stories. And that guy's on the level. One cop is on the level. He's from Daiton. I'm Howie Carr. (upbeat music)