The Howie Carr Radio Network

Turtleboy Calls in and Reacts to Explosive Proctor Cross-Examination | 6.12.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Turtleboy calls in during the court's lunch break and reacts to Proctor's testimony--so far. Plus callers weigh in on the Canton craziness.

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12 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Ibiba Trateria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Bird rights. Bear, let's focus, correct? Yes. Who's Bear? That's the another nickname I have. So many nicknames, so little time. Michael Proctor was on the stand today. He's being cross-examined by Alan Jackson. They're on break right now and that means we have Turtleboy with us. Turtleboy, just to start, you have the floor. Give us your response to what you've heard from so far from Michael Proctor on this second day of his testimony. Oh, just lie after lie after lie that the catching them in. The jury's done. They don't even look as surprised as they did yesterday about all of this guy's lies. I mean, it's just lying about his relationship with the Albert's big thing we found out today. I had no idea about it. He's good buddies with Kevin Albert. I know they did cross it together. Kevin Albert is a Kenton police detective. Keep in mind, he says he didn't know any of the Albert's and McCabe's prior to this. He told the grand jury that. Kevin Albert is a Kenton police detective, the brother of Brian Albert. Apparently, they like to get drunk together and go around and drive around in his police car while they're drinking his police cruiser. Kevin Albert left his gun and his badge inside the car because he was so drunk. So this is what we're dealing with in Kent. These are the people that police the town. These are the people who were never investigated by Proctor for their involvement in the depth of John O'Keefe. Weren't treated suspects, Jeff Karen Reid. Yeah, the alcohol seems to be a theme that's very pervasive throughout this whole case. It really does rear its ugly head at every moment. Turtle boy, I want to play a sound cut for you and then get your reaction because for me at least so far this morning and keep in mind, there's some of this that I missed once I hopped on the air. But for me, the most compelling part of Jackson's cross-examination thus far, and we still have more to go, would be cut 15, please, Jared. Then 5051 changes gears. Any rights? She had at least. Correct? Yes. And what was your response to that? From all accounts, he didn't do a thing wrong. She's a whack job. From all accounts, he didn't do a thing wrong. She's a whack job. That's what you wrote, correct? Correct. 16 hours into this investigation. Yes, into your objective and unbiased thorough investigation, correct? Correct. Aiden, I don't know how you're saying any person on the face of the planet could call a woman or anyone by that slur, by that word, and claim to be objective. And the part of it we touched on this yesterday that really blows my mind is how quickly he came to all of these conclusions, how quickly he decided that she wasn't going to skate, that she's bleeped, that it was going to be cut and dry, that he was going to kind of make all this happen. We're talking 16 hours into this investigation. Yeah, he had all figured it out within 16 hours. What did he base that all on? Oh, he interviewed Jennifer McCabe and he interviewed Brian Alber. And they said they didn't do nothing. And that's it. It must have been Carorita did. None of these people could have possibly done it. None of these people could be lying or hiding something. None of these people had their phone seized or their car seized or anything like that. They weren't even asked to go in their house. It was a dead body of Brian Alber. They don't go inside the house. By the way, he interviews them all at 11.30, right? And doesn't record any of this inside of Jennifer McCabe's house, the murder investigation. Doesn't record any of these interviews yet. He doesn't even record his interview with Cameron Reed. Yeah, because she disputes things that he put in his report that she said that she said. But yeah, when I got arrested on October 11th, I just posted some of the images on my Twitter of it, right? The police, every single cop there, trooper, had the body cams out and video recorded me inside and outside of the house. Giving statements, everything's recorded. At least if you say things on the internet that they don't like, they record everything they use. They record everything in the interviews. But if you have a dead body on your lawn or you vaulted a murder of a cop, they won't record anything. And we'll just take Michael Rocker's word for it, that these things actually happens. Yeah, there was a whole back and forth about whether he knew Chris Albert and Julie Albert and the Albert family, or if he had relationships with them. And he was trying to differentiate or kind of parse out the question and say, "Well, just because I said that I didn't have a relationship with them, doesn't mean I was referring to not knowing them." What did you make of that whole back and forth? So he's just a liar. I mean, he just gets caught in one lie after another. Keep in mind, the only reason they have all of these calls and text messages is because, you know, the federal investigation, he was forced to hand all this stuff over, right? So he gets caught in lie after lie. He's asking Julie Albert to babysit his kids, right? Well, babysit, like, you're going to trust some straight -- you don't know these people, but come babysit my kids. Come watch my kids, Julie Albert, right? And, you know, it's like, would you trust your kids with some random stranger? Apparently, that's what he wants you to believe that his relationship with Julie Albert was like. Yeah, my producer pointed out that the judge -- Judge Kanone seems to be allowing more today than she has in the past. And one of the things she allowed was this back and forth about Colin Albert and why he was left out of those initial reports. Why do you think he left out Colin Albert and why him specifically? Well, there's a reason that Julie Albert said on February 1st that she would like to offer Michael Proctor a gift on the data camera read, which first arrested and charged with manslaughter. That gift is a thank you gift because you didn't interview my son, right? And by the way, we saw his notes today that -- that Colin Albert was inside the house. Hold on, Turtle Boy, you're breaking up a little bit. Hold on, I want to reestablish the connection, and then we'll come right back to this. I'm speaking with Turtle Boy, Aiden Carney. You can follow him on Twitter @Dr. Turtle Boy, and he's been all over this case. And we got some heat in the beginning for having Turtle Boy on. And it was called this crazy conspiracy theory. How can you legitimize this guy? How can you actually talk about this? And the more information I get, my question, Aiden, for you is the DA here, Michael Morrissey. He knew these text messages were going to be read. He knew the state troopers were going to be embarrassed. He knew, as you pointed out on how we show yesterday, I thought this was a great point. This goes all the way up. Governor Moore Healy has to be embarrassed. The state of Massachusetts has to be humiliated. So if he knew all that, why go forward with it? Why didn't he say a few months ago, "Hey, we're over our heads here. We can't bring this forward. We're not going to be able to come back from it." Why go forward with trying to get this charge against Karen Reed if they knew they had all these skeletons that were going to be on display for the world to see? Maybe he has a public humiliation fetish. I don't know the answer to that one. I mean, I don't know any other explanation about why they would... This is embarrassing. This is humiliating. This is being watched by millions of people. And the Norfolk County GA's office looks like clowns. This is goonery. Clowns. You have person up to person getting up there lying. Your state police look inept. Like you said, they knew all this was going to come out. You're getting drunk and driving around in police cars and leaving you gone. I mean, what kind of Mickey Mouse operation are they running at? This is humiliating. And to what end? What are they hoping to accomplish here? I know they can't convict her. It's over. This trial's been over for quite some time. There's a 0.0% chance Karen Reed has ever convicted of this. Which further solidifies my belief that the whole purpose of this is not to convict Karen Reed, but to say that they did something so that they could tell the O.K. family, "Oh, well, we tried," and then not go after the people who actually killed John Oakes. Well, they did something. They definitely did something. They've really opened themselves up to a lot of scrutiny and rightfully so. The other part of this to where I was, my ears perked up was when they were talking about the medical examiner and how she was unable to determine what the cause of death was. And Alan Jackson was reading text messages between Michael Proctor and another state trooper, where the state trooper was, you know, busting his chops for not getting the determination that he wanted from the medical examiner. And something he said that really stuck out to me. He's like, "Oh, well, I'm paraphrasing here just so everyone knows." Essentially, he said, "When we bring these sort of examinations to the medical examiner, we give them information about what's transpired up to that point." Because Alan Jackson was basically saying, "You were trying to make your case to this medical examiner, and you were trying to convince her to give you the result you wanted." But he was talking about how, "Oh, no, we always give them background information." But my point here, Aidan, is they don't even know what the background information is. So what are you giving her to try to steer this if you didn't even see anything or have any evidence? Right. Right. They're mad at each other. There's like a competition to make sure that they could get the cause of death determination that they wanted, which is apparently a homicide. And they obviously pressured this woman, who by the way, he also calls the ME AWAC job. Everybody's a WAC job to this guy when they don't give him what he wants. So he calls the ME AWAC job, and then, coincidentally, she changes it. And now, she says something in the report about, "Well, there's no signs of a physical altercation." I've talked to lawyers who have never seen a report before where they tell you what didn't happen. A report tells you what did happen, right? What was the cause of that? They don't say what wasn't the cause. Oh, there's no fight. I mean, that's because practice interiors say, "Make sure you put that in there." Make sure you tell them that there's no -- there's no fight, right? Yeah. Make sure you put that in there. They got to her. They put the -- they pressured her to say this, and the medical examiners would kind of constantly go back on and say, "Well, the medical examiner said that this is the way it happened." But there was not -- she was hit by a car. It's road rash on her -- his arms. It wasn't bitten by a dog. I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, we had a caller, Aiden. I'm speaking with Turtle Boy, Aiden Carney. We had a caller who said, "Why can't they just show the jurors pictures of what happened and bring someone in and explain those?" And the autopsy's been pretty much kept under wraps. The last time I talked to you, I think you said they had seen one photo. But have people seen photos of John O'Keefe's body and the injuries he sustained? No, they haven't. I'm going to guess that's going to come with these experts. These -- they have Frank Sheridan, the forensic pathologist from San Bernardino County. He's done, you know, tens of thousands of autopsies, and they're going to have the crash reconstructionist experts, and they're going to point out that, "Look at that guy's injuries right there." Didn't come from a car. I mean, a child could see that his injuries didn't come from getting hit by a motor vehicle, but apparently the jury -- the jury's not stupid. They're going to look at this and they're going to say the same thing. But at this point, it's just kind of redundant. Like, they know that Kerry didn't do this. The jig is up. They know that these people are extremely shady, and they're ready to vote in that guilty. Yeah, the other part of this case that kind of amazes me is, again, the timeline of how quickly these biases were determined and kind of this narrative was set in place 16 hours, 17 hours, and he's already saying she's bleeped, you know, like, where this is a done deal. Do you think that -- well, here, I'm going to break this up. First question is, do any of these state troopers keep their jobs? Any of the people that are involved in these group chats, any of the superiors, are they keeping their jobs? Are they -- some of them going to retire? Or are people going to get fired over this? That's a million-dollar question. You know, usually you just get the golden parachute out of there. Right. So back when I wrote the story about Liya Jinduso getting on the force, and despite selling drugs and laundering drug money back in 2018, she was the only one that got fired. Everybody else who hired her and elevated her and secretly kept their job. But this one, it's like, I -- I practice got to go. I mean, that's going to be the first. I'm proud to have to go. He cannot -- he cannot survive this. There's no way to see the text messages alone are incredibly unprofessional, and the union took down their latest support of them, right? So these got to go. But it's not enough just to get him. Like, he has bosses. He's got pulleys. He's got -- he's got scanning. He's got all these people in that group chat, Chico, and all the other scumbags who went along with this, who basically were on the same wavelength as him, when teams come to covering things up and pushing this false narrative, and they were all okay with it. This is a rot, a systemic rot, a cultural rot within the state police. It does not get rooted out simply because you get rid of, you know, the guy who stood out the most in this particular scandal. As bad as we knew Michael Proctor was going to be, and as bad as yesterday went for him, did you think today was going to be as disastrous for him and for the state police as it was so far? Oh, yeah. I mean, yeah, absolutely. I mean, there's no other way that this could possibly go. Alan Jackson has all the facts on his side. The FBI gave him all of this stuff because he knew -- the FBI knew that, like, this was going to be extremely useful in helping to exonerate calories. They gave him all this stuff on purpose, knowing how bad it makes Michael Proctor look. He had no shot. I can't believe he's even doing this. This is humiliating. I don't know if he thinks there's some sort of coming back from this or what is the long-term plan in this, but, yes, I understand. Like, they're doing all this to get you on the record so they can throw you under the bus and blame it all on you. So he did a lot of power in my clip, but -- Aiden, I wasn't surprised that Jen McCabe was trying that thing where she was looking at the jurors, like, kind of like, "Oh, yeah, this is what I'm telling you." And then Buchanan did it, and I thought, "Eh." But Michael Proctor's doing it a little bit too today. He's looking at the jurors, like, looking for sympathy or looking for them to believe him, and he keeps saying, "Absolutely not." That's his big thing. "Absolutely not," when he answers the questions. Do you think the jurors are buying this, and then I got a wrap? No, they're not buying it at all. Like I said, there's 10 women on the jury. He's kind of looking at them, like, apologetically. Like, "Yeah, I do a lot of this stuff, but, like, I'm not, like, really a bad guy. I'm not so bad. Yeah, like, I did a lot of sheet things, but, like, I'm sorry that I did a good job investigating. Please don't think badly of me. It's pathetic. They see right through him, and they're not going to convict everybody. No way. Aiden Carney, Turtle Boy. Follow him on Twitter at Dr. Turtle Boy and make sure you also give me the website, Turtle Boy, for a TV Daily News. Or Turtle Boy Live on YouTube. Awesome. All right, Turtle Boy will be with Howie later on today as well, and we will be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. ♪♪ ♪♪ This is The Grace Curly Show. ♪♪ I had a couple more questions for Turtle Boy, but he just didn't have the time. One of the questions I had was about Jen McCabe's cousin, because he had a source tell him that sitting with Karen Reed's family is Jen and for McCabe's cousin, then later he confirmed it. And that is a weird development as well. Maybe alliances are shifting in this courtroom as more information comes out. The Father's Day experts at Omaha Steaks have made it easy to put a smile on the big guy's face this summer with hand selected gift packages starting at just $89. The price is right and the food is delicious. Go to and use promo code GRACE to get exclusive savings and check out the latest episode of Meet the Experts with Howie Car, featuring Todd Simon, fifth generation owner of Omaha Steaks, available wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcasts. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is if elected, should Trump pardon Hunter Biden? I said no in the first hour. I did get this idea from a Red State article by, I think it's Rusty Weiss saying that this would just be the ultimate troll by Donald Trump to say, you know, I'm feeling so magnanimous. I'm going to grant your son upon. I got an animus. I'm feeling magnanimous and I'm going to give him a pardon because you're not a bad kid and it's not his fault that his dad is sleepy Joe. I'm actually going to change my vote. I'm going to say yes. I think it would throw the Biden world into such a tizzy if he starts saying, doesn't he mean he has to do it Jared? I think he should start saying he's going to do it because this man Joe Biden is already off balance. I know he's got the hovercraft shoes. I know he's got plenty of banisters, but he is already his equilibrium is already trifled with. And so yes, I do think that throwing it out there that you're going to give Hunter Biden a pardon if you become president is just it's a troll. It's a troll and Trump's the ultimate troll. Like people forget this. This is what he's really good at. He knows how to get under people's skin. That would get under Joe Biden's skin because then it's like, what is Joe Biden supposed to say to that? No, you won't. You know, you get what I'm saying? It kind of cages him. It's like, what's he going to say? No, you're not going to get my son a pardon. He's the compassionate, decent, loving, proud father of Hunter. He would have to kind of accept it graciously, right? He's going to reject it. I'm going to say yes. 88% of the audience says new. Okay. 12% say yes. Okay, when we come back, we've got so much more sound from the Karen Reed trial. They are on break right now. We just talked to Turtleboy. That hour will be posted. As soon as we wrap up at two o'clock, you'll be able to listen to that. But when we come back, we're going to take some of the sound of Michael Proctor admitting to driving drunk in his cruiser, talking to the medical examiner, and so much more. Don't go anywhere. ♪♪ ♪♪ Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. And then Bird decides to chime in. Good. No ass bitch, right? Yes, that's what he wrote. And what did you, how did you respond to Bird saying good? No ass bitch. I laughed. I thought that was funny, did you? ♪♪ True Proctor. I thought that was funny. It was unprofessional of me. That's something I shouldn't have done. Well, I think we all know it was unprofessional. It was a lot of things. I'm asking you, did you think it was funny? No, a quarter of my response at the time. Apparently. ♪♪ Yeah, this is not a good day for Michael Proctor, the lead investigator and the state trooper involved in this care and recase. And I was just talking to Howie. Well, we were clean in the dishes in the kitchen. And how he said the problem is they can't get rid of this guy right now because he's headed up the Walsh case, which I think was out of co-hasset and is another huge, huge case. And whenever you have an issue with the state trooper or with anyone in a position of power like this, who's supposed to be, you know, as unbiased and objective as possible, and clearly in this case, that went out the window, if you find out that they are incredibly flawed and corrupt, it affects all the other cases and you risk throwing out and you risk people who murdered somebody and who deserve justice for it, who maybe murdered their wife, for example, you risk letting that person off the hook because you're employing someone who is so shameless and grotesque and dumb. That's really, that's really the thread here, is the alcohol and the stupidity that comes into play. I just wanted to let everybody know that we just got a breaking news alert. We didn't have to get it from the news. We didn't get it from our textor who said, Jeri, can you read this for me while I'm pulling it up? Yeah, this one's from 617, breaking U.S. House to hold Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress after voting 208 to 207. Oh, no. Does that mean he's going to go to jail? Yeah, I'm sure he's going to be sharing his cell with Steve Bannon for four months. I think he's going to be sharing one with Eric Holder. It's going to be Eric Holder in Merrick, Garland, and Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro be across the road. That's how this is going to, I'm not shocked. I don't think anything's going to come from it, and this is why I don't feel bad on a daily today running with this Karen Retra. I understand it's not for everybody, and trust me, it's not going to be all the time. But I don't feel bad running with it today because all of these things, whether it's holding people in contempt of Congress or these House Judiciary Committees, I talk about them a lot. I do find there's a lot of entertainment in some of these back and forths with the grandstanding. There's tons of stories out there every day, but a lot of this stuff is just that. In the political theater, it doesn't really change anything. This, whether you're into it or not, there's no denying. There's so much there there. There is so much to unpack with this group of people, with this cast of characters. So today, I'm going to roll with it. I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. I'm just going to take the sound we have and we're going to roll with it all day. So this is Jackson with Trooper Proctor. We got to play, can I cut 16, please, because this part of it is what I thought sounded at least from Proctor, sounded the most sinister. And if I was a juror in this case, this would really make me question his objectivity and his ability to not have a bias going into this. This is 17 hours in, cut 16. Lynn 5051 says, oh, she's skating, right? Correct. And what did you write after that? My response was zero, chance she skated. And then what did you write? She's. Zero chance she skates. She's. Right? Correct. You decided on the 29th of January, 17 hours into this investigation. You decided individually to Proctor. You're not only going to put it on the girl, you decided you're going to make sure this is cut and dry. And the way you're going to do it is to make sure that she's. That's what you were saying. Jackson. All right. So that's sustained. You can the contents. Fine. You have to ask for different. You know, I was watching a documentary. Oh, the jinx, the follow up of the jinx part two. Not nearly as interesting as the chinks part one. But I was watching it and they had this really good lawyer. Robert Ders have this amazing lawyer who actually got him off a murder in Texas. And then he was being tried, I think, in California. And the lawyer was a lot older at that point. And the case was a little bit. It was it was more cut and dry. Michael Proctor might say it was harder to kind of spin it in Robert Ders favor. And what he didn't realize this lawyer going in was in California because he was used to. He was used to defending people in Texas is that in California, every time you object, you have to state a reason for it. You have to give a reason. And it really slows things down. But it also tests a lawyer's knowledge because you can't just shout objection in hope to slow down the momentum. You have to have a reason for it. And that's something that I keep thinking of in this case because. Lally and the Commonwealth keep objecting. And then the judge will say, phrase it differently, Mr. GX. And phrase it differently, Mr. GX. And please, we've already discussed this. But a lot of it just seems like they're hoping. They don't know why they're objecting. They're just hoping that there's something that will get this to stop. And based off what I was listening to just a few minutes ago, Michael Proctor in the heavy breathing, he is throwing Hail Mary's here. He is hoping that lightning strikes this courthouse and that they have to call it off for the rest of the day. He's going to call up Jamal Bowman and say, is there a fire alarm in this joint? Can you get on it, sir? We need to open these doors ASAP. ASAP means as soon as possible. I think I could be playing one of these people in the movie. I've got the, I think I got the accent down, right? ASAP means as soon as possible. Let's get to some of the other. Do you have any Jarrah that you're really focused on because we have different interests when it comes to this trial? And if there's any that you feel I'm overlooking or I'm not giving enough credit, no. Okay. In that case, we've hit, we've hit all the good stuff from the first round. Okay. So the next one I want to go to is cut 18 because this is when we're leading up to Karen Reed's medical conditions. Can I get cut 18? The date is now February 2nd, 2022. A person by the name of Doc writes, is that chick a smoke? Correct? Correct. Who's the chick? A misread. And you write eh, E-H, right? Yes. And then you write nut bag, as chief would say, correct? Correct. Who's chief? A friend of mine. Chief and Doc and bear and chip. Okay. Okay. And now I want to get to, and I apologize if you have, first of all, if you're eating lunch, I apologize if you have kids in the car, I apologize, but this is what the sound is and we have to play it. So this is cut 19. And then you write what? She's got a leaky balloon knot. To Proctor, explain to the jurors what a balloon knot is. You're essentially, I guess you're back to Mario. You're anus? Yes. That's what you were referring to about misread. Yes. You're making fun of her because you believed that time that it leaked. That's how you're treating misread. Yes or no? Yes. The fact that he has to take that heavy breath to kind of prep himself for the words he wrote, that's a good life lesson. If you're writing something and then the thought of actually having to read it allowed to anyone else would cause you to take that deep of a breath and that much of a pause and take that heavy of a sigh. You maybe should just backspace, backspace, delete. Maybe don't write it down. And really the contempt he has for Karen Reid, right from jump, the disdain he has for this woman, making fun of her anus, making fun of her medical conditions, making fun, saying that she's not that hot, she has no ass, making fun of her accent, all these things. First, my instinct is to think maybe they have some sort of history, maybe he knows something about her, why does he hate her so much. But then once he started calling the medical examiner a whack job, then I started to think maybe this guy's just a misogynist, like maybe this guy truly just hates women. And it doesn't really matter which woman he's talking about, he has the same level of dislike for all of us. That I think is more likely here. Okay, now we get into the Brian Higgins of it all. Give me cut 20 please. And you knew that those text messages were messages that he curated to give to you, right? Yes. He's the one that made the determination of what was important, what was not important to give to you. His interviewer, right? Jackson. Is that your understanding? It was my understanding. His mistake was being very forthcoming by providing those messages. It's not uncommon for witnesses to take screenshots or send us emails or send us text messages. So he just had a different means of producing text messages. Well, you were actually asked that question in a different proceeding under different questioning. And you were asked whether or not in your career as a law enforcement officer has any person or witness ever brought a self extraction of text messages to an in person interview. Correct? Traction. I'll allow it. Correct. Your answer was to Proctor. You had never experienced that in the history of your career, correct? Correct. So he has never had a medical examiner give him an undetermined result from an examination. And he's never had someone extract their own messages and bring them to him. So this was a real unprecedented, to use one of the media's favorite words, an unprecedented case that Michael Proctor was dealing with. This different proceeding that Alan Jackson keeps referring to, you know, it's very noteworthy, but it had a lot of different answers. The answers have changed a lot since this other proceeding that all these people had to sit through. Okay, we will be right back. We've got a great segment plan for you. And then we'll come back to the Jackson Trooper Proctor testimony later in the show. Don't go anywhere. It's a Grace Curly show. You're listening to the Grace Curly show. This is the Grace Curly show. So you're looking for a deal and you want to make it real. A money-saving deal. It's Grace's has goodies. Goody, goody. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly show. You know him, you love him, and he's here with some great news. It's Anthony DiPama from Eviva Tractoria. And yes, yes, if you're thinking to yourself, does that mean there's a Grace's goodies? And does that mean it's to Eviva Tractoria? You piece together the puzzle here. Go to, click on store, and while supplies last, you can purchase a $50 gift card to Eviva Tractoria for just $25. There's a limit to $2 per order, and this is a great deal. You're getting it for essentially half off. And the other part of this that I want to say is the well supplies last is important here because if you know Anthony and you know Eviva, these gift cards go very, very quickly. They don't last a long time on the site. There's plenty of reasons for that, including the food at Eviva Tractoria. So Anthony, what are you loving right now? What is the dish that you're really excited that you guys are cooking up at Eviva and delivering to the people who are showing up and really digging it? Great, thank you so much. What I'm loving, I'm loving the weather. The weather right now just makes everything so much better, especially if you don't have dining outside in the patio. But we have our new menus, probably a week or so away. I've been waiting to discuss some of these changes, but we have this awesome scallop, pan-seared scallop and pear salad on the salad section, kind of in a lighter thing. It's served with toasted pear raviolis. Just to kind of give it some Mediterranean boost, chopped spinach, artisan greens, goat cheese, pickled pears, a little bit of crispy prosciutto and a homemade pure vinaigrette. Let me tell you, put a piece of salmon on top of that or some falafel and make it even go further. It's amazing grace. And then we have this awesome new petche de meditranio, and it's just a wonderful fish kind of Mediterranean stew. Served with saffron risotto, it comes with cod, seafood stuffing, artichokes, roasted tomatoes, spinach, garlic, sada. It's kind of a very Mediterranean flair to it. Of course, the Atlantic scallop, I'm sorry, the Atlantic lobster ravioli. I've been talking about this for a while. Some great additions. Another great mushroom ravioli from our friends at Dinos, working with Fat Moon Farm Mushrooms. That's a quick little glimpse of the menu. Oh, I have to fill up the chicken cat tutorial, because it's one of my favorites. Yeah. We're bringing chicken cats back on the menu. Anthony, something I love about Aviva is it is getting difficult for people to go out to eat. Everything's very expensive, but not only are they getting a great deal with Grace's goodies. They're getting a $50 gift card for $25. It's such a good excuse to buy something for yourself or for someone you love and treat yourself to a nice night out. But also, you guys offer so many promotions every single day that people can take advantage of. For example, on Wednesdays, you've got happy hour. You have Anthony's family style pasta night. And then tomorrow night, or I'm sorry, maybe it's next week. It's buy one, get one pizza. So if people go to, they can look at all of these deals. On Tuesdays, it's $5 for kids. So if you get an adult entree, the kids eat for $5, you guys are really making it, not only you're making delicious food in a great atmosphere, but you're also making it affordable for families and for the whole group of people to want to go out and enjoy themselves. Wow. And that's our foundation. That's just the cornerstone of who we are out of Viva. And it's all about the family. And there's not a better way to go out sometimes with the whole family. But you touch on a good point, the way the menu set up Grace too, it makes it so easy. If people want to just come up and have a little bite of an app and share a pasta and share an entree, you can do that because it's so easy. It's scratch made food. And you have to finish it off with a great dessert. You know, Chef Roberto came up with this awesome, the sweet tower of Pisa Grace. It's, you know, it's take up on the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but it's a gluten-free brownie from Annie's Gluten-Free. My good friend over here in Air. Come to that with a crumble, sweetened ricotta cheese, a little Kalua, caramel soup cream with chocolate chips. It can be made gluten-free with a really good gluten-free canola as well. And you know the cocktails are there, the summer menus are going, the patios are there. Summertime's here, so, you know, go events at home, let us know about catering., you can visit any one of your locations as we still have so many of them. Westford, Marlboro, all the way down in Rentham, Maynard, Stoneham, our favorite store in Hanover. We're up in Rochester, New Hampshire, and again, we're getting super, super close opening in Nashville, Bedford, New Hampshire, and also Quincy. I was there yesterday, it's moving along so quickly. I cannot wait for that Quincy location. I am so excited and something I want to mention to people about the cocktails and really about everything in Aviva is if you love a classic, it's perfect, but if you want a classic with an updated twist, they also have that down pat. If you want a margarita in the summer, they have an Italian margarita. If you want a different take on a Mai Tai, they have the Aviva Mai Tai. All these drinks are made to perfection and you're never going to hear me complaining about the cocktails at Aviva or anything there. The staff is wonderful, the chefs behind the scenes are wonderful, they really take care of you, and if you were lucky enough to join us at Hanover, Aviva Trattoria, for my birthday party, you know that you've seen it for yourself. This is the real deal, this is a place that cares about their customers, and you can check it out, and if you go to, you can get an Aviva Trattoria gift card. This is a $50 gift card, you're getting it for just $25. It's limited to two per order. Hop on this now before it's too late. They'll sell quickly. Anthony, we thank you, Chef. We'll talk to you soon, and we'll be right back. [Music]