The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Shocking Names Michael Proctor called Karen Read | 6.12.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Howie and Grace share the latest from Michael Proctor's time on the stand today in Dedham, including the comments shared over text message that made Grace's stomach turn.

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12 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [♪♪♪] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Back home now to the terror rests across the country, we've learned several men with suspected ties to ISIS. Sources familiar with the matter tell us the men cross the southern border. Some over a year ago. I told you, what did I tell you? Didn't I tell you? 'Cause I told you. And when did I tell you a long time ago? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. A person by the name of Doc writes, "Is that chick a smoke?" Yes. And then you write "not bad," as Chief would say, correct? Correct. Who's Chief? Sure. Wasn't he one of the seven dwarves? Bear, let's focus, correct? Yes. Who's Bear? That's the, uh, another nickname I have. Here comes Bear on patrol. You two got so drunk that he couldn't find his badge and had to ask you the next morning where his gun was. Were you drunk that night? I don't recall. It's a long time ago. Rum swabs, hacks, and moonbaats beware. It's... Howie Car. He doesn't recall. It's can. You get blackout drunk every night down there if you're a cop. And you get, you're right around in your cop car or your buddy's cop car and you, you get so loaded you forget your gun and you forget your, your badge. Oh, it's bringing back memories of other state police scandals. Remember the cop who ran off to his, to visit his girlfriend in Providence? And, uh, yeah, he was shacking up downtown and he was, he was so horny. He forgot to lock up his car and some gang banger came by and stole the gun. Then he, and he tried to buy a new gun to take his place. Oh man, but you know, I was talking to someone I've worked with, a former state cop who's on the level and, and, uh, this trooper called me today and I said, you know, I said we worked on a lot of scandals in the state police, but it all pales compared to this. I mean, just in terms of pure sleasiness. I mean, not in terms of money or drugs because, you know, some of them get on the gang unit and then instead the fentanyl goes home with them and they overdose. You know, that's another small little item. They lose the guns. They steal the guns. They charge for, uh, they, they beat up their girlfriends. They, uh, guys named Carr graduate from the academy and then run over a motorcyclist the next night, drive and drunk on the southeast expressway. No relation. But I mean, just in terms of pure, unadulterated, to put it in terms Canton would understand 200 proof corruption. There's been, there's never been a case like this. I mean, it's just astonishing. Seven, seven, four, he, he was too drunk to know whether or not he was drunk. You know, it was one thing. There was a recurring theme in, in, in Alan Jackson's, uh, cross examination, the defense witness today in the, in the case in Dedham, which is ongoing now. And that was, you don't recall? Perhaps, uh, this grand jury testimony would refresh your recollection. Kept saying it over and over again. The same things. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. There's, uh, this is a, you know, I, I guess this isn't going to go down in history with the, uh, if the, if the, the, the glove does not fit, you must acquit. But I mean, this is a, this is kind of a memorable, a memorable sound cut here. And then you say, talking about the, all the text messages, you know, she's got a, she's got MS and she's got a problem with a colostomy bag and all this stuff. So he's, he's making sport of her, of her maladies. And, uh, because she's, she's not just a whack job. The medical examiner female is a whack job. Karen Reed is a whack job c word and a girl and a, uh, yeah. So this is, this is Alan Jackson with Trooper Proctor cut 19. And then you write what? She's got a leaky balloon knot. Trooper Proctor explained to the jurors what a balloon knot is. You're, uh, essentially, I guess you're back to Mario. You're anus? Yes. That's what you were referring to about Ms. Reed. Yes. And you were making fun of her because you believed that time that it leaked. That's how you were treating this, Reed. Yes or no? Yes. That was just the beginning. It's been going on all day. It's, it, I mean, he's just, you know, they've, they've just left the, the entire reputation. I mean, tattered as it is. And there's nothing left of it now. I mean, they, they might as well, they might as well just this bandit. But you know, they can't, they can't do it because they, and they can't, they can't even fire this, this drunken cretin, this knucklehead. Because he's the lead investigator on the Brian Walsh cases. I was just telling Grace. I mean, that's the, that's the guy who, you know, he, he was married to this. I know she was a Russian woman or something. She had two little kids and he, she was going to leave him. So he just went nuts and he allegedly killed her and he just chopped up her body. They've never found the body. I mean, this is a, this is a tough case and he's the lead investigator. You know, I mean, as happy as Karen Reed has to be after what happened today, this, this guy getting destroyed, his career, his career has been over for a while. He just, you know, he just, it's, it's, it's like he poured gasoline on himself today and then pulled out a Zippo and set himself on fire. I mean, he's, he's known this was coming for months. He's testified differently before two grand juries and he kept claiming that he didn't do anything. He didn't remember getting drunk with this guy knowing that they have the text of one of the McAlberts saying, I left my, we got so loaded last night, I, I left my, I lost my gun and, and I can't find my badge. I don't recall that. He never checked, he never checked the cell phones to see if they deleted any messages. He, he claimed that, you know, when they, when the, when the, another, the drunk and ATF agent, you know, the one that the, the one that had seven to nine Jameson and Genjas. He's, he handed over his curated version of his cell phones. So he arrived with a lawyer, but that wasn't, he wasn't at all suspicious of that. And he said, the, oh, it's not uncommon. It's not uncommon for, for people to not want to turn over their phone calls and just give me the stuff that they've selected. What does he think he's, what does this guy think he was Hillary Clinton? Brian Kiggins was his name. And so, and so, and so Jackson goes, perhaps this, this will refresh your recollection. This is what you told the grand jury a couple of months ago. Nobody had ever done this before. He said it was not this morning. He said it was not uncommon for someone to try to hide his cell phone records. But he told the grand jury to hit and never seen it before. They asked them, they, they, they wanted to charge, they wanted to, they have charged this woman with murder, murder for hitting her, uh, hitting her boyfriend, John O'Keefe. And there are no bruises on the body. No bruises. The back of his skull is smashed in, but there's no bruises. And so the, so Jackson says, did you ever see anybody who was hit by a car and killed that didn't have a single bruise on their body? Not that I recall, he said. Well, my preference is to say, I, uh, categorically, I cannot recall ever talking with him. God, oh, cut 17. And then Bird decides to chime in. Good, no ass bitch, right? Yes, that's what he wrote. And what did you, how did you respond to Bird saying, good, no ass bitch? I laughed. I thought that was funny, did you? Super proctor. I thought that was funny. It was unprofessional of me. Something I shouldn't have done. Well, I think we all know it was unprofessional. It was a lot of things. I'm asking you, did you think it was funny? No, a quarter of my response at the time, apparently. Yeah, apparently, apparently can't, you can't remember anything. Then he said, I, I didn't solicit a bribe. And the guy says, you didn't solicit a bribe. So your sister tells you they want to give you a bribe, a gift. And you say, give it to my wife. Doesn't that mean you solicited a gift? Okay, I solicited a gift. I mean, he's, this is all, this has all been out. It's been not just, you know, in the legal circles or, you know, in discovery. This has been in the papers. He's had months to put together a lie. God, I talked to a state trooper about it today. It's the same state trooper. And the trooper said, this is not the job I worked on. They, Norman Rockwell did a picture of the Massachusetts state police. Remember that picture? They used to hang, it was hang, used to hang in the headquarters. Then when it was on, I guess 10, when it was a 10, 10, 10 comment. And, and, yeah, at a diner and the little kids running away, and the state trooper is picking them up, the state troopers in those days made no money. No money. They lived in the barracks like five days a week. I remember when I was a kid, reporter. They had, Dukakis's last year of his first term, the wives all came down, and they were having a demonstration on the Saturday at the state house, because they weren't, most of them were on food stamps. They were making so little money. Now they're all making these huge, huge amounts of money, and they're just driving around drunk, beating up their girlfriends, stealing guns, losing guns, stealing fennel, framing people. It's unbelieving, believable. What's happened? And, you know, I said earlier, you know, a lot of it has to do with the fact that in the old days, when Norman Rockwell painted that, and when I was a kid and they all lived in the barracks, they never came into Boston, because you had the Mets, and you had the Metropolitan District Commission cops. You had the registry cops. You had the Capitol cops. But the Mets were so corrupt, they were the ones who were robbing banks, and stealing, and stealing all the civil service exams. They were like the third force in organized crime. There was the mafia, the Winter Hill gang, and the Metropolitan District Police. So they put the Metropolitan District Police in with the state police, and guess what? You know, you ever hear the old saying about the Rotnapel? It rots the whole barrel? That's what happened. That's what happened. Some of the guys that are still getting erected are arrested. I'm going to my Biden, Schumer. Some of the guys who are still getting arrested are former Mets. The older guys, they're on, but they rotten to the whole place. When they make a movie about this crime, it will be called "Hang Over Four." I don't recall that. Of course you don't. You were a bleep-faced in your state police cruiser. 844-542-844-544-542-542-544-542-544-544. Limerick guy says, "The Canton guy's gang's favorite, Alan Jackson song, is it's five o'clock somewhere." What time does happy hour start at the waterfall? It's not going to be a happy hour tonight. Put us lay aside some extra rations of Jameson and Genja. Father's Day is almost here. Are you struggling to find the perfect gift for the man who has everything? The solution is simple. Give him the unforgettable experience of Omaha Steaks, because a world-class dad deserves a world-class steak. The Father's Day experts at Omaha Steaks have made it easy to put a smile on the big guy's face with hand-selected gift packages, starting at just $89 when you go to and use promo code Howie at Checkout. With Omaha Steaks, the possibilities are endless. Endless flavor, endless variety, endless value. Truly, they have perfected more than steak, and your dad is guaranteed to love every bite. Pick from the premium proteins like the juicy pork chops, air-chill chicken, beefy burgers. They have every cut of beef and steak imaginable. They have great world-class frankfurters. They even have great fish, and they have sides and desserts, everything. And when you get even the most economical packages at Omaha Steak, we'll keep dear old dad in great eats for weeks to come. Time is running out, so don't wait till the last minute. Go to and use promo code Howie at Checkout and shop for unforgettable gifts that are guaranteed to make dad's day. Because if there's one thing Omaha Steaks knows, it's the dad's want steak. Visit today and shop packages starting at just $89 when you use my promo code Howie at Checkout. Go now before it's too late. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr will be right back. He's Howie Carr, and he's back. It's only half past twelve, but I don't care. It's five o'clock somewhere in Caan, Massachusetts. I never left Caan, Massachusetts my whole life, because of one day the liquor store burned down, and I had to drive this door and then I smashed the car into a tree and they took me to the good salmon, and they have the audacity to accuse Karen Reid of the fall forever accident. I mean this is the other thing to the some of the VIPs are here. Give yourselves a round of applause. We got a full house of VIPs here today. And one of them was reading the statement by Proctor's wife last night on Facebook and she said, "I'm so angry. They've made us into sport." You know, they're just, we're just the entertain. Her husband is trying to frame somebody that isn't sport watching TV. This is, they want to put this woman in prison for life when she didn't do anything. I mean, I would say that's a little worse than, you know, making sport and just being entertained by a weird trial. Today's poll question is brought to you by local silver mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at local silver Jared is on the board today while Taylor finishes up with the Karen Reid cuts. What's the poll question? Jared, and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what was Michael Proctor's biggest lie? He never solicited a bribe. He didn't remember getting drunk with Kevin Albert. He didn't lie about the time when he seized her car. It was a figure of speech when he said he wanted her dead. He didn't recall. These are just a few. We could have had 12 or 15 limited options. He didn't recall calling the medical examiner a whack job, or he didn't realize that Jen McCabe deleted all her phone messages. I'm going to go with the figure of speech, I think. A figure of speech in the lead at 27%. 22% for didn't realize Jen McCabe deleted all her phone messages. 19% for he never solicited a bribe. 18% for didn't remember getting drunk with Kevin Albert. 10% for didn't recall calling the medical examiner a whack job. He just called the medical examiner a whack job. He called Karen Reid a whack job c-word among many, many other things he called her. 844-542-42. If you're going to go before two grand juries and tell them two different stories, it really behooves you to study the conflicting testimony and go with the federal, the most recent grand jury testimony. Don't try to go with the crap you're lying to them about in data, or Quincy, wherever they were having the state grand jury. Go with the feds, 844. They got more charges they could hit you with. Let's see, Tom, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tom. Yeah, I've been listening to this case the last couple of weeks, and my God, is it making me nostalgic for the Boston law enforcement community of the 1980s, when things would get covered up. You know, to me, the worst person involved in this whole case is Michael Morrissey. The district attorney. There is no way that this woman, yeah, I mean, you know, and it just shows you of how incompetent or how evil these people are, that they want to put a woman that she did not murder this guy. It's obvious what happened. There was a fight in the house, okay, you know, maybe he fell down, bang his head or whatever, you know, we don't know, but they didn't investigate the house. Right. And, you know, it just, and I. They never went inside. They never went inside the house. And they, and they never, they, he was found at dawn on January 29th. They waited until the sun went down at 4.55 before they started to look through the snow, and they found a few minuscule pieces. And then for the next few weeks, they kept going back and finding bigger and bigger pieces. Is that the way it usually works when something breaks? You find the smallest pieces first. Thanks for the call. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Remember another lie he told? And I just thought of it. We did. It's too late now for the poll question, but he went before the grand jury and he said they asked him, was there any plow drivers outside the house that night? No. No. So they brought in the DPW commissioner for the town of Canton. And, and he said, was there a plow driver? He said, yeah, there was a guy named Lucky Lawfront. And, and he said, did you tell Trooper Proctor this? Yeah, I told him. Of course I told him. He asked me, so I told him. But Proctor lied about it, because they knew that Lawfront was going to say I didn't see a body at three o'clock. So then he had to, again, he had to, he had to clarify his story for the federal grand jury. All right. 844-542-42. Let's take a quick call for Tom. You're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tom. Hey. Oh, Howie, Evan. Do you have YouTube TV at all? Well, of course. I mean, you, I mean, that's what I've been watching it on. Oh, okay. Have you seen the guy that caught your mind doing the first amendment? I don't know. It's the first amendment on that he got. I don't have ever seen that. Thanks for the call, Tom. 844-542-42. I was misinformed to take that call. All right. Now it's time for Grace with the news. If you want to keep talking about Karen Reid, I'm down to discuss. We'll be talking about Karen Reid. And by the way, I did just post a video on the website, Howie, at And it's an exchange. What I thought was one of the most impactful exchanges today that was going viral on Twitter of Alan Jackson, basically going through the list of all of the things that Michael Proctor called Karen Reid. Yeah, that was right near the end of his campaign. I heard that one. This one was a little bit earlier. He kind of bookended it with those comments. But in the beginning, he talked about his comments about her being the seaward and his comments about her medical condition and making fun of her and whether or not that he had fun. And operations. So you want to make a sport of her for all those operations. Taylor hasn't been able to find it. I guess I didn't log it well enough. But he reads him back some of his testimony before the grand jury. And it reads like a White House transcript for Joe Biden after nightfall. Oh, yeah. When he started doing that, Mike liked the likes. Oh, what a tangled web we weave. Road Walter Scott. When first we practice to deceive grown men saying like too much in a sentence is really concerning. I used to watch the bachelor or the bachelor ret and a lot of the grown men would say, I like like this like that. You never learned how to put a full sentence together with though like my mom used to say if you said the word like and it gets you out of the habit because you know she's gonna go. I'm so old that I remember when be on the mass state police. You had to have an IQ of at least 100. It really meant. Now I think if you have an IQ of 100 on the mass state police, they call you the professor and they shun you. I you know what I really appreciated though is that all of the people that are testifying, they have all these text messages read back to them that are so horrific and disgusting. And then every once in a while, they flip the switch and they go back into, you know, absolutely not. We follow to the letter or the law. We follow this investigation where we're like, they're gonna lecture us on what it means to be a cop. You lost that card when you started making fun of people's medical conditions and calling people the C word. Yes, this did not jeopardize the integrity of the investigation. No kidding. There was no integrity. You're in the Massachusetts state police. You're talking about integrity. Pardon me for laughing in your face. And then how we at the end, when he starts saying, do you think you were biased against Karen Reed? And he says, no, or did you treat Karen, Karen Reed differently than you treated the McCabe's and the Alberts? And he says, no, and I'm thinking, unless you commented on Jen McCabe and Julie Albert and all these people's medical conditions and their asses, whether did she have an ass or did she have an ass unless you're grabbing their cell phones and looking for nudes, looking for nudes, Jen McCabe, yikes. Did you go? Did you go through everybody's cell phones and look for that or just Karen Reed? Because if that's the case, then you treated Karen Reed differently. Let Higgins, he let Higgins pick what he wanted to send him. And he said, it's not uncommon. That's what he said this morning, not uncommon. And then Jackson read him back his grand jury testimony. It never happened before. Never happened before. Play a play play this pedestrian incident with I mean, we've all been involved in auto accidents and we've all been or, you know, fallen off something that was moving or I have anyway. And don't want us into this, sir. And you know what? You know what happens to you when you tell us not even that I'm talking about off a truck in Deerfield once. Oh, God, it was going about five miles an hour. But man, did it hurt? It really hurt. But anyway, this is this is a Jackson with a trooper proctor talking about the what he saw when he when he looked at who keeps body cut down. The pedestrian strikes I've seen have been at high speeds. 60 plus percent of the shoot, right? 60 plus miles per hour. So I can't recall right now, top my head and as far as injuries in the past, pedestrian strikes have attended. Okay. So someone you you indicated on Monday under examination by Mr. Lally, you've seen machine missing tracks, correct? Yes. Those are high speed, extremely high speed incidents, correct? Yes, 60 plus miles an hour, right? I can't recall all the past strengths I've been to as far as the miles per hour, the vehicle is traveling. So Parker, let me ask you the question yet. Have you ever, yes or no? Have you ever in your experience seen a vehicle, pedestrian incident in which the pedestrian has no gusts? Jackson, have you seen that? I can't, I can't recall. Next question. Did you notice another recurring pattern? I can't recall. I can't recall. Followed usually by Jackson saying, does this grand jury testimony, the first grand jury testimony or the second grand jury testimony, refresh your recollection about what you recall? He also did pull that move where he looked at the jurors quite a few times, trying to make eye contact and show them, listen, I'm telling you the truth, you can believe me. I don't think that's working. I didn't even get into this in my column, but you know, he's he comes in and he's got the skin head look, which is, which is not a good look, his head looks like an artillery shell. You know, it's it's basically a point that had, and so, so he's getting asked all these, he's getting asked all these questions and, and it suddenly his head starts shining. And I've seen this before in my video type. It's when people start sweating and it's, so his head is sweating. And so this, so now his head is all shy, his bullet head, his artillery shell head is sweating. And then they keep asking him one tough question after another. And now he's now he's turning beet red. It, and he's got this giant thing of water. And every time he has got to get asked a tough question, I don't know if it was a vodka spritzer or not, something. He was getting there. Honey, Liz, get me some other another bottle from the waterfall. Yeah, he was a fried bologna sandwich from the Neponson grill. Oh, they're out of business. Nothing's ever been the same in camp since they can't get a fried bologna sandwich anymore. The breathing was very heavy as well. Towards the end of the cross examination, he was breathing very heavily. I think he's already put an ad on the internet. Will rake leaves for food. I don't know how any of these people, how do you, how do you go on after this? Are people going to have to change their names? Do people do that? No, I think, you know, most of the crooked steak cops move to Florida. Oh, yeah, that's so true. You move to Florida, change your, you know, whatever, get a new car. I know one girlfriend of one of them in the over on the east coast and sometimes she shows me like, here's his new car. How we just got, you know, he just got a new truck, 70,000 bucks. Here it is. Not that she's bitter or angry or anything. You understand? Yeah, it really is amazing though to hear that the other part of it too that blows my mind. We've talked about the drinking, how much drinking was going on, but also, is anyone working? I have no recollection of that. It feels like no one's working. I don't recall. They're always texting. That's all they're doing all day is texting their friends. It's not like they're texting. Yes, he does text his fellow cops, but he's also texting high school friends. He's, he's, but he's not texting his, his, his, his cop buddies about any like sleufin. There's no investigating going on. It's just how about this bleepity bleep bleep bleep bleep. She's no bleep and good. We're going to get her. Hey, let's go over to the waterfall and have 18 drinks. And did you notice at the end when Lally was back on there with him and he was asking him to pretty much editorialize why he thought it was, could only be Karen Reed, and there was no reason to talk to Brian Albert. He's listing off all these reasons. Well, the tail light in this, and when she talks to the paramedics, all these reasons why it should be Karen Reed, and that he didn't have to talk to Brian Albert. And it's like, what about the main reason you talked to Brian Albert? The body was on his front lawn. That's the reason you talked to him. It's only to say, hey, you should come out here. There's some stuff going on. There's a dead Boston cop on the front lawn of a house that's owned by a Boston sergeant who's got a kind of a reputation on the job. Go to how we to see some of this video. And you can check it out. It's right there. I've got a big picture of Brian Albert. You can click on and you can watch the video. I'm sorry. You wear a laser cap and you make fun of a guy's head. That's why I wear the laser cap, so no one can make fun of my head. And the VIPs do want to see the laser cap. They're going to see it. They're going to see it. I just want to say thank you, Grace. As always, as soon as I returned to New England, I made a visit to Perfect Smiles. Dr. Haugen and his team are the best in New England, and I think the whole country. When you're planning dental work, you want to be confident about the quality of the staff and their work. Perfect Smiles has an easy to get to office in Nashua, New Hampshire, right over the Massachusetts border. And it's a comfortable office, too. Before my dental appointment, I sat in their massage chair in the lobby for about a half an hour. The only reason I mention that is because everything at Perfect Smiles makes you comfortable, right from the moment you arrive and sit down in the nice massage chair when you leave. Everything is perfect. No pain. Painless dentists. Everything at Perfect Smiles makes you comfortable. And now Dr. Haugen has added two more dentists to his practice. This will cut down on your wait time to get an appointment. Perfect Smiles will always fit you in when you have an emergency, as they have done for both me and the mailroom manager. Whatever your dental needs are, you need to go to Perfect Smiles in Nashua, New Hampshire, not only for the dentist, but also for the dental hygienist. They have the best staff top to bottom of any dental office I've ever been to. Take a look at my video testimonial at or call them at 603-595-6699. You won't be disappointed. Change your smile. Change your life. 603-595-6699. I'm Haui Kar. Become a Haui Kar Show super fan. Subscribe to Haui's newsletter and you'll get the latest news, columns, cheap faster deals, and other special offers from the Haui Kar Show. Just enter your name and email at The Emperor of Hate, Haui Kar is back. It's Haui Kar's cheap faster deal. Sounds good to be true. Oh no, it's real and it's a steal. You know there's plenty more when you shop at Haui store for another Haui Kar and cheap faster deal. Haui Kar, the cheapest bastard around. Cape Gun Works is New England's premier gun range. It's the best. Cape Gun Works is not just a state-of-the-art gun range and firearms training center, nor are they just a shooter's pro shop. Their overarching goal is to treat you with the friendly respect you deserve. While supplies last, you can purchase one full year of range use at Cape Gun Works valued at $500 for just $250. They're also waiving the $75 initiation fee so you're getting a $575 value for just $250. Get your half-off membership now by visiting and clicking store. Membership codes and instructions will be sent via email within 48 hours following your purchase. Now to tell us more about a membership to Cape Gun Works is Toby Leary from Cape Gun Works who you know from my show and from Grace's show. Toby, thanks for being with us here on the Haui Kar Show. It's always a pleasure Haui. Thanks so much for having me. Toby, you always need a gun but when you're listening about cops getting so drunk that they're not just having their guns stolen down in Providence but they're so drunk they can't even remember where they left them and they left them in another cops car along with the badge. I mean I think everybody needs a little protection you know. You can't count on anyone but yourself can you? That is true. There is no one coming to save you Haui. There's unfortunately we say it all the time. You are your own first responder and so we can definitely help you get started with that at Cape Gun Works and I tell you we've created a monster. There's so many people that ask for the Haui Kar Chief Bastard deal by name and people are always saying when are you doing the next one? What are you doing? I don't know. Well we're doing it. We're doing it today. This is it. So tell us what the cheap bastard deal what the membership benefits are with the cheap bastard deal. Yeah you get a great deal because our annual membership is this one is the plus one. It's a $500 membership plus the $75 initiation fee all for $250. You get to bring a guest anytime you come and a lot of people don't know this but as the premium member you can rent any of our rental guns on the rental wall free of charge whenever you want and that's a that's a huge benefit in and of itself. Not to mention you never pay range fees Haui. You get 10% off any class you take through Cape Gun Works and 5% off anything you buy in the store. It's a no-brainer. There's people that buy the membership just for the discounts and they save more than the cost of the membership every year just by the volume discount that they use every year. And you get access to the to the indoor ranges 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday and it's all you're also open on Sundays from 11 to 5. So it's open seven days a week. We actually shifted the hours. Same amount of time but it's now 9 to 7 instead of 10 to 8. 9 to 7. Okay. Okay. I'll just make it that's okay. 9 to 7 Monday through Saturday and 11 to 5 on Sunday. So you can get you also get it when you sign up you get a very super comfortable Cape Gun Works t-shirt which is really cool. And and you get the indoor archery range if you're if you're into into bows and arrows. Yes. You can use that as well as part of membership. Also we do a lot of special member only events every year. Several times a year where we'll have a Friday night member appreciation and bring people out serving food. It's a great time. You can come and participate knows as a member and also sometimes we do member only discounts or men member only sales on high demand items or some cool overstock ammo or guns that we have in stock. So you want to make sure you're a member. Nothing says you have good social credit and street credit as wearing around your Cape Gun Works member shirt. Yeah. I mean that made that made discourage that made discourage drunken people from attacking you even even without having to pull out the equalizer. And you also sell other other products as well like the burner which we've been advertising. You have you have burners available tell people about the burn up. Yeah we do. We have the burn up pepper ball gun and we've we sell those like crazy how either very high yeah high demand. I know no license required. No no background checks. You could just walk in and pick them up and leave them in all 50 states. Those are those are great things. Burn B. B. R. Y. N. A. Or B. Y. R. A. B. Y. R. A. So check it out. Those and they're they're really good. We didn't meet the experts with that. So you've got everything that people would want at a at a at a at a gun gun range. Yeah we got classes we got the beautiful pro shop that is fully stocked. I mean we are drowning in inventory right now. So come on down and help us out with that. So Brendan my business partner doesn't fire me. I usually do the ordering and we have the beautiful state of the art range which is clean and well lit and always 70 degrees no matter what it's doing outside. And you can come on down and shoot with us anytime. We'd love to have you. We'll show you around. No shortage of ammo unlike unlike earlier years right. Right. I will say that the price is going to creep up. Unfortunately the war efforts around the globe are starting to have some impact on that. And we're getting notices almost weekly from our suppliers that the price of ammo is going up. And right now we're trying to do a little roll back on price and and reward people who want to buy now for stocking up before the price increase. And so we have it's a good time to buy. Cape gun works in hyannis. It's right off the rotary right near the airport. It's very central location to anywhere in New England really Cape gun works in in hyannis. Right now while supplies last you can purchase one full year of range use of Cape gun works valued at 500 bucks for just 250. They're also waving the 75 dollar initiation fee. So you're getting a $575 value for just 250 membership codes and instructions will be sent via