The Howie Carr Radio Network

Hunter Biden: Convicted Felon plus 3 Hippies arrested at Boston PRIDE | 6.11.24 - The Howie Car Show Hour 1

Is this good news or bad news for the Trump campaign? Howie shares the conviction by the Delaware jury that Hunter Biden is guilty, guilty, GUILTY on three counts of felony charges. Then, Howie shares the backgrounds of three climate activists who caused a scene at the Boston "Pride" parade.

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11 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. We're coming on the air with breaking news about President Biden's son Hunter, with a verdict apparently reached in his federal criminal trial. Gentlemen of the jury, have you reached your verdict? Yes, Your Honor. We have. We find the defendant incredibly guilty. Live from the Matthew's brother's studios, closing doors of opportunity, attacking the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. You can believe the banning books about black experiences here. Oh, I should have had that second cup of coffee. Who do you love, Howie Car? That accusations of anti-Semitism are wielded against people of color. And on the way out, I think one of them might have something anti-semitic. Rum swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. Hunter Biden listened to the verdict being read without emotion. That was the headline in the New York Post. Without emotion. What does it matter? You know, I mean, of course he had no emotion. It's like saying, can I have a jimmies on that ice cream? We only have the chocolate jimmies. We're out of the colored jimmies. Okay. You would react without emotion, right? I mean, we don't have any Hellman's mayonnaise. You're going to have to have craft's mayonnaise. Okay. Okay. I mean, what does it matter? He's not going to prison. It's not like he, you know, it's not like he was ever a real lawyer. What does it matter if he's disbarred? And you know, even if he's disbarred or suspended, I mean, I know lawyers that have been convicted of felonies and they're practicing law. One of them is running for the governor's counsel in Massachusetts and the Democrat primary. And he's a, he's a, you know, the governor's counsel decides pardons and commutations. Who better to do it than a jail bird, right? So, you know, this is a, this is a dog and pony show. I'm more interested in the tax trial, actually. But, you know, we'll, we'll see, we'll see if that one actually comes off in September. It was supposed to start in a couple of weeks and they, they kicked it down the road. And I think they'll just keep kicking it down the road. And, you know, he's, again, he's not going to be sentenced anytime soon. If he sent, if he said, even if he sentenced, he'll appeal it and it'll go on past January 25th or January 20th, I should say. And then he will, then he will be out of office, hopefully, or he will not be running for reelection. Anyway, I'm with, I wish he got off, says 508. Yeah, that's the poll question today. Are you saddened, gladdened, or who cares because it's kind of a moot point, you know, I mean, it might as well have been a mistrope. But, you know, I don't know. It's, in a way, I'm kind of happy just because he didn't, you know, it's not, it's not another slap in the face, even, even though a slap in the face would be better for Trump. So, the New York Post has already gotten to a couple of the jurors to ask him what happened. And text messages between Hunter Biden and his sister-in-law turned girlfriend, Hallie, were some of the most damning evidence against the first son, one juror, said today, while another said the panelists were evenly split after the first day of deliberations. So, it was six to six on Monday. I mean, how, you know, you talk about beyond a reasonable doubt. How could it be anything but a guilty verdict? But I guess they, you know, they said some of them were just wanted to sort of see the way the winds were blowing. And I also heard today that one of the jurors kind of looked away from the Biden table and the family when they read the verdict. I mean, it was probably tougher on that juror number 10 than it was on Hunter. Because I mean, Hunter, you know, the, you remember the old Credence Clearwater song, "Fortunate Son"? That's, that's what he is, the "Fortunate Son." He's, you know, I, you know, if I ever get jammed up, I don't ask for any white privilege. Just treat me like Hunter Biden. That's all I ask. See, it's even better than being an illegal alien, I think. 844, 542. So, so the speaking to the post after deliberating for three hours over two days, the female juror said Biden's 54-year-old son looks kind of defeated. I hope so. I hope his father looks as defeated on November the 6th. He looks kind of helpless to me, she added. I think he just needs to get away somewhere and get some real rehab if he hasn't. Hopefully, he's still not using. A second juror, that was a black woman who said that. A second juror was a white man from, from Sussex County, Delaware. We all knew Hunter Biden was an addict and he was addicted and he was making drug deals like 12 days prior to buying the gun. So in his mind, how could he write no, he was not an addict? Exactly. I mean, that's what I'll boil down to, right? I mean, if, if you and I have to sign that form under pains and penalties of perjury, then damn it, he has to sign it the same way. We do. All right. So that's, that's it. 844, 542. And when they play Hail to the Chief, they point the cannon at you. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. 844, 542, 42. I don't know if you saw what the, the, the, the event last night, the Juneteenth concert, you know, everybody was, you know, shaken and grooving to the, to the, to the music, to the beat. And Joe was just there. He appeared to, he appeared to be, yeah, he, he, it was like, it was like the movie, Weekend at Bernie's, if they'd taken Bernie out of the car, but they, you know, they, they were, they were wise enough not to take Bernie out of the car. Last night they took Bernie out of the car and they propped him up. I don't know what was holding him up, but he was just there like this, like Bernie. And it was, it was really, really weird. Cut nine. 61 years ago this week, he was gunned down at home in Mississippi in a poison of white supremacy. But all these years later, spirit endures. You all know his name was Medgar Evers. Medgar Evers, apparently you don't know his name. His name was Medgar Evers. Medgar Evers. By the way, he, he spoke just now at, at a, at a gun control event in, in DC. And he did not even mention in passing Hunter's conviction on the gun charges, not even in passing. And it's, but, but he did mention Bow. He did mention Bow. Cut 14. And through your actions, you remember us, we'll never let go. One thing that we must never, never lose. And I mean this, I know it's hard because I've gotten those phone calls too, Santa lost a son, a daughter, wife. I know what it's like. I mean, everybody gets to be like 20, 25 years old. They've lost somebody, right? Everybody's gotten that phone call. I, you know, why does he have to bring him? You know, there was a time, he has two sons, he had two sons. This was a time to bring up the other son. If ever there was a time to bring up the other son, and maybe not call him the smartest man he ever knew, with what you didn't do. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. I'm just looking here. I'll, I'll just, I'll, I'll, I'll do more as we all along. Joe thought it was the 11th of June. He probably did. You know, it's, it is, it is the 11th, isn't it? Better poll question to you, sad or glad Dr. Jill missed the verdict. You know what, I don't, I try to, I try not to think about Jill Biden, especially when I, when I look at my paycheck, and I think of the money that went out of the last one, to, to pay for her, her, her gallivanting back and forth between D-Day and Normandy and, and the courthouse in, in Wilmington, Delaware. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Let me, I'll play one more cut here. This is again from the Juneteenth event, which I, I have no idea what he's talking about here. Cut eight. These black soldiers were linked in this thing which line of patriots enslaved and free, who risked their lives in every war since the founding, since the founding of our ideals, we don't know fully what American soil is. We don't know fully what American soil is. I think that was the beginning of a phrase, and he finished it up today. Go ahead and think about it. How much do you hear this phrase? The blood of liberty. Wash it though. Give me a break. I, I missed the end of that. The blood of liberty. And then what did he say? He's washed with those. Give me a break. You know this. Wash with those. Give me a break. It's trying to say, I'm under it. Was that Thomas Payne or John Hancock who, or Sam Adams perhaps, one of the founding fathers said, who said, blood of liberty? Wash it though. Give me a break. I don't remember that. Is that in the, is that in, which, which of the things is that in the, the declaration of the Constitution? All right. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight. You know this. You know the thing. We all love our pets, but we don't love their smells. Smells from litter boxes, wet dog smell, and pet accidents in the house can build up and cause a big stink, especially if it rains. Thankfully the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier gets rid of the toughest pet odors in just a few seconds. Even those dreaded pet accidents like urine, feces, and puke are eliminated by the thunderstorm. It works by sending out all natural o3 molecules into your home that attached those stinky smells and destroy them, leaving you and your furry pets with a fresh and clean smelling home. Eden pure even has a pet odor guarantee to wipe out any pet odor or your money back. Place a thunderstorm in your bedroom, family room, kitchen, basement, or anywhere. They make great gifts too. Get $200 off a three pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code howie3. That's discount code howie3. I'm Howie Carr. Howie will be right back after this short break. The Howie Carr show is back. I'm thinking of other great memorable quotes in our Anglo-American tradition based on Joe's quote this morning or this afternoon. The only thing we have to fear is give me a break. The only thing I have to offer you is blood, sweat, and give me a break. You know the thing. I love my pillow's products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their giza dream sheets, go to and use code howie for amazing discounts. Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is are you saddened or gladdened by Hunter Biden's conviction? Sadened because it would have been better for Trump if they'd broomed it, gladdened, or who cares? Give me a break. He's not going to prison. I think I'm going to vote saddened. 60% say who cares. He's not going to prison. 25% yet. 29% say they're gladdened by the conviction. 11% say they're saddened. It would have helped Trump though. It would have. Maybe I'm just I should just take the W rather than trying to study it tactically. 844-542-844-542-542. Back to Joe. Back to Joe at the June team. Cut five. But one just a symbolic gesture with a statement of fact. It was about a statement of faith. It was testimony of a testament to the resilience of generations of black Americans who kept their eyes set on the nation's north star. It's testimony of a testament. May we quote you on that, Mr. President. We don't hear enough about trustaments these days, do we? Then there were his remarks to the gun control crowd. 26. The congressional republics oppose all of these, every one of these. Instead of trying to stop our ban on ghost gun kits that contain these commit crimes, they're working like elders to stop it. Instead of trying to stop the ban on the ghost gun kits, republicans are trying like hell to stop it. So, you know, I don't know what tells going on here. 5.0-8, give me Jarrathal or give me a break. I think he's a little beyond the Jarrathal stage. Think about what you'd think about. Jarrathal, you can get over the counter, you could anyway. Jack, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Jack. Howie, you can't make this stuff up. In his speech today, I don't know why I watched it, but I was just laughing. He made this statement. I'm cracking down. He's cracking. You know, this is why if someone hands you, you know, whether it's, you know, like an ad copy for me, you know, at 3.45, I try to read it first so I don't make a fool out of myself. Wouldn't you think that he would read cracking and then say, I'm going to do something about this? Cracking down on the day his son goes to ghost is convicted. It's under crack addict. He addicted is almost daughter-in-law or crack addict, and he uses that term. I jumped out of my tears laughing my, you know what I'm cracking. You never go back. Crack is mac. Thanks. Thanks for the call. Here it is. Cut 22. It builds upon the dozen of executive actions my administration has taken to reduce gun violence. More than any of my predecessors and I suspect more than all of them combined. Everything from cracking down on ghost guns, gun trafficking, so much more. Folks, we're not stopping there. It's time once again to do what I did when I was a senator. Band of salt weapons. What is he speaking to a junior high school class? It's a very, there's a very high-pitched audience squeal. Have the interns arrived yet? Dave, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dave. Hey, Howie, how are you? Good. Two things that Clippy just played about, you know, including the crack reference. How about the fact that he's declaring, you know, that he wants to be more against guns than the day his son got convicted of gun charges? I know. You would think if you're going to, if you're going to make a speech at all, you kind of have to mention it even in passing, don't you? Well, either that or it's just the blatant irony. Yeah, irony is, irony is a little beyond him and I don't think he, you know, on his best day, ever knew the meaning of the word blatant. So cut five, cut five, 25, cut 25. By the way, I require the safe storage of firearms. We should hope there's no family responsible if they don't provide those locks on those guns. Couldn't agree with you more, Mr. President. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you. A trash can for everyone. A chicken in every pot and a trash can for every nine millimeter semiautomatic. Oh my goodness. Eight four four five hundred forty two, forty two. Let's go out with cut seventeen. Murder, rape, aggravated assault, robbery, all dropped sharply, along with burglary and properties no time. Because this matters. This is what matters. I'm how we car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Lemmer Guy reminds me of another famous quote from the Revolutionary period, Patrick Henry, "Give me liberty or give me a break." 207, when he says secure, does he mean as secure as classified documents? Yes, exactly. Well, they couldn't, you know, they couldn't invite Biden because he's too senile, right? And they did invite Hunter, but his lawyers said they couldn't convict him because he was too high. But that didn't work either. But again, it doesn't really, doesn't really matter because he's not going to do any time. All right, time now for Grace with the nose. Yes, how the Attorney General, Merrick Garland, had an op-ed today in the Washington Post. And I have a couple lines from it that I would like to get your reaction to. In recent weeks, he says we have seen an escalation of attacks that go far beyond public scrutiny, criticism and legitimate and necessary oversight of our work. Are they chasing down people who go to school committee meetings again? He says they are baseless, personal. Are they teaching, are they going after people go to Latin masses on Sunday? And dangerous. These attacks come in the form of people saying the rosary outside an abortion clinic. To defund particular department investigations, most recently, the Special Counselor's prosecution of the former president, they come in the form of conspiracy theories. Oh, conspiracy theories. And then my favorite part of this is when it says the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation, or Putin is trying to throw the 2016 election to Donald Trump, those kind of conspiracy theories. This is my favorite line. Merrick Garland writes, they come in the form of false claims that the department is politicizing its work to somehow influence the outcome of an election. 51 members of the intelligence community could not be reached for comment. The Justice Department makes decisions about criminal investigations based only on the facts and the law, according to Merrick Garland. Remember the plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer? And they were basically given away, given away weed and boos to guys who lived in cars. They slept in their cars. These were the people that were masterminding it. There were 16 people involved in the conspiracy and 12 of them were on the payroll of the federal bureau of investigation. Yeah, well, Merrick Garland is not happy. Someone wants to issue, wants me to issue a correction. Please tell me where I aired in that previous statement I just made. It's also just, it's becoming very cliche for any time, any institution or any politician gets any sort of criticism. And oftentimes it's extremely justified criticism. They can just say, well, I'm getting death threats and there's a member of the state police, a crooked member of the state police who's making that claim today. Yeah. And it's like, okay, I mean, I'm not condoning death threats, but everybody gets death threats. It's kind of just, that's the way the world is now. It's like, that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want, because you get death threats. Sometimes you get thirsty. Sometimes you get a death threat. It's all part of a day. Hey, have you heard that the Biden administration might try to have a workaround and come to their own deal with Hamas? They're going to negotiate directly? Yeah, I did see that. That didn't seem like a good idea to me. Yeah. Well, considering they can't manage to build an electric vehicle charger, I don't know how they're going to negotiate a deal with a terrorist group that doesn't want a deal in the first place. Yeah, I know. And the and Yaya thinks he's got Israel right where he wants him. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's celebrating the death of all these civilians because he says that it benefits Hamas because the more the more civilian deaths there are, the more pressure is going to be put on Israel and not on Hamas. It's so backwards. It's like every time there's all of these tragedies in Gaza, the immediate reaction from the media is to blame Israel and to take the word of the health ministry, which is just Hamas masquerading as a health ministry. If someone has just pointed out that if if if Hunter had ever been placed in a cell with Jeffrey Dahmer, he could become the second member of the Biden family to be eaten by a cannibal. But I don't think that's in the car. It's for assorted reasons. Yeah. Dr. Dr. Jill wasn't there today, which to me is kind of like, okay, so you come back and forth from France. What was it two times? Yeah, she makes that trip and it costs $345,000. And then you're not there on the day with the verdict. You know, it's interesting, though, that that they were that was supposed to gin up sympathy. And one of the jurors that was interviewed by the New York Post after the verdict was announced said, you know, that the jury did feel sympathetic to sad for for Jill Biden having to go through all this, you know, you know what, when I see a member of the Biden family, did you see him on TV? I feel sad for me and my family and everybody else's families for what we're having to go through because this knit with this corrupt, senile, doddering old fool is president of the United States. I know. I really hope she doesn't have any plans in September when he has this tax evasion trial, because if she's going to be flying back from all of these places, it's going to become very expensive. Yeah, she's going to be back and forth, back and forth for what so that you can show up in your monochromatic suit and sit behind Hunter Biden and make a sad face of the jurors. I'm not buying it. Six, six, one, breaking news. Joe Biden just blamed Putin for fixing the jury in Wilmington. How he graces news is brought to you by tux trucks GMC. No one knows Fisher plows like tux trucks GMC and Hudson mass. Your Fisher Plow distributor shop now for the upcoming season. Fisher plow, spreaders, accessories and parts, shop online at tux trucks GMC dot com or call 1 800 my truck. Now, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is saying that false accusations of anti-Semitism are wielded against people of color. So while she does condemn anti-Semitism, she made her a woman of color. By the way, I was used to like it when Tucker Carlson would say Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez white woman from Westchester County. That's what she is. I think she's more standing up for Ilhan Omar and Rashida Taib and people who have been accused. I think she I think she wants to be a POC herself. They've been accused. She wants that extra victim card. Don't leave home without it. She's trying to say that criticizing Israel is not the same as being anti-Semitic. But I don't think the Ilhan Omar saying that it's all about the Benjamin's is criticizing Israel. That's not being critical of the Israeli government. That's just being anti-Semitic. Yeah, if she saw if she went on to an airplane and saw a copy of the protocols of the elders of Zion, she would pick it up and thumb through it and nod her head as she moved her lips as she attempted to read it. Yeah. And how another big story today, which we've talked about a little bit, is the European parliamentary election was held this past weekend. And the message was pretty clear. There was a lot of blowback against the far left progressive agenda, including global warming. People in Europe are not liking the effects of all these global warming schemes. And also, illegal immigration was a huge topic. Yes. They've seen the effects of both of the things. And I hope I hope this is a canary in the coal mine for the November elections here in the US. Why do I doubt that? Well, I mean, it's like it bricks it, you know, bricks it in 2015, you know, was a was a was a canary in the coal mine for Trump's election in 2016. Yeah, I think especially when it comes to illegal immigration, because I was reading today that Germany's led in like 1.7 million asylum seekers. And a lot of times that leads to spikes in violent crime. And so I think that part of it, the safety issue, who know, I'm shocked, I know I'm not supposed to say that. But that part of it has really, they've seen the effects of it and they're speaking out against it and they're voting against it, which is also what they're saying is one of the number one issues here. And not just see typically you think, okay, well, illegal immigration matters to Trump voters. But no, right now they're seeing that there's a lot of people in the Hispanic community who think illegal immigration is the number one issue. There are other issues too, though, that I just got to, someone just sent me a link to the main wire, you know, the conservative site. Today's primary day in Maine get out and vote by the way. I'm going to read you this headline. I don't know how much I want to get into it because it's kind of gross. Maine is handing out free boofing kits to help fentanyl addicts, squirt drugs up there. You know what? Taxpayer funded groups in the city of Portland are raising awareness about safe practices for boofing AKA. I don't even want to say what they're raising. This has been a really hard week for just like really gross content between Michael Proctor and the balloon stuff. And then this, I just, my little heart can't take no more. What is going on in this world? Well, how do you think I feel? I was born in Portland where this is going on. And now I live at Norfolk County where this Proctor crap is going on. Yeah, that refers to flatulence. We were 16. Okay. What did I do to deserve this? Howie, there's horrifying video that shows NYC anti-Israel protester telling Jewish people, maybe this is some of the false anti-Semitism that AOC is referring to. I wish Hitler was still here. He would have wiped you all out. Now, that also comes on the heels. If I don't know if you saw this last night, UCLA is having more protests. New York City obviously is dealing with a lot of protesters, but protesters is kind of not the term I should be using rioters that are taking over the streets. And a lot of them have Hezbollah flags. They have Hamas flags and they're just screaming at Jewish people. Did you see they broke? They had some arrests at the pride parade or one of the pride parades in Boston over the weekend? Oh, I didn't see that. And I looked up the, I had, I am upholed some of the social media on the people that were arrested and I can't figure out if there, if it was some kind of, you know, Nazi Hamas protest or if it was a climate change protest. And then of course I couldn't figure out the genders of the people who've been arrested. I was, it was a mystifying problem. See, the problem is they're all protest fluid. Yeah. It changes from week to week. Yeah, whatever sign you give them, they will. I thought there was this one, one person named Jorma McSwiggan on the social media, but then on, in the, on the arrest sheet, Jorma McSwiggan was listed as Jorma McSwiggan, hyphen Hong. Oh, did she drop the hyphen for the protest? No, I know compliments on the hyphen. I think the hyphen Hong is, is a new thing. Oh, she added the hyphen. So then I went on and I said, okay, okay, Jorma, I, there was a guy in the Jefferson airplane. It was a guy and he was named Jorma Kacona. So I thought this will get Jorma as a guy. So I looked, they, pro now. So I don't, I don't know. I have no clue. I think Brian Higgins should adopt the surname McSwiggan. Yeah. Hey, just a heads up for everyone. If you go to, there's a new tweet beat that has been posted today. There's some tweets from the Babylon Bee. There's some reactions to Hunter Biden's guilty verdict and also Donald Trump's statement from True Social is also on that tweet beat. So go to and check it out. I got his name. Brian McSwiggan-genja. 844-542-42. Experience the ultimate savings event with MyPillow's $25 extravaganza. For a limited time, dive into incredible deals like a two-pack multi-use MyPillow, stylish sandals for both men and women, or a luxurious six-pack towel set, all available for an astonishing $25 each. Yes, you heard it right. Just $25 per item during MyPillow's $25 extravaganza. But wait, there's more. Refresh your kitchen with their durable four-pack dish towels. You guessed it also at the unbeatable price of $25. And making it stay view, the premium MyPillow's with all new giza fabric. Choose any size, any loft level, including the opulent king set, all for the low price of $25. These incredible offers won't last long, so order now. Call 800-685-4965 or go to and use promo code Howie for these incredible deals and to unlock free shipping on all orders over $75. That's 800-658-4965 or promo code Howie. Elevate your comfort with the MyPillow $25 extravaganza. Don't delay, go to and don't forget the code Howie. I'm Howie Car. Listen to the Howie Car Show from anywhere. To start streaming Howie Live in crystal clear, high definition. And whispering right in your ear, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. He's Howie Car and he's back. So one of the guys that was arrested at the Gay Pride March, I'm not making this up, his name is Owen Woodcock. Some nights Owen Woodcock, for that is indeed his name, Owen Woodcock. Not glasscock, like a former disc jockey on the old WBC and the Rock of Boston. Owen Woodcock can't sleep. He is consumed by anxiety about the current climate crisis. Sometimes worrying so intently he is unable to get out of bed in the morning even for food. And certainly not to go to work in the morning. Another story about Owen Woodcock. They are a community organizer and have spent a lot of their life building a community around farm. Owen spends their time writing their bike. Okay. Jorma McSwiggan, now known as Jorma McSwiggan, Hong, hyphen Hong. Climate anxiety is that physical reaction we get and I've experienced that quite a lot. The tightness in the chest, the feeling of the stomach, the feeling of doom and dread and panic that I think a lot of young people feel when they contemplate a world that might be shifting beyond our control. Again, news for you. It's always been beyond our control. We're going to die. All of us. Okay. Get used to it. Enjoy it. Say a prayer. Jorma McSwiggan, before he was known as or before they were known as Jorma McSwiggan, Hong. Climate activists hold funeral on Revere Beach to honor Lost Ocean Life in a call for action. That reminds me, I'm going down to Moby Dick's for lunch on Saturday. Speaking of Lost Ocean Life, I hope there's going to be some cod and some oysters and some clams. Here's another story about Jorma. Climate activists disrupt Logan's 100th anniversary celebration to demand justice for East Boston. I'd like to demand another harbor tunnel myself. That's what I would like to get through quicker. Jorma, Jorma is a day two. Before joining the BUCTSI, I don't know what that means. Team, they, that's Jorma. Jorma, they were part of the community operations team. And Jake Zallowek, Zallowek, he's the third one that was arrested. Workers party of Massachusetts endorses five candidates for 20, 22 elections. So he's a member of the Workers Party and I dare say if he's like every other member of the Workers Party or the Socialist Workers Party or the Labor Workers Party that I've ever met, he's never had a job in his life. The next member of the Workers Party that I see that has a job will be the first one. 844-542-617, this Owen Woodcock suffer anxiety over termite infestation. Mr. Garcia, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mr. Garcia. Hey, listen, I want to ask you a question. If Donald Trump say Harry Carr, you're going run for vice president, are you going to take? How are you going to face Kamala Havish? If Harry, if Donald Trump picked you as a vice president, how are you going to face her? If I'm the vice presidential candidate, I'd have to make the thing even. I'd send Roscoe the pug to debate Kamala. And I think he'd be a heavy favorite in the Vegas odds boards. That's ridiculous. Mr. Garcia, whoever gets that job being the vice presidential candidate will handle her with ease. I'm pretty sure about that. Thanks for the call. Nick, you're next. Nick, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Nick. I got two things for you, Howie. One is, how many is the B-word as we know? Well, the name of the place, the J. Kayla Bogg's federal building, with the termination was made. Happens to be named, named, has the name of the candidate. Right. The Karen senator at the time, when Joe Biden's won his first but very close election. Right. Yes. And I believe that when he ran J. Kayla Bogg's when he was running for reelection in '72, I think he was 63 years old. And Joe Biden talked about how over the hill he went. He's a nice old guy, but he's really over the hill at age 63. And I'm sure that J. Kayla Bogg's was a dynamo mentally compared to Joe Biden, then or now on Howie Carr.