The Howie Carr Radio Network

Hunter Biden, Karen Read, & the Chump Line | 6.11.24 - The Howie Car Show Hour 3

Tune in as Howie covers the biggest stories of the day for New Englanders and beyond, from the Karen Read murder case to the Hunter Biden conviction. Don't miss today's comic relief, either! The Chump Line starts off the hour.

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11 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [ ♪♪♪ ] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. We're coming on the air with breaking news about President Biden's son, Hunter, with a verdict apparently reached in his federal criminal trial. Gentlemen of the jury, have you reached your verdict? Yes, Your Honor. We have. We find the defendant incredibly guilty. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. Closing doors of opportunity, attacking the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. You can believe the banning books about black experiences here. Oh, I should have had that second cup of coffee. Who do you love? Howie Car. That accusations of anti-Semitism are wielded against people of color. And on the way out, I think one of them might have something anti-semitic. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah! Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! You have nothing else to do. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... [ ♪♪♪ ] Howie Car. Welcome to the Howie Car Show 844-542-844-542-919. Poor Hunter doesn't he know the bag man always becomes the Patsy? And I don't know about that, really. You know, I think he's going to be okay. You know, the story now is Biden heartache. And I guess they have him, you know, Brandon putting his arm around Hunter. And, you know, he flew to Wilmington to console the poor young drug addict. Alcoholic, stripper chasing felon. Oh, it's very, very tragic, you know, and I know it's, you know, you can't be, you know, you're not to blame for what your kids do up to a point. And I understand that I got enough kids not to want to be blamed for everything. But on the other hand, you know, I always remember the words of Mike Pence, you know, in talking about how he met Trump's family and how they were all solid citizens. And he said, "And I never heard this old saying, I guess it is, before. You can't fake good kids." I think it's true, you know? And, and again, I mean, not every, not every kid is going to turn out to be a sparkling success. But, you know, when your kid turns out to be Hunter Biden, I, I don't know. I don't mean to be judgmental, you know, having five kids on my own, but I guess I am judgmental. There's another saying to firearm safety begins at home. If you want to protect yourself, get a double barrel shotgun. If there's ever a problem, just walk out on the balcony, put that double barrel shotgun and fire two blasts. I think we have something that's more, more current than that. Cut 25 from today. By the way, I require the safe storage of firearms. We should hold this whole family responsible if they don't provide those locks on those guns. Yeah. Does that mean you, Joe? Or is this like pay your fair share? Everyone except you, Hunter. You don't have to pay your taxes. Everybody's got to be responsible for gun safety. All right, time now for the chumpline. Maybe if Brandon spelled out his embarrassing words when he speak, no, never mind. Jobs, a three letter word, J-O-B-S. Go ahead. So the state police said that Karen Reed has a weird fall river accent? What did it sound like this? February, temporary kindling, yeah, the Braggabridge, Hawaii. It's a no good idiot. Taylor claims he's not from Fall River. My birth certificate says the same. But it says the Bayou, doesn't it? It says New Bedford. That's the Bayou. Today's chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? My name is Dan or Paul Rizzo at Rizzo Now more than ever, we were talking about it last night, how the prices of auto and home insurance have skyrocketed. Now more than ever, you need an insurance audit. They've helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. I believe in safe storage, that's why I keep my cocaine in a cubbyhole at the White House. Yes. Do you hear how he testified? She said, you know, I never, I never know what a crack pipe was. I saw a picture of it and you know, I saw the crack pipe and then I looked it up online and there it was, Hunter, Hunter's pipe. Hey, they just came out with a new pistol. It's got a crack pipe in the handle. They're calling it the Hunter. Don't you have any sympathy for the fan? This is another family. How many more tragedies does Brandon have to endure in his life? At least he's never had to get a job and he's 81 years old. He's avoided that tragedy that most of us weren't able to escape. Those 12 jurors that convicted Hunter Biden, they can expect an IRS audit real soon. Yeah, I love the juror who told the New York Post, we saw Jill and we felt, we felt sympathy for the family. She's trying, then she gave her Social Security number so that no, not to go after her. But she still voted guilty. So what does it matter? You're getting a, you're getting a proctological tax exam like everybody else. Yes, yes, yes. The commies on the left are in a real pickle. Now that Biden's support is down to a trickle, do they take a chance on losing the dance or find someone new to bear the hammer and sickle? Ooh, that's a good one. Nice rhyming today, Limerick guy. I think they're going to stick with Brandon, though, I don't think they have much choice. I regret that I have but one term, the pardon all my relics. You know, they said that the daughter backfired so badly when they put her on the stand and she was showing the text messages that he was so obviously on drugs at the same time that he bought the gun, that they decided not to call another member of the family as a witness, Jim Biden. I mean, seriously, I thought Abilow was supposed to be a smart guy, Jim Biden is like, he's like the flim flam man, Jr., you know, this is the only guy in the 1970s who went out of business running at disco. It was impossible to do and Jim Biden did it, but fortunately he just walked away from his debts because his brother was the nitwit Jr. senator from Delaware. Hey, Howie, Dr. Patrick calling, there you go again criticizing my wonderful judicial appointee Beverly Kignon, you're just trying to deflect the tension from the state police. You're hoping no one makes the obvious conclusion that since they can't speak English or do basic math, they must be deer field grads, we're gonna be fine. I didn't come here to be made sport of in the days after my big class reunion that I missed yet again. My record is perfect so far. Hey, Howie, been hunted by and gets convicted. Will he be sent to the farm with major and commander? Yeah, I know he won't be sent to the MCI Concord farm where they used to keep cattle because they've shut down that prison that's going to be a it's going to become a banana plantation with all the illegal aliens living there on the arm. Howie, Joe Biden's recent inability to move can be easily explained. He had just had ice cream and he had a brain freeze. I think the brain freeze started in about 1987. He said, but Johnny, it's really sad. I mean, we don't have any audio of it because there's no audio because he's just standing there. I mean, everybody else is moving and grooving and you know, I mean, even dancing like white men, you know, but he's not doing anything, nothing. Whoa. That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. All right. That's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call and leave a message anytime between the hours of 1 and 4 PM Eastern time every weekday. The Chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message, 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42, 42, 42, press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just like to hear a second brand new Chumpline every day. You can do so. You can call Chopped Chumps, which is posted every week night around 7 PM, wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. And Chopped Chumps is all the messages we didn't have room or time for just now. It's the second Chumpline of the day. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at The price of insurance has been skyrocketing lately, both auto and home insurance. And an audit might really be able to save you some serious though. They've helped me and my staff and they can help you save money to get the Rizzo insurance audit at no charge, no obligation, I believe in safe storage, that's why I keep my cocaine in a cubbyhole at the White House. Did you know that between hosting a four-hour radio show, multiple media hits, political advocacy and walking Roscoe the Wonderpug, how he still finds time to write three combs a week? The burn-out handgun looks like a gun, it works like a gun, but it fires these projectiles. And these projectiles contain either pepper or pepper and tear gas. So what prompted you to become invested in the field of non-lethal defense products? I'm a gun owner, but like most reasonable gun owners, I haven't thought how quick would I be to pull the trigger. I mean, you pull that trigger, your life changes forever, legally, financially, psychologically. So I wanted something that I could use to protect myself without the risk of taking a life. We've got a number of law enforcement officers and they said to me, Brian, the scariest thing that we ever do is come up upon a vehicle that's refusing to put down the windows and open the door. Maybe to fire pepper into the car, these guys get out, coughing, choking, hands in the air, very effective. Meet the experts with How We Car, available wherever you get your How We Car Show podcasts. My car is back. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, six one seven says, maybe the Biden's will rehome Hunter, like the McAlberts re-owned Chloe. We just got a tip from the text line saying, go to the, going to the Facebook page of the mess state police and the comments on all the stories they post are pretty brutal. Taylor, they were right. That was a good tip, wasn't it? Yeah, a lot of, most of these I think were from Twitter, but any social media that the MSP has, they're getting a ratioed as the kids say. Yeah, we'll, we'll, we'll go through them and read them, read a lot of them at six o'clock. They're, they're pretty hilarious. And somebody also texted that WBC radio went to the state police with the same question I had and got the same response, which is there, they're not going to say anything until after the trial. And then what they're going to say, and I told them to put this in my column, which I already filed, then what they're going to say is nothing to see here, folks. Move along, move along. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, time now for the poll question of the day. My pillow's products, I sleep with their pillows, I wear their slippers, I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code From pillows, towels, slippers and even their giza dream sheets, go to and use code howey for amazing discounts. Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is, are you saddened or gladdened by Hunter Biden's conviction? Sadened because it would have been better for Trump if they'd broomed it, gladdened or who cares, he's not going to prison. I'm saddened. I wish I wish it had more evidence that just how corrupt the just us system is. Eleven percent say saddened, thirty two percent say gladdened, and fifty eight percent say who cares, he's not going to prison. Alright, eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. So Representative Byron Donald, he's supposedly on the short list for the vice presidential nominations. He's a black guy from the west coast of Florida, he's really a good guy. He was on with the Reverend Al. I don't know what he was doing on MSNBC, I guess he's trying to show he can duke it out with with them, but you know, you know, the old saying that Billy Bulger used about people to a battle of wits, he comes unarmed, that applies to Al Sharpton under all circumstances. So this is Al Sharpton with Byron Donald's and they're talking about this. You know, Byron Donald's was saying that, you know, the black family is in worse shape now than they were under Jim Crow and they're just trying to twist it all out of out of context. And so Byron was going at it pretty hard with the Reverend Al cut sex. But look, you were born in Brooklyn, you went down into the south, went to Florida state, you have an interracial marriage, you're the congressman of a district that's not a black district. I mean, how can you even live with yourself acting like Jim Crow was a good era or better era for blacks? What happened to you? That's real cute. That's real cute. Because right now you're lying about what I said, I did say Jim Crow. I did report three times. That's not to say that it was better. I never said that those words never came out of my mouth. When are you going to get that three old skull and everybody else's skull? I never said that. And the difference between me and the bottom of the call had ears and we heard what you said. You said that we're better for us. I'm not going to let you cry. I never said Jim Crow to break down again, did you say that? Everybody's lying to biting campaign. Oh, quiet. All right. Look at my words. Well, look at my words. People can get your words better. No, I did not. You said not to say Jim Crow is better. We never said that he's low. I did not. I'm nostalgia. I've never said any of those things. His skull's got ears. That's always sticking up to me. They're locking up my toothpaste. They're going to lock up his skull too when he dies because his first skull in human history. I mean, they got a whole of the tears, you know, but not no ears on the actual skull. Oh boy, Dennis, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Dennis. Howie. So I saw the Juneteenth celebration. And if Biden's custodians are going to let him out catatonic like that, they at least should give him some bazooka Joe so that his jaw doesn't hang open like that when he gets caught. That doesn't work. Was that after nightfall? Is that the problem to what they call sunsetting in Alzheimer's patients? Was that what was going on there? Yeah. You got me. I mean, it happened so often it happens in the morning, happens at night. But listen, if Trump should have one of those outdoor campaign festivals this weekend in Wilmington or in Rojovas Beach and pretend that Delaware is in play now. How about, so much should bring a sign to the next Trump rally. Just it doesn't have to be a lot of them, but just a it could be even handlettered free hunter. Free hunter. Thanks for the call, 844-542-42. We'll play some more cuts when we come back. The left, the mainstream is freaking out over these election returns in the European Union. Good. Now we car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-500-4242-Biden Fries' Slur's speech at WH Juneteenth event. It looks like, I'm looking at the more footage of it from last night. It looks like they went to Madam Tussaud's wax museum and they got the Biden statue out because he couldn't make it and he's just, they just got the statue standing there and everybody's dancing and clapping and you know, moving around and he's just standing there. Closing doors of opportunity, attacking the values of diversity, equity and inclusion. Inclusion. You can believe it, baby. How about oaks? Closion. How about oaks? They ought to think. The many books about black experience in here. I'm trying to erase and rewrite history. You're in it. Cut 11. That's why I awarded the Medal of Freedom to Miss Opulis as well. The Grandmother of Juneteenth. She knows so long as I say, that nine, our freedom can never be secured. If I have VIPs in here, I always like to just look around as we play these cuts to see the response from just the perplexed look to the head shaking to rolling of eyes. It's a range of emotions. From A to B, mainly everybody's saying we're bleeped. In one way or another, we're bleeped. Cut 13. To your love, we help prevent the next tragedy that saves lives. We help prevent the next tragedy that saves lives. Okay. May we quote you on that, Mr. President? Cut 19. And about 20,000 unlicensed firearms dealers are now required to become licensed to run background checks with those deep guns out of dangerous hands, including my sons. Maybe. Maybe. Pete, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Pete. Hey, Howie, thank you for taking my call number one. Sure. Thank you. You're welcome, too. What I would like to know, Howie, is how much longer will we have to suffer under the current administration, which is run by Obama and his minions. And the other thing is, Howie is the dog-faced pony soldier, how much longer will he ride on the horse until the horse? Did he say he said that again? Didn't he? Did he talk? He said that again recently, the dog-faced pony soldier. So, so how much Howie, how much longer will the horse fall to the ground and rock out from under his saddle? Let's save the saddle. Thanks for the call, Pete. Wait for four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, cut ten. Last month, I have awarded Meg Rivers of Presidential Medal of Freedom. Our nation's highest civilian honor, posthumidously. Posthumidously. Posthumidously. He did it exponentially. Yikes. I mean, he, he went to law school, you know? He potentially. I mean, he didn't just go to undergrad. He went, he went to seven years of post-high school education and he says posthumidously. Yikes. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. So the, the, all the left us, the so-called mainstream leaders in the Western world are freaking out over the election returns and, as you know, in the European Union, the, the Macron's party was smashed, it was beaten two to one and they've called a snap election. They've, they've called a snap election in the UK. It's not going to save the conservatives because they've, they've lost their way even more than the Democrats have lost their way in this country and the, the leader of Belgium was forced out. He's a big anti-Trump guy. And Justin Trudeau seems like he's been around forever, doesn't he? He's been around for nine years. People, our, our Canadian listeners are going, he has been around forever. But he's, he's apparently down in the latest polls, 41 to 24 and he's, and again, he's lost the popular vote. My understanding, the last couple of elections, but somehow it's a gerrymandered seats or whatever. And he, he hangs on, but he's just so loath now, he's turning, he's, he's like in worst shape in the polls than Biden is. I mean, he's lost to all of his bases, just like Biden, Biden still hangs on with, you know, menopausal, single women who hate men. I mean, that's, that's like, that's like his last group that he's got. But I don't think Trudeau has got any of it. And so of course it can't be Trudeau's fault because he used to be a dance teacher, you know, so he's got to be extremely talented. It seemed, it would seem that way, but he's got a wife, but you know, hey, a lot of people got wives. And that's, you know, called, they call them beards where they did in the old days. So this is, this is a Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau pointing the finger at everybody else. Cut five. We have seen around the world a rise of populist right wing forces in just about every democracy that we've seen. And it is of concern to see political parties choosing to instrumentalize. Instrument, fear, division, anxiety, my approach has always been to respond to it, to understand it and to look to solve it, to roll up our sleeves, work hard and with ambition for this country and for our future and I continue to be convinced that Canadians are thoughtful about the challenges we're facing and ready to see them solved rather than just allow themselves to be, have their anger amplified without any solutions offered. Without, without any solutions whatsoever. Again, total projection, they rely on fear mongering. I mean, can you imagine, you know, I always thought of the Canada as being like, you know, sort of like America in the, in the, no, no constitution, but you know, they had freedoms, right? They, no one got pushed around. Look what they did to the truckers. They grabbed all their money during the, during the strikes. I mean, they would, they wouldn't have even tried that here in the United States, at least not, not right now. But Trudeau tried it and he's, and he's just a loathsome person and now they're talking about that, you know, they, they let all the Catholic churches and rectories be burned down on that fake, that fake BS about all the, all the Native American children being killed in the orphanages, just like we had the, the, the Black Lives Matter riots and murders in Arson's after the George Floyd killed by the cops, hoax, because it was a hoax, just like the, the dead bodies of all the, all the Native American children, most of which turned out to be white priests and nuns, the were at the schools. And he's, he's just a loathsome, loathsome figure. And again, he's, he's a big, big proponent of anti-racist forces. And yet he's been, he's been photographed how many times in blackface or brownface? How many, how many of you have ever been photographed in brownface or blackface? I, I'm going to speak for myself, zero, zero. He, he would accuse me or you being a racist, but he, he could do what he wants because he's Justin Trudeau, 844, 542, 42, Andrew, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Andrew. Hey, how are we, thanks for taking the call. To the best of my knowledge, Brandon is the only person in American history to ever be selected to office astumelously, he's brain, his brain is no longer with us, but his body lingers on much like Karen Ann Quinlan, used to for many, many years. I got a question for you, Howie, in your estimation, is there any group of people in the world more dangerous to let have their hands on guns than left-wing lunatics like Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau and any of these other fruitcakes? No, no, I mean, they, they want to, they want to control us. You know, I mean, the people who are voting in, in, in, in, or being polled in Canada that are voting in the American primaries that are voting in these European Union elections, people, we ask, I think I could speak for everyone, is to be left alone. You know, just get out everything, everything they do screws things up more, you know, and it costs us money and, and all of the 99% of their reforms turn out to be counterproductive. And that's putting it mildly and kindly. Some of them, you know, like opening the borders. What a disaster. Thanks for the call, Andrew, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, forty two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. So I'm beginning to think maybe Jamal Bowman is going to get defeated with the, the male member of the squad, the guy who pulled the fire alarm in, in the capital is to stop a vote on a budget resolution and, but he's not an insurrectionist, of course. He just made a, made a, made a simple mistake, which, and if they'll lie about something like that, what won't he lie about? But so he's, he's being opposed and supposedly he's running behind in the polls. He's in the Bronx and part of Westchester County. And so now he has opposed the resolution condemning Hamas. So listen, listen to this. This is an amazing sound cut. Why he opposed the resolution condemning Hamas cut 12. Because the other resolution that they were pushing was a complete AIPAC written resolution. And one of the first lines was, you know, condemn Hamas for this unprovoked attack. And, and I stopped reading at that point, I'm like, well, if we're calling this an unprovoked attack, that means we're going to ignore 18 human rights organization called in Israel in apartheid state. And we're going to ignore 75 years of military occupation, which is illegal. Or 700,000 settlers expanding into the West Bank, which is also illegal. Now I am not justifying the killing of civilians by Hamas on October 7th. There's no justification. It's just an explanation of what the circumstances were that led to October 7th. And I believe then, and I believe now, if you want to end extremism, we need a free Palestine. This guy doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. The Israelis got out of Gaza in 2005, 2005. They left behind all the infrastructure they needed. They contributed billions of dollars so that the Arabs could build greenhouses and produce their own food and produce enough food to export, probably to Egypt and Jordan, just like the Israelis do, that they built up a desert into this flourishing economy, not just agricultural, but high tech as well. What did the Arabs do with Hamas? They took all the, all the foreign aid, all the concrete that was, could have been used to build infrastructure, greenhouses, anything, and they built tunnels to hide in. The Israelis were responsible for their food, for their electricity, for their water. And then they said they were being oppressed. These people were taken care of them. The only, the only Gazans that wanted to work, they had to, they had to flee. They had to sneak across into Israel to get jobs. And the rest of them were just living behind hating, hating Jews and, and planning, planning October 7th and beheading and raping and murdering Israelis, Jews. And this guy, Jamal Bowman wants to help him out. I don't think so. 844, 542, 42. Many people have asked me about balance seven. Does it really work and how does it work? If you've wondered for years why I love it so much, you have to take a listen to my Meet the Experts interview with Dr. Norris Nani. In the podcast, you'll learn about this alkaline liquid that is so important to your health. Here are the seven reasons you need balance seven, more energy, less heartburn. It helps with joint pain, it aids digestion, it balances your pH levels. It takes away sneezing fits and it helps you sleep better. Balance seven is an alkaline concentrate formula designed to restore your body's natural pH balance. Just give it three days and you will feel the difference. So don't forget to listen to my Meet the Experts podcast for a special discount code that will save you 20%. I tried it and I love it and I still buy it all the time because it makes me feel better and it will make you feel better as well. To order your bottle today, go to That's balanceseven, the number I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr show will be right back. He's Howie Carr. It's a breaking news story. Meet suspected terrorists with possible ISIS ties arrested in New York, L.A. and Philadelphia sources say, you have a yes. Did they come over during the Trump administration or during the Brandon administration? All eight men cross through the southern border of the United States. This is from state run NBC News and their criminal background checks came back clean at the time they crossed the border crossing. At least two of the men crossed the border in the spring of 2023. We get out my phone here and see who was president in 2020. It's Biden. And one of those men used the CBP border patrol one app created by the Biden administration to allow terrorists, I mean, migrants, to book appointments to claim asylum. I'm your nightmare. Let me repeat that. At least two of the men crossed the border in the spring of 2023 and one of those men used the CBP one app created by the Biden administration to allow illegal aliens to book appointments to claim asylum. They're from Tajikistan, Tajikistan. They were arrested over the weekend in those three cities, New York, Philadelphia and L.A. They are currently detained and are facing removal proceedings before an immigration judge and could later face terrorism related charges or they could be moved to the comfort end in Kingston or the clarion hotel or the best Western in Chelmsford. Their choice, their choice and there will be culturally appropriate for them for them. Oh, oh, yeah, oh, yeah. This is what the, this is what the government, the Homeland Security and FBI said in a joint statement over the last few days, ICE agents arrested several non-citizens pursuant to immigration authorities. The actions were carried out in close coordination with the FBI's joint terrorism task force. The individuals arrested are detained in ICE custody pending removal proceedings. God, this, you know, again, this is suicide, you know, this is, this is not like, you know, maybe our, our, you know, our defenses were down for Pearl Harbor or something, you know, but we didn't, we didn't, you know, invite him in. Biden has invited these people in. Thank you. Mr. President. Thank you, Mr. President. Emmett, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Emmett. That congressman from the squad, he said that 75,000 Israelis illegally occupied. I thought no one was illegal. You know what, Emmett, I missed a, you're absolutely correct. No human being is illegal. How many lawns have you seen that sign on? Too many. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, it's ridiculous. He doesn't, he has no clue what he's talking about and he just gets a total pass. Can you imagine if a Republican had done what he did pulling a firearm with a, on a surveillance camera? I mean, he, he interrupted a governmental proceeding. There was a, there was a house of representatives, a congressional vote going on on a budget resolution and, and he stopped it. He put it into it and then, and then on top of it, then when he's charged with a crime, he lied about it and he just walked away because he checks the box. I'd be checking the box for a guy named George Latimer. If I lived in that district, I'm highway car. (upbeat music)